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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.methodType;
import java.lang.invoke.CallSite;
import java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Parameter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.uima.UIMAFramework;
import org.apache.uima.UIMARuntimeException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.BuiltinTypeKinds;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CASException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CASRuntimeException;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Misc;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.UIMAClassLoader;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP;
import org.apache.uima.util.Level;
import org.apache.uima.util.Logger;
* There is one **class** instance of this per UIMA core class loader.
* The class loader is the loader for the UIMA core classes, not any UIMA extension class loader
* - **Builtin** JCas Types are loaded and shared among all type systems, once, when this class is loaded.
* There are no instances of this class.
* - The type system impl instances at commit time initialize parts of their Impl from data in this class
* - Some of the data kept in this class in static values, is constructed when the type system is committed
* The class instance is shared
* - by multiple type systems
* - by multiple CASes (in a CAS pool, for instance, when these CASes are sharing the same type system).
* - by all views of those CASes.
* - by multiple different pipelines, built using the same merged type system instance
* - by non-built-in JCas classes, loaded under possibly different extension class loaders
* PEAR support
* Multiple PEAR contexts can be used.
* - hierarchy (each is parent of kind below
* -- UIMA core class loader (built-ins, not redefinable by user JCas classes)
* --- a new limitation of UIMA V3 to allow sharing of built-in JCas classes, which also
* have custom impl, and don't fit the model used for PEAR Trampolines
* -- outer (non Pear) class loader (optional, known as base extension class loader)
* --- possible multiple, for different AE pipelines
* -- Within PEAR class loader
* - when running within a PEAR, operations which return Feature Structures potentially return
* JCas instances of classes loaded from the Pear's class loader.
* - These instances share the same int[] and Object[] and _typeImpl and _casView refs with the outer class loader's FS
* Timing / life cycle
* Built-in classes loaded and initialized at first type system commit time.
* non-pear classes loaded and initialized at type system commit time (if not already loaded)
* - special checks for conformability if some types loaded later, due to requirements for computing feature offsets at load time
* pear classes loaded and initialized at first entry to Pear, for a given type system and class loader.
* At typeSystemCommit time, this class is created and initialized:
* - The built-in JCas types are loaded
* - The user-defined non-PEAR JCas classes are loaded (not lazy, but eager), provided the type system is a new one.
* (If the type system is "equal" to an existing committed one, that one is used instead).
* -- User classes defined with the name of UIMA types, but which are not JCas definitions, are not used as
* JCas types. This permits uses cases where users define a class which (perhaps at a later integration time)
* has the same name as a UIMA type, but is not a JCas class.
* -- These classes, once loaded, remain loaded because of Java's design, unless the ClassLoader
* used to load them is Garbage Collected.
* --- The ClassLoader used is the CAS's JCasClassLoader, set from the UIMA Extension class loader if specified.
* Assigning slots for features:
* - each type being loaded runs static final initializers to set for (a subset of) all features the offset
* in the int or ref storage arrays for those values.
* - These call a static method in JCasRegistry: register[Int/Ref]Feature, which assigns the next available slot
* via accessing/updating a thread local instance of TypeSystemImpl.SlotAllocate.
public abstract class FSClassRegistry { // abstract to prevent instantiating; this class only has static methods
// Used for the built-ins.
private static final MethodHandles.Lookup defaultLookup = MethodHandles.lookup();
private static MethodHandles.Lookup lookup;
private static final MethodType findConstructorJCasCoverType = methodType(void.class, TypeImpl.class, CASImpl.class);
// private static final MethodType findConstructorJCasCoverTypeArray = methodType(void.class, TypeImpl.class, CASImpl.class, int.class);
* The callsite has the return type, followed by capture arguments
private static final MethodType callsiteFsGenerator = methodType(FsGenerator3.class);
// private static final MethodType callsiteFsGeneratorArray = methodType(FsGeneratorArray.class); // NO LONGER USED
private static final MethodType fsGeneratorType = methodType(TOP.class, TypeImpl.class, CASImpl.class);
// private static final MethodType fsGeneratorArrayType = methodType(TOP.class, TypeImpl.class, CASImpl.class, int.class); // NO LONGER USED
static private class ErrorReport {
final Exception e;
final boolean doThrow;
ErrorReport(Exception e, boolean doThrow) {
this.e = e;
this.doThrow = doThrow;
// must precede first (static) use
static private ThreadLocal<List<ErrorReport>> errorSet = new ThreadLocal<>();
* One instance per JCas Class per class loader
* Created when potentially loading JCas classes.
* Entries kept in potentially multiple global static hashmap, typename (string)
* - one hashmap per classloader
* Entries reused potentially by multiple type systems.
* Info used for identifying the target of a "new" operator - could be generator for superclass.
* One entry per defined JCas class per classloader; no instance if no JCas class is defined.
public static class JCasClassInfo {
final FsGenerator3 generator;
* The corresponding loaded JCas Class
final Class<?> jcasClass;
* NOT the TypeCode, but instead, the unique int assigned to the JCas class
* when it gets loaded
* Might be -1 if the JCasClassInfo instance is for a non-JCas instantiable type
final int jcasType;
JCasClassInfo(Class<?> jcasClass, FsGenerator3 generator, int jcasType) {
this.generator = generator;
this.jcasClass = jcasClass;
this.jcasType = jcasType; // typeId for jcas class, **NOT Typecode**
// System.out.println("debug create jcci, class = " + jcasClass.getName() + ", typeint = " + jcasType);
boolean isCopydown(TypeImpl ti) {
return isCopydown(Misc.typeName2ClassName(ti.getName()));
boolean isCopydown(String jcasClassName) {
return !jcasClass.getCanonicalName().equals(jcasClassName);
boolean isPearOverride(ClassLoader cl) {
return jcasClass.getClassLoader().equals(cl);
* Map from class loaders used to load JCas Classes, both PEAR and non-Pear cases, to JCasClassInfo for that loaded JCas class instance.
* Key is JCas fully qualified name (not UIMA type name).
* Is String, since different type systems may use the same JCas classes.
* Cache of FsGenerator[]s kept in TypeSystemImpl instance, since it depends on type codes.
* Current FsGenerator[] kept in CASImpl shared view data, switched as needed for PEARs.
private static final Map<ClassLoader, Map<String, JCasClassInfo>> cl2type2JCas = new IdentityHashMap<>();
* precomputed generators for built-in types
* These instances are shared for all type systems
* Key = index = typecode
private static final JCasClassInfo[] jcasClassesInfoForBuiltins;
static {
TypeSystemImpl tsi = TypeSystemImpl.staticTsi;
jcasClassesInfoForBuiltins = new JCasClassInfo[tsi.getTypeArraySize()];
lookup = defaultLookup;
// walk in subsumption order, supertype before subtype
// Class loader used for builtins is the UIMA framework's class loader
loadBuiltins(tsi.topType, tsi.getClass().getClassLoader());
private static void loadBuiltins(TypeImpl ti, ClassLoader cl) {
String typeName = ti.getName();
if (BuiltinTypeKinds.creatableBuiltinJCas.contains(typeName) || typeName.equals(CