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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.uima.UimaSerializable;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CASRuntimeException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CommonArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Misc;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.XmlElementName;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.CommonList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.CommonPrimitiveArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.NonEmptyFSList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.NonEmptyList;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.Sofa;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas.Annotation;
import org.apache.uima.util.Logger;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
// @formatter:off
* CAS serializer support for XMI and JSON formats.
* There are multiple use cases.
* 1) normal - the consumer is independent of UIMA
* - (maybe) support for delta serialization
* 2) service calls:
* - support deserialization with out-of-type-system set-aside, and subsequent serialization with re-merging
* - guarantee of using same xmi:id's as were deserialized when serializing
* - support for delta serialization
* There is an outer class (one instance per "configuration" - reusable after configuration, and
* an inner class - one per serialize call.
* These classes are the common parts of serialization between XMI and JSON, mainly having to do with
* 1) enqueueing the FS to be serialized
* 2) serializing according to their types and features
* Methods marked public are not for public use but are that way to permit
* other users of this class in other packages to "see" these methods.
* XmiCasSerializer JsonCasSerializer
* Instance Instance
* css ref -------> CasSerializerSupport <------ css ref
* XmiDocSerializer JsonDocSerializer
* Instance Instance
* (1 per serialize action) (1 per serialize action)
* cds ref -------> CasDocSerializer <------- cds ref
* csss points back
* Construction:
* new Xmi/JsonCasSerializer
* initializes css with new CasSerializerSupport
* serialize method creates a new Xmi/JsonDocSerializer inner class
* constructor creates a new CasDocSerializer,
* Use Cases and Algorithms
* Support set-aside for out-of-type-system FS on deserialization (record in shareData)
* implies can't determine sharing status of things ref'd by features; need to depend on
* multiple-refs-allowed flag.
* If multiple-refs found during serialization for feat marked non-shared, unshare these (make
* 2 serializations, one or more inplace, for example.
* Perhaps not considered an error.
* implies need (for non-delta case) to send all FSs that were deserialized - some may be ref'd by oots elements
* ** Could ** not do this if no oots elements, but could break some assumptions
* and this only would apply to non-delta - not worth doing
* Enqueuing:
* There are two styles
* - enqueueCommon: does **NOT** recursively enqueue features
* - enqueue: calls enqueueCommon and then recursively enqueues features
* enqueueCommon is called (bypassing enqueue) to defer scanning references
* Order and target of enqueuing:
* - things in the index
* -- put on "queue"
* -- first, the sofa's (which are the only things indexed in base view)
* -- next, for each view, for each item, the FSs, but **NOT** following any feature/array refs
* - things not in the index, but deserialized (incoming)
* -- put on previouslySerializedFSs, no recursive descent for features
* - (delta) enqueueNonsharedMultivaluedFS (lists and arrays)
* -- put on modifiedEmbeddedValueFSs, no recursive descent for features
* - recursive descent for
* -- things in previouslySerializedFSs,
* -- things in modifiedEmbeddedValueFSs
* -- things in the index
* The recursive descent is recursive, and an arbitrary long chain can get stack overflow error.
* TODO Probably should fix this someday. See *
// @formatter:on
public class CasSerializerSupport {
// Special "type class" codes for list types. The LowLevelCAS.ll_getTypeClass() method
// returns type classes for primitives and arrays, but not lists (which are just ordinary FS types
// as far as the CAS is concerned). The serialization treats lists specially, however, and
// so needs its own type codes for these.
public static final int TYPE_CLASS_INTLIST = 101;
public static final int TYPE_CLASS_FLOATLIST = 102;
public static final int TYPE_CLASS_STRINGLIST = 103;
public static final int TYPE_CLASS_FSLIST = 104;
public static int PP_LINE_LENGTH = 120;
public static int PP_ELEMENTS = 30; // number of elements to do before nl
public static AtomicInteger errorCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
* Comparator that just uses short name Public for access by JsonCasSerializer where it's needed
* for a binary search
public final static Comparator<TypeImpl> COMPARATOR_SHORT_TYPENAME = new Comparator<TypeImpl>() {
public int compare(TypeImpl object1, TypeImpl object2) {
return object1.getShortName().compareTo(object2.getShortName());
TypeSystemImpl filterTypeSystem;
ErrorHandler errorHandler = null;
// UIMA logger, to which we may write warnings
Logger logger;
public boolean isFormattedOutput; // true for pretty printing
* C O N S T R U C T O R S *
public CasSerializerSupport() {
* Routines to set/reset configuration *
* set or reset the pretty print flag (default is false)
* @param pp
* true to do pretty printing of output
* @return the original instance, possibly updated
public CasSerializerSupport setPrettyPrint(boolean pp) {
this.isFormattedOutput = pp;
return this;
* pass in a type system to use for filtering what gets serialized; only those types and features
* which are defined this type system are included.
