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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.apache.uima.cas.ArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.BooleanArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.ByteArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CASRuntimeException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.DoubleArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIterator;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Feature;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FeatureStructure;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FloatArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.IntArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.LongArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.ShortArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.StringArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.cas.TypeSystem;
import org.apache.uima.cas.admin.FSIndexRepositoryMgr;
import org.apache.uima.cas.admin.TypeSystemMgr;
import org.apache.uima.cas.test.AnnotatorInitializer;
import org.apache.uima.cas.test.CASInitializer;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntVector;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP;
import org.apache.uima.util.CasCreationUtils;
import org.apache.uima.util.impl.SerializationMeasures;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* Serializer and Deserializer testing
* for version 4 of Binary Compressed
* Has main method for creating resources to use in testing
* will update resources in SerDes4. If you do this by mistake, just revert those resources.
public class SerDesTest4 extends SerDesTstCommon {
// FIXME need to understand why includeUid is false, seems to be disabling some testing Nov 2016
private static final boolean includeUid = false;
private static final AtomicInteger aint = includeUid? new AtomicInteger(0) : null;
// private static final Random randomseed = new Random();
// private static long seed =
// 1_449_257_605_347_913_923L;
// 949_754_466_380_345_024L;
// 6_761_039_426_734_540_557L;
// 1_217_808_400_762_898_611L;
// randomseed.nextLong();
// static {
// System.out.format("SerDesTest4 RandomSeed: %,d%n", seed);
// }
private Type akof;
private Type topType;
private Type typeArrayInt;
private Type typeArrayFs;
private Type typeArrayFloat;
private Type typeArrayDouble;
private Type typeArrayLong;
private Type typeArrayShort;
private Type typeArrayByte;
private Type typeArrayBoolean;
private Type typeArrayString;
private Type typeInt;
private Type typeFloat;
private Type typeDouble;
private Type typeLong;
private Type typeShort;
private Type typeByte;
private Type typeBoolean;
private Type typeString;
private Type typeFs;
private Feature akofUid;
private Feature akofInt;
private Feature akofFloat;
private Feature akofDouble;
private Feature akofLong;
private Feature akofShort;
private Feature akofByte;
private Feature akofBoolean;
private Feature akofString;
private Feature akofFs;
private Feature akofAint;
private Feature akofAfloat;
private Feature akofAdouble;
private Feature akofAlong;
private Feature akofAshort;
private Feature akofAbyte;
private Feature akofAboolean;
private Feature akofAstring;
private Feature akofAfs;
private CASImpl cas;
private CASImpl cas1;
private CASImpl cas2;
private CASImpl deserCas;
private CASImpl deltaCas;
private TypeSystemImpl ts;
private List<FeatureStructure> lfs;
private List<FeatureStructure> lfs2;
private int[] cas1FsIndexes;
private int[] cas2FsIndexes;
private MarkerImpl marker;
public class CASTestSetup implements AnnotatorInitializer {
* Type system
* akof - type: all kinds of features
* akofInt
* akofFloat
* akofByte
* akofBoolean
* akofShort
* akofStr
* akofLong
* akofDouble
* akofHeapRef
* akofArrayRef
public void initTypeSystem(TypeSystemMgr tsm) {
// Add new types and features.
topType = tsm.getTopType();
akof = tsm.addType("akof", topType);
typeArrayInt = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY);
typeArrayFs = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_FS_ARRAY);
typeArrayFloat = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT_ARRAY);
typeArrayDouble = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_DOUBLE_ARRAY);
typeArrayLong = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_LONG_ARRAY);
typeArrayShort = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_SHORT_ARRAY);
typeArrayByte = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_BYTE_ARRAY);
typeArrayBoolean = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_BOOLEAN_ARRAY);
typeArrayString = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING_ARRAY);
typeInt = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER);
typeFloat = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT);
typeDouble = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_DOUBLE);
typeLong = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_LONG);
typeShort = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_SHORT);
