blob: fb1952b4e8077ea71825d8c595275c73d2a2e480 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.internal.util;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FeatureStructure;
* A set of Objects of type T
* This impl is for use in a single thread case only, when table is being updated.
* Multiple reader threads are OK if there's no writing.
* Supports shrinking (reallocating the big table)
* Removed objects replaced with special marker object in the table
* so find operations continue to work (they can't stop upon finding this object).
public class ObjHashSet<T> extends Common_hash_support implements Set<T> {
// public static final float DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.66F;
/** the object of type T indicating key is removed */
private final T removedMarker;
private final Class<T> clazz; // for reifying the T type
// private final float loadFactor = DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR;
// private final int initialCapacity;
// private int histogram [];
// private int maxProbe = 0;
// private int sizeWhichTriggersExpansion;
// private int size; // number of elements in the table
// private int nbrRemoved; // number of removed elements (coded as removed)
// the actual Object table, operated as a hashtable
private T [] keys;
// final private T [] emptyKeyArray;
// private boolean secondTimeShrinkable = false;
// private int modificationCount = 0; // not currently used
public ObjHashSet(Class<T> clazz, T removedMarker) {
this(12, clazz, removedMarker); // default initial size
* @param initialCapacity - you can add this many before expansion
* @param clazz - a superclass of the stored items
* @param removedMarker - a unique value never stored in the table, used to mark removed items
public ObjHashSet(int initialCapacity, Class<T> clazz, T removedMarker) {
this.clazz = clazz;
// this.emptyKeyArray = (T[]) Array.newInstance(clazz, 1);
// this.initialCapacity = initialCapacity;
// size = 0;
// if (TUNE) {
// histogram = new int[200];
// Arrays.fill(histogram, 0);
// maxProbe = 0;
// }
this.removedMarker = removedMarker;
* Copy constructor
* @param ohs -
public ObjHashSet(ObjHashSet<T> ohs) {
this.removedMarker = ohs.removedMarker;
this.clazz = ohs.clazz;
// this.initialCapacity = ohs.initialCapacity;
// this.histogram = ohs.histogram;
// this.maxProbe = ohs.maxProbe;
// this.sizeWhichTriggersExpansion = ohs.sizeWhichTriggersExpansion;
// this.size = ohs.size;
// this.nbrRemoved = ohs.nbrRemoved;
this.keys = Arrays.copyOf(ohs.keys, ohs.keys.length);
// this.secondTimeShrinkable = ohs.secondTimeShrinkable;
// this.modificationCount = ohs.modificationCount;
public ObjHashSet(ObjHashSet<T> ohs, boolean readOnly) {
if (!readOnly) Misc.internalError();
// private T[] emptyKeyArray() {
// if (emptyKeyArray == null) {
// emptyKeyArray = (T[]) Array.newInstance(clazz, 1);
// }
// return emptyKeyArray;
// }
// private void newTableKeepSize(int capacity) {
// capacity = Misc.nextHigherPowerOf2(capacity);
// keys = (T[]) Array.newInstance(clazz, capacity);
// sizeWhichTriggersExpansion = (int)(capacity * loadFactor);
// nbrRemoved = 0;
// }
// private void incrementSize() {
// if (size + nbrRemoved >= sizeWhichTriggersExpansion) {
// maybeIncreaseTableCapacity();
// }
// size++;
// }
// public boolean wontExpand() {
// return wontExpand(1);
// }
// public boolean wontExpand(int n) {
// return (size + nbrRemoved + n) < sizeWhichTriggersExpansion;
// }
// /**
// * @return the current capacity, &gt;= size
// */
// public int getCapacity() {
// return keys.length;
// }
// /**
// * This may not increase the table capacity, but may just
// * clean out the REMOVED items
// */
// private void maybeIncreaseTableCapacity() {
// final int oldCapacity = getCapacity();
// // keep same capacity if just removing the "removed" markers would
// // shrink the used slots to the same they would have been had there been no removed, and
// // the capacity was doubled.
// final int newCapacity = (nbrRemoved > size) ? oldCapacity : oldCapacity << 1;
// final T [] oldKeys = keys;
// if (TUNE) {System.out.println("Capacity increasing from " + oldCapacity + " to " + newCapacity);}
// newTableKeepSize(newCapacity);
// for (T key : oldKeys) {
// if (key != null && key != removedMarker) {
// addInner(key);
// }
// }
// }
// // called by clear
// private void newTable(int capacity) {
// newTableKeepSize(capacity);
// resetTable();
// }
// private void resetHistogram() {
// if (TUNE) {
// histogram = new int[200];
// Arrays.fill(histogram, 0);
// maxProbe = 0;
// }
// }
// private void resetArray() {
// Arrays.fill(keys, null);
// resetTable();
// }
// private void resetTable() {
// resetHistogram();
// size = 0;
//// modificationCount ++;
// }
// @Override
// public void clear() {
// // see if size is less than the 1/4 size that triggers expansion
// if (size < (sizeWhichTriggersExpansion >>> 2)) {
// // if 2nd time then shrink by 50%
// // this is done to avoid thrashing around the threshold
// if (secondTimeShrinkable) {
// secondTimeShrinkable = false;
// final int currentCapacity = getCapacity();
// final int newCapacity = Math.max(initialCapacity, currentCapacity >>> 1);
// if (newCapacity < currentCapacity) {
// newTable(newCapacity); // shrink table by 50%
// } else { // don't shrink below minimum
// resetArray();
// }
// return;
// } else {
// secondTimeShrinkable = true;
// }
// } else {
// secondTimeShrinkable = false; // reset this to require 2 triggers in a row
// }
// resetArray();
// }
* returns a position in the key/value table
* if the key is not found, then the position will be to the
* place where the key would be put upon adding (without reusing REMOVED, and the
* current internal value of keys[position] would be 0.
