blob: 0cc597c1c524756f898fff1f9b2855f9e55c6f56 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.IntConsumer;
import org.apache.uima.UIMARuntimeException;
import org.apache.uima.UIMA_IllegalStateException;
import org.apache.uima.UimaSerializableFSs;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CASRuntimeException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CommonArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Feature;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FeatureStructure;
import org.apache.uima.cas.SofaFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.cas.TypeSystem;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Misc;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.BooleanArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.ByteArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.DoubleArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FloatArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.IntegerArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.LongArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.ShortArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.Sofa;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.StringArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.impl.JCasImpl;
* Feature structure implementation (for non JCas and JCas)
* Each FS has
* - int data
* - used for boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, double data
* -- long and double use 2 int slots
* - may be null if all slots are in JCas cover objects as fields
* - ref data
* - used for references to other Java objects, such as
* -- strings
* -- other feature structures
* -- arbitrary Java Objects
* - may be null if all slots are in JCas cover objects as fields
* - an id: an incrementing integer, starting at 1, per CAS, of all FSs created for that CAS
* - a ref to the casView where this FS was created
* - a ref to the TypeImpl for this class
* -- can't be static - may be multiple type systems in use
public class FeatureStructureImplC implements FeatureStructureImpl {
// note: these must be enabled to make the test cases work
public static final String DISABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALIDATION = "uima.disable_runtime_feature_validation";
public static final String DISABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALUE_VALIDATION = "uima.disable_runtime_feature_value_validation";
public static final String V2_PRETTY_PRINT = "uima.v2_pretty_print_format";
public static final boolean IS_V2_PRETTY_PRINT = // debug true ||
private static final boolean traceFSs = CASImpl.traceFSs;
// next is for experiment (Not implemented) of allocating multiple int arrays for different fss
// // 3322 2222 2222 1111 1111 1100 0000 0000
// // 1098 7654 3210 9876 5432 1098 7654 3210
// //-------------------------------------------
// // 0000 0000 0001 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000 int offset mask
// // 0111 1111 1110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ref offset mask
// private static final int bitMaskIntOffset = 0x001ff800;
// private static final int bitMaskRefOffset = 0x7fe00000;
// private static final int shiftIntOffset = 11;
// private static final int shiftRefOffset = 21;
private static final int _BIT_IN_SET_SORTED_INDEX = 1;
private static final int _BIT_PEAR_TRAMPOLINE = 2;
private static final int _BIT_JCASHASHMAP_RESERVE = 4;
// data storage
// slots start with _ to prevent name collision with JCas style getters and setters.
* Experiment:
* goal: speed up allocation and maybe improve locality of reference
* a) have _intData and _refData point to
* 1) for array sizes < 256, a common shared array used with an offset
* 2) for array sizes > 256, individual arrays as is the previous design case
* b) have accesses use an offset kept in the flags;
* allocate in blocks of 1k
* the larger, the less java object overhead per
* the larger, the less "breakage" waste
* the smaller, the better GC
* offset = 10 bits * 2 (one for int, one for ref)
* results: on 16-way processor (64 hyperthreaded cores), caused 2x slowdown, probably due to cache
* contention.
private final int[] _intData;
private final Object[] _refData;
protected final int _id; // a separate slot for access without loading _intData object
private int _flags = 0; // a set of flags
// bit 0 (least significant): fs is in one or more non-bag indexes
// bit 1 is on for Pear trampoline FS sharing base int/ref data
// bit 2 is on for "reserve" element in JCasHashMap
// bit 3-20 reserved
// bits 21-30 reserved // experiment: ref offset
// bits 11-20 reserved // experiment: int offset
// bit 31 reserved
* These next two object references are the same for every FS of this class created in one view.
* So, they could be stored in a shared object
* But that would trade off saving one "reference" for adding one extra load to get to the value
* This design uses more space instead.
* The view this Feature Structure was originally created in.
* Feature Structures may be indexed in multiple views, or in no views.
* Also used to access other metadata including the type system
public final CASImpl _casView;
private TypeImpl _typeImpl; //for backwards compatibility and deser typed arrays: support switching the type
// Called only to generate a dummy value for the REMOVED flag in bag indexes
public FeatureStructureImplC() {
_casView = null;
_typeImpl = null;
_intData = null;
_refData = null;
_id = 0;
* For use in creating search keys
* @param id -
protected FeatureStructureImplC(int id) {
_casView = null;
_typeImpl = null;
_intData = null;
_refData = null;
_id = id;
* For non-JCas use, Internal Use Only, called by cas.createFS via generators
* @param casView -
* @param type -
protected FeatureStructureImplC(TypeImpl type, CASImpl casView) {
_casView = casView;
_typeImpl = type;
_id = casView.getNextFsId((TOP)this);
if (_casView.maybeMakeBaseVersionForPear(this, _typeImpl)) {
FeatureStructureImplC baseFs = _casView.pearBaseFs;
if (null != baseFs) {
_intData = baseFs._intData;
_refData = baseFs._refData;
_casView.pearBaseFs = null;
} else {
_intData = _allocIntData();
_refData = _allocRefData();
if (traceFSs && !(this instanceof CommonArrayFS)) {
* For JCas use (done this way to allow "final")
* The TypeImpl is derived from the JCas cover class name
* @param jcasImpl - the view this is being created in
protected FeatureStructureImplC(JCasImpl jcasImpl) {
_casView = jcasImpl.getCasImpl();
_typeImpl = _casView.getTypeSystemImpl().getJCasRegisteredType(getTypeIndexID());
_id = _casView.getNextFsId((TOP)this);
if (null == _typeImpl) {
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.JCAS_TYPE_NOT_IN_CAS, this.getClass().getName());
if (_casView.maybeMakeBaseVersionForPear(this, _typeImpl)) {
FeatureStructureImplC baseFs = _casView.pearBaseFs;
if (null != baseFs) {
_intData = baseFs._intData;
_refData = baseFs._refData;
_casView.pearBaseFs = null;
} else {
_intData = _allocIntData();
_refData = _allocRefData();
if (traceFSs && !(this instanceof CommonArrayFS)) {
// if (_typeImpl.featUimaUID != null) {
// final int id = _casView.getAndIncrUimaUID();
// _setLongValueNcNj(_typeImpl.featUimaUID, id);
// _casView.add2uid2fs(id, (TOP)this);
// }
private int[] _allocIntData() {
final int c = _typeImpl.nbrOfUsedIntDataSlots;
if (c != 0) {
// _setIntDataArrayOffset(_casView.allocIntData(c));
// return _casView.getReturnIntDataForAlloc();
return new int[c];
return null;
private Object[] _allocRefData() {
final int c = _typeImpl.nbrOfUsedRefDataSlots;
if (c != 0) {
// _setRefDataArrayOffset(_casView.allocRefData(c));
// return _casView.getReturnRefDataForAlloc();
return new Object[c];
return null;
/* ***********************
* Index Add Remove
* ***********************/
/** add the corresponding FeatureStructure to all Cas indexes in the view where this FS was created*/
public void addToIndexes() {
* add this FS to indexes in a specific view, perhaps different from the creation view
* @param jcas the JCas
public void addToIndexes(JCas jcas) {
public void addToIndexes(CAS cas) {
/** remove the corresponding FeatureStructure from all Cas indexes in the view where this FS was created */
public void removeFromIndexes() {
* remove this FS from indexes in a specific view, perhaps different from the view where this was created.
