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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.internal.util;
import java.util.Arrays;
* An implementation of a text tokenizer for whitespace separated natural lanuage text.
* <p>
* The tokenizer knows about four different character classes: regular word characters, whitespace
* characters, sentence delimiters and separator characters. Tokens can consist of
* <ul>
* <li>sequences of word characters and sentence delimiters where the last character is a word
* character,</li>
* <li>sentence delimiter characters (if they do not precede a word character),</li>
* <li>sequences of whitespace characters,</li>
* <li>and individual separator characters.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The character classes are completely user definable. By default, whitespace characters are the
* Unicode whitespace characters. All other characters are word characters. The two separator
* classes are empty by default. The different classes may have non-empty intersections. When
* determining the class of a character, the user defined classes are considered in the following
* order: end-of-sentence delimiter before other separators before whitespace before word
* characters. That is, if a character is defined to be both a separator and a whitespace character,
* it will be considered to be a separator.
* <p>
* By default, the tokenizer will return all tokens, including whitespace. That is, appending the
* sequence of tokens will recover the original input text. This behavior can be changed so that
* whitespace and/or separator tokens are skipped.
* <p>
* A tokenizer provides a standard iterator interface similar to
* {@link java.util.StringTokenizer StringTokenizer}. The validity of the iterator can be queried
* with <code>hasNext()</code>, and the next token can be queried with <code>nextToken()</code>.
* In addition, <code>getNextTokenType()</code> returns the type of the token as an integer. NB
* that you need to call <code>getNextTokenType()</code> before calling <code>nextToken()</code>,
* since calling <code>nextToken()</code> will advance the iterator.
* @version $Id:,v 1.1 2002/09/30 19:09:09 goetz Exp $
public class TextTokenizer {
/** Sentence delimiter character/word type. */
public static final int EOS = 0;
/** Separator character/word type. */
public static final int SEP = 1;
/** Whitespace character/word type. */
public static final int WSP = 2;
/** Word character/word type. */
public static final int WCH = 3;
private final char[] text;
private final int end; // Points to the last character.
private int pos;
private char[] eosDels = new char[0];
private char[] separators = new char[0];
private char[] whitespace = new char[0];
private char[] wordChars = new char[0];
private int nextTokenStart;
private int nextTokenEnd;
private int nextTokenType;
private boolean nextComputed = false;
private boolean showWhitespace = true;
private boolean showSeparators = true;
* Construct a tokenizer from a CharArrayString.
* @param string
* The string to tokenize.
* @pre string != null
public TextTokenizer(CharArrayString string) {
this.text = string.getChars();
this.pos = string.getStart();
this.end = string.getEnd() - 1;
* Construct a tokenizer from a Java string.
* @pre string != null
public TextTokenizer(String string) {
this(new CharArrayString(string));
* Set the flag for showing whitespace tokens.
public void setShowWhitespace(boolean b) {
this.showWhitespace = b;
* Set the flag for showing separator tokens.
public void setShowSeparators(boolean b) {
this.showSeparators = b;
* Set the set of sentence delimiters.
public void setEndOfSentenceChars(String chars) {
if (chars == null) {
chars = "";
this.eosDels = makeSortedList(chars);
* Add to the set of sentence delimiters.
public void addToEndOfSentenceChars(String chars) {
if (chars == null) {
this.eosDels = addToSortedList(chars, this.eosDels);
* Set the set of separator characters.
public void setSeparators(String chars) {
if (chars == null) {
chars = "";
this.separators = makeSortedList(chars);
* Add to the set of separator characters.
public void addSeparators(String chars) {
if (chars == null) {
this.separators = addToSortedList(chars, this.separators);
* Set the set of whitespace characters (in addition to the Unicode whitespace chars).
public void setWhitespaceChars(String chars) {
if (chars == null) {
chars = "";
this.whitespace = makeSortedList(chars);
* Add to the set of whitespace characters.
public void addWhitespaceChars(String chars) {
if (chars == null) {
this.whitespace = addToSortedList(chars, this.whitespace);
* Set the set of word characters.
public void setWordChars(String chars) {
if (chars == null) {
chars = "";
this.wordChars = makeSortedList(chars);
* Add to the set of word characters.
public void addWordChars(String chars) {
if (chars == null) {
this.wordChars = addToSortedList(chars, this.wordChars);
* Get the type of the token returned by the next call to <code>nextToken()</code>.
