blob: 18de3770ee1e11b227158f5b8272e91546cf05eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineManagement;
import org.apache.uima.cas.AbstractCas;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.ComponentInfo;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ConfigurationManager;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceManager;
import org.apache.uima.resource.Session;
import org.apache.uima.util.Logger;
import org.apache.uima.util.ProcessTrace;
import org.apache.uima.util.Settings;
* Admin interface to the UIMA Context. Developer code should only use the {@link UimaContext}
* interface. The methods on this interface are for the framework's use only. *
public interface UimaContextAdmin extends UimaContext {
* Initializes a root UimaContext.
* @param aLogger
* the logger that will be returned by this UimaContext's {@link #getLogger()} method.
* @param aResourceManager
* <b>Deprecated: this parameter is ignored!</b> The ResourceManager that will be used by
* this UimaContext to locate and access external resource.
* @param aConfigurationManager
* <b>Deprecated: this parameter is ignored!</b> The ConfigurationManager that will be
* used by this UimaContext to access its configuration parameter settings.
void initializeRoot(Logger aLogger, ResourceManager aResourceManager,
ConfigurationManager aConfigurationManager);
* Creates a UimaContext that is a child of this UimaContext.
* @param aContextName
* a name for the new context, which must be unique with respect to all children of the
* parent context.
* @param aSofaMappings
* mappings from child's sofa name to parent's sofa name. May be null.
* @return the Administrative interface to the UIMA Context
UimaContextAdmin createChild(String aContextName, Map<String, String> aSofaMappings);
* Sets the Logger for this UimaContext. If this method is not called, the default logger
* ({@link org.apache.uima.UIMAFramework#getLogger()}) will be used.
* @param aLogger
* the logger that will be returned by this UimaContext's {@link #getLogger()} method.
void setLogger(Logger aLogger);
* Sets the current ProcessTrace object, which will receive trace events generated by the
* InstrumentationFacility.
* @param aProcessTrace
* the ProcessTrace object to receive trace events
void setProcessTrace(ProcessTrace aProcessTrace);
* Gets the ResourceManager instance used by this UimaContext to resolve external resource
* accesses.
* @return the ResourceManager instance for this UimaContext
ResourceManager getResourceManager();
* Gets the ConfigurationManager instance used by this UimaContext to resolve configuration
* parameter resource accesses.
* @return the ConfigurationManager instance for this UimaContext
ConfigurationManager getConfigurationManager();
* Gets the fully-qualified name of this context. This is a slash-separated name consisting of
* each containing context name back to the root. It always begins and ends with a slash. For
* example, the context name for an annotator nested within two AnalysisEngines might look like:
* <code>/MyTopLevelAnalysisEngine/MyComponentAnalysisEngine/MyAnnotator/</code>.
* @return the qualified context name
String getQualifiedContextName();
* Sets the current session object. A default Session object is created when the UimaContext is
* created. In a multi-client deployment, the deployment wrapper is responsible for ensuring that
* an appropriate Session object is installed here prior to invoking components that use this
* UimaContext.
* @param aSession
* the session object
void setSession(Session aSession);
* Gets the Root Context for this Resource. This is the top-level context for the outermost
* aggregate component (AnalysisEngine or CollectionProcessingEngine).
* @return root context
UimaContextAdmin getRootContext();
* Defines the CAS pool that this UimaContext must support. This method must be called before
* {@link UimaContext#getEmptyCas(Class)} may be called.
* @param aSize
* the minimum CAS pool size required
* @param aPerformanceTuningSettings
* settings, including initial CAS heap size, for the AE
* @param aSofaAware
* whether the component that will receive these CASes is sofa aware. This is needed to
* determine which view to get. Sofa-aware components get the base view; sofa-unaware
* components get the default text sofa view (or whatever is mapped to it).
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if a CAS could not be created.
void defineCasPool(int aSize, Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings, boolean aSofaAware)
throws ResourceInitializationException;
* Gets an object that can be used to do monitoring or management of this AnalysisEngine.
* @return an object exposing a management interface to this AE
AnalysisEngineManagement getManagementInterface();
* Gets the ComponentInfo object for this component, which can be passed to
* {@link CAS#setCurrentComponentInfo(ComponentInfo)}.
* @return the component info
ComponentInfo getComponentInfo();
* Gets an unmodifiable Map containing the mapping of component sofa name to absolute sofa ID.
* @return the Sofa map for this component
Map<String, String> getSofaMap();
* Called internally by the framework whenever the AnalysisComponent returns a CAS from its next()
* method or calls cas.release(). Used to monitor the number of CASes that the AnalysisComponent
* is using at any one time.
* @param aCAS
* the CAS that was returned or released
void returnedCAS(AbstractCas aCAS);
* Returns a UUID-like unique name of this component.
* @return - unique name of this component
String getUniqueName();
* Gets the settings to be used for external parameter overrides
* @return the Settings object
Settings getExternalOverrides();
* Sets the Settings for external parameter overrides
* @param externalOverrides
* the external overrides settings
void setExternalOverrides(Settings externalOverrides);