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<chapter id="ugr.ref.xml.component_descriptor">
<title>Component Descriptor Reference</title>
<para>This chapter is the reference guide for the UIMA SDK&apos;s Component Descriptor XML
schema. A <emphasis>Component Descriptor</emphasis> (also sometimes called a
<emphasis>Resource Specifier</emphasis> in the code) is an XML file that either (a)
completely describes a component, including all information needed to construct the
component and interact with it, or (b) specifies how to connect to and interact with an
existing component that has been published as a remote service.
<emphasis>Component</emphasis> (also called <emphasis>Resource</emphasis>) is a
general term for modules produced by UIMA developers and used by UIMA applications. The
types of Components are: Analysis Engines, Collection Readers, CAS
Initializers<footnote><para>This component is deprecated and should not be use in new
development.</para></footnote>, CAS Consumers, and Collection Processing Engines.
However, Collection Processing Engine Descriptors are significantly different in
format and are covered in a separate chapter, <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_ref;"
<para><xref linkend="&tp;notation"/> describes the notation used in this
<para><xref linkend="&tp;imports"/> describes the UIMA SDK&apos;s
<emphasis>import</emphasis> syntax, used to allow XML descriptors to import
information from other XML files, to allow sharing of information between several XML
<para><xref linkend="&tp;aes"/> describes the XML format for <emphasis>Analysis Engine
Descriptors</emphasis>. These are descriptors that completely describe Analysis
Engines, including all information needed to construct and interact with them.</para>
<para><xref linkend="&tp;collection_processing_parts"/> describes the XML format for
<emphasis>Collection Processing Component Descriptors</emphasis>. This includes
Collection Iterator, CAS Initializer, and CAS Consumer Descriptors.</para>
<para><xref linkend="&tp;service_client"/> describes the XML format for
<emphasis>Service Client Descriptors</emphasis>, which specify how to connect to and
interact with resources deployed as remote services.</para>
<para><xref linkend="&tp;custom_resource_specifiers"/> describes the XML format for
<emphasis>Custom Resource Specifiers</emphasis>, which allow you to plug in your
own Java class as a UIMA Resource.</para>
<section id="&tp;notation">
<para>This chapter uses an informal notation to specify the syntax of Component
Descriptors. The formal syntax is defined by an XML schema definition, which is
contained in the file <literal>resourceSpecifierSchema.xsd</literal>,
located in the <literal>uima-core.jar</literal> file.</para>
<para>The notation used in this chapter is:</para>
<itemizedlist><listitem><para>An ellipsis (...) inside an element body indicates
that the substructure of that element has been omitted (to be described in another
section of this chapter). An example of this would be:
An ellipsis immediately after an element indicates that the element type may be may be
repeated arbitrarily many times. For example:
indicates that there may be arbitrarily many parameter elements in this
<listitem><para>Bracketed expressions (e.g. <literal>[String]</literal>)
indicate the type of value that may be used at that location.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>A vertical bar, as in <literal>true|false</literal>, indicates
alternatives. This can be applied to literal values, bracketed type names, and
<listitem><para>Which elements are optional and which are required is specified in
prose, not in the syntax definition. </para></listitem></itemizedlist>
<section id="&tp;imports">
<para>The UIMA SDK defines a particular syntax for XML descriptors to import information
from other XML files. When one of the following appears in an XML descriptor:
<programlisting>&lt;import location="[URL]" /&gt; or
&lt;import name="[Name]" /&gt;</programlisting>
it indicates that information from a separate XML file is being imported. Note that
imports are allowed only in certain places in the descriptor. In the remainder of this
chapter, it will be indicated at which points imports are allowed.</para>
<para>If an import specifies a <literal>location</literal> attribute, the value of
that attribute specifies the URL at which the XML file to import will be found. This can be
a relative URL, which will be resolved relative to the descriptor containing the
<literal>import</literal> element, or an absolute URL. Relative URLs can be written
without a protocol/scheme (e.g., <quote>file:</quote>), and without a host machine
name. In this case the relative URL might look something like
<para>An absolute URL is written with one of the following prefixes, followed by a path
such as <literal>org/apache/myproj/MyTypeSystem.xml</literal>:
<itemizedlist spacing="compact"><listitem><para>file:/ &larr; has no network
<listitem><para>file:/// &larr; has an empty network address</para></listitem>
<para>For more information about URLs, please read the javadoc information for the Java
class <quote>URL</quote>.</para>
<para>If an import specifies a <literal>name</literal> attribute, the value of that
attribute should take the form of a Java-style dotted name (e.g.
<literal>org.apache.myproj.MyTypeSystem</literal>). An .xml file with this name
will be searched for in the classpath or datapath (described below). As in Java, the dots
in the name will be converted to file path separators. So an import specifying the
example name in this paragraph will result in a search for
<literal>org/apache/myproj/MyTypeSystem.xml</literal> in the classpath or
<para id="&tp;datapath">The datapath works similarly to the classpath but can be set programmatically
through the resource manager API. Application developers can specify a datapath
during initialization, using the following code:
ResourceManager resMgr = UIMAFramework.newDefaultResourceManager();
AnalysisEngine ae = UIMAFramework.produceAE(desc, resMgr, null);
<para>The default datapath for the entire JVM can be set via the
<literal>uima.datapath</literal> Java system property, but this feature should
only be used for standalone applications that don&apos;t need to run in the same JVM as
other code that may need a different datapath.</para>
<para>Previous versions of UIMA also supported XInclude. That support didn't work in
many situations, and it is no longer supported. To include other files, please use
<para>The UIMA SDK also supports XInclude, a W3C candidate recommendation,
to include XML files within other XML files. However, it is recommended that the import syntax be used instead, as it
is more flexible and better supports tool developers.</para>
<note><para>UIMA tools for editing XML
descriptors do not support the use of xi:include because they cannot correctly
determine what parts of a descriptor are updatable, and what parts are included
from other files. They do support the
use of &lt;import&gt;.
<para>To use XInclude, you first must include the XInclude
namespace in your document&apos;s root element, e.g.:</para>
<programlisting>&lt;analysisEngineDescription xmlns="" xmlns:xi=""&gt;</programlisting>
<para>Then, you can include a file using the syntax <literal>&lt;xi:include
<para>where [URL] can be any relative or absolute URL referring
to another XML document. The referred-to
document must be a valid XML document, meaning that it must consist of exactly
one root element and must define all of the namespace prefixes that it uses. The default namespace (generally <literal></literal>) will be
inherited from the parent document. When UIMA parses the XML document, it will automatically replace the <literal>&lt;xi:include&gt; </literal>element with the entire XML document
referred to by the href. For more
information on XInclude see
<a href=""></a>.</para>
<section id="&tp;type_system">
<title>Type System Descriptors</title>
<para>A Type System Descriptor is used to define the types and features that can be
represented in the CAS. A Type System Descriptor can be imported into an Analysis Engine
or Collection Processing Component Descriptor.</para>
<para>The basic structure of a Type System Descriptor is as follows:
<programlisting><![CDATA[<typeSystemDescription xmlns="">
<name> [String] </name>
<import ...>
<para>All of the subelements are optional.</para>
<section id="&tp;type_system.imports">
<para>The <literal>imports</literal> section allows this descriptor to import
types from other type system descriptors. The import syntax is described in <xref
linkend="&tp;imports"/>. A type system may import any number of other type
systems and then define additional types which refer to imported types. Circular
imports are allowed.</para>
<section id="&tp;type_system.types">
<para>The <literal>types</literal> element contains zero or more
<literal>typeDescription</literal> elements. Each
<literal>typeDescription</literal> has the form:
<para>The name element contains the name of the type. A
<literal>[TypeName]</literal> is a dot-separated list of names, where each name
consists of a letter followed by any number of letters, digits, or underscores.