typeByte = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_BYTE);
typeBoolean = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_BOOLEAN);
typeString = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING);
typeFs = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_TOP);
akofUid = includeUid ? tsm.addFeature("akofUid", akof, typeInt) : null;
akofInt = tsm.addFeature("akofInt", akof, typeInt);
akofFs = tsm.addFeature("akofFs", akof, typeFs);
akofFloat = tsm.addFeature("akofFloat", akof, typeFloat);
akofDouble = tsm.addFeature("akofDouble", akof, typeDouble);
akofLong = tsm.addFeature("akofLong", akof, typeLong);
akofShort = tsm.addFeature("akofShort", akof, typeShort);
akofByte = tsm.addFeature("akofByte", akof, typeByte);
akofBoolean = tsm.addFeature("akofBoolean", akof, typeBoolean);
akofString = tsm.addFeature("akofStr", akof, typeString);
akofAint = tsm.addFeature("akofAint", akof, typeArrayInt);
akofAfs = tsm.addFeature("akofAfs", akof, typeArrayFs);
akofAfloat = tsm.addFeature("akofAfloat", akof, typeArrayFloat);
akofAdouble = tsm.addFeature("akofAdouble", akof, typeArrayDouble);
akofAlong = tsm.addFeature("akofAlong", akof, typeArrayLong);
akofAshort = tsm.addFeature("akofAshort", akof, typeArrayShort);
akofAbyte = tsm.addFeature("akofAbyte", akof, typeArrayByte);
akofAboolean = tsm.addFeature("akofAboolean", akof, typeArrayBoolean);
akofAstring = tsm.addFeature("akofAstring", akof, typeArrayString);
public void initIndexes(FSIndexRepositoryMgr irm, TypeSystem ts) {
void reinitTypeSystem(TypeSystemImpl tsm) {
topType = tsm.getTopType();
akof = tsm.refreshType(akof);
typeArrayInt = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY);
typeArrayFs = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_FS_ARRAY);
typeArrayFloat = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT_ARRAY);
typeArrayDouble = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_DOUBLE_ARRAY);
typeArrayLong = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_LONG_ARRAY);
typeArrayShort = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_SHORT_ARRAY);
typeArrayByte = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_BYTE_ARRAY);
typeArrayBoolean = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_BOOLEAN_ARRAY);
typeArrayString = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING_ARRAY);
typeInt = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER);
typeFloat = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT);
typeDouble = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_DOUBLE);
typeLong = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_LONG);
typeShort = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_SHORT);
typeByte = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_BYTE);
typeBoolean = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_BOOLEAN);
typeString = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING);
typeFs = tsm.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_TOP);
akofUid = includeUid ? tsm.refreshFeature(akofUid) : null;
akofInt = tsm.refreshFeature(akofInt);
akofFs = tsm.refreshFeature(akofFs);
akofFloat = tsm.refreshFeature(akofFloat);
akofDouble = tsm.refreshFeature(akofDouble);
akofLong = tsm.refreshFeature(akofLong);
akofShort = tsm.refreshFeature(akofShort);
akofByte = tsm.refreshFeature(akofByte);
akofBoolean = tsm.refreshFeature(akofBoolean);
akofString = tsm.refreshFeature(akofString);
akofAint = tsm.refreshFeature(akofAint);
akofAfs = tsm.refreshFeature(akofAfs);
akofAfloat = tsm.refreshFeature(akofAfloat);
akofAdouble = tsm.refreshFeature(akofAdouble);
akofAlong = tsm.refreshFeature(akofAlong);
akofAshort = tsm.refreshFeature(akofAshort);
akofAbyte = tsm.refreshFeature(akofAbyte);
akofAboolean = tsm.refreshFeature(akofAboolean);
akofAstring = tsm.refreshFeature(akofAstring);
public SerDesTest4() {
public void setUp() {
// long seed = 1_449_257_605_347_913_923L;
// long seed = 949_754_466_380_345_024L;
// long seed = 6_761_039_426_734_540_557L;
// long seed = 1_217_808_400_762_898_611L;
// random.setSeed(randomseed.nextLong());
// System.out.format("SerDesTest4 setup RandomSeed: %,d%n", seed);
try {
CASTestSetup cts = new CASTestSetup();
this.cas = (CASImpl) CASInitializer.initCas(cts, ts -> cts.reinitTypeSystem(ts));
this.ts = (TypeSystemImpl) this.cas.getTypeSystem();
this.cas2 = (CASImpl) CasCreationUtils.createCas(ts, null, null, null);
deserCas = (CASImpl) CasCreationUtils.createCas(ts, null, null, null);
deltaCas = (CASImpl) CasCreationUtils.createCas(ts, null, null, null);
lfs = new ArrayList<FeatureStructure>();
lfs2 = new ArrayList<>();
} catch (Exception e) {
public void tearDown() {
this.cas = null;
this.ts = null;
deserCas = null;
deltaCas = null;
lfs = null;
* Make one of each kind of artifact, including arrays serialize to byte
* stream, deserialize into new cas, compare
public void testAllKinds() {
* 1) create a base cas with some data
* 1a) make a copy of the cas to that point
* Don't use CasCopier - it will reorder the fs's in the heap.
* Instead, use plain binary serialization / deserialization
* 2) create the mark: cas.createMarker()
* 3) add more cas data
* 4) serialize with marker
* 5) using copy, deserialize with marker
* 6) check resulting cas = original in 4)
public void testDelta() {
cas = cas1;
verifyDelta(marker, "Delta");
public void testDeltaWithRefsBelow() {
FeatureStructure fs = createFS(cas, akof);
if (includeUid) fs.setIntValue(akofUid, aint.getAndAdd(1));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofFs, lfs2.get(0));
ArrayFS fsafs = createArrayFS(cas, 4);
fsafs.set(1, lfs2.get(1));
fsafs.set(2, lfs2.get(2));
fsafs.set(3, lfs2.get(3));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAfs, fsafs);
cas = cas1;
verifyDelta(marker, "DeltaWithRefsBelow");
public void testDeltaWithMods() {
FeatureStructure fs = createFS(cas, akof);
if (includeUid) fs.setIntValue(akofUid, aint.getAndAdd(1));
lfs2.get(0).setFeatureValue(akofFs, fs);
cas = cas1;
verifyDelta(marker, "DeltaWithMods");
* Variations to cover: all kinds of slots multiple sets of values test diffs
* multiple orders (try reverse and random order)
* Driver for random values pick among random and "interesting" edge case
* values
public void testDeltaWithAllMods() throws IOException {
boolean prev = isKeep;
isKeep = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
isKeep = prev;
public void checkDeltaWithAllMods(Random r) {
makeRandomFss(7, lfs, r); // not added to indexes unless isKeep
int belowMarkSize = lfs2.size();
makeRandomFss(8, lfs2, r);
int i = 0;
for (FeatureStructure fs : lfs2) {
if (((i++) % 2) == 0) {
int v = r.nextInt(lfs2.size());
if (((TOP) fs)._getTypeImpl() == akof) {
fs.setFeatureValue(akofFs, lfs2.get(v));
makeRandomUpdatesBelowMark(lfs2, belowMarkSize, r);
cas = cas1;
verifyDelta(marker, null);
* Assuming that the delta serialization code has adequate support for
* the use case of
* a) create a CAS cas1
* b) fill it
* c) copy it via serialization/deserialization -> cas2
* d) add a mark to cas1
* e) delta serialize cas1 << not preceeded by a deserialization into cas1
* f) deserialize delta into cas2
* g) compare cas1 and 2.
* @param r
public void checkDeltaWithAllMods1(Random r) {
makeRandomFss(7, lfs, r); // not added to indexes unless isKeep
// debug compare before mark
// BinaryCasSerDes4 bcs = new BinaryCasSerDes4(ts, false);
// assertTrue(bcs.getCasCompare().compareCASes(cas, cas2));
marker = (MarkerImpl) cas.createMarker();
int belowMarkSize = lfs.size();
makeRandomFss(8, lfs, r); // not indexed
int i = 0;
for (FeatureStructure fs : lfs) {
if (((i++) % 2) == 0) {
int v = r.nextInt(lfs.size());
if (((TOP) fs)._getTypeImpl() == akof) {
fs.setFeatureValue(akofFs, lfs.get(v));
makeRandomUpdatesBelowMark(lfs, belowMarkSize, r);
verifyDelta1(marker, null);
private void setupCas2ForDeltaSerialization() {
cas1 = cas;
// lfs2.clear();
// binaryCopyCas(cas1, cas2, lfs, lfs2); // don't use, cas copier reorders things in heap
cas = cas2;
cas2.walkReachablePlusFSsSorted(fs -> lfs2.add(fs), null, null, null);
marker = (MarkerImpl) cas2.createMarker();
* Serialize (not delta) from cas , then deserialize into cas2 Done for side
* effect of preparing cas to receive delta
private void serialize_then_deserialize_into_cas2() {
try {
ByteArrayInputStream bais;
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
BinaryCasSerDes4 bcs = new BinaryCasSerDes4(ts, false);
if (doPlain) {
Serialization.serializeCAS(cas, baos);
} else {
bcs.serialize(cas, baos);
bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
BinaryCasSerDes bcsd_cas2 = cas2.getBinaryCasSerDes();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void testDeltaWithIndexMods() {
int i = lfs2.size();
cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(lfs2.get(1)); // should appear as reindexed
cas.getIndexRepository().removeFS(lfs2.get(i + 1));
cas.getIndexRepository().addFS(lfs2.get(i + 1));
cas = cas1;
verifyDelta(marker, "DeltaWithIndexMods");
public void testArrayAux() {
ArrayList<FeatureStructure> fsl = new ArrayList<FeatureStructure>();
* Strings, non-array Long/Double:
* Make equal items,
* ser/deser, update one of the equal items, insure other not updated
FeatureStructure fsAt1 = newAkof(fsl);
FeatureStructure fsAt2 = newAkof(fsl);
createStringA(fsAt1, "at");
createStringA(fsAt2, "at");
FSIterator<FeatureStructure> it = deserCas.indexRepository.getAllIndexedFS(akof);
FeatureStructure fsAt1d =;
FeatureStructure fsAt2d =;
StringArrayFS sa1 = (StringArrayFS) fsAt1d.getFeatureValue(akofAstring);
StringArrayFS sa2 = (StringArrayFS) fsAt2d.getFeatureValue(akofAstring);
sa1.set(1, "def");
assertEquals(sa2.get(1), "abcat");
assertEquals(sa1.get(1), "def");
fsAt1 = newAkof(fsl);
fsAt2 = newAkof(fsl);
createLongA(fsAt1, 9);
createLongA(fsAt2, 9);
it = deserCas.indexRepository.getAllIndexedFS(akof);
fsAt1d =;
fsAt2d =;
LongArrayFS la1 = (LongArrayFS) fsAt1d.getFeatureValue(akofAlong);
LongArrayFS la2 = (LongArrayFS) fsAt2d.getFeatureValue(akofAlong);
la1.set(2, 123L);
assertEquals(la2.get(2), -45 + 9);
assertEquals(la1.get(2), 123);
public void testWithOtherSerializer() throws IOException {
doPlain = true;
tearDown(); setUp();
tearDown(); setUp();
tearDown(); setUp();
tearDown(); setUp();
* See if can read Version 2 serialized things and deserialize them
* Note: Delta won't work unless the previous v2 test case indexed or ref'd all the FSs,
* because otherwise, some FSs will be "deleted" by the modelling V3 does for the CAS
* layout because they're not findable during scanning, and therefore, delta mods won't be correct.
