blob: a433cf78e621bf3bfc78f97f462df42d8ccc6650 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Apache UIMA v3 - First created by JCasGen Sun Oct 08 19:06:27 EDT 2017 */
package x.y.z;
import java.lang.invoke.CallSite;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.CASImpl;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.TypeImpl;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.TypeSystemImpl;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCasRegistry;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.StringArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas.Annotation;
* Updated by JCasGen Sun Oct 08 19:06:27 EDT 2017
* XML source: C:/au/svnCheckouts/uv3/trunk/uimaj-v3/uimaj-core/src/test/java/org/apache/uima/jcas/test/generatedx.xml
* @generated */
public class Token extends Annotation {
/** @generated
* @ordered
@SuppressWarnings ("hiding")
public final static String _TypeName = "x.y.z.Token";
/** @generated
* @ordered
@SuppressWarnings ("hiding")
public final static int typeIndexID = JCasRegistry.register(Token.class);
/** @generated
* @ordered
@SuppressWarnings ("hiding")
public final static int type = typeIndexID;
/** @generated
* @return index of the type
public int getTypeIndexID() {return typeIndexID;}
/* *******************
* Feature Offsets *
* *******************/
public final static String _FeatName_ttype = "ttype";
public final static String _FeatName_tokenFloatFeat = "tokenFloatFeat";
public final static String _FeatName_lemma = "lemma";
public final static String _FeatName_lemmaList = "lemmaList";
/* Feature Adjusted Offsets */
private final static CallSite _FC_ttype = TypeSystemImpl.createCallSite(Token.class, "ttype");
private final static MethodHandle _FH_ttype = _FC_ttype.dynamicInvoker();
private final static CallSite _FC_tokenFloatFeat = TypeSystemImpl.createCallSite(Token.class, "tokenFloatFeat");
private final static MethodHandle _FH_tokenFloatFeat = _FC_tokenFloatFeat.dynamicInvoker();
private final static CallSite _FC_lemma = TypeSystemImpl.createCallSite(Token.class, "lemma");
private final static MethodHandle _FH_lemma = _FC_lemma.dynamicInvoker();
private final static CallSite _FC_lemmaList = TypeSystemImpl.createCallSite(Token.class, "lemmaList");
private final static MethodHandle _FH_lemmaList = _FC_lemmaList.dynamicInvoker();
/** Never called. Disable default constructor
* @generated */
protected Token() {/* intentionally empty block */}
/** Internal - constructor used by generator
* @generated
* @param casImpl the CAS this Feature Structure belongs to
* @param type the type of this Feature Structure
public Token(TypeImpl type, CASImpl casImpl) {
super(type, casImpl);
/** @generated
* @param jcas JCas to which this Feature Structure belongs
public Token(JCas jcas) {
/** @generated
* @param jcas JCas to which this Feature Structure belongs
* @param begin offset to the begin spot in the SofA
* @param end offset to the end spot in the SofA
public Token(JCas jcas, int begin, int end) {
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* Write your own initialization here
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated modifiable
private void readObject() {/*default - does nothing empty block */}
//* Feature: ttype
/** getter for ttype - gets
* @generated
* @return value of the feature
public TokenType getTtype() { return (TokenType)(_getFeatureValueNc(wrapGetIntCatchException(_FH_ttype)));}
/** setter for ttype - sets
* @generated
* @param v value to set into the feature
public void setTtype(TokenType v) {
_setFeatureValueNcWj(wrapGetIntCatchException(_FH_ttype), v);
//* Feature: tokenFloatFeat
/** getter for tokenFloatFeat - gets
* @generated
* @return value of the feature
public float getTokenFloatFeat() { return _getFloatValueNc(wrapGetIntCatchException(_FH_tokenFloatFeat));}
/** setter for tokenFloatFeat - sets
* @generated
* @param v value to set into the feature
public void setTokenFloatFeat(float v) {
_setFloatValueNfc(wrapGetIntCatchException(_FH_tokenFloatFeat), v);
//* Feature: lemma
/** getter for lemma - gets
* @generated
* @return value of the feature
public String getLemma() { return _getStringValueNc(wrapGetIntCatchException(_FH_lemma));}
/** setter for lemma - sets
* @generated
* @param v value to set into the feature
public void setLemma(String v) {
_setStringValueNfc(wrapGetIntCatchException(_FH_lemma), v);
//* Feature: lemmaList
/** getter for lemmaList - gets
* @generated
* @return value of the feature
public StringArray getLemmaList() { return (StringArray)(_getFeatureValueNc(wrapGetIntCatchException(_FH_lemmaList)));}
/** setter for lemmaList - sets
* @generated
* @param v value to set into the feature
public void setLemmaList(StringArray v) {
_setFeatureValueNcWj(wrapGetIntCatchException(_FH_lemmaList), v);
/** indexed getter for lemmaList - gets an indexed value -
* @generated
* @param i index in the array to get
* @return value of the element at index i
public String getLemmaList(int i) {
return ((StringArray)(_getFeatureValueNc(wrapGetIntCatchException(_FH_lemmaList)))).get(i);}
/** indexed setter for lemmaList - sets an indexed value -
* @generated
* @param i index in the array to set
* @param v value to set into the array
public void setLemmaList(int i, String v) {
((StringArray)(_getFeatureValueNc(wrapGetIntCatchException(_FH_lemmaList)))).set(i, v);