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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.jcas.test;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.cas.TypeSystem;
import org.apache.uima.cas.admin.CASAdminException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.admin.FSIndexComparator;
import org.apache.uima.cas.admin.FSIndexRepositoryMgr;
import org.apache.uima.cas.admin.TypeSystemMgr;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class CASTestSetup implements AnnotatorInitializer {
// selectors for generating various bad setups to force error checking
public final int bad;
public static final int BAD_MISSING_TYPE_IN_CAS = 1;
public static final int BAD_MISSING_FEATURE_IN_CAS = 2;
public static final int BAD_CHANGED_FEATURE_TYPE = 3;
// Type system constants.
public static final String TOKEN_TYPE = "x.y.z.Token";
public static final String SUBTOK_TYPE = "SubToken";
public static final String TOKEN_TYPE_FEAT = "ttype";
public static final String TOKEN_TYPE_FEAT_Q = TOKEN_TYPE + TypeSystem.FEATURE_SEPARATOR
public static final String TOKEN_TYPE_TYPE = "x.y.z.TokenType";
public static final String WORD_TYPE = "x.y.z.Word";
public static final String SEP_TYPE = "x.y.z.Separator";
public static final String EOS_TYPE = "x.y.z.EndOfSentence";
public static final String SENT_TYPE = "x.y.z.Sentence";
// public static final String INT_ARRAY_SUB = "IntArraySub";
public static final String INT_SUB_NAME = "x.y.z.intArrayName";
public static final String LEMMA_FEAT = "lemma";
public static final String LEMMA_FEAT_Q = TOKEN_TYPE + TypeSystem.FEATURE_SEPARATOR + LEMMA_FEAT;
public static final String SENT_LEN_FEAT = "sentenceLength";
public static final String SENT_LEN_FEAT_Q = SENT_TYPE + TypeSystem.FEATURE_SEPARATOR
public static final String TOKEN_FLOAT_FEAT = "tokenFloatFeat";
public static final String TOKEN_FLOAT_FEAT_Q = TOKEN_TYPE + TypeSystem.FEATURE_SEPARATOR
public static final String LEMMA_LIST_FEAT = "lemmaList";
public static final String LEMMA_LIST_FEAT_Q = TOKEN_TYPE + TypeSystem.FEATURE_SEPARATOR
public static final String LANG_PAIR = "org.apache.lang.LanguagePair";
public static final String LANG1 = "lang1";
public static final String LANG2 = "lang2";
public static final String DESCR_FEAT = "description";
public static final String GROUP_1 = "org.apache.lang.Group1";
public static final String GROUP_2 = "org.apache.lang.Group2";
public static final String[] GROUP_1_LANGUAGES = { "Chinese", "Japanese", "Korean", "English",
"French", "German", "Italian", "Spanish", "Portuguese" };
public static final String[] GROUP_2_LANGUAGES = { "Arabic", "Czech", "Danish", "Dutch",
"Finnish", "Greek", "Hebrew", "Hungarian", "Norwegian", "Polish", "Portuguese", "Russian",
"Turkish" };
// Index name constants.
public static final String ANNOT_SET_INDEX = "Annotation Set Index";
public static final String ANNOT_BAG_INDEX = "Annotation Bag Index";
public static final String INTEGER_ARRAY_LIST = "org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.IntegerArrayList";
public static final String FS_ARRAY_LIST = "org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSArrayList";
public static final String FS_HASH_SET = "org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSHashSet";
public static final String FS_LINKED_HASH_SET = "org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSLinkedHashSet";
public static final String INT_2_FS = "org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.Int2FS";
* Constructor for CASTestSetup.
public CASTestSetup() {
bad = 0;
public CASTestSetup(int bad) {
this.bad = bad;
* @see org.apache.uima.cas.test.AnnotatorInitializer#initTypeSystem(TypeSystemMgr)
public void initTypeSystem(TypeSystemMgr tsm) {
// Add new types and features.
Type topType = tsm.getTopType();
Type annotType = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_ANNOTATION);
Type typeArrayInt = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY);
Type typeArrayRef = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_FS_ARRAY);
Type typeArrayFloat = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT_ARRAY);
Type typeArrayLong = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_LONG_ARRAY);
Type typeArrayDouble = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_DOUBLE_ARRAY);
Type typeArrayString = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING_ARRAY);
Type typeInteger = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER);
Type typeFloat = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT);
Type typeDouble = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_DOUBLE);
Type typeLong = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_LONG);
Type typeString = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING);
Type typeRef = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_TOP);
// assert(annotType != null);
Type sentType = tsm.addType(SENT_TYPE, annotType);
Type tokenType = tsm.addType(TOKEN_TYPE, annotType);
Type tokenTypeType = tsm.addType(TOKEN_TYPE_TYPE, topType);
tsm.addType(WORD_TYPE, tokenTypeType);
tsm.addType(SEP_TYPE, tokenTypeType);
tsm.addType(EOS_TYPE, tokenTypeType);
tsm.addFeature(TOKEN_TYPE_FEAT, tokenType, tokenTypeType);
tsm.addFeature(TOKEN_FLOAT_FEAT, tokenType, typeFloat);
// Add a type that inherits from IntArray.
