blob: d3e679fcb0aacccdbe3467c960445cc52f4fa88c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.uima.List_of_ints;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CommonArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Feature;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Int2ObjHashMap;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Misc;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Obj2IntIdentityHashMap;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Pair;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.PositiveIntSet;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.PositiveIntSet_impl;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.BooleanArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.ByteArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.CommonList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.DoubleArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.EmptyList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FloatArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FloatList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.IntegerArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.IntegerList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.LongArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.NonEmptyFSList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.NonEmptyFloatList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.NonEmptyIntegerList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.NonEmptyStringList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.ShortArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.StringArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.StringList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP;
import org.apache.uima.util.IntEntry;
* Used by tests for Binary Compressed de/serialization code.
* Used by test app: XmiCompare.
* Compare 2 CASes, with perhaps different type systems.
* If the type systems are different, construct a type mapper and use that
* to selectively ignore types or features not in other type system
* The Mapper is from CAS1 -> CAS2
* When computing the things to compare from CAS1, filter to remove
* feature structures not reachable via indexes or refs
* The index definitions are not compared.
* The indexes are used to locate the FSs to be compared.
* Reports are produced to System.out and System.err as a side effect
* System.out: status messages, type system comparison
* System.err: mismatch comparison information
* Usage:
* Use the static compareCASes method for default comparisons
* Use the multi-step approach for more complex comparisons:
* - Make an instance of this class, passing in the two CASes.
* - Set any additional configuration
* cc.compareAll(true) - continue comparing if mismatch found
* cc.compardIds(true) - compare ids (require ids to be ==)
* - Do any transformations needed on the CASes to account for known but allowed differences:
* -- These are transformations done on the CAS Feature Structures outside of this routine
* -- example: for certain type:feature string values, normalize to the same canonical value
* -- example: for certain type:feature string arrays, where the order is not important, sort them
* -- example: for certain type:feature FSArrays, where the order is not important, sort them
* --- using the sortFSArray method
* - Do any configuration to specify congruence sets for String values
* -- example: addStringCongruenceSet( type, feature, set-of-strings, -1 or int index if array)
* -- these are specific to type / feature specs
* -- range can be string or string array - if string array, the spec includes the index or -1
* to indicate all indexes
* How it works
* Prepare arrays of all the FSs in the CAS
* - for each of 2 CASes to be compared
* - 2 arrays:
* -- all FSs in any index in any view
* -- the above, plus all FSs reachable via references
* The comparison of FSs is done, one FS at a time.
* - in order to determine the right FSs to compare with each other, the FSs for each CAS
* are sorted.
* The sort and the CAS compare both use a Compare method.
* - sorting skips items not in the other type system, including features
* - (only possible if comparing two CASes with different type systems, of course)
* Compare
* - used for two purposes:
* a) sorting FSs belonging to one CAS
* - can be used by caller to pre-sort any array values where the
* compare should be for set equality (in other words, ignore the order)
* b) comparing a FS in one CAS with a FS in the other CAS
* sort keys, in order:
* 1) type
* 2) if primitive array: sort based on
* - size
* - iterating thru all array items
* 3) All the features, considered in an order where non-refs are sorted before refs.
* comparing values:
* primitives - value comparison
* refs - compare the ref'd FS, while recording reference paths
* - stop when reach a compare point where the pair being compaired has been seen
* - stop at any point if the two FSs compare unequal
* - at the stop point, if compare is equal, check the reference paths, and
* report unequal reference paths (different cycle lengths, or different total lengths,
* see the Prev data structure)
* Context information, reused across compares:
* prevCompare - if a particular pair of FSs compared equal
* -- used to speed up comparison
* -- used to stop recursive loops of references
* prev1, prev2 - reset for each top level FS compare
* - not reset for inner FS compares of fs-reference values)
* holds information about the reference path for chains of FS references
public class CasCompare {
private final static boolean IS_DEBUG_STOP_ON_MISCOMPARE = true;
private final static boolean IS_MEAS_LIST_2_ARRAY = false;
* Compare 2 CASes, with perhaps different type systems.
* - using default configuration.
* @param c1 CAS to compare
* @param c2 CAS to compare
* @return true if equal (for types / features in both)
public static boolean compareCASes(CASImpl c1, CASImpl c2) {
return new CasCompare(c1, c2).compareCASes();
* hold info about previous compares, to break cycles in references
* The comparison records cycles and can distinguish different cyclic graphs.
* When a cycle exists, it looks like:
* a b c d e f g h i a cycle starting with a, with refs ending up at i
* ^ v and then looping back to f
* *-----*
* This data structure measures both the cycle Length (in this example, 4)
* and the size of the starting part before hitting the loop (in this case 5)
* Note: when using, if two FSs end up comparing equal, the instances must be
* rolled back 1 item to allow further items to be compared in the chain.
* Example: a -> b -> c -> d
* d's compared equal, c may have ref next to "e".
private static class Prev {
/** ordered list of traversed FSs, including duplicates */
private final ArrayList<TOP> fsList = new ArrayList<>();
/** length of the cycle, excluding any leading ref chain
* -1 until some cycle is detected */
private int cycleLen = -1;
/** length of the leading ref chain, excludes any cycle part
* -1 until some cycle is detected */
private int cycleStart = -1;
/** ref to the top of the chain; used as a boolean flag */
TOP prevCompareTop;
void clear() {
cycleLen = -1;
cycleStart = -1;
prevCompareTop = null;
int compareCycleLen(Prev other) {
return, other.cycleLen);
int compareUsize(Prev other) {
return, other.usize());
* called when returning from compare with equal result
* If a loop exists, and the item being removed is the one that started the loopback,
* reset the loop info.
