blob: a8d02e5e7d05146e98c4c7bf1f4d937aad853cd1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CASRuntimeException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Feature;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FeatureValuePath;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.cas.TypeSystem;
import org.apache.uima.cas.text.AnnotationFS;
* Contains CAS Type and Feature objects to represent a feature path of the form
* feature1/.../featureN. Each part that is enclosed within / is referred to as "path snippet"
* below. Also contains the necessary evaluation logic to yield the value of the feature path. For
* leaf snippets, the following "special features" are defined:
* <ul>
* <li><code>coveredText()</code> can be accessed using <code>evaluateAsString</code>
* <li><code>typeName()</code> can be accessed using <code>evaluateAsString</code>
* <li><code>fsId()</code> can be accessed using <code>evaluateAsInt</code>. Its result can be
* used to retrieve an FS from the current LowLevel-CAS.
* <li><code>uniqueId()</code> can be accessed using <code>evaluateAsInt</code>. Its result
* can be used to uniquely identify an FS for a document (even if the document is split over several
* CAS chunks)
* </ul>
* <b>Handling of Arrays </b> <br/>
* <ul>
* <li>A feature path may contain 0 or more features of type <code>FSArray</code>, but not as
* the last path snippet. The next path snippet must contain the fully qualified type name, example:
* <code>family/members[0]/somepackage.Person:name</code></li>
* <li>A feature path may also contain 0 or 1 feature of type
* <code>IntArray, StringArray, FloatArray</code>, but only as the last path snippet.</li>
* </ul>
* For array-valued features, the following access operators are defined:
* <ul>
* <li><code>[index]</code> returns the array entry at <code>index</code>
* <li><code>[last]</code> returns the last entry of the array
* <li><code>[]</code> returns an array of values. <code>[]</code> is only allowed 0 or 1 time
* in a feature path. If it is used, <code>getValueType</code> will return one of the following:
* </ul>
* If the feature path is defined directly for an <code>FSArray</code>, an actual feature name
* can be omitted, and only the array access operator can be used. Examples:
* <pre>
* []/somepackage.Person:coveredText()
* [last]/somepackage.Person:fsId()
* </pre>
* <br/><b>Usage </b>
* <ul>
* <li>To create the feature path, use <code>FeaturePath.getFeaturePath</code>. Note that the
* client code needs to keep track of the "start type" of the feature path, that is, the type that
* contains the attribute used in the first snippet of the path.
* <li>At <code>typeSystemInit</code> of your component (CAS consumer or TAE), call
* <code>typeSystemInit</code> of the feature path.
* <li>Call <code>getValueType</code> to find out whether the feature path evaluates to a String,
* and int, a float, or their array counterparts.
* <li>Depending on the leaf type, call the appropriate <coce>evaluateAs </code> methods
* </ol>
public class FeatureValuePathImpl implements FeatureValuePath {
private static final boolean CAS_TYPE_CHECKS = true;
private static final HashMap CONTAINER_TO_ELEMENTYPE_MAP;
private static final HashMap LIST_TO_ARRAYTYPE_MAP;
private static final String COVERED_TEXT = "coveredText()";
private static final String[] EMPTY_LIST_TYPE_NAMES = new String[] { CAS.TYPE_NAME_EMPTY_FS_LIST,
private static final String FS_ID = "fsId()";
private static final int LAST_ARRAY_ENTRY = -1;
private static final String LAST_ARRAY_ENTRY_MARKER = "last";
private static final String[] LIST_TYPE_NAMES = new String[] { CAS.TYPE_NAME_FS_LIST,
private static final String[] SIMPLE_VAL_TYPES = { CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING,
private static final int TYPE_CLASS_FLOATLIST = 2;
// MUST reflect the order of elements in the list_type_names array
private static final int TYPE_CLASS_FSLIST = 0;
private static final int TYPE_CLASS_INTEGERLIST = 1;
private static final int TYPE_CLASS_STRINGLIST = 3;
private static final String TYPE_NAME = "typeName()";
private static final String UNIQUE_ID = "uniqueId()";
private static final int USE_ALL_ENTRIES = -2;
static {
public static FeatureValuePathImpl getFeaturePath(String featurePath) throws CASRuntimeException {
if (featurePath == null || featurePath.length() == 0) {
return null;
featurePath = featurePath.trim();
// cut the path into individual snippets
StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(featurePath, "/");
String[] snippets = new String[strTok.countTokens()];
int i = 0;
while (strTok.hasMoreElements()) {
String snippet = (String) strTok.nextElement();
snippets[i] = snippet;
// build the feature path structure
// the leaf element
FeatureValuePathImpl result = new FeatureValuePathImpl(snippets[snippets.length - 1], null);
// iterate backwards through the snippets, each one getting the
// remainder of
// the path as child element
int j = snippets.length - 2;
for (; j >= 0; j--) {
result = new FeatureValuePathImpl(snippets[j], result);
return result;
* @param pathSnippet
* @param child
* @throws ParserTokenizerException
private FeatureValuePathImpl(String pathSnippet, FeatureValuePathImpl child)
throws CASRuntimeException {
if (pathSnippet == null || pathSnippet.length() == 0) {
CASRuntimeException exception = new CASRuntimeException(
CASRuntimeException.INVALID_FEATURE_PATH, new String[] { pathSnippet });
throw exception;
this.childPath = child;
this.typeNameInSnippet = getTypeInSnippet(pathSnippet);
this.featureName = getFeatureInSnippet(pathSnippet);
this.isArrayOrList = false;
this.isArrayType = false;
this.isListType = false;
this.isCoveredTextFeature = COVERED_TEXT.equals(this.featureName);
this.isFsIdFeature = FS_ID.equals(this.featureName);
this.isTypeNameFeature = TYPE_NAME.equals(this.featureName);
this.isUniqueIdFeature = UNIQUE_ID.equals(this.featureName);
this.isBracketsOnly = (this.isArrayOrList && this.featureName.length() == 0);
// coveredText() asf. is only valid as the last snippet in a feature
// path
if ((this.isCoveredTextFeature || this.isFsIdFeature || this.isUniqueIdFeature || this.isTypeNameFeature)
&& child != null) {
CASRuntimeException exception = new CASRuntimeException(
CASRuntimeException.INVALID_FEATURE_PATH, new String[] { pathSnippet });
throw exception;
public Object evaluate(int currentFS, LowLevelCAS cas) {
String valueType = getValueType();
if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT.equals(valueType)) {
return evaluateAsFloat(currentFS, cas);
} else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT_ARRAY.equals(valueType)) {
return evaluateAsFloatArray(currentFS, cas);
} else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER.equals(valueType)) {
return evaluateAsInt(currentFS, cas);
} else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY.equals(valueType)) {
return evaluateAsIntArray(currentFS, cas);
} else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING.equals(valueType)) {
return evaluateAsString(currentFS, cas);
} else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING_ARRAY.equals(valueType)) {
return evaluateAsStringArray(currentFS, cas);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("unknown value type");
public Float evaluateAsFloat(int currentFS, LowLevelCAS cas) {
if (currentFS == 0) {
return null;
if (this.isArrayType) {
if (this.arrayIndex == USE_ALL_ENTRIES) {
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path denotes an array");
int arrayFS = (this.isBracketsOnly ? currentFS : cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS,
int arraySize = ((CASImpl) cas).ll_getArraySize(arrayFS);
// if the user specified name[1000], but the array has only 5
// entries for name...
if (this.arrayIndex >= arraySize) {
return null;
int typeClass = cas.ll_getTypeClass(this.featureRangeType);
switch (typeClass) {
int position = getArrayIndex(arraySize);
return new Float(cas.ll_getFloatArrayValue(arrayFS, position, false));
int childFS = getFsAtIndex(arrayFS, cas, arraySize);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsFloat(childFS, cas);
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path snippet is neither float nor fs array");
if (this.isListType) {
if (this.arrayIndex == USE_ALL_ENTRIES) {
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path denotes an array");
int listFS = (this.isBracketsOnly ? currentFS : cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS,
switch (this.listType) {
return (Float) getValueAtListIndex(cas, listFS);
int childFs = getFsAtListIndex(cas, listFS);
if (childFs != 0) {
return this.childPath.evaluateAsFloat(childFs, cas);
return null;
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path snippet is neither float nor fs list");
if (this.childPath != null) {
int childFS = cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS, this.featureCode, CAS_TYPE_CHECKS);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsFloat(childFS, cas);
} else if (this.isCoveredTextFeature || this.isUniqueIdFeature || this.isFsIdFeature
|| this.isTypeNameFeature) {
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path does not denote a float");
} else {
int typeClass = cas.ll_getTypeClass(this.featureRangeType);
switch (typeClass) {
return new Float(cas.ll_getFloatValue(currentFS, this.featureCode, CAS_TYPE_CHECKS));
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path does not denote a float");
public Float[] evaluateAsFloatArray(int currentFS, LowLevelCAS cas) {
if (!getValueType().equals(CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT_ARRAY)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Feature path does not denote a float array");
if (currentFS == 0) {
return null;
if (this.isArrayType) {
// if the path snippet is [], the currentFS itself is the aray. If
// the path snippet is like authors[], the "authors" feature
// contains the array
int arrayFS = (this.isBracketsOnly ? currentFS : cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS,
int arraySize = ((CASImpl) cas).ll_getArraySize(arrayFS);
// if the user specified name[1000], but the array has only 5
// entries for name...
if (this.arrayIndex >= arraySize) {
return null;
if (this.arrayIndex == USE_ALL_ENTRIES) {
// we currently assume that there can only be one [] in the path
// hence, it's safe to say that we can collect floats here
Float[] result = new Float[arraySize];
if (this.childPath != null) { // this snippet denotes an
// FSArray
// iterate through the snippets, which will return floats
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
int childFS = cas.ll_getRefArrayValue(arrayFS, i, CAS_TYPE_CHECKS);
result[i] = this.childPath.evaluateAsFloat(childFS, cas);
} else {
// this snippet denotes a float array, just collect it
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
result[i] = new Float(cas.ll_getFloatArrayValue(arrayFS, i));
return result;
// resume evaluation at the correct array entry
int childFS = getFsAtIndex(arrayFS, cas, arraySize);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsFloatArray(childFS, cas);
} else if (this.isListType) {
// if the path snippet is [], the currentFS itself is the list. If
// the path snippet is like authors[], the "authors" feature
// contains the list
int listFS = (this.isBracketsOnly ? currentFS : cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS,
if (this.arrayIndex == USE_ALL_ENTRIES) {
ArrayList resultList = (ArrayList) getValueAtListIndex(cas, listFS);
if (resultList == null) {
return null;
// we currently assume that there can only be one [] in the path
// hence, it's safe to say that we can collect floats here
Float[] result = new Float[resultList.size()];
if (this.childPath != null) { // this snippet denotes an
// FSList
// iterate through the results , which will return floats
for (int i = 0; i < resultList.size(); i++) {
int childFS = ((Integer) resultList.get(i)).intValue();
result[i] = this.childPath.evaluateAsFloat(childFS, cas);
} else {
// this snippet denotes a float list, just collect it
return result;
// resume evaluation at the correct list entry
int childFS = getFsAtListIndex(cas, listFS);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsFloatArray(childFS, cas);
} else {
// resume evaulation with the next snippet
int childFS = cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS, this.featureCode, CAS_TYPE_CHECKS);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsFloatArray(childFS, cas);
public Integer evaluateAsInt(int currentFS, LowLevelCAS cas) {
if (currentFS == 0) {
return null;
if (this.isArrayType) {
if (this.arrayIndex == USE_ALL_ENTRIES) {
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path denotes an array");
int arrayFS = (this.isBracketsOnly ? currentFS : cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS,
int arraySize = ((CASImpl) cas).ll_getArraySize(arrayFS);
// if the user specified name[1000], but the array has only 5
// entries for name...
if (this.arrayIndex >= arraySize) {
return null;
int typeClass = cas.ll_getTypeClass(this.featureRangeType);
switch (typeClass) {
int position = getArrayIndex(arraySize);
return new Integer(cas.ll_getIntArrayValue(arrayFS, position, false));
int childFS = getFsAtIndex(arrayFS, cas, arraySize);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsInt(childFS, cas);
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path snippet is neither int nor fs array");
if (this.isListType) {
if (this.arrayIndex == USE_ALL_ENTRIES) {
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path denotes an array");
int listFS = (this.isBracketsOnly ? currentFS : cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS,
switch (this.listType) {
return (Integer) getValueAtListIndex(cas, listFS);
int childFs = getFsAtListIndex(cas, listFS);
if (childFs != 0) {
return this.childPath.evaluateAsInt(childFs, cas);
return null;
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path snippet is neither int nor fs list");
if (this.childPath != null) {
int childFS = cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS, this.featureCode, CAS_TYPE_CHECKS);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsInt(childFS, cas);
} else if (this.isCoveredTextFeature || this.isTypeNameFeature) {
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path does not denote an int");
} else if (this.isFsIdFeature) {
return new Integer(currentFS);
} else if (this.isUniqueIdFeature) {
return new Integer(currentFS); // TODO: return currentFs + chunkId
} else {
int typeClass = cas.ll_getTypeClass(this.featureRangeType);
switch (typeClass) {
return new Integer(cas.ll_getIntValue(currentFS, this.featureCode, CAS_TYPE_CHECKS));
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path does not denote an int");
public Integer[] evaluateAsIntArray(int currentFS, LowLevelCAS cas) {
if (!getValueType().equals(CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Feature path does not denote an int array");
if (currentFS == 0) {
return null;
if (this.isArrayType) {
// if the path snippet is [], the currentFS itself is the aray. If
// the path snippet is like authors[], the "authors" feature
// contains the array
int arrayFS = (this.isBracketsOnly ? currentFS : cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS,
int arraySize = ((CASImpl) cas).ll_getArraySize(arrayFS);
// if the user specified name[1000], but the array has only 5
// entries for name...
if (this.arrayIndex >= arraySize) {
return null;
if (this.arrayIndex == USE_ALL_ENTRIES) {
// we currently assume that there can only be one [] in the path
// hence, it's safe to say that we can collect integers here
Integer[] result = new Integer[arraySize];
if (this.childPath != null) { // this snippet denotes an
// FSArray
// iterate through the snippets, which will return integers
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
int childFS = cas.ll_getRefArrayValue(arrayFS, i, CAS_TYPE_CHECKS);
result[i] = this.childPath.evaluateAsInt(childFS, cas);
} else {
// this snippet denotes an int array, just collect it
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
result[i] = new Integer(cas.ll_getIntArrayValue(arrayFS, i));
return result;
// resume evaluation at the correct array entry
int childFS = getFsAtIndex(arrayFS, cas, arraySize);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsIntArray(childFS, cas);
} else if (this.isListType) {
// if the path snippet is [], the currentFS itself is the list. If
// the path snippet is like authors[], the "authors" feature
// contains the list
int listFS = (this.isBracketsOnly ? currentFS : cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS,
if (this.arrayIndex == USE_ALL_ENTRIES) {
ArrayList resultList = (ArrayList) getValueAtListIndex(cas, listFS);
if (resultList == null) {
return null;
// we currently assume that there can only be one [] in the path
// hence, it's safe to say that we can collect floats here
Integer[] result = new Integer[resultList.size()];
if (this.childPath != null) { // this snippet denotes an
// FSList
// iterate through the results , which will return floats
for (int i = 0; i < resultList.size(); i++) {
int childFS = ((Integer) resultList.get(i)).intValue();
result[i] = this.childPath.evaluateAsInt(childFS, cas);
} else {
// this snippet denotes a float list, just collect it
return result;
// resume evaluation at the correct list entry
int childFS = getFsAtListIndex(cas, listFS);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsIntArray(childFS, cas);
} else {
// resume evaulation with the next snippet
int childFS = cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS, this.featureCode, CAS_TYPE_CHECKS);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsIntArray(childFS, cas);
* Evaluates each snippet of the feature path. Returns a String representation of the leaf value
* of the path. Returns <code>null</code> if some feature within the path is not set. If the
* leaf snippet is <code>COVERED_TEXT</code>, returns the covered text of
* <code>currentFS</code>.
* @param currentFS
* @param cas
* @return A string representation of the leaf value.
public String evaluateAsString(int currentFS, LowLevelCAS cas) {
if (currentFS == 0) {
return null;
if (this.isArrayType) {
if (this.arrayIndex == USE_ALL_ENTRIES) {
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path denotes an array");
int arrayFS = (this.isBracketsOnly ? currentFS : cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS,
int arraySize = ((CASImpl) cas).ll_getArraySize(arrayFS);
// if the user specified name[1000], but the array has only 5
// entries for name...
if (this.arrayIndex >= arraySize) {
return null;
int typeClass = cas.ll_getTypeClass(this.featureRangeType);
switch (typeClass) {
int position = getArrayIndex(arraySize);
return cas.ll_getStringArrayValue(arrayFS, position, false);
int childFS = getFsAtIndex(arrayFS, cas, arraySize);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsString(childFS, cas);
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path snippet is neither string nor fs array");
if (this.isListType) {
if (this.arrayIndex == USE_ALL_ENTRIES) {
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path denotes an array");
int listFS = (this.isBracketsOnly ? currentFS : cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS,
switch (this.listType) {
return (String) getValueAtListIndex(cas, listFS);
int childFs = getFsAtListIndex(cas, listFS);
if (childFs != 0) {
return this.childPath.evaluateAsString(childFs, cas);
return null;
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path snippet is neither float nor fs list");
if (this.childPath != null) {
int childFS = cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS, this.featureCode, CAS_TYPE_CHECKS);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsString(childFS, cas);
} else if (this.isCoveredTextFeature) {
AnnotationFS annotation = (AnnotationFS) cas.ll_getFSForRef(currentFS);
return annotation.getCoveredText();
} else if (this.isTypeNameFeature) {
Type type = cas.ll_getTypeSystem().ll_getTypeForCode(cas.ll_getFSRefType(currentFS));
return type.getName();
} else if (this.isFsIdFeature) {
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path denotes fsId()");
} else if (this.isUniqueIdFeature) {
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path denotes uniqueId()");
} else {
int typeClass = cas.ll_getTypeClass(this.featureRangeType);
switch (typeClass) {
return cas.ll_getStringValue(currentFS, this.featureCode, CAS_TYPE_CHECKS);
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path denotes a float");
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path denotes an int");
throw new IllegalStateException("feature path does not denote a string");
public String[] evaluateAsStringArray(int currentFS, LowLevelCAS cas) {
if (!getValueType().equals(CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING_ARRAY)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Feature path does not denote a String array");
if (currentFS == 0) {
return null;
if (this.isArrayType) {
// if the path snippet is [], the currentFS itself is the aray. If
// the path snippet is like authors[], the "authors" feature
// contains the array
int arrayFS = (this.isBracketsOnly ? currentFS : cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS,
int arraySize = ((CASImpl) cas).ll_getArraySize(arrayFS);
// if the user specified name[1000], but the array has only 5
// entries for name...
if (this.arrayIndex >= arraySize) {
return null;
if (this.arrayIndex == USE_ALL_ENTRIES) {
// we currently assume that there can only be one [] in the path
// hence, it's safe to say that we can collect strings here
String[] result = new String[arraySize];
if (this.childPath != null) { // this snippet denotes an
// FSArray
// iterate through the snippets, which will return Strings
// example author[]/name: author points to an FSArray of
// authors,
// the loop below collects their names as strings
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
int childFS = cas.ll_getRefArrayValue(arrayFS, i, CAS_TYPE_CHECKS);
result[i] = this.childPath.evaluateAsString(childFS, cas);
} else {
// arrayFS itself denotes a String array, just collect it
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
result[i] = cas.ll_getStringArrayValue(arrayFS, i);
return result;
// the snippet is like ...[1] or ...[last]
// resume evaluation at the correct array entry
int childFS = getFsAtIndex(arrayFS, cas, arraySize);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsStringArray(childFS, cas);
} else if (this.isListType) {
// if the path snippet is [], the currentFS itself is the list. If
// the path snippet is like authors[], the "authors" feature
// contains the list
int listFS = (this.isBracketsOnly ? currentFS : cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS,
if (this.arrayIndex == USE_ALL_ENTRIES) {
ArrayList resultList = (ArrayList) getValueAtListIndex(cas, listFS);
if (resultList == null) {
return null;
// we currently assume that there can only be one [] in the path
// hence, it's safe to say that we can collect floats here
String[] result = new String[resultList.size()];
if (this.childPath != null) { // this snippet denotes an
// FSList
// iterate through the results , which will return floats
for (int i = 0; i < resultList.size(); i++) {
int childFS = ((Integer) resultList.get(i)).intValue();
result[i] = this.childPath.evaluateAsString(childFS, cas);
} else {
// this snippet denotes a float list, just collect it
return result;
// resume evaluation at the correct list entry
int childFS = getFsAtListIndex(cas, listFS);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsStringArray(childFS, cas);
} else {
// this is just an intermediate feature (like "metadata" in
// metadata/author[]/name)
// resume evaulation with the next snippet
int childFS = cas.ll_getRefValue(currentFS, this.featureCode, CAS_TYPE_CHECKS);
return this.childPath.evaluateAsStringArray(childFS, cas);
* Returns the type for which the last feature in the feature path is defined. Assumes that
* <code>typeSystemInit</code> has been called prior to this method.
* <ul>
* <li>For a feature path <code>feature1/.../featureN-1/featureN</code>, returns the type of
* featureN.
* <li>For a feature path <code>feature1/.../featureN-1/typeN:featureN</code>, returns the
* type code for typeN. (For example, if the range type of featureN-1 is FSList or FSArray)
* <li>For a feature path <code>feature1</code>, where feature1 is simple-valued, returns the
* type that was used in <code>typeSystemInit</code>
* </ul>
* @return int the type for which the last feature in the feature path is defined.
public int getFSType() {
if (this.isSimpleRangeType) {
return this.typeCode;
return this.childPath.getFSType();
* Returns the type that this feature path will evaluate to. Can be used to select the correct
* "evaluateAs" method.
