blob: ead812097c5602e5a002f1840b60099a277dc24a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.vinci.transport;
import org.apache.vinci.transport.util.TransportableConverter;
import org.apache.vinci.transport.util.UTFConverter;
* Implements XTalk marshalling of Frames.
public class XTalkTransporter implements FrameTransporter {
static private final int OVERSIZE_KEY_LENGTH = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
static public final byte DOCUMENT_MARKER = (byte) 'X';
static public final byte ELEMENT_MARKER = (byte) 'E';
static public final byte PI_MARKER = (byte) 'p';
static public final byte STRING_MARKER = (byte) 's';
static public final byte VERSION_CODE = (byte) 0;
static final private String OVERSIZE_FIELD = "Oversize field: ";
* Parse the data-stream according to the XTalk protocol.
* @return If the first tag belongs to the Vinci namespace, then this tag/value combination is
* returned. Otherwise returns null. Should there be a non-null return, then the value
* object of the KeyValuePair can be either FrameLeaf or Frame.
* @pre is != null
* @pre f != null
public KeyValuePair fromStream(InputStream is, Frame f) throws IOException, EOFException {
char[] cbuffer = new char[128];
byte[] buffer = new byte[128];
int marker =;
if (marker == -1) {
throw new EOFException();
if ((byte) marker != DOCUMENT_MARKER) {
throw new IOException("Expected document marker: " + (char) marker);
return fromStreamWork(is, f, buffer, cbuffer);
* Once we know that this is an XTalk document, perform XTalk parsing.
* @pre is != null
* @pre f != null
public KeyValuePair fromStreamWork(InputStream is, Frame f) throws IOException {
return fromStreamWork(is, f, new byte[128], new char[128]);
public KeyValuePair fromStreamWork(InputStream is, Frame f, byte[] buffer, char[] cbuffer)
throws IOException {
int version =;
if ((byte) version != VERSION_CODE) {
throw new IOException("Xtalk version code doesn't match " + (int) VERSION_CODE + ": "
+ version);
int top_field_count = readInt(is);
// Skip over intro PI's.
int marker;
while ((marker = == PI_MARKER) {
if ((byte) marker != ELEMENT_MARKER) {
throw new IOException("Expected element marker: " + (char) marker);
KeyValuePair return_me = consumeRootChildren(is, f, buffer, cbuffer);
// Skip over trailing PI's
while (top_field_count > 0) {
marker =;
if ((byte) marker != 'p') {
throw new IOException("Expected pi marker: " + (char) marker);
return return_me;
* @param is
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @pre is != null
private Attributes consumeAttributes(InputStream is, byte[] buffer, char[] cbuffer)
throws IOException {
int attribute_count = readInt(is);
if (attribute_count < 1) {
return null;
Attributes map = new Attributes(attribute_count);
for (int i = 0; i < attribute_count; i++) {
String akey = consumeString(is, buffer, cbuffer);
map.add(akey, consumeLeaf(is, map));
return map;
* @param is
* @throws IOException
* @pre is != null
protected void ignorePI(InputStream is) throws IOException {
* @param is
* @param f
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @pre is != null
* @pre f != null
public KeyValuePair consumeRootChildren(InputStream is, Frame f, byte[] buffer, char[] cbuffer)
throws IOException {
consumeString(is, buffer, cbuffer); // ignore root tag name -- assume it's
// always vinci:FRAME
Attributes attributes = consumeAttributes(is, buffer, cbuffer);
if (attributes != null) {
int field_count = readInt(is);
KeyValuePair return_me = null;
if (field_count != 0) {
int marker =;
if ((byte) marker == ELEMENT_MARKER) {
return_me = consumeRootElement(is, f, buffer, cbuffer);
if (field_count > 0) {
marker =;
} else {
return return_me;
consumeChildren(is, f, field_count, marker, buffer, cbuffer);
return return_me;
* @param is
* @param f
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @pre is != null
* @pre f != null
public KeyValuePair consumeRootElement(InputStream is, Frame f, byte[] buffer, char[] cbuffer)
throws IOException {
// This code returns the first ELEMENT as the KeyValuePair header, if its
// tag
// is from the Vinci namespace.
String tag_name = consumeString(is, buffer, cbuffer);
Attributes attributes = consumeAttributes(is, buffer, cbuffer);
int sub_field_count = readInt(is);
KeyValuePair return_me = null;
FrameComponent value = null;
if (sub_field_count == 0) {
value = f.createSubFrame(tag_name, 0);
if (tag_name.startsWith(TransportConstants.VINCI_NAMESPACE)) {
return_me = new KeyValuePair(tag_name, new VinciFrame());
// ^^ Note that the value of the returned keyval must always be of type
// "VinciFrame" so we cannot simply return the "native" frame in case it
// it is of a different type.
} else {
int sub_marker =;
if (sub_field_count == 1 && (byte) sub_marker == STRING_MARKER) {
value = consumeLeaf(is, f);
if (tag_name.startsWith(TransportConstants.VINCI_NAMESPACE)) {
return_me = new KeyValuePair(tag_name, value);
} else {
value = f.createSubFrame(tag_name, sub_field_count);
if (tag_name.startsWith(TransportConstants.VINCI_NAMESPACE)) {
Frame pre_value = new VinciFrame();
consumeChildren(is, pre_value, sub_field_count, sub_marker, buffer, cbuffer);
return_me = new KeyValuePair(tag_name, pre_value);
TransportableConverter.convert(pre_value, (Frame) value);
} else {
consumeChildren(is, (Frame) value, sub_field_count, sub_marker, buffer, cbuffer);
if (attributes != null) {
f.add(tag_name, value);
return return_me;
* @param is
* @param f
* @param field_count
* @param marker
* @throws IOException
* @pre is != null
* @pre f != null
public void consumeChildren(InputStream is, Frame f, int field_count, int marker, byte[] buffer,
char[] cbuffer) throws IOException {
while (field_count > 0) {
switch ((byte) marker) {
f.add(TransportConstants.PCDATA_KEY, consumeLeaf(is, f));
String tag_name = consumeString(is, buffer, cbuffer);
Attributes attributes = consumeAttributes(is, buffer, cbuffer);
int sub_field_count = readInt(is);
FrameComponent value = null;
if (sub_field_count == 0) {
value = f.createSubFrame(tag_name, sub_field_count);
} else {
int sub_marker =;
if (sub_field_count == 1 && (byte) sub_marker == STRING_MARKER) {
value = consumeLeaf(is, f);
} else {
value = f.createSubFrame(tag_name, sub_field_count);
consumeChildren(is, (Frame) value, sub_field_count, sub_marker, buffer, cbuffer);
if (attributes != null) {
f.add(tag_name, value);
throw new IOException("Unexpected marker while parsing children: " + (char) marker);
if (field_count > 0) {
marker =;
* @param is
* @throws IOException
* @pre is != null
static private void ignoreString(InputStream is) throws IOException {
long skip_me = readInt(is);
long count = 0;
long skipped = count;
do {
count = is.skip(skip_me - skipped);
if (count < 0) {
throw new EOFException();
skipped += count;
} while (skipped < skip_me);
* Consume a string from the input stream. TODO: Make a faster version that exploits work buffers
* to reduce allocations to a single string object.
* @param is
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @pre is != null
static public String consumeString(InputStream is) throws IOException {
int utflen = readInt(is);
if (utflen > OVERSIZE_KEY_LENGTH) {
throw new IOException(OVERSIZE_FIELD + utflen);
byte[] bytearr = new byte[utflen];
readFully(bytearr, is);
return UTFConverter.convertUTFToString(bytearr);
static public String consumeString(InputStream is, byte[] buffer, char[] cbuffer)
throws IOException {
int utflen = readInt(is);
if (utflen > OVERSIZE_KEY_LENGTH) {
throw new IOException(OVERSIZE_FIELD + utflen);
if (buffer.length < utflen) {
byte[] bytearr = new byte[utflen];
readFully(bytearr, is);
return UTFConverter.convertUTFToString(bytearr);
} else {
readFully(buffer, utflen, is);
int charlen = UTFConverter.convertUTFToString(buffer, 0, utflen, cbuffer);
return new String(cbuffer, 0, charlen);
* Consume the string of bytesToRead utf-8 bytes. assumes buffers are big enough to hold
* bytesToRead bytes/chars
static public int consumeCharacters(InputStream is, byte[] byteBuf, char[] charBuf,
int bytesToRead) throws IOException {
readFully(byteBuf, bytesToRead, is);
return UTFConverter.convertUTFToString(byteBuf, 0, bytesToRead, charBuf);
* @param is
* @param f
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @pre is != null
* @pre f != null
static private FrameLeaf consumeLeaf(InputStream is, Frame f) throws IOException {
int utflen = readInt(is);
if (utflen > OVERSIZE_KEY_LENGTH) {
throw new IOException(OVERSIZE_FIELD + utflen);
byte[] bytearr = new byte[utflen];
readFully(bytearr, is);
return f.createFrameLeaf(bytearr);
public static final byte[] HEADER = { DOCUMENT_MARKER, VERSION_CODE, 0, 0, 0, 1, ELEMENT_MARKER };
* @pre os != null
* @pre f != null
public void toStream(OutputStream os, Frame f) throws IOException {
byte[] workbuf = new byte[256]; // reduces allocations in string sending
stringToBin("vinci:FRAME", os, workbuf);
if (f.getAttributes() != null) {
attributesToBin(os, f.getAttributes(), workbuf);
} else {
writeInt(0, os); // no attributes
elementToBin(os, f, workbuf);
* @param os
* @param f
* @throws IOException
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException
* if the frame doesn't support key iteration.
* @pre os != null
* @pre f != null
public void elementToBin(OutputStream os, Frame f, byte[] workbuf) throws IOException {
writeInt(f.getKeyValuePairCount(), os);
KeyValuePair keyVal = null;
int total = f.getKeyValuePairCount();
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
keyVal = f.getKeyValuePair(i);
if (keyVal.key.equals(TransportConstants.PCDATA_KEY)) { // PCDATA type
// string
byte[] data = ((FrameLeaf) keyVal.value).getData();
writeInt(data.length, os);
} else {
stringToBin(keyVal.key, os, workbuf);
Attributes a = keyVal.value.getAttributes();
if (a != null) {
attributesToBin(os, keyVal.value.getAttributes(), workbuf);
} else {
writeInt(0, os); // no attributes
if (keyVal.isValueALeaf()) {
writeInt(1, os);
byte[] data = keyVal.getValueAsLeaf().getData();
writeInt(data.length, os);
} else {
elementToBin(os, keyVal.getValueAsFrame(), workbuf);
* Sends a string over, without the type byte.
* @pre str != null
* @pre os != null
static public void stringToBin(String str, OutputStream os) throws IOException {
byte[] write_me = UTFConverter.convertStringToUTF(str);
writeInt(write_me.length, os);
* Sends a string as utf8, using the temporary buffer if it is big enough to avoid allocating new
* memory.
static public void stringToBin(String str, OutputStream os, byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
byte[] newbuf;
if (buffer.length < str.length() * 3) {
int len = UTFConverter.calculateUTFLength(str);
if (buffer.length < len) {
// Buffer is too small, create a bigger temporary one.
newbuf = new byte[len];
} else {
newbuf = buffer;
} else {
newbuf = buffer;
int newlen = UTFConverter.convertStringToUTF(str, newbuf);
writeInt(newlen, os);
os.write(newbuf, 0, newlen);
static public void stringToBin(char[] str, int begin, int len, OutputStream os)
throws IOException {
byte[] write_me = UTFConverter.convertStringToUTF(str, begin, len);
writeInt(write_me.length, os);
static public void stringToBin(char[] str, int begin, int len, OutputStream os, byte[] buffer)
throws IOException {
byte[] newbuf;
if (buffer.length < (len - begin) * 3) {
int byteslen = UTFConverter.calculateUTFLength(str, begin, len);
if (buffer.length < byteslen) {
// buffer is too small, create a bigger temporary one.
newbuf = new byte[byteslen];
} else {
newbuf = buffer;
} else {
newbuf = buffer;
int newlen = UTFConverter.convertStringToUTF(str, begin, len, newbuf);
writeInt(newlen, os);
os.write(newbuf, 0, newlen);
* @param write_me
* @param out
* @throws IOException
* @pre out != null
static public void writeInt(int write_me, OutputStream out) throws IOException {
out.write(write_me >>> 24);
out.write(write_me >>> 16);
out.write(write_me >>> 8);
* @param in
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @pre in != null
static public int readInt(InputStream in) throws IOException {
int c1 =;
int c2 =;
int c3 =;
int c4 =;
if ((c1 | c2 | c3 | c4) < 0) {
throw new EOFException();
return (c1 << 24) + (c2 << 16) + (c3 << 8) + c4;
* @param b
* @param in
* @throws IOException
* @pre b != null
* @pre in != null
static public void readFully(byte[] b, InputStream in) throws IOException {
readFully(b, b.length, in);
static public void readFully(byte[] b, int length, InputStream in) throws IOException {
int read_so_far = 0;
while (read_so_far < length) {
int count =, read_so_far, length - read_so_far);
if (count < 0) {
throw new EOFException();
read_so_far += count;
* @param os
* @param attributes
* @throws IOException
* @pre os != null
* @pre attributes != null
public void attributesToBin(OutputStream os, Attributes attributes, byte[] workbuf)
throws IOException {
int size = attributes.getKeyValuePairCount();
writeInt(size, os);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
KeyValuePair k = attributes.getKeyValuePair(i);
stringToBin(k.key, os, workbuf);
byte[] write_me = ((FrameLeaf) k.value).getData();
writeInt(write_me.length, os);
} // class