<literal>TypeNames</literal> are case sensitive. Letter and digit are as defined
by Java; therefore, any Unicode letter or digit may be used (subject to the character
encoding defined by the descriptor file&apos;s XML header). The name following the
final dot is considered to be the <quote>short name</quote> of the type; the
preceding portion is the namespace (analogous to the package.class syntax used in
Java). Namespaces beginning with uima are reserved and should not be used. Examples
of valid type names are:</para>
<itemizedlist spacing="compact"><listitem><para>test.TokenAnnotation</para>
<listitem><para>com.my_company.proj123.TokenAnnotation </para></listitem>
<para>These would all be considered distinct types since they have different
namespaces. Best practice here is to follow the normal Java naming conventions of
having namespaces be all lowercase, with the short type names having an initial
capital, but this is not mandated, so <literal>ABC.mYtyPE</literal> is an allowed
type name. While type names without namespaces (e.g.
<literal>TokenAnnotation</literal> alone) are allowed, but discouraged because
naming conflicts can then result when combining annotators that use different
type systems.</para>
<para>The <literal>description</literal> element contains a textual description
of the type. The <literal>supertypeName</literal> element contains the name of the
type from which it inherits (this can be set to the name of another user-defined type,
or it may be set to any built-in type which may be subclassed, such as
<literal>uima.tcas.Annotation</literal> for a new annotation
type or <literal>uima.cas.TOP</literal> for a new type that is not
an annotation). All three of these elements are required.</para>
<section id="&tp;type_system.features">
<para>The <literal>features</literal> element of a
<literal>typeDescription</literal> is required only if the type we are specifying
introduces new features. If the <literal>features</literal> element is present,
it contains zero or more <literal>featureDescription</literal> elements, each of
which has the form:</para>
<para>A feature&apos;s name follows the same rules as a type short name &ndash; a letter
followed by any number of letters, digits, or underscores. Feature names are case
<para>The feature&apos;s <literal>rangeTypeName</literal> specifies the type of
value that the feature can take. This may be the name of any type defined in your type
system, or one of the predefined types. All of the predefined types have names that are
prefixed with <literal>uima.cas</literal> or <literal>uima.tcas</literal>,
for example:
For a complete list of predefined types, see the CAS API documentation.</para>
<para>The <literal>elementType</literal> of a feature is optional, and applies only
when the <literal>rangeTypeName</literal> is
<literal>uima.cas.FSArray</literal> or <literal>uima.cas.FSList</literal>
The <literal>elementType</literal> specifies what type of value can be assigned as
an element of the array or list. This must be the name of a non-primitive type. If
omitted, it defaults to <literal>uima.cas.TOP</literal>, meaning that any
FeatureStructure can be assigned as an element the array or list. Note: depending on
the CAS Interface that you use in your code, this constraint may or may not be
<para>The <literal>multipleReferencesAllowed</literal> feature is optional, and
applies only when the <literal>rangeTypeName</literal> is an array or list type (it
applies to arrays and lists of primitive as well as non-primitive types). Setting
this to false (the default) indicates that this feature has exclusive ownership of
the array or list, so changes to the array or list are localized. Setting this to true
indicates that the array or list may be shared, so changes to it may affect other
objects in the CAS. Note: there is currently no guarantee that the framework will
enforce this restriction. However, this setting may affect how the CAS is
<section id="&tp;type_system.string_subtypes">
<title>String Subtypes</title>
<para>There is one other special type that you can declare &ndash; a subset of the String
type that specifies a restricted set of allowed values. This is useful for features
that can have only certain String values, such as parts of speech. Here is an example of
how to declare such a type:</para>
<description>A part of speech.</description>
<description>Noun, singular or mass.</description>
<description>Noun, plural.</description>
<description>Verb, base form.</description>
<section id="&tp;aes">
<title>Analysis Engine Descriptors</title>
<para>Analysis Engine (AE) descriptors completely describe Analysis Engines. There
are two basic types of Analysis Engines &ndash; <emphasis>Primitive</emphasis> and
<emphasis>Aggregate</emphasis>. A <emphasis>Primitive</emphasis> Analysis
Engine is a container for a single <emphasis>annotator</emphasis>, where as an
<emphasis>Aggregate</emphasis> Analysis Engine is composed of a collection of other
Analysis Engines. (For more information on this and other terminology, see <olink
targetdoc="&uima_docs_overview;" targetptr="ugr.ovv.conceptual"/>).</para>
<para>Both Primitive and Aggregate Analysis Engines have descriptors, and the two types
of descriptors have some similarities and some differences. <xref linkend="&tp;aes.primitive"/>
discusses Primitive Analysis Engine descriptors. <xref linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate"/> then
describes how Aggregate Analysis Engine descriptors are different.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.primitive">
<title>Primitive Analysis Engine Descriptors</title>
<section id="&tp;aes.primitive.basic">
<title>Basic Structure</title>
<programlisting><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<annotatorImplementationName> [String] </annotatorImplementationName>
<para>The document begins with a standard XML header. The recommended root tag is
<literal>&lt;analysisEngineDescription&gt;</literal>, although
<literal>&lt;taeDescription&gt;</literal> is also allowed for backwards
<para>Within the root element we declare that we are using the XML namespace
<literal></literal> It is
required that this namespace be used; otherwise, the descriptor will not be able to
be validated for errors.</para>
<para> The first subelement,
<literal>&lt;frameworkImplementation&gt;,</literal> currently must have
the value <literal></literal>, or
<literal>org.apache.uima.cpp</literal>. In future versions, there may be
other framework implementations, or perhaps implementations produced by other
<para>The second subelement, <literal>&lt;primitive&gt;,</literal> contains
the Boolean value <literal>true</literal>, indicating that this XML document
describes a <emphasis>Primitive</emphasis> Analysis Engine.</para>
<para>The next subelement,<literal>
&lt;annotatorImplementationName&gt;</literal> is how the UIMA framework
determines which annotator class to use. This should contain a fully-qualified
Java class name for Java implementations, or the name of a .dll or .so file for C++
<para>The <literal>&lt;analysisEngineMetaData&gt;</literal> object contains
descriptive information about the analysis engine and what it does. It is
described in <xref linkend="&tp;aes.metadata"/>.</para>
<para>The <literal>&lt;externalResourceDependencies&gt;</literal> and
<literal>&lt;resourceManagerConfiguration&gt;</literal> elements declare
the external resource files that the analysis engine relies
upon. They are optional and are described in <xref
linkend="&tp;aes.primitive.external_resource_dependencies"/> and <xref
<section id="&tp;aes.metadata">
<title>Analysis Engine MetaData</title>
<name> [String] </name>
<configurationParameters> ... </configurationParameters>
<typeSystemDescription> ... </typeSystemDescription>
<typePriorities> ... </typePriorities>
<fsIndexCollection> ... </fsIndexCollection>
<capabilities> ... </capabilities>
<operationalProperties> ... </operationalProperties>
<para>The <literal>analysisEngineMetaData</literal> element contains four
simple string fields &ndash; <literal>name</literal>,
<literal>description</literal>, <literal>version</literal>, and
<literal>vendor</literal>. Only the <literal>name</literal> field is
required, but providing values for the other fields is recommended. The
<literal>name</literal> field is just a descriptive name meant to be read by
users; it does not need to be unique across all Analysis Engines.</para>
<para>The other sub-elements &ndash;
<literal>typePriorities</literal>, <literal>fsIndexes</literal>,
<literal>capabilities</literal> and
<literal>operationalProperties</literal> are described in the following
sections. The only one of these that is required is
<literal>capabilities</literal>; the others are optional.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.configuration_parameter_declaration">
<title>Configuration Parameter Declaration</title>
<para>Configuration Parameters are made available to annotator
implementations and applications by the following interfaces:
<literal>AnnotatorContext</literal> <footnote><para>Deprecated; use
UimaContext instead.</para></footnote> (passed as an argument to the
initialize() method of a version 1 annotator),
<literal>ConfigurableResource</literal> (every Analysis Engine
implements this interface), and the <literal>UimaContext</literal> (passed
as an argument to the initialize() method of a version 2 annotator) (you can get
this from any resource, including Analysis Engines, using the method
<para>Use AnnotatorContext within version 1 annotators and UimaContext for
version 2 annotators and outside of annotators (for instance, in CasConsumers,
or the containing application) to access configuration parameters.</para>
<para>Configuration parameters are set from the corresponding elements in the
XML descriptor for the application. If you need to programmatically change
parameter settings within an application, you can use methods in
ConfigurableResource; if you do this, you need to call reconfigure()
afterwards to have the UIMA framework notify all the contained analysis
components that the parameter configuration has changed (the analysis
engine&apos;s reinitialize() methods will be called). Note that in the current
implementation, only integrated deployment components have configuration
parameters passed to them; remote components obtain their parameters from
their remote startup environment. This will likely change in the
<para>There are two ways to specify the
<literal>&lt;configurationParameters&gt;</literal> section &ndash; as a
list of configuration parameters or a list of groups. A list of parameters, which
are not part of any group, looks like this:
<para>For each configuration parameter, the following are specified:</para>
<itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">name</emphasis>
&ndash; the name by which the annotator code refers to the parameter. All
parameters declared in an analysis engine descriptor must have distinct names.
(required). The name is composed of normal Java identifier characters.</para>
<listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">description</emphasis> &ndash; a
natural language description of the intent of the parameter
<listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">type</emphasis> &ndash; the data
type of the parameter&apos;s value &ndash; must be one of
<literal>String</literal>, <literal>Integer</literal>,
<literal>Float</literal>, or <literal>Boolean</literal>
<listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">multiValued</emphasis> &ndash;
<literal>true</literal> if the parameter can take multiple-values (an
array), <literal>false</literal> if the parameter takes only a single value
(optional, defaults to false).</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">mandatory</emphasis> &ndash;
<literal>true</literal> if a value must be provided for the parameter
(optional, defaults to false).</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">overrides</emphasis> &ndash; this
is used only in aggregate Analysis Engines, but is included here for
completeness. See <xref
for a discussion of configuration parameter overriding in aggregate
Analysis Engines. (optional) </para></listitem></itemizedlist>
<para>A list of groups looks like this:
<programlisting><![CDATA[<configurationParameters defaultGroup="[String]"
searchStrategy="none|default_fallback|language_fallback" >
[zero or more parameters]
<configurationGroup names="name1 name2 name3 ...">
[zero or more parameters]
<configurationGroup names="name4 name5 ...">
[zero or more parameters]
<para>Both the<literal> &lt;commonParameters&gt;</literal> and
<literal>&lt;configurationGroup&gt;</literal> elements contain zero or
more <literal>&lt;configurationParameter&gt;</literal> elements, with
the same syntax described above.</para>
<para>The <literal>&lt;commonParameters&gt;</literal> element declares
parameters that exist in all groups. Each
<literal>&lt;configurationGroup&gt;</literal> element has a names
attribute, which contains a list of group names separated by whitespace (space
or tab characters). Names consist of any number of non-whitespace characters;
however the Component Descriptor Editor tool restricts this to be normal Java
identifiers, including the period (.) and the dash (-). One configuration group
will be created for each name, and all of the groups will contain the same set of
<para>The <literal>defaultGroup</literal> attribute specifies the name of the
group to be used in the case where an annotator does a lookup for a configuration
parameter without specifying a group name. It may also be used as a fallback if the
annotator specifies a group that does not exist &ndash; see below.</para>
<para>The <literal>searchStrategy</literal> attribute determines the action
to be taken when the context is queried for the value of a parameter belonging to a
particular configuration group, if that group does not exist or does not contain
a value for the requested parameter. There are currently three possible values:
<itemizedlist><listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">none</emphasis>
&ndash; there is no fallback; return null if there is no value in the exact group
specified by the user.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">default_fallback</emphasis>
&ndash; if there is no value found in the specified group, look in the default
group (as defined by the <literal>default</literal> attribute)</para>
<listitem><para><emphasis role="bold">language_fallback</emphasis>
&ndash; this setting allows for a specific use of configuration parameter
groups where the groups names correspond to ISO language and country codes
(for an example, see below). The fallback sequence is:
<literal>&lt;lang&gt;_&lt;country&gt;_&lt;region&gt; &rarr;
&lt;lang&gt;_&lt;country&gt; &rarr; &lt;lang&gt; &rarr;
&lt;default&gt;.</literal> </para></listitem></itemizedlist>
<section id="&tp;aes.configuration_parameter_declaration.example">
<programlisting><![CDATA[<configurationParameters defaultGroup="en"
<description>Location of dictionary for this
<configurationGroup names="en de en-US"/>
<configurationGroup names="zh">
<description>Strategy for dealing with double-byte
<para>In this example, we are declaring a <literal>DictionaryFile</literal>
parameter that can have a different value for each of the languages that our AE
&ndash; English (general), German, U.S. English, and Chinese. For Chinese
only, we also declare a <literal>DBC_Strategy</literal>
<para>We are using the <literal>language_fallback</literal> search
strategy, so if an annotator requests the dictionary file for the
<literal>en-GB</literal> (British English) group, we will fall back to the
more general <literal>en</literal> group.</para>
<para>Since we have defined <literal>en</literal> as the default group, this
value will be returned if the context is queried for the
<literal>DictionaryFile</literal> parameter without specifying any
group name, or if a nonexistent group name is specified.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.configuration_parameter_settings">
<title>Configuration Parameter Settings</title>
<para>If no configuration groups were declared, the
<literal>&lt;configurationParameterSettings&gt;</literal> element
looks like this:
<string>[String]</string> |
<integer>[Integer]</integer> |
<float>[Float]</float> |
<boolean>true|false</boolean> |
<array> ... </array>
<para>There are zero or more <literal>nameValuePair</literal> elements. Each
<literal>nameValuePair</literal> contains a name (which refers to one of the
configuration parameters) and a value for that parameter.</para>
<para>The <literal>value</literal> element contains an element that matches
the type of the parameter. For single-valued parameters, this is either
<literal>&lt;string&gt;</literal>, <literal>&lt;integer&gt;</literal>
, <literal>&lt;float&gt;</literal>, or
<literal>&lt;boolean&gt;</literal>. For multi-valued parameters, this is
an <literal>&lt;array&gt;</literal> element, which then contains zero or
more instances of the appropriate type of primitive value, e.g.:
<para>If configuration groups were declared, then the
<literal>&lt;configurationParameterSettings&gt;</literal> element
looks like this:
<settingsForGroup name="[String]">
[one or more <nameValuePair> elements]
<settingsForGroup name="[String]">
[one or more <nameValuePair> elements]
where each <literal>&lt;settingsForGroup&gt;</literal> element has a name
that matches one of the configuration groups declared under the
<literal>&lt;configurationParameters&gt;</literal> element and contains
the parameter settings for that group.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.configuration_parameter_settings.example">
<para>Here are the settings that correspond to the parameter declarations in
the previous example:
<settingsForGroup name="en">
<settingsForGroup name="en-US">
<settingsForGroup name="de">
<settingsForGroup name="zh">
<section id="&tp;aes.type_system">
<title>Type System Definition</title>
<name> [String] </name>
<import ...>
<para>A <literal>typeSystemDescription</literal> element defines a type
system for an Analysis Engine. The syntax for the element is described in <xref
<para>The recommended usage is to <literal>import</literal> an external type
system, using the import syntax described in <xref linkend="&tp;imports"/>
of this chapter. For example:
&lt;import location="MySharedTypeSystem.xml"&gt;
<para>This allows several AEs to share a single type system definition. The file
<literal>MySharedTypeSystem.xml</literal> would then contain the full
type system information, including the <literal>name</literal>,
<literal>description</literal>, <literal>vendor</literal>,
<literal>version</literal>, and <literal>types</literal>.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.type_priority">
<title>Type Priority Definition</title>
<name> [String] </name>
<import ...>
<para>The <literal>&lt;typePriorities&gt;</literal> element contains
zero or more <literal>&lt;priorityList&gt;</literal> elements; each
<literal>&lt;priorityList&gt;</literal> contains zero or more types.
