blob: c982ccc1a2d6b8143f1cdb74d1fd768e722a7281 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.uima.cas.ArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndexRepository;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIterator;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Feature;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FeatureStructure;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FloatArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.IntArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.SofaFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.StringArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.cas.TypeSystem;
import org.apache.uima.cas.text.AnnotationFS;
* this class has static methods used to format feature structures FSIndexes, and other CAS related
* objects for display in the Eclipse debugger, using the logical structure display capability
* For substructures whose display could be large, we attempt to show only the part(s) of interest.
* Also, we use a multi-level expansion - not calculating/showing the details until requested.
* See the plugin.xml file for the logical structure extension point information
public class DebugFSLogicalStructure {
* Class for holding unexpanded feature structures
private static class UnexpandedFeatureStructures {
private FeatureStructure[] items = null;
private AnnotationFS constrainingFS = null;
private boolean isContainedFS = false;
private FSIndex fsIndex = null;
private boolean isIndex = false;
// public UnexpandedFeatureStructures(FeatureStructure [] items) {
// this.items = items;
// }
public UnexpandedFeatureStructures(AnnotationFS constrainingFS) {
this.constrainingFS = constrainingFS;
isContainedFS = true;
public UnexpandedFeatureStructures(FSIndex fsIndex) {
this.fsIndex = fsIndex;
isIndex = true;
public String toString() {
if (isIndex) {
return "" + fsIndex.size() + " entries";
return "Expand to show";
public FeatureStructure[] getItems() {
if (null != items)
return items;
if (isContainedFS) {
return items = getDebugLogicalStructure_SubAnnotations(constrainingFS);
if (isIndex) {
return items = getIndexContents(fsIndex);
return null;
* Class holding info about a View/Sofa. Includes the global name of the view, and Sofa info Used
* for logical structure display.
public static class ViewInfo {
private CAS cas;
* Create information about a view for given CAS.
public ViewInfo(CAS cas) {
this.cas = cas;
* Return a label to identify the view.
public String toString() {
SofaFS sofaFS = cas.getSofa();
if (null == sofaFS)
return "No Sofa";
return sofaFS.getSofaID();
* Return the sofa.
public Object getSofa() {
return cas.getSofa();
private static final String[] indexKinds = { "Sorted", "Set", "Bag" };
* Class holding information about an FSIndex
* Includes the "label" of the index, and a ref to the CAS this index contents are in.
* @param cas
* The CAS the index lives in.
* @param indexName
* The name of the index to create the helper object for.
* @param type
* The subtype to restrict the index to, <code>null</code> to use the index base type.
public static class IndexInfo {
public String indexName;
public FSIndex fsIndex;
protected CAS cas;
public IndexInfo(CAS cas, String indexName) {
this(cas, indexName, null);
public IndexInfo(CAS cas, String indexName, Type type) {
this.indexName = indexName;
this.cas = cas;
if (type == null)
fsIndex = cas.getIndexRepository().getIndex(indexName);
fsIndex = cas.getIndexRepository().getIndex(indexName, type);
public Object getKind() {
return indexKinds[fsIndex.getIndexingStrategy()];
public Object getType() {
return fsIndex.getType();
public Object getContents() {
return getIndexContents(fsIndex);
public Object getSubTypes() {
FSIndexRepository ir = cas.getIndexRepository();
Type type = fsIndex.getType();
List subtypes = cas.getTypeSystem().getProperlySubsumedTypes(type);
DebugNameValuePair[] r = new DebugNameValuePair[subtypes.size()];
int i = 0;
Iterator it = subtypes.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Type stype = (Type);
r[i++] = new DebugNameValuePair("Type: " + stype.getName(),
new UnexpandedFeatureStructures(ir.getIndex(indexName, stype)));
return r;
* Return a label identifying the content of the helper.
* @return the label string.
public String toString() {
return indexName + "[" + fsIndex.getType().getName() + ", " + fsIndex.size() + " entries]";
public static Object getDebugLogicalStructure_FeatureStructure(FeatureStructure fs) {
if (fs instanceof StringArrayFS) {
return ((StringArrayFS) fs).toArray();
if (fs instanceof FloatArrayFS) {
return ((FloatArrayFS) fs).toArray();
if (fs instanceof IntArrayFS) {
return ((IntArrayFS) fs).toArray();
if (fs instanceof ArrayFS) {
return ((ArrayFS) fs).toArray();
CASImpl cas = (CASImpl) fs.getCAS();
TypeSystem ts = cas.getTypeSystem();
Type fsType = fs.getType();
if (ts.subsumes(ts.getType("uima.cas.FloatList"), fsType)) {
return (floatListToArray(fs));
if (ts.subsumes(ts.getType("uima.cas.IntegerList"), fsType)) {
return (integerListToArray(fs));
if (ts.subsumes(ts.getType("uima.cas.StringList"), fsType)) {
return (stringListToArray(fs));
if (ts.subsumes(ts.getType("uima.cas.FSList"), fsType)) {
return (fsListToArray(fs));
DebugNameValuePair[] result;
String typeName = fsType.getName();
List features = fsType.getFeatures();
int nbrFeats = features.size();
boolean isAnnotation = false;
boolean isJCasClass = false;
if (fs.getClass().getName().equals(typeName)) { // true for JCas cover classes
isJCasClass = true;
if (ts.subsumes(cas.getAnnotationType(), fsType)) {
isAnnotation = true;
result = new DebugNameValuePair[(isJCasClass ? 0 : 1) // slot for type name if not JCas
+ (isAnnotation ? 3 : nbrFeats) // annotations have 4 slot display
int i = 0;
if (!isJCasClass) {
result[i++] = new DebugNameValuePair("CasType", typeName);
if (isAnnotation) {
DebugNameValuePair[] featResults = new DebugNameValuePair[nbrFeats];
fillFeatures(featResults, 0, fs, features);
result[i++] = new DebugNameValuePair("Features", featResults);
result[i++] = new DebugNameValuePair("Covered Text", ((AnnotationFS) fs).getCoveredText());
result[i++] = new DebugNameValuePair("SubAnnotations", new UnexpandedFeatureStructures(
(AnnotationFS) fs));
} else {
fillFeatures(result, isJCasClass ? 0 : 1, fs, features);
return result;
private static void fillFeatures(DebugNameValuePair[] result, int startOffset,
FeatureStructure fs, List features) {
int nbrFeats = features.size();
int i = startOffset;
for (int j = 0; j < nbrFeats; j++) {
Feature feat = (Feature) features.get(j);
DebugNameValuePair nv = new DebugNameValuePair(feat.getShortName(), null);
String rangeTypeName = feat.getRange().getName();
if ("uima.cas.Integer".equals(rangeTypeName))
nv.setValue(new Integer(fs.getIntValue(feat)));
else if ("uima.cas.Float".equals(rangeTypeName))
nv.setValue(new Float(fs.getFloatValue(feat)));
else if ("uima.cas.Boolean".equals(rangeTypeName))
nv.setValue(new Boolean(fs.getBooleanValue(feat)));
else if ("uima.cas.Byte".equals(rangeTypeName))
nv.setValue(new Byte(fs.getByteValue(feat)));
else if ("uima.cas.Short".equals(rangeTypeName))
nv.setValue(new Short(fs.getShortValue(feat)));
else if ("uima.cas.Long".equals(rangeTypeName))
nv.setValue(new Long(fs.getLongValue(feat)));
else if ("uima.cas.Double".equals(rangeTypeName))
nv.setValue(new Double(fs.getDoubleValue(feat)));
else if ("uima.cas.String".equals(rangeTypeName))
result[i++] = nv;
public static Object getDebugLogicalStructure_Features(AnnotationFS fs) {
boolean isJCasClass = false;
Type fsType = fs.getType();
String typeName = fsType.getName();
if (fs.getClass().getName().equals(typeName)) { // true for JCas cover classes
isJCasClass = true;
DebugNameValuePair[] result = new DebugNameValuePair[3 + (isJCasClass ? 0 : 1)]; // slot for
// type name
// if not JCas
int i = 0;
if (!isJCasClass) {
result[i++] = new DebugNameValuePair("CasType", typeName);
fillFeatures(result, i, fs, fsType.getFeatures());
return result;
public static FeatureStructure[] getDebugLogicalStructure_SubAnnotations(AnnotationFS fs) {
// uses sub iterators - may cause apparant skipping of initial annotations due to type
// priorities.