* @throws IOException
public void testWithPrevGenerated() throws IOException {
isKeep = true; // forces all akof fss to be indexed
usePrevData = true;
// tests must be in same order as v2 tests
// this test does the delta serialization using v3, so we expect it to work
tearDown(); setUp();
isKeep = false; // for next test
tearDown(); setUp();
testAllKinds(); // works, is not delta
tearDown(); setUp();
testArrayAux(); // works, is not delta
usePrevData = false;
isKeep = false;
private void tstPrevGenV2(Runnable m) {
tearDown(); setUp();
boolean caught = false;
try {;
} catch (CASRuntimeException e) {
caught = e.hasMessageKey(CASRuntimeException.DESERIALIZING_V2_DELTA_V3);
assertTrue("Should have thrown exception serializing v2 into v3", caught);
public void captureGenerated() throws IOException {
capture = true;
tearDown(); setUp();
tearDown(); setUp();
tearDown(); setUp();
tearDown(); setUp();
tearDown(); setUp();
* Helper functions
private void createStringA(FeatureStructure fs, String x) {
StringArrayFS strafs = createStringArrayFS(cas, 5);
strafs.set(3, null);
strafs.set(2, "" + x);
strafs.set(1, "abc" + x);
strafs.set(0, "abc" + x);
strafs.set(4, "def" + x);
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAstring, strafs);
private void createIntA(FeatureStructure fs, int x) {
IntArrayFS iafs = createIntArrayFS(cas, 4 + x);
iafs.set(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE - x);
iafs.set(1, Integer.MIN_VALUE + x);
iafs.set(2, 17 + 100 * x);
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAint, iafs);
private void createFloatA(FeatureStructure fs, float x) {
FloatArrayFS fafs = createFloatArrayFS(cas, 6);
fafs.set(0, Float.MAX_VALUE - x);
// fafs.set(1, Float.MIN_NORMAL + x);
fafs.set(2, Float.MIN_VALUE + x);
fafs.set(3, Float.NaN);
fafs.set(4, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
fafs.set(5, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAfloat, fafs);
private void createDoubleA(FeatureStructure fs, double x) {
DoubleArrayFS fafs = createDoubleArrayFS(cas, 6);
fafs.set(0, Double.MAX_VALUE - x);
// fafs.set(1, Double.MIN_NORMAL + x);
fafs.set(2, Double.MIN_VALUE + x);
fafs.set(3, Double.NaN);
fafs.set(4, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
fafs.set(5, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAdouble, fafs);
private void createLongA(FeatureStructure fs, long x) {
LongArrayFS lafs = createLongArrayFS(cas, 4);
lafs.set(0, Long.MAX_VALUE - x);
lafs.set(1, Long.MIN_VALUE + x);
lafs.set(2, -45 + x);
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAlong, lafs);
// copy FSs from c1 to c2, including indexes.
// and make copies (if not already done) of FSs
// that may be unreachable.
// DO NOT USE because
// CasCopier will reorder FSs in the heap, and delta testing is depending on that
// private void binaryCopyCas(
// CASImpl c1,
// CASImpl c2,
// List<FeatureStructure> fss,
// List<FeatureStructure> copies) {
// CasCopier cc = new CasCopier(c1, c2);
// for (FeatureStructure fs : fss) {
// copies.add(cc.copyFs(fs));
// }
// // this next copies any referenced items not indexed,
// // and adds items to the index
// c1.forAllViews(v -> cc.copyCasView(v, true));
// }
private FeatureStructure newAkof(List<FeatureStructure> fsl) {
FeatureStructure fs = createFS(cas, akof);
if (includeUid) fs.setIntValue(akofUid, aint.getAndAdd(1));
return fs;
// make an instance of akof with all features set
// ** NOT added to index unless isKeep
private FeatureStructure makeAkof(Random r) {
FeatureStructure fs = createFS(cas, akof);
if (includeUid) fs.setIntValue(akofUid, aint.getAndAdd(1));
fs.setBooleanValue(akofBoolean, r.nextBoolean());
fs.setByteValue(akofByte, (byte) r.nextInt());
fs.setShortValue(akofShort, (short) r.nextInt());
fs.setIntValue(akofInt, r.nextInt());
fs.setFloatValue(akofFloat, r.nextFloat());
fs.setLongValue(akofLong, r.nextLong());
fs.setDoubleValue(akofDouble, r.nextDouble());
fs.setStringValue(akofString, randomString(r));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofFs, fs);
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAint, randomIntA(r));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAfs, createArrayFS(cas, 1));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAfloat, randomFloatA(r));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAdouble, randomDoubleA(r));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAlong, randomLongA(r));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAshort, randomShortA(r));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAbyte, randomByteA(r));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAboolean, createBooleanArrayFS(cas, 2));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAstring, randomStringA(r));