Like a type system, a type priorities definition may also declare a name,
description, version, and vendor, and may import other type priorities. See
<xref linkend="&tp;imports"/> for the import syntax.</para>
<para>Type priority is used when iterating over feature structures in the CAS.
For example, if the CAS contains a <literal>Sentence</literal> annotation
and a <literal>Paragraph</literal> annotation with the same span of text
(i.e. a one-sentence paragraph), which annotation should be returned first
by an iterator? Probably the Paragraph, since it is conceptually
<quote>bigger,</quote> but the framework does not know that and must be
explicitly told that the Paragraph annotation has priority over the Sentence
annotation, like this:
<para>All of the <literal>&lt;priorityList&gt;</literal> elements defined
in the descriptor (and in all component descriptors of an aggregate analysis
engine descriptor) are merged to produce a single priority list.</para>
<para>Subtypes of types specified here are also ordered, unless overridden by
another user-specified type ordering. For example, if you specify type A
comes before type B, then subtypes of A will come before subtypes of B, unless
there is an overriding specification which declares some subtype of B comes
before some subtype of A.</para>
<para>If there are inconsistencies between the priority list (type A declared
before type B in one priority list, and type B declared before type A in
another), the framework will throw an exception.</para>
<para>User defined indexes may declare if they wish to use the type priority or
not; see the next section.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.index">
<title>Index Definition</title>
<import ...>
<para>The <literal>fsIndexCollection</literal> element declares<emphasis> Feature Structure
Indexes</emphasis>, each of which defined an index that holds feature structures of a given type.
Information in the CAS is always accessed through an index. There is a built-in default annotation
index declared which can be used to access instances of type
<literal>uima.tcas.Annotation</literal> (or its subtypes), sorted based on their
<literal>begin</literal> and <literal>end</literal> features. For all other types, there is a
default, unsorted (bag) index. If there is a need for a specialized index it must be declared in this
element of the descriptor. See <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_ref;"
targetptr="ugr.ref.cas.indexes_and_iterators"/> for details on FS indexes.</para>
<para>Like type systems and type priorities, an
<literal>fsIndexCollection</literal> can declare a
<literal>name</literal>, <literal>description</literal>,
<literal>vendor</literal>, and <literal>version</literal>, and may
import other <literal>fsIndexCollection</literal>s. The import syntax is
described in <xref linkend="&tp;imports"/>.</para>
<para>An <literal>fsIndexCollection</literal> may also define zero or more
<literal>fsIndexDescription</literal> elements, each of which defines a
single index. Each <literal>fsIndexDescription</literal> has the form:
<para>The <literal>label</literal> element defines the name by which
applications and annotators refer to this index. The
<literal>typeName</literal> element contains the name of the type that will
be contained in this index. This must match one of the type names defined in the
<para>There are three possible values for the
<literal>&lt;kind&gt;</literal> of index. Sorted indexes enforce an
ordering of feature structures, and may contain duplicates. Bag indexes do
not enforce ordering, and also may contain duplicates. Set indexes do not
enforce ordering and may not contain duplicates. If the <literal>&lt;kind&gt;</literal>element is omitted, it will default to
sorted, which is the most common type of index.</para>
<note><para>There is usually no need to explicitly declare a Bag index in your descriptor.
As of UIMA v2.1, if you do not declare any index for a type (or any of its
supertypes), a Bag index will be automatically created.</para></note>
<para>An index may define one or more <emphasis>keys</emphasis>. These keys
determine the sort order of the feature structures within a sorted index, and
determine equality for set indexes. Bag indexes do not use keys. Keys are
ordered by precedence &ndash; the first key is evaluated first, and
subsequent keys are evaluated only if necessary.</para>
<para>Each key is represented by an <literal>fsIndexKey</literal> element.
Most <literal>fsIndexKeys</literal> contains a
<literal>featureName</literal> and a <literal>comparator</literal>.
The <literal>featureName</literal> must match the name of one of the
features for the type specified in the
<literal>&lt;typeName&gt;</literal> element for this index. The
comparator defines how the features will be compared &ndash; a value of
<literal>standard</literal> means that features will be compared using the
standard comparison for their data type (e.g. for numerical types, smaller
values precede larger values, and for string types, Unicode string
comparison is performed). A value of <literal>reverse</literal> means that
features will be compared using the reverse of the standard comparison (e.g.
for numerical types, larger values precede smaller values, etc.). For Set
indexes, the comparator direction is ignored &ndash; the keys are only used
for the equality testing.</para>
<para>Each key used in comparisons must refer to a feature whose range type is
String, Float, or Integer.</para>
<para>There is a second type of a key, one which contains only the
<literal>&lt;typePriority/&gt;</literal>. When this key is used, it
indicates that Feature Structures will be compared using the type priorities
declared in the <literal>&lt;typePriorities&gt;</literal> section of the
<section id="&tp;aes.capabilities">
<type allAnnotatorFeatures="true|false"[TypeName]</type>
<type allAnnotatorFeatures="true|false"[TypeName]</type>
<language>[ISO Language ID]</language>
<para>The capabilities definition is used by the UIMA Framework in several
ways, including setting up the Results Specification for process calls,
routing control for aggregates based on language, and as part of the Sofa
mapping function.</para>
<para>The <literal>capabilities</literal> element contains one or more
<literal>capability</literal> elements. In Version 2 and onwards, only one
capability set should be used (multiple sets will continue to work for a while,
but they're not logically consistently supported).
<!-- Because you can therefore
declare multiple capability sets, you can use this to model component behavior
that for a given set of inputs, produces a particular set of outputs. --></para>
<para>Each <literal>capability</literal> contains
<literal>inputs</literal>, <literal>outputs</literal>,
<literal>languagesSupported, inputSofas, and outputSofas</literal>.
