blob: 78f448491ab5eb9e3a31278c8f23eaed358467a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.taeconfigurator.editors.ui;
* The types shown are those that are explicitly defined; in other words, built-in types are not
* shown, unless there is an explicit extending of some built-in type. In this case, the "merged"
* type system is updated to include the features from the built-in type.
* Redesign 2/17/05 Two panels: This one and an "Import" panel This panel: A TreeTable with buttons
* Items (top level) are Types Nested 1 down: Features col 0 = Type or Feature name col 1 =
* SuperType or Range Name or allowed value
* Hover shows Description
* Types that are imported are shown in grey font color Hover shows type system they were imported
* from, plus description, right click to open it
* Types for aggregates are "read-only". No right-click on hover - is ambiguous where type came
* from.
* Double-click or press Edit button to edit
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.TypeOrFeature;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.cas.TypeSystem;
import org.apache.uima.impl.UIMAFramework_impl;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.AllowedValue;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.Capability;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.FeatureDescription;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.FsIndexCollection;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.FsIndexDescription;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.FsIndexKeyDescription;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeDescription;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypePriorities;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypePriorityList;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeSystemDescription;
import org.apache.uima.taeconfigurator.InternalErrorCDE;
import org.apache.uima.taeconfigurator.TAEConfiguratorPlugin;
import org.apache.uima.taeconfigurator.editors.MultiPageEditor;
import org.apache.uima.taeconfigurator.editors.ui.dialogs.AddAllowedValueDialog;
import org.apache.uima.taeconfigurator.editors.ui.dialogs.AddFeatureDialog;
import org.apache.uima.taeconfigurator.editors.ui.dialogs.AddTypeDialog;
import org.apache.uima.taeconfigurator.wizards.TypeSystemNewWizard;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableTree;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableTreeItem;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableColumn;
import org.eclipse.ui.forms.IManagedForm;
public class TypeSection extends AbstractImportablePartSection {
public static final String CASCADE_MESSAGE = "This will cause a cascading deletion of an associated "
+ "input, output, index, or type priority, unless this deletion exposes a "
+ "built-in or imported type or feature of the same name. Ok to continue?";
public static final String CASCADE_DELETE_WARNING = "Cascade Delete Warning";
public static final int NAME_COL = 0;
public static final int SUPER_COL = 1;
public static final int RANGE_COL = 1;
public static final int MULTIPLE_REF_OK_COL = 2;
public static final int ELEMENT_TYPE_COL = 3;
public static final int AV_COL = 1;
public static final String HEADER_ALLOWED_VALUE = "Allowed Value:";
private TableTree tt;
private Button addTypeButton;
private Button addButton;
private Button editButton;
private Button removeButton;
private Button jcasGenButton;
private Button exportButton;
// private TypeSystemDescription tsdLocal; // for this descriptor, no imports
private static final boolean ALLOWED = true;
public TypeSection(MultiPageEditor editor, Composite parent) {
"Types (or Classes)",
"The following types (classes) are defined in this analysis engine descriptor.\nThe grayed out items are imported or merged from other descriptors, and cannot be edited here. (To edit them, edit their source files).");
// **********************************************************************
// * Called by the page constructor after all sections are created, to
// initialize them.
// * (non-Javadoc)
// * @see
// org.eclipse.ui.forms.IFormPart#initialize(org.eclipse.ui.forms.IManagedForm)
// **********************************************************************/
public void initialize(IManagedForm form) {
Composite sectionClient = new2ColumnComposite(getSection());
tt = newTableTree(sectionClient, SWT.SINGLE | SWT.FULL_SELECTION);
new TableColumn(tt.getTable(), SWT.NONE).setText("Type Name or Feature Name");
new TableColumn(tt.getTable(), SWT.NONE).setText("SuperType or Range");
new TableColumn(tt.getTable(), SWT.NONE).setText(" "); // space for icon
new TableColumn(tt.getTable(), SWT.NONE).setText("Element Type");
tt.getTable().addListener(SWT.MouseHover, this); // to show description and more
Composite buttonContainer = newButtonContainer(sectionClient);
addTypeButton = newPushButton(buttonContainer, "Add Type", "Click here to add a new type.");
addButton = newPushButton(buttonContainer, S_ADD,
"Click here to add a feature or allowed-value to the selected type.");
editButton = newPushButton(buttonContainer, S_EDIT, S_EDIT_TIP);
removeButton = newPushButton(buttonContainer, S_REMOVE, S_REMOVE_TIP);
exportButton = newPushButton(buttonContainer, S_EXPORT, S_EXPORT_TIP);
jcasGenButton = newPushButton(buttonContainer, "JCasGen",
"Click here to run JCasGen on this type system.");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.uima.taeconfigurator.editors.ui.AbstractTableSection#update()
public void refresh() {
TypeSystemDescription tsdFull = getMergedTypeSystemDescription();
TypeDescription[] tdsFull = tsdFull.getTypes();
if (null != tdsFull) {
for (int i = 0; i < tdsFull.length; i++) {
if (tt.getItemCount() > 0)
tt.setSelection(new TableTreeItem[] { tt.getItems()[0] });
private FeatureDescription[] setDifference(FeatureDescription[] all, FeatureDescription[] subset) {
if (null == all)
return featureDescriptionArray0;
if (null == subset)
return all;
List result = new ArrayList();
outer: for (int i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
String name = all[i].getName();
for (int j = 0; j < subset.length; j++) {
if (subset[j].getName().equals(name))
continue outer;
return (FeatureDescription[]) result.toArray(new FeatureDescription[result.size()]);
private void addTypeToGUI(TypeDescription td) {
TableTreeItem item = new TableTreeItem(tt, SWT.NONE);
item.setText(NAME_COL, formatName(td.getName()));
item.setText(SUPER_COL, formatName(td.getSupertypeName()));
setItemColor(item, isLocalType(td));
FeatureDescription[] features = td.getFeatures();
addFeaturesToGui(td, item, features);
TypeDescription builtInTd = getBuiltInTypeDescription(td);
if (null != builtInTd) {
FeatureDescription[] additionalBuiltInFeatures = setDifference(builtInTd.getFeatures(), td
addFeaturesToGui(td, item, additionalBuiltInFeatures);
AllowedValue[] avs = td.getAllowedValues();
if (null != avs) {
for (int i = 0; i < avs.length; i++) {
TableTreeItem avItem = new TableTreeItem(item, SWT.NONE);
avItem.setText(AV_COL, convertNull(avs[i].getString()));
setItemColor(avItem, null != getLocalAllowedValue(td, avs[i]));
// No built-ins have "allowed values" so we don't have to add any
private void addFeaturesToGui(TypeDescription td, TableTreeItem item,
FeatureDescription[] features) {
if (null != features) {
for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
TableTreeItem fItem = new TableTreeItem(item, SWT.NONE);
updateGuiFeature(fItem, features[i], td);
private void updateGuiFeature(TableTreeItem fItem, FeatureDescription fd, TypeDescription td) {
String rangeType;
fItem.setText(NAME_COL, fd.getName());
fItem.setText(RANGE_COL, formatName(rangeType = fd.getRangeTypeName()));
setItemColor(fItem, null != getLocalFeatureDefinition(td, fd));
if (isArrayOrListType(rangeType)) {
Boolean mra = fd.getMultipleReferencesAllowed();
(null != mra && mra.booleanValue()) ? TAEConfiguratorPlugin
.getImage(TAEConfiguratorPlugin.IMAGE_MREFOK) : TAEConfiguratorPlugin
} else {
fItem.setImage(MULTIPLE_REF_OK_COL, null);
String ert = fd.getElementType();
(isFSArrayOrListType(rangeType) && ert != null) ? formatName(ert) : "");
private void setItemColor(TableTreeItem item, boolean isLocal) {
if (isLocal)
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.uima.taeconfigurator.editors.ui.AbstractTableSection#handleEvent(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event)
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
if (event.widget == addTypeButton) {
} else if (event.widget == addButton) {
TableTreeItem parent = tt.getSelection()[0];
if (null != parent.getParentItem())
parent = parent.getParentItem();
if (isSubtypeOfString(parent))
} else if (event.widget == editButton) {
} else if (event.type == SWT.MouseDoubleClick && (!isAggregate()) && // can't edit aggregates
isLocalItem(tt.getSelection()[0])) {
} else if (event.widget == removeButton) {
} else if (event.widget == exportButton) {
} else if (event.widget == jcasGenButton) {
} else if (event.type == SWT.MouseHover) {
public void handleHover(Event event) {
// next getItem call requires that table have SWT.FULL_SELECTION Style
TableTreeItem item = tt.getItem(new Point(event.x, event.y));
if (null != item) {
Object o = item.getData();
if (null == o)
throw new InternalErrorCDE("invalid state");
if (o instanceof TypeDescription) {
setToolTipText(tt, ((TypeDescription) o).getDescription());
} else if (o instanceof FeatureDescription) {
FeatureDescription fd = (FeatureDescription) o;
if (item.getBounds(MULTIPLE_REF_OK_COL).contains(event.x, event.y)
&& isArrayOrListType(fd.getRangeTypeName())) {
Boolean mra = fd.getMultipleReferencesAllowed();
setToolTipText(tt, (mra != null && mra.booleanValue()) ? "Multiple References Allowed"
: "Multiple References Not Allowed");
} else
setToolTipText(tt, fd.getDescription());
} else if (o instanceof AllowedValue) {
setToolTipText(tt, ((AllowedValue) o).getDescription());
} else
public TypeDescription getTypeDescriptionFromTableTreeItem(TableTreeItem item) {
return (TypeDescription) item.getData();
// disabled unless type having String as supertype is selected
public void handleAddAllowedValue(TableTreeItem parent) {
boolean refreshNeeded = false;
TypeDescription td = getTypeDescriptionFromTableTreeItem(parent);
// guaranteed non-null - otherwise can't add an allowed value
TypeDescription localTd = getLocalTypeDefinition(td);
AddAllowedValueDialog dialog = new AddAllowedValueDialog(this, null);
if ( == Window.CANCEL) {
AllowedValue av = UIMAFramework_impl.getResourceSpecifierFactory().createAllowedValue();
allowedValueUpdate(av, dialog);
addAllowedValue(localTd, av);
if (!Utility.arrayContains(td.getAllowedValues(), av))
addAllowedValue(td, (AllowedValue) av.clone());
refreshNeeded = true;
// update the GUI
if (refreshNeeded)
else {
TableTreeItem item = new TableTreeItem(parent, SWT.NONE);
item.setText(AV_COL, convertNull(av.getString()));
private void addAllowedValue(TypeDescription td, AllowedValue av) {
td.setAllowedValues((AllowedValue[]) Utility.addElementToArray(td.getAllowedValues(), av,