* @param ts
* the filter
* @return the original instance, possibly updated
public CasSerializerSupport setFilterTypes(TypeSystemImpl ts) {
this.filterTypeSystem = ts;
return this;
// for testing
public TypeSystemImpl getFilterTypes() {
return filterTypeSystem;
// not done here, done on serialize call, different (typically) for each call
// /**
// * set the Marker to specify delta cas serialization
// * @param m - the marker
// * @return the original instance, possibly updated
// */
// public CasSerializerSupport setDeltaCas(Marker m, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData) {
// this.marker = (MarkerImpl) m;
// this.sharedData = sharedData;
// return this;
// }
* set an error handler to receive information about errors
* @param eh
* the error handler
* @return the original instance, possibly updated
public CasSerializerSupport setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler eh) {
this.errorHandler = eh;
return this;
// **********************************************
// Methods used to serialize items
// Separate implementations for JSON and Xmi
// **********************************************/
public static abstract class CasSerializerSupportSerialize {
abstract protected void initializeNamespaces();
abstract protected void checkForNameCollision(XmlElementName xmlElementName);
abstract protected void addNameSpace(XmlElementName xmlElementName);
abstract protected XmlElementName uimaTypeName2XmiElementName(String typeName);
abstract protected void writeFeatureStructures(int elementCount) throws Exception;
abstract protected void writeViews() throws Exception;
abstract protected void writeView(Sofa sofa, Collection<TOP> members) throws Exception;
abstract protected void writeView(Sofa sofa, Collection<TOP> added, Collection<TOP> deleted,
Collection<TOP> reindexed) throws Exception;
* @param fs
* -
* @param typeCode
* -
* @return true if writing out referenced items (JSON)
* @throws Exception
* -
abstract protected boolean writeFsStart(TOP fs, int typeCode) throws Exception;
abstract protected void writeFs(TOP fs, int typeCode) throws Exception;
abstract protected void writeListsAsIndividualFSs(TOP fs, int typeCode) throws Exception;
abstract protected void writeArrays(TOP fsarray, int typeCode, int typeClass) throws Exception;
abstract protected void writeEndOfIndividualFs() throws Exception;
abstract protected void writeEndOfSerialization() throws Exception;
abstract protected void writeFsRef(TOP fs) throws Exception;
* Use an inner class to hold the data for serializing a CAS. Each call to serialize() creates its
* own instance.
* package private to allow a test case to access not static to share the logger and the
* initializing values (could be changed)
public class CasDocSerializer {
// The CAS we're serializing.
public final CASImpl cas;
public final TypeSystemImpl tsi;
// @formatter:off
* set of FSs that have been visited and enqueued to be serialized
* - exception: arrays and lists which are "inline" are put into this set,
* but are not enqueued to be serialized.
* - FSs added to this, during "enqueue" phase, prior to encoding
* uses:
* - for Arrays and Lists, used to detect multi-refs
* - for Lists, used to detect loops
* - during enqueuing phase, prevent multiple enqueuings
* - during encoding phase, to prevent multiple encodings
* Public for use by JsonCasSerializer
// @formatter:on
public final Set<TOP> visited_not_yet_written = Collections
.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>());
// @formatter:off
* Set of array or list FSs referenced from features marked as multipleReferencesAllowed,
* - which have previously been serialized "inline"
* - which now need to be serialized as separate items
* Set during enqueue scanning, to handle the case where the
* "visited_not_yet_written" set may have already recorded that this FS is
* already processed for enqueueing, but it is an array or list item which was being
* put "in-line" and no element is being written.
* It has array or list elements where the item needs to be enqueued onto the "queue" list.
* Use: limit the put-onto-queue list to one time
// @formatter:on
private final Set<TOP> enqueued_multiRef_arrays_or_lists = Collections
.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>());
// @formatter:off
* Set of FSs that have multiple references
* Has an entry for each FS (not just array or list FSs) which is (from some point on) being serialized as a multi-ref,
* that is, is **not** being serialized (any more) using the special notation for arrays and lists
* or, for JSON, **not** being serialized using the embedded notation
* This is for JSON which is computing the multi-refs, not depending on the setting in a feature.
* This is also for xmi, to enable adding to "queue" (once) for each FSs of this kind.
* Used:
* - limit the number of times this is put onto the queue to 1.
* - skip encoding of items on "queue" if not in this Set (maybe not needed? 8/2017 mis)
* - serialize if not in indexed set, dynamic ref == true, and in this set (otherwise serialize only from ref)
// @formatter:on
public final Set<TOP> multiRefFSs;
* Set to true for JSON configuration of using dynamic multi-ref detection for arrays and lists
public final boolean isDynamicMultiRef;
// *********************************************
// FSs that need to be serialized because they're
// a) in an index
// b) in the set of previously serialized FS which have ids (that is, they weren't previously
// embedded)
// c) (delta only) have a feature which has an embedded value some part of which changed (no id)
// d) the set of FSs that are reachable via FSrefs from the above 3 sets
public List<TOP> previouslySerializedFSs = null;
public List<TOP> modifiedEmbeddedValueFSs = null;
* Array of Lists of all FS that are indexed in some view (other than sofas). Array indexed by
* view.
public final List<TOP>[] indexedFSs;
* FSs not in an index, but only being serialized becaused they're referenced. Exception: the
* sofa's are here.
