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package org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.impl;
import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.TypeOrFeature;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Feature;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.cas.TypeSystem;
import org.apache.uima.cas.admin.CASFactory;
import org.apache.uima.cas.admin.TypeSystemMgr;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* Test various kinds of inheritance issues
* involving result specifications and type system
public class ResultSpecWithTypeSystemTest extends TestCase {
private static class TofLs {
TypeOrFeature tof;
String[] langs;
// languages
private static final String EN = "en";
private static final String X = "x-unspecified";
private static final String EN_US = "en-us";
private static final String PTBR = "pt-br";
private static final String I = "I"; // split designator, not a language
// types
private static final TypeSystemMgr ts = CASFactory.createTypeSystem();
private static final Type t1 = ts.addType("T1", ts.getTopType());
private static final Type t2 = ts.addType("T2", t1);
private static final Type t3 = ts.addType("T3", t2);
private static final Type t4 = ts.addType("T4", t1); // doesn't inherit from t2
private static final Feature f1 = ts.addFeature("F1", t1, t1);
private static final Feature f2 = ts.addFeature("F2", t2, t3);
private static final Feature f3 = ts.addFeature("F3", t3, t3);
private static final Feature f4 = ts.addFeature("F4", t4, t4);
static {ts.commit();};
// TypeOrFeature instances
private static TypeOrFeature makeTof(String name, boolean isType, boolean allFeats) {
TypeOrFeature r = new TypeOrFeature_impl();
return r;
private static final TypeOrFeature tofT1allFeat = makeTof("T1", true, true);
private static final TypeOrFeature tofT1 = makeTof("T1", true, false);
private static final TypeOrFeature tofT2allFeat = makeTof("T2", true, true);
private static final TypeOrFeature tofT2 = makeTof("T2", true, false);
private static final TypeOrFeature tofT3allFeat = makeTof("T3", true, true);
private static final TypeOrFeature tofT3 = makeTof("T3", true, false);
private static final TypeOrFeature tofT4allFeat = makeTof("T4", true, true);
private static final TypeOrFeature tofT4 = makeTof("T4", true, false);
private static final TypeOrFeature tofF1 = makeTof("T1:F1", false, false);
private static final TypeOrFeature tofF2 = makeTof("T2:F2", false, false);
private static final TypeOrFeature tofF3 = makeTof("T3:F3", false, false);
private static final TypeOrFeature tofF4 = makeTof("T4:F4", false, false);
private static final TypeOrFeature tofT2F1 = makeTof("T2:F1", false, false); // feature spec'd at subtype, but exists in supertype
private static final TypeOrFeature tofT4F1 = makeTof("T4:F1", false, false);
static enum K { // test kind
// no languages
// check type inheritance
public void testTypeInheritance() {
check(tofT1allFeat, K.Contains, t1);
check(tofT1, K.Contains, t1);
check(tofT1, K.Contains, t2);
check(tofT1, K.Contains, t3);
check(tofT2, K.Contains, t3);
check(tofT2, K.NotContain, t4);
check(tofT1, K.Contains, t4);
// no languages
// check feat inheritance
public void testFeatInheritance() {
check(tofT1allFeat, K.Contains, f1);
check(tofT1, K.NotContain, f1);
check(tofF1, K.Contains, f1);
check(tofT2, K.NotContain, f1);
check(tofT2allFeat, K.Contains, f2);
check(tofT2, K.NotContain, f2);
check(tofT1allFeat, K.NotContain, f2); // because allFeat on T1 doesn't include F2 which is only introduced on T2
check(tofT2F1, K.NotContain, f1); // feature spec'd for subtype
check(tofT2F1, K.Contains, "T2:F1");
check(tofT2F1, K.Contains, "T3:F1"); // oops, features not inheriting
check(tofT1allFeat, K.NotContain, f4); // because allFeat on T1 doesn't include F4 which is only introduced on T4
check(tofT2allFeat, K.NotContain, f4);
check(tofT1, K.NotContain, f4);
// languages
// check type inheritance
public void testTypeInheritanceL() {
