blob: bccded8f2bdb6a4f20456b5be6cef68dfe5e6d31 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;
import java.util.AbstractCollection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FeatureStructure;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.cas.admin.FSIndexComparator;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP;
* FsIndex_iicp (iicp)
* A pair of an leaf index and an iterator cache. An iterator cache is the set of all leaf-indexes
* necessary to create an iterator for the type of the index.
* The cache includes the index for the type of this index, as well as all subtypes.
* compareTo() is based on types and the comparator of the index.
* T is the Java cover class of the top type (root) in the index set
* Also includes a lazily initialized reference to a corresponding FSIndexFlat instance.
* This class is package private to share with FSIndexFlat For Internal Use
class FsIndex_iicp<T extends FeatureStructure> extends AbstractCollection<T>
implements Comparable<FsIndex_iicp<? extends FeatureStructure>>,
Comparator<FeatureStructure>, LowLevelIndex<T> {
// private final static boolean DEBUG = false;
final FSIndexRepositoryImpl fsIndexRepositoryImpl;
* The "root" index, i.e., index of the type of the iterator. default visibility to make it
* accessible by FSIndexFlat
final FsIndex_singletype<T> fsIndex_singletype;
* A list of indexes (the sub-indexes that we need for an iterator). I.e., one index for each type
* that's subsumed by the iterator's type; includes the iterator's type leaf index too.
* This is set up lazily on first need, to avoid extra work when won't be accessed
FsIndex_singletype<TOP>[] cachedSubFsLeafIndexes = null;
// VOLATILE to permit double-checked locking technique
private volatile boolean isIteratorCacheSetup = false;
* The type codes corresponding to the cachedSubFsLeafIndexes, set up lazily
int[] sortedTypeCodes;
FsIndex_iicp(FsIndex_singletype<T> fsIndex_singletype) {
this.fsIndex_singletype = fsIndex_singletype;
fsIndexRepositoryImpl = fsIndex_singletype.casImpl.indexRepository;
// setAndTestMask =
// fsIndexRepositoryImpl.cas.getTypeSystemImpl().getSetAndTestMasks(fsIndex_singletype.getTypeCode());
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(this.getClass().getSimpleName()).append(", index=");
if (!isIteratorCacheSetup) {
sb.append(" cache not set up yet");
} else {
int len = Math.min(3, cachedSubFsLeafIndexes.length);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
FsIndex_singletype<TOP> lii = cachedSubFsLeafIndexes[i];
sb.append(" cache ").append(i++);
sb.append(" ").append(lii).append('\n');
if (cachedSubFsLeafIndexes.length > 3) {
sb.append(" ... and " + (cachedSubFsLeafIndexes.length - 3) + " more\n");
return sb.toString();
// FSIterator<T> createFSIterator(boolean is_unordered) {
// return fsIndexRepositoryImpl.createFSIterator(this, is_unordered);
// }
// @formatter:off
* Two iicps are equal if and only if:
* - the types they index are the same, and
* - the comparators are equal, and
* - the indexing stragtegy (bag/set/sorted) are the same
* Used when creating the index iterator cache to select from the
* set of all instances of these the one that goes with the same index definition
* Used by CasComplete serialization to merge multiple index names referring to the same index
// @formatter:on
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof FsIndex_iicp)) {
return false;
final FsIndex_iicp iicp = (FsIndex_iicp) o;
return this.getIndexingStrategy() == iicp.getIndexingStrategy()
&& this.fsIndex_singletype.getComparatorImplForIndexSpecs()
// Implement a hashCode;
// previously tried just throwing an exception, but if the hashCode method throws,
// then the Eclipse debugger fails to show the object saying
// com.sun.jdi.InvocationException occurred invoking method.
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
// next hashCode includes the type
result = prime * result + this.fsIndex_singletype.getComparatorImplForIndexSpecs().hashCode();
result = prime * result + this.getIndexingStrategy();
return result;
// Populate the cache.