private final Deque<TOP> queue;
// utilities for dealing with CAS list types
// public final ListUtils listUtils;
public XmlElementName[] typeCode2namespaceNames; // array, indexed by type code, giving XMI
// names for each type
private final BitSet typeUsed; // identifies types being serialized, a subset of all possible
// types
public boolean needNameSpaces = true; // may be false; currently for JSON only
* map from a namespace expanded form to the namespace prefix, to identify potential collisions
* when generating a namespace string
public final Map<String, String> nsUriToPrefixMap = new HashMap<>();
* the set of all namespace prefixes used, to disallow some if they are in use already in
* set-aside data (xmi serialization) being merged back in
public final Set<String> nsPrefixesUsed = new HashSet<>();
* Used to tell if a FS was created before or after mark.
public final MarkerImpl marker;
* for Delta serialization, holds the info gathered from deserialization needed for delta
* serialization and for handling out-of-type-system data for both plain and delta serialization
public final XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData;
* Whether the serializer needs to serialize only the deltas, that is, new FSs created after
* mark represented by Marker object and preexisting FSs and Views that have been modified. Set
* to true if Marker object is not null and CASImpl object of this serialize matches the CASImpl
* in Marker object.
public final boolean isDelta;
* Whether the serializer needs to check for filtered-out types/features. Set to true if type
* system of CAS does not match type system that was passed to constructor of serializer.
public final boolean isFiltering;
private TypeImpl[] sortedUsedTypes;
private final ErrorHandler errorHandler2;
public TypeSystemImpl filterTypeSystem_inner;
// map to reduce string usage by reusing equal string representations; lives just for one
// serialize call
private final Map<String, String> uniqueStrings = new HashMap<>();
public final boolean isFormattedOutput_inner;
private final CasSerializerSupportSerialize csss;
* C O N S T R U C T O R S *
* @param ch
* -
* @param cas
* -
* @param sharedData
* -
* @param marker
* -
* @param csss
* -
public CasDocSerializer(ContentHandler ch, CASImpl cas, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData,
MarkerImpl marker, CasSerializerSupportSerialize csss) {
this(ch, cas, sharedData, marker, csss, false);
public CasDocSerializer(ContentHandler ch, CASImpl cas, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData,
MarkerImpl marker, CasSerializerSupportSerialize csss, boolean trackMultiRefs) {
this.cas = cas;
this.csss = csss;
this.sharedData = sharedData;
// copy outer class values into final inner ones, to keep the outer thread-safe
filterTypeSystem_inner = CasSerializerSupport.this.filterTypeSystem;
isFormattedOutput_inner = CasSerializerSupport.this.isFormattedOutput;
this.marker = marker;
errorHandler2 = CasSerializerSupport.this.errorHandler;
tsi = cas.getTypeSystemImpl();
queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
indexedFSs = (List<TOP>[]) new List<?>[cas.getViewCount()]; // number of views
// listUtils = new ListUtils(cas, logger, errorHandler);
typeUsed = new BitSet();
isFiltering = filterTypeSystem_inner != null && filterTypeSystem_inner != tsi;
if (marker != null && !marker.isValid()) {
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.INVALID_MARKER, "Invalid Marker.");
isDelta = marker != null;
multiRefFSs = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>());
isDynamicMultiRef = trackMultiRefs;
// TODO: internationalize
private void reportMultiRefWarning(FeatureImpl fi) throws SAXException {
String message = String.format(
"Feature %s is marked multipleReferencesAllowed=false, but it has"
+ " multiple references. These will be serialized in duplicate.",
Misc.decreasingWithTrace(errorCount, message, logger);
if (this.errorHandler2 != null) {
this.errorHandler2.warning(new SAXParseException(message, null));
* Starts serialization
* @throws Exception
* -
public void serialize() throws Exception {
typeCode2namespaceNames = new XmlElementName[tsi.getLargestTypeCode() + 1];
// reset caches in case some things modified between calls to serialize for same instance of
// serializer
sortedUsedTypes = null;
Arrays.fill(indexedFSs, null);
int iElementCount = 1; // start at 1 to account for special NULL object
enqueueIndexed(); // done first - to insure this has priority
enqueueIncoming(); // make sure we enqueue every FS that was deserialized into this CAS
// needed to support Out Of Typesystem data
enqueueNonsharedMultivaluedFS(); // needed for delta serialization of modified embedded
// lists/arrays
enqueueFeaturesOfIndexed(); // and incoming and modified embedded refs
iElementCount += (previouslySerializedFSs == null) ? 0 : previouslySerializedFSs.size();
iElementCount += (modifiedEmbeddedValueFSs == null) ? 0 : modifiedEmbeddedValueFSs.size();
for (List<TOP> fss : indexedFSs) {
iElementCount += (fss == null) ? 0 : fss.size();
iElementCount += queue.size();
FSIndex<TOP> sofaIndex = cas.getBaseCAS().indexRepository.getIndex(CAS.SOFA_INDEX_NAME);