return getIndexContents(fs.getCAS().getAnnotationIndex().subiterator(fs)); // built-in
// annotation
// index
private static FeatureStructure[] getIndexContents(FSIterator it) {
return (FeatureStructure[]) iteratorToArray(it, FeatureStructure.class);
private static FeatureStructure[] getIndexContents(FSIndex fsIndex) {
return getIndexContents(fsIndex.iterator());
// public static DebugNameValuePair [] getDebugLogicalStructure_IndexInfo(IndexInfo indexInfo) {
// FSIndex fsIndex = indexInfo.fsIndex;
// DebugNameValuePair [] result = new DebugNameValuePair[3];
// result[0] = new DebugNameValuePair(indexInfo.indexName + "["
// +indexKinds[fsIndex.getIndexingStrategy()] + "] over type:", fsIndex.getType().getName());
// result[1] = new DebugNameValuePair("Contents", new UnexpandedFeatureStructures(fsIndex));
// result[2] = new DebugNameValuePair("SubType Restricted Contents",
// getSubTypeRestrictedIndexes(indexInfo));
// return result;
// }
// private static DebugNameValuePair [] getSubTypeRestrictedIndexes(IndexInfo indexInfo) {
// FSIndex fsIndex = indexInfo.fsIndex;
// FSIndexRepository ir = indexInfo.cas.getIndexRepository();
// Type type = fsIndex.getType();
// List subtypes = indexInfo.cas.getTypeSystem().getProperlySubsumedTypes(type);
// DebugNameValuePair [] r = new DebugNameValuePair[1 + subtypes.size()];
// r[0] = new DebugNameValuePair("Type: " + type.getName(), new
// UnexpandedFeatureStructures(fsIndex));
// int i = 1;
// Iterator it = subtypes.iterator();
// while (it.hasNext()) {
// Type stype = (Type);;
// r[i++] = new DebugNameValuePair("Type: " + stype.getName(),
// new UnexpandedFeatureStructures(ir.getIndex(indexInfo.indexName, stype)));
// }
// return r;
// }
// private static String getLabelFromIndex(FSIndex fsIndex, FSIndexRepository ir) {
// Iterator indexIterator = ir.getIndexes();
// Iterator labelIterator = ir.getLabels();
// while (indexIterator.hasNext()) {
// if (
// return (String);
// }
// return "*Error getting label for index";
// }
// public static DebugNameValuePair [] getDebugLogicalStructure_CAS(final CAS cas) {
// DebugNameValuePair [] result = new DebugNameValuePair[3];
// result[0] = new DebugNameValuePair("View/Sofa", new ViewInfo(cas));
// final Iterator sofaIt = cas.getSofaIterator();
// result[1] = new DebugNameValuePair("Views", iteratorToArray(
// new Iterator() {
// public boolean hasNext() { return sofaIt.hasNext(); }
// public Object next() { return cas.getView((SofaFS);}
// public void remove() { sofaIt.remove();}
// }, CAS.class));
// Iterator it = cas.getIndexRepository().getLabels();
// ArrayList ll = new ArrayList();
// while (it.hasNext()) {
// ll.add(new IndexInfo(cas, (String);
// }
// result[2] = new DebugNameValuePair("Indexes", ll.toArray());
// return result;
// }
public static IndexInfo[] getIndexes(CAS cas) {
Iterator it = cas.getIndexRepository().getLabels();
ArrayList ll = new ArrayList();
while (it.hasNext()) {
ll.add(new IndexInfo(cas, (String);
return (IndexInfo[]) ll.toArray(new IndexInfo[ll.size()]);
public static ViewInfo[] getOtherViews(CAS cas) {
Iterator sofaIt = cas.getSofaIterator();
ArrayList r = new ArrayList();
while (sofaIt.hasNext()) {
SofaFS item = (SofaFS);
CAS oCas = cas.getView(item);
if (oCas != cas)
r.add(new ViewInfo(oCas));
return (ViewInfo[]) r.toArray(new ViewInfo[r.size()]);
// public static DebugNameValuePair [] getDebugLogicalStructure_JCas(JCas jcas) {
// return getDebugLogicalStructure_CAS(jcas.getCas());
// }
private static Object[] iteratorToArray(Iterator it, Class c) {