* @param cas the Cas
public void removeFromIndexes(CAS cas) {
* remove this FS from indexes in a specific view, perhaps different from the view where this was created.
* @param jcas the Cas
public void removeFromIndexes(JCas jcas) {
public LowLevelCAS getLowLevelCas() {
return _casView;
/* *******************************
* IDs and Type
* NOTE: Possible name collision
* @return the internal id of this fs - unique to this CAS, a positive int
public final int getAddress() {
return _casView.ll_getFSRef(this); // adds this fs to the internal map if needed
public final int _id() {return _id; };
* Returns the UIMA TypeImpl value
public Type getType() {
return _typeImpl;
* starts with _
* @return the UIMA TypeImpl for this Feature Structure
public int _getTypeCode() {
return _typeImpl.getCode();
public CASImpl _getView() {
return _casView;
/* *********************************************************
* Get and Set features indirectly, via Feature objects
* There are two implementations, depending on whether or not
* the feature has a JCas getter/setter.
* - If yes, then these just delegate to that (via a
* functional interface stored in the Feature)
* -- there are multiple functional interfaces, corresponding
* to the all the different (primitive) return values:
* boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, double, and "Object"
* used for String and FeatureStructures
* - if no, then converge the code to an _intData or _refData reference
* S E T T E R S
* 4 levels of checking:
* - check feature for validity (fv)
* -- this is skipped with feature comes from fs type info (internal calls)
* - check for setting something which could corrupt indexes (ci)
* -- this is skipped when the caller knows
* --- the FS is not in the index, perhaps because they just created it
* -- skipped when the range is not a valid index key
* - check for needing to log (journal) setting (jrnl)
* -- this is skipped when the caller knows
* --- no journalling is enabled or
* --- the FS is a new (above-the-line) FS
* - check the value is suitable
* -- this can be skipped if Java is doing the checking (via the type of the argument)
* -- done for string subtypes and Feature References
* --- skipped if the caller knows the value is OK (e.g., it is copying an existing FS)
* The jrnl and ic checks require the FeatureImpl.
* For setters using these checks, there are two versions:
* - one with the arg being the FeatureImpl (if it is available at the caller) and
* - one with the int offset (common code coverts this to the Feature Impl).
* all 4 checks are normally done by the standard API call in the FeatureStructure interface
* setXyzValue(Feature, value)
* Besides the standard API call, other setter methods have suffixes and prefixes to the setter name
* - prefix is "_" to avoid conflicting with existing other names
* - suffixes are:
* -- Nfc: skip feature validity checking, ( ! fv, jrnl, ci ) (int/Feat)
* -- NcNj: implies Nfc, ( ! fv, ! jrnl, ! ci ) (int/Feat)
* -- NcWj: implies Nfc, ( ! fv, jrnl, ! ci ) (int)
* The is for setters where value checking might be needed (i.e., Java checking isn't sufficient)
* -- NcNjNv: implies Nfc, skips all checks
* For JCas setters: convert offset to feature
private void checkFeatRange(Feature feat, String shortRangeName) {
if ( ! (feat.getRange().getShortName().equals(shortRangeName))) {
/*Trying to access value of feature "{0}" as "{1}", but range of feature is "{2}".*/
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.INAPPROP_RANGE, feat.getName(), "uima.cas." + shortRangeName, feat.getRange().getName());
public void setBooleanValue(Feature feat, boolean v) {
checkFeatRange(feat, "Boolean");
_setIntValueCJ((FeatureImpl) feat, v ? 1 : 0);
public void _setBooleanValueNfc(int adjOffset, boolean v) { _setIntValueNfcCJ(adjOffset, v ? 1 : 0); }
public final void _setBooleanValueNcNj(FeatureImpl fi, boolean v) { _setIntValueCommon(fi, v? 1 : 0); }
public final void _setBooleanValueNcNj(int adjOffset, boolean v) { _setIntValueCommon(adjOffset, v? 1 : 0); }
public void setByteValue(Feature feat, byte v) {
checkFeatRange(feat, "Byte");
_setIntValueCJ((FeatureImpl) feat, v);
public void _setByteValueNfc(int adjOffset, byte v) {
_setIntValueNfcCJ(adjOffset, v);
public void _setByteValueNcNj(FeatureImpl fi, byte v) {
_setIntValueCommon(fi, v);
public void _setByteValueNcNj(int adjOffset, byte v) {
_setIntValueCommon(adjOffset, v);
public void setShortValue(Feature feat, short v) {
checkFeatRange(feat, "Short");
_setIntValueCJ((FeatureImpl) feat, v);
public void _setShortValueNfc(int adjOffset, short v) {
_setIntValueNfcCJ(adjOffset, v);
public void _setShortValueNcNj(FeatureImpl fi, short v) {
_setIntValueCommon(fi, v);
public void _setShortValueNcNj(int adjOffset, short v) {
_setIntValueCommon(adjOffset, v);
public void setIntValue(Feature feat, int v) {
checkFeatRange(feat, "Integer");
_setIntValueCJ((FeatureImpl) feat, v);
public void _setIntValueNfc(int adjOffset, int v) {
_setIntValueNfcCJ(adjOffset, v);
public void _setIntValueNcNj(FeatureImpl fi, int v) {
_setIntValueCommon(fi, v);
public void _setIntValueNcNj(int adjOffset, int v) {
_setIntValueCommon(adjOffset, v);
public void setLongValue(Feature feat, long v) {
checkFeatRange(feat, "Long");
_setLongValueCJ((FeatureImpl) feat, v);
public void _setLongValueNfc(int adjOffset, long v) {
FeatureImpl fi = _getFeatFromAdjOffset(adjOffset, true);
_casView.setLongValue(this, fi, v); // has trace call
public void _setLongValueNcNj(FeatureImpl fi, long v) { _setLongValueNcNj(fi.getAdjustedOffset(), v); }
public void _setLongValueNcNj(int adjOffset, long v) {
// final int offset = adjOffset + _getIntDataArrayOffset();
_intData[adjOffset] = (int)v; // narrowing cast discards all but lowest 32 bits; may change sign of value
_intData[adjOffset + 1] = (int)(v >> 32);
if (traceFSs) {
_casView.traceFSfeat(this, _getFeatFromAdjOffset(adjOffset, true), v);
public void setFloatValue(Feature feat, float v) {
checkFeatRange(feat, "Float");
_setIntValueCJ((FeatureImpl) feat, CASImpl.float2int(v));
protected void _setFloatValueNfc(int adjOffset, float v) { _setIntValueNfc(adjOffset, CASImpl.float2int(v)); }
public void _setFloatValueNcNj(FeatureImpl fi, float v) {
_setIntValueCommon(fi, CASImpl.float2int(v));
// _intData[fi.getAdjustedOffset()] = CASImpl.float2int(v);
public void _setFloatValueNcNj(int adjOffset, float v) {
_setIntValueCommon(adjOffset, CASImpl.float2int(v));
// _intData[adjOffset] = CASImpl.float2int(v);