Inputs and outputs element are required (though they may be empty);
<literal>&lt;languagesSupported&gt;, &lt;inputSofas</literal>&gt;,
and <literal>&lt;outputSofas&gt;</literal> are optional.</para>
<para>Both inputs and outputs may contain a mixture of type and feature
<para><literal>&lt;type...&gt;</literal> elements contain the name of one
of the types defined in the type system or one of the built in types. Declaring a
type as an input means that this component expects instances of this type to be
in the CAS when it receives it to process. Declaring a type as an output means
that this component creates new instances of this type in the CAS.</para>
<para>There is an optional attribute
<literal>allAnnotatorFeatures</literal>, which defaults to false if
omitted. The Component Descriptor Editor tool defaults this to true when a new
type is added to the list of inputs and/or outputs. When this attribute is true,
it specifies that all of the type&apos;s features are also declared as input or
output. Otherwise, the features that are required as inputs or populated as
outputs must be explicitly specified in feature elements.</para>
<para><literal>&lt;feature...&gt;</literal> elements contain the
<quote>fully-qualified</quote> feature name, which is the type name
followed by a colon, followed by the feature name, e.g.
<literal>&lt;feature...&gt;</literal> elements in the
<literal>&lt;inputs&gt;</literal> section must also have a corresponding
type declared as an input. In output sections, this is not required. If the type
is not specified as an output, but a feature for that type is, this means that
existing instances of the type have the values of the specified features
updated. Any type mentioned in a <literal>&lt;feature&gt;</literal>
element must be either specified as an input or an output or both.</para>
<para><literal>language </literal>elements contain one of the ISO language
identifiers, such as <literal>en</literal> for English, or
<literal>en-US</literal> for the United States dialect of English.</para>
<para>The list of language codes can be found here: <ulink
and the country codes here:
<para><literal>&lt;inputSofas&gt;</literal> and
<literal>&lt;outputSofas&gt;</literal> declare sofa names used by this
component. All Sofa names must be unique within a particular capability set. A
Sofa name must be an input or an output, and cannot be both. It is an error to have a
Sofa name declared as an input in one capability set, and also have it declared
as an output in another capability set.</para>
<para>A <literal>&lt;sofaName&gt;</literal> is written as a simple
Java-style identifier, without any periods in the name, except that it may be
written to end in <quote><literal>.*</literal></quote>. If written in this
manner, it specifies a set of Sofa names, all of which start with the base name
(the part before the .*) followed by a period and then an arbitrary Java
identifier (without periods). This form is used to specify in the descriptor
that the component could generate an arbitrary number of Sofas, the exact
names and numbers of which are unknown before the component is run.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.operational_properties">
<para>Components can specify specific operational properties that can be
useful in deployment. The following are available:</para>
<modifiesCas> true|false </modifiesCas>
<multipleDeploymentAllowed> true|false </multipleDeploymentAllowed>
<outputsNewCASes> true|false </outputsNewCASes>
<para><literal>ModifiesCas</literal>, if false, indicates that this
component does not modify the CAS. If it is not specified, the default value is
true except for CAS Consumer components.</para>
<para><literal>multipleDeploymentAllowed</literal>, if true, allows the
component to be deployed multiple times to increase performance throught
scale-out techniques. If it is not specified, the default value is true,
except for CAS Consumer and Collection Reader components.</para>
<note><para>If you wrap one or more CAS Consumers inside an aggregate as the only
components, you must explicitly specify in the aggregate the
<literal>multipleDeploymentAllowed</literal> property as false (assuming the CAS Consumer
components take the default here); otherwise the framework will complain about inconsistent
settings for these.</para></note>
<para><literal>outputsNewCASes</literal>, if true, allows the component to
create new CASes during processing, for example to break a large artifact into
smaller pieces. See <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_tutorial_guides;"
targetptr=""/> for details.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.primitive.external_resource_dependencies">
<title>External Resource Dependencies</title>
<description>[String] </description>
<para>A primitive annotator may declare zero or more
<literal>&lt;externalResourceDependency&gt;</literal> elements. Each
dependency has the following elements:
<itemizedlist><listitem><para><literal>key</literal> &ndash; the
string by which the annotator code will attempt to access the resource. Must
be unique within this annotator.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><literal>description</literal> &ndash; a textual
description of the dependency</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><literal>interfaceName</literal> &ndash; the
fully-qualified name of the Java interface through which the annotator
will access the data. This is optional. If not specified, the annotator
can only get an InputStream to the data.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><literal>optional</literal> &ndash; whether the
resource is optional. If false, an exception will be thrown if no resource
is assigned to satisfy this dependency. Defaults to false. </para>
<section id="&tp;aes.primitive.resource_manager_configuration">
<title>Resource Manager Configuration</title>
<import ...>
<para>This element declares external resources and binds them to
annotators&apos; external resource dependencies.</para>
<para>The <literal>resourceManagerConfiguration</literal> element may
optionally contain an <literal>import</literal>, which allows resource
definitions to be stored in a separate (shareable) file. See <xref
linkend="&tp;imports"/> for details.</para>
<para>The <literal>externalResources</literal> element contains zero or
more <literal>externalResource</literal> elements, each of which
consists of:
<itemizedlist><listitem><para><literal>name</literal> &ndash; the
name of the resource. This name is referred to in the bindings (see below).
Resource names need to be unique within any Aggregate Analysis Engine or
Collection Processing Engine, so the Java-like
<literal>org.myorg.mycomponent.MyResource</literal> syntax is
<listitem><para><literal>description</literal> &ndash; English
description of the resource</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Resource Specifier &ndash;
Declares the location of the resource. There are different
possibilities for how this is done (see below).</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><literal>implementationName</literal> &ndash; The
fully-qualified name of the Java class that will be instantiated from the
resource data. This is optional; if not specified, the resource will be
accessible as an input stream to the raw data. If specified, the Java class
must implement the <literal>interfaceName</literal> that is
specified in the External Resource Dependency to which it is bound.
<para>One possibility for the resource specifier is a
<literal>&lt;fileResourceSpecifier&gt;</literal>, as shown above. This
simply declares a URL to the resource data. This support is built on the Java
class URL and its method URL.openStream(); it supports the protocols
<quote>file</quote>, <quote>http</quote> and <quote>jar</quote> (for
referring to files in jars) by default, and you can plug in handlers for other
protocols. The URL has to start with file: (or some other protocol). It is
relative to either the classpath or the <quote>data path</quote>. The data
path works like the classpath but can be set programmatically via
<literal>ResourceManager.setDataPath()</literal>. Setting the Java
System property <literal>uima.datapath</literal> also works.</para>
<para><literal>file:com/apache.d.txt</literal> is a relative path;
relative paths for resources are resolved using the classpath and/or the
datapath. For the file protocol, URLs starting with file:/ or file:/// are
absolute. Note that <literal>file://org/apache/d.txt</literal> is NOT an
absolute path starting with <quote>org</quote>. The <quote>//</quote>
indicates that what follows is a host name. Therefore if you try to use this URL
it will complain that it can&apos;t connect to the host <quote>org</quote>
<para>Another option is a
<literal>&lt;fileLanguageResourceSpecifier&gt;</literal>, which is
intended to support resources, such as dictionaries, that depend on the
language of the document being processed. Instead of a single URL, a prefix and
suffix are specified, like this:
<para>The URL of the actual resource is then formed by concatenating the prefix,
the language of the document (as an ISO language code, e.g.