* @param td -
* local or merged (2 callers)
* @param av
private void removeAllowedValue(TypeDescription td, AllowedValue av) {
td.setAllowedValues((AllowedValue[]) Utility.removeEqualElementFromArray(td.getAllowedValues(),
av, AllowedValue.class));
// disabled unless type is selected
public void handleAddFeature(TableTreeItem parent) {
TypeDescription td = getTypeDescriptionFromTableTreeItem(parent);
// guaranteed non-null - otherwise add button disabled
TypeDescription localTd = getLocalTypeDefinition(td);
AddFeatureDialog dialog = new AddFeatureDialog(this, td, null);
if ( == Window.CANCEL) {
FeatureDescription fd = localTd.addFeature(null, null, null);
featureUpdate(fd, dialog);
// update the GUI
// if this type is merged with an import or with a built-in,
// need to "refresh"
if (isImportedType(td) || isBuiltInType(td)) {
if (!isImportedFeature(dialog.featureName, td)) {
// don't need to check builtin Feature because gui doesn't let you
// define a built-in feature again
fd = td.addFeature(null, null, null);
featureUpdate(fd, dialog);
} else {
fd = td.addFeature(null, null, null);
featureUpdate(fd, dialog);
TableTreeItem item = new TableTreeItem(parent, SWT.NONE);
updateGuiFeature(item, fd, td);
private void selectTypeInGui(TypeDescription td) {
TableTreeItem[] items = tt.getItems();
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (td.getName().equals(((TypeDescription) items[i].getData()).getName())) {
tt.setSelection(new TableTreeItem[] { items[i] });
public void allowedValueUpdate(AllowedValue av, AddAllowedValueDialog dialog) {
valueChanged = false;
av.setString(setValueChanged(dialog.allowedValue, av.getString()));
av.setDescription(setValueChanged(dialog.description, av.getDescription()));
public void featureUpdate(FeatureDescription fd, AddFeatureDialog dialog) {
valueChanged = false;
String v = setValueChanged(dialog.featureName, fd.getName());
v = setValueChanged(multiLineFix(dialog.description), fd.getDescription());
String range = setValueChanged(dialog.featureRangeName, fd.getRangeTypeName());
if (isArrayOrListType(range)) {
Boolean b = setValueChangedCapitalBoolean(dialog.multiRef, fd.getMultipleReferencesAllowed());
if (isFSArrayOrListType(range)) {
v = setValueChanged(dialog.elementRangeName, fd.getElementType());
} else {
} else {
public void handleAddType() {
AddTypeDialog dialog = new AddTypeDialog(this);
if ( == Window.CANCEL)
TypeSystemDescription tsd = getMergedTypeSystemDescription();
TypeSystemDescription localTsd = getTypeSystemDescription();
TypeDescription td = localTsd.addType(dialog.typeName, multiLineFix(dialog.description),
if (!isImportedType(dialog.typeName)) {
td = tsd.addType(dialog.typeName, multiLineFix(dialog.description), dialog.supertypeName);
} else {
if (isImportedType(dialog.typeName) || isBuiltInType(dialog.typeName)) {
private void finishActionPack() {
private void finishAction() {
if (isLocalProcessingDescriptor()) {
private void handleEdit() {
TableTreeItem item = tt.getSelection()[0];
TableTreeItem parentType = item.getParentItem();
if (null == parentType) { // editing a type, not a feature
} else if (item.getText(NAME_COL).equals(HEADER_ALLOWED_VALUE)) {
editAllowedValue(item, parentType);
} else {
editFeature(item, parentType);
public FeatureDescription getFeatureDescriptionFromTableTreeItem(TableTreeItem item) {
return (FeatureDescription) item.getData();
private void editFeature(TableTreeItem item, TableTreeItem parent) {
boolean remergeNeeded = false;
boolean refreshNeeded = false;
TypeDescription td = getTypeDescriptionFromTableTreeItem(parent);
FeatureDescription fd = getFeatureDescriptionFromTableTreeItem(item);
FeatureDescription localFd = getLocalFeatureDefinition(td, fd);
String oldFeatureName = fd.getName();
AddFeatureDialog dialog = new AddFeatureDialog(this, td, fd);
if ( == Window.CANCEL)
featureUpdate(localFd, dialog);
if (!valueChanged)
if (!dialog.featureName.equals(oldFeatureName)) {
if (isImportedFeature(oldFeatureName, td)) {
"Imported Feature not changed",
"Changing the feature name from '"
+ oldFeatureName
+ "' to '"
+ dialog.featureName
+ "' will not affect the corresponding imported type with the previous feature name. "
+ "Both features will be included in the type.",
remergeNeeded = true;
refreshNeeded = true;
if (isBuiltInFeature(oldFeatureName, td)) {
"BuiltIn Feature not changed",
"Changing the feature name from '"
+ oldFeatureName
+ "' to '"
+ dialog.featureName
+ "' will not affect the corresponding built-in type with the previous feature name. "
+ "Both features will be included in the type.",
refreshNeeded = true; // no remerge needed - builtins not merged
if (remergeNeeded)
featureUpdate(fd, dialog);
if (refreshNeeded)
else {
// update the GUI
updateGuiFeature(item, fd, td);
alterFeatureMentions(oldFeatureName, fd.getName(), td.getName());
public AllowedValue getAllowedValueFromTableTreeItem(TableTreeItem item) {
return (AllowedValue) item.getData();
private void editAllowedValue(TableTreeItem item, TableTreeItem parent) {
TypeDescription td = getTypeDescriptionFromTableTreeItem(parent);
AllowedValue av = getAllowedValueFromTableTreeItem(item);
AllowedValue localAv = getLocalAllowedValue(td, av); // must use unmodified value of "av"
AddAllowedValueDialog dialog = new AddAllowedValueDialog(this, av);
if ( == Window.CANCEL)
allowedValueUpdate(av, dialog);
allowedValueUpdate(localAv, dialog);
if (!valueChanged)
// update the GUI
item.setText(AV_COL, av.getString());