public void setDoubleValue(Feature feat, double v) {
checkFeatRange(feat, "Double");
_setLongValueCJ((FeatureImpl) feat, CASImpl.double2long(v));
protected void _setDoubleValueNfc(int adjOffset, double v) {
_setLongValueNfc(adjOffset, CASImpl.double2long(v));
public void _setDoubleValueNcNj(FeatureImpl fi, double v) {
_setLongValueNcNj(fi, CASImpl.double2long(v));
public void _setDoubleValueNcNj(int adjOffset, double v) {
_setLongValueNcNj(adjOffset, CASImpl.double2long(v));
public void setStringValue(Feature feat, String v) {
// if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALIDATION) featureValidation(feat); // done by _setRefValueCJ
// if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALUE_VALIDATION) featureValueValidation(feat, v); // verifies feat can take a string
subStringRangeCheck(feat, v);
_setRefValueCJ((FeatureImpl) feat, v);
public void _setStringValueNfc(int adjOffset, String v) {
FeatureImpl fi = _getFeatFromAdjOffset(adjOffset, false);
subStringRangeCheck(fi, v);
_setRefValueNfcCJ(fi, v);
public void _setStringValueNcNj(FeatureImpl fi, String v) {
subStringRangeCheck(fi, v);
_setRefValueCommon(fi, v);
* Skips substring range checking, but maybe does journalling
* @param adjOffset offset
* @param v to set
public void _setStringValueNcWj(int adjOffset, String v) {
_setRefValueCommonWj(_getFeatFromAdjOffset(adjOffset, false), v);
public void setFeatureValue(Feature feat, FeatureStructure v) {
FeatureImpl fi = (FeatureImpl) feat;
if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALIDATION) featureValidation(feat);
if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALUE_VALIDATION) featureValueValidation(feat, v);
// no need to check for index corruption because fs refs can't be index keys
_setRefValueCommon(fi, _maybeGetBaseForPearFs((TOP)v));
_casView.maybeLogUpdate(this, fi);
public void _setFeatureValueNcNj(FeatureImpl fi, Object v) {
_setRefValueCommon(fi, v);
public void _setFeatureValueNcNj(int adjOffset, Object v) {
_setRefValueCommon(adjOffset, v);
* Called when setting a FS value which might be a trampoline
* @param v the FS to check
* @param <N> the type of the FS
* @return the FS or if it was a trampoline, the base FS
protected <N extends TOP> N _maybeGetBaseForPearFs(N v) {
return (v == null)
? null
: v._maybeGetBaseForPearFs();
* Called to convert to the base FS from a Pear version
* @param <N> the type of the FS
* @return the FS or if it was a trampoline, the base FS
public <N extends TOP> N _maybeGetBaseForPearFs() {
return this._isPearTrampoline()
? _casView.getBaseFsFromTrampoline((N) this)
: (N) this;
* Called when getting a FS value which might need to return a Pear context's trampoline
* @param v the FS to check
* @param <N> the type of the FS
* @return the FS or if we're in a Pear context, perhaps the trampoline (only some classes might have trampolines)
protected <N extends TOP> N _maybeGetPearFs(N v) {
return (_casView.inPearContext())
? CASImpl.pearConvert(v)
: v;
* @param <N> the type of the FS
* @return the FS or if we're in a Pear context and
* the PEAR defines a different version, the PEAR version.
public <N extends TOP> N _maybeGetPearFs() {
return (_casView.inPearContext())
? CASImpl.pearConvert((N) this)
: (N) this;
* Nc - no check, Wj = with journaling if needed
* @param adjOffset -
* @param v -
public void _setFeatureValueNcWj(int adjOffset, FeatureStructure v) {
_setRefValueCommonWj(_getFeatFromAdjOffset(adjOffset, false), _maybeGetBaseForPearFs((TOP)v));
// @Override
// public void setJavaObjectValue(Feature feat, Object v) {
// FeatureImpl fi = (FeatureImpl) feat;
// if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALIDATION) featureValidation(feat);
// if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALUE_VALIDATION) featureValueValidation(feat, v);
// _setRefValueCJ(fi, v);
// }
// public void _setJavaObjectValueNcNj(FeatureImpl fi, Object v) {
// _setRefValueCommon(fi, v);
// }
public void setFeatureValueFromString(Feature feat, String s) throws CASRuntimeException {
if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALIDATION) featureValidation(feat);
CASImpl.setFeatureValueFromString(this, (FeatureImpl) feat, s);
* All 3 checks
* @param fi - the feature
* @param v - the value
protected void _setIntValueCJ(FeatureImpl fi, int v) {
if (!fi.isInInt) {
/** Trying to access value of feature "{0}" as "{1}", but range of feature is "{2}".*/
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.INAPPROP_RANGE, fi.getName(), "boolean, byte, short, int, or float", fi.getRange().getName());
_casView.setWithCheckAndJournal((TOP)this, fi.getCode(), () -> _setIntValueCommon(fi, v));
* All 3 checks for long
* @param fi - the feature
* @param v - the value
protected void _setLongValueCJ(FeatureImpl fi, long v) {
if (!fi.isInInt) {
/** Trying to access value of feature "{0}" as "{1}", but range of feature is "{2}".*/
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.INAPPROP_RANGE, fi.getName(), "long or double", fi.getRange().getName());
_casView.setLongValue(this, fi, v);
* 2 checks, no feature check
* @param adjOffset - the feature offset
* @param v - the value
protected void _setIntValueNfcCJ(int adjOffset, int v) {
FeatureImpl fi = _getFeatFromAdjOffset(adjOffset, true);
_casView.setWithCheckAndJournal((TOP)this, fi, () -> _setIntValueCommon(adjOffset, v));
* 2 checks, no feature check
* @param fi - the feature
* @param v - the value
protected void _setLongValueNfcCJ(FeatureImpl fi, long v) {
_casView.setLongValue(this, fi, v);
protected void _setRefValueCJ(FeatureImpl fi, Object v) {
if (fi.isInInt) {
/** Trying to access value of feature "{0}" as "{1}", but range of feature is "{2}".*/
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.INAPPROP_RANGE, fi.getName(), "int", fi.getRange().getName());
_casView.setWithCheckAndJournal((TOP)this, fi.getCode(), () -> _setRefValueCommon(fi, v));
* 2 checks, no feature check
* @param fi - the feature
* @param v - the value
protected void _setRefValueNfcCJ(FeatureImpl fi, Object v) {
_casView.setWithCheckAndJournal((TOP)this, fi.getCode(), () -> _setRefValueCommon(fi, v));
* G E T T E R S
* (The array getters are part of the Classes for the built-in arrays, here are only the non-array ones)
* getXyzValue(Feature feat) - this is the standard from V2 plain API
* - it does validity checking (normally) that the feature belongs to the type
* getXyzValueNc(FeatureImpl feat) - skips the validity checking that the feature belongs to the type.
