blob: b50b48d170223789386c0de3ce471da08f7f5fee [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.cas;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
* Iterator over feature structures.
* <p>
* This iterator interface extends {@link java.util.Iterator}, and supports the
* standard <code>hasNext</code> and <code>next</code> methods. If finer control, including
* reverse iteration, is needed, see below.
* <p>Note: do not use the APIs described below *together* with the standard Java iterator methods
* <code>next()</code> and <code>hasNext()</code>. On any given iterator, use either the one or the
* other, but not both together. Otherwise, <code>next/hasNext</code> may exhibit incorrect
* behavior.
* <p>
* The <code>FSIterator</code> interface introduces the methods {@link #get()},
* {@link #moveToNext()}, {@link #moveToPrevious()} methods. With these methods, retrieving the
* current element (<code>get</code>) is a separate operation from moving the iterator (<code>moveToNext</code>
* and <code>moveToPrevious</code>. This makes the user's code less compact, but allows for finer
* control.
* <p>
* Specifically the <code>get</code> method is defined to return the same element that a call to
* <code>next()</code> would return, but does not advance the iterator.
* <p>
* Implementations of this interface are not required to be fail-fast. That is, if the iterator's
* collection is modified, the effects on the iterator are in general undefined. Some collections
* may handle this more gracefully than others, but in general, concurrent modification of the
* collection you're iterating over is a bad idea.
* <p>
* If the iterator is moved past the boundaries of the collection, the behavior of subsequent calls
* to {@link FSIterator#moveToNext() moveToNext()} or
* {@link FSIterator#moveToPrevious() moveToPrevious()} is undefined. For example, if a previously
* valid iterator is invalidated by a call to {@link FSIterator#moveToNext() moveToNext()}, a
* subsequent call to {@link FSIterator#moveToPrevious() moveToPrevious()} is not guaranteed to set
* the iterator back to the last element in the collection. Always use
* {@link FSIterator#moveToLast() moveToLast()} in such cases.
public interface FSIterator<T extends FeatureStructure> extends Iterator<T> {
* Check if this iterator is valid.
* @return <code>true</code> if the iterator is valid.
boolean isValid();
* Get the structure the iterator is pointing at.
* @return The structure the iterator is pointing at.
* @exception NoSuchElementException
* If the iterator is not valid.
T get() throws NoSuchElementException;
* Advance the iterator. This may invalidate the iterator.
* @exception ConcurrentModificationException if the underlying indexes being iterated over were modified
void moveToNext();
* Move the iterator one element back. This may invalidate the iterator.
* @exception ConcurrentModificationException if the underlying indexes being iterated over were modified
void moveToPrevious();
* Move the iterator to the first element. The iterator will be valid iff the underlying
* collection is non-empty. Allowed even if the underlying indexes being iterated over were modified.
void moveToFirst();
* Move the iterator to the last element. The iterator will be valid iff the underlying collection
* is non-empty. Allowed even if the underlying indexes being iterated over were modified.
void moveToLast();
* Move the iterator to the first Feature Structure that is equal to <code>fs</code>.
* First means the earliest one occurring in the index, in case multiple FSs that are "equal" to fs
* are in the index. If no
* such feature structure exists in the underlying collection, set the iterator to the "insertion
* point" for <code>fs</code>, i.e., to a point where the current feature structure is greater
* than <code>fs</code>, and the previous one is less than <code>fs</code>.
* <p>
* If the fs is greater than all of the entries in the index, the moveTo cannot set the iterator to an insertion point
* where the current feature structure is greater than fs, so it marks the iterator "invalid".
* <p>
* If the underlying index is a bag index, no ordering is present, and the moveTo operation moves to the
* fs which is the same identical fs as the key. If no such fs is in the index, the iterator is marked
* invalid.
* @param fs
* The feature structure the iterator that supplies the
* comparison information. It must be of type T or a subtype of T.
* @exception ConcurrentModificationException if the underlying indexes being iterated over were modified
void moveTo(FeatureStructure fs);
* Copy this iterator.
* @return A copy of this iterator, pointing at the same element.
FSIterator<T> copy();