blob: e5bf5bf4af0c6c71656993bdcde0f29606bcd040 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Feature;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.cas.TypeSystem;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Misc;
* The implementation of features in the type system.
* A featureImpl instance is shared by the top defining type and all of its subtypes
public class FeatureImpl implements Feature {
private final int featureCode; // unique id for this feature, in this type system
* the 0 based offset for this feature ignoring ref/int distinction, in feature order, without regard to JCas implemented features; set at commit time
* used by v2 style de/serializers
private short featureOffset = -1;
private short adjustedFeatureOffset = -1; // the offset in the storage array for this feature, adjusted to exclude JCas implemented features; set at commit time
// not used 2/29/16 to be removed
// int registryIndex = -1; // set from JCas classes feature registry
// used to setup index corruption bitset
public final boolean isInInt; // specifies which array the data is in
private final boolean isMultipleRefsAllowed;
* true if the range is a long or double
public final boolean isLongOrDouble;
private final TypeImpl highestDefiningType; // if changed, this feature is thrown away and a replacement is made
private final TypeImpl rangeType;
// private final TypeSystemImpl ts;
* true for the feature which is the AnnotationBase sofa reference.
public final boolean isAnnotBaseSofaRef;
private final String shortName; // feat
// protected Object jcasGetter; // null or the functional interface to call to get this feature
// protected Object jcasSetter; // null or the functional interface to call to set this feature
// protected Object jcasSetterNcNj; // null or the functional interface to call to set this feature, no check for corruption, no journaling
private final SlotKind slotKind;
/** type class of the range, including CasSerializer List constants */
public final int rangeTypeClass; // set from CasSerializerSupport.classifyType
private final long hashCodeLong;
* used to make singleton which is used for "missing feature"
private FeatureImpl() {
this.featureCode = 0;
this.isInInt = false;
this.rangeType = null;
this.isMultipleRefsAllowed = false;
this.isAnnotBaseSofaRef = false;
this.shortName = null;
this.slotKind = null;
this.rangeTypeClass = 0;
this.isLongOrDouble = false;
this.highestDefiningType = null;
this.hashCodeLong = computeHashCodeLong();
FeatureImpl(TypeImpl typeImpl, String shortName, TypeImpl rangeType, TypeSystemImpl tsi, boolean isMultipleRefsAllowed, SlotKind slotKind) {
// this.code = code;
this.highestDefiningType = typeImpl;
List<FeatureImpl> feats = (tsi == null) ? null : tsi.features;
this.featureCode = (feats == null) ? -1 : feats.size();
this.rangeType = rangeType;
this.isLongOrDouble = (rangeType == null) ? false : rangeType.isLongOrDouble;
this.slotKind = slotKind;
this.shortName = shortName;
this.isMultipleRefsAllowed = isMultipleRefsAllowed;
this.isAnnotBaseSofaRef = (highestDefiningType == null)
? false
: ((highestDefiningType.getCode() == TypeSystemConstants.annotBaseTypeCode) && shortName.equals(CAS.FEATURE_BASE_NAME_SOFA));
this.isInInt = (rangeType == null)
? false
: (rangeType.getTypeSystem().isInInt(rangeType));
this.rangeTypeClass = (rangeType == null)
: CasSerializerSupport.classifyType(rangeType);
this.hashCodeLong = computeHashCodeLong();
if (typeImpl != null) {
// if typeImpl is null, this is a "jcas only" defined feature, not a real feature
typeImpl.addFeature(this); // might throw if existing feature with different range
* @return the internal code of this feature. Necessary when using low-level APIs.
public int getCode() {
return this.featureCode;
* Get the domain type for this feature.
* @return The domain type. This can not be <code>null</code>.
public Type getDomain() {
return this.highestDefiningType;
* Get the range type for this feature.
* * @return The range type. This can not be <code>null</code>.
public Type getRange() {
return this.rangeType;
public TypeImpl getRangeImpl() {
return this.rangeType;
public SlotKind getSlotKind() {
return this.slotKind;
* Get the fully qualified name for this feature.
* The Feature qualifier is that of the highest defining type.