if (isKeep) {
return fs;
private static final String[] stringValues = {
"abc", "abcdef", null, "", "ghijklm", "a", "b"
private String randomString(Random r) {
int i = r.nextInt(7);
// if (i >= 7) {
// System.out.println("debug");
// }
return stringValues[i];
private StringArrayFS randomStringA(Random r) {
int length = r.nextInt(2) + 1;
StringArrayFS fs = createStringArrayFS(cas, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
fs.set(i, stringValues[r.nextInt(stringValues.length)]);
return fs;
private IntArrayFS randomIntA(Random r) {
int length = r.nextInt(2) + 1;
IntArrayFS fs = createIntArrayFS(cas, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
fs.set(i, r.nextInt(101) - 50);
return fs;
private static final byte[] byteValues = {
1, 0, -1, Byte.MAX_VALUE, Byte.MIN_VALUE, 9, -9 };
private ByteArrayFS randomByteA(Random r) {
int length = r.nextInt(2) + 1;
ByteArrayFS fs = createByteArrayFS(cas, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int bvidx = r.nextInt(byteValues.length);
fs.set(i, byteValues[bvidx]);
return fs;
private static final long[] longValues = {
1L, 0L, -1L, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MIN_VALUE, 11L, -11L };
private LongArrayFS randomLongA(Random r) {
int length = r.nextInt(2) + 1;
LongArrayFS fs = createLongArrayFS(cas, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
fs.set(i, longValues[r.nextInt(longValues.length)]);
return fs;
private static final short[] shortValues = {
1, 0, -1, Short.MAX_VALUE, Short.MIN_VALUE, 22, -22 };
private ShortArrayFS randomShortA(Random r) {
int length = r.nextInt(2) + 1;
ShortArrayFS fs = createShortArrayFS(cas, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
fs.set(i, shortValues[r.nextInt(shortValues.length)]);
return fs;
private static final double[] doubleValues = {
1d, 0d, -1d, Double.MAX_VALUE, /*Double.MIN_NORMAL,*/ Double.MIN_VALUE, 33d, -33.33d };
private DoubleArrayFS randomDoubleA(Random r) {
int length = r.nextInt(2) + 1;
DoubleArrayFS fs = createDoubleArrayFS(cas, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
fs.set(i, doubleValues[r.nextInt(doubleValues.length)]);
return fs;
private static final float[] floatValues = {
1f, 0f, -1f, Float.MAX_VALUE, /*Float.MIN_NORMAL,*/ Float.MIN_VALUE, 17f, -22.33f };
private FloatArrayFS randomFloatA(Random r) {
int length = r.nextInt(2) + 1;
FloatArrayFS fs = createFloatArrayFS(cas, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
fs.set(i, floatValues[r.nextInt(floatValues.length)]);
return fs;
* Make a bunch of Akof fs's, not indexed, linked randomly to each other.
* In v3, these might be dropped due to no refs, no indexing
* @param n -
* @param fss -
* @param r -
private void makeRandomFss(int n, List<FeatureStructure> fss, Random r) {
List<FeatureStructure> lfss = new ArrayList<FeatureStructure>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
FeatureStructure fs = makeAkof(r);
for (FeatureStructure fs : lfss) {
fs.setFeatureValue(akofFs, lfss.get(r.nextInt(lfss.size())));
private void loadCas(List<FeatureStructure> fsl) {
FeatureStructure fs = newAkof(fsl);
fs.setBooleanValue(akofBoolean, true);
fs.setByteValue(akofByte, (byte) 109);
fs.setShortValue(akofShort, (short) 23);
fs.setIntValue(akofInt, 2345);
fs.setFloatValue(akofFloat, 123f);
fs.setLongValue(akofLong, 345L);
fs.setDoubleValue(akofDouble, 334455.6677d);
fs.setStringValue(akofString, "str1");
fs.setFeatureValue(akofFs, fs);
FeatureStructure fs1 = fs;
// extreme or unusual values
fs = newAkof(fsl);
fs.setBooleanValue(akofBoolean, false);
fs.setByteValue(akofByte, Byte.MAX_VALUE);
fs.setShortValue(akofShort, Short.MAX_VALUE);
fs.setIntValue(akofInt, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
fs.setFloatValue(akofFloat, Float.MAX_VALUE);
fs.setLongValue(akofLong, Long.MAX_VALUE);
fs.setDoubleValue(akofDouble, Double.MAX_VALUE);
fs.setStringValue(akofString, "");
fs.setFeatureValue(akofFs, fs1);
fs = newAkof(fsl);
fs.setByteValue(akofByte, Byte.MIN_VALUE);
fs.setShortValue(akofShort, Short.MIN_VALUE);
fs.setIntValue(akofInt, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
fs.setFloatValue(akofFloat, Float.MIN_VALUE);
fs.setLongValue(akofLong, Long.MIN_VALUE);
fs.setDoubleValue(akofDouble, Double.MIN_VALUE);
fs.setStringValue(akofString, null);
fs.setFeatureValue(akofFs, fs1);
FeatureStructure fs3 = fs;
fs = newAkof(fsl);
fs.setByteValue(akofByte, (byte) 0);
fs.setShortValue(akofShort, (short) 0);
fs.setIntValue(akofInt, 0);
fs.setFloatValue(akofFloat, 0f);
fs.setLongValue(akofLong, 0L);
fs.setDoubleValue(akofDouble, 0D);
fs.setFeatureValue(akofFs, fs1);
