blob: e026da89d575a51807c651a0cb5b7928c9a8c609 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.AbstractCollection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSComparators;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIterator;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FeatureStructure;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.cas.admin.FSIndexComparator;
import org.apache.uima.cas.admin.LinearTypeOrder;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Misc;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP;
* The common (among all index kinds - set, sorted, bag) info for an index over
* 1 type (excluding subtypes)
* SubClasses FsIndex_bag, FsIndex_flat, FsIndex_set_sorted, define the actual
* index repository for each kind.
* @param <T>
* the Java cover class type for this index, passed along to (wrapped)
* iterators producing Java cover classes
public abstract class FsIndex_singletype<T extends FeatureStructure>
extends AbstractCollection<T>
implements Comparator<FeatureStructure>, LowLevelIndex<T> {
private final static String[] indexTypes = new String[] {
"Sorted", "Set", "Bag", "DefaultBag" };
* shares equal FSIndexComparatorImpl comparatorForIndexSpecs objects updates
* and accesses are synchronized
private final static WeakHashMap<FSIndexComparatorImpl, WeakReference<FSIndexComparatorImpl>> comparatorCache = new WeakHashMap<>();
private final int indexType; // Sorted,
// Set,
// Bag,
// Default-bag,
// etc.
// A reference to the low-level CAS.
final protected CASImpl casImpl;
* comparator for an index, passed in as an argument to the constructor
final protected FSIndexComparatorImpl comparatorForIndexSpecs;
final protected Comparator<TOP> comparatorWithID;
final protected Comparator<TOP> comparatorWithoutID;
* comparator (with id) (ignoring typeorder) - used within one type
final protected Comparator<TOP> comparatorNoTypeWithID;
* comparator (without id) (ignoring typeorder) - used within one type - used
* for iterator operations where the type is requested to be ignored
final protected Comparator<TOP> comparatorNoTypeWithoutID;
public final boolean isAnnotIdx;
* Info about Index Comparator (not used for bag *********** Index into these
* arrays is the key number (indexes can have multiple keys)
// For each key, the int code of the type of that key.
final private Object[] keys; // either a FeatImpl or a LinearTypeOrder;
final private int[] keyTypeCodes;
// For each key, the comparison to use.
final private boolean[] isReverse; // true = reverse, false = standard
// /** true if one of the keys is the linear type order key */
// private boolean hasLinearTypeOrderKey = false;
// /** true if there is an linear type order key, but no type priorities are
// specified */
// private boolean hasEmptyLinearTypeOrderKey = false;
protected final TypeImpl type; // The type of this
final private int typeCode;
* common copy on write instance or null; starts out as null Iterator creation
* initializes (if null). A subsequent Modification to index, if this is not
* null: call cow.makeCopy(); set wr_cow = null do the modification index
* clear/flush - set to null;
* Weak ref so that after iterator is GC'd, and no ref's exist, this becomes
* null, so that future mods no longer need to do extra work.
protected WeakReference<CopyOnWriteIndexPart<T>> wr_cow = null;
public String toString() {
String kind = (indexType >= 0 && indexType < 4) ? indexTypes[indexType] : "Invalid";
return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + kind + ")[" + type.getShortName() + "]";
// // never called
// // declared private to block external calls
// @SuppressWarnings("unused")
// private FsIndex_singletype() {
// this.indexType = 0; // must do because it's final
// this.casImpl = null;
// this.type = null;
// this.typeCode = 0;
// comparatorForIndexSpecs = null;
// keys = null;
// keyTypeCodes = null;
// isReverse = null;
// }
* Constructor for FsIndex_singletype.