* @param fs
void rmvLast(TOP fs) {
int toBeRemoved = fsList.size() - 1;
if (toBeRemoved == usize()) { // means removing the 1st item that looped back
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
// a b c d e f g (c d e f g c d) fsList
// ^ loop, cycleStart = 2 , cycleLength = 5
if (cycleLen < 0) { // never true, because usize() >= 0 ==> there's a cycle
System.out.println("debug cycleLen");
throw Misc.internalError();
assert cycleLen >= 0;
assert cycleStart >= 0;
cycleLen = -1; // since the loop is no more, reset the loop info
cycleStart = -1;
void addTop() {
prevCompareTop = null;
void add(TOP fs) {
if (cycleLen < 0) {
int i = fsList.lastIndexOf(fs);
if (i >= 0) { // first instance of a cycle detected
cycleLen = fsList.size() - i;
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
// a b c d e f g (c)
// ^ i == 2 == length of start segment
cycleStart = i; // cycleStart is length up to but not including the start of the cycle
/** return size of ref chain including duplicates due to ref loops */
int size() {
return fsList.size();
/** return -2 or the length of the cycle including 1 loop */
int usize() {
return cycleStart + cycleLen;
/** key for StringCongruenceSet */
private static class ScsKey {
final TypeImpl type;
final FeatureImpl feature;
final int index;
ScsKey(TypeImpl type, FeatureImpl feature, int index) {
this.type = type;
this.feature = feature;
this.index = index;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((feature == null) ? 0 : feature.hashCode());
result = prime * result + index;
result = prime * result + ((type == null) ? 0 : type.hashCode());
return result;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
ScsKey other = (ScsKey) obj;
if (feature == null) {
if (other.feature != null)
return false;
} else if (!feature.equals(other.feature))
return false;
if (index != other.index)
return false;
if (type == null) {
if (other.type != null)
return false;
} else if (!type.equals(other.type))
return false;
return true;
private static class FeatLists {
* first index is easy, easyArrays, refs, refArrays
final FeatureImpl[][] featsByEase = new FeatureImpl[4][];
FeatLists(List<FeatureImpl> easy,
List<FeatureImpl> easyArrays,
List<FeatureImpl> refs,
List<FeatureImpl> refArrays) {
featsByEase[0] = (FeatureImpl[]) easy.toArray(new FeatureImpl[easy.size()]);
featsByEase[1] = (FeatureImpl[]) easyArrays.toArray(new FeatureImpl[easyArrays.size()]);
featsByEase[2] = (FeatureImpl[]) refs.toArray(new FeatureImpl[refs.size()]);
featsByEase[3] = (FeatureImpl[]) refArrays.toArray(new FeatureImpl[refArrays.size()]);
// must always be true, need to rework convert lists to arrays if not
private static final boolean IS_CANONICAL_EMPTY_LISTS = true;
/* ****************************************************
* Data Structures for converting lists to arrays
* ****************************************************/
private static final CommonList removed_list_marker = new NonEmptyFSList<TOP>();
* key = _id, value = arraylist holding well-formed list with this node in it
final private Int2ObjHashMap<ArrayList<CommonList>, ArrayList<CommonList>> map_e_to_a_list =
new Int2ObjHashMap(ArrayList.class);
* set of list elements determined to be members of a non-linear structure
final private PositiveIntSet non_linear_list_elements = new PositiveIntSet_impl();
* a map from list nodes which might be removed, to their place in the fss array list
* The index is 1 more, to avoid colliding with the 0 value, used for missing value
final private Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<CommonList> node_indexes =
new Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<CommonList>(CommonList.class, removed_list_marker);
final private PositiveIntSet list_successor_seen = new PositiveIntSet_impl();
final private Map<TypeImpl, FeatLists> type2featLists = new HashMap<>();
final private CASImpl c1;
final private CASImpl c2;
final private TypeSystemImpl ts1;
final private TypeSystemImpl ts2;
// private boolean compareStringArraysAsSets = false;
// private boolean compareArraysByElement = false;
/** if true, continues comparison and reporting after finding the first miscompare */
private boolean isCompareAll = false;
private boolean isCompareIds = false;
// private boolean compareFSArraysAsSets = false;
// /** true when that FS._id (an Array of some kind) has been sorted */
// final private BitSet alreadySorted1 = new BitSet();
// final private BitSet alreadySorted2 = new BitSet();
* This is used
* - to speed up the compare - avoid comparing the same things multiple times, instead just use previous result
* - when doing the comparison to break recursion if asked to compare the same two things while comaring them.
* value is the result of previous comparison.
private final Map<Pair<TOP, TOP>, Integer> prevCompare = new HashMap<>();
private final Prev prev1 = new Prev();
private final Prev prev2 = new Prev();
// private final Set<Pair<TOP, TOP>> miscompares = Collections.newSetFromMap(new HashMap<>());
// private TOP fs1, fs2;
private boolean isSrcCas; // used for sorting with a CAS, to differentiate between src and target CASes
final private StringBuilder mismatchSb = new StringBuilder();
private boolean inSortContext = false;
private boolean isTypeMapping;
private final CasTypeSystemMapper typeMapper;
private ArrayList<TOP> c1FoundFSs;
private ArrayList<TOP> c2FoundFSs;
private final Map<ScsKey, String[]> stringCongruenceSets = new HashMap<>();
private boolean isUsingStringCongruenceSets = false;
private final TypeImpl fsArrayType;
private int maxId1;
private int maxId2;
public CasCompare(CASImpl c1, CASImpl c2) {
this.c1 = c1;
this.c2 = c2;
ts1 = c1.getTypeSystemImpl();
ts2 = c2.getTypeSystemImpl();
typeMapper = ts1.getTypeSystemMapper(ts2);
isTypeMapping = (null != typeMapper);
fsArrayType = ts1.fsArrayType;
// public void compareStringArraysAsSets(boolean v) {
// compareStringArraysAsSets = v;
// }
// public void compareFSArraysAsSets(boolean v) {
// compareFSArraysAsSets = v;
// }
// public void compareArraysByElement(boolean v) {
// compareArraysByElement = v;
// }
* Continues the comparison after a miscompare (or not)
* @param v true to continue the comparison after a miscompare
public void compareAll(boolean v) {
isCompareAll = v;
public void compareIds(boolean v) {
isCompareIds = v;
// public void compareCanonicalEmptyLists(boolean v) {
// isCanonicalEmptyLists = v;
// }
* Add a set of strings that should be considered equal when doing string comparisons.