public boolean getBooleanValue(Feature feat) {
if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALIDATION) featureValidation(feat);
checkFeatRange(feat, "Boolean");
return _getBooleanValueNc((FeatureImpl) feat);
public boolean _getBooleanValueNc(FeatureImpl fi) { return _getIntValueCommon(fi) == 1; }
// for JCas use
public boolean _getBooleanValueNc(int adjOffset) { return _getIntValueCommon(adjOffset) == 1; }
public byte getByteValue(Feature feat) {
checkFeatRange(feat, "Byte");
return (byte) _getIntValueCommon((FeatureImpl)feat); }
public byte _getByteValueNc(FeatureImpl feat) { return (byte) _getIntValueNc(feat); }
public byte _getByteValueNc(int adjOffset) { return (byte) _getIntValueNc(adjOffset); }
public short getShortValue(Feature feat) {
checkFeatRange(feat, "Short");
return (short) _getIntValueCommon((FeatureImpl)feat); }
public short _getShortValueNc(FeatureImpl feat) { return (short) _getIntValueNc(feat); }
public short _getShortValueNc(int adjOffset) { return (short) _getIntValueNc(adjOffset); }
public int getIntValue(Feature feat) {
if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALIDATION) featureValidation(feat);
checkFeatRange(feat, "Integer");
return _getIntValueCommon((FeatureImpl)feat);
public int _getIntValueNc(FeatureImpl feat) { return _getIntValueCommon(feat); }
public int _getIntValueNc(int adjOffset) { return _getIntValueCommon(adjOffset); }
public long getLongValue(Feature feat) {
if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALIDATION) featureValidation(feat);
checkFeatRange(feat, "Long");
return _getLongValueNc((FeatureImpl) feat);
public long _getLongValueNc(FeatureImpl feat) { return _getLongValueNc(feat.getAdjustedOffset());
public long _getLongValueNc(int adjOffset) {
* When converting the lower 32 bits to a long, sign extension is done, so have to
* 0 out those bits before or-ing in the high order 32 bits.
// final int offset = adjOffset + _getIntDataArrayOffset();
return ((_intData[adjOffset]) & 0x00000000ffffffffL) | (((long)_intData[adjOffset + 1]) << 32);
public float getFloatValue(Feature feat) {
if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALIDATION) featureValidation(feat);
checkFeatRange(feat, "Float");
return _getFloatValueNc(((FeatureImpl) feat).getAdjustedOffset());
public float _getFloatValueNc(FeatureImpl fi) { return _getFloatValueNc(fi.getAdjustedOffset()); }
public float _getFloatValueNc(int adjOffset) { return CASImpl.int2float(_getIntValueCommon(adjOffset)); }
public double getDoubleValue(Feature feat) {
if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALIDATION) featureValidation(feat);
checkFeatRange(feat, "Double");
return _getDoubleValueNc((FeatureImpl) feat);
public double _getDoubleValueNc(FeatureImpl fi) { return _getDoubleValueNc(fi.getAdjustedOffset()); }
public double _getDoubleValueNc(int adjOffset) { return CASImpl.long2double(_getLongValueNc(adjOffset)); }
public String getStringValue(Feature feat) {
if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALIDATION) featureValidation(feat);
// checkFeatRange(feat, "String");
return _getStringValueNc((FeatureImpl) feat);
public String _getStringValueNc(FeatureImpl feat) { return _getStringValueNc(feat.getAdjustedOffset()); }
public String _getStringValueNc(int adjOffset) { return (String) _refData[adjOffset /*+ _getRefDataArrayOffset()*/]; }
public TOP getFeatureValue(Feature feat) {
if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALIDATION) featureValidation(feat);
return _getFeatureValueNc((FeatureImpl) feat);
public TOP _getFeatureValueNc(FeatureImpl feat) { return _getFeatureValueNc(feat.getAdjustedOffset()); }
public TOP _getFeatureValueNc(int adjOffset) {
return _maybeGetPearFs((TOP) _refData[adjOffset /*+ _getRefDataArrayOffset()*/]);
// @Override
// public Object getJavaObjectValue(Feature feat) {
// if (IS_ENABLE_RUNTIME_FEATURE_VALIDATION) featureValidation(feat);
// return _getJavaObjectValueNc((FeatureImpl) feat);
// }
// public Object _getJavaObjectValueNc(FeatureImpl fi) { return _getRefValueCommon(fi); }
// public Object _getJavaObjectValueNc(int adjOffset) { return _getRefValueCommon(adjOffset); }
* @return the CAS view where this FS was created
public CAS getCAS() {
return this._casView;
public CASImpl getCASImpl() { // was package private 9-03
return this._casView;
* See
* for suggestions on avoiding bugs in implementing clone
* Because we have final fields for _intData, _refData, and _id, we can't use clone.
* Instead, we use the createFS to create the FS of the right type. This will use the generators.
* Strategy for cloning:
* Goal is to create an independent instance of some subtype of this class, with
* all the fields properly copied from this instance.
* - some fields could be in the _intData and _refData
* - some fields could be stored as features
* Subcases to handle:
* - arrays - these have no features.