* @return String the type that this feature path will evaluate to. Will be one of the following:
* <ul>
* </ul>
public String getValueType() {
if (this.valueTypeName == null) {
this.valueTypeName = this.childPath.getValueType();
if (this.arrayIndex == USE_ALL_ENTRIES) {
if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING.equals(this.valueTypeName)) {
this.valueTypeName = CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING_ARRAY;
} else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER.equals(this.valueTypeName)) {
} else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT.equals(this.valueTypeName)) {
this.valueTypeName = CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT_ARRAY;
return this.valueTypeName;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
if (this.typeNameInSnippet != null) {
if (this.isArrayOrList) {
if (!this.isBracketsOnly && this.arrayIndex >= 0) {
if (this.arrayIndex == LAST_ARRAY_ENTRY) {
if (this.childPath != null) {
return result.toString();
public void typeSystemInit(int fsType, LowLevelTypeSystem ts) throws CASRuntimeException {
if (this.typeNameInSnippet != null) { // if the feature path snippet
// defines
// its own
// type,
// we use that one instead of the one that's passed in
fsType = ts.ll_getCodeForTypeName(this.typeNameInSnippet);
if (fsType == LowLevelTypeSystem.UNKNOWN_TYPE_CODE) {
CASRuntimeException exception = new CASRuntimeException(
CASRuntimeException.INVALID_FEATURE_PATH, new String[] { this.typeNameInSnippet });
throw exception;
// the range type denotes what type of FSes (or
// built-in type) is contained in this feature
int rangeTypeCode = LowLevelTypeSystem.UNKNOWN_TYPE_CODE;
if (!(isBuiltInFeature() || this.isBracketsOnly)) {
// find the feature in fsType that corresponds to this path snippet
int[] features = ts.ll_getAppropriateFeatures(fsType);
boolean found = false;
int i = 0;
for (; i < features.length && (!found); i++) {
Feature feature = ts.ll_getFeatureForCode(features[i]);
found = feature.getShortName().equals(this.featureName);
if (found) {
// store the feature code that corresponds to this path snippet
this.featureCode = features[i - 1];
rangeTypeCode = ts.ll_getRangeType(this.featureCode);
} else {
Type type = ts.ll_getTypeForCode(fsType);
CASRuntimeException exception = new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.INAPPROP_FEAT,
new String[] { this.featureName, type.getName() });
throw exception;
if (this.isBracketsOnly) {
rangeTypeCode = fsType;
this.typeCode = fsType;
// TODO: check mismatch between isArray and the actual rangeTypeCode
// find out whether the type is a "simple" type that may only be used in
// the last snippet of a path
Type type = ts.ll_getTypeForCode(rangeTypeCode);
this.featureRangeType = rangeTypeCode;
if (isBuiltInFeature()) {
this.isSimpleRangeType = true;
} else {
this.isSimpleRangeType = Arrays.binarySearch(SIMPLE_VAL_TYPES, type.getName()) >= 0;
if (this.isArrayOrList) {
int arrayType = ts.ll_getCodeForTypeName(CAS.TYPE_NAME_ARRAY_BASE);
this.isArrayType = ((TypeSystemImpl) ts).subsumes(arrayType, rangeTypeCode);
if (!this.isArrayType) {
// check whether the feature points to a list
for (int i = 0; i < LIST_TYPE_NAMES.length && !this.isListType; i++) {
int candidateType = ts.ll_getCodeForTypeName(LIST_TYPE_NAMES[i]);
this.isListType = ((TypeSystemImpl) ts).subsumes(candidateType, rangeTypeCode);
if (this.isListType) {
// determine the type class of the list
this.listType = i;
// determine the right head and tail feature, depending on the
// list type
switch (this.listType) {
this.headFeature = ts.ll_getCodeForFeatureName(CAS.FEATURE_FULL_NAME_FS_LIST_HEAD);
this.tailFeature = ts.ll_getCodeForFeatureName(CAS.FEATURE_FULL_NAME_FS_LIST_TAIL);
this.headFeature = ts.ll_getCodeForFeatureName(CAS.FEATURE_FULL_NAME_STRING_LIST_HEAD);
this.tailFeature = ts.ll_getCodeForFeatureName(CAS.FEATURE_FULL_NAME_STRING_LIST_TAIL);
this.headFeature = ts.ll_getCodeForFeatureName(CAS.FEATURE_FULL_NAME_INTEGER_LIST_HEAD);
this.tailFeature = ts.ll_getCodeForFeatureName(CAS.FEATURE_FULL_NAME_INTEGER_LIST_TAIL);
this.headFeature = ts.ll_getCodeForFeatureName(CAS.FEATURE_FULL_NAME_FLOAT_LIST_HEAD);
this.tailFeature = ts.ll_getCodeForFeatureName(CAS.FEATURE_FULL_NAME_FLOAT_LIST_TAIL);
this.emptyListTypes = new Type[EMPTY_LIST_TYPE_NAMES.length];
for (int i = 0; i < EMPTY_LIST_TYPE_NAMES.length; i++) {
this.emptyListTypes[i] = ts.ll_getTypeForCode(ts
if (this.childPath != null) {
// for simple range types, only [] and fsId() are allowed as child
// path
if (this.isSimpleRangeType
& !(this.childPath.isBracketsOnly() || this.childPath.isFsIdFeature)) {
CASRuntimeException exception = new CASRuntimeException(
CASRuntimeException.INVALID_FEATURE_PATH, new String[] { this.featureName });
throw exception;
// continue with the child path
this.childPath.typeSystemInit(rangeTypeCode, ts);
} else if (this.isCoveredTextFeature) {
// make sure that the type is a subtype of annotation
int annotationType = ts.ll_getCodeForTypeName(CAS.TYPE_NAME_ANNOTATION);
if (!((TypeSystemImpl) ts).subsumes(annotationType, fsType)) {
CASRuntimeException exception = new CASRuntimeException(
CASRuntimeException.INVALID_FEATURE_PATH, new String[] { this.featureName });
throw exception;
this.valueTypeName = SIMPLE_VAL_TYPES[Arrays.binarySearch(SIMPLE_VAL_TYPES,
} else if (this.isFsIdFeature) {
this.valueTypeName = SIMPLE_VAL_TYPES[Arrays.binarySearch(SIMPLE_VAL_TYPES,
} else if (this.isUniqueIdFeature) {
this.valueTypeName = SIMPLE_VAL_TYPES[Arrays.binarySearch(SIMPLE_VAL_TYPES,
} else if (this.isTypeNameFeature) {
this.valueTypeName = SIMPLE_VAL_TYPES[Arrays.binarySearch(SIMPLE_VAL_TYPES,
} else {
if (!this.isSimpleRangeType) {
CASRuntimeException exception = new CASRuntimeException(
throw exception;
if (this.isArrayOrList && (this.arrayIndex != USE_ALL_ENTRIES)) {
// in the case of, say, authornames[0], the feature is of type
// string array, but it will evaluate to a string.
this.valueTypeName = (String) CONTAINER_TO_ELEMENTYPE_MAP.get(type.getName());
} else if (this.isListType) { // here, we can assume that
// arrayIndex =
// we don't return lists, but arrays, so we need to map the type
// accordingly
this.valueTypeName = (String) LIST_TO_ARRAYTYPE_MAP.get(type.getName());
} else {
this.valueTypeName = SIMPLE_VAL_TYPES[Arrays.binarySearch(SIMPLE_VAL_TYPES, type.getName())];
private boolean isBuiltInFeature() {
return this.isFsIdFeature || this.isUniqueIdFeature || this.isCoveredTextFeature
|| this.isTypeNameFeature;
* Checks whether the feature snippet denotes array access (i.e., has [..] attached to it). If so,
* determines the arrayIndex to use within evaluation, which can be a number, the special element
* "last" or simple [], which means "all elements"
* @throws CASRuntimeException
* If the closing ] is missing, or the number is not an integer
private final void determineArray() throws CASRuntimeException {
int startIndex = this.featureName.indexOf('[');
if (startIndex == -1) {
int endIndex = this.featureName.indexOf(']');
if (endIndex == -1) { // we're missing the ending bracket
CASRuntimeException exception = new CASRuntimeException(
CASRuntimeException.INVALID_FEATURE_PATH, new String[] { this.toString() });
throw exception;
this.isArrayOrList = true;
String arrayIndexString = this.featureName.substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex);
// cut off the array markers from the actual feature name
this.featureName = this.featureName.substring(0, startIndex);
// determine the array index to use
if (arrayIndexString.equals("")) { // empty brackets, denotes "all
// elements"
this.arrayIndex = USE_ALL_ENTRIES;
} else if (LAST_ARRAY_ENTRY_MARKER.equalsIgnoreCase(arrayIndexString)) {
// [last],denotes "take the last array element"
this.arrayIndex = LAST_ARRAY_ENTRY;
} else {
try {
this.arrayIndex = Integer.parseInt(arrayIndexString);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
CASRuntimeException exception = new CASRuntimeException(
CASRuntimeException.INVALID_FEATURE_PATH, new String[] { this.toString() });
throw exception;
private int getArrayIndex(int arraySize) {
return (LAST_ARRAY_ENTRY != this.arrayIndex ? this.arrayIndex : arraySize - 1);
private final String getFeatureInSnippet(String pathSnippet) {
int typeIndex = pathSnippet.indexOf(TypeSystem.FEATURE_SEPARATOR);
if (typeIndex == -1) {
return pathSnippet;
return pathSnippet.substring(typeIndex + 1);
private int getFsAtIndex(int currentFS, LowLevelCAS cas, int arraySize) {
if (!this.isArrayType) {
throw new IllegalStateException("FeaturePath is not an array");
// if the user specified [last], we need to determine the actual
// index to use. Otherwise, we just use the index given in the
// snippet
int arrayInd = getArrayIndex(arraySize);
// locate the right FS
int childFS = cas.ll_getRefArrayValue(currentFS, arrayInd, CAS_TYPE_CHECKS);
return childFS;
* Assumes that <code>arrayIndex</code>!=<code>USE_ALL_ENTRIES</code>, and that the
* <code>listType</code> is <code>TYPE_CLASS_FSLIST</code>
* @return int A reference to the fs given in <code>arrayIndex</code>, or 0 if the list does
* not contain an entry for that index.