* This is conditioned on the typename and feature name
* @param t the fully qualified type name
* @param f the feature short name
* @param set a set of strings that should compare equal, if testing the type / feature
* @param index if the item being compared is a reference to a string array, which index should be compared.
* Use -1 if not applicable.
public void addStringCongruenceSet(String t, String f, String[] set, int index) {
TypeImpl t1 = ts1.getType(t);
new ScsKey(t1, t1.getFeatureByBaseName(f), index),
isUsingStringCongruenceSets = true;
* This does the actual comparison operation of the previously specified CASes
* @return true if compare is OK
public boolean compareCASes() {
boolean allOk = true;
// final List<TOP> c1FoundFSs;
// final List<TOP> c2FoundFSs;
final boolean savedIsTypeMapping= isTypeMapping;
try {
// processIndexedFeatureStructures(c1, false);
Predicate<TOP> includeFilter = isTypeMapping ? (fs -> isTypeInTgt(fs)) : null;
// get just the indexed ones
c1FoundFSs = new AllFSs(c1, null, includeFilter, isTypeMapping ? typeMapper : null)
// c1FoundFSs = fssToSerialize; // all reachable FSs, filtered by CAS1 -> CAS2 type systems.
// processIndexedFeatureStructures(c2, false);
c2FoundFSs = new AllFSs(c2, null, null, null)
.getAllFSs(); // get just the indexed ones.
// if type systems are "isEqual()" still need to map because of feature validation testing
int i1 = 0;
int i2 = 0;
maxId1 = c1.peekNextFsId();
maxId2 = c2.peekNextFsId();
// convert_linear_lists_to_arrays may add more items
final int sz1 = c1FoundFSs.size(); // max size for comparing, includes added arrays converted from lists
final int sz2 = c2FoundFSs.size();
isSrcCas = true; // avoids sorting on types/features not present in ts2
isSrcCas = false; // avoids sorting on types/features not present in ts1
// miscompares.clear();
while (i1 < sz1 && i2 < sz2) {
TOP fs1 = c1FoundFSs.get(i1); // assumes the elements are in same order??
TOP fs2 = c2FoundFSs.get(i2);
if (null == fs1) { // nulls at end indicate list elements converted to arrays
if (null != fs2) {
System.err.format("%,d Feature Structures in CAS2 with no matches in CAS2, e.g. %s%n",
sz2 - i2, fs2.toString(2));
return ! allOk;
} else {
return allOk;
if (null == fs2) { // nulls at end indicate list elements converted to arrays
System.err.format("%,d Feature Structures in CAS1 with no matches in CAS2, e.g. %s%n",
sz1 - i1, fs1.toString(2));
return ! allOk;
if (fs1 instanceof EmptyList && !(fs2 instanceof EmptyList)) {
int start = i1;
while (true) {
if (i1 >= sz1) break;
fs1 = c1FoundFSs.get(i1);
if (!(fs1 instanceof EmptyList)) break;
System.out.println("CasCompare skipping " + (i1 - start) + " emptylist FSs in 1st CAS to realign.");
} else if (fs2 instanceof EmptyList && !(fs1 instanceof EmptyList)) {
int start = i2;
while (true) {
if (i2 >= sz2) break;
fs2 = c2FoundFSs.get(i2);
if (!(fs2 instanceof EmptyList)) break;
System.out.println("CasCompare skipping " + (i2 - start) + " emptylist FSs in 2nd CAS to realign.");
prev1.prevCompareTop = fs1;
prev2.prevCompareTop = fs2;
if (isTypeMapping) {
// skip compares for types that are missing in the other type system
final boolean typeMissingIn1 = typeMapper.mapTypeTgt2Src(fs2._getTypeImpl()) == null;
final boolean typeMissingIn2 = typeMapper.mapTypeSrc2Tgt(fs1._getTypeImpl()) == null;
if (!typeMissingIn1 && !typeMissingIn2) {
if (0 != compareFss(fs1, fs2, null, null)) {
if (!isCompareAll) return false;
allOk = false;
int tc = fs1._getTypeImpl().compareTo(fs2._getTypeImpl());
if (tc < 0) {
System.out.print("skiping first to align types ");
while (tc < 0 && i1 < sz1) {
tc = c1FoundFSs.get(i1)._getTypeImpl().compareTo(fs2._getTypeImpl());
} else if (tc > 0) {
System.out.print("skiping second to align types ");
while (tc > 0 && i2 < sz2) {
tc = fs1._getTypeImpl().compareTo(c2FoundFSs.get(i2)._getTypeImpl());
if (typeMissingIn1 && typeMissingIn2) {
if (typeMissingIn1) {
System.out.println("debug - type missing in 1, but test fails for refs");
if (typeMissingIn2) {
} else { // not type mapping
if (0 != compareFss(fs1, fs2, null, null)) {
if (!isCompareAll) return false;
allOk = false;
int tc = fs1._getTypeImpl().compareTo(fs2._getTypeImpl());
if (tc < 0) {
System.out.print("skiping first to align types ");
while (tc < 0 && i1 < sz1) {
tc = c1FoundFSs.get(i1)._getTypeImpl().compareTo(fs2._getTypeImpl());
} else if (tc > 0) {
System.out.print("skiping second to align types ");
while (tc > 0 && i2 < sz2) {
tc = fs1._getTypeImpl().compareTo(c2FoundFSs.get(i2)._getTypeImpl());
else {
// debug - realign for case where c1 has 1 extra fs
if (i1 + 1 < sz1) {
fs1 = c1FoundFSs.get(i1 + 1);
prev1.prevCompareTop = fs1;
prev2.prevCompareTop = fs2;
if (0 == compareFss(fs1, fs2, null, null)) {
// realign
System.out.println("Skipping 1 to realign within same type " + fs1._getTypeImpl().getName());