* Note: CasCopier doesn't call this because it needs to do a deep copy
* This is not used by the framework
* @return a new Feature Structure as a new instance of the same class,
* with a new _id field,
* with its features set to the values of the features in this Feature Structure
* @throws CASRuntimeException (different from Object.clone()) if an exception occurs
public FeatureStructureImplC clone() throws CASRuntimeException {
if (_typeImpl.isArray()) {
CommonArrayFS original = (CommonArrayFS) this;
CommonArrayFS copy = (CommonArrayFS) _casView.createArray(_typeImpl, original.size());
return (FeatureStructureImplC) copy;
TOP fs = _casView.createFS(_typeImpl);
TOP srcFs = (TOP) this;
/* copy all the feature values except the sofa ref which is already set as part of creation */
// for (FeatureImpl feat : _typeImpl.getFeatureImpls()) {
// CASImpl.copyFeature(srcFs, feat, fs);
// } // end of for loop
return fs;
public int hashCode() {
return _id;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
* must match hashCode
* must match comparator == 0, equal == true
* Only valid for FSs in same CAS
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof FeatureStructureImplC) {
FeatureStructureImplC c2 = (FeatureStructureImplC) obj;
if (c2._id != this._id) return false;
return (_casView == null && c2._casView == null) ||
(_casView != null && c2._casView != null &&
(_casView == c2._casView || _casView.getBaseCAS() == c2._casView.getBaseCAS()));
// if (_casView == null && c2._casView == null) {
// return true; // special case for removed marker
// }
// if (_casView != null && c2._casView != null &&
// (_casView == c2._casView ||
// _casView.getBaseCAS() == c2._casView.getBaseCAS())) {
// return true;
// }
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't invoke equals on two FS from different CASes.");
return false;
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Pretty printing.
// public for use by superclass for backwards compatibility
public static class PrintReferences {
static final int NO_LABEL = 0;
static final int WITH_LABEL = 1;
static final int JUST_LABEL = 2;
private static final String refNamePrefix = "#";
// map from fs to special string #nnnn for printing refs
// three states:
// 1) key not in map
// 2) key in map, but value is "seen once" - first time value seen
// 3) key in map, value is #nnnn - when value is seen more than once
private Map<FeatureStructure, String> tree = new HashMap<FeatureStructure, String>();
private Set<FeatureStructure> seen = new HashSet<FeatureStructure>();
private int count;
private PrintReferences() {
this.count = 0;
* @param fs -
* @return true if seen before
boolean addReference(FeatureStructure fs) {
String v = tree.get(fs);
if (null == v) {
tree.put(fs, "seen once");
return false;
if (v.equals("seen once")) {
tree.put(fs, refNamePrefix + Integer.toString(this.count++));
return true;
String getLabel(FeatureStructure ref) {
return this.tree.get(ref);
int printInfo(FeatureStructure ref) {
String k = this.tree.get(ref);
if (k == null || k.equals("seen once")) {
return NO_LABEL;
if (this.seen.contains(ref)) {
return JUST_LABEL;
return WITH_LABEL;
private final void getPrintRefs(PrintReferences printRefs) {
getPrintRefs(printRefs, this);
* This is called, once, at the top level thing being printed.
* It recursively descends any references, and updates the
* PrintReferences with info needed to handle circular structures
* @param printRefs the PrintReferences to update
* @param fs the top level FS being pretty printed, to descend if needed
private final void getPrintRefs(PrintReferences printRefs, FeatureStructureImplC fs) {
if (null == fs) {
boolean seenBefore = printRefs.addReference(fs);
if (seenBefore) {
final TypeImpl ti = fs._typeImpl;
if (ti != null) { // null for REMOVED marker
// for v2 style, don't descend fs arrays; these are omitted
if (!IS_V2_PRETTY_PRINT && ti.isArray() && (fs instanceof FSArray)) {
for (TOP item : ((FSArray)fs)._getTheArray()) {
getPrintRefs(printRefs, item);
} else {
if (fs instanceof UimaSerializableFSs) {
.filter(fi -> fi.getRangeImpl().isRefType) // is ref type
.map(fi -> fs.getFeatureValue(fi)) // get the feature value
.filter(refFs -> refFs != null) // skip null ones
.forEachOrdered(refFs -> getPrintRefs(printRefs, refFs));
public String toString() {
return toString(3);
public String toString(int indent) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
prettyPrint(0, indent, buf, true, null);
return buf.toString();
* This next bit is to remain backward compatible with callers using StringBuilders or
* StringBuffers.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FeatureStructureImpl#prettyPrint(int, int, java.lang.StringBuilder, boolean)
public void prettyPrint(int indent, int incr, StringBuilder buf, boolean useShortNames) {
prettyPrint(indent, incr, buf, useShortNames, null);
public void prettyPrint(int indent, int incr, StringBuffer buf, boolean useShortNames) {
prettyPrint(indent, incr, buf, useShortNames, null);
* Top level, does computation of self-ref
* Pretty prints this Feature Structure, no trailing nl
* Old form - uses string buffer.
* @param indent the indent amount
* @param incr the amount the indent is increased for a level
* @param buf where the resulting string is built
* @param useShortNames true to use short name
* @param s extra string to print
* @deprecated use form with StringBuilder (not StringBuffer)
public void prettyPrint(int indent, int incr, StringBuffer buf, boolean useShortNames, String s) {
PrintReferences printRefs = new PrintReferences();
prettyPrint(indent, incr, buf, useShortNames, s, printRefs);
* Top level, does computation of self-ref
* Pretty prints this Feature Structure, no trailing nl
* @param indent the indent amount
* @param incr the amount the indent is increased for a level
* @param buf where the resulting string is built
* @param useShortNames true to use short name
* @param s extra string to print
public void prettyPrint(int indent, int incr, StringBuilder buf, boolean useShortNames, String s) {
PrintReferences printRefs = new PrintReferences();
prettyPrint(indent, incr, buf, useShortNames, s, printRefs);
// old version from v2 using StringBuffer
* Internal Use Only, public only for backwards compatibility
* @param indent -
* @param incr -
* @param buf -
* @param useShortNames -
* @param s -
* @param printRefs -
* @deprecated because uses StringBuffer, not builder, for version 2 compatibility only
public void prettyPrint(
int indent,
int incr,
StringBuffer buf,
boolean useShortNames,
String s,
PrintReferences printRefs) {
StringBuilder b2 = new StringBuilder(buf);
prettyPrint(indent, incr, b2, useShortNames, s, printRefs);
public void prettyPrint(
int indent, // the current indent position
int incr, // the delta to indent this FS printing
StringBuilder buf,
boolean useShortNames,
String s, // carries the "#123" id refs for others to use, labels this fs with that.
PrintReferences printRefs) {
prettyPrint(indent, incr, buf, useShortNames, s, printRefs, false);
* @param sb -
public void prettyPrintShort(StringBuilder sb) {
prettyPrint(0, 2, sb, true, "", new PrintReferences(), true);
* recursively called by ppval
* @param indent -
* @param incr -
* @param buf -
* @param useShortNames -
* @param s -
* @param printRefs -
* @param isShortForm_arg -
private void prettyPrint(
int indent, // the current indent position
int incr, // the delta to indent this FS printing
final StringBuilder buf,
boolean useShortNames,
String s, // carries the "#123" id refs for others to use, labels this fs with that.
