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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm;
import java.util.Iterator;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.uima.UIMAFramework;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.collection.CollectionProcessingEngine;
import org.apache.uima.collection.EntityProcessStatus;
import org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.utils.DescriptorMakeUtil;
import org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.utils.FunctionErrorStore;
import org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.utils.TestStatusCallbackListener;
import org.apache.uima.collection.impl.metadata.cpe.CpeDescriptorFactory;
import org.apache.uima.collection.metadata.CpeDescription;
import org.apache.uima.collection.metadata.CpeIntegratedCasProcessor;
import org.apache.uima.test.junit_extension.JUnitExtension;
import org.apache.uima.test.junit_extension.ManageOutputDevice;
* Test CasConsumer Error Handling<br>
* <p>
* The TestCase aims to test the important methods normally used within the CasConsumer (initialize
* and processCas). In each function different Exceptions are thrown to test the behaviour of the
* system in such a situation. Therefore special helper classes located in the
* {@link org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.utils} package are used. For instance
* {@link DecriptorMakeUtil} generates the customized descriptors which throws the predefined
* Exceptions. {@link FunctionErrorStore} is the class where all data about methodcalls and counts
* are kept. That's just to point out some important classes.
* </p>
* <p>
* To offer a short introduction into the generell mode of operation have a look at the following
* list:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li> generate the descriptors, with fit to the testcase. For instance an annotator which throws a
* (runtime) exception every 5th document. </li>
* <li> [optional] add some mechanism to handle errors in the tests (timeouts or try-catch blocks)
* </li>
* <li> run the test and check for the results </li>
* </ul>
* Also have a look at <br>
* @see org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.CpmAE_ErrorTest
* @see org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.CpmCollectionReader_ErrorTest
public class CpmCasConsumer_ErrorTest extends TestCase {
private static final String FS = System.getProperties().getProperty("file.separator");
* <b>testcase:</b> the initialize method throws a ResourceInitializationException.<br>
* <b>expected behaviour:</b><br>
* The cpm should not finish. Instead, the exception is passed back to the testscript. Neither the
* collectionProcessComplete-, nor the aborted- method of the listener is called.
* @throws Exception
public void testInitializeWithResourceInitializationException() throws Exception {
int documentCount = 20; // number of documents processed
int exceptionSequence = 1; // the sequence in which errors are produced
boolean exceptionThrown = false;
TestStatusCallbackListener listener = null;
try {
// setup CPM
CollectionProcessingEngine cpe = setupCpm(documentCount, "ResourceInitializationException",
exceptionSequence, "initialize");
// Create and register a Status Callback Listener
listener = new CollectionReaderStatusCallbackListener(cpe);
// wait until cpm has finished
while (!listener.isFinished() && !listener.isAborted()) {
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
exceptionThrown = true;
} finally {
// check the results, if everything worked as expected
assertEquals("The expected NullPointerException wasn't thrown!", true, exceptionThrown);
"The cpm called the listener, that the cpm has finished - which normally could not be.",
false, listener.isFinished());
assertEquals("The aborted-method of the listener was called. (new behaviour?)", false,
assertEquals("There are not as much exceptions as expected! ", 1, FunctionErrorStore
* <b>testcase:</b> the initialize method throws a NullPointerException.<br>
* <b>expected behaviour:</b><br>
* The cpm should not finish. Instead, the exception is passed back to the testscript. Neither the
* collectionProcessComplete-, nor the aborted- method of the listener is called.
* @throws Exception
public void testInitializeWithNullPointerException() throws Exception {
int documentCount = 20; // number of documents processed
int exceptionSequence = 1; // the sequence in which errors are produced
boolean exceptionThrown = false;
// setup CPM
TestStatusCallbackListener listener = null;
try {
CollectionProcessingEngine cpe = setupCpm(documentCount, "NullPointerException",
exceptionSequence, "initialize");
// Create and register a Status Callback Listener
listener = new CollectionReaderStatusCallbackListener(cpe);
// wait until cpm has finished
while (!listener.isFinished() && !listener.isAborted()) {
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
exceptionThrown = true;
} finally {
// check the results, if everything worked as expected
assertEquals("The expected NullPointerException wasn't thrown!", true, exceptionThrown);
"The cpm called the listener, that the cpm has finished - which normally could not be.",
false, listener.isFinished());
assertEquals("The aborted-method of the listener was called. (new behaviour?)", false,
assertEquals("There are not as much exceptions as expected! ", 1, FunctionErrorStore
* <b>testcase:</b> the initialize method throws an OutOfMemoryException.<br>
* <b>expected behaviour:</b><br>
* The cpm should not finish. Instead, the exception is passed back to the testscript. Neither the
* collectionProcessComplete-, nor the aborted- method of the listener is called.
