blob: c588687d7f17108b327472faf3cc80075a7b27fa [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* Manages the reading and storing of Preferences for the DocumentAnalyzer Contains preference code
* so directory names can be known throughout the application.
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import javax.swing.JButton;
public class PrefsMediator {
private FileSelector inputFileSelector;
private FileSelector outputFileSelector;
private FileSelector xmlFileSelector;
private JButton runButton, interButton, viewButton;
private Preferences prefs;
private String taeDir; // directory where TAE is located
private String outputDir; // where files are written
private String inputDir; // where original files are located
private String defaultInputDir; // so we start with something
private String defaultOutputDir;
private String language;
private String encoding;
private String viewType;
private String xmlTag;
// constants describing preference entries
private static final String VIEWTYPE = "viewType";
private static final String ENCODING = "encoding";
private static final String LANGUAGE = "language";
private static final String TAEDESCRIPTOR = "taeDescriptor";
private static final String OUTDIR = "outDir";
private static final String INDIR = "inDir";
private static final String XMLTAG = "xmlTag";
public PrefsMediator() {
// get the installed UIMA home directory
defaultInputDir = "examples/data";
defaultOutputDir = "examples/data/processed";
prefs = Preferences.userRoot().node("org/apache/uima/tools/DocumentAnalyzer1");
public void restorePreferences() {
inputDir = prefs.get(INDIR, defaultInputDir);
outputDir = prefs.get(OUTDIR, defaultOutputDir);
taeDir = prefs.get(TAEDESCRIPTOR, "");
language = prefs.get(LANGUAGE, "en");
encoding = prefs.get(ENCODING, "UTF-8");
viewType = prefs.get(VIEWTYPE, "Java Viewer");
xmlTag = prefs.get(XMLTAG, "");
// saves current preferences
public void savePreferences() {
String t1 = inputFileSelector.getSelected();
String t2 = outputFileSelector.getSelected();
String t3 = xmlFileSelector.getSelected();
* @return Returns the inputDir.
public String getInputDir() {
return inputDir;
* @param inputDir
* The inputDir to set.
public void setInputDir(String inputDir) {
this.inputDir = inputDir;
prefs.put(INDIR, inputDir);
* @return Returns the outputDir.
public String getOutputDir() {
return outputDir;
* @param outputDir
* The outputDir to set.
public void setOutputDir(String outputDir) {
this.outputDir = outputDir;
prefs.put(OUTDIR, outputDir);
* Special case of setOutpuDir needed for interactive mode. In interactive mode, we append
* "/interactive_out" to the end, but we don't want to save this in the preferences. To support
* that, this method takes one parameter which is the output dir to be set and used by the
* application, and a second parameter to set the directory that is saved to the preferences.
* @param outputDir
* the output dir to set
* @param outputDirToSave
* the output dir to save to the preferences
public void setOutputDirForInteractiveMode(String outputDir, String outputDirToSave) {
this.outputDir = outputDir;
prefs.put(OUTDIR, outputDirToSave);
* @return Returns the tAEdir.
public String getTAEfile() {
return taeDir;
* get the path to the TAE that is where the StyleMap file should be written
public String getTAEPath() {
int index = indexOfLastFileSeparator(taeDir);
if (index > 0) {
String path = taeDir.substring(0, index);
return path;
} else {
return "";
public String getTAEFileNameRoot() {
String file;
int index = indexOfLastFileSeparator(taeDir);
if (index > 0) {
file = taeDir.substring(index);
} else {
file = taeDir;
int ix = file.indexOf(".xml");
if (ix >= 0) {
file = file.substring(0, ix);
return file;
* Gets index of last file separator character in a file path.
* Supports File.separator but also / on Windows.
* @param path
* @return index of the last file separator char. Returns -1 if none.
private int indexOfLastFileSeparator(String path) {
int index = path.lastIndexOf(File.separator);
if (!File.separator.equals("/")) {
index = Math.max(index, path.lastIndexOf('/'));
return index;
* @param TAEdir
* set the TAE directory
public void setTAEfile(String edir) {
taeDir = edir;
prefs.put(TAEDESCRIPTOR, taeDir);
* @return Returns the encoding.
public String getEncoding() {
return encoding;
* @param encoding
* The encoding to set.
public void setEncoding(String encoding) {
this.encoding = encoding;
prefs.put(ENCODING, encoding);
* @return Returns the language.
public String getLanguage() {
return language;
* @param language
* The language to set.
public void setLanguage(String language) {
this.language = language;
prefs.put(LANGUAGE, language);
* @return Returns the view type.
public String getViewType() {
return viewType;
* @param viewType
* The view type to set.
public void setViewType(String viewType) {
this.viewType = viewType;
prefs.put(VIEWTYPE, viewType);
* @return Returns the xmlTag.
public String getXmlTag() {
return xmlTag;
* @param xmlTag
* The xmlTag to set.
public void setXmlTag(String xmlTag) {
this.xmlTag = xmlTag;
prefs.put(XMLTAG, xmlTag);
/** returns the new edited stylemap file */
public File getStylemapFile() {
String s = getTAEPath() + getTAEFileNameRoot() + "StyleMap.xml";
return new File(s);
// gets copies of buttonreference se it can mediate their on-ness
public void setDocButtons(JButton run, JButton inter, JButton view) {
runButton = run;
interButton = inter;
viewButton = view;
fieldFocusLost(); // sets any enabled that should be
// sets the File Seelctors
public void setFileSelectors(FileSelector input, FileSelector output, FileSelector xml) {
inputFileSelector = input;
outputFileSelector = output;
xmlFileSelector = xml;
// check all 3 text fields and adjust the enabling of the 3 buttons
public void fieldFocusLost() {
boolean enableRun = false;
boolean enableInter = false;
boolean enableView = false;
if (inputFileSelector != null) {
String t1 = inputFileSelector.getSelected();
String t2 = outputFileSelector.getSelected();
String t3 = xmlFileSelector.getSelected();
if (t2.length() > 0) {
enableView = true;
if ((t2.length() > 0) && (t3.length() > 0)) {
enableInter = true;
if (t1.length() > 0) {
enableRun = true;