if (i1 == sz1 && i2 == sz2) {
return allOk; // end
if (isTypeMapping) {
if (i1 < sz1) {
System.err.format("%,d Feature Structures in CAS1 with no matches in CAS2, e.g. %s%n",
sz1 - i1, c1FoundFSs.get(i1));
return false;
while (i2 < sz2) {
TOP fs = c2FoundFSs.get(i2);
if (isTypeMapping && typeMapper.mapTypeTgt2Src(fs._getTypeImpl()) != null) { // not a complete test, misses refs
return false; // have more FSs in c2 than in c1
return true;
// not type mapping, and number of FS didn't match
if (i1 < sz1) {
System.err.format("CAS1 had %,d additional Feature Structures, e.g.: %s%n", sz1 - i1, c1FoundFSs.get(i1));
} else {
System.err.format("CAS2 had %,d additional Feature Structures, e.g.: %s%n", sz2 - i2, c2FoundFSs.get(i2));
return false;
} finally {
isTypeMapping = savedIsTypeMapping;
* Sort an fsArray. During the sort, links are followed.
* The sorting is done in a clone of the array, and the original array is not updated.
* Instead, a Runnable is returned, which may be invoked later to update the original array with the sorted copy.
* This allows sorting to be done on the original item values.
* @param fsArray the array to be sorted
* @return a runnable, which (when invoked) updates the original array with the sorted result.
public Runnable sortFSArray(FSArray fsArray) {
if (fsArray == null || fsArray.size() < 2) {
return null;
TOP[] a = fsArray._getTheArray().clone();
inSortContext = true;
Arrays.sort(a, (TOP afs1, TOP afs2) -> {
return compareRefs(afs1, afs2, null, null);
return () -> System.arraycopy(a, 0, fsArray._getTheArray(), 0, fsArray.size());
/* *******************************************************************************
* Convert UIMA Lists to arrays, to make the compare go faster
* *******************************************************************************/
private void convert_linear_lists_to_arrays(ArrayList<TOP> fss) {
int sz = fss.size();
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
TOP fs = fss.get(i);
if (! (fs instanceof CommonList)) continue; // skip: not list node
CommonList node = (CommonList) fs;
if (node.isEmpty()) {
fss.set(i, null); // clear it, empty list elements don't need to be compared
if (non_linear_list_elements.contains(node._id())) continue; // skip: in non-linear list
if (null != map_e_to_a_list.get(node._id())) {
node_indexes.put(node, i + 1); // case: added as a successor
continue; // skip: already seen/processed
node_indexes.put(node, i + 1); // in case we have to remove this later
if (!node.isEmpty()) {
ArrayList<CommonList> al = new ArrayList<>(); // start a new arraylist
al.add(node); // add this node
map_e_to_a_list.put(node._id(), al);
if (addSuccessors(node, al)) continue;
// some successor was in a non-linear situation
System.out.format("CasCompare converting lists to Arrays, "
+ "nbr of list elements considered: %,d, number of looped lists skipped: %,d%n",
node_indexes.size(), non_linear_list_elements.size());
CASImpl view = fss.get(0)._casView;
TypeSystemImpl tsi = view.getTypeSystemImpl();
Set<ArrayList<CommonList>> processed = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>());
for (IntEntry<ArrayList<CommonList>> ie : map_e_to_a_list) {
ArrayList<CommonList> e = ie.getValue();
if (processed.add(e)) {
convert_to_array(e, fss, view, tsi); // changes list element to highest pseudo fs, adds array elements
System.out.format("CasCompare converted %,d lists to Arrays%n", processed.size());
// allow gc
* Convert an array list to a uima array (int, float, fs, string)
* - add to fss
* - go thru fss and null out list elements
* @param al -
* @param fss -
private void convert_to_array(
ArrayList<CommonList> al,
ArrayList<TOP> fss,
CASImpl view,
TypeSystemImpl tsi) {
CommonList e = al.get(0);
if (e instanceof FSList) {
assert al.size() > 0;
FSArray<TOP> fsa = new FSArray<>(tsi.fsArrayType, view, al.size());
int i = 0;
for (CommonList n : al) {
assert !n.isEmpty();
fsa.set(i++, ((NonEmptyFSList)n).getHead());
fss.set(node_indexes.get(n) - 1, null);
} else if (e instanceof IntegerList) {
IntegerArray a = new IntegerArray(tsi.intArrayType, view, al.size());
int i = 0;
for (CommonList n : al) {
a.set(i++, (n instanceof EmptyList)
? Integer.MIN_VALUE
: ((NonEmptyIntegerList)n).getHead());
fss.set(node_indexes.get(n) - 1, null);
} else if (e instanceof FloatList) {
FloatArray a = new FloatArray(tsi.floatArrayType, view, al.size());
int i = 0;
for (CommonList n : al) {
a.set(i++, (n instanceof EmptyList)
: ((NonEmptyFloatList)n).getHead());
fss.set(node_indexes.get(n) - 1, null);
} else if (e instanceof StringList) {
StringArray a = new StringArray(tsi.stringArrayType, view, al.size());
int i = 0;
for (CommonList n : al) {
a.set(i++, (n instanceof EmptyList)
? null
: ((NonEmptyStringList)n).getHead());
fss.set(node_indexes.get(n) - 1, null);
} else Misc.internalError();