<literal>en</literal> or <literal>en-US</literal>
&ndash; see <xref linkend="&tp;aes.capabilities"/> for more
information), and the suffix.</para>
<para>A third option is a <literal>customResourceSpecifier</literal>, which allows
you to plug in an arbitrary Java class. See <xref linkend="&tp;custom_resource_specifiers"/>
for more information.</para>
<para>The <literal>externalResourceBindings</literal> element declares
which resources are bound to which dependencies. Each
<literal>externalResourceBinding</literal> consists of:
<itemizedlist><listitem><para><literal>key</literal> &ndash;
identifies the dependency. For a binding declared in a primitive analysis
engine descriptor, this must match the value of the
<literal>key</literal> element of one of the
<literal>externalResourceDependency</literal> elements. Bindings
may also be specified in aggregate analysis engine descriptors, in which
case a compound key is used
&ndash; see <xref
<listitem><para><literal>resourceName</literal> &ndash; the name of
the resource satisfying the dependency. This must match the value of the
<literal>name</literal> element of one of the
<literal>externalResource</literal> declarations. </para>
<para>A given resource dependency may only be bound to one external resource;
one external resource may be bound to many dependencies &ndash; to allow
resource sharing.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.environment_variable_references">
<title>Environment Variable References</title>
<para>In several places throughout the descriptor, it is possible to reference
environment variables. In Java, these are actually references to Java system
properties. To reference system environment variables from a Java analysis
engine you must pass the environment variables into the Java virtual machine
by using the <literal>-D</literal> option on the <literal>java</literal>
command line.</para>
<para>The syntax for environment variable references is
, where [VariableName] is any valid Java system property name. Environment
variable references are valid in the following places:
<itemizedlist spacing="compact"><listitem><para>The value of a
configuration parameter (String-valued parameters only)</para>
<literal>&lt;annotatorImplementationName&gt;</literal> element
of a primitive AE descriptor</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The <literal>&lt;name&gt;</literal> element within
<listitem><para>Within a
<literal>&lt;fileResourceSpecifier&gt;</literal> or
<para>For example, if the value of a configuration parameter were specified as:
, and the value of the <literal>TEMP_DIR</literal> Java System property were
<literal>c:/temp</literal>, then the configuration parameter&apos;s
value would evaluate to <literal>c:/temp/temp.dat</literal>.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.aggregate">
<title>Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptors</title>
<para>Aggregate Analysis Engines do not contain an annotator, but instead
contain one or more component (also called <emphasis>delegate</emphasis>)
analysis engines.</para>
<para>Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptors maintain most of the same structure
as Primitive Analysis Engine Descriptors. The differences are:</para>
<itemizedlist><listitem><para>An Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor
contains the element
<literal>&lt;primitive&gt;false&lt;/primitive&gt;</literal> rather
than <literal>&lt;primitive&gt;true&lt;/primitive&gt;</literal>.
<listitem><para>An Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor must not include a
<listitem><para>In place of the
<literal>&lt;annotatorImplementationName&gt;</literal>, an Aggregate
Analysis Engine Descriptor must have a
element. See <xref linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate.delegates"/>.</para>
<listitem><para>An Aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor may provide a
<literal>&lt;flowController&gt;</literal> element immediately
following the
<literal>&lt;delegateAnalysisEngineSpecifiers&gt;</literal>. <xref
<listitem><para>Under the analysisEngineMetaData element, an Aggregate
Analysis Engine Descriptor may specify an additional element --
<literal>&lt;flowConstraints&gt;</literal>. See <xref
linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate.flow_constraints"/>. Typically only one
of <literal>&lt;flowController&gt;</literal> and
<literal>&lt;flowConstraints&gt;</literal> are specified. If both are
specified, the <literal>&lt;flowController&gt;</literal> takes
precedence, and the flow controller implementation can use the information
in specified in the <literal>&lt;flowConstraints&gt;</literal> as part of
its configuration input.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>An aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptors must not contain a
<literal>&lt;typeSystemDescription&gt;</literal> element. The Type
System of the Aggregate Analysis Engine is derived by merging the Type System
of the Analysis Engines that the aggregate contains.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Within aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptors,
<literal>&lt;configurationParameter&gt;</literal> elements may define
<literal>&lt;overrides&gt;</literal>. See <xref
<listitem><para>External Resource Bindings can bind resources to
dependencies declared by any delegate AE within the aggregate. See <xref
<listitem><para>An additional optional element,
<literal>&lt;sofaMappings&gt;</literal>, may be included. </para>
<section id="&tp;aes.aggregate.delegates">
<title>Delegate Analysis Engine Specifiers</title>
<delegateAnalysisEngine key="[String]">
<analysisEngineDescription>...</analysisEngineDescription> |
<import .../>
<delegateAnalysisEngine key="[String]">
<para>The <literal>delegateAnalysisEngineSpecifiers</literal> element
contains one or more <literal>delegateAnalysisEngine</literal>
elements. Each of these must have a unique key, and must contain
<itemizedlist><listitem><para>A complete
<literal>analysisEngineDescription</literal> element describing the
delegate analysis engine <emphasis role="bold">OR</emphasis></para>
<listitem><para>An <literal>import</literal> element giving the name or
location of the XML descriptor for the delegate analysis engine (see <xref
<para>The latter is the much more common usage, and is the only form supported by
the Component Descriptor Editor tool.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.aggregate.flow_controller">
<programlisting><![CDATA[<flowController key="[String]">
<flowControllerDescription>...</flowControllerDescription> |
<import .../>
<para>The optional <literal>flowController</literal> element identifies
the descriptor of the FlowController component that will be used to determine
the order in which delegate Analysis Engine are called.</para>
<para>The <literal>key</literal> attribute is optional, but recommended; it
assigns the FlowController an identifier that can be used for configuration
parameter overrides, Sofa mappings, or external resource bindings. The key
must not be the same as any of the delegate analysis engine keys.</para>
<para>As with the <literal>delegateAnalysisEngine</literal> element, the
<literal>flowController</literal> element may contain either a complete
<literal>flowControllerDescription</literal> or an
<literal>import</literal>, but the import is recommended. The Component
Descriptor Editor tool only supports imports here.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.aggregate.flow_constraints">
<para>If a <literal>&lt;flowController&gt;</literal> is not specified, the
order in which delegate Analysis Engines are called within the aggregate
Analysis Engine is specified using the
<literal>&lt;flowConstraints&gt;</literal> element, which must occur
immediately following the
<literal>configurationParameterSettings</literal> element. If a
<literal>&lt;flowController&gt;</literal> is specified, then the
<literal>&lt;flowConstraints&gt;</literal> are optional. They can be
used to pass an ordering of delegate keys to the
<para>There are two options for flow constraints --
<literal>&lt;fixedFlow&gt;</literal> or
<literal>&lt;capabilityLanguageFlow&gt;</literal>. Each is discussed
in a separate section below.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.aggregate.flow_constraints.fixed_flow">
<title>Fixed Flow</title>
<para>The <literal>flowConstraints</literal> element must be included
immediately following the
<literal>configurationParameterSettings</literal> element.</para>
<para>Currently the <literal>flowConstraints</literal> element must
contain a <literal>fixedFlow</literal> element. Eventually, other
types of flow constraints may be possible.</para>
<para>The <literal>fixedFlow</literal> element contains one or more
<literal>node</literal> elements, each of which contains an identifier
which must match the key of a delegate analysis engine specified in the
<title>Capability Language Flow</title>
<para>If you use <literal>&lt;capabilityLanguageFlow&gt;</literal>,
the delegate Analysis Engines named by the
<literal>&lt;node&gt;</literal> elements are called in the given order,
except that a delegate Analysis Engine is skipped if any of the following are
true (according to that Analysis Engine&apos;s declared output
<itemizedlist><listitem><para>It cannot produce any of the aggregate
Analysis Engine&apos;s output capabilities for the language of the