* @throws Exception
public void testInitializeWithOutOfMemoryError() throws Exception {
int documentCount = 20; // number of documents processed
int exceptionSequence = 1; // the sequence in which errors are produced
boolean errorThrown = false;
// setup CPM
TestStatusCallbackListener listener = new TestStatusCallbackListener();
try {
CollectionProcessingEngine cpe = setupCpm(documentCount, "OutOfMemoryError",
exceptionSequence, "initialize");
// Create and register a Status Callback Listener
listener = new CollectionReaderStatusCallbackListener(cpe);
// wait until cpm has finished
while (!listener.isFinished() && !listener.isAborted()) {
} catch (OutOfMemoryError er) {
errorThrown = true;
} finally {
// check the results, if everything worked as expected
"The cpm called the listener, that the cpm has finished - which normally could not be.",
false, listener.isFinished());
assertEquals("The aborted-method of the listener was called. (new behaviour?)", false,
assertEquals("There are not as much exceptions as expected! ", 1, FunctionErrorStore
assertEquals("The expected Error wasn't thrown! ", true, errorThrown);
* <b>testcase:</b> the processCas method throws multiple IOExceptions.<br>
* <b>expected behaviour:</b><br>
* The cpm should finish correctly.
* @throws Exception
public void testProcessCasWithIOException() throws Exception {
int documentCount = 20; // number of documents processed
int exceptionSequence = 3; // the sequence in which errors are produced
// setup CPM
CollectionProcessingEngine cpe = setupCpm(documentCount, "IOException", exceptionSequence,
// Create and register a Status Callback Listener
TestStatusCallbackListener listener = new CollectionReaderStatusCallbackListener(cpe);
// wait until cpm has finished
while (!listener.isFinished() && !listener.isAborted()) {
// check the results, if everything worked as expected
"The cpm is still working or the collectionProcessComplete-method of the listener was not called.",
true, listener.isFinished());
assertEquals("The aborted-method of the listener was called. (new behaviour?)", false, listener
assertEquals("There are not as much exceptions thrown as expected! ",
((documentCount) / exceptionSequence), FunctionErrorStore.getCount());
"The CAS which causes the error wasn't given to the process methode. Null was returned.",
false, null == listener.getLastCas());
* <b>testcase:</b> the processCas method throws one or multiple ResourceProcessExceptions.<br>
* <b>expected behaviour:</b><br>
* The cpm should finish correctly. The aborted- method of the listener is not called.
* @throws Exception
public void testProcessCasWithResourceProcessException() throws Exception {
int documentCount = 20; // number of documents processed
int exceptionSequence = 3; // the sequence in which errors are produced
// setup CPM
CollectionProcessingEngine cpe = setupCpm(documentCount, "ResourceProcessException",
exceptionSequence, "processCas");
// Create and register a Status Callback Listener
TestStatusCallbackListener listener = new CollectionReaderStatusCallbackListener(cpe);
// wait until cpm has finished
while (!listener.isFinished() && !listener.isAborted()) {
// check the results, if everything worked as expected
assertEquals("The cpm did not call the listener, that the cpm has finished.", true, listener
assertEquals("The aborted-method of the listener was called!", false, listener.isAborted());
assertEquals("There are not as much exceptions as expected! ", countExceptions(documentCount,
exceptionSequence), FunctionErrorStore.getCount());
* <b>testcase:</b> the processCas method throws one or multiple OutOfMemoryErrors.<br>
* <b>expected behaviour:</b><br>
* The cpm should not finish correctly. In the listener, the entityProcessComplete methode is
* called and the error is passed to the EntityProcessStatus value. In this methode, the
* cpe.kill() methode is invoked, which organises the shut down of the cpm. In the end, the
* abort-methode is called, to comunicate the status of the cpm to everyone who is listening for
* errors.
* @throws Exception
public void testProcessCasWithOutOfMemoryError() throws Exception {
int documentCount = 20; // number of documents processed
int exceptionSequence = 3; // the sequence in which errors are produced
// setup CPM
CollectionReaderStatusCallbackListener listener = null;
CollectionProcessingEngine cpe = setupCpm(documentCount, "OutOfMemoryError", exceptionSequence,
// Create and register a Status Callback Listener
listener = new CollectionReaderStatusCallbackListener(cpe);
// wait until cpm has finished
while (!listener.isAborted() && !listener.isFinished()) {
// check the results, if everything worked as expected
// System.out.println(FunctionErrorStore.printStats());
assertEquals("Abort was not called!", true, listener.isAborted());
assertEquals("There are not as much exceptions as expected! ", 1, FunctionErrorStore.getCount());
assertEquals("There is no Error thrown! ", true, listener.hasError());
* <b>testcase:</b> the processCas method throws one NullPointerException.<br>
* <b>expected behaviour:</b><br>
* The cpm should finish correctly. The aborted- method of the listener is not called.