* walk down list, adding successors, looking for loops
* - each element is added to the array list, and also to the map from id -> array list
* - if loop found, stop and return false
* - before adding element, see if already in map from id -> array list
* -- if so, couple the array lists
* @param node -
* @param al -
* @return false if loop found
private boolean addSuccessors(CommonList node, ArrayList al) {
try {
list_successor_seen.add(node._id()); // starts reset, reset at end
while (!node.isEmpty()) {
node = node.getCommonTail();
if (node == null || node.isEmpty()) break;
if (!list_successor_seen.add(node._id())) return false; // stop if loop is found
ArrayList<CommonList> other = map_e_to_a_list.get(node._id());
if (null != other) {
couple_array_lists(al, other, node);
return true; // rest of list already walked
} else {
map_e_to_a_list.put(node._id(), al); // every element maps to containing al
return true;
} finally {
* merge a2 to follow a1, starting from position where commonNode is in a2
* @param a1 -
* @param a2 -
* @param commonNode -
private void couple_array_lists(ArrayList<CommonList> a1, ArrayList<CommonList> a2, CommonList commonNode) {
int i = 0;
int sz2 = a2.size();
for (; i < sz2; i++) {
if (commonNode == a2.get(i)) break;
if (i == sz2) Misc.internalError();
for (; i < sz2; i++) {
CommonList node = a2.get(i);
map_e_to_a_list.put(node._id(), a1); // remove a2 value, put in a1 value
private void move_to_non_linear(ArrayList<CommonList> al) {
for (CommonList e : al) {
private void clearPrevFss() {
* To work with Java sort, must implement the comparator contract:
* - compare(x, y) must be opposite compare(y, x)
* - compare(x, y) < 0 && compare(y, z) < 0 implies compare(x, z) < 0
* - compare(x, y) == 0 implies compare(x, z) same as compare(y, z) for any z
* Inner part of compareRefs; that other method adds:
* null-check
* type-mapping skips
* loop determination
* If not in a sort context, a miscompare generates messaging information.
* @param callerTi - the type of another FS referencing this one, or null, used in congruence set testing
* @param callerFi - the feature of the another FS referencing this one, or null, used in congruence set testing
* @return the compare result
private int compareFss(TOP fs1, TOP fs2, TypeImpl callerTi, FeatureImpl callerFi) {
if (fs1 == fs2) {
return 0;
TypeImpl ti1 = fs1._getTypeImpl();
TypeImpl ti2 = fs2._getTypeImpl(); // even if not type mapping, may be "equal" but not ==
int r = 0;
if (!inSortContext && isTypeMapping) {
ti2 = typeMapper.mapTypeTgt2Src(ti2);
r = ti1.compareTo(ti2);
if (r != 0) {
if (!inSortContext) {
mismatchFs(fs1, fs2, "Different Types"); // types mismatch
return r;
if (isCompareIds && !inSortContext) {
if (fs1._id < maxId1 && fs2._id < maxId2 && fs1._id != fs2._id) {
mismatchFs(fs1, fs2, "IDs miscompare");
return, fs2._id);
if (ti1.isArray()) {
return compareFssArray(fs1, fs2, callerTi, callerFi);
FeatLists featLists = type2featLists.get(ti1);
if (featLists == null) {
type2featLists.put(ti1, featLists = computeFeatLists(ti1));
// compare features, non-refs first (for performance)
for (FeatureImpl[] featSet : featLists.featsByEase) {
for (FeatureImpl fi1 : featSet) {
if (0 != (r = compareFeature(fs1, fs2, ti1, fi1))) {
return r;
return 0;
private int compareFeature(TOP fs1, TOP fs2, TypeImpl ti1, FeatureImpl fi1) {
int r = 0;
if (inSortContext && isTypeMapping) {
if (isSrcCas && typeMapper.getTgtFeature(ti1, fi1) == null) {
return 0; // skip tests for features not in target type system
// so when comparing CASs, the src value won't cause a miscompare
if (!isSrcCas && typeMapper.getSrcFeature(ti1, fi1) == null) {
return 0; // types/features belong to target in this case
FeatureImpl fi2 = (!inSortContext && isTypeMapping) ? typeMapper.getTgtFeature(ti1, fi1) : fi1;
if (fi2 != null) {
r = compareSlot(fs1, fs2, fi1, fi2, ti1);
if (0 != r) {
if (!inSortContext) {
// // debug
// compareSlot(fs1, fs2, fi1, fi2, ti1);
mismatchFs(fs1, fs2, fi1, fi2);
return r;
} // else we skip the compare - no slot in tgt for src
return r;
* called during sort phase
* @param ti - type being sorted
* @return the feature lists for that type
private FeatLists computeFeatLists(TypeImpl ti) {
List<FeatureImpl> easy = new ArrayList<>();
List<FeatureImpl> easyArrays = new ArrayList<>();
List<FeatureImpl> ref = new ArrayList<>();
List<FeatureImpl> refArrays = new ArrayList<>();
for (FeatureImpl fi : ti.getFeatureImpls()) {
if (isTypeMapping) {
if (isSrcCas && typeMapper.getTgtFeature(ti, fi) == null) {
continue; // skip for features not in target type system
// so when comparing CASs, the src value won't cause a miscompare
// probably not executed, since types discovered on first sort
// except for a type that exists only the the target
if (!isSrcCas && typeMapper.getSrcFeature(ti, fi) == null) {