* New Feature test: return null if OK, error message otherwise
* @param td
* @param dialog
* @return
private String newFeatureTests(TypeDescription td, AddFeatureDialog dialog) {
FeatureDescription fd;
if (isLocalFeature(dialog.featureName, td))
return "Duplicate Feature Name in this Descriptor";
if (isBuiltInFeature(dialog.featureName, td))
return "Feature Name duplicates built-in feature for this type";
if (null != (fd = getFeature(td, dialog.featureName)))
// verify the range is the same
if (!fd.getRangeTypeName().equals(dialog.featureRangeName))
return "Range Name not the same as the range from an imported type/feature description";
return null;
* verify a new or edited feature is valid. For new features: The name must be unique locally. It
* may duplicate a non-local feature that isn't also built-in. (We presume built-in features are
* fixed). (We allow dupl non-local feature in case this type system is used without the import,
* in some other context?) We don't use the TCas because it isn't necessarily being updated
* For edited features: If the name changed, do "new" test above on new name If the name changed,
* do "remove" test on old name: If used in an index or capability, but merged/built-in name not
* still there, warn about index being invalidated (not done here - done during feature update
* itself). If name used in index, and range is not indexable - error
* @param dialog
* @return
public String checkFeature(AddFeatureDialog dialog, TypeDescription td, FeatureDescription oldFd) {
if (null == oldFd) { // adding new feature
return newFeatureTests(td, dialog);
String errMsg = null;
// modifying existing feature
if (!oldFd.getName().equals(dialog.featureName)) { // name changed
errMsg = newFeatureTests(td, dialog);
if (null != errMsg)
return errMsg;
return null;
// Note: this test is different from above: it tests current name, not old name
if (isFeatureUsedInIndex(td, dialog.featureName))
if (!isIndexableRange(dialog.featureRangeName))
return ("This feature is used in an index - it must have an indexable Range");
return null;
public String checkAllowedValue(AddAllowedValueDialog dialog, TypeDescription td, AllowedValue av) {
if (isLocalAllowedValue(dialog.allowedValue, td)) {
return "Duplicate Allowed Value in this Descriptor";
return null;
// type is always local; could be merging with import(s) or built-in
private void editType(TableTreeItem item) {
boolean mergeAndRefreshNeeded = false;
boolean refreshNeeded = false;
TypeDescription td = getTypeDescriptionFromTableTreeItem(item);
AddTypeDialog dialog = new AddTypeDialog(this, td);
if ( == Window.CANCEL)
// dialog disallows supertype specs inconsistent with existing features or allowed values
// dialog has already checked for dup type name
String newTypeName = dialog.typeName;
String oldTypeName = td.getName();
String[] typesRequiringThisOne = stringArray0;
if (!oldTypeName.equals(newTypeName)) {
typesRequiringThisOne = showTypesRequiringThisOneMessage(oldTypeName, ALLOWED);
if (null == typesRequiringThisOne) // null is cancel signal
if (isImportedType(oldTypeName)
&& MessageDialog.CANCEL == Utility
"Type define via Import",
"The type '"
+ oldTypeName
+ "' is also defined in 1 or more imports. Changing the type name here will not change it in the imported type file, causing both types to be in the type system, together. Please confirm this is what you intend.",
if (isBuiltInType(oldTypeName)
&& MessageDialog.CANCEL == Utility
"Type was extending a built-in",
"The type '"
+ oldTypeName
+ "' was extending a builtin type of the same name. Changing the type name here will not change the built-in type, causing both types to be in the type system, together. Please confirm this is what you intend.",
if (isImportedType(oldTypeName) || isImportedType(newTypeName) || isBuiltInType(oldTypeName)
|| isBuiltInType(newTypeName))
mergeAndRefreshNeeded = true;
valueChanged = false;
// guaranteed non-null because otherwise edit not allowed
TypeDescription localTd = getLocalTypeDefinition(td);
typeUpdate(localTd, dialog);
if (!valueChanged)
if (mergeAndRefreshNeeded) {
td = getMergedTypeSystemDescription().getType(newTypeName);
} else {
typeUpdate(td, dialog);
updateGuiType(item, td);
// interesting case: renaming a type causes another type
// which has a shadow to get a new super (should cause merge error)
// or which has a shadow to get a new range (should cause merge error)
// or which has a shadow of a built-in to get new range or super
// (should cause error) (but only if that feature is defined in the
// non-local version)
refreshNeeded |= alterTypeMentionsInOtherTypes(oldTypeName, td.getName());
if (refreshNeeded || mergeAndRefreshNeeded)
alterTypeMentions(oldTypeName, td.getName());
private void updateGuiType(TableTreeItem item, TypeDescription td) {
item.setText(NAME_COL, formatName(td.getName()));
item.setText(SUPER_COL, formatName(td.getSupertypeName()));
private void rebuildMergedTypeSystem() {
try {
} catch (ResourceInitializationException e) {
throw new InternalErrorCDE(e);
private void typeUpdate(TypeDescription td, AddTypeDialog dialog) {
td.setName(setValueChanged(dialog.typeName, td.getName()));
td.setDescription(setValueChanged(multiLineFix(dialog.description), td.getDescription()));
td.setSupertypeName(setValueChanged(dialog.supertypeName, td.getSupertypeName()));
* returns null or error message about a duplicate type name Cases: Dupl type in local descriptor
* not allowed. Type that duplicates imported type is OK. Type that duplicates built-in type is
* OK.