* @return The token type, or <code>-1</code> if there is no next token.
public int getNextTokenType() {
if (this.nextComputed) {
return this.nextTokenType;
return -1;
* Return <code>true</code> iff there is a next token.
public boolean hasNext() {
if (this.nextComputed) {
return true;
return computeNextToken();
* Return the next token.
public String nextToken() {
if (!this.nextComputed) {
return null;
this.nextComputed = false;
return new String(this.text, this.nextTokenStart, this.nextTokenEnd - this.nextTokenStart);
* Compute the next token.
private boolean computeNextToken() {
if (this.nextComputed) {
return true;
if (this.pos >= this.end) {
this.nextComputed = false;
return false;
this.nextTokenStart = this.pos;
int charType = getCharType(this.text[this.pos]);
switch (charType) {
case EOS: {
this.nextTokenType = EOS;
case SEP: {
if (!this.showSeparators) {
return computeNextToken();
this.nextTokenType = SEP;
case WSP: {
while (this.pos <= this.end && getCharType(this.text[this.pos]) == WSP) {
if (!this.showWhitespace) {
return computeNextToken();
this.nextTokenType = WSP;
case WCH: {
this.nextTokenType = WCH;
charType = getCharType(this.text[this.pos]);
while (this.pos < this.end && (charType == WCH || charType == EOS)) {
// If the type of the _current_ character is EOS, check what
// the type of the _next_ character is. If this is the last
// char in the buffer, we treat it as an EOS char. If the
// next character exists and is not a word character, then
// the EOS character will be treated as a separate token,
// and we break. We need to reset the position, since we're
// already pointing at the next char at this time. If, on
// the other hand, the current character is a WCH, keep on
// looping.
if (charType == EOS) { // Current char is EOS
if (this.pos >= this.end) { // If current char is last
// char...
--this.pos; // ...reset position...
break; // ...and break.
charType = getCharType(this.text[this.pos]); // Get type
// of next
// char
if (charType != WCH) { // If next char is not WCH...
--this.pos; // ...reset position...
break; // ...and break out of loop.
charType = getCharType(this.text[this.pos]); // Get type of
// next char and
// keep on going.
default: { // ???
return false;
this.nextTokenEnd = this.pos;
this.nextComputed = true;
return true;
* Get the type of an individual character.
public int getCharType(char c) {
// First, check user-defined lists in the order end-of-sentence
// delimiter, separator character, whitespace and finally regular
// character that can be part of a word.
if (Arrays.binarySearch(this.eosDels, c) >= 0) {
return EOS;
if (Arrays.binarySearch(this.separators, c) >= 0) {
return SEP;
if (Arrays.binarySearch(this.whitespace, c) >= 0) {
return WSP;
if (Arrays.binarySearch(this.wordChars, c) >= 0) {
return WCH;
// If we get here, we check if it's Unicode whitespace.
// Otherwise, we consider it a word character.
if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
return WSP;
return WCH;
* Add the characters in <code>s</code> to the sorted array of characters in <code>list</code>,
* returning a new, sorted array.
private char[] addToSortedList(String s, char[] list) {
char[] newList = new char[list.length + s.length()];
System.arraycopy(list, 0, newList, 0, list.length);
s.getChars(0, s.length(), newList, list.length);
return newList;
private char[] makeSortedList(String s) {
char[] newList = new char[s.length()];
s.getChars(0, s.length(), newList, 0);
return newList;
* Test driver.
// public static void main(String [] args) {
// if (args.length != 1) {
// System.out.println("Usage: java org.apache.uima.text.TextTokenizer
// <TextFile>");
// System.exit(1);
// }
// try {
// BufferedReader br =
// new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(args[0])));
// StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
// String line;
// while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
// buf.append(line);
// }
// TextTokenizer tokenizer = new TextTokenizer(buf.toString());
// tokenizer.setSeparators("/-*&@");
// tokenizer.addWhitespaceChars(",");
// tokenizer.setEndOfSentenceChars(".!?");
// tokenizer.setShowWhitespace(false);
// int tokenType;
// int wordCounter = 0;
// int sepCounter = 0;
// int endOfSentenceCounter = 0;
// long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
// while (tokenizer.hasNext()) {
// tokenType = tokenizer.getNextTokenType();
// switch (tokenType) {
// case EOS :
// {
// ++endOfSentenceCounter;
// break;
// }
// case SEP :
// {
// ++sepCounter;
// break;
// }
// case WSP :
// {
// break;
// }
// case WCH :
// {
// ++wordCounter;
// if ((wordCounter % 100000) == 0) {
// System.out.println("Number of words tokenized: " + wordCounter);
// }
// break;
// }
// default :
// {
// System.out.println(
// "Something went wrong, fire up that debugger!");
// return;
// }
// }
// tokenizer.nextToken();
// // System.out.println("Token: " + tokenizer.nextToken());
// }
// time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
// System.out.println("Number of words: " + wordCounter);
// System.out.println("Time used: " + new TimeSpan(time));
// } catch (IOException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// System.exit(1);
// }
// }