blob: add8b90c91ea3deacceae294eee97e47a180444f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.cas.test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CASRuntimeException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.ConstraintFactory;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIterator;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSMatchConstraint;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSStringConstraint;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSTypeConstraint;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Feature;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FeaturePath;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FeatureStructure;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.cas.TypeSystem;
import org.apache.uima.cas.text.AnnotationFS;
* Class comment for goes here.
public class FilteredIteratorTest extends TestCase {
private CAS cas;
private TypeSystem ts;
private Type stringType;
private Type tokenType;
private Type intType;
private Type tokenTypeType;
private Type wordType;
private Type sepType;
private Type eosType;
private Feature tokenTypeFeat;
private Feature lemmaFeat;
private Feature sentLenFeat;
private Feature tokenFloatFeat;
private Feature startFeature;
private Type sentenceType;
private Type annotationType;
* Constructor for FilteredIteratorTest.
* @param arg0
public FilteredIteratorTest(String arg0) {
public void setUp() {
try {
this.cas = CASInitializer.initCas(new CASTestSetup());
assertTrue(cas != null);
this.ts = this.cas.getTypeSystem();
assertTrue(ts != null);
} catch (Exception e) {
this.stringType = ts.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING);
assertTrue(stringType != null);
this.tokenType = ts.getType(CASTestSetup.TOKEN_TYPE);
assertTrue(stringType != null);
this.intType = ts.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER);
assertTrue(intType != null);
this.tokenTypeType = ts.getType(CASTestSetup.TOKEN_TYPE_TYPE);
assertTrue(tokenTypeType != null);
this.wordType = ts.getType(CASTestSetup.WORD_TYPE);
assertTrue(wordType != null);
this.sepType = ts.getType(CASTestSetup.SEP_TYPE);
assertTrue(sepType != null);
this.eosType = ts.getType(CASTestSetup.EOS_TYPE);
assertTrue(eosType != null);
this.tokenTypeFeat = ts.getFeatureByFullName(CASTestSetup.TOKEN_TYPE_FEAT_Q);
assertTrue(tokenTypeFeat != null);
this.lemmaFeat = ts.getFeatureByFullName(CASTestSetup.LEMMA_FEAT_Q);
assertTrue(lemmaFeat != null);
this.sentLenFeat = ts.getFeatureByFullName(CASTestSetup.SENT_LEN_FEAT_Q);
assertTrue(sentLenFeat != null);
this.tokenFloatFeat = ts.getFeatureByFullName(CASTestSetup.TOKEN_FLOAT_FEAT_Q);
assertTrue(tokenFloatFeat != null);
this.startFeature = ts.getFeatureByFullName(CAS.FEATURE_FULL_NAME_BEGIN);
assertTrue(startFeature != null);
this.sentenceType = ts.getType(CASTestSetup.SENT_TYPE);
assertTrue(sentenceType != null);
this.annotationType = ts.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_ANNOTATION);
assertTrue(annotationType != null);
public void tearDown() {
this.cas = null;
this.ts = null;
this.stringType = null;
this.tokenType = null;
this.intType = null;
this.tokenTypeType = null;
this.wordType = null;
this.sepType = null;
this.eosType = null;
this.tokenTypeFeat = null;
this.lemmaFeat = null;
this.sentLenFeat = null;
this.tokenFloatFeat = null;
this.startFeature = null;
this.sentenceType = null;
this.annotationType = null;
public void testIterator1() {
try {
// cas.setDocumentText("A test."); can't set document text twice
} catch (CASRuntimeException e) {
try {
cas.setDocumentText("This is a test.");
} catch (CASRuntimeException e) {
// create token and sentence annotations
cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 0, 4));
cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 5, 7));
cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 8, 9));
cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 10, 14));
cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 14, 15));
cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(sentenceType, 0, 15));
// create filtered iterator over Tokens only
FSIterator it = cas.getAnnotationIndex().iterator();
FSTypeConstraint constraint = cas.getConstraintFactory().createTypeConstraint();
it = cas.createFilteredIterator(it, constraint);
// do iteration
while (it.isValid()) {
AnnotationFS a = (AnnotationFS) it.get();
// System.out.println("Annotation type: " + a.getType().getName());
// System.out.println("Covered text: " + a.getCoveredText());
// Count number of annotations.
it = cas.getAnnotationIndex().iterator();
int countAll = 0;
for (it.moveToFirst(); it.isValid(); it.moveToNext()) {
// create filtered iterator over annotations
it = cas.getAnnotationIndex().iterator();
constraint = cas.getConstraintFactory().createTypeConstraint();
it = cas.createFilteredIterator(it, constraint);
// do iteration
int countFiltered = 0;
while (it.isValid()) {
AnnotationFS a = (AnnotationFS) it.get();
assertTrue(ts.subsumes(annotationType, a.getType()));
// System.out.println("Annotation type: " + a.getType().getName());
// System.out.println("Covered text: " + a.getCoveredText());
assertTrue(countAll == countFiltered);
public void testIterator1a() {
try {
// cas.setDocumentText("A test."); can't set document text twice!
} catch (CASRuntimeException e) {
try {
cas.setDocumentText("This is a test.");
} catch (CASRuntimeException e) {
// create token and sentence annotations
cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 0, 4));
cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 5, 7));
cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 8, 9));
cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 10, 14));
cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 14, 15));
cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(sentenceType, 0, 15));
// create filtered iterator over Tokens only
FSIterator it = cas.getAnnotationIndex().iterator();
FSTypeConstraint constraint = cas.getConstraintFactory().createTypeConstraint();
it = cas.createFilteredIterator(it, constraint);
// do iteration
while (it.isValid()) {
AnnotationFS a = (AnnotationFS) it.get();
// System.out.println("Annotation type: " + a.getType().getName());
// System.out.println("Covered text: " + a.getCoveredText());
// test uses constraint compiler
* public void testIterator1b() {
* try { cas.setDocumentText("A test."); } catch (CASRuntimeException e) { assertTrue(false); }
* ((CASMgr) cas).enableSetText(false); boolean exc = false; try { cas.setDocumentText("A
* test."); } catch (CASRuntimeException e) { assertTrue(e.getError() ==
* CASRuntimeException.SET_DOC_TEXT_DISABLED); exc = true; } assertTrue(exc); ((CASMgr)
* cas).enableSetText(true);
* try { ((CASMgr) cas).setDocumentText("This is a test."); } catch (CASRuntimeException e) {
* assertTrue(false); } //create token and sentence annotations
* cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 0, 4));
* cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 5, 7));
* cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 8, 9));
* cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 10, 14));
* cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 14, 15));
* cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(cas.createAnnotation(sentenceType, 0, 15));
* //create filtered iterator over Tokens only FSIterator it =
* cas.getAnnotationIndex().iterator(); // FSTypeConstraint constraint = //
* cas.getConstraintFactory().createTypeConstraint(); // constraint.add(tokenType.getName());
* FSMatchConstraint constraint = null; try { ConstraintParser parser =
* ConstraintParserFactory.getDefaultConstraintParser(); constraint = parser.parse("isa " +
* tokenType.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); assertTrue(false); }
* it = cas.createFilteredIterator(it, constraint);
* //do iteration while (it.isValid()) { AnnotationFS a = (AnnotationFS) it.get();
* assertTrue(a.getType().equals(tokenType)); // System.out.println("Annotation type: " +
* a.getType().getName()); // System.out.println("Covered text: " + a.getCoveredText());
* it.moveToNext(); } }
public void testIterator2() {
try {
cas.setDocumentText("This is a test with the word \"the\" in it.");
// create token and sentence annotations
String type1 = "type1";
String type2 = "type2";
AnnotationFS token;
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 0, 4);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1);
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 5, 7);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, "the");
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 8, 9);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type2);
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 10, 14);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1);
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 14, 15);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1);
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 0, 15);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1);
String lemma = "the";
// create filtered iterator over Tokens of type 1
FSIterator it = cas.getAnnotationIndex(tokenType).iterator();
FSStringConstraint type1Constraint = cas.getConstraintFactory().createStringConstraint();
FeaturePath path = cas.createFeaturePath();
FSMatchConstraint cons = cas.getConstraintFactory().embedConstraint(path, type1Constraint);
it = cas.createFilteredIterator(it, cons);
int count = 0;
for (it.moveToFirst(); it.isValid(); it.moveToNext()) {
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Count instances of tokens with lemma "the".
// Create an iterator over Token annotations.
FSIndex tokenIndex = cas.getAnnotationIndex(tokenType);
FSIterator tokenIt = tokenIndex.iterator();
// Create a counter.
int theCount = 0;
// Iterate over the tokens.