* @throws Exception
public void testProcessCasWithNullPointerException() throws Exception {
int documentCount = 20; // number of documents processed
int exceptionSequence = 3; // the sequence in which errors are produced
// setup CPM
CollectionProcessingEngine cpe = setupCpm(documentCount, "NullPointerException",
exceptionSequence, "processCas");
// Create and register a Status Callback Listener
TestStatusCallbackListener listener = new CollectionReaderStatusCallbackListener(cpe);
// wait until cpm has finished
while (!listener.isFinished() && !listener.isAborted()) {
// check the results, if everything worked as expected
assertEquals("The cpm did not call the listener, that the cpm has finished.", true, listener
assertEquals("The aborted-method of the listener was called!", false, listener.isAborted());
assertEquals("There are not as much exceptions as expected! ", countExceptions(documentCount,
exceptionSequence), FunctionErrorStore.getCount());
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#tearDown()
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
* setup the CPM with base functionality.
* @param documentCount
* how many documents should be processed
* @param exceptionName
* the exception to be thrown
* @param exceptionSequence
* the iteration rate of the exceptions
* @param functionName
* the name of the function/method that throws the exception
* @return CollectionProcessingEngine - initialized cpe
private CollectionProcessingEngine setupCpm(int documentCount, String exceptionName,
int exceptionSequence, String functionName) {
CpeDescription cpeDesc = null;
CollectionProcessingEngine cpe = null;
try {
String colReaderBase = JUnitExtension.getFile("CpmTests" + FS + "ErrorTestCollectionReader.xml").getAbsolutePath();
String taeBase = JUnitExtension.getFile("CpmTests" + FS + "ErrorTestAnnotator.xml").getAbsolutePath();
String casConsumerBase = JUnitExtension.getFile("CpmTests" + FS + "ErrorTestCasConsumer.xml").getAbsolutePath();
// first, prepare all descriptors as needed
String colReaderDesc = DescriptorMakeUtil.makeCollectionReader(colReaderBase, documentCount);
String taeDesc = DescriptorMakeUtil.makeAnalysisEngine(taeBase);
String casConsumerDesc = DescriptorMakeUtil.makeCasConsumer(casConsumerBase, true,
functionName, exceptionSequence, exceptionName);
// secondly, create the cpm based on the descriptors
cpeDesc = CpeDescriptorFactory.produceDescriptor();
// managing the default behaviour of this client
CpeIntegratedCasProcessor integratedProcessor = CpeDescriptorFactory
CpeIntegratedCasProcessor casConsumer = CpeDescriptorFactory
.produceCasProcessor("ErrorTest CasConsumer");
// - add all descriptors
// - Create a new CPE
cpe = UIMAFramework.produceCollectionProcessingEngine(cpeDesc, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
return cpe;
* get the number of Exception that should be thrown by the component.
* @param totalCount
* all documents that should be processed
* @param errorSequence
* iteration rate of occuring errors
* @return number of handled Exceptions an Annotator should throw.
private int countExceptions(int totalCount, int errorSequence) {
int count = totalCount / errorSequence;
int rest = totalCount % errorSequence;
if ((rest + count) < errorSequence) {
return count;
return count + countExceptions((rest + count), errorSequence);
* Special Listener for reacting on the different Exceptions and Errors to ensure a secure shut
* down during the whole test.
class CollectionReaderStatusCallbackListener extends TestStatusCallbackListener {
protected CollectionProcessingEngine cpe = null;
private boolean errorThrown = false;
public CollectionReaderStatusCallbackListener(CollectionProcessingEngine cpe) {
this.cpe = cpe;
* This methode is modified, to react on OutOfMemoryErrors in the correct way.
* @see org.apache.uima.collection.StatusCallbackListener#entityProcessComplete(org.apache.uima.cas.CAS,
* org.apache.uima.collection.EntityProcessStatus)
public void entityProcessComplete(CAS aCas, EntityProcessStatus aStatus) {
super.entityProcessComplete(aCas, aStatus);
// check for a failure in processing...
if (aStatus.getStatusMessage().equals("failed")) {
Iterator iter = aStatus.getExceptions().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
// if there is an error ... call the cpm to kill and check for a null CAS
if ( instanceof java.lang.Error) {
this.errorThrown = true;
assertEquals("The cas is not null, as expected.", null, aCas);
public boolean hasError() {
return this.errorThrown;