public String checkDuplTypeName(String newTypeName) {
if (isLocalType(newTypeName)) {
return "The type '" + newTypeName + "' is already defined locally in this descriptor.";
return null;
* Note that the Remove action is disabled if the item selected is imported only
private void handleRemove() {
TableTreeItem item = tt.getSelection()[0];
TableTreeItem parent = item.getParentItem();
if (null == parent)
else if (item.getText(NAME_COL).equals(HEADER_ALLOWED_VALUE))
private void handleRemoveAllowedValue(TableTreeItem item) {
TypeDescription td = getTypeDescriptionFromTableTreeItem(item.getParentItem());
AllowedValue av = getAllowedValueFromTableTreeItem(item);
// guaranteed non-null -otherwise remove button disabled
removeAllowedValue(getLocalTypeDefinition(td), av);
if (!isImportedAllowedValue(td, av)) {
removeAllowedValue(td, av);
// update GUI
tt.getTable().setSelection(tt.getTable().getSelectionIndex() - 1);
} else {
// cases: removing a feature which is merged with an identical named imported feature
// same - for built-in <could be created outside of the CDE>
private void handleRemoveFeature(TableTreeItem item) {
TypeDescription td = getTypeDescriptionFromTableTreeItem(item.getParentItem());
FeatureDescription fd = getFeatureDescriptionFromTableTreeItem(item);
String featureName = fd.getName();
boolean bFeatureInUseElsewhere = isFeatureInUseElsewhere(td, featureName);
if (bFeatureInUseElsewhere) {
String sCascadeDeleteTitle = CASCADE_DELETE_WARNING;
String sCascadeDeleteMessage = CASCADE_MESSAGE;
boolean bContinue = MessageDialog.openConfirm(getSection().getShell(), sCascadeDeleteTitle,
if (!bContinue)
TypeDescription localTd = getLocalTypeDefinition(td);
FeatureDescription localFd = getLocalFeatureDefinition(td, fd);
removeFeature(localTd, localFd);
if (isImportedFeature(featureName, td))
refresh(); // don't remove from merged set
else {
removeFeature(td, fd);
if (isBuiltInFeature(featureName, td))
else {
// update GUI
tt.getTable().setSelection(tt.getTable().getSelectionIndex() - 1);
if (bFeatureInUseElsewhere && !isImportedFeature(featureName, td)
&& !isBuiltInFeature(featureName, td)) {
deleteTypeOrFeatureMentions(featureName, FEATURES, localTd.getName());
private static class TypeFeature {
String typeName;
String featureName; // short feature name
TypeFeature(String type, String feat) {
typeName = type;
featureName = feat;
private static final TypeFeature[] typeFeature0 = new TypeFeature[0];
* CALL THIS FN after removing and remerging. Assuming the localTd is removed, it may result in
* the mergedTd having fewer features. Compute the features that would be removed. Do it not just
* for this type, but for all subtypes of this type. NOTE: if mergeTd is null, it means the type
* is removed completely (no shadowing of built-in or imported types), so no special feature
* removal is needed.
* @param localTd
* @param mergedTd
* The "remerged" value of the type.
* @return array of string names of features to be removed
private TypeFeature[] computeFeaturesToRemove(TypeDescription localTd, TypeDescription mergedTd) {
if (null == mergedTd)
return typeFeature0;
FeatureDescription[] locallyDefinedFeatures = localTd.getFeatures();
if (null == locallyDefinedFeatures || locallyDefinedFeatures.length == 0)
return typeFeature0;
FeatureDescription[] remainingFeatures = mergedTd.getFeatures();
ArrayList deletedFeatures = new ArrayList();
outer: for (int i = 0; i < locallyDefinedFeatures.length; i++) {
String fname = locallyDefinedFeatures[i].getName();
if (null != remainingFeatures)
for (int j = 0; j < remainingFeatures.length; j++) {
if (fname.equals(remainingFeatures[j].getName()))
continue outer;
// have list of features really disappearing (not kept present by imports or built-ins)
// return all types/features of these for types which are subtypes of the passed-in type
CAS tcas = editor.getCurrentView();
TypeSystem typeSystem = tcas.getTypeSystem();
Type thisType = typeSystem.getType(localTd.getName());
List subsumedTypesList = typeSystem.getProperlySubsumedTypes(thisType);
Type[] subsumedTypes = (Type[]) subsumedTypesList.toArray(new Type[0]);
String[] featNameArray = (String[]) deletedFeatures.toArray(new String[deletedFeatures.size()]);
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < subsumedTypes.length; i++) {
Type t = subsumedTypes[i];
for (int j = 0; j < featNameArray.length; j++) {
if (null != t.getFeatureByBaseName(featNameArray[j]))
result.add(new TypeFeature(t.getName(), featNameArray[j]));
return (TypeFeature[]) result.toArray(typeFeature0);
private void handleRemoveType(TableTreeItem item) {
TypeDescription td = getTypeDescriptionFromTableTreeItem(item);
String sTypeNameToRemove = td.getName();
// pop a dialog mentioning typesRequiringThisOne, saying that others must be
// deleted first....
if (null == showTypesRequiringThisOneMessage(sTypeNameToRemove, !ALLOWED))
boolean bTypeInUseElsewhere = isTypeInUseElsewhere(sTypeNameToRemove);
if (bTypeInUseElsewhere) {
String sCascadeDeleteTitle = CASCADE_DELETE_WARNING;
String sCascadeDeleteMessage = CASCADE_MESSAGE;
boolean bContinue = MessageDialog.openConfirm(getSection().getShell(), sCascadeDeleteTitle,
if (!bContinue) {
TypeDescription localTd = getLocalTypeDefinition(td);
removeType(localTd, getTypeSystemDescription());
if (isImportedType(td)) {
// although the type itself still remains in the merged type system,
// features may be removed by this action, so
// a remerge is needed
} else {
removeType(td, getMergedTypeSystemDescription());
// update GUI
tt.getTable().setSelection(tt.getTable().getSelectionIndex() - 1);
TypeFeature[] featuresToRemove = computeFeaturesToRemove(localTd,
if (bTypeInUseElsewhere && !isImportedType(td) && !isBuiltInType(td)) {
deleteTypeOrFeatureMentions(sTypeNameToRemove, TYPES, null);
// if removing a type which is also imported or built-in, which is a supertype of something
// this action can change the feature set.
if (null != featuresToRemove)
for (int i = 0; i < featuresToRemove.length; i++) {
deleteTypeOrFeatureMentions(featuresToRemove[i].featureName, FEATURES,
* Called when removing a type (or renaming a type - treating old value like remove)
* @param existingTypeName
* @param allowed
* @return null means "cancel", stringArray0 means no problem, stringArrayN = dependent types
private String[] showTypesRequiringThisOneMessage(String existingTypeName, boolean allowed) {
// if type is imported or built-in, in addition to being defined in this
// descriptor, removing it won't make the type unavailable.