continue; // types/features belong to target in this case
TypeImpl range = fi.getRangeImpl();
if (range.isArray()) {
TypeImpl_array ra = (TypeImpl_array)range;
if (ra.getComponentType().isRefType) {
} else {
} else {
if (range.isRefType) {
} else {
return new FeatLists(easy, easyArrays, ref, refArrays);
// private int compareFssArray() {
// int r = compareFssArray((CommonArrayFS) fs1, (CommonArrayFS) fs2);
// if (r != 0) {
// if (!inSortContext) mismatchFs();
// }
// return r;
// }
private int compareFssArray(TOP fs1, TOP fs2, TypeImpl callerTi, FeatureImpl callerFi) {
CommonArrayFS a1 = (CommonArrayFS) fs1;
CommonArrayFS a2 = (CommonArrayFS) fs2;
int r;
int len1 = a1.size();
int len2 = a2.size();
r =, len2);
if (r != 0) {
if (!inSortContext) {
mismatchFs(fs1, fs2);
return r;
// if (inSortContext && !compareArraysByElement) {
// // quick approximate comparison of arrays, for sort purposes
// return,
// ((FeatureStructureImplC)fs2)._id);
// }
TypeImpl ti = ((FeatureStructureImplC)a1)._getTypeImpl();
SlotKind kind = ti.getComponentSlotKind();
switch(kind) {
case Slot_BooleanRef: r = compareAllArrayElements(fs1, fs2, len1, i ->
case Slot_ByteRef: r = compareAllArrayElements(fs1, fs2, len1, i ->
((ByteArray )a1).get(i),
((ByteArray )a2).get(i)));
case Slot_ShortRef: r = compareAllArrayElements(fs1, fs2, len1, i ->
((ShortArray )a1).get(i),
((ShortArray )a2).get(i)));
case Slot_Int: r = compareAllArrayElements(fs1, fs2, len1, i ->
case Slot_LongRef: r = compareAllArrayElements(fs1, fs2, len1, i ->
((LongArray )a1).get(i),
((LongArray )a2).get(i)));
// don't compare floats / doubles directly - because two "equal" NaN are defined to miscompare
case Slot_Float: r = compareAllArrayElements(fs1, fs2, len1, i ->
CASImpl.float2int(((FloatArray )a1).get(i)),
CASImpl.float2int(((FloatArray )a2).get(i))));
// don't compare floats / doubles directly - because two "equal" NaN are defined to miscompare
case Slot_DoubleRef: r = compareAllArrayElements(fs1, fs2, len1, i ->
case Slot_HeapRef: r = compareAllArrayElements(fs1, fs2, len1, i -> compareRefs( ((FSArray) a1).get(i),
((FSArray) a2).get(i),
case Slot_StrRef: r = compareAllArrayElements(fs1, fs2, len1, i -> compareStringsWithNull(
throw Misc.internalError();
return r;
private int compareSlot(TOP fs1, TOP fs2, FeatureImpl fi1, FeatureImpl fi2, TypeImpl ti1) {
SlotKind kind = fi1.getSlotKind();
switch (kind) {
case Slot_Int: return, fs2._getIntValueNc(fi2));
case Slot_Short: return, fs2._getShortValueNc(fi2));
case Slot_Boolean: return, fs2._getBooleanValueNc(fi2));
case Slot_Byte: return, fs2._getByteValueNc(fi2));
// don't compare floats / doubles directly - the NaN is defined to miscompare
case Slot_Float: return, CASImpl.float2int(fs2._getFloatValueNc(fi2)));
case Slot_HeapRef: return compareRefs(fs1._getFeatureValueNc(fi1), fs2._getFeatureValueNc(fi2), ti1, fi1);
case Slot_StrRef: return compareStringsWithNull(fs1._getStringValueNc(fi1), fs2._getStringValueNc(fi2), ti1, fi1, -1);
case Slot_LongRef: return, fs2._getLongValueNc(fi2));
// don't compare floats / doubles directly - the NaN is defined to miscompare
case Slot_DoubleRef: return, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(fs2._getDoubleValueNc(fi2)));
default: Misc.internalError(); return 0;
* Two uses cases supported:
* - comparing for sorting (within on type system)
* -- goal is to be able to compare two CASes
* --- ordering must guarantee that the equal FSs appear in the
* --- same order
* - comparing two FSs (maybe from different CASes)
* -- supporting missing types and features
* -- happens when the two type systems are different
* -- the missing types and features are ignored in the comparison
* Different reference chains
* This compare routine may be called recursively
* - use case: FS(a) has slot which is ref to
* FS(b) which has slot which is ref to
* FS(c)
* -- the type of a, b, c may all be different.
* Two reference chains for the two arguments may have different structures
* - Difference in two ways:
* -- length of unique (same fs_id) FSs
* -- length of loop (if one exists at the end reached so far)
* IMPORTANT: the following 2 chains have different lengths, but this
* won't be discovered if the recursive descent stops too soon:
* - a -> b -> c ( -> b )
* - c -> b ( -> c)
* At the 2nd recursion, we have b vs b, but haven't explored the chain
* deeply enough to know the first one has length 3, and the 2nd length 2.
* Meaning of comparision of two refs:
* - recursively defined
* - captures notion of reference chain differences
* -- means if two refs compare 0, the result may still be
* non-0 if the reference chains to get to these are different
* -- first compare on length of unique FSs
* -- if ==, compare on length of loop
* - if comparing (use case 2, two different type systems) with
* type not existing in other type system, skip (treat as 0).