for (tokenIt.moveToFirst(); tokenIt.isValid(); tokenIt.moveToNext()) {
AnnotationFS tok = (AnnotationFS) tokenIt.get();
if (tok.getStringValue(lemmaFeat).equals(lemma)) {
// System.out.println("Found token: " + tok.getCoveredText());
assertTrue(count == theCount);
// System.out.println(
// "Number of tokens with \"" + lemma + "\": " + theCount);
// System.out.println("Number of tokens overall: " + tokenIndex.size());
// System.out.println("Count: " + count);
// assertTrue(count == 4);
} catch (Exception e) {
public void testIterator2a() {
try {
cas.setDocumentText("This is a test with the word \"the\" in it.");
// create token and sentence annotations
String type1 = "type1";
String type2 = "type2";
AnnotationFS token;
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 0, 4);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1);
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 5, 7);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, "the");
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 8, 9);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type2);
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 10, 14);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1);
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 14, 15);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1);
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 0, 15);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1);
String lemma = "the";
FSIterator it = cas.getAnnotationIndex(tokenType).iterator();
FSStringConstraint type1Constraint = cas.getConstraintFactory().createStringConstraint();
ArrayList path = new ArrayList();
FSMatchConstraint cons = cas.getConstraintFactory().embedConstraint(path, type1Constraint);
it = cas.createFilteredIterator(it, cons);
int count = 0;
for (it.moveToFirst(); it.isValid(); it.moveToNext()) {
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Count instances of tokens with lemma "the".
// Create an iterator over Token annotations.
FSIndex tokenIndex = cas.getAnnotationIndex(tokenType);
FSIterator tokenIt = tokenIndex.iterator();
// Create a counter.
int theCount = 0;
// Iterate over the tokens.
for (tokenIt.moveToFirst(); tokenIt.isValid(); tokenIt.moveToNext()) {
AnnotationFS tok = (AnnotationFS) tokenIt.get();
if (tok.getStringValue(lemmaFeat).equals(lemma)) {
// System.out.println("Found token: " + tok.getCoveredText());
assertTrue(count == theCount);
// System.out.println(
// "Number of tokens with \"" + lemma + "\": " + theCount);
// System.out.println("Number of tokens overall: " + tokenIndex.size());
// System.out.println("Count: " + count);
// assertTrue(count == 4);
} catch (Exception e) {
public void testIterator2b() {
try {
cas.setDocumentText("This is a test with the word \"the\" in it.");
FeatureStructure wordFS = this.cas.createFS(wordType);
FeatureStructure sepFS = this.cas.createFS(sepType);
FeatureStructure eosFS = this.cas.createFS(eosType);
// create token and sentence annotations
String type1 = "type1";
String type2 = "type2";
AnnotationFS token;
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 0, 4);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1);
token.setFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat, wordFS);
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 5, 7);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, "the");
token.setFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat, sepFS);
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 8, 9);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type2);
token.setFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat, eosFS);
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 10, 14);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1);
token.setFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat, wordFS);
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 14, 15);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1);
token.setFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat, sepFS);
token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 0, 15);
token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1);
token.setFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat, eosFS);
FSIterator it = cas.getAnnotationIndex(tokenType).iterator();
ConstraintFactory cf = this.cas.getConstraintFactory();
FSTypeConstraint tc = cf.createTypeConstraint();
ArrayList path = new ArrayList();
FSMatchConstraint cons = cf.embedConstraint(path, tc);
it = this.cas.createFilteredIterator(it, cons);
int count = 0;
for (it.moveToFirst(); it.isValid(); it.moveToNext()) {
assertTrue(count == 4);
} catch (Exception e) {
// test uses constraint compiler
* public void testIterator2c() { try { ((CASMgr) cas).setDocumentText( "This is a test with the
* word \"the\" in it.");
* FeatureStructure wordFS = this.cas.createFS(wordType); FeatureStructure sepFS =
* this.cas.createFS(sepType); FeatureStructure eosFS = this.cas.createFS(eosType);
* //create token and sentence annotations String type1 = "type1"; String type2 = "type2";
* AnnotationFS token; token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 0, 4);
* token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1); token.setFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat, wordFS);
* cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(token); token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 5, 7);
* token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, "the"); token.setFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat, sepFS);
* cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(token); token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 8, 9);
* token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type2); token.setFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat, eosFS);
* cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(token); token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 10, 14);
* token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1); token.setFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat, wordFS);
* cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(token); token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 14, 15);
* token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1); token.setFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat, sepFS);
* cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(token); token = cas.createAnnotation(tokenType, 0, 15);
* token.setStringValue(lemmaFeat, type1); token.setFeatureValue(tokenTypeFeat, eosFS);
* cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(token);
* FSIterator it = cas.getAnnotationIndex(tokenType).iterator();
* FSMatchConstraint cons = null; try { ConstraintParser parser =
* ConstraintParserFactory.getDefaultConstraintParser(); cons = parser.parse(
* tokenTypeFeat.getShortName() + " isa (" + sepType.getName() + "|" + eosType.getName() + ")"); }
* catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(false); } it = this.cas.createFilteredIterator(it, cons); int
* count = 0; for (it.moveToFirst(); it.isValid(); it.moveToNext()) { ++count; } assertTrue(count ==
* 4); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); assertTrue(false); } }
* public static void main(String[] args) { FilteredIteratorTest test = new
* FilteredIteratorTest(null);; }