ArrayList items = new ArrayList();
while (it.hasNext()) {
return items.toArray((Object[]) Array.newInstance(c, items.size()));
public static Object floatListToArray(FeatureStructure fs) {
List list = new ArrayList();
TypeSystem ts = fs.getCAS().getTypeSystem();
Type emptyFSList = ts.getType("uima.cas.EmptyFloatList");
Feature headFeature = ts.getFeatureByFullName("uima.cas.NonEmptyFloatList:head");
Feature tailFeature = ts.getFeatureByFullName("uima.cas.NonEmptyFloatList:tail");
Set alreadySeen = new HashSet();
FeatureStructure nextFs;
for (FeatureStructure currentFs = fs; currentFs.getType() != emptyFSList; currentFs = nextFs) {
list.add(new Float(currentFs.getFloatValue(headFeature)));
nextFs = currentFs.getFeatureValue(tailFeature);
if (alreadySeen.contains(nextFs)) {
return loopInList(list);
float[] floatArray = new float[list.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < floatArray.length; i++) {
floatArray[i] = ((Float) list.get(i)).floatValue();
return floatArray;
public static Object integerListToArray(FeatureStructure fs) {
List list = new ArrayList();
TypeSystem ts = fs.getCAS().getTypeSystem();
Type emptyFSList = ts.getType("uima.cas.EmptyIntegerList");
Feature headFeature = ts.getFeatureByFullName("uima.cas.NonEmptyIntegerList:head");
Feature tailFeature = ts.getFeatureByFullName("uima.cas.NonEmptyIntegerList:tail");
Set alreadySeen = new HashSet();
FeatureStructure nextFs;
for (FeatureStructure currentFs = fs; currentFs.getType() != emptyFSList; currentFs = nextFs) {
list.add(new Integer(currentFs.getIntValue(headFeature)));
nextFs = currentFs.getFeatureValue(tailFeature);
if (alreadySeen.contains(nextFs)) {
return loopInList(list);
int[] intArray = new int[list.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < intArray.length; i++) {
intArray[i] = ((Integer) list.get(i)).intValue();
return intArray;
public static Object stringListToArray(FeatureStructure fs) {
List list = new ArrayList();
TypeSystem ts = fs.getCAS().getTypeSystem();
Type emptyFSList = ts.getType("uima.cas.EmptyStringList");
Feature headFeature = ts.getFeatureByFullName("uima.cas.NonEmptyStringList:head");
Feature tailFeature = ts.getFeatureByFullName("uima.cas.NonEmptyStringList:tail");
Set alreadySeen = new HashSet();
FeatureStructure nextFs;
for (FeatureStructure currentFs = fs; currentFs.getType() != emptyFSList; currentFs = nextFs) {
nextFs = currentFs.getFeatureValue(tailFeature);
if (alreadySeen.contains(nextFs)) {
return loopInList(list);
return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);
public static Object fsListToArray(FeatureStructure fs) {
List list = new ArrayList();
TypeSystem ts = fs.getCAS().getTypeSystem();
Type emptyFSList = ts.getType("uima.cas.EmptyFSList");
Feature headFeature = ts.getFeatureByFullName("uima.cas.NonEmptyFSList:head");
Feature tailFeature = ts.getFeatureByFullName("uima.cas.NonEmptyFSList:tail");
Set alreadySeen = new HashSet();
FeatureStructure nextFs;
for (FeatureStructure currentFs = fs; currentFs.getType() != emptyFSList; currentFs = nextFs) {
nextFs = currentFs.getFeatureValue(tailFeature);
if (alreadySeen.contains(nextFs)) {
return loopInList(list);
return list.toArray(new FeatureStructure[list.size()]);
private static Object loopInList(List list) {
Object[] array = new Object[list.size() + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
Object v = list.get(i);
array[i] = (v instanceof Integer) ? ((Integer) v).toString()
: (v instanceof Float) ? ((Float) v).toString() : list.get(i);
array[list.size()] = "... loop in list";
return array;