// tsm.addType(INT_ARRAY_SUB, tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY));
// tsm.addFeature(
// tsm.getType(INT_ARRAY_SUB),
// tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING));
tsm.addFeature(LEMMA_FEAT, tokenType, typeString);
tsm.addFeature(SENT_LEN_FEAT, sentType, typeInteger);
tsm.addFeature(LEMMA_LIST_FEAT, tokenType, typeArrayString);
// add a type that inherits from Token which has no JCas model
Type subTok = tsm.addType(SUBTOK_TYPE, tokenType);
Type group1 = tsm.addStringSubtype(GROUP_1, GROUP_1_LANGUAGES);
Type group2 = tsm.addStringSubtype(GROUP_2, GROUP_2_LANGUAGES);
Type langPair = tsm.addType(LANG_PAIR, topType);
tsm.addFeature(LANG1, langPair, group1);
tsm.addFeature(LANG2, langPair, group2);
tsm.addFeature(DESCR_FEAT, langPair, typeString);
// types for testing every variant in JCas
Type typeRoot = tsm.addType("aa.Root", topType);
tsm.addFeature("arrayInt", typeRoot, typeArrayInt);
tsm.addFeature("arrayRef", typeRoot, typeArrayRef);
tsm.addFeature("arrayFloat", typeRoot, typeArrayFloat);
tsm.addFeature("arrayLong", typeRoot, typeArrayLong);
tsm.addFeature("arrayDouble", typeRoot, typeArrayDouble);
tsm.addFeature("arrayString", typeRoot, typeArrayString);
tsm.addFeature("plainInt", typeRoot, typeInteger);
tsm.addFeature("plainFloat", typeRoot, typeFloat);
tsm.addFeature("plainDouble", typeRoot, typeDouble);
tsm.addFeature("plainLong", typeRoot, typeLong);
tsm.addFeature("plainString", typeRoot, typeString);
// tsm.addFeature("plainRef", typeRoot, typeRef);
tsm.addFeature("plainRef", typeRoot, typeRoot);
tsm.addType("aa.MissingInCas", topType);
Type typeMissingFeat = tsm.addType("aa.MissingFeatureInCas", topType);
tsm.addFeature("haveThisOne", typeMissingFeat, typeInteger);
tsm.addFeature("missingThisOne", typeMissingFeat, typeFloat);
tsm.addFeature("changedFType", typeMissingFeat, (bad != BAD_CHANGED_FEATURE_TYPE) ? typeString
: typeFloat);
Type abstractType = tsm.addType("aa.AbstractType", topType);
tsm.addFeature("abstractInt", abstractType, typeInteger);
Type concreteType = tsm.addType("aa.ConcreteType", abstractType);
tsm.addFeature("concreteString", concreteType, typeString);
* String subtypes cannot be inherited from. String subtypes can't have features added - they're
* all added in the creation call via an array of allowed strings.
boolean exc = false;
try {
tsm.addType("", group1);
} catch (CASAdminException e) {
TestCase.assertTrue(e.getMessageKey() == CASAdminException.TYPE_IS_INH_FINAL);
exc = true;
exc = false;
try {
tsm.addFeature("", group1, typeString);
} catch (CASAdminException e) {
TestCase.assertTrue(e.getMessageKey() == CASAdminException.TYPE_IS_FEATURE_FINAL);
exc = true;
// add IntegerArrayList type, FSHashSet, FSArrayList
Type integerArrayListType = tsm.addType(INTEGER_ARRAY_LIST, topType);
tsm.addFeature("intArray", integerArrayListType, typeArrayInt);
Type fsArrayListType = tsm.addType(FS_ARRAY_LIST, topType);
tsm.addFeature("fsArray", fsArrayListType, typeArrayRef);
Type fsHashSetType = tsm.addType(FS_HASH_SET, topType);
tsm.addFeature("fsArray", fsHashSetType, typeArrayRef);
Type fsLinkedHashSetType = tsm.addType(FS_LINKED_HASH_SET, fsHashSetType);
Type int2FSType = tsm.addType(INT_2_FS, topType);
tsm.addFeature("fsArray", int2FSType, typeArrayRef);
tsm.addFeature("intArray", int2FSType, typeArrayInt);
public void initIndexes(FSIndexRepositoryMgr irm, TypeSystem ts) {
FSIndexComparator comp = irm.createComparator();
Type annotation = ts.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_ANNOTATION);
irm.createIndex(comp, ANNOT_BAG_INDEX, FSIndex.BAG_INDEX);
irm.createIndex(comp, ANNOT_SET_INDEX, FSIndex.SET_INDEX);
comp = irm.createComparator();
irm.createIndex(comp, "all", FSIndex.BAG_INDEX);