* @param cas
* -
* @param type
* -
* @param indexType
* -
* @param comparatorForIndexSpecs
* -
protected FsIndex_singletype(CASImpl cas, Type type, int indexType,
FSIndexComparator comparatorForIndexSpecs) {
this.indexType = indexType;
this.casImpl = cas;
this.type = (TypeImpl) type;
this.typeCode = ((TypeImpl) type).getCode();
FSIndexComparatorImpl compForIndexSpecs = (FSIndexComparatorImpl) comparatorForIndexSpecs;
this.comparatorForIndexSpecs = Misc.shareExisting(compForIndexSpecs, comparatorCache);
// this.comparatorForIndexSpecs = compForIndexSpecs/*.copy()*/;
// Initialize the comparator info.
final int nKeys = this.comparatorForIndexSpecs.getNumberOfKeys();
this.keys = new Object[nKeys];
this.keyTypeCodes = new int[nKeys];
this.isReverse = new boolean[nKeys];
if (!this.comparatorForIndexSpecs.isValid()) {
isAnnotIdx = false;
comparatorWithID = null;
comparatorWithoutID = null;
comparatorNoTypeWithID = null;
comparatorNoTypeWithoutID = null;
for (int i = 0; i < nKeys; i++) {
int keyType = comparatorForIndexSpecs.getKeyType(i);
final Object k = (keyType == FSIndexComparator.FEATURE_KEY)
? (FeatureImpl) this.comparatorForIndexSpecs.getKeyFeature(i)
: this.comparatorForIndexSpecs.getKeyTypeOrder(i);
keys[i] = k;
if (k instanceof FeatureImpl) {
keyTypeCodes[i] = ((TypeImpl) ((FeatureImpl) k).getRange()).getCode();
} else {
// key is linear type order
// hasLinearTypeOrderKey = true;
// hasEmptyLinearTypeOrderKey = ((LinearTypeOrder)k).isEmptyTypeOrder();
isReverse[i] = this.comparatorForIndexSpecs
.getKeyComparator(i) == FSIndexComparator.REVERSE_STANDARD_COMPARE;
FSIndexRepositoryImpl ir = this.casImpl.indexRepository;
if (ir.isAnnotationIndex(comparatorForIndexSpecs, indexType)) {
comparatorWithID = ir.getAnnotationFsComparator(FSComparators.WITH_ID,
comparatorWithoutID = ir.getAnnotationFsComparator(FSComparators.WITHOUT_ID,
comparatorNoTypeWithID = ir.getAnnotationFsComparator(FSComparators.WITH_ID,
comparatorNoTypeWithoutID = ir.getAnnotationFsComparator(FSComparators.WITHOUT_ID,
isAnnotIdx = true;
} else {
isAnnotIdx = false;
if (indexType == BAG_INDEX) {
comparatorNoTypeWithID = comparatorNoTypeWithoutID = comparatorWithID = comparatorWithoutID =
(o1, o2) -> ((FsIndex_bag)this).compare(o1, o2);
} else {
comparatorWithoutID = (o1, o2) -> compare(o1, o2, IS_TYPE_ORDER);
comparatorWithID = (indexType == FSIndex.SORTED_INDEX) ? (o1, o2) -> {
final int c = compare(o1, o2, IS_TYPE_ORDER);
// augment normal comparator with one that compares IDs if everything
// else equal
return (c == 0) ? (, o2._id())) : c;
: comparatorWithoutID;
comparatorNoTypeWithoutID = (o1, o2) -> compare(o1, o2, !IS_TYPE_ORDER);
comparatorNoTypeWithID = (indexType == FSIndex.SORTED_INDEX) ? (o1, o2) -> {
final int c = compare(o1, o2, !IS_TYPE_ORDER);
// augment normal comparator with one that compares IDs if everything
// else equal
return (c == 0) ? (, o2._id())) : c;
: comparatorWithID;
* Adding FS to an index. not in upper interfaces because it's internal use
* only - called via addToIndexes etc.
* @param fs
* the fs to be added
abstract void insert(T fs); // not in upper interfaces because it's internal
// use only
// /**
// * @param fs - the Feature Structure to be removed.
// * Only this exact Feature Structure is removed (this is a stronger test
// than, for example,
// * what moveTo(fs) does, where the fs in that case is used as a template).
// * It is not an error if this exact Feature Structure is not in an index.