if (isImportedType(existingTypeName) || isBuiltInType(existingTypeName))
return stringArray0; // imported or built-in type will remain
String[] typesRequiringThisOne = getTypesRequiringThisOne(existingTypeName);
if (typesRequiringThisOne != null && typesRequiringThisOne.length > 0) {
String sMsg = existingTypeName + " has the following dependent type(s): ";
for (int i = 0; i < typesRequiringThisOne.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
sMsg += ", ";
sMsg += typesRequiringThisOne[i];
if (!allowed) {
sMsg += ". Please delete dependent types first.";
Utility.popMessage("Can''t Remove Needed Type", sMsg, MessageDialog.WARNING);
return null;
sMsg += ". If you proceed, the dependent types which are updatable will be updated."
+ " Non-updatable types (imported, etc.) you will have to update manually. Please confirm.";
if (MessageDialog.OK == Utility.popOkCancel("Confirm renaming type update actions", sMsg,
return typesRequiringThisOne;
return null;
return stringArray0;
private void removeType(TypeDescription td, TypeSystemDescription tsd) {
tsd.setTypes((TypeDescription[]) Utility.removeElementFromArray(tsd.getTypes(), td,
private void removeFeature(TypeDescription td, FeatureDescription fd) {
td.setFeatures((FeatureDescription[]) Utility.removeElementFromArray(td.getFeatures(), fd,
private String[] getTypesRequiringThisOne(String typeName) {
List upstreamTypeNames = new ArrayList();
TypeSystemDescription typeSystem = getMergedTypeSystemDescription();
TypeDescription[] types = typeSystem.getTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
if (!types[i].getName().equals(typeName)) {
if (typeRequiresType(types[i], typeName)) {
return (String[]) upstreamTypeNames.toArray(new String[upstreamTypeNames.size()]);
private boolean typeRequiresType(TypeDescription upstreamType, String typeName) {
if (null == typeName)
return false;
if (typeName.equals(upstreamType.getSupertypeName())) {
return true;
FeatureDescription[] features = upstreamType.getFeatures();
if (features == null) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
if (typeName.equals(features[i].getRangeTypeName())) {
return true;
return false;
public void enable() {
jcasGenButton.setEnabled(tt.getItemCount() > 0);
TypeSystemDescription tsd = getTypeSystemDescription();
if (null != tsd) {
TypeDescription[] tsa = tsd.getTypes();
if (null != tsa)
exportButton.setEnabled(tsa.length > 0);
if (isAggregate()) {
} else {
boolean editable = tt.getSelectionCount() == 1 && isLocalItem(tt.getSelection()[0]);
private boolean isSubtypeOfString(TableTreeItem item) {
TypeDescription td = getTypeDescriptionFromTableTreeItem(item);
return CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING.equals(td.getSupertypeName());
private boolean isTypeInUseElsewhere(final String sTypeName) {
if (!isLocalProcessingDescriptor()) {
return false;
final String sTypeName_Colon = sTypeName + ":";
CapabilityVisitor cv = new CapabilityVisitor() {
boolean visit(TypeOrFeature i_o) {
if (i_o.isType() && i_o.getName().equals(sTypeName))
return true;
else if (i_o.getName().startsWith(sTypeName_Colon))
return true;
return false;
if (capabilityVisit(cv))
return true;
FsIndexDescription[] indexes = getAnalysisEngineMetaData().getFsIndexes();
if (indexes != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
if (indexes[i].getTypeName().equals(sTypeName)) {
return true;
return typePriorityListsVisit(FIND_EQUAL_TYPE, sTypeName);
private final static int FIND_EQUAL_TYPE = 1;
private final static int REMOVE_EQUAL_TYPE = 2;
private final static int UPDATE_TYPE_NAME = 4;
private boolean typePriorityListsVisit(int kind, String typeName) {
return typePriorityListsVisit(kind, typeName, null);
* @param kind
* @param typeName
* @param newTypeName
* @return FIND_EQUAL_TYPE: true if found, false otherwise REMOVE_EQUAL_TYPE: true if found, false
* if nothing done UPDATE_TYPE_NAME: true if found & updated, false if nothing done
private boolean typePriorityListsVisit(int kind, String typeName, String newTypeName) {
boolean returnValue = false;
TypePriorities priorities = getAnalysisEngineMetaData().getTypePriorities();
if (priorities != null) {
TypePriorityList[] priorityLists = priorities.getPriorityLists();
if (priorityLists != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < priorityLists.length; i++) {
String[] typeNames = priorityLists[i].getTypes();
if (typeNames != null) {
if (kind == FIND_EQUAL_TYPE) {
for (int j = 0; j < typeNames.length; j++) {
if (typeNames[j].equals(typeName))
return true;
} else if (kind == UPDATE_TYPE_NAME) {
boolean bChanged = false;
for (int j = 0; j < typeNames.length; j++) {
if (typeNames[j].equals(typeName)) {
typeNames[j] = newTypeName;
bChanged = true;
if (bChanged) {
returnValue = true;
} else if (kind == REMOVE_EQUAL_TYPE) {
Object[] newTypeNames = Utility.removeElementsFromArray(typeNames, typeName,
if (newTypeNames != typeNames) {
priorityLists[i].setTypes((String[]) newTypeNames);
returnValue = true;
} else
throw new InternalErrorCDE("invalid argument");
return returnValue;
private TypeOrFeature[] deleteTypeOrFeatureFromCapability(TypeOrFeature[] io_s,
final boolean isType, String name, String typeName) {
if (!isType) // is feature
name = typeName + ':' + name;
return (TypeOrFeature[]) Utility.removeElementsFromArray(io_s, name, TypeOrFeature.class,
isType ? capabilityTypeCompare : capabilityFeatureCompare);
private final static boolean TYPES = true;
private final static boolean FEATURES = false;
private static final Comparator fsIndexDescCompare = new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
return ((FsIndexDescription) o2).getTypeName().equals(o1) ? 0 : 1;