if (!isDelta) {
iElementCount += (sofaIndex.size()); // one View element per sofa
iElementCount += getElementCountForSharedData();
} else {
int numViews = cas.getViewCount();
for (int sofaNum = 1; sofaNum <= numViews; sofaNum++) {
FSIndexRepositoryImpl loopIR = (FSIndexRepositoryImpl) cas.getBaseCAS()
if (loopIR != null && loopIR.isModified()) {
* @param sofaNum
* - starts at 1
* @return the sofa FS, or null
public Sofa getSofa(int sofaNum) {
if (sofaNum != 1 || cas.isInitialSofaCreated()) { // skip if initial view && no Sofa yet
// all non-initial-views must have a sofa
return ((CASImpl) cas.getView(sofaNum)).getSofaRef();
return null;
public void writeViewsCommons() throws Exception {
// Get indexes for each SofaFS in the CAS
int numViews = cas.getViewCount();
for (int sofaNum = 1; sofaNum <= numViews; sofaNum++) {
FSIndexRepositoryImpl loopIR = (FSIndexRepositoryImpl) cas.getBaseCAS()
final Sofa sofa = getSofa(sofaNum);
if (loopIR != null) {
if (!isDelta) {
Collection<TOP> fss = loopIR.getIndexedFSs();
csss.writeView(sofa, fss);
} else { // is Delta Cas
if (sofaNum != 1 && this.marker.isNew(sofa)) {
// for views created after mark (initial view never is - it is always created with the
// CAS)
// write out the view as new
Collection<TOP> fss = loopIR.getIndexedFSs();
csss.writeView(sofa, fss);
} else if (loopIR.isModified()) {
csss.writeView(sofa, loopIR.getAddedFSs(), loopIR.getDeletedFSs(),
// sort is by shortname of type
public TypeImpl[] getSortedUsedTypes() {
if (null == sortedUsedTypes) {
sortedUsedTypes = new TypeImpl[typeUsed.cardinality()];
int i = 0;
for (TypeImpl ti : getUsedTypesIterable()) {
sortedUsedTypes[i++] = ti;
Arrays.sort(sortedUsedTypes, COMPARATOR_SHORT_TYPENAME);
return sortedUsedTypes;
private Iterable<TypeImpl> getUsedTypesIterable() {
return new Iterable<TypeImpl>() {
public Iterator<TypeImpl> iterator() {
return new Iterator<TypeImpl>() {
private int i = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return typeUsed.nextSetBit(i) >= 0;
public TypeImpl next() {
final int next_i = typeUsed.nextSetBit(i);
if (next_i < 0) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
i = next_i + 1;
return (TypeImpl) tsi.ll_getTypeForCode(next_i);
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// private StringPair[] getSortedPrefixUri() {
// StringPair[] r = new StringPair[nsUriToPrefixMap.size()];
// int i = 0;
// for (Map.Entry<String,String> e : nsUriToPrefixMap.entrySet()) {
// r[i++] = new StringPair(e.getValue(), e.getKey());
// }
// Arrays.sort(r);
// return r;
// }
* Enqueues all FS that are stored in the sharedData's id map. This map is populated during the
* previous deserialization. This method is used to make sure that all incoming FS are echoed in
* the next serialization. It is required if there are out-of-type FSs that are being merged
* back into the serialized form; those might reference some of these.
private void enqueueIncoming() {
if (sharedData == null) {
TOP[] fss = this.sharedData.getAndSortByIdAllFSsInIdMap();
previouslySerializedFSs = new ArrayList<>();
for (TOP fs : fss) {
// skip enque for null and for unmodified fss if delta
if (fs == null || (isDelta && !marker.isModified(fs))) {
// is the first instance, but skip if delta and not modified or above the line or filtered
// skip enqueuing incoming FS if already enqueued
int typeCode = enqueueCommon(fs);
if (typeCode == -1) {
* add the indexed FSs onto the indexedFSs by view. add the SofaFSs onto the by-ref queue
private void enqueueIndexed() {
FSIndexRepositoryImpl ir = (FSIndexRepositoryImpl) cas.getBaseCAS().getBaseIndexRepository();
Collection<TOP> fss = ir.getIndexedFSs(); // only sofas
try {
for (TOP fs : fss) {
enqueueFsAndMaybeFeatures(fs); // put Sofa on by-ref queue
} catch (SAXException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Internal error - should never happen", e);
// FSIndex sofaIndex = cas.getBaseCAS().indexRepository.getIndex(CAS.SOFA_INDEX_NAME);
// FSIterator iterator = sofaIndex.iterator();
// // Get indexes for each SofaFS in the CAS
// while (iterator.isValid())
int numViews = cas.getViewCount();
for (int sofaNum = 1; sofaNum <= numViews; sofaNum++) {
// SofaFS sofa = (SofaFS) iterator.get();
// int sofaNum = sofa.getSofaRef();
// iterator.moveToNext();
FSIndexRepositoryImpl loopIR = (FSIndexRepositoryImpl) cas.getBaseCAS()
if (loopIR != null) {
Collection<TOP> items = loopIR.getIndexedFSs();
for (TOP item : items) {
enqueueIndexedFs_only_not_features(sofaNum, item);
* When serializing Delta CAS, enqueue encompassing FS of nonshared multivalued FS that have
* been modified. The embedded nonshared-multivalued item could be a list or an array
private void enqueueNonsharedMultivaluedFS() {
if (sharedData == null || !isDelta) {
TOP[] fss = sharedData.getNonsharedMulitValuedFSs();
modifiedEmbeddedValueFSs = new ArrayList<>();
for (TOP fs : fss) {
if (marker.isModified(fs)) {
TOP encompassingFs = sharedData.getEncompassingFS(fs);
assert null != encompassingFs;
if (-1 != enqueueCommonWithoutDeltaAndFilteringCheck(encompassingFs)) { // only to set
// type used info
// and check if
// already
// enqueued
* Enqueue everything reachable from features of indexed FSs.