PrintReferences printRefs,
boolean isShortForm_arg) { // short form only prints type:_id for refs
final boolean isShortForm =
// isShortForm_arg;
// debug
// (this._id == 2512)
// ? false
// :
try {
indent += incr;
if (!IS_V2_PRETTY_PRINT && indent > 20 * incr) {
buf.append(" ... past indent limit ... ");
final int printInfo = printRefs.printInfo(this);
if (printInfo != PrintReferences.NO_LABEL) {
String label = printRefs.getLabel(this);
if (!label.equals("seen once")) {
if (printInfo == PrintReferences.JUST_LABEL) {
buf.append(IS_V2_PRETTY_PRINT ? ' ' : '\n');
buf.append(' ');
if (_typeImpl == null) {
buf.append((_id == 0)
? " Special REMOVED marker "
: _isJCasHashMapReserve()
? (" Special JCasHashMap Reserve, id = " + _id)
: " Special Search Key, id = " + _id);
} else {
if (useShortNames) {
} else {
if (s != null) {
buf.append(" \"" + s + "\"");
// final int typeClass = this._casView.ll_getTypeClass(this.getType());
if (_typeImpl == null) { // happens for special version which is REMOVED marker
switch (_getTypeCode()) {
case TypeSystemConstants.stringArrayTypeCode: {
StringArray a = (StringArray) this;
printArrayElements(a.size(), i -> appendOrNull(buf, a.get(i)), indent, incr, buf);
case TypeSystemConstants.intArrayTypeCode: {
IntegerArray a = (IntegerArray) this;
printArrayElements(a.size(), i -> appendOrNull(buf, Integer.toString(a.get(i))), indent, incr, buf);
case TypeSystemConstants.floatArrayTypeCode: {
FloatArray a = (FloatArray) this;
printArrayElements(a.size(), i -> appendOrNull(buf, Float.toString(a.get(i))), indent, incr, buf);
case TypeSystemConstants.booleanArrayTypeCode: {
BooleanArray a = (BooleanArray) this;
printArrayElements(a.size(), i -> appendOrNull(buf, Boolean.toString(a.get(i))), indent, incr, buf);
case TypeSystemConstants.byteArrayTypeCode: {
ByteArray a = (ByteArray) this;
printArrayElements(a.size(), i -> appendOrNull(buf, Byte.toString(a.get(i))), indent, incr, buf);
case TypeSystemConstants.shortArrayTypeCode: {
ShortArray a = (ShortArray) this;
printArrayElements(a.size(), i -> appendOrNull(buf, Short.toString(a.get(i))), indent, incr, buf);
case TypeSystemConstants.longArrayTypeCode: {
LongArray a = (LongArray) this;
printArrayElements(a.size(), i -> appendOrNull(buf, Long.toString(a.get(i))), indent, incr, buf);
case TypeSystemConstants.doubleArrayTypeCode: {
DoubleArray a = (DoubleArray) this;
printArrayElements(a.size(), i -> appendOrNull(buf, Double.toString(a.get(i))), indent, incr, buf);
case TypeSystemConstants.fsArrayTypeCode: {
break; // v2 did not descend to print FSArray contents
FSArray a = (FSArray) this;
printFSArrayElements(a, indent, incr, buf, useShortNames, printRefs, isShortForm);
} // end of case
} // end of switch
// if get here, non of the cases in the above switch fit
if (this instanceof FSArray) { // catches instance of FSArrays which are "typed" to hold specific element types
return; // v2 did not descend to print fs array contents
FSArray a = (FSArray) this;
printFSArrayElements(a, indent, incr, buf, useShortNames, printRefs, isShortForm);
for (FeatureImpl fi : _typeImpl.getFeatureImpls()) {
Misc.indent(buf, indent);
buf.append(fi.getShortName() + ": ");
TypeImpl range = (TypeImpl) fi.getRange();
if (range.isPrimitive()) { // Strings and string subtypes are primitive
addStringOrPrimitive(buf, fi);
// not primitive
FeatureStructureImplC val = null;
boolean hadException = false;
try {
val = getFeatureValue(fi);
} catch (Exception e) {
buf.append("<exception ").append(e.getMessage()).append(">\n");
hadException = true;
if (!hadException) {
if (isShortForm) {
if (null == val) {
} else {
} else {
// treat sofa refs special, since they're pervasive
if (val instanceof Sofa) {
} else {
ppval(val, indent, incr, buf, useShortNames, printRefs, false);
// if (val != null && !val._typeImpl.getName().equals(CAS.TYPE_NAME_SOFA)) {
// val.prettyPrint(indent, incr, buf, useShortNames, null, printRefs);
// } else {
// buf.append((val == null) ? "<null>\n" : ((SofaFS) val).getSofaID() + '\n');
// }
} catch (Exception e) {
buf.append("**Caught exception: ").append(e);
// StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
// e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw, true));
// buf.append(sw.toString());
public StringBuilder addStringOrPrimitive(StringBuilder sb, FeatureImpl fi) {
TypeImpl range = (TypeImpl) fi.getRange();
if (range.isStringOrStringSubtype()) {
String stringVal = getStringValue(fi);
stringVal = (null == stringVal) ? "<null>" : "\"" + Misc.elideString(stringVal, 80) + "\"";
sb.append(stringVal); // caller adds nl
} else {
return sb;
private void ppval(FeatureStructureImplC val,
int indent,
int incr,
StringBuilder buf,
boolean useShortNames,
PrintReferences printRefs,
boolean isShortForm) {
if (val != null && !val._typeImpl.getName().equals(CAS.TYPE_NAME_SOFA)) {
val.prettyPrint(indent, incr, buf, useShortNames, null, printRefs, isShortForm);
} else {
buf.append((val == null) ? "<null>" : "sofa id: " +((SofaFS) val).getSofaID());
* For printing arrays except FSArrays; called after printing the type:nnn
* prints the length
* if the length = 0 that's all
* otherwise:
* uses Misc.addElementsToStringBuilder to output the elements. This routine does
* [ + array contents + ], unless the line is too long, in which case it switches to multi-line
* @param arrayLen the length
* @param f the feature structure
* @param indent the current indent
* @param incr the indent incr
* @param buf the stringbuilder where the result is added
private void printArrayElements(int arrayLen, IntConsumer f, int indent, int incr, StringBuilder buf) {
Misc.indent(buf, indent);
buf.append("Array length: " + arrayLen);
if (arrayLen == 0) {
Misc.indent(buf, indent);
buf.append("Array elements: ");
for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
buf.append(", ");