private static final Comparator fsIndexKeyDescCompare = new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
return (o1.equals(((FsIndexKeyDescription) o2).getFeatureName())) ? 0 : 1;
private static final Comparator capabilityTypeCompare = new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
TypeOrFeature tf = (TypeOrFeature) o2;
return ((tf.isType() == true && tf.getName().equals(o1)) ||
// remove features belong to type if type is removed
tf.getName().startsWith(((String) o1) + ':')) ? 0 : 1;
private static final Comparator capabilityFeatureCompare = new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
TypeOrFeature tf = (TypeOrFeature) o2;
return (tf.isType() == false && tf.getName().equals(o1)) ? 0 : 1;
* feature name if used, is short-name
* @param typeOrFeatureName -
* if feature is short feature name
* @param isType
* @param String
* type name (used when feature name passed above
private void deleteTypeOrFeatureMentions(final String typeOrFeatureName, boolean isType,
final String typeName) {
if (!isLocalProcessingDescriptor()) {
Capability[] c = getCapabilities();
for (int ic = 0; ic < c.length; ic++) {
c[ic].setInputs(deleteTypeOrFeatureFromCapability(c[ic].getInputs(), isType,
typeOrFeatureName, typeName));
c[ic].setOutputs(deleteTypeOrFeatureFromCapability(c[ic].getOutputs(), isType,
typeOrFeatureName, typeName));
CapabilityPage p = editor.getCapabilityPage();
if (null != p)
final FsIndexCollection indexCollection = editor.getFsIndexCollection();
FsIndexDescription[] indexes = (null == indexCollection) ? null : indexCollection
boolean somethingChanged = false;
if (indexes != null) {
if (isType) {
FsIndexDescription[] newFsid = (FsIndexDescription[]) Utility.removeElementsFromArray(
indexes, typeOrFeatureName, FsIndexDescription.class, fsIndexDescCompare);
if (newFsid != indexes) {
somethingChanged = true;
} else { // is feature
for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
if (typeName.equals(indexes[i].getTypeName())) {
FsIndexKeyDescription[] newFsKeys = (FsIndexKeyDescription[]) Utility
.removeElementsFromArray(indexes[i].getKeys(), typeOrFeatureName,
FsIndexKeyDescription.class, fsIndexKeyDescCompare);
if (newFsKeys != indexes[i].getKeys()) {
somethingChanged = true;
if (somethingChanged) {
try {
} catch (ResourceInitializationException e) {
throw new InternalErrorCDE("unexpected exception", e);
if (null != editor.getIndexesPage())
if (isType) {
if (typePriorityListsVisit(REMOVE_EQUAL_TYPE, typeOrFeatureName)) {
try {
} catch (ResourceInitializationException e) {
throw new InternalErrorCDE("unexpected exception");
if (null != editor.getIndexesPage())
* return true if refresh is needed
* @param oldTypeName
* @param newTypeName
* @return
private boolean alterTypeMentionsInOtherTypes(String oldTypeName, String newTypeName) {
// only modify locally modifiable types, but scan all types to give appropriate error msgs
TypeSystemDescription typeSystem = getMergedTypeSystemDescription();
boolean refreshNeeded = false;
boolean remergeNeeded = false;
TypeDescription[] types = typeSystem.getTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
TypeDescription td = types[i];
TypeDescription localTd = getLocalTypeDefinition(td);
String typeName = td.getName();
if (td.getSupertypeName().equals(oldTypeName)) {
if (null != localTd) { // is a local type
if (isImportedType(typeName)) {
"Imported type won't be changed",
"There is both a local and imported version of type, '"
+ typeName
+ "', which has a supertype which is the item being renamed. Although the local version will be updated, but the imported one won't."
+ "This may cause an error when you save.",
if (isBuiltInType(typeName)) {
// invalid: changed some type name which was a supertype of a built in - but
// all the supertypes of built-ins are unchangable.
throw new InternalErrorCDE("invalid state");
} else { // is not a local type
// can't be a built-in type because all the supertypes of built-ins are unchangeable
"Imported type not changed",
"There is an imported type, '"
+ typeName
+ "', which has a supertype which is the item being renamed. It won't be updated - this may cause an error when you save this descriptor."
+ " If it does, you will need to edit the imported type to change it.",
// guaranteed to have local type def here
if (isImportedType(typeName)) {
remergeNeeded = true;
refreshNeeded = true;
} else {
updateGuiType(tt.getItems()[i], td);
FeatureDescription fds[] = td.getFeatures();
FeatureDescription localFds[] = (null == localTd) ? null : localTd.getFeatures();
if (null != fds) {
for (int j = 0; j < fds.length; j++) {
FeatureDescription fd = fds[j];
if (oldTypeName.equals(fd.getRangeTypeName())) {
if (warnAndSkipIfImported(typeName))
continue; // skipped if feature not present in local td, or no local td.
setNamedFeatureDescriptionRange(localFds, fd.getName(), newTypeName);
if (isImportedType(typeName)) {
remergeNeeded = true;
refreshNeeded = true;
} else {
updateGuiFeature(tt.getItems()[i].getItems()[j], fd, td);
if (remergeNeeded)
return refreshNeeded;
// this function to set the corresponding feature in the "local" type's fd array
private void setNamedFeatureDescriptionRange(FeatureDescription[] localFds, String featureName,
final String rangeName) {
if (null != localFds) {
for (int i = 0; i < localFds.length; i++) {
FeatureDescription fd = localFds[i];
if (fd.getName().equals(featureName)) {
private boolean warnAndSkipIfImported(String typeName) {
if (isLocalType(typeName)) {
if (isImportedType(typeName)) {
"Imported type won't be changed",
"There is both a local and imported version of type, '"
+ typeName
+ "', which has a feature whose range type is the item being renamed. Although the local version will be updated, but the imported one won't."