private int getFsAtListIndex(LowLevelCAS cas, int listFS) {
if (this.arrayIndex == USE_ALL_ENTRIES || this.listType != TYPE_CLASS_FSLIST) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"feature does not denote an fs list, or does not denote a singel array entry");
Object valueAtListIndex = getValueAtListIndex(cas, listFS);
if (valueAtListIndex != null) {
return ((Integer) valueAtListIndex).intValue();
return 0;
private Object getHeadValue(LowLevelCAS cas, int listFS) {
if (listFS == 0) {
return null;
switch (this.listType) {
return cas.ll_getStringValue(listFS, this.headFeature);
return new Integer(cas.ll_getIntValue(listFS, this.headFeature));
return new Float(cas.ll_getFloatValue(listFS, this.headFeature));
return new Integer(cas.ll_getRefValue(listFS, this.headFeature));
return null;
private final String getTypeInSnippet(String pathSnippet) {
if (pathSnippet == null) {
return null;
int index = pathSnippet.indexOf(TypeSystem.FEATURE_SEPARATOR);
if (index == -1) {
return null;
return pathSnippet.substring(0, index);
private Object getValueAtIndexRec(LowLevelCAS cas, int listFS, ArrayList list, int count) {
if (listFS == 0) {
return null;
int type = cas.ll_getFSRefType(listFS);
if (isEmptyList(cas, type)) {
return null;
int listTail = cas.ll_getRefValue(listFS, this.tailFeature);
switch (this.arrayIndex) {
list.add(getHeadValue(cas, listFS));
return getValueAtIndexRec(cas, listTail, list, ++count);
Object result = getValueAtIndexRec(cas, listTail, list, ++count);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return getHeadValue(cas, listFS);
if (count == this.arrayIndex) {
return getHeadValue(cas, listFS);
return getValueAtIndexRec(cas, listTail, list, ++count);
* @param listFS
* @return Object If arrayIndex = USE_ALL_ENTRIES, returns an <code>ArrayList</code> containing
* all entries. Otherwise, returns a String, Integer, or Float. Returns <code>null</code>
* if the list does not contain an entry for arrayIndex, or is empty.
private Object getValueAtListIndex(LowLevelCAS cas, int listFS) {
ArrayList arrayRes = new ArrayList();
Object result = getValueAtIndexRec(cas, listFS, arrayRes, 0);
if (arrayRes.isEmpty()) {
return result;
return arrayRes;
private boolean isBracketsOnly() {
return this.isBracketsOnly;
private boolean isEmptyList(LowLevelCAS cas, int type) {
Type candidateType = cas.ll_getTypeSystem().ll_getTypeForCode(type);
TypeSystem typeSystem = ((CASImpl) cas).getTypeSystem();
boolean isEmpty = false;
for (int i = 0; i < this.emptyListTypes.length && (!isEmpty); i++) {
isEmpty = typeSystem.subsumes(this.emptyListTypes[i], candidateType);
return isEmpty;
// only returns a sensible value if isArray returns true
private int arrayIndex;
// the next path snippet (may be null)
private final FeatureValuePathImpl childPath;
private Type[] emptyListTypes;
// the feature code that corresponds to featureName
private int featureCode;
// the name of the feature contained in this path snippet
private String featureName;
// the range type of the feature (may be simple of complex)
private int featureRangeType;
private int headFeature;
// true iff the snippet contains a feature name and brackets []
private boolean isArrayOrList;
// true iff this path snippet points to an FSArray
private boolean isArrayType;
// true iff the snippet only contains []. This is only valid if the
// currentFS that's passed in for evaluatiuon
// is an array or a list
private boolean isBracketsOnly;
// true iff the snippet contains COVERED_TEXT. This is only valid as the
// last path snippet. Moreover, the preceding snippet must return an FS of
// type Annotation.
private boolean isCoveredTextFeature;
// true iff the snippet contains FS_ID. This is only valid as the
// last path snippet.
private boolean isFsIdFeature;
// true iff this path snippet points to an FSList
private boolean isListType;
// true iff featureRangeType is one of SIMPLE_VAL_TYPES
private boolean isSimpleRangeType;
// true iff the snippet contains TYPE_NAME. This is only valid as the
// last path snippet.
private boolean isTypeNameFeature;
// true iff the snippet contains UNIQUE_ID. This is only valid as the
// last path snippet.
private boolean isUniqueIdFeature;
private int listType;
private int tailFeature;
// the type for which featureName is defined
private int typeCode;
// Is only set if the feature path explictity contains the typeName, e.g.
// ../TypeName:featureX/... Is mandatory for features that are accessed
// through an array. Rationale: one can use the name to "narrow down" the
// type of a feature, and we need the type name for arrays, as they don't
// have information about the type of FS that they contain
private final String typeNameInSnippet;
// the type this feature path will evaluate to. Is one of SIMPLE_VAL_TYPES.
private String valueTypeName;