* if the key is found, then keys[position] == key
* @param obj the object to find
* @return the probeAddr in keys array - might reference a slot holding null, or the key value if found
private int findPosition(final T key) {
if (key == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null is an invalid key");
if (key == removedMarker) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A removed marker is an invalid key");
return findPosition(
// key hash
// is_eq_or_is_not_present
i -> keys[i] == null || keys[i].equals(key),
// is removed key
i -> keys[i] == removedMarker);
// return findPosition(obj, false);
// private int findPosition(final T obj, final boolean includeRemoved) {
// if (obj == null) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("null is an invalid key");
// }
// final int hash = Misc.hashInt(obj.hashCode());
// int nbrProbes = 1;
// int probeDelta = 1;
// int probeAddr;
// final T[] localKeys = keys;
// final int bitMask = localKeys.length - 1;
// probeAddr = hash & bitMask;
// while (true) {
// final T testKey = localKeys[probeAddr];
// if (testKey == null || testKey.equals(obj) || (includeRemoved && testKey == removedMarker)) {
// break;
// }
// nbrProbes++;
// probeAddr = bitMask & (probeAddr + (probeDelta++));
// }
// if (TUNE) {
// final int pv = histogram[nbrProbes];
// histogram[nbrProbes] = 1 + pv;
// if (maxProbe < nbrProbes) {
// maxProbe = nbrProbes;
// }
// }
// return probeAddr;
// }
public boolean contains(Object obj) { // arg must be Object to fit Collection API
return (clazz.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) ? (find((T) obj) != -1) : false;
* @param obj the object to find in the table (if it is there)
* @return the position of obj in the table, or -1 if not in the table
public int find(T obj) {
if (obj == null || size() == 0) {
return -1;
final int pos = findPosition(obj);
return obj.equals(keys[pos]) ? pos : -1; // keys[pos] can be null
* @param obj - the object to add
* @return true if this set did not already contain the specified element
public boolean add(T obj) {
final int i = findPosition(obj);
if (obj.equals(keys[i])) { // keys[i] may be null
return false; // false if already present
// if (keys[i] == removedMarker) {
// nbrRemoved --;
// assert (nbrRemoved >= 0);
// }
keys[ (found_removed != -1) ? found_removed : i ] = obj;
// modificationCount ++;
// val259();
return true;
* used for increasing table size
* @param rawKey
private void addInner(T obj) {
final int i = findPosition(obj);
// //debug
// if (keys[i] != null) {
// System.out.println("debug");
// }
assert(keys[i] == null);
keys[i] = obj;
// val259();
* Can't replace the item with a null because other keys that were
* stored in the table which previously collided with the removed item
* won't be found. UIMA-4204
* @param rawKey the value to remove
* @return true if the key was present
public boolean remove(Object rawKey) {
if (rawKey == null) {
return false;
final int pos = findPosition((T) rawKey); // null or equal obj
if (keys[pos] == null) {
return false;
keys[pos] = removedMarker;
// val259();
return true;
private void removeAtPosition(int pos) {
keys[pos] = removedMarker; // at runtime, this cast is a no-op
// val259();
// /**
// * @see Set#size()
// */
// @Override
// public int size() {
// return size;
// }
// public void showHistogram() {
// if (TUNE) {
// int sumI = 0;
// for (int i : histogram) {
// sumI += i;
// }
// System.out.format(
// "Histogram of number of probes, loadfactor = %.1f, maxProbe=%,d nbr of find operations at last table size=%,d%n",
// loadFactor, maxProbe, sumI);
// for (int i = 0; i <= maxProbe; i++) {
// if (i == maxProbe && histogram[i] == 0) {
// System.out.println("huh?");
// }
// System.out.println(i + ": " + histogram[i]);
// }
// System.out.println("bytes / entry = " + (float) (keys.length) * 4 / size());
// System.out.format("size = %,d, prevExpansionTriggerSize = %,d, next = %,d%n",
// size(),
// (int) ((keys.length >>> 1) * loadFactor),
// (int) (keys.length * loadFactor));
// }
// }
* For iterator use
* @param index - a magic number returned by the internal find
* @return the T at that spot, or null if nothing there
public T get(int index) {
T obj = keys[index];
if (obj == null || obj == removedMarker) {
return null; // null, not present
return obj;
//// /**
//// * advance pos until it points to a non 0 or is 1 past end
//// * @param pos -
//// * @return updated pos
//// */
//// public int moveToNextFilled(int pos) {
////// if (pos < 0) {
////// pos = 0;
////// }
//// final int max = getCapacity();
//// while (true) {
//// if (pos >= max) {
//// return pos;
//// }
//// T v = keys[pos];
//// if (v != null && v != removedMarker) {
//// return pos;
//// }
//// pos ++;
//// }
//// }
// /**
// * decrement pos until it points to a non 0 or is -1
// * @param pos -
// * @return updated pos
// */
// public int moveToPreviousFilled(int pos) {
// final int max = getCapacity();
// if (pos > max) {
// pos = max - 1;
// }
// while (true) {
// if (pos < 0) {
// return pos;
// }
// T v = keys[pos];
// if (v != null && v != removedMarker) {
// return pos;
// }
// pos --;
// }
// }
private class ObjHashSetIterator implements Iterator<T> {
* Keep this always pointing to a non-0 entry, or
* if not valid, outside the range
protected int curPosition;
private ObjHashSetIterator() {
this.curPosition = moveToNextFilled(0);
public final boolean hasNext() {
return curPosition < getCapacity();
public final T next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
T r = get(curPosition);
curPosition = moveToNextFilled(curPosition + 1);
return r;
public void remove() {
int pos = moveToPreviousFilled(curPosition - 1);
if (pos >= 0) {
public Iterator<T> iterator() {
return new ObjHashSetIterator();
private int moveToFirst() {
return (size() == 0) ? -1 : moveToNextFilled(0);
// private int moveToLast() {
// return (size() == 0) ? -1 : moveToPreviousFilled(getCapacity() -1);
// }
// private int moveToNext(int position) {
// if (position < 0) {
// return position;
// }
// final int n = moveToNextFilled(position + 1);
// return (n >= getCapacity()) ? -1 : n;
// }
// private int moveToPrevious(int position) {
// if (position >= getCapacity()) {
// return -1;
// }
// return moveToPreviousFilled(position - 1);
// }
// public boolean isValid(int position) {
// return (position >= 0) && (position < getCapacity());
// }
* if the fs is in the set, the iterator should return it.
* if not, return -1 (makes iterator invalid)
* @param fs position to this fs
* @return the index if present, otherwise -1;
public int moveTo(FeatureStructure fs) {
if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(fs.getClass())) {
int pos = find((T)fs);
if (pos >= 0) {
return pos;
return -1;
public <T2> T2[] toArray(T2[] a) {
final int s = size();
if (s == 0) {
if (a.length >= 1) {
a[0] = null; // part of the contract of toArray, where the array a size is >
return a;
final T2[] r = (a.length >= s)? a : (T2[]) Array.newInstance(a.getClass(), s);
int pos = moveToFirst();
for (int i = 0; i < s; i ++) {
r[i] = (T2) get(pos);
pos = moveToNextFilled(pos + 1);
if (a.length > s) {
r[s] = null; // part of the contract of toArray, where the array a size is >
return r;
public T[] toArray() {
return toArray((T[]) Array.newInstance(clazz, size()));
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
return String
"%s [loadFactor=%s, initialCapacity=%s, sizeWhichTriggersExpansion=%s, size=%s, secondTimeShrinkable=%s%n keys=%s]",
this.getClass().getName(), loadFactor, initialCapacity, sizeWhichTriggersExpansion, size(), secondTimeShrinkable,
// Collection methods
public boolean isEmpty() {
return size() == 0;
public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) { -> contains(item));
return false;
public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends T> c) {
boolean[] anyChanged = {false}; -> anyChanged[0] |= add(item));
return anyChanged[0];
public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
boolean[] anyChanged = {false}; -> anyChanged[0] |= remove(item));
return anyChanged[0];
public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
boolean anyChanged = false;
Iterator<T> it = iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
T v =;
if (!c.contains(v)) {
anyChanged = true;
return anyChanged;
protected boolean is_valid_key(int pos) {
return keys[pos] != null & keys[pos] != removedMarker;
protected int keys_length() {
return keys.length;
protected void newKeysAndValues(int capacity) {
keys = (T[]) Array.newInstance(clazz, capacity);
protected void clearKeysAndValues() {
Arrays.fill(keys, null);
protected void copy_to_new_table(int new_capacity, int old_capacity, CommonCopyOld2New commonCopy) {
final T[] oldKeys = keys;
// copyToNew
i -> addInner(oldKeys[i]),
i -> oldKeys[i] != null && oldKeys[i] != removedMarker);
// debug
// private static final Integer I259 = new Integer(259);
// private void val259() {
// int sum = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
// T k = keys[i];
// if (I259.equals(k)) {
// sum++;
// System.out.println("debug 259 " + i);
// }
// }
// if (sum > 1) {
// System.out.println("debug");
// }
// }
// /**
// * @return the modificiation count
// */
// public int getModificationCount() {
// return modificationCount;
// }