// * @return true if something was removed, false if not found
// */
// boolean remove(int fs) {
// return deleteFS((T) getCasImpl().getFsFromId_checked(fs));
// }
* @param fs
* - the Feature Structure to be removed. Only this exact Feature
* Structure is removed (this is a stronger test than, for example,
* what moveTo(fs) does, where the fs in that case is used as a
* template). It is not an error if this exact Feature Structure is
* not in an index.
* @return true if something was removed, false if not found
abstract boolean deleteFS(T fs);
public LowLevelIterator<T> iterator(FeatureStructure initialPositionFs) {
LowLevelIterator<T> fsIt = iterator();
return fsIt;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.uima.cas.impl.LowLevelIndex#getComparator()
public Comparator<TOP> getComparator() {
return comparatorWithoutID;
public FSIndexComparator getComparatorForIndexSpecs() {
return this.comparatorForIndexSpecs;
public FSIndexComparatorImpl getComparatorImplForIndexSpecs() {
return this.comparatorForIndexSpecs;
public int getIndexingStrategy() {
return this.indexType;
* @param fs1
* -
* @param fs2
* -
* @return 0 if equal, &lt; 0 if fs1 &lt; fs2, &gt; 0 if fs1 &gt; fs2
public int ll_compare(int fs1, int fs2) {
return, fs2);
* @param fs1
* -
* @param fs2
* -
* @return 0 if equal, &lt; 0 if fs1 &lt; fs2, &gt; 0 if fs1 &gt; fs2
public int compare(int fs1, int fs2) {
return compare(casImpl.getFsFromId_checked(fs1), casImpl.getFsFromId_checked(fs2));
// /**
// * @see org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex#compare(FeatureStructure,
// FeatureStructure)
// *
// * Note: this is the "general" compare, based on
// * runtime interpreting the index's definition of its Keys, and the type
// ordering.
// *
// * Annotation Index instances should use the custom comparators
// */
// @Override
// public int compare(FeatureStructure afs1, FeatureStructure afs2) {
// return compare(afs1, afs2, false); // don't ignore type
// }
int compare(FeatureStructure afs1, FeatureStructure afs2, boolean ignoreType) {
if (afs1 == afs2) {
return 0;
FeatureStructureImplC fs1 = (FeatureStructureImplC) afs1;
FeatureStructureImplC fs2 = (FeatureStructureImplC) afs2;
* for each key defined by this index: if Feature: Switch by type: float,
* get the value: fs1.getXXX, compare
int i = -1;
for (Object key : keys) {
int result = 0;
if (key instanceof FeatureImpl) {
FeatureImpl fi = (FeatureImpl) key;
if (fi.getRange().isStringOrStringSubtype()) { // string and string
// subtypes
result = Misc.compareStrings(fs1._getStringValueNc(fi), fs2._getStringValueNc(fi));
} else {
switch (keyTypeCodes[i]) {
case TypeSystemConstants.booleanTypeCode:
result = ? 1 : 0,
fs2._getBooleanValueNc(fi) ? 1 : 0);
case TypeSystemConstants.byteTypeCode:
result =, fs2._getByteValueNc(fi));
case TypeSystemConstants.shortTypeCode:
result =, fs2._getShortValueNc(fi));
case TypeSystemConstants.intTypeCode:
result =, fs2._getIntValueNc(fi));
case TypeSystemConstants.longTypeCode:
result =, fs2._getLongValueNc(fi));
case TypeSystemConstants.floatTypeCode:
result =, fs2._getFloatValueNc(fi));
case TypeSystemConstants.doubleTypeCode:
result =, fs2._getDoubleValueNc(fi));
// next is compared above before the switch
// case TypeSystemConstants.stringTypeCode:
// result = Misc.compareStrings(fs1.getStringValueNc(fi),
// fs2.getStringValueNc(fi));
// break;
} // end of switch
} else { // is type order compare
if (ignoreType) {
result = 0;
} else {
result = ((LinearTypeOrder) key).compare(fs1, fs2);
if (result == 0) {
return (isReverse[i]) ? ((result < 0) ? 1 : -1) : ((result > 0) ? 1 : -1);
} // of for loop iterating over all compare keys
return 0; // all keys compare equal
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result
+ ((comparatorForIndexSpecs == null) ? 0 : comparatorForIndexSpecs.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
FsIndex_singletype<?> other = (FsIndex_singletype<?>) obj;
if (comparatorForIndexSpecs == null) {
if (other.comparatorForIndexSpecs != null)
return false;
} else if (!comparatorForIndexSpecs.equals(other.comparatorForIndexSpecs))
return false;
return true;
* @see org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex#getType()
* @return The type of feature structures in this index.