* If comparing two FSs in 1 CAS, where there is type mapping, if the mapping to
* the other CAS is null, change the value of the FS to null to match the sort order
* the other CAS will haveand that mapping is
* to null (because the type is missing), use null for the argument(s).
* Complexities: the type rfs1 may not be in the target type system.
* For this case - treat rfs2 == null as "equal", rfs2 != null as not equal (always gt)
* Is assymetrical (?) - same logic isn't applied for reverse case.
* @param rfs1 -
* @param rfs2 -
* @param fi -
* @return -
private int compareRefs(TOP rfs1, TOP rfs2, TypeImpl callerTi, FeatureImpl callerFi) {
if (inSortContext && isTypeMapping) {
if (isSrcCas) {
if (rfs1 != null && typeMapper.mapTypeSrc2Tgt(rfs1._getTypeImpl()) == null) {
rfs1 = null;
if (rfs2 != null && typeMapper.mapTypeSrc2Tgt(rfs2._getTypeImpl()) == null) {
rfs2 = null;
} else {
if (rfs1 != null && typeMapper.mapTypeTgt2Src(rfs1._getTypeImpl()) == null) {
rfs1 = null;
if (rfs2 != null && typeMapper.mapTypeTgt2Src(rfs2._getTypeImpl()) == null) {
rfs2 = null;
if (rfs1 == null) {
if (rfs2 != null) {
if (!inSortContext && isTypeMapping &&
typeMapper.mapTypeTgt2Src(rfs2._getTypeImpl()) == null) {
return 0;
} else {
if (IS_DEBUG_STOP_ON_MISCOMPARE && !inSortContext) {
System.out.println("debug stop");
return -1;
// return (!inSortContext && isTypeMapping &&
// typeMapper.mapTypeTgt2Src(rfs2._getTypeImpl()) == null)
// ? 0 // no source type for this target type, treat as equal
// : -1;
return 0; // both are null. no loops in ref chain possible
// rfs1 != null at this point
if (rfs2 == null) {
if (!inSortContext && isTypeMapping &&
typeMapper.mapTypeSrc2Tgt(rfs1._getTypeImpl()) == null) {
return 0;
} else {
if (IS_DEBUG_STOP_ON_MISCOMPARE && !inSortContext) {
System.out.println("debug stop");
return 1;
// return (!inSortContext && isTypeMapping &&
// typeMapper.mapTypeSrc2Tgt(rfs1._getTypeImpl()) == null)
// ? 0 // no target type for this target type, treat as equal
// : 1;
if (rfs1 == rfs2) {
// only for inSortContext
return 0;
// next commented out to enable finding length of chain
// if (inSortContext && rfs1._id == rfs2._id) {
// return compareRefResult(rfs1, rfs2);
// }
// both are not null
// do a recursive check
Pair<TOP, TOP> refs = new Pair<TOP, TOP>(rfs1, rfs2);
Integer prevComp = prevCompare.get(refs);
if (prevComp != null) {
int v = prevComp.intValue();
if (v == 0) {
return compareRefResult(rfs1, rfs2); // stop recursion, return based on loops
} else {
if (IS_DEBUG_STOP_ON_MISCOMPARE && !inSortContext) {
System.out.println("debug stop");
return v;
// return (v == 0)
// ? compareRefResult(rfs1, rfs2) // stop recursion, return based on loops
// : v;
prevCompare.put(refs, 0); // preset in case recursion compares this again
// need special handling to detect cycles lengths that are back to the original
if (prev1.prevCompareTop != null) {
assert prev1.fsList.size() > 0;
// TOP savedFs1 = fs1;
// TOP savedFs2 = fs2;
// fs1 = rfs1;
// fs2 = rfs2;
try {
int v = compareFss(rfs1, rfs2, callerTi, callerFi);
if (v != 0) {
prevCompare.put(refs, v);
return v;
} finally {
// fs1 = savedFs1;
// fs2 = savedFs2;
* Returning because recursion detected a loop.
* @param rfs1 -
* @param rfs2 -
* @return - -1 if ref chain 1 length < ref chain 2 length or is the same length but loop length 1 < 2
* 1 if ref chain 1 length > ref chain 2 length or is the same length but loop length 1 > 2
* 0 if ref chain lengths are the same and loop length is the same
* Exception: if one of the items is a canonical "empty" list element, and the other
* is a non-canonical one - treat as equal.
private int compareRefResult(TOP rfs1, TOP rfs2) {
// exception: treat canonical empty lists
if (!inSortContext && IS_CANONICAL_EMPTY_LISTS && rfs1 instanceof EmptyList) {
// if (prev1.size() <= 0 || prev2.size() <= 0) {
return 0;
// }
if (prev1.size() <= 0) {
return 0; // no recursion case
// had some recursion
try { // only for finally block
// compare cycleLen first, because if !=, all ref pairs in above chain are !=
// but if ==, then all cycle pairs are compare ==.
