blob: 4523bc1e259c3a4c2101401bf86a26af8d4c603e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.jcas.impl;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Misc;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP;
import org.apache.uima.util.IteratorNvc;
* Part of the JCasHashMap.
* There are multiple instances of this class, one per concurrancy level
class JCasHashMapSubMap implements Iterable<TOP> {
// set to true to collect statistics for tuning
// you have to also put a call to jcas.showJfsFromCaddrHistogram() at the end of the run
private static final boolean TUNE = JCasHashMap.TUNE;
// info kept per probe: the address, and the current "delta"
// the delta is the one to use to go to the next "probe" address
// it starts at 1, and goes up by 1 to 23 (a prime)
// These are kept in thread local constants, one per thread.
private static final int PROBE_ADDR_INDEX = 0;
private static final int PROBE_DELTA_INDEX = 1;
static final ThreadLocal<int[]> probeInfoGet = new ThreadLocal<int[]>() {
protected int[] initialValue() { return new int[2]; } };
static final ThreadLocal<int[]> probeInfoPutInner = new ThreadLocal<int[]>() {
protected int[] initialValue() { return new int[2]; } };
//These are for tuning measurements
int histogram [];
int maxProbe = 0;
int maxProbeAfterContinue = 0;
int continues = 0;;
* This lock is sometimes held by put, putIfAbsent, get, clear
* - not held if putIfAbsent or get find existing (non-reserve) item
* -- assumes no "remove" operation
private final Object synclock = new Object();
private int sizeWhichTriggersExpansion;
int size; // number of elements in the table
volatile TOP [] table;
private boolean secondTimeShrinkable = false;
private final float loadFactor;
private final int subMapInitialCapacity;
private final int concurrencyLevelBits;
JCasHashMapSubMap(float loadFactor, int subMapInitialCapacity, int concurrencyLevelBits) {
this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
this.subMapInitialCapacity = subMapInitialCapacity;
this.concurrencyLevelBits = concurrencyLevelBits;
private JCasHashMapSubMap newTable(int capacity) {
table = newTableKeepSize(capacity);
size = 0;
if (TUNE) {
histogram = new int[200];
Arrays.fill(histogram, 0);
return this;
private TOP[] newTableKeepSize(int capacity) {
assert(Integer.bitCount(capacity) == 1);
TOP[] t = new TOP[capacity];
sizeWhichTriggersExpansion = (int)(capacity * loadFactor);
return t;
private void incrementSize() {
// synchronized(synclock) { // guaranteed by caller
// assert(lock.getHoldCount() > 0);
if (size >= sizeWhichTriggersExpansion) {
// }
// Does size management - shrinking overly large tables after the 2nd time
void clear() {
synchronized(synclock) {
// see if size is less than the 1/2 size that triggers expansion
if (size < (sizeWhichTriggersExpansion >>> 1)) {
// if 2nd time then shrink by 50%
// this is done to avoid thrashing around the threshold
if (secondTimeShrinkable) {
secondTimeShrinkable = false;
final int newCapacity = Math.max(subMapInitialCapacity, table.length >>> 1);
if (newCapacity < table.length) {
newTable(newCapacity); // shrink table by 50%
} else { // don't shrink below minimum
Arrays.fill(table, null);
size = 0;
} else {
secondTimeShrinkable = true;
} else {
secondTimeShrinkable = false; // reset this to require 2 triggers in a row
size = 0;
Arrays.fill(table, null);
* find a real item or a reserve item, matching the key
* Can be called under lock or not.
* Using a ref to the current value of table, searches that int array.
* If, during the search, the table is resized, it continues using the
* ** before the resize ** int array referenced by localTable
* The answer will only be OK if the key is found for a real value.
* Results that yield null or Reserved slots must be re-searched,
* under a lock (caller needs to do this).
* @param key -
* @param hash -
* @param probeInfo - used to get/receive multiple int values;
* 0: (in/out) startProbe or -1; -1 starts at the hash & bitMask
* 1: (in/out) probeDelta (starts at 1)
* @return the probeAddr in original table (which might have been resized)
private TOP find(final TOP[] localTable, final int key, final int hash, final int[] probeInfo) {
int nbrProbes = 1; // for histogram
final int localTblLength = localTable.length;
final int bitMask = localTblLength - 1;
final int startProbe = probeInfo[PROBE_ADDR_INDEX];
final boolean isInitialProbe = startProbe == -1;
final boolean isContinue = TUNE && !isInitialProbe;
int probeAddr = isInitialProbe ? (hash & bitMask) : startProbe;
int probeDelta = probeInfo[PROBE_DELTA_INDEX];
// if (probeDelta <= 0) {
// System.out.println("debug");
// }
assert probeDelta > 0;
// Next modification is overall, slower (very slightly)
// int initialAdj = 0;
// if (probeDelta == 1) {
// // This is an attempt to reduce collision chain clustering for things that hash to
// // the same spot, by slightly varying the starting delta
// // xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
// // x xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx zzz after >>> concurrencyLevelBits eg 3
// // | || 3 bits for randomizing
// final int shiftAmt = 32 - concurrencyLevelBits // number of significant bits
// - 3; // 3 gives low order 3 bits, a number from 0 to 7
// initialAdj = (hash >>> shiftAmt);
// }
TOP m = localTable[probeAddr]; // first probe doesn't add delta, facilitates restarting after acquiring lock
while (true) {
if (m == null) {
// not in table
setProbeInfo(probeInfo, probeAddr, probeDelta);
return null;
if (m._id() == key) {
setProbeInfo(probeInfo, probeAddr, probeDelta);
if (TUNE) {
updateHistogram(nbrProbes, isContinue);
return m;
if (TUNE) {
if (nbrProbes > localTblLength) {
probeAddr = bitMask & (probeAddr + probeDelta
// + initialAdj
// initialAdj = 0;
m = localTable[probeAddr];
if (probeDelta < 11) { // a prime
// insures all possible slots in the table are probed,
// and improves locality of reference (saw measurable improvement)
probeDelta ++;
private void updateHistogram(int nbrProbes, boolean isContinue) {
synchronized(synclock) {
// /* LOCK if not already, to update stats */
// final boolean needUnlock;
// if (!lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) {
// lockit();
// needUnlock = true;
// } else {
// needUnlock = false;
// }
// try {
histogram[nbrProbes] += 1;
if (maxProbe < nbrProbes) {
maxProbe = nbrProbes;
if (isContinue) {
if (maxProbeAfterContinue < nbrProbes) {
maxProbeAfterContinue = nbrProbes;
continues ++;
// } finally {
// if (needUnlock) {
// lock.unlock();
// }
* If an entry isn't already present for this key,
* calls a Supplier to create a value and puts it into the table.
* otherwise, doesn't call the Supplier and returns the already present value.
* If the key isn't present, gets a lock, and
* (partially, as necessary) redoes the find.
* - assert key still not present.
* - add a "reserve" for the slot where it will go
* -- reserve is a pseudo FS with a matching key, but with null _casView
* - release the lock
* -- eval the creator to create the item (may cause table to be updated)
* - require the lock
* - if resized, redo the find() till find the reserved item, and replace it with value.
* - if not resized, replace the prev reserved spot.
* Threading: not synchronized for main path where finding the element (if already in table).
* Since elements are never updated, there is no race if an element is found, except for
* table being resized.
* And it doesn't matter if the table is resized (if the element is found).
* @param key - the id to use as the key
* @param hash - the hash that was already computed from the key
* @param creatorFromKey - the function to call to create the item.
* @return - the found fs in the table with the same key, or the newly created item.
TOP putIfAbsent(final int key, final int hash, final IntFunction<TOP> creatorFromKey) {
final int[] probeInfo = probeInfoGet.get();
// not locked
TOP[] localTable = table;
TOP m = find(table, key, hash, probeInfo);
if (m != null) {
if (!m._isJCasHashMapReserve()) {
return m;
// // another thread is in the process of setting this value
// // wait for it and return it
// synchronized(synclock) {
// if (localTable == table) { table wasn't resized
// return
// }
// }
// return waitForReserve(localTable, key, hash, probeInfo);
synchronized(synclock) {
// lockit();
// boolean isLocked = true;
// try {
// locked
// localTable = table; // in case table was updated, to get updated values into localTable
m = re_find(localTable, key, hash, probeInfo);
if (m != null) {
assert !m._isJCasHashMapReserve();
return m;
// }
// System.out.println("debug never get here");
// throw new RuntimeException();
// lock.unlock();
// isLocked = false;
// return waitForReserve(localTable, key, hash, probeInfo);
// is null. Reserve this slot to prevent other "putIfAbsent" calls for some other key
// from using this slot. This could happen when the createFromKey.apply is called,
// since arbitrary Java code can run here (on the same thread). Other threads are
// blocked due to synclock.
TOP reserve = TOP._createJCasHashMapReserve(key);
table[probeInfo[PROBE_ADDR_INDEX]] = reserve;
localTable = table; // to see if table gets resized.
int saved_reserved_index = probeInfo[PROBE_ADDR_INDEX]; // because the creator.get() call might recursively invoke this
// assert lock.isLocked();
// lock.unlock();
// may recursively invoke this method, may throw exception
m = creatorFromKey.apply(key);
// System.out.println("debug waiting to reacquire lock after creator." + Thread.currentThread().getName());
// lockit();
// System.out.println("debug after reacquire lock after creator." + Thread.currentThread().getName());
if (localTable == table) {
assert table[saved_reserved_index] == reserve;
table[saved_reserved_index] = m;
// debugcheck(saved_reserved_index);
} else {
TOP r = find(table, key, hash, probeInfo);
assert isReserve(r);
// assert r == null;
// assert r._id() == key;
table[probeInfo[PROBE_ADDR_INDEX]] = m; // set real value
// debugcheck(probeInfo[PROBE_ADDR_INDEX]);
// } finally {
// if (isLocked) {
// if (notifyAllNeeded.getAndSet(false)) { // set must be done under lock, test must be done before unlock
// lock.unlock(); // must be done outside of syncForWait
// synchronized (syncForWait) {
// syncForWait.notifyAll(); // in case waiting on resolution of Reserved
// }
// } else {
// lock.unlock();
// }
// }
return m;
// private void debugcheck(int i) {
// TOP v = table[i];
// TOP b = (i > 1) ? table[i - 1] : null;
// TOP a = (i < table.length - 1) ? table[i + 1] : null;
// if (b != null && v._id() == b._id()) {
// System.out.println("debug");
// }
// if (a != null && v._id() == a._id()) {
// System.out.println("debug");
// }
// }
// got a reserve - just wait for it
// may need to loop this because lock in thread holding the reserve is temporarily released
// when running the creator code
// private TOP waitForReserve(TOP[] localTable, int key, int hash, int[] probeInfo) {
// TOP m;
// lockit(); // serves to wait for reserve to finish
// try {
// if (table == localTable) {
// m = table[probeInfo[PROBE_ADDR_INDEX]];
// } else {
// resetProbeInfo(probeInfo);
// m = find(table, key, hash, probeInfo);
// }
// assert m != null;
// if (!m._isJCasHashMapReserve()) {
// return m;
// }
// // need to wait for reserve to clear
// System.out.println("debug never get here");
// throw new RuntimeException();
//// while (true) {
////// notifyAllNeeded.set(true);
//// synchronized (syncForWait) {
//// try {
//// lock.unlock();
//// syncForWait.wait();
//// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
//// }
//// }
//// lockit();
//// if (table == localTable) {
//// m = table[probeInfo[PROBE_ADDR_INDEX]];
//// } else {
//// resetProbeInfo(probeInfo);
//// m = find(table, key, hash, probeInfo);
//// }
//// assert m != null;
//// if (!m._isJCasHashMapReserve()) {
//// break;
//// }
//// // otherwise, loop around, got a spurious wakeup.
//// }
//// return m;
// } finally {
//// if (lock.getHoldCount() > 1) {
//// System.out.println("debug");
//// }
// lock.unlock();
// }
//// // start the sleep at 1 microsec, incr by 2x each time around the loop
//// if (i > 10_000_000_000L) {
//// throw new RuntimeException("Reserve not obtained in more than 10 seconds");
//// }
//// i = i * 2;
//// long d = System.nanoTime();
//// while (true) {
//// try {
//// Thread.sleep((int)(i / 1000000), (int)(i % 1000000)); // better than yield, which might be ignored?
//// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
//// }
//// if (System.nanoTime() - d > i) break;
////// System.out.println("debug retry nanotime - start = " + (System.nanoTime() - d));
//// }
////// System.out.println("debug i = " + i);
//// }
// }
* Puts a new value into the table, replacing an existing one if there is an entry already,
* or adding a new entry
* Starts by acquiring the lock.
* @param key - the id to use as the key
* @param hash - the hash that was already computed from the key
* @param creator - the new value
* @return - the previous fs in the table with the same key, or null
final TOP put(final int key, final TOP value, final int hash) {
final int[] probeInfo = probeInfoGet.get();
synchronized(synclock) {
// lockit();
TOP previous;
// try {
previous = find(table, key, hash, probeInfo);
if (previous != value) {
table[probeInfo[PROBE_ADDR_INDEX]] = value;
// debugcheck(probeInfo[PROBE_ADDR_INDEX]);
if (previous == null) {
// } finally {
// lock.unlock();
return previous;
* Gets a value.
* Threading: not synchronized for main path where get is finding an element.
* Since elements are never updated, there is no race if an element is found.
* And it doesn't matter if the table is resized (if the element is found).
* If it is not found, need to get the lock in order to get memory synch, and
* start over if resized, or
* continue from reserved or null spot if not
* @param key - the addr in the heap
* @param hash - the hash that was already computed from the key
* @return - the found fs, or null
final TOP get(final int key, final int hash) {
final int[] probeInfo = probeInfoGet.get();
TOP[] localTable = table;
TOP m = find(localTable, key, hash, probeInfo);
if (m != null) {
if (!isReserve(m)) {
return m;
// } else {
// return waitForReserve(localTable, key, hash, probeInfo);
// }
// redo under lock to get memory synch
synchronized(synclock) {
// lockit();
// try {
m = re_find(localTable, key, hash, probeInfo);
// } finally {
// lock.unlock();
// if (m != null) {
// assert isReal(m);
// }
return m;
* Only used to fill in newly expanded table
* always called with lock held
* @param key -
* @param value -
* @param hash -
// called under lock
private void putInner(int key, TOP value, int hash, int[] probeInfo) {
// assert(lock.getHoldCount() > 0);
final TOP[] localTable = table;
final TOP m = find(localTable, key, hash, probeInfo);
assert(m == null); // no dups in original table imply no hits in new one
localTable[probeInfo[PROBE_ADDR_INDEX]] = value;
// called under lock
private void increaseTableCapacity() {
final TOP [] oldTable = table;
final int oldCapacity = oldTable.length;
int newCapacity = 2 * oldCapacity;
if (TUNE) {
System.out.println("Capacity increasing from " + oldCapacity + " to " + newCapacity);
table = newTableKeepSize(newCapacity);
final int[] probeInfo = probeInfoPutInner.get();
for (int i = 0; i < oldCapacity; i++) {
TOP fs = oldTable[i];
if (fs != null) {
final int key = fs._id();
final int hash = JCasHashMap.hashInt(key);
putInner(key, fs, hash >>> concurrencyLevelBits, probeInfo);
private static boolean isReserve(TOP m) {
return m != null && m._isJCasHashMapReserve();
// private static boolean isReal(TOP m) {
// return m != null && !m._isJCasHashMapReserve();
// }
private static void resetProbeInfo(int[] probeInfo) {
probeInfo[PROBE_ADDR_INDEX] = -1;
probeInfo[PROBE_DELTA_INDEX] = 1;
private static void setProbeInfo(int[] probeInfo, int probeAddr, int probeDelta) {
probeInfo[PROBE_ADDR_INDEX] = probeAddr;
probeInfo[PROBE_DELTA_INDEX] = probeDelta;
private TOP re_find(TOP[] localTable, int key, int hash, int[] probeInfo) {
if (localTable != table) {
return find(table, key, hash, probeInfo);
public IteratorNvc<TOP> iterator() {
return new IteratorNvc<TOP>() {
int i = moveToNextValid(0);
public boolean hasNext() {
return i < table.length;
public TOP next() {
if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
return nextNvc();
public TOP nextNvc() {
TOP r = table[i];
i = moveToNextValid(i+1);
return r;
int moveToNextValid(int pos) {
while (pos < table.length &&
(table[pos] == null ||
table[pos]._isJCasHashMapReserve())) {
pos ++;
return pos;
// private void lockit() {
// // might have recursive locking on same thread if creator invokes this recursively
//// if (lock.getHoldCount() > 0) {
//// System.out.println("debug");
//// }
//// assert lock.getHoldCount() == 0;
// lock.lock();
// }
// private TOP locked_find(int key, int hash, int[] probeInfo) {
// retry_find:
// while (true) { // loop context while finding a reserved element
// final TOP[] localTable = table;
// TOP m = find(localTable, key, hash, probeInfo);
// if (isReal(m)) {
// return m; // fast path for found item
// }
// while (isReserve(m)) {
// // is for another FS, and could occur in use case:
// // the create-fs code creates other FSs
// // also in test case,
// // get here when another thread has a reserve pending on this slot
// // assert must be for another key.
// final TOP[] localTable2 = table; // save ref to see if table gets resized
// // can't wait on reserved item because would need to do lock.unlock() followed by wait, but
// // inbetween these, another thread could already do the notify.
// try {
// /**********
// * WAIT *
// **********/
// lockCondition.await(); // wait on the lock, lockCondition is the condition for "lock" object.
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// }
// // at this point, the lock was released, and re-aquired
// if (localTable2 != table) { // table was resized
// resetProbeInfo(probeInfo); // redo find from the top
// continue retry_find;
// }
// final TOP m3 = localTable2[probeInfo[PROBE_ADDR_INDEX]];
// if (isReserve(m3)) {
// // still reserved - wait some more.
// // case = interruptedexception && no resize && not changed to real, retry
// // not continuing from the top, but from the current probe
// // redoes the wait
// continue;
// }
// }
// // is not reserved anymore, and no table size change. re-find from here
// m = find(table, key, hash, probeInfo);
// assert m == null;
// }
// }