private void enqueueFeaturesOfIndexed() throws SAXException {
if (null != previouslySerializedFSs) {
if (null != modifiedEmbeddedValueFSs) {
for (List<TOP> fss : indexedFSs) {
if (fss != null) {
private void enqueueFeaturesOfFSs(final List<TOP> fss) throws SAXException {
for (TOP fs : fss) {
int enqueueCommon(TOP fs) {
return enqueueCommon(fs, true);
int enqueueCommonWithoutDeltaAndFilteringCheck(TOP fs) {
return enqueueCommon(fs, false);
* @param fs
* -
* @param doDeltaAndFilteringCheck
* -
* @return true to have enqueue put onto "queue" and enqueue features
private int enqueueCommon(TOP fs, boolean doDeltaAndFilteringCheck) {
if (doDeltaAndFilteringCheck) {
if (isDelta) {
if (!marker.isNew(fs) && !marker.isModified(fs)) {
return -1;
if (isFiltering) {
String typeName = fs._getTypeImpl().getName();
if (filterTypeSystem_inner.getType(typeName) == null) {
return -1; // this type is not in the target type system
// We set visited only if we're going to enqueue this.
// (In other words, please don't move this up in this method)
// This handles the use case:
// delta cas; element is not modified, but at some later point, we determine
// an embedded feature value (array or list) is modified, which requires we serialize out this
// fs as if it was modified.
if (!visited_not_yet_written.add(fs)) {
// was already visited; means this FS has multiple references, either from FS feature(s) or
// indexes or both
if (isDynamicMultiRef || isArrayOrList(fs)) {
boolean wasAdded = multiRefFSs.add(fs);
if (wasAdded) {
queue.add(fs); // if was in indexed set before, isn't in the queue set, but needs to be
return -1;
final int typeCode = fs._getTypeCode();
boolean alreadySet = typeUsed.get(typeCode);
if (!alreadySet) {
String typeName = fs._getTypeImpl().getName();
XmlElementName newXel = csss.uimaTypeName2XmiElementName(typeName);
if (!needNameSpaces) { // means if name spaces are not not always needed, then we have to
// check for collision
csss.checkForNameCollision(newXel); // executed for JSON code
typeCode2namespaceNames[typeCode] = newXel;
return typeCode;
* Enqueues an indexed FS. Does NOT enqueue features at this point. Doesn't enqueue non-modified
* FS when delta
void enqueueIndexedFs_only_not_features(int viewNumber, TOP fs) {
if (enqueueCommon(fs) != -1) {
List<TOP> fss = indexedFSs[viewNumber - 1];
if (null == fss) {
indexedFSs[viewNumber - 1] = fss = new ArrayList<>();
* Enqueue an FS, and everything reachable from it.
* This call is recursive with enqueueFeatures, \ and an arbitrary long chain can get stack
* overflow error. Probably should fix this someday. See
* @param addr
* The FS address.
* @throws SAXException
private void enqueueFsAndMaybeFeatures(TOP fs) throws SAXException {
if (null == fs) {
int typeCode = enqueueCommon(fs);
if (typeCode == -1) {
// Also, for FSArrays enqueue the elements -- not here, done by enqueueFeatures, 1 line above
// if (fs instanceof FSArray) { //TODO: won't get parameterized arrays? no, there are no
// parameterized arrays in the impl
// enqueueFSArrayElements((FSArray) fs);
// }
// @formatter:off
* For lists,
* see if this is a plain list
* - no loops
* - no other refs to list elements from outside the list
* -- if so, return false;
* add all the elements of the list to visited_not_yet_written,
* noting if they've already been added
* -- this indicates either a loop or another ref from outside,
* -- in either case, return true - t
* @param curNode -
* @param featCode -
* @return false if no list element is multiply-referenced,
* true if there is a loop or another ref from outside the list, for
* one or more list element nodes
// @formatter:on
private boolean isListElementsMultiplyReferenced(TOP listNode) {
boolean foundCycle = false;
CommonList curNode = (CommonList) listNode;
while (curNode instanceof NonEmptyList) { // stop on end or 0
if (!visited_not_yet_written.add((TOP) curNode)) {
foundCycle = true;
curNode = curNode.getCommonTail();
return foundCycle;
// @formatter:off
* ordinary FSs referenced as features are not checked by this routine;
* this is only called for FSlists of various kinds, and fs arrays of various kinds
* Not all featValues should be enqueued;
* list or array features which are marked **NOT** multiple-refs-allowed
* are serialized in-line
* for JSON, when using dynamicMultiRef (the default), list / array FSs
* are serialized by ref (not in-line) if there are multiple refs to them
* for XMI and JSON, any FS ref marked as multiple-refs-allowed forces
* the item onto the ref "queue".