current document.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>All of the output capabilities have already been
produced by an earlier Analysis Engine in the flow. </para></listitem>
<para>For example, if two annotators produce
<literal>org.myorg.TokenAnnotation</literal> feature structures for
the same language, these feature structures will only be produced by the
first annotator in the list.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.aggregate.configuration_parameter_overrides">
<title>Configuration Parameter Overrides</title>
<para>In an aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor, each
<literal>&lt;configurationParameter&gt; </literal>element should
contain an <literal>&lt;overrides&gt;</literal> element, with the
following syntax:</para>
<para>Since aggregate Analysis Engines have no code associated with them, the
only way in which their configuration parameters can affect their processing
is by overriding the parameter values of one or more delegate analysis
engines. The <literal>&lt;overrides&gt; </literal>element determines
which parameters, in which delegate Analysis Engines, are overridden by this
configuration parameter.</para>
<para>For example, consider an aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor that
contains delegate Analysis Engines with keys
<literal>annotator1</literal> and <literal>annotator2</literal> (as
declared in the &lt;delegateAnalysisEngine&gt; element &ndash; see <xref
linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate.delegates"/>) and also declares a
configuration parameter as follows:
<para>The value of the <literal>AggregateParam</literal> parameter
(whether assigned in the aggregate descriptor or at runtime by an
application) will override the value of parameter
<literal>param1</literal> in <literal>annotator1</literal> and also
override the value of parameter <literal>param2</literal> in
<literal>annotator2</literal>. No other parameters will be
<para>For historical reasons only, if an aggregate Analysis Engine descriptor
declares a configuration parameter with no explicit overrides, that
parameter will override any parameters having the same name within any
delegate analysis engine. This usage is strongly discouraged. The UIMA SDK
currently supports this usage but logs a warning message to the log file. This
support may be dropped in future versions.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.aggregate.external_resource_bindings">
<title>External Resource Bindings</title>
<para>Aggregate analysis engine descriptors can declare resource bindings
that bind resources to dependencies declared in any of the delegate analysis
engines (or their subcomponents, recursively) within that aggregate. This
allows resource sharing. Any binding at this level overrides (supersedes)
any binding specified by a contained component or their subcomponents,
<para>For example, consider an aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor that
contains delegate Analysis Engines with keys
<literal>annotator1</literal> and <literal>annotator2</literal> (as
declared in the <literal>&lt;delegateAnalysisEngine&gt;</literal>
element &ndash; see <xref linkend="&tp;aes.aggregate.delegates"/>),
where <literal>annotator1</literal> declares a resource dependency with
key <literal>myResource</literal> and <literal>annotator2</literal>
declares a resource dependency with key <literal>someResource</literal>
<para>Within that aggregate Analysis Engine Descriptor, the following
<literal>resourceManagerConfiguration</literal> would bind both of
those dependencies to a single external resource file.</para>
<para>The syntax for the <literal>externalResources</literal> declaration
is exactly the same as described previously. In the resource bindings note the
use of the compound keys, e.g. <literal>annotator1/myResource</literal>.
This identifies the resource dependency key
<literal>myResource</literal> within the annotator with key
<literal>annotator1</literal>. Compound resource dependencies can be
multiple levels deep to handle nested aggregate analysis engines.</para>
<section id="&tp;aes.aggregate.sofa_mappings">
<title>Sofa Mappings</title>
<para>Sofa mappings are specified between Sofa names declared in this
aggregate descriptor as part of the
<literal>&lt;capability&gt;</literal> section, and the Sofa names
declared in the delegate components. For purposes of the mapping, all the
declarations of Sofas in any of the capability sets contained within the
<literal>&lt;capabilities&gt; </literal>element are considered
<para>The &lt;componentSofaName&gt; may be omitted in the case where the
component is not aware of Multiple Views or Sofas. In this case, the UIMA
framework will arrange for the specified &lt;aggregateSofaName&gt; to be
the one visible to the delegate component.</para>
<para>The &lt;componentKey&gt; is the key name for the component as specified
in the list of delegate components for this aggregate.</para>
<para>The sofaNames used must be declared as input or output sofas in some
capability set.</para>
<section id="&tp;flow_controller">
<title>Flow Controller Descriptors</title>
<para>The basic structure of a Flow Controller Descriptor is as follows:
<programlisting><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<para>The <literal>frameworkImplementation</literal> element must always be set to
the value <literal></literal>.</para>
<para>The <literal>implementationName</literal> element must contain the
fully-qualified class name of the Flow Controller implementation. This must name a
class that implements the <literal>FlowController</literal> interface.</para>
<para>The <literal>processingResourceMetaData</literal> element contains
essentially the same information as a Primitive Analysis Engine Descriptor&apos;s
<literal>analysisEngineMetaData</literal> element, described in <xref
<para>The <literal>externalResourceDependencies</literal> and
<literal>resourceManagerConfiguration</literal> elements are exactly the same as
in Primitive Analysis Engine Descriptors (see <xref
linkend="&tp;aes.primitive.external_resource_dependencies"/> and <xref
<section id="&tp;collection_processing_parts">
<title>Collection Processing Component Descriptors</title>
<para>There are three types of Collection Processing Components &ndash; Collection
Readers, CAS Initializers (deprecated as of UIMA Version 2), and CAS Consumers. Each
type of component has a corresponding descriptor. The structure of these descriptors
is very similar to that of primitive Analysis Engine Descriptors.</para>
<section id="&tp;collection_processing_parts.collection_reader">
<title>Collection Reader Descriptors</title>
<para>The basic structure of a Collection Reader descriptor is as follows:
<programlisting><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<para>The <literal>frameworkImplementation</literal> element must always be set
to the value <literal></literal>.</para>
<para>The <literal>implementationName</literal> element contains the
fully-qualified class name of the Collection Reader implementation. This must name
a class that implements the <literal>CollectionReader</literal>
<para>The <literal>processingResourceMetaData</literal> element contains
essentially the same information as a Primitive Analysis Engine
Descriptor&apos;s&apos; <literal>analysisEngineMetaData</literal> element:
<name> [String] </name>
<para>The contents of these elements are the same as that described in <xref
linkend="&tp;aes.metadata"/>, with the exception that the capabilities
section should not declare any inputs (because the Collection Reader is always the
first component to receive the CAS).</para>
<para>The <literal>externalResourceDependencies</literal> and
<literal>resourceManagerConfiguration</literal> elements are exactly the same
as in the Primitive Analysis Engine Descriptors (see <xref
linkend="&tp;aes.primitive.external_resource_dependencies"/> and <xref
<section id="&tp;collection_processing_parts.cas_initializer">
<title>CAS Initializer Descriptors (deprecated)</title>
<para>The basic structure of a CAS Initializer Descriptor is as follows:
<programlisting><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<implementationName>[ClassName] </implementationName>
<para>The <literal>frameworkImplementation</literal> element must always be set
to the value <literal></literal>.</para>
<para>The <literal>implementationName</literal> element contains the
fully-qualified class name of the CAS Initializer implementation. This must name a
class that implements the <literal>CasInitializer</literal> interface.</para>
<para>The <literal>processingResourceMetaData</literal> element contains
essentially the same information as a Primitive Analysis Engine
Descriptor&apos;s&apos; <literal>analysisEngineMetaData</literal> element,
as described in <xref linkend="&tp;aes.metadata"/>, with the exception of some
changes to the capabilities section. A CAS Initializer&apos;s capabilities
element looks like this:
<type allAnnotatorFeatures="true|false">[String]</type>
<mimeType>[MIME Type]</mimeType>
<para>The differences between a CAS Initializer&apos;s capabilities declaration
and an Analysis Engine&apos;s capabilities declaration are that the CAS Initializer does not
declare any input CAS types and features or input Sofas (because it is always the first
to operate on a CAS), it doesn&apos;t have a language specifier, and that the CAS
Initializer may declare a set of MIME types that it supports for its input documents.
