blob: a0616dd9e23ea9c2483897022c8e55009b53f871 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIterator;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FeatureStructure;
public abstract class FsIterator_subtypes_list <T extends FeatureStructure> extends FsIterator_subtypes<T> {
// An array of iterators, one for each subtype.
// This array has the indexes for all the subtypes that were non-empty at the time of iterator creation
protected FsIterator_singletype<T>[] nonEmptyIterators;
private FsIterator_singletype<T>[] emptyIterators;
protected FsIterator_singletype<T>[] allIterators;
protected int lastValidIndex = 0;
public FsIterator_subtypes_list(FsIndex_iicp<T> iicp) {
this.nonEmptyIterators = initIterators();
// can't do moveToFirst, subtypes haven't yet set up enough things (like comparator)
// subtypes must do this call after setup complete
// moveToFirst(); // needed in order to set up lastvalid index, etc.
// skip including iterators for empty indexes
// The concurrent modification exception notification doesn't occur when subsequent "adds" are done, but
// that is the same as current:
// where the move to first would mark the iterator "invalid" (because it was initially empty) and it would be
// subsequently ignored - same effect
protected FsIterator_singletype<T>[] initIterators() {
final FsIndex_singletype<FeatureStructure>[] cachedSubIndexes = iicp.cachedSubFsLeafIndexes;
// FsIterator_singletype<T>[] r =
// .filter(leafIndex -> leafIndex.size() > 0) // filter out empty ones
// .map( index -> index.iterator()) // map fsIndex_singletype to an iterator over that
// .toArray(FsIterator_singletype[]::new);
ArrayList<FsIterator_singletype<T>> nonEmptyItr = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<FsIterator_singletype<T>> emptyItr = new ArrayList<>();
for (FsIndex_singletype<FeatureStructure> leafIndex : iicp.cachedSubFsLeafIndexes) {
if (leafIndex.size() == 0) {
emptyItr.add((FsIterator_singletype<T>) leafIndex.iterator());
} else {
nonEmptyItr.add((FsIterator_singletype<T>) leafIndex.iterator());
emptyIterators = emptyItr.toArray(new FsIterator_singletype[emptyItr.size()]);
FsIterator_singletype[] localNonEmptyIterators
= nonEmptyItr.toArray(new FsIterator_singletype[nonEmptyItr.size()]);
allIterators = new FsIterator_singletype[emptyItr.size() + nonEmptyItr.size()];
System.arraycopy(localNonEmptyIterators, 0, allIterators, 0, localNonEmptyIterators.length);
System.arraycopy(emptyIterators, 0, allIterators, localNonEmptyIterators.length, emptyIterators.length);
// if all are empty, put the first one in (to avoid handling 0 as a special case)
return (localNonEmptyIterators.length != 0)
? localNonEmptyIterators
: new FsIterator_singletype[] {emptyIterators[0]}; // use one empty one
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.uima.cas.impl.LowLevelIterator#ll_indexSize()
public int ll_indexSize() {
int sz = 0;
for (FsIterator_singletype<T> it : nonEmptyIterators) {
sz += ((LowLevelIterator<T>)it).ll_indexSize();
return sz;
public int ll_maxAnnotSpan() {
int span = -1;
for (FsIterator_singletype<T> it : nonEmptyIterators) {
int s = ((LowLevelIterator)it).ll_maxAnnotSpan();
if (s == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return s;
if (s > span) {
span = s;
return (span == -1) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : span;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.uima.cas.impl.LowLevelIterator#isIndexesHaveBeenUpdated()
public boolean isIndexesHaveBeenUpdated() {
for (FsIterator_singletype<T> it : allIterators) {
if (it.isIndexesHaveBeenUpdated()) {
return true;
return false;
protected int firstChangedEmptyIterator() {
for (int i = 0; i < emptyIterators.length; i++) {
FSIterator<T> it = emptyIterators[i];
if (((LowLevelIterator<?>)it).isIndexesHaveBeenUpdated()) {
return i;
return -1;