* (not handled here: ordinary FSs are serialized in-line in JSON with isDynamicMultiRef)
* @param fi
* - the feature, to look up the multiRefAllowed flag
* @param featVal
* - the List or array element
* @param alreadyVisited
* true if visited_not_yet_written contains the featVal
* @param isListNode
* -
* @param isListFeat
* -
* @return false if should skip enqueue because this array or list is being serialized inline
* @throws SAXException
* -
// @formatter:on
private boolean isMultiRef_enqueue(FeatureImpl fi, TOP featVal, boolean alreadyVisited,
boolean isListNode, boolean isListFeat) throws SAXException {
if (!isDynamicMultiRef) {
// not JSON dynamic embedding, or dynamic embedding is turned off - compute static embedding
// just for lists and arrays.
boolean multiRefAllowed = fi.isMultipleReferencesAllowed() || isListNode;
if (!multiRefAllowed) {
// Arrays cannot be resized, so it is ok if an empty array has multiple references to it
// even if multiRefAllowed is false because it is effectively immutable.
if ((featVal instanceof CommonArrayFS && ((CommonArrayFS<?>) featVal).isEmpty())) {
return false; // immutable empty array, no need to enqueue
// two cases: a list or non-list
// if a list, check/mark all the nodes in the list for any being multiply referenced
// say: multi-ref not allowed, but discovered a multi-ref, will be serialized as separate
// item
if ((isListFeat && isListElementsMultiplyReferenced(featVal))
|| (!isListFeat && alreadyVisited)) {
} else {
// multi-ref not allowed, and this item is not multiply referenced (so far)
// expecting to serialize as embedded (if array or list, or JSON)
if (!isListFeat) { // already added visited for list nodes
return false; // because static, multi-ref not allowed, no need to enqueue
} else { // is multiRefAllowed or in list node
return true; // static, multi-ref allowed or in list node, enqueue
// doing JSON dynamic determination of multi-refs
if (alreadyVisited) {
return !multiRefFSs.contains(featVal); // enqueue in the "queue" section, first time this
// happens
return true; // enqueue this item. May or may not be eventually written embedded
// but we enqueue to track multi-use
* Enqueue all FSs reachable from features of the given FS.
* @param addr
* address of an FS
* @param typeCode
* type of the FS
* @param insideListNode
* true iff the enclosing FS (addr) is a list type
private void enqueueFeatures(TOP fs) throws SAXException {
* Handle FSArrays
if (fs instanceof FSArray) {
TOP[] theArray = ((FSArray) fs)._getTheArray();
for (TOP elem : theArray) {
if (isFiltering
&& (null == filterTypeSystem_inner.getType(elem._getTypeImpl().getName()))) {
continue; // skip because not in filter type system
if (elem != null) {
boolean insideListNode = fs instanceof CommonList;
if (fs instanceof UimaSerializable) {
((UimaSerializable) fs)._save_to_cas_data();
for (FeatureImpl fi : fs._getTypeImpl().getFeatureImpls()) {
if (isFiltering && filterTypeSystem_inner.getFeatureByFullName(fi.getName()) == null) {
// skip features that aren't in the target type system
// final int featAddr = addr + cas.getFeatureOffset(feat);
// final int featVal = cas.getHeapValue(featAddr);
// if (featVal == CASImpl.NULL) { // null feature values do not refer to any other FS
// continue;
// }
// enqueue behavior depends on range type of feature
final int fsClass = fi.rangeTypeClass;
switch (fsClass) {
case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_FS: {
TOP array = fs.getFeatureValue(fi); // can be null
if (null == array) {
// we enqueue arrays if:
// when statically using multipleReferencesAllowed flag:
// when that says it's multiply referenced;
// otherwise, we skip enqueueing it because it will
// be picked up when serializing the feature
// when dynamically computing multiple-refs: we enqueue it
// unless already enqueued, in order to pick up any multiple refs
final boolean alreadyVisited = visited_not_yet_written.contains(array);
if (isMultiRef_enqueue(fi, array, alreadyVisited, false, false)) {
if (enqueued_multiRef_arrays_or_lists.add(array)) { // only do this once per item
enqueueFsAndMaybeFeatures(array); // will add to queue list 1st time multi-ref
// detected
// or JSON isDynamicEmbedding is on (whether or not multi-ref)
} else {
// for isDynamicMultiRef, this is the first time we detect multiple refs
// do this here, because the enqueued_multiRef_arrays_or_lists.add above makes
// the 2nd and subsequent multi-ref things bypass the enqueue call.