int r = prev1.compareCycleLen(prev2);
if (r != 0) {
if (IS_DEBUG_STOP_ON_MISCOMPARE && !inSortContext) {
System.out.println("debug stop");
return r;
if (prev1.cycleLen > 0) { // && is equal to prev2 cycle length
return 0; // at this level, the FSs are equal
return prev1.compareUsize(prev2);
} finally {
private int compareAllArrayElements(TOP fs1, TOP fs2, int len, IntUnaryOperator c) {
int r = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
r = c.applyAsInt(i);
if (r != 0) {
if (!inSortContext) {
mismatchFs(fs1, fs2, "Comparing array of length " + len);
return r;
// need to return 0 if == in sort context, otherwise violates the
// comparator contract
return 0;
private int compareStringsWithNull(String s1, String s2, TypeImpl t, FeatureImpl f, int index) {
if (isUsingStringCongruenceSets) {
String[] scs = stringCongruenceSets.get(new ScsKey(t, f, index));
if (scs != null) {
if (Misc.contains(scs, s1) &&
Misc.contains(scs, s2)) {
return 0;
if (null == s1) {
return (null == s2) ? 0 : -1;
if (null == s2) {
return 1;
return s1.compareTo(s2);
// private int skipOverTgtFSsNotInSrc(
// int[] heap, int heapEnd, int nextFsIndex, CasTypeSystemMapper typeMapper) {
// final TypeSystemImpl ts = typeMapper.tsTgt;
// for (; nextFsIndex < heapEnd;) {
// final int tCode = heap[nextFsIndex];
// if (typeMapper.mapTypeCodeTgt2Src(tCode) != 0) {
// break;
// }
// nextFsIndex += incrToNextFs(heap, nextFsIndex, ts.getTypeInfo(tCode));
// }
// return nextFsIndex;
// }
// public void initSrcTgtIdMapsAndStringsCompare () {
// int iTgtHeap = isTypeMapping ? skipOverTgtFSsNotInSrc(c2heap, c2end, 1, typeMapper) : 1;
// for (int iSrcHeap = 1; iSrcHeap < c1end;) {
// final int tCode = c1heap[iSrcHeap];
// final int tgtTypeCode = isTypeMapping ? typeMapper.mapTypeCodeSrc2Tgt(tCode) : tCode;
// final boolean isIncludedType = (tgtTypeCode != 0);
// // record info for type
// fsStartIndexes.addItemId(iSrcHeap, iTgtHeap, isIncludedType); // maps src heap to tgt seq
// // for features in type -
// // strings: accumulate those strings that are in the target, if optimizeStrings != null
// // strings either in array, or in individual values
// // byte (array), short (array), long/double (instance or array): record if entries in aux array are skipped
// // (not in the target). Note the recording will be in a non-ordered manner (due to possible updates by
// // previous delta deserialization)
// final TypeInfo srcTypeInfo = ts1.getTypeInfo(tCode);
// final TypeInfo tgtTypeInfo = (isTypeMapping && isIncludedType) ? ts2.getTypeInfo(tgtTypeCode) : srcTypeInfo;
// // Advance to next Feature Structure, in both source and target heap frame of reference
// if (isIncludedType) {
// final int deltaTgtHeap = incrToNextFs(c1heap, iSrcHeap, tgtTypeInfo);
// iTgtHeap += deltaTgtHeap;
// if (isTypeMapping) {
// iTgtHeap = skipOverTgtFSsNotInSrc(c2heap, c2end, iTgtHeap, typeMapper);
// }
// }
// iSrcHeap += incrToNextFs(c1heap, iSrcHeap, srcTypeInfo);
// }
// }
private void mismatchFsDisplay() {
String s = mismatchSb.toString();
private void mismatchFs(TOP fs1, TOP fs2) {
mismatchSb.append(String.format("Mismatched Feature Structures:%n %s%n %s%n", ps(fs1), ps(fs2)));
// // debug
// System.out.println("adding to miscompares: " + fs1._id + " " + fs2._id);
// miscompares.add(new Pair<>(fs1, fs2));
// private boolean mismatchFs(int i1, int i2) {
// System.err.format("Mismatched Feature Structures in srcSlot %d, tgtSlot %d%n %s%n %s%n",
// i1, i2, dumpHeapFs(c1, c1heapIndex, ts1), dumpHeapFs(c2, c2heapIndex, ts2));
// return false;
// }
// private void mismatchFs(Feature fi) {
// mismatchSb.append(String.format("Mismatched Feature Structures in feature %s%n %s%n %s%n",
// fi.getShortName(), fs1, fs2));
// }
private void mismatchFs(TOP fs1, TOP fs2, Feature fi, Feature fi2) {
String mapmsg = fi.equals(fi2)
? ""
: "which mapped to target feature " + fi2.getShortName() + " ";
mismatchSb.append(String.format("Mismatched Feature Structures in feature %s %s%n %s%n %s%n",
fi.getShortName(), mapmsg, ps(fs1), ps(fs2)));
private void mismatchFs(TOP fs1, TOP fs2, String msg) {
mismatchSb.append(String.format("Mismatched Feature Structures, %s%n %s%n %s%n",
msg, ps(fs1), ps(fs2)));
/** called to sort all the FSs before doing the equality compares */
private void sort(List<TOP> fss) {
inSortContext = true;
// do before sorting
try {
(afs1, afs2) -> sortCompare(afs1, afs2));
// (afs1, afs2) ->, afs2._id));
} finally {
inSortContext = false;
* Used for sorting within one type system, for two instances of the same type
* Uses field isSrcCas (boolean) to differentiate when being used to sort for srcCas vs tgtCas
* When sorting where type mapping is happening between source and target CASs, skip compares for
* features which are not in the opposite CAS.
* @param scFs1 -
* @param scFs2 -
* @return -
private int sortCompare(TOP scFs1, TOP scFs2) {
if (scFs1 == null) {
return (scFs2 == null) ? 0 : 1;
if (scFs2 == null) {
return -1;
// miscompares.clear();
prev1.prevCompareTop = scFs1;
prev2.prevCompareTop = scFs2;
int r = compareFss(scFs1, scFs2, null, null);
prev1.prevCompareTop = null;
prev2.prevCompareTop = null;
if (r == 0) {
r =, scFs2._id);
return r;
private boolean isTypeInTgt(TOP fs) {
return !isTypeMapping || (null != typeMapper.mapTypeSrc2Tgt(fs._getTypeImpl()));
private String ps(TOP fs) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
return sb.toString();