fs3.setFeatureValue(akofFs, fs); // make a forward ref
FeatureStructure fs4 = fs;
fs = newAkof(fsl);
fs.setByteValue(akofByte, (byte) 1);
fs.setShortValue(akofShort, (short) 1);
fs.setIntValue(akofInt, 1);
fs.setFloatValue(akofFloat, 1.0f);
fs.setLongValue(akofLong, 1L);
fs.setDoubleValue(akofDouble, 1.0D);
// fs = newAkof(fsl);
// fs.setFloatValue(akofFloat, Float.MIN_NORMAL);
// fs.setDoubleValue(akofDouble, Double.MIN_NORMAL);
// cas.addFsToIndexes(fs);
fs = newAkof(fsl);
fs.setFloatValue(akofFloat, Float.MIN_VALUE);
fs.setDoubleValue(akofDouble, Double.MIN_VALUE);
fs = newAkof(fsl);
fs.setFloatValue(akofFloat, Float.NaN);
fs.setDoubleValue(akofDouble, Double.NaN);
fs = newAkof(fsl);
fs.setFloatValue(akofFloat, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
fs.setDoubleValue(akofDouble, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
fs = newAkof(fsl);
fs.setFloatValue(akofFloat, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
fs.setDoubleValue(akofDouble, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
// test arrays
fs = newAkof(fsl);
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAint, createIntArrayFS(cas, 0));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAfs, createArrayFS(cas, 0));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAfloat, createFloatArrayFS(cas, 0));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAdouble, createDoubleArrayFS(cas, 0));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAlong, createLongArrayFS(cas, 0));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAshort, createShortArrayFS(cas, 0));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAbyte, createByteArrayFS(cas, 0));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAboolean, createBooleanArrayFS(cas, 0));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAstring, createStringArrayFS(cas, 0));
FeatureStructure fs8 = fs;
fs = newAkof(fsl);
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAint, createIntArrayFS(cas, 2));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAfs, createArrayFS(cas, 2));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAfloat, createFloatArrayFS(cas, 2));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAdouble, createDoubleArrayFS(cas, 2));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAlong, createLongArrayFS(cas, 2));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAshort, createShortArrayFS(cas, 2));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAbyte, createByteArrayFS(cas, 2));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAboolean, createBooleanArrayFS(cas, 2));
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAstring, createStringArrayFS(cas, 2));
fs = newAkof(fsl);
createIntA(fs, 0);
// feature structure array
ArrayFS fsafs = createArrayFS(cas, 4);
fsafs.set(1, fs8);
fsafs.set(2, fs1);
fsafs.set(3, fs4);
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAfs, fsafs);
createFloatA(fs, 0f);
createDoubleA(fs, 0d);
createLongA(fs, 0L);
ShortArrayFS safs = createShortArrayFS(cas, 4);
safs.set(0, Short.MAX_VALUE);
safs.set(1, Short.MIN_VALUE);
safs.set(2, (short) -485);
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAshort, safs);
ByteArrayFS bafs = createByteArrayFS(cas, 4);
bafs.set(0, Byte.MAX_VALUE);
bafs.set(1, Byte.MIN_VALUE);
bafs.set(2, (byte) 33);
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAbyte, bafs);
BooleanArrayFS booafs = createBooleanArrayFS(cas, 4);
booafs.set(0, true);
booafs.set(1, false);
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAboolean, booafs);
createStringA(fs, "");
makeRandomFss(15, fsl, random); // not added to indexes unless isKeep
private void verify(String fname) {
try {
BinaryCasSerDes4 bcs = new BinaryCasSerDes4(
ts, false);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
ByteArrayInputStream bais;
if (!usePrevData) {
if (doPlain) {
(new CASSerializer()).addCAS(cas, baos);
} else {
SerializationMeasures sm = bcs.serialize(cas, baos);
if (null != sm) {
if (capture) {
writeout(baos, fname);
bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
} else {
bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(readIn(fname));
assertTrue(bcs.getCasCompare().compareCASes(cas, deserCas));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Verifying deltas is somewhat tricky - the deserializing of a delta into a
* CAS may (?) require that the base CAS has been serialized out first - in
* order to set up the proper maps between serialized id forms and FSs -
* example:
* Caller does the following:
* create a CAS,
* fill 1 serialize,
* deserialize into Cas2
* modify Cas2
* =========== This routine then does ==========
* delta serialize Cas2,
* deserialize into Cas1 compare Cas1 and Cas2
* @param mark
* @param fname
private void verifyDelta(MarkerImpl mark, String fname) {
try {
ByteArrayInputStream bais;
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
BinaryCasSerDes4 bcs = new BinaryCasSerDes4(ts, false);
if (doPlain) {
Serialization.serializeCAS(cas2, baos);
} else {
bcs.serialize(cas2, baos, mark);
if (capture) {
writeout(baos, fname);
bais = (!usePrevData || fname == null) ? new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray())
: new ByteArrayInputStream(readIn(fname)); // use previous data
BinaryCasSerDes bcsd_cas1 = cas.getBinaryCasSerDes();
assertTrue(bcs.getCasCompare().compareCASes(cas, cas2));
// verify indexed fs same; the order may be different so sort first
// currently seems broken... not comparing anything of use
// if (!Arrays.equals(cas1FsIndexes, cas2FsIndexes)) {
// System.out.println("debug");
// }
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(cas1FsIndexes, cas2FsIndexes));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* This version closer to v2 version
* delta serialize of "cas"
* deserialize into "cas2"
* compare cas and cas2
* @param mark -
* @param fname -
private void verifyDelta1(MarkerImpl mark, String fname) {
try {
cas1 = cas;
ByteArrayInputStream bais;
BinaryCasSerDes4 bcs = new BinaryCasSerDes4(ts, false);
// skip serialization step if we're going to read prev serialized value
if (!usePrevData || fname == null) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
if (doPlain) {
Serialization.serializeCAS(cas, baos);
} else {
bcs.serialize(cas, baos, mark);
if (capture) {
writeout(baos, fname);
bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
} else {
bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(readIn(fname));
BinaryCasSerDes bcsd_cas2 = cas2.getBinaryCasSerDes();
assertTrue(bcs.getCasCompare().compareCASes(cas, cas2));
// verify indexed fs same; the order may be different so sort first
// currently seems broken... not comparing anything of use
// if (!Arrays.equals(cas1FsIndexes, cas2FsIndexes)) {
// System.out.println("debug");
// }
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(cas1FsIndexes, cas2FsIndexes));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void getIndexes() {
cas1FsIndexes = getIndexInfo(cas1);
cas2FsIndexes = getIndexInfo(cas2);
// seems like an invalid thing since includeUid is false. Nov 2016
private int[] getIndexInfo(CASImpl cas) {
int[] c = {2};
IntVector iv = new IntVector();
fs -> { // filtered action (only on above mark)
if (fs._getTypeImpl() == akof) {
iv.add(includeUid ? fs.getIntValue(akofUid) : c[0]++);
null, // mark
null, // null or predicate to filter what gets included
null); // null or typeMapper to exclude things not in other ts
int[] ia = iv.toArray();
return ia;
// try {
// ByteArrayInputStream bais;
// BinaryCasSerDes4 bcs = new BinaryCasSerDes4(ts, false);
// if (!usePrevData || (fname == null)) {
// ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
// if (doPlain) {
// Serialization.serializeCAS(cas, baos);
// } else {
// SerializationMeasures sm = bcs.serialize(cas, baos, mark);
// if (null != sm) {
// System.out.println(sm);
// }
// }
// if (capture) {
// writeout(baos, fname);
// }
// bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
// } else {
// bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(readIn(fname));
// }
// // prepare deltaCas to receive deserialized form
// // do the serialize out to set up shared data structures needed when
// deserializing
// BinaryCasSerDes4 bcsDelta = new BinaryCasSerDes4(ts, false);
// ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
// if (doPlain) {
// Serialization.serializeCAS(deltaCas, baos);
// } else {
// SerializationMeasures sm = bcsDelta.serialize(deltaCas, baos);
// }
// BinaryCasSerDes bcsd_deltaCas = deltaCas.getBinaryCasSerDes();
// bcsd_deltaCas.reinit(bais);
// assertTrue(bcs.getCasCompare().compareCASes(cas, deltaCas));
// // verify indexed fs same; the order may be different so sort first
// int[] fsIndexes1 = cas.getBinaryCasSerDes().getIndexedFSs(null);
// int[] fsIndexes2 = bcsd_deltaCas.getIndexedFSs(null);
// Arrays.sort(fsIndexes1);
// Arrays.sort(fsIndexes2);
// if (!Arrays.equals(fsIndexes1, fsIndexes2)) {
// System.out.println("debug");
// }
// assertTrue(Arrays.equals(fsIndexes1, fsIndexes2));
// } catch (IOException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
// }
private void makeRandomUpdatesBelowMark(List<FeatureStructure> fss, int belowMarkSize, Random r) {
for (int i = 0; i < belowMarkSize; i++) {
makeRandomUpdate(fss, i, r);
private void makeRandomUpdate(List<FeatureStructure> fss, int fsi, Random r) {
FeatureStructure fs = fss.get(fsi);
int n = r.nextInt(3);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (((TOP) fs)._getTypeImpl() == akof) {
switch (r.nextInt(26)) {
case 0:
fs.setBooleanValue(akofBoolean, r.nextBoolean());
case 1:
fs.setByteValue(akofByte, (byte) r.nextInt());
case 2:
fs.setShortValue(akofShort, (short) r.nextInt());
case 3:
fs.setIntValue(akofInt, r.nextInt());
case 4:
fs.setFloatValue(akofFloat, r.nextFloat());
case 5:
fs.setLongValue(akofLong, r.nextLong());
case 6:
fs.setDoubleValue(akofDouble, r.nextDouble());
case 7:
fs.setStringValue(akofString, randomString(r));
case 8:
fs.setFeatureValue(akofFs, fs);
case 9:
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAint, randomIntA(r));
case 10:
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAfs, createArrayFS(cas, 1));
case 11:
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAfloat, randomFloatA(r));
case 12:
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAdouble, randomDoubleA(r));
case 13:
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAlong, randomLongA(r));
case 14:
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAshort, randomShortA(r));
case 15:
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAbyte, randomByteA(r));
case 16:
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAboolean, createBooleanArrayFS(cas, 2));
case 17:
fs.setFeatureValue(akofAstring, randomStringA(r));
case 18: {
IntArrayFS sfs = (IntArrayFS) fs.getFeatureValue(akofAint);
if ((null != sfs) && (0 < sfs.size())) {
sfs.set(0, 1);
case 19: {
StringArrayFS sfs = (StringArrayFS) fs.getFeatureValue(akofAstring);
if ((null != sfs) && (0 < sfs.size())) {
sfs.set(0, "change");
case 20: {
FloatArrayFS sfs = (FloatArrayFS) fs.getFeatureValue(akofAfloat);
if ((null != sfs) && (0 < sfs.size())) {
sfs.set(0, 1F);
case 21: {
DoubleArrayFS sfs = (DoubleArrayFS) fs.getFeatureValue(akofAdouble);
if ((null != sfs) && (0 < sfs.size())) {
sfs.set(0, 1D);
case 22: {
LongArrayFS sfs = (LongArrayFS) fs.getFeatureValue(akofAlong);
if ((null != sfs) && (0 < sfs.size())) {
sfs.set(0, 1L);
case 23: {
ShortArrayFS sfs = (ShortArrayFS) fs.getFeatureValue(akofAshort);
if ((null != sfs) && (0 < sfs.size())) {
sfs.set(0, (short) 1);
case 24: {
ByteArrayFS sfs = (ByteArrayFS) fs.getFeatureValue(akofAbyte);
if ((null != sfs) && (0 < sfs.size())) {
sfs.set(0, (byte) 1);
case 25: {
ArrayFS sfs = (ArrayFS) fs.getFeatureValue(akofAfs);
if ((null != sfs) && (0 < sfs.size())) {
sfs.set(0, fss.get(r.nextInt(lfs.size())));
private FeatureStructure createFS(CAS cas, Type type) {
if (isKeep) {
LowLevelCAS llCas = cas.getLowLevelCAS();
return llCas.ll_getFSForRef(llCas.ll_createFS(((TypeImpl)type).getCode()));
return cas.createFS(type);
private TOP createArray(CAS cas, Type type, int length) {
if (isKeep) {
LowLevelCAS llCas = cas.getLowLevelCAS();
return llCas.ll_getFSForRef(llCas.ll_createArray(((TypeImpl)type).getCode(), length));
return ((CASImpl)cas).createArray((TypeImpl)type, length);
private ArrayFS createArrayFS(CAS cas, int length) {
return (ArrayFS) createArray(cas, ((CASImpl)cas).getTypeSystemImpl().fsArrayType, length);
private StringArrayFS createStringArrayFS(CAS cas, int length) {
return (StringArrayFS) createArray(cas, ((CASImpl)cas).getTypeSystemImpl().stringArrayType, length);
private IntArrayFS createIntArrayFS(CAS cas, int length) {
return (IntArrayFS) createArray(cas, ((CASImpl)cas).getTypeSystemImpl().intArrayType, length);
private FloatArrayFS createFloatArrayFS(CAS cas, int length) {
return (FloatArrayFS) createArray(cas, ((CASImpl)cas).getTypeSystemImpl().floatArrayType, length);
private DoubleArrayFS createDoubleArrayFS(CAS cas, int length) {
return (DoubleArrayFS) createArray(cas, ((CASImpl)cas).getTypeSystemImpl().doubleArrayType, length);
private LongArrayFS createLongArrayFS(CAS cas, int length) {
return (LongArrayFS) createArray(cas, ((CASImpl)cas).getTypeSystemImpl().longArrayType, length);
private ShortArrayFS createShortArrayFS(CAS cas, int length) {
return (ShortArrayFS) createArray(cas, ((CASImpl)cas).getTypeSystemImpl().shortArrayType, length);
private ByteArrayFS createByteArrayFS(CAS cas, int length) {
return (ByteArrayFS) createArray(cas, ((CASImpl)cas).getTypeSystemImpl().byteArrayType, length);
private BooleanArrayFS createBooleanArrayFS(CAS cas, int length) {
return (BooleanArrayFS) createArray(cas, ((CASImpl)cas).getTypeSystemImpl().booleanArrayType, length);
protected String getTestRootName() {
return "SerDes4";
// disable to avoid accidentally overwriting test data
// static public void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// (new SerDesTest4()).captureGenerated();
// }