+ "This may cause an error when you save.", MessageDialog.WARNING);
return false;
} else { // is not a local type
"Imported feature range not changed",
"There is an imported type, '"
+ typeName
+ "', which has a a feature whose range which is the item being renamed. It won't be updated - this may cause an error when you save this descriptor."
+ " If it does, you will need to edit the imported type to change it.",
return true;
private void alterTypeMentions(final String sOldTypeName, final String sNewTypeName) {
if (sOldTypeName.equals(sNewTypeName) || (!isLocalProcessingDescriptor()))
// update types (which are locally editable)
// that reference the old type name, either as
// ranges of features or
// supertype
final boolean[] capabilityChanged = new boolean[1];
capabilityChanged[0] = false;
final String oldTypeName_colon = sOldTypeName + ':';
CapabilityVisitor cv = new CapabilityVisitor() {
boolean visit(TypeOrFeature i_o) {
if (i_o.isType() && i_o.getName().equals(sOldTypeName)) {
capabilityChanged[0] = true;
} else if (!i_o.isType() && i_o.getName().startsWith(oldTypeName_colon)) {
capabilityChanged[0] = true;
i_o.setName(sNewTypeName + ':' + i_o.getName().substring(oldTypeName_colon.length()));
return false;
if (capabilityChanged[0])
if (null != editor.getCapabilityPage())
FsIndexCollection indexCollection = getAnalysisEngineMetaData().getFsIndexCollection();
FsIndexDescription[] indexes = (null == indexCollection) ? null : indexCollection
boolean somethingChanged = false;
boolean markStale = false;
if (indexes != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
if (indexes[i].getTypeName().equals(sOldTypeName)) {
somethingChanged = true;
if (somethingChanged) {
markStale = true;
try {
} catch (ResourceInitializationException e) {
throw new InternalErrorCDE("unexpected exception");
// interesting use case not handled:
// changing a type name to another type name which
// already exists (in an import).
if (typePriorityListsVisit(UPDATE_TYPE_NAME, sOldTypeName, sNewTypeName)) {
markStale = true;
try {
} catch (ResourceInitializationException e) {
throw new InternalErrorCDE("unexpected exception");
if (markStale) {
private boolean isFeatureUsedInIndex(TypeDescription td, String featureName) {
return isFeatureUsedInIndex(td.getName() + ":" + featureName);
private boolean isFeatureUsedInIndex(String fullFeatureName) {
if (!isLocalProcessingDescriptor()) {
return false;
FsIndexCollection indexCollection = editor.getMergedFsIndexCollection();
FsIndexDescription[] fsid = (null == indexCollection) ? null : indexCollection.getFsIndexes();
if (null != fsid) {
for (int i = 0; i < fsid.length; i++) {
FsIndexKeyDescription[] keys = fsid[i].getKeys();
if (null != keys) {
for (int j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
if (keys[j].getFeatureName().equals(fullFeatureName))
return true;
return false;
private boolean isFeatureInUseElsewhere(TypeDescription td, String featureName) {
return isFeatureInUseElsewhere(td.getName() + ':' + featureName);
private boolean isFeatureInUseElsewhere(final String typePlusFeature) {
if (!isLocalProcessingDescriptor()) { // not strictly true for imports....
return false;
CapabilityVisitor v = new CapabilityVisitor() {
boolean visit(TypeOrFeature i_o) {
if ((!i_o.isType()) && i_o.getName().equals(typePlusFeature)) {
return true;
return false;
if (capabilityVisit(v))
return true;
return isFeatureUsedInIndex(typePlusFeature);
private abstract class CapabilityVisitor {
abstract boolean visit(TypeOrFeature i_o);
private boolean capabilityVisit(CapabilityVisitor v) {
Capability[] c = getCapabilities();
for (int ic = 0; ic < c.length; ic++) {
TypeOrFeature[] inputs = c[ic].getInputs();
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
if (v.visit(inputs[i]))
return true;
TypeOrFeature[] outputs = c[ic].getOutputs();
for (int i = 0; i < outputs.length; i++) {
if (v.visit(outputs[i]))
return true;
return false;
private void alterFeatureMentions(final String sOldFeatureName, final String sNewFeatureName,
final String typeName) {
final boolean[] somethingChanged = new boolean[1];
somethingChanged[0] = false;
if (sOldFeatureName.equals(sNewFeatureName) || (!isLocalProcessingDescriptor()))
final String oldFullFeatureName = typeName + ':' + sOldFeatureName;
final String newFullFeatureName = typeName + ':' + sNewFeatureName;
CapabilityVisitor v = new CapabilityVisitor() {
boolean visit(TypeOrFeature i_o) {
if (!i_o.isType() && i_o.getName().equals(oldFullFeatureName)) {
somethingChanged[0] = true;
return false;
if (somethingChanged[0])
if (null != editor.getCapabilityPage())
somethingChanged[0] = false;
FsIndexDescription[] fsid = getAnalysisEngineMetaData().getFsIndexes();
if (null != fsid) {
for (int i = 0; i < fsid.length; i++) {
if (typeName.equals(fsid[i].getTypeName())) {
FsIndexKeyDescription[] keys = fsid[i].getKeys();
if (null != keys) {
for (int j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
if (keys[j].getFeatureName().equals(sOldFeatureName)) {
somethingChanged[0] = true;
if (somethingChanged[0]) {
try {
editor.setMergedFsIndexCollection(); // overkill
} catch (ResourceInitializationException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if (null != editor.getIndexesPage())