blob: 777a1698b2ca4f462ef46023fede1dbe0d52a5b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.vinci.transport;
import org.apache.vinci.debug.Debug;
* Class for conjuring a Vinci service by host/port (that is, without interaction with the naming
* service). Usually you want to use VinciClient, which extends this class to invoke a service by
* (qualified) name.
* Provides generic "send/recieve/sendAndReceive" for communicating arbitrary (transportable)
* document models, and also specific "rpc" methods for more convenient support of the VinciFrame
* document model.
public class BaseClient {
static public final int DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 120000;
static public final int DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 30000;
private String host = null;
private int port = 0;
private TransportableFactory factory;
private Socket socket = null;
private InputStream is = null;
private OutputStream os = null;
private KeyValuePair header = null;
private int socketTimeout = DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT;
private int connectTimeout = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;
private boolean retry = true;
* Open up the service at the specified host and port, using a VinciFrame factory.
* @param h
* The hostname/ip address of the machine running the service.
* @param p
* The port on which the service runs.
* @throws IOException
* if the underlying socket fails to connect
* @pre h != null
* @pre p ≥ 0
* @pre p < 65536
public BaseClient(String h, int p) throws IOException {
this(h, p, VinciFrame.getVinciFrameFactory());
* Open up the service at the specified host and port, using a VinciFrame factory.
* @param h
* The hostname/ip address of the machine running the service.
* @param p
* The port on which the service runs.
* @param connect_timeout
* The number of milliseconds that will elapse before a connect attempt fails.
* @throws IOException
* if the underlying socket fails to connect
* @pre h != null
* @pre p ≥ 0
* @pre p < 65536
public BaseClient(String h, int p, int connect_timeout) throws IOException {
this(h, p, VinciFrame.getVinciFrameFactory(), connect_timeout);
* Open up the service at the specified host and port.
* @param h
* The hostname/ip address of the machine running the service.
* @param p
* The port on which the service runs.
* @param f
* A factory for creating documents of the desired type.
* @throws IOException
* if the underlying socket fails to connect.
* @pre h != null
* @pre f != null
* @pre p ≥ 0
* @pre p < 65536
public BaseClient(String h, int p, TransportableFactory f) throws IOException {
this.factory = f; = h;
this.port = p;
open(host, port);
* Open up the service at the specified host and port, using the specified connect timeout.
* @param h
* The hostname/ip address of the machine running the service.
* @param p
* The port on which the service runs.
* @param f
* A factory for creating documents of the desired type.
* @param timeout
* The number of milliseconds that will elapse before a connect attempt fails.
* @throws IOException
* if the underlying socket fails to connect.
* @pre h != null
* @pre f != null
* @pre p ≥ 0
* @pre p < 65536
* @pre timeout > 0
public BaseClient(String h, int p, TransportableFactory f, int timeout) throws IOException {
this.factory = f; = h;
this.port = p;
connectTimeout = timeout;
open(host, port);
* Create a base client without establishing a connection. This is useful for client classes which
* extend this class and which to perform their own connection establishment. Uses a VinciFrame
* factory.
public BaseClient() {
* Create a base client without establishing a connection. This is useful for client classes which
* extend this class and which to perform their own connection establishment.
* @param f
* A factory for creating documents of the desired type.
* @pre f != null
public BaseClient(TransportableFactory f) {
this.factory = f;
* Create a base client without establishing a connection. This is useful for client classes which
* extend this class and which to perform their own connection establishment.
* @param f
* A factory for creating documents of the desired type.
* @param timeout
* The number of milliseconds that will elapse before a connect attempt fails.
* @pre f != null
public BaseClient(TransportableFactory f, int timeout) {
this.factory = f;
this.connectTimeout = timeout;
* Get the hostname/ip address to which this client is connected.
public String getHost() {
return host;
public int getPort() {
return port;
* Get the socket used for the connection.
protected Socket getSocket() {
return socket;
* Get the default timeout value for the socket (0 indicates never timeout, which is the default,
* but generally NOT a good setting).
public int getSocketTimeout() {
return socketTimeout;
* Set the timeout value used for connect timeouts. Note that if you use one of the
* connection-inducing constructors, then this method has no effect unless a subsequent connection
* attempt is made.
* @param timeout
* The number of milliseconds that will elapse before a connect attempt fails.
public void setConnectTimeout(int timeout) {
connectTimeout = timeout;
* Set the transportable factory used by this client.
public void setTransportableFactory(TransportableFactory f) {
factory = f;
* Takes a transportable object, sends it across the connection, then retrieves the response and
* returns it.
* @param in
* The query frame.
* @return A transportable representing the result, its specific type determined by the factory
* provided through BaseClient's constructor.
* @exception IOException
* thrown by the underlying socket IO (e.g. due to connection timeout).
* @exception ServiceException
* thrown if the server threw ServiceException or returned an ErrorFrame.
* @pre in != null
* @pre getHost() != null
public Transportable sendAndReceive(Transportable in) throws IOException, ServiceException {
try {
try {
if (!isOpen()) {
return sendAndReceiveWork(in, factory);
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
// Don't retry on socket timeout - service might be overloaded
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (retry) {
return sendAndReceiveWork(in, factory);
} else {
throw e;
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
// Close on timeout to make sure buffers are cleared if client reused
throw e;
* Takes a transportable object, sends it across the connection, then retrieves the response and
* returns it.
* @param in
* The query frame.
* @param timeout
* The timeout value to use in place of this client's default timeout setting.
* @return A transportable representing the result, its specific type determined by the factory
* provided through BaseClient's constructor.
* @throws IOException
* thrown by the underlying socket IO (e.g. due to connection timeout).
* @throws ServiceException
* thrown if the server threw ServiceException or returned an ErrorFrame.
* @pre getHost() != null
public Transportable sendAndReceive(Transportable in, int timeout) throws IOException,
ServiceException {
try {
try {
if (!isOpen()) {
return sendAndReceiveWork(in, factory, timeout);
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
// Don't retry on socket timeout - service might be overloaded
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (retry) {
return sendAndReceiveWork(in, factory, timeout);
} else {
throw e;
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
// Close on timeout to make sure buffers are cleared if client reused
throw e;
* Same as sendAndReceive(Transportable) except the provided factory is used to create the return
* document in place of the default factory.
* @param f
* The factory to used to create the return document.
* @pre f != null
* @pre in != null
* @pre getHost() != null
public Transportable sendAndReceive(Transportable in, TransportableFactory f) throws IOException,
ServiceException {
try {
try {
if (!isOpen()) {
return sendAndReceiveWork(in, f);
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
// Don't retry on socket timeout - service might be overloaded
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (retry) {
return sendAndReceiveWork(in, f);
} else {
throw e;
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
// Close on timeout to make sure buffers are cleared if client reused
throw e;
* Same as sendAndReceive(Transportable, timeout) except the provided factory is used to create
* the return document in place of the default factory.
* @param in
* @param f The factory to used to create the return document.
* @param timeout
* @pre in != null
* @pre f != null
* @pre getHost() != null
public Transportable sendAndReceive(Transportable in, TransportableFactory f, int timeout)
throws IOException, ServiceException {
try {
try {
if (!isOpen()) {
return sendAndReceiveWork(in, f, timeout);
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
// Don't retry on socket timeout - service might be overloaded
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (retry) {
return sendAndReceiveWork(in, f, timeout);
} else {
throw e;
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
// Close on timeout to make sure buffers are cleared if client reused
throw e;
* Same as sendAndReceive(Transportable) except for return type. Syntactic sugar method for the
* case where return result is known to be VinciFrame (eliminates the need for casting in the
* typical usage case).
* @return A VinciFrame representing the service result.
* @pre query != null
* @pre getHost() != null
public VinciFrame rpc(Transportable query) throws IOException, ServiceException {
return (VinciFrame) sendAndReceive(query);
* Same as sendAndReceive(Transportable, timeout) except for return type. Syntactic sugar method
* for the case where return result is known to be VinciFrame (eliminates the need for casting in
* the typical usage case).
* @return A VinciFrame representing the service result.
* @pre query != null
* @pre getHost() != null
public VinciFrame rpc(Transportable query, int timeout) throws IOException, ServiceException {
return (VinciFrame) sendAndReceive(query, timeout);
* Support for 1/2 transaction RPC. This allows interaction with an asynchronous ("receive only")
* service, or for the sender to simply do something else before coming back and receiving the
* result (though at the risk of timeouts!).
* @param in
* The Transportable to send.
* @throws IOException
* Thrown by the underlying transport layer.
* @pre in != null
* @pre getHost() != null
* @pre os != null
public void send(Transportable in) throws IOException {
try {
try {
if (!isOpen()) {
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
// Don't retry on socket timeout - service might be overloaded
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (retry) {
} else {
throw e;
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
// Close on timeout to make sure buffers are cleared if client reused
throw e;
* The other 1/2 of the split RPC. This allows for interaction with an asynchronous "publish only"
* service, or simply picks up a result queried for earlier via send().
* @return The Transportable requested.
* @throws IOException
* Thrown by the underlying transport layer, or the socket is closed.
* @throws ServiceException
* Thrown if the remote server responded with an error frame.
* @pre is != null
public Transportable receive() throws IOException, ServiceException {
if (!isOpen()) {
throw new IOException("Socket not open");
Transportable out = factory.makeTransportable();
header = out.fromStream(is);
if (header != null && header.key.equals(TransportConstants.ERROR_KEY)) {
throw new ServiceException(header.getValueAsString(), out);
return out;
* Close the connection. Using the Client object after this will throw an exception.
public void close() {
if (isOpen()) {
try {
is = null;
os = null;
socket = null;
} catch (IOException e) {
Debug.reportException(e, "Could not close connection.");
public boolean isOpen() {
return socket != null && os != null && is != null;
* Set connection restablishment on IOException to on/off, default is ON. This way, by default,
* BaseClient attempts to reopen a connection at most once if it receives an IOException which can
* happen, for example, from the connection timing out.
public void setRetry(boolean to) {
retry = to;
* Fetch the header of the last Transportable received.
public KeyValuePair getHeader() {
return header;
* Convenience method for "one-shot" or "single-query" connections.
* @pre host_name != null
* @pre f != null
* @pre p ≥ 0
* @pre p < 65536
static public Transportable sendAndReceive(Transportable in, String host_name, int p,
TransportableFactory f) throws IOException, ServiceException {
BaseClient tempClient = new BaseClient(host_name, p, f);
try {
return tempClient.sendAndReceive(in);
} finally {
* Convenience method for "one-shot" or "single-query" connections with socket timeout support.
* @pre in != null
* @pre host_name != null
* @pre f != null
* @pre p ≥ 0
* @pre p < 65536
static public Transportable sendAndReceive(Transportable in, String host_name, int p,
TransportableFactory f, int socket_timeout) throws IOException, ServiceException {
BaseClient tempClient = new BaseClient(host_name, p, f);
try {
return tempClient.sendAndReceive(in);
} finally {
* Convenience method for "one-shot" or "single-query" connections with socket timeout support
* & connect timeout support.
* @pre in != null
* @pre host_name != null
* @pre f != null
* @pre p ≥ 0
* @pre p < 65536
static public Transportable sendAndReceive(Transportable in, String host_name, int p,
TransportableFactory f, int socket_timeout, int connect_timeout) throws IOException,
ServiceException {
BaseClient tempClient = new BaseClient(host_name, p, f, connect_timeout);
try {
return tempClient.sendAndReceive(in);
} finally {
* Convenience method for "one-shot" or "single-query" connections. Same as sendAndReceive except
* uses VinciFrame factory so return type is known to be VinciFrame.
* @pre in != null
* @pre host_name != null
* @pre p ≥ 0
* @pre p < 65536
static public VinciFrame rpc(Transportable in, String host_name, int p) throws IOException,
ServiceException {
return (VinciFrame) sendAndReceive(in, host_name, p, VinciFrame.getVinciFrameFactory());
* Convenience method for "one-shot" or "single-query" connections. Same as sendAndReceive except
* uses VinciFrame factory so return type is known to be VinciFrame.
* @pre host_name != null
* @pre in != null
* @pre p ≥ 0
* @pre p < 65536
static public VinciFrame rpc(Transportable in, String host_name, int p, int socket_timeout)
throws IOException, ServiceException {
return (VinciFrame) sendAndReceive(in, host_name, p, VinciFrame.getVinciFrameFactory(),
* Convenience method for "one-shot" or "single-query" connections. Same as sendAndReceive except
* uses VinciFrame factory so return type is known to be VinciFrame.
* @pre host_name != null
* @pre in != null
* @pre p ≥ 0
* @pre p < 65536
static public VinciFrame rpc(Transportable in, String host_name, int p, int socket_timeout,
int connect_timeout) throws IOException, ServiceException {
return (VinciFrame) sendAndReceive(in, host_name, p, VinciFrame.getVinciFrameFactory(),
socket_timeout, connect_timeout);
* @pre in != null
* @pre f != null
* @pre getHost() != null
* @pre os != null
* @pre is != null
protected Transportable sendAndReceiveWork(Transportable in, TransportableFactory f)
throws IOException, ServiceException {
Transportable out = f.makeTransportable();
header = out.fromStream(is);
if (header != null && header.key.equals(TransportConstants.ERROR_KEY)) {
throw new ServiceException(header.getValueAsString(), out);
return out;
* @pre in != null
* @pre f != null
* @pre socket != null
protected Transportable sendAndReceiveWork(Transportable in, TransportableFactory f, int timeout)
throws IOException, ServiceException {
try {
return sendAndReceiveWork(in, f);
} finally {
// Restore default timeout setting.
* @pre e != null
* @pre getHost() != null
protected void reopen(Exception e) throws IOException {
Debug.p("Trying to reopen connection due to exception: " + e.getMessage());
// Make sure connection is closed.
* Connects the client to the specified host and port.
* @param h
* The hostname/ip address of the server to connect to.
* @param p
* The port to connect to.
* @throws IOException
* Thrown by underlying Socket open() call.
* @pre h != null
* @pre p ≥ 0
* @pre p < 65536
protected final void open(String h, int p) throws IOException { = h;
this.port = p;
* (Re)connects the client to a previously specified host and port. Should only be called if this
* client has been previously closed via a call to "close".
* @throws IOException
* Thrown by underlying Socket open() call.
* @pre getHost() != null
public final void open() throws IOException {
socket = new Socket();
InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(host);
InetSocketAddress socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(addr, port);
socket.connect(socketAddress, connectTimeout);
socket.setTcpNoDelay(true); // needed to avoid delays with Linux/loopback
is = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
os = new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
* Make this client use an already established socket connection. If you use this open method,
* then setRetry is set to false. Resetting it to true will cause problems since the client does
* not know how to reopen the connection.
* @param use_me
* The socket to use.
* @exception IOException
* Thrown by underlying Socket open() call.
* @pre use_me != null
public void open(Socket use_me) throws IOException {
socket = use_me;
is = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
os = new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
* Set the timeout value used by the underlying socket. Default is 2 minutes.
public void setSocketTimeout(int millis) throws IOException {
if (socket != null) {
socketTimeout = millis;
* Gets whether keepAlive should be turned on for client sockets.
* Always returns true for BaseClient. Can be overridden in
* subclasses.
*@return whether socket keepAlive should be turned on
protected boolean isSocketKeepAliveEnabled() {
return true;
} // end class BaseClient