f.accept(i); //this._casView.ll_getStringArrayValue(this.getAddress(), i);
buf.append("]"); // no extra new line
} else {
// no limit to size
Misc.addElementsToStringBuilder(buf, arrayLen, arrayLen, indent, incr, (sb, i) -> f.accept(i));
* For printing FSArrays; called after printing the type:nnn
* Only called if ! IS_V2_PRETTY_PRINT, since v2 didn't print the array contents
* prints the length
* if the length = 0 that's all
* otherwise:
* @param arrayLen the length
* @param f the feature structure
* @param indent the current indent
* @param incr the indent incr
* @param buf the stringbuilder where the result is added
private void printFSArrayElements(FSArray fsarray, int indent, int incr, StringBuilder buf, boolean useShortNames, PrintReferences printRefs, boolean isShortForm) {
Misc.indent(buf, indent);
int arraylen = fsarray.size();
buf.append("Array length: " + arraylen);
if (arraylen == 0) {
Misc.indent(buf, indent);
buf.append("Array elements: [");
indent += incr;
for (int i = 0; i < arraylen; i++) {
Misc.indent(buf, indent);
ppval(fsarray.get(i), indent, incr, buf, useShortNames, printRefs, isShortForm);
Misc.indent(buf, indent - incr);
private void appendOrNull(StringBuilder sb, String v) {
sb.append( (v == null) ? "null" : v);
public int getTypeIndexID() {
throw new CASRuntimeException(UIMARuntimeException.INTERNAL_ERROR); // dummy, always overridden
* Internal Use only
* @param slotKind -
* @param fi -
* @param v -
public void _setIntLikeValue(SlotKind slotKind, FeatureImpl fi, int v) {
switch(slotKind) {
case Slot_Boolean: setBooleanValue(fi, v == 1); break;
case Slot_Byte: setByteValue(fi, (byte) v); break;
case Slot_Short: setShortValue(fi, (short) v); break;
case Slot_Int: setIntValue(fi, v); break;
case Slot_Float: setFloatValue(fi, CASImpl.int2float(v)); break;
default: Misc.internalError();
* Internal Use only - no feature check, no journaling
* @param slotKind -
* @param fi -
* @param v -
public void _setIntLikeValueNcNj(SlotKind slotKind, FeatureImpl fi, int v) {
switch(slotKind) {
case Slot_Boolean: _setBooleanValueNcNj(fi, v == 1); break;
case Slot_Byte: _setByteValueNcNj(fi, (byte) v); break;
case Slot_Short: _setShortValueNcNj(fi, (short) v); break;
case Slot_Int: _setIntValueNcNj(fi, v); break;
case Slot_Float: _setFloatValueNcNj(fi, CASImpl.int2float(v)); break;
default: Misc.internalError();
* for compressed form 4 - for getting the prev value of int-like slots
* Uses unchecked forms for feature access
* @param slotKind -
* @param f -
* @return -
public int _getIntLikeValue(SlotKind slotKind, FeatureImpl f) {
if (null == f) {
switch(slotKind) {
case Slot_Boolean: {
BooleanArray a = (BooleanArray)this;
return (a.size() == 0) ? 0 : a.get(0) ? 1 : 0;
case Slot_Byte: {
ByteArray a = (ByteArray)this;
return (a.size() == 0) ? 0 : a.get(0);
case Slot_Short: {
ShortArray a = (ShortArray)this;
return (a.size() == 0) ? 0 : a.get(0);
case Slot_Int: {
IntegerArray a = (IntegerArray)this;
return (a.size() == 0) ? 0 : a.get(0);
case Slot_Float: {
FloatArray a = (FloatArray)this;
return (a.size() == 0) ? 0 : CASImpl.float2int(a.get(0));
default: Misc.internalError(); return 0;
switch(slotKind) {
case Slot_Boolean: return _getBooleanValueNc(f) ? 1 : 0;
case Slot_Byte: return _getByteValueNc(f);
case Slot_Short: return _getShortValueNc(f);
case Slot_Int: return _getIntValueNc(f);
case Slot_Float: return CASImpl.float2int(_getFloatValueNc(f));
default: Misc.internalError(); return 0;
public String getFeatureValueAsString(Feature feat) {
FeatureImpl fi = (FeatureImpl) feat;
TypeImpl range = fi.getRangeImpl();
if (fi.isInInt) {
switch (range.getCode()) {
case TypeSystemConstants.floatTypeCode :
return Float.toString(getFloatValue(feat));
case TypeSystemConstants.booleanTypeCode :
return Boolean.toString(getBooleanValue(feat));
case TypeSystemConstants.longTypeCode :
return Long.toString(getLongValue(feat));
case TypeSystemConstants.doubleTypeCode :
return Double.toString(getDoubleValue(feat));
case TypeSystemConstants.byteTypeCode:
return Byte.toString(getByteValue(feat));
case TypeSystemConstants.shortTypeCode:
return Short.toString(getShortValue(feat));
default: // int,
return Integer.toString(getIntValue(feat));
if (range instanceof TypeImpl_string) {
return getStringValue(feat);
// if (range.getCode() == TypeSystemConstants.javaObjectTypeCode) {
// return CASImpl.serializeJavaObject(getJavaObjectValue(feat));
// }
if (range.isRefType) {
TOP ref = getFeatureValue(feat);
return (ref == null) ? null : ref.toString();
return null; // needed to avoid compile error
protected boolean _inSetSortedIndex() { return (_flags & _BIT_IN_SET_SORTED_INDEX) != 0;}
protected void _setInSetSortedIndexed() { _flags |= _BIT_IN_SET_SORTED_INDEX; }
* All callers of this must insure fs is not indexed in **Any** View
protected void _resetInSetSortedIndex() { _flags &= ~_BIT_IN_SET_SORTED_INDEX; }
protected void _setJCasHashMapReserve() {
public boolean _isJCasHashMapReserve() {
return (_flags & _BIT_JCASHASHMAP_RESERVE) != 0;
protected void _setPearTrampoline() {
protected boolean _isPearTrampoline() {
return (_flags & _BIT_PEAR_TRAMPOLINE) != 0;
protected FeatureImpl _getFeatFromAdjOffset(int adjOffset, boolean isInInt) {
return _typeImpl.getFeatureByAdjOffset(adjOffset, isInInt);
private int _getIntValueCommon(FeatureImpl feat) {
return _intData[feat.getAdjustedOffset() /*+ _getIntDataArrayOffset()*/];
private int _getIntValueCommon(int adjOffset) {
return _intData[adjOffset /*+ _getIntDataArrayOffset()*/];
private Object _getRefValueCommon(FeatureImpl feat) {
return _refData[feat.getAdjustedOffset() /*+ _getRefDataArrayOffset()*/];
public Object _getRefValueCommon(int adjOffset) {
return _refData[adjOffset /*+ _getRefDataArrayOffset()*/];
private void _setIntValueCommon(FeatureImpl fi, int v) {
_intData[fi.getAdjustedOffset() /*+ _getIntDataArrayOffset()*/] = v;
if (traceFSs) {
_casView.traceFSfeat(this, fi, v);
private void _setIntValueCommon(int adjOffset, int v) {
_intData[adjOffset /*+ _getIntDataArrayOffset()*/] = v;
if (traceFSs) {
_casView.traceFSfeat(this, _getFeatFromAdjOffset(adjOffset, true), v);
private void _setRefValueCommon(FeatureImpl fi, Object v) {
_setRefValueCommon(fi.getAdjustedOffset(), v);
public void _setRefValueCommon(int adjOffset, Object v) {
_refData[adjOffset /*+ _getRefDataArrayOffset()*/] = v;
if (traceFSs) {
_casView.traceFSfeat(this, _getFeatFromAdjOffset(adjOffset, false), v);
// used also for sofa string setting
protected void _setRefValueCommonWj(FeatureImpl fi, Object v) {
_setRefValueCommon(fi, v);
_casView.maybeLogUpdate(this, fi);
// private String getTraceRepOfObj(Object v) {
// if (v instanceof TOP) {
// TOP fs = (TOP) v;
// return fs._typeImpl.getShortName() + ':' + fs._id;
// } else {
// return (v == null) ? "null" : v.toString();
// }
// }
* Validation checking
private void featureValidation(Feature feat) {
if (!(((TypeImpl) (feat.getDomain()) ).subsumes(_typeImpl))) {
/* Feature "{0}" is not defined for type "{1}". */
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.INAPPROP_FEAT, feat.getName(), _typeImpl.getName());
// private void featureValidation(Feature feat, Object x) {
// featureValidation(feat);
// if (feat.getRange())
// }
private void featureValueValidation(Feature feat, Object v) {
TypeImpl range = (TypeImpl)feat.getRange();
if ((range.isArray() && !isOkArray(range, v)) ||
(!range.isArray() && (!range.subsumesValue(v)))) {
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.INAPPROP_RANGE, feat.getName(), range.getName(), (v == null) ? "null" : v.getClass().getName());
// called when range isArray() is true, only
private boolean isOkArray(TypeImpl range, Object v) {
if (v == null) {
return true;
final int rangeTypeCode = range.getCode();
/* The assignment is stricter than the Java rules - must match */
switch (rangeTypeCode) {
case TypeSystemConstants.booleanArrayTypeCode:
return v instanceof BooleanArray;
case TypeSystemConstants.byteArrayTypeCode:
return v instanceof ByteArray;
case TypeSystemConstants.shortArrayTypeCode:
return v instanceof ShortArray;
case TypeSystemConstants.intArrayTypeCode:
return v instanceof IntegerArray;
case TypeSystemConstants.floatArrayTypeCode:
return v instanceof FloatArray;
case TypeSystemConstants.longArrayTypeCode:
return v instanceof LongArray;
case TypeSystemConstants.doubleArrayTypeCode:
return v instanceof DoubleArray;
case TypeSystemConstants.stringArrayTypeCode:
return v instanceof StringArray;
// case TypeSystemConstants.javaObjectArrayTypeCode:
// return v instanceof JavaObjectArray;
case TypeSystemConstants.fsArrayTypeCode:
return v instanceof FSArray;
// it is possible that the array has a special type code corresponding to a type "someUserType"[]
// meaning an array of some user type. UIMA implements these as instances of FSArray (I think)
if (!(v instanceof FSArray)) { return false; }
return true;
private void subStringRangeCheck(Feature feat, String v) {
Type range = feat.getRange();
if (range instanceof TypeImpl_stringSubtype) {
if (v != null) { // null values always OK
// protected Object[] _getRefData() {
// return _refData;
// }
* @param src the FS to copy features from
public void _copyIntAndRefArraysFrom(FeatureStructureImplC src) {
if (src._intData != null && _intData != null) {
// System.arraycopy(src._intData, src._getIntDataArrayOffset(), _intData, _getIntDataArrayOffset(),
// Math.min(src._typeImpl.nbrOfUsedIntDataSlots, _typeImpl.nbrOfUsedIntDataSlots));
System.arraycopy(src._intData, 0, _intData, 0,
Math.min(src._intData.length, _intData.length));
if (src._refData != null && _refData != null) {
// System.arraycopy(src._refData, src._getRefDataArrayOffset(), _refData, _getRefDataArrayOffset(),
// Math.min(src._typeImpl.nbrOfUsedRefDataSlots, _typeImpl.nbrOfUsedRefDataSlots));
System.arraycopy(src._refData, 0, _refData, 0,
Math.min(src._refData.length, _refData.length));
* copy int and ref data for two instances, each having the exact same type
* @param src the FS to copy features from
public void _copyIntAndRefArraysEqTypesFrom(FeatureStructureImplC src) {
if (_intData != null) {
// System.arraycopy(src._intData, src._getIntDataArrayOffset(), _intData, _getIntDataArrayOffset(), _typeImpl.nbrOfUsedIntDataSlots);
System.arraycopy(src._intData, 0, _intData, 0, _typeImpl.nbrOfUsedIntDataSlots);
if (_refData != null) {
// System.arraycopy(src._refData, src._getRefDataArrayOffset(), _refData, _getRefDataArrayOffset(), _typeImpl.nbrOfUsedRefDataSlots);
System.arraycopy(src._refData, 0, _refData, 0, _typeImpl.nbrOfUsedRefDataSlots);
* @param src the FS to copy features from
public void _copyIntArrayEqTypesFrom(FeatureStructureImplC src) {
if (_intData != null) {
System.arraycopy(src._intData, 0, _intData, 0, _intData.length);
public String toShortString() {
return new StringBuilder(_typeImpl.getShortName()).append(':').append(_id).toString();
// private int _getIntDataArrayOffset() {
// return (_flags & bitMaskIntOffset) >> shiftIntOffset;
// }
// private void _setIntDataArrayOffset(int v) {
// _flags = (_flags & ~bitMaskIntOffset) | v << shiftIntOffset;
// }
// private int _getRefDataArrayOffset() {
// return _flags >> shiftRefOffset;
// }
// private void _setRefDataArrayOffset(int v) {
// _flags = (_flags & ~bitMaskRefOffset) | v << shiftRefOffset;
// }
public final TypeImpl _getTypeImpl() {
return _typeImpl;
protected final void _setTypeImpl(TypeImpl ti) {
_typeImpl = ti;
public static int compare(FeatureStructureImplC a, FeatureStructureImplC b) {
return, b._id);
protected final static int wrapGetIntCatchException(MethodHandle mh) {
try {
return (int) mh.invokeExact();
} catch(Throwable t) {
throw new UIMA_IllegalStateException(UIMA_IllegalStateException.JCAS_NO_TYPE, null, t);