// For read-only CASes, this may be called on multiple threads, so do some synchronization
void createIndexIteratorCache() {
// using double-checked sync - see
if (isIteratorCacheSetup) {
synchronized (this) {
if (isIteratorCacheSetup) {
final TypeImpl rootType = (TypeImpl) this.fsIndex_singletype.getComparatorImplForIndexSpecs()
final int indexKind = this.getIndexingStrategy();
int size = (indexKind == FSIndex.DEFAULT_BAG_INDEX) ? 1
: 1 + (int) rootType.getAllSubtypes().count();
final ArrayList<FsIndex_singletype<FeatureStructure>> tempSubIndexCache = new ArrayList<>();
sortedTypeCodes = (indexKind == FSIndex.SORTED_INDEX) ? new int[size] : null;
initOneTypeThenAllSubtypes(rootType, tempSubIndexCache, indexKind);
// Stream<TypeImpl> typePlusSubtypes = (indexKind == FSIndex.DEFAULT_BAG_INDEX)
// ? Stream.of(rootType)
// : Stream.concat(Stream.of(rootType), rootType.getAllSubtypes());
// typePlusSubtypes // for the type + all its subtypes, being set up for this one index:
// // map to the IndexesForType structure, which is a list of all FsIndex_iicp's defined for
// each type
// .map(typeImpl ->
// fsIndexRepositoryImpl.getIndexesForType(typeImpl.getCode()).indexesForType)
// // map to the "equal" element in the list. and then its fsIndex_singletype
// .map(ift -> ift.get(ift.indexOf(this)).fsIndex_singletype)
// // collect (ordered) into ArrayList and if SORTED_INDEX, collect into int array the
// typecodes, ordered
// .forEachOrdered(singleIndex -> {if (indexKind == FSIndex.SORTED_INDEX) {
// sortedTypeCodes[tempSubIndexCache.size()] = singleIndex.getTypeCode();
// }
// tempSubIndexCache.add(singleIndex);});
this.cachedSubFsLeafIndexes = tempSubIndexCache
.toArray(new FsIndex_singletype[tempSubIndexCache.size()]);
if (this.getIndexingStrategy() == FSIndex.SORTED_INDEX) {
// assign to "volatile" at end, after all initialization is complete
this.isIteratorCacheSetup = true;
} // end of synchronized block
* This method inits one type then calls itself for all direct subtypes
* @param ti
* @param cache
* @param indexKind
private void initOneTypeThenAllSubtypes(TypeImpl ti,
ArrayList<FsIndex_singletype<FeatureStructure>> cache, int indexKind) {
final FsIndex_singletype<FeatureStructure> singleIndex = fsIndexRepositoryImpl.getIndexBySpec(
ti.getCode(), getIndexingStrategy(),
if (indexKind == FSIndex.SORTED_INDEX) {
sortedTypeCodes[cache.size()] = singleIndex.getTypeCode();
if (indexKind != FSIndex.DEFAULT_BAG_INDEX) {
for (TypeImpl subti : ti.getDirectSubtypes()) {
initOneTypeThenAllSubtypes(subti, cache, indexKind);
* Maybe not used 3/2015
* Compares two instances of FsIndex_iicp, for ordering.
* Compares first using the type code of the main types If those are equal, Compares using the
* comparatorForIndexSpecs objects
* @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(Object)
public int compareTo(FsIndex_iicp<? extends FeatureStructure> cp) {
final int typeCode1 = ((TypeImpl) this.fsIndex_singletype.getType()).getCode();
final int typeCode2 = ((TypeImpl) cp.fsIndex_singletype.getType()).getCode();
if (typeCode1 < typeCode2) {
return -1;
} else if (typeCode1 > typeCode2) {
return 1;
} else { // types are equal
return this.fsIndex_singletype.getComparatorImplForIndexSpecs()
* @return the sum of the sizes of the indexes of the type + all subtypes
public int size() {
createIndexIteratorCache(); // does nothing if already created
int size = 0;
for (FsIndex_singletype<TOP> iicp : cachedSubFsLeafIndexes) {
size += iicp.size();
return size;
public int ll_maxAnnotSpan() {
createIndexIteratorCache(); // does nothing if already created
int span = -1;
FsIndex_singletype<T> idx = getFsIndex_singleType();
if (idx instanceof FsIndex_set_sorted && ((FsIndex_set_sorted) idx).isAnnotIdx) {
for (FsIndex_singletype<TOP> subIndex : cachedSubFsLeafIndexes) {
int s = ((FsIndex_set_sorted) subIndex).ll_maxAnnotSpan();
if (s > span) {
span = s;
return (span == -1) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : span;
public boolean isEmpty() {
for (FsIndex_singletype<TOP> index : cachedSubFsLeafIndexes) {
if (index.size() > 0) {
return false;
return true;
* A faster version of size() when there are lots of subtypes The cache must be already set up
* Guess by adding the sizes of up to the first 3 type/subtypes, then add 1 more for each subtype
* in addition.