public Type getType() {
return this.type;
public TypeImpl getTypeImpl() {
return this.type;
int getTypeCode() {
return this.typeCode;
// /** true if there is a type order key, and no type priorities are defined
// */
// public boolean hasEmptyLinearTypeOrderKey() {
// return hasEmptyLinearTypeOrderKey;
// }
* For serialization: get all the items in this index and bulk add to an
* List&lt;T&gt;
* @param v
* the set of items to add
protected abstract void bulkAddTo(List<T> v);
public LowLevelIterator<T> ll_iterator(boolean ambiguous) {
if (ambiguous) {
return this.ll_iterator();
return null;
public CASImpl getCasImpl() {
return this.casImpl;
public FSIndex<T> withSnapshotIterators() {
// Is a no-op because this is a single type index.
// should never be called
// this is an artifact of the fact that FsIndex_singletype implements
// FSIndex interface
return this;
boolean isSetOrSorted() {
return indexType == FSIndex.SET_INDEX || indexType == FSIndex.SORTED_INDEX;
public boolean isSorted() {
return indexType == FSIndex.SORTED_INDEX;
* Differs from flush in that it manipulates flags in the FSs to indicate
* removed.
* This can only be done if we can guarantee the FS is not indexed **in any view**.
* We do that by only resetting if it is a subtype of annotation base, which is guaranteed
* to be indexed only in 1 view.
void removeAll() {
FSIterator<T> it = iterator();
if (type instanceof TypeImpl_annotBase) {
// only indexed in one index if at all
while (it.hasNext()) {
((TOP) it.nextNvc())._resetInSetSortedIndex();
protected CopyOnWriteIndexPart getNonNullCow() {
CopyOnWriteIndexPart n = getCopyOnWriteIndexPart();
if (n != null) {
if (CASImpl.traceCow) {
this.casImpl.traceCowReinit("reuse", this);
return n;
if (CASImpl.traceCow) {
this.casImpl.traceCowReinit("getNew", this);
// null means index updated since iterator was created, need to make new cow
// and use it
n = createCopyOnWriteIndexPart(); // new CopyOnWriteObjHashSet<TOP>(index);
wr_cow = new WeakReference<>(n);
return n;
* @return the copy-on-write wrapper for an index part if it exists for this
* index, or null
public CopyOnWriteIndexPart<T> getCopyOnWriteIndexPart() {
return (wr_cow == null) ? null : wr_cow.get();
protected abstract CopyOnWriteIndexPart createCopyOnWriteIndexPart();
* Called just before modifying an index if wr_cow has a value, tell that
* value to create a preserving copy of the index part, and set wr_cow to null
protected void maybeCopy() {
if (wr_cow != null) {
CopyOnWriteIndexPart v = wr_cow.get();
if (v != null) {
wr_cow = null;
public void flush() {
// maybeCopy(); //
wr_cow = null;
// casImpl.indexRepository.isUsedChanged = true;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
* This is required to avoid compilation error (but not in Eclipse) due to
* ambiguous interface inheritance from both FeatureStructure and Comparator
public abstract int compare(FeatureStructure o1, FeatureStructure o2);
/// **
// * Common part of iterator creation
// */
// protected CopyOnWriteIndexPart setupIteratorCopyOnWrite() {
// CopyOnWriteIndexPart cow_index_part = getCopyOnWriteIndexPart();
// if (null == wr_cow || null == wr_cow.get()) {
// cow_index_part = createCopyOnWriteIndexPart();
// wr_cow = new WeakReference<>(cow_index_part);
// }
// return cow_index_part;
// }