Examples include: text/plain, text/html, and application/pdf. For a list of MIME
types see <ulink url=""/>. This
information is currently only for users&apos; information, the framework does not
use it for anything. This may change in future versions.</para>
<para>The <literal>externalResourceDependencies</literal> and
<literal>resourceManagerConfiguration</literal> elements are exactly the same
as in the Primitive Analysis Engine Descriptors (see <xref
linkend="&tp;aes.primitive.external_resource_dependencies"/> and <xref
<section id="&tp;collection_processing_parts.cas_consumer">
<title>CAS Consumer Descriptors</title>
<para>The basic structure of a CAS Consumer Descriptor is as follows:
<programlisting><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<para>The <literal>frameworkImplementation</literal> element currently must
have the value <literal></literal>, or
<para>The next subelement,<literal>
&lt;annotatorImplementationName&gt;</literal> is how the UIMA framework
determines which annotator class to use. This should contain a fully-qualified
Java class name for Java implementations, or the name of a .dll or .so file for C++
<para>The <literal>frameworkImplementation</literal> element must always be set
to the value <literal></literal>.</para>
<para>The <literal>implementationName</literal> element must contain the
fully-qualified class name of the CAS Consumer implementation, or the name
of a .dll or .so file for C++ implementations. For Java, the named class must
implement the <literal>CasConsumer</literal> interface.</para>
<para>The <literal>processingResourceMetaData</literal> element contains
essentially the same information as a Primitive Analysis Engine Descriptor&apos;s
<literal>analysisEngineMetaData</literal> element, described in <xref
linkend="&tp;aes.metadata"/>, except that the CAS Consumer Descriptor&apos;s
<literal>capabilities</literal> element should not declare outputs or
outputSofas (since CAS Consumers do not modify the CAS).</para>
<para>The <literal>externalResourceDependencies</literal> and
<literal>resourceManagerConfiguration</literal> elements are exactly the same
as in Primitive Analysis Engine Descriptors (see <xref
linkend="&tp;aes.primitive.external_resource_dependencies"/> and <xref
<section id="&tp;service_client">
<title>Service Client Descriptors</title>
<para>Service Client Descriptors specify only a location of a remote service. They are
therefore much simpler in structure. In the UIMA SDK, a Service Client Descriptor that
refers to a valid Analysis Engine or CAS Consumer service can be used in place of the
actual Analysis Engine or CAS Consumer Descriptor. The UIMA SDK will handle the details
of calling the remote service. (For details on <emphasis>deploying</emphasis> an
Analysis Engine or CAS Consumer as a service, see <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_tutorial_guides;"
<para>The UIMA SDK is extensible to support different types of remote services. In future
versions, there may be different variations of service client descriptors that cater
to different types of services. For now, the only type of service client descriptor is
the <literal>uriSpecifier</literal>, which supports the SOAP and Vinci
<programlisting><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<uriSpecifier xmlns="">
<resourceType>AnalysisEngine | CasConsumer </resourceType>
<protocol>SOAP | SOAPwithAttachments | Vinci</protocol>
<parameter name="VNS_HOST" value=""/>
<parameter name="VNS_PORT" value="9000"/>
<para>The <literal>resourceType</literal> element is required for new descriptors,
but is currently allowed to be omitted for backward compatibility. It specifies the
type of component (Analysis Engine or CAS Consumer) that is implemented by the service
endpoint described by this descriptor.</para>
<para>The <literal>uri</literal> element contains the URI for the web service. (Note
that in the case of Vinci, this will be the service name, which is looked up in the Vinci
Naming Service.)</para>
<para>The <literal>protocol</literal> element may be set to SOAP,
SOAPwithAttachments, or Vinci; other protocols may be added later. These specify the
particular data transport format that will be used.</para>
<para>The <literal>timeout</literal> element is optional. If present, it specifies
the number of milliseconds to wait for a request to be processed before an exception is
thrown. A value of zero or less will wait forever. If no timeout is specified, a default
value (currently 60 seconds) will be used.</para>
<para>The parameter element is optional. If present, it specifies the Vinci naming
service host and/or port number. If not present, the value used for these comes from
parameters passed on the Java command line using the
<literal>-DVNS_HOST=&lt;host&gt;</literal> and/or
<literal>-DVNS_PORT=&lt;port&gt;</literal> system arguments. If not present, and
a system argument is also not present, the values for these default to
<literal>localhost</literal> for the <literal>VNS_HOST</literal> and
<literal>9000</literal> for the <literal>VNS_PORT</literal>.</para>
<para>For details on how to deploy and call Analysis Engine and CAS Consumer services, see
<olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_tutorial_guides;"
<section id="&tp;custom_resource_specifiers">
<title>Custom Resource Specifiers</title>
<para>A Custom Resource Specifier allows you to plug in your own Java class as a UIMA Resource.
For example you can support a new service protocol by plugging in a Java class that implements
the UIMA <literal>AnalysisEngine</literal> interface and communicates with the remote service.</para>
<para>A Custom Resource Specifier has the following format:</para>
<programlisting><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<customResourceSpecifier xmlns="">
<resourceClassName>[Java Class Name]</resourceClassName>
<parameter name="[String]" value="[String]"/>
<parameter name="[String]" value="[String]"/>
<para>The <literal>resourceClassName</literal> element must contain the fully-qualified name of a Java class
that can be found in the classpath (including the UIMA extension classpath, if you have specified one using
the <literal>ResourceManager.setExtensionClassPath</literal> method). This class must implement the
UIMA <literal>Resource</literal> interface.</para>
<para>When an application calls the <literal>UIMAFramework.produceResource</literal> method and passes a
<literal>CustomResourceSpecifier</literal>, the UIMA framework will load the named class and call its
<literal>initialize(ResourceSpecifier,Map)</literal> method, passing the <literal>CustomResourceSpecifier</literal>
as the first argument. Your class can override the <literal>initialize</literal> method and use the
<literal>CustomResourceSpecifier</literal> API to get access to the <literal>parameter</literal> names and values
specified in the XML.</para>
<para>If you are using a custom resource specifier to plug in a class that implements a new service protocol,
your class must also implement the <literal>AnalysisEngine</literal> interface. Generally it should also
extend <literal>AnalysisEngineImplBase</literal>. The key methods that should be implemented are
<literal>getMetaData</literal>, <literal>processAndOutputNewCASes</literal>,
<literal>collectionProcessComplete</literal>, and <literal>destroy</literal>.</para>