* @return a guess at the size, done quickly
int guessedSize() {
final FsIndex_singletype<TOP>[] localIc = this.cachedSubFsLeafIndexes;
final int len = localIc.length;
final int lim = Math.min(3, len);
int size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lim; i++) {
size += localIc[i].size();
size += len - lim;
return size;
// Int2IntArrayMapFixedSize createIndexUpdateCountsAtReset() {
// Int2IntArrayMapFixedSize m = new Int2IntArrayMapFixedSize(sortedTypeCodes.length);
// captureIndexUpdateCounts(m);
// return m;
// }
// void captureIndexUpdateCounts() {
// captureIndexUpdateCounts(this.flatIndex.indexUpdateCountsResetValues);
// }
// private void captureIndexUpdateCounts(Int2IntArrayMapFixedSize m) {
// final int[] localSortedTypeCodes = sortedTypeCodes;
// for (int i = 0; i < localSortedTypeCodes.length; i++) {
// m.putAtIndex(i, detectIllegalIndexUpdates[localSortedTypeCodes[i]]);
// }
// }
// boolean isUpdateFreeSinceLastCounterReset() {
// final Int2IntArrayMapFixedSize typeCode2updateCount =
// this.flatIndex.indexUpdateCountsResetValues;
// final int[] localSortedTypeCodes = sortedTypeCodes;
// for (int i = 0; i < localSortedTypeCodes.length; i++) {
// if (typeCode2updateCount.getAtIndex(i) != detectIllegalIndexUpdates[localSortedTypeCodes[i]]) {
// return false;
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
// boolean isUpdateFreeSinceLastCounterReset(final int typeCode) {
// return this.flatIndex.indexUpdateCountsResetValues.get(typeCode, sortedTypeCodes) ==
// detectIllegalIndexUpdates[typeCode];
// }
// boolean subsumes(int superType, int subType) {
// return getCasImpl().getTypeSystemImpl().subsumes(superType, subType);
// }
// for flat index support
// void addToIteratedSortedIndexes() {
// iteratedSortedIndexes.add(this);
// }
// flatIndex is null except for sorted indexes
// private boolean hasFlatIndex() {
// if (! FSIndexFlat.enabled) {
// return false;
// } else {
// return isIteratorCacheSetup && (flatIndex != null) && flatIndex.hasFlatIndex();
// }
// }
// <T2 extends FeatureStructure> FsIndex_singletype<T2> getNoSubtypeIndexForType(Type type) {
// createIndexIteratorCache();
// for (FsIndex_singletype<FeatureStructure> noSubtypeIndex : cachedSubFsLeafIndexes) {
// if (noSubtypeIndex.getType() == type) {
// return (FsIndex_singletype<T2>) noSubtypeIndex;
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// FSIndexRepositoryImpl getFSIndexRepositoryImpl() {
// return fsIndexRepositoryImpl;
// }
FsIndex_singletype<T> getFsIndex_singleType() {
return fsIndex_singletype;
boolean isDefaultBagIndex() {
return getIndexingStrategy() == FSIndex.DEFAULT_BAG_INDEX;
boolean isSetIndex() {
return getIndexingStrategy() == FSIndex.SET_INDEX;
public int ll_compare(int ref1, int ref2) {
return fsIndex_singletype.ll_compare(ref1, ref2);
public int getIndexingStrategy() {
return fsIndex_singletype.getIndexingStrategy();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.uima.cas.impl.LowLevelIndex#getComparator()
public Comparator<TOP> getComparator() {
return fsIndex_singletype.comparatorWithoutID;
public FSIndexComparator getComparatorForIndexSpecs() {
return fsIndex_singletype.getComparatorForIndexSpecs();
public FSIndexComparatorImpl getComparatorImplForIndexSpecs() {
return fsIndex_singletype.getComparatorImplForIndexSpecs();
public int compare(FeatureStructure fs1, FeatureStructure fs2) {
return fs1, (TOP) fs2);
// @Override
// public int compare(FeatureStructure fs1, FeatureStructure fs2, boolean ignoreType) {
// return, fs2, ignoreType);
// }
public boolean contains(FeatureStructure fs) {
return find(fs) != null;
public T find(FeatureStructure fs) {
createIndexIteratorCache(); // does nothing if already created
for (FsIndex_singletype<TOP> idx : cachedSubFsLeafIndexes) {
FeatureStructure result = idx.find(fs);
if (result != null) {
return (T) result;
return null;
public Type getType() {
return fsIndex_singletype.getType();
int getTypeCode() {
return fsIndex_singletype.getTypeCode();
public CASImpl getCasImpl() {
return fsIndex_singletype.casImpl;
public boolean isSorted() {
return fsIndex_singletype.isSorted();
// @formatter:off
* Iterator varieties
* All iterators are over a Type + subtypes (because that's the purpose of this class)
* - ambiguous / unambiguous (for AnnotationIndex)
* - not strict / strict (for AnnotationIndex)
* - ignoring type priorities or not (for any index)
* - "unordered" - no need to preserve order
* These may be combined.
// @formatter:on
public LowLevelIterator<T> iterator() {
return iterator(false, false);
// public LowLevelIterator<T> iterator(boolean orderNotNeeded) {
// return iterator(orderNotNeeded, false);
// }
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.uima.cas.impl.LowLevelIndex#iterator(boolean, boolean) orderNotNeeded is
* ignored, because would never be here unless order was needed
public LowLevelIterator<T> iterator(boolean orderNotNeeded, boolean ignoreType) {
if (cachedSubFsLeafIndexes.length == 1) {
return fsIndex_singletype.iterator(IS_ORDERED, ignoreType);
FsIndex_singletype<T> idx = getFsIndex_singleType();
Comparator<TOP> comparatorMaybeNoTypeWithoutId = ignoreType ? idx.comparatorNoTypeWithoutID
: idx.comparatorWithoutID;
if (!fsIndex_singletype.isSorted() || // is a set index, or
orderNotNeeded) { // order is not needed
return new FsIterator_aggregation_common<>(getIterators(), this,
return new FsIterator_subtypes_ordered<>(this, comparatorMaybeNoTypeWithoutId);
* Iterator over arbitrary Feature Structures, but also filters out non-AnnotationFS
* FeatureStructures
* @param ambiguous
* true for normal iteration, false to do unambiguous iteration
* @return the iterator
* Implementation note: this is different from the Subiterator in that it can be over an iterator
* that that includes non- annotationFS for the unambiguous case, in which case these are filtered
* out.
public LowLevelIterator<T> ll_iterator(boolean ambiguous) {
LowLevelIterator<T> it = iterator(IS_ORDERED, IS_TYPE_ORDER);
return ambiguous ? it : new LLUnambiguousIteratorImpl<>(it);
// /* ***********************************
// * Support for withSnapshotIterators
// * using proxy
// * ***********************************/
// private final static Class<?>[] proxyInterface = new Class<?>[] {FSIndex.class};
// private class ProxySnapshotHandler implements InvocationHandler {
// @Override
// public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
// if ("iterator".equals(method.getName())) {
// if (getIndexingStrategy() == FSIndex.SORTED_INDEX) {
// return iterator(IteratorExtraFunction.SNAPSHOT);
// }
// return iterator(IteratorExtraFunction.UNORDERED_SNAPSHOT);
// }
// // pass thru all other methods
// return method.invoke(args);
// }
// }
public FSIndex<T> withSnapshotIterators() {
FsIndex_singletype<T> idx = getFsIndex_singleType();
return new FsIndex_snapshot<>(this, idx.comparatorWithoutID, idx.comparatorNoTypeWithoutID);
public FSIndexRepositoryImpl getFsRepositoryImpl() {
return getCasImpl().indexRepository;
* @return a stream of FSIndex_singletype, for all non-empty indexes
public Stream<FsIndex_singletype<TOP>> streamNonEmptyIndexes() {
return -> idx.size() > 0);
void collectCowIndexParts(ArrayList<CopyOnWriteIndexPart<T>> indexes) {
for (FsIndex_singletype idx : cachedSubFsLeafIndexes) {
if (idx.size() > 0) {
LowLevelIterator<T>[] getIterators() {
LowLevelIterator<T>[] r = new LowLevelIterator[cachedSubFsLeafIndexes.length];
int i = 0;
for (FsIndex_singletype<TOP> idx : cachedSubFsLeafIndexes) {
r[i++] = (LowLevelIterator<T>) idx.iterator();
return r;
// /* (non-Javadoc)
// * @see org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex#select()
// */
// @Override
// public SelectFSs<T> select() {
// return new SelectFSs_impl<>(getCasImpl()).index(this);
// }
// /* (non-Javadoc)
// * @see org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex#select(org.apache.uima.cas.Type)
// */
// @Override
// public <N extends TOP> SelectFSs<N> select(Type type) {
// return new SelectFSs_impl<>(getCasImpl()).index(this).type(type);
// }
// /* (non-Javadoc)
// * @see org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex#select(java.lang.Class)
// */
// @Override
// public <N extends TOP> SelectFSs<N> select(Class<N> clazz) {
// return new SelectFSs_impl<>(getCasImpl()).index(this).type(clazz);
// }
// /* (non-Javadoc)
// * @see org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex#select(int)
// */
// @Override
// public <N extends TOP> SelectFSs<N> select(int jcasType) {
// return new SelectFSs_impl<>(getCasImpl()).index(this).type(jcasType);
// }
// /* (non-Javadoc)
// * @see org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex#select(java.lang.String)
// */
// @Override
// public <N extends TOP> SelectFSs<N> select(String fullyQualifiedTypeName) {
// return new SelectFSs_impl<>(getCasImpl()).index(this).type(fullyQualifiedTypeName);
// }