check(tofT1allFeat, X, K.Contains, t1, X);
check(tofT1allFeat, EN, K.NotContain, t1, X);
check(tofT1allFeat, EN, K.Contains, t1, EN);
check(tofT1allFeat, EN, K.Contains, t1, EN_US);
check(tofT1allFeat, EN_US, K.NotContain, t1, EN);
check(tofT1, EN, K.Contains, t2, EN);
check(tofT1, EN, K.Contains, t2, EN_US);
TofLs[] tofls = aT(tofT1allFeat, X, tofT2, X);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2); // bad
public void testFeatInheritanceL() {
check(tofT1allFeat, X, K.Contains, f1, X);
check(tofT1allFeat, EN, K.NotContain, f1, X);
check(tofT1allFeat, EN, K.Contains, f1, EN);
check(tofT1allFeat, EN, K.Contains, f1, EN_US);
TofLs[] tofls =aT(tofT1allFeat, X, tofT2, EN);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2, X);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2, EN);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2, EN_US);
tofls =aT(tofT1allFeat, X, tofF2, EN);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2, X);
check(tofls, K.Contains, f2, EN);
check(tofls, K.Contains, f2, EN_US);
tofls = aT(tofT1allFeat, EN, tofT2allFeat, X);
check(tofls, K.Contains, f2, X);
check(tofls, K.Contains, f2, EN);
check(tofls, K.Contains, f2, EN_US);
tofls = aT(tofT2allFeat, EN, tofF1, X);
check(tofls, K.Contains, f1, X);
check(tofls, K.Contains, f1, EN);
check(tofls, K.Contains, f1, EN_US);
tofls = aT(tofT1allFeat, EN_US, tofT2, EN);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2, X);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2, EN); //broken
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2, EN_US);
tofls = aT(tofT1, X, tofT2, EN_US);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2, X);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2, EN);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2, EN_US);
tofls = aT(tofF1, X, tofT2, EN_US);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2, X);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2, EN);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2, EN_US);
tofls = aT(tofF1, EN, tofF2, EN_US);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, "T2:F1", X);
check(tofls, K.Contains, "T2:F1", EN);
check(tofls, K.Contains, "T2:F1", EN_US);
check(tofls, K.NotContain, f2, EN); //broken
check(tofls, K.Contains, f2, EN_US);
void check(TypeOrFeature tof, K testKind, Object t) {
check(aT(tof, X), testKind, t, X);
void check(TofLs[] tofls, K testKind, Object t) {
check(tofls, testKind, t, X);
void check(TypeOrFeature tof, String l1, K testKind, Object t, String l) {
check(aT(tof, l1), testKind, t, l);
void check(TofLs[] tofls, K testKind, Object candidate, String lang) {
String candidateName = (candidate instanceof Type) ? ((Type)candidate).getName() :
(candidate instanceof Feature) ? ((Feature)candidate).getName() :
(String) candidate;
check(tofls, testKind, candidateName, lang);
void check(TofLs[] tofLss, K testKind, String candidateName, String lang) {
boolean isType = -1 == candidateName.indexOf(TypeSystem.FEATURE_SEPARATOR);
ResultSpecification_impl rs = new ResultSpecification_impl();
for (TofLs tofLs : tofLss) {
rs.addResultTypeOrFeature(tofLs.tof, tofLs.langs);
switch (testKind) {
case Contains :
assertTrue(isType ? rs.containsType(candidateName, lang) : rs.containsFeature(candidateName, lang));
case NotContain :
assertFalse(isType ? rs.containsType(candidateName, lang) : rs.containsFeature(candidateName, lang));
* Compose sets of { tof, lang, tof2, lang2, ...} into one object
* Also handle langs: {tof, aL{lang1, lang2), ...)
* @param tofls
* @return
TofLs[] aT(Object... tofls) {
TofLs[] r = new TofLs[tofls.length / 2];
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tofls.length; i = i + 2) {
r[j] = new TofLs();
r[j].tof = (TypeOrFeature)tofls[i];
Object ls = tofls[i+1];
r[j++].langs = (ls instanceof String) ? aL(ls) : (String[]) ls;
return r;
String[] aL(Object... langs) {
String[] r = new String[langs.length];
System.arraycopy(langs, 0, r, 0, langs.length);
return r;