* @return The name. This can not be <code>null</code>.
public String getName() {
return highestDefiningType.getName() + TypeSystem.FEATURE_SEPARATOR + shortName;
public String getShortName() {
return this.shortName;
public String toString() {
return String.format(
"%s [%s: rangeType=%s, isMultipleRefsAllowed=%s, slotKind=%s]",
this.getClass().getSimpleName(), getName(), rangeType, isMultipleRefsAllowed,
// public String getGetterSetterName(boolean isGet) {
// String shortName1stLetterUpperCase = Character.toUpperCase(this.shortName.charAt(0)) +
// ((shortName.length() == 1) ? "" : this.shortName.substring(1));
// return (isGet ? "get" : "set") + shortName1stLetterUpperCase;
// }
public boolean isMultipleReferencesAllowed() {
return this.isMultipleRefsAllowed;
* @return the 0-based offset for this feature
public int getOffset() {
return featureOffset;
void setOffset(int offset) {
if (offset > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new RuntimeException("Feature Offset exceeds maximum of 32767");
featureOffset = (short) offset;
public int getAdjustedOffset() {
return adjustedFeatureOffset;
void setAdjustedOffset(int offset) {
if (offset > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new RuntimeException("Feature Offset exceeds maximum of 32767");
adjustedFeatureOffset = (short) offset;
// /**
// * @return the functionalGetter
// */
// Object getJCasGetter() {
// return jcasGetter;
// }
// /**
// * @param functionalGetter the functionalGetter to set
// */
// void setJCasGetter(Object functionalGetter) {
// this.jcasGetter = functionalGetter;
// }
// /**
// * @return the functionalSetter
// */
// Object getJCasSetter() {
// return jcasSetter;
// }
// /**
// * @return the functional setter with no index corruption checking, no journalling
// */
// Object getJCasSetterNcNj() {
// return jcasSetterNcNj;
// }
/* Set for these values done directly in TypeSystemImpl, computeAdjustedFeatureOffsets */
TypeImpl getHighestDefiningType() {
return highestDefiningType;
// void setHighestDefiningType(Type type) {
// highestDefiningType = (TypeImpl) type;
// }
* throw if v is not in the allowed value set of the range type
* @param v the value to check
public void validateIsInAllowedValue(String v) {
TypeImpl_stringSubtype ti = (TypeImpl_stringSubtype) getRangeImpl();
public int hashCode() {
return (int) hashCodeLong;
public long hashCodeLong() {
return hashCodeLong;
* Hashcode and equals are used, possibly for features in different type systems,
* where the features should be "equal". Example: fitering during serialization.
* @return long version of hashcode
public long computeHashCodeLong() {
final long prime = 31;
long result;
// return this.featureCode; // can't use this across different type systems
result = prime + Misc.hashStringLong(shortName);
result = prime * result + ((highestDefiningType == null) ? 0 : highestDefiningType.hashCodeNameLong());
result = prime * result + (isMultipleRefsAllowed ? 1231 : 1237);
result = prime * result + ((rangeType == null) ? 0 : rangeType.hashCodeNameLong());
return result;
* This should work across different type systems, for instance
* when using filtered serialization
public int compareTo(Feature o) {
if (this == o) {
return 0;
FeatureImpl other = (FeatureImpl) o;
if (hashCodeLong == other.hashCodeLong) return 0;
// to preserve the compare contract, can't use hash for miscompare
int c;
c = this.shortName.compareTo(other.shortName);
if (c != 0) return c;
c = highestDefiningType.getName().compareTo(other.highestDefiningType.getName());
if (c != 0) return c;
c =, other.isMultipleRefsAllowed);
if (c != 0) return c;
c = rangeType.getName().compareTo(other.rangeType.getName());
if (c != 0) return c;
throw Misc.internalError();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) return true;
if (obj == null) return false;
if (!(obj instanceof FeatureImpl)) return false;
FeatureImpl other = (FeatureImpl) obj;
// return this.featureCode == other.featureCode; // can't use this across different type systems
return hashCodeLong == other.hashCodeLong;
// if (!highestDefiningType.getName().equals(other.highestDefiningType.getName())) return false;
// if (isMultipleRefsAllowed != other.isMultipleRefsAllowed) return false;
// if (!rangeType.getName().equals(other.rangeType.getName())) return false;
// if (!shortName.equals(other.shortName)) return false;
// return true;
* Used by CAS Copier to denote missing feature
public final static FeatureImpl singleton = new FeatureImpl();