blob: 367e3d6bd6d8e66bced168532750a8534ba1465b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.util.impl;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.uima.UIMAFramework;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceConfigurationException;
import org.apache.uima.resource.impl.RelativePathResolver_impl;
import org.apache.uima.util.Level;
import org.apache.uima.util.Settings;
* Class that reads properties files containing external parameter overrides used by the ExternalOverrideSettings_impl
* class.
* Similar to java.util.Properties but:
* supports UTF-8 files
* reverses priority in that duplicate key values are ignored, i.e. values cannot be changed
* arrays are represented as strings, e.g. '[elem1,elem2]', and can span multiple lines
* '\' can be used to escape $ [ , ] and the line-end
* @author burn
public class Settings_impl implements Settings {
protected static final String LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = "org.apache.uima.impl.log_messages";
private BufferedReader rdr;
private Map<String, String> map;
* Regex that matches ${...}
* non-greedy so stops on first '}' -- hence key cannot contain '}'
private Pattern evalPattern = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{.*?\\}");
public Settings_impl() {
map = new HashMap<String, String>();
* Return a set of keys of all properties in the map
* @return - set of strings
public Set<String> getKeys() {
return map.keySet();
* Load properties from an input stream.
* Existing properties are not changed and a warning is logged if the new value is different.
* May be called multiple times, so effective search is in load order.
* Arrays are enclosed in [] and the elements may be separated by <code>,</code> or new-line, so
* can span multiple lines without using a final \
* @param in - Stream holding properties
* @throws IOException if name characters illegal
public void load(InputStream in) throws IOException {
// Process each logical line (after blanks & comments removed and continuations extended)
rdr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"));
String line;
final String legalPunc = "./-~_"; // Acceptable punctuation characters
while ((line = getLine()) != null) {
// Remove surrounding white-space and split on first '=' or ':' or white-space
String[] parts = line.split("\\s*[:=\\s]\\s*", 2);
String name = parts[0];
// Restrict names to alphanumeric plus "joining" punctuation: ./-~_
boolean validName = name.length() > 0;
for (int i = 0; i < name.length() && validName; ++i) {
validName = Character.isLetterOrDigit(name.charAt(i)) || legalPunc.indexOf(name.charAt(i))>=0;
if (!validName) {
throw new IOException("Invalid name '" + name + "' --- characters must be alphanumeric or " + legalPunc);
String value;
// When RHS is empty get a split only for the := separators
if (parts.length == 1) {
value = "";
} else {
value = parts[1];
if (value.length() > 0 && value.charAt(0) == '[') {
value = getArray(value);
if (!map.containsKey(name)) {
map.put(name, value);
} else {
if (!value.equals(map.get(name))) {
// Key {0} already in use ... ignoring value "{1}"
UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.CONFIG, this.getClass().getName(), "load",
LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMA_external_override_ignored__CONFIG", new Object[] { name, value });
* Load properties from the comma-separated list of files specified in the system property
* UimaExternalOverrides
* Files are loaded in list order. Duplicate properties are ignored so entries in a file override any in following files.
* The filesystem is searched first, and if not found and a relative name the datapath and classpath are searched.
* @throws ResourceConfigurationException wraps IOException
public void loadSystemDefaults() throws ResourceConfigurationException {
String fnames = System.getProperty("UimaExternalOverrides");
if (fnames != null) {
RelativePathResolver_impl relativePathResolver = new RelativePathResolver_impl();
for (String fname : fnames.split(",")) {
UIMAFramework.getLogger(this.getClass()).logrb(Level.CONFIG, this.getClass().getName(), "loadSystemDefaults",
LOG_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, "UIMA_external_overrides_load__CONFIG",
new Object[] { fname });
File f = new File(fname);
try {
InputStream is = null;
if (f.exists()) {
is = new FileInputStream(fname);
} else if (f.isAbsolute()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(fname + " - not in filesystem.");
} else { // Look in datapath & classpath if a relative entry not in the filesystem
URL relativeUrl = new URL("file", "", fname);
URL relPath = relativePathResolver.resolveRelativePath(relativeUrl);
if (relPath != null) {
is = relPath.openStream();
} else {
throw new FileNotFoundException(fname + " - not found in directory " + System.getProperty("user.dir") + " or in the datapath or classpath.");
try {
} finally {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ResourceConfigurationException(ResourceConfigurationException.EXTERNAL_OVERRIDE_ERROR,
new Object[] { fname }, e);
* Look up the value for a property.
* Perform one substitution pass on ${key} substrings replacing them with the value for key.
* Recursively evaluate the value to be substituted. NOTE: infinite loops not detected!
* If the key variable has not been defined, an exception is thrown.
* To avoid evaluation and get ${key} in the output escape the $ or {
* Arrays are returned as a comma-separated string, e.g. "[elem1,elem2]"
* Note: escape characters are not removed as they may affect array separators.
* Used by getSetting and getSettingArray
* @param name - name to look up
* @return - value of property
* @throws ResourceConfigurationException if the value references an undefined property
public String lookUp(String name) throws ResourceConfigurationException {
String value;
if ((value = map.get(name)) == null) {
return null;
Matcher matcher = evalPattern.matcher(value);
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(value.length() + 100);
int lastEnd = 0;
while (matcher.find()) {
// Check if the $ is escaped
if (isEscaped(value, matcher.start())) {
result.append(value.substring(lastEnd, matcher.start() + 1));
lastEnd = matcher.start() + 1; // copy the escaped $ and restart after it
} else {
result.append(value.substring(lastEnd, matcher.start()));
lastEnd = matcher.end();
String key = value.substring(matcher.start() + 2, lastEnd - 1);
String val = lookUp(key);
if (val == null) { // External override variable "{0}" references the undefined variable "{1}"
throw new ResourceConfigurationException(ResourceConfigurationException.EXTERNAL_OVERRIDE_INVALID,
new Object[] { name, key });
if (lastEnd == 0) {
return value;
} else {
return result.toString();
* @see org.apache.uima.util.Settings#getSetting(java.lang.String)
public String getSetting(String name) throws ResourceConfigurationException {
String value = lookUp(name);
if (value == null) {
return null;
// Arrays start with '[' and end with an ] that is not escaped
if (value.length() >= 2 && value.charAt(0) == '[' && value.charAt(value.length() - 1) == ']'
&& value.charAt(value.length() - 2) != '\\') {
// External override value for "{0}" has the wrong type (scalar or array)
throw new ResourceConfigurationException(ResourceConfigurationException.EXTERNAL_OVERRIDE_TYPE_MISMATCH,
new Object[] { name });
return value;
* @see org.apache.uima.util.Settings#getSettingArray(java.lang.String)
public String[] getSettingArray(String name) throws ResourceConfigurationException {
String value = lookUp(name);
if (value == null) {
return null;
if (!(value.length() >= 2 && value.charAt(0) == '[' && value.charAt(value.length() - 1) == ']' && value
.charAt(value.length() - 2) != '\\')) {
// External override value for "{0}" has the wrong type (scalar or array)
throw new ResourceConfigurationException(ResourceConfigurationException.EXTERNAL_OVERRIDE_TYPE_MISMATCH,
new Object[] { name });
value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1);
if (value.length() == 0) { // If an empty string create a 0-length array
return Constants.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
// Split on commas but rejoin tokens if a comma is escaped
String[] tokens = value.split(",");
int nTokens = tokens.length;
int last = tokens.length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < last; ++i) {
if (endsWithEscape(tokens[i])) {
tokens[i + 1] = tokens[i] + "," + tokens[i + 1];
tokens[i] = null;
if (endsWithEscape(tokens[last])) {
tokens[last] += ",";
String[] result = new String[nTokens];
int i = 0;
for (String token : tokens) {
if (token != null) {
result[i++] = escape(token.trim());
return result;
// Final step is to process any escapes by replacing \x by x
private String escape(String token) {
int next = token.indexOf('\\');
if (next < 0) {
return token;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(token.length());
int last = 0;
// For each '\' found copy up to it and restart the search after the
// next char
while (next >= 0) {
result.append(token.substring(last, next));
last = next + 1;
next = token.indexOf('\\', last + 1);
return result.toString();
private boolean endsWithEscape(String line) {
int i = line.length();
while (i > 0 && line.charAt(i - 1) == '\\') {
// If change in i is odd then ended with an unescaped \
return ((line.length() - i) % 2 != 0);
* Create a string representing an array from one or more logical lines
* Assert: line length &gt; 0
private String getArray(String line) throws IOException {
int iend = line.indexOf(']');
while (iend >= 0 && isEscaped(line, iend)) {
iend = line.indexOf(']', iend + 1);
if (iend >= 0) {
// Found the closing ']' - remainder of line must be empty
if (iend + 1 < line.length()) {
throw new IOException("Syntax error - invalid character(s) '" +
line.substring(iend + 1, line.length()) + "' after end of array");
return line;
// If line doesn't end with a , add one and append the next line(s)
// Don't add a , if line has only '[' or ']'
String nextline = getLine();
if (nextline == null) {
throw new IOException("Premature EOF - missing ']'");
iend = line.length() - 1;
if ((line.charAt(iend) == ',' && !isEscaped(line, iend)) ||
line.equals("[") || nextline.charAt(0) == ']') {
return line + getArray(nextline);
} else {
return line + "," + getArray(nextline);
* Reads a logical line from the input stream following the Java Properties class rules.
* Ignore blank lines or comments (first non-blank is '#' or '!').
* An un-escaped final '\' marks a continuation line.
* Leading and trailing whitespace is removed from each physical line, and hence from the logical line.
private String getLine() throws IOException {
String line = rdr.readLine();
if (line == null) {
return null;
// If line is blank or a comment discard it and get another
String trimmed = line.trim();
if (trimmed.length() == 0 || trimmed.charAt(0) == '#' || trimmed.charAt(0) == '!') {
return getLine();
// Check the untrimmed line to see if it should be continued
if (!isEscaped(line, line.length())) {
return trimmed;
return extendLine(trimmed);
* Remove final \ and append another line (or lines)
private String extendLine(String line) throws IOException {
// Line must be continued ... remove the final \ and append the next line, etc.
int ilast = line.length() - 1;
String next = rdr.readLine();
if (next == null) {
next = "";
// Append the trimmed line but check the untrimmed line for a final \
line = line.substring(0, ilast) + next.trim();
if (!isEscaped(next, next.length())) {
return line.trim(); // Complete line may need more trimming
return extendLine(line);
* Check if a character in the string is escaped, i.e. preceded by an odd number of '\'s
* Correctly returns false if ichar &le; 0
private boolean isEscaped(String line, int ichar) {
int i = ichar - 1;
while (i >= 0 && line.charAt(i) == '\\') {
// Difference will be one more than number of '\'s
return ((ichar - i) % 2 == 0);