// - only needed for isDynamicMultiRef, because only that returns true for
// isMultiRef_enqueue
// for the "first" instance, when it isn't yet known.
if (isDynamicMultiRef) {
// otherwise, it is singly referenced (so far) and will be embedded
// (or has already been enqueued, in dynamic embedding mode), so don't enqueue
} else if (array instanceof FSArray && !alreadyVisited) {
// enqueue any FSs reachable from an FSArray
enqueueFSArrayElements((FSArray) array);
// we enqueue lists if:
// when statically using multipleReferencesAllowed flag:
// when that says it's multiply referenced or
// we're inside a list which was earlier multiply referenced
// otherwise, we skip enqueueing it because it will
// be picked up when serializing the feature
// when dynamically computing multiple-refs: we enqueue it
// unless already enqueued, in order to pick up any multiple refs
TOP startOfList_node = fs.getFeatureValue(fi);
if (null == startOfList_node) {
// the feature, whose type is one of the lists, has a null value, so there's nothing
// to enqueue
final boolean alreadyVisited = visited_not_yet_written.contains(startOfList_node);
if (isMultiRef_enqueue(fi, startOfList_node, alreadyVisited, insideListNode, true)) {
if (enqueued_multiRef_arrays_or_lists.add(startOfList_node)) { // only do this once
// per item
} else {
// for isDynamicMultiRef, this is the first time we detect multiple refs
// do this here, because the enqueued_multiRef_arrays_or_lists.add above makes
// the 2nd and subsequent multi-ref things bypass the enqueue call.
// - only needed for isDynamicMultiRef, because only that returns true for
// isMultiRef_enqueue
// for the "first" instance, when it isn't yet known.
if (isDynamicMultiRef) {
} else if (startOfList_node instanceof FSList && !alreadyVisited) {
// also, we need to enqueue any FSs reachable from an FSList
enqueueFSListElements((FSList) startOfList_node);
} // end of loop over all features
* Enqueues all FS reachable from an FSArray.
* @param addr
* Address of an FSArray
private void enqueueFSArrayElements(FSArray fsArray) throws SAXException {
for (TOP elem : fsArray._getTheArray()) {
if (elem != null) {
* Enqueues all Head values of FSList reachable from an FSList. This does NOT include the list
* nodes themselves.
* @param addr
* Address of an FSList
private void enqueueFSListElements(FSList<TOP> node) throws SAXException {
n -> enqueueFsAndMaybeFeatures(((NonEmptyFSList<TOP>) n).getHead()), null);
* Encode the indexed FS in the queue.
public void encodeIndexed() throws Exception {
if (null != previouslySerializedFSs) {
if (null != modifiedEmbeddedValueFSs) {
for (List<TOP> fss : indexedFSs) {
if (fss != null) {
private void encodeFSs(final List<TOP> fss) throws Exception {
for (TOP fs : fss) {
* Encode all other enqueued (non-indexed) FSs. The queue is read out in FiFo order. This
* insures that FsLists which are only referenced via a single FS ref, get encoded as [ x x x ]
* format rather than as individual FSs (because the individual items are also in the queue as
* items, but later). The isWritten test prevents dupl writes
public void encodeQueued() throws Exception {
for (TOP fs : queue) {
// for some serializers, things could be enqueued multiple times in the ref queue
// so check if already written, and if so, skip
// Case where this happens: JSON serialization with dynamically determined single ref
// embedding
// - have to enqueue to check if multiple refs, even if embedding eventually
if (visited_not_yet_written.contains(fs)) {
// skip if JSON dynamically computing whether or not to embed things and there's only one
// item - it will be embedded instead
if (isDynamicMultiRef && !multiRefFSs.contains(fs)) {
continue; // skip writing embeddable item (for JSON dynamic embedding) from Q; will be
// written from reference
// public Integer[] collectAllFeatureStructures() {
// final int indexedSize = indexedFSs.size();
// final int qSize = queue.size();
// final int rLen = indexedSize + queue.size();
// Integer[] r = new Integer[rLen];
// int i = 0;
// for (; i < indexedSize; i++) {
// r[i] = indexedFSs.get(i);
// }
// for (int j = 0; j < qSize; j++) {
// r[i++] = queue.get(j);
// }
// return r;
// }
* Called for JSon Serialization Sort a view, by type and then by begin/end asc/des for subtypes
* of Annotation, then by id
public final Comparator<TOP> sortFssByType = new Comparator<TOP>() {
public int compare(TOP fs1, TOP fs2) {
int c =, fs2._getTypeImpl().getCode());
if (c != 0) {
return c;
// final boolean hasSofa = tsi.subsumes(tsi.annotBaseTypeCode, typeCode1);
// if (hasSofa) {
// c = compareFeat(o1, o2, tsi.annotSofaFeatCode);
// if (c != 0) {
// return c;
// }
if (fs1 instanceof Annotation) {
Annotation fs1a = (Annotation) fs1;
Annotation fs2a = (Annotation) fs2;
c =, fs2a.getBegin());
if (c != 0) {
return c;
c =, fs1a.getEnd()); // reverse order
if (c != 0) {
return c;
// fall thru to do id compare
// not annotation, or equal begin/end/type
return, fs2._id); // return in @id order
// @formatter:off
* Encode an individual FS.
* Json has 2 encodings
* For type:
* "typeName" : [ { "@id" : 123, feat : value .... },
* { "@id" : 456, feat : value .... },
* ...
* ],
* ...
* For id:
* "nnnn" : {"@type" : typeName ; feat : value ...}
* For cases where the top level type is an array or list, there is
* a generated feature name, "@collection" whose value is
* the list or array of values associated with that type.
* @param fs
* the FS to be encoded.
* @throws SAXException
* passthru
// @formatter:on
public void encodeFS(TOP fs) throws Exception {
final int typeCode = fs._getTypeImpl().getCode();
final int typeClass = classifyType(fs._getTypeImpl());
// for JSON, the items reachable via indexes are written first,
// and isIndexId = false
// The items reachable via refs are written next, and
// isIndexId = true;
boolean isIndexId = csss.writeFsStart(fs, typeCode);
// write the id if needed for reference
// - if it is not ref'd via index, and JSON is computing dynamic refs, and it is multiply
// ref'd
// - skip if not JSON dynamic ref, or in index, or not multiply ref'd
if (!isIndexId && isDynamicMultiRef && multiRefFSs.contains(fs)) {
} else {
visited_not_yet_written.remove(fs); // mark as written
switch (typeClass) {
csss.writeFs(fs, typeCode);
csss.writeListsAsIndividualFSs(fs, typeCode);
csss.writeArrays(fs, typeCode, typeClass);
throw new RuntimeException("Error classifying FS type.");
int getElementCountForSharedData() {
return (sharedData == null) ? 0 : sharedData.getOutOfTypeSystemElements().size();
* Get the XMI ID to use for an FS.
* @param fs
* the FS
* @return XMI ID or null
public String getXmiId(TOP fs) {
int v = getXmiIdAsInt(fs);
return (v == 0) ? null : Integer.toString(v);
public int getXmiIdAsInt(TOP fs) {
if (fs == null) {
return 0;
if (isFiltering && null == filterTypeSystem_inner.getType(fs._getTypeImpl().getName())) { // return
// as
// null
// any
// references
// to
// types
// not
// in
// target
// TS
return 0;
if (sharedData == null) {
// in the absence of outside information, just use the FS address
return fs._id;
} else {
return sharedData.getXmiIdAsInt(fs);
public String getNameSpacePrefix(String uimaTypeName, String nsUri, int lastDotIndex) {
// determine what namespace prefix to use
String prefix = nsUriToPrefixMap.get(nsUri);
if (prefix == null) {
if (lastDotIndex != -1) { // have namespace
int secondLastDotIndex = uimaTypeName.lastIndexOf('.', lastDotIndex - 1);
prefix = uimaTypeName.substring(secondLastDotIndex + 1, lastDotIndex);
} else {
prefix = "noNamespace"; // is correct for older XMI standard too
// make sure this prefix hasn't already been used for some other namespace
// including out-of-type-system types (for XmiCasSerializer)
if (nsPrefixesUsed.contains(prefix)) {
String basePrefix = prefix;
int num = 2;
while (nsPrefixesUsed.contains(basePrefix + num)) {
prefix = basePrefix + num;
nsUriToPrefixMap.put(nsUri, prefix);
return prefix;
* convert to shared string, without interning, reduce GCs
public String getUniqueString(String s) {
String u = uniqueStrings.get(s);
if (null == u) {
u = s;
uniqueStrings.put(s, s);
return u;
public String getTypeNameFromXmlElementName(XmlElementName xe) {
final String nsUri = xe.nsUri;
if (nsUri == null || nsUri.length() == 0) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
final int pfx = XmiCasSerializer.URIPFX.length;
final int sfx = XmiCasSerializer.URISFX.length;
String r = (nsUri.startsWith(XmiCasSerializer.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_URI)) ? ""
: nsUri.substring(pfx, nsUri.length() - sfx);
r = r.replace('/', '.');
return r + xe.localName;
public boolean isStaticMultiRef(FeatureImpl fi) {
return fi.isMultipleReferencesAllowed();
* Classifies a type. This returns an integer code identifying the type as one of the primitive
* types, one of the array types, one of the list types, or a generic FS type (anything else).
* <p>
* The {@link LowLevelCAS#ll_getTypeClass(int)} method classifies primitives and array types, but
* does not have a special classification for list types, which we need for XMI serialization.
* Therefore, in addition to the type codes defined on {@link LowLevelCAS}, this method can return
* @param ti
* the type to classify
* @return one of the TYPE_CLASS codes defined on {@link LowLevelCAS} or on this interface.
public static final int classifyType(TypeImpl ti) {
switch (ti.getCode()) {
case TypeSystemConstants.intListTypeCode:
case TypeSystemConstants.floatListTypeCode:
case TypeSystemConstants.stringListTypeCode:
case TypeSystemConstants.fsListTypeCode:
return TypeSystemImpl.getTypeClass(ti);
private static boolean isArrayOrList(TOP fs) {
return fs instanceof CommonPrimitiveArray || fs instanceof FSArray || fs instanceof CommonList;