blob: 8937869b47bffd65c6f4ec9eb22697396c80ea69 [file] [log] [blame]
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<typeSystemDescription xmlns="">
<name>OpenNLP Example Types</name>
<description>Type system used by the org.apache.uima.examples.opennlp package. Defines token, sentence, named entity, and syntactic parse annotation types.</description>
<vendor>The Apache Software Foundation</vendor>
<description>Clause level syntactic parse annotation.</description>
<description>Phrase level syntactic annotation.</description>
<description>Syntax annotation, typically created by a parser.</description>
<description>Identifier of the annotator that created this annotation.</description>
<description>Simple declarative clause, i.e. one that is not introduced by a (possible empty)
subordinating conjunction or a wh-word and that does not exhibit subject-verb inversion.</description>
<description>Clause introduced by a (possibly empty) subordinating conjunction.</description>
<description>Direct question introduced by a wh-word or a wh-phrase. Indirect questions and relative clauses should be bracketed as SBAR, not SBARQ.</description>
<description>Inverted declarative sentence, i.e. one in which the subject follows the tensed verb or modal.</description>
<description>Inverted yes/no question, or main clause of a wh-question, following the wh-phrase in SBARQ.</description>
<description>Adjective Phrase.</description>
<description>Adverb Phrase.</description>
<description>Conjunction Phrase.</description>
<description>Interjection. Corresponds approximately to the part-of-speech tag UH.</description>
<description>List marker. Includes surrounding punctuation.</description>
<description>Not a Constituent; used to show the scope of certain prenominal modifiers within an NP.</description>
<description>Noun Phrase.</description>
<description>Used within certain complex NPs to mark the head of the NP. Corresponds very roughly to N-bar level but used quite differently.</description>
<description>Prepositional Phrase.</description>
<description>Particle. Category for words that should be tagged RP.</description>
<description>Quantifier Phrase (i.e. complex measure/amount phrase); used within NP.</description>
<description>Reduced Relative Clause.</description>
<description>Unlike Coordinated Phrase.</description>
<description>Vereb Phrase.</description>
<description>Wh-adjective Phrase. Adjectival phrase containing a wh-adverb, as in how hot.</description>
<description>Wh-adverb Phrase. Introduces a clause with an NP gap. May be null (containing the 0 complementizer) or lexical, containing a wh-adverb such as how or why.</description>
<description>Wh-noun Phrase. Introduces a clause with an NP gap. May be null (containing the 0 complementizer) or lexical, containing some wh-word, e.g. who, which book, whose daughter, none of which, or how many leopards.</description>
<description>Wh-prepositional Phrase. Prepositional phrase containing a wh-noun phrase (such as of which or by whose authority) that either introduces a PP gap or is contained by a WHNP.</description>
<description>Unknown, uncertain, or unbracketable. X is often used for bracketing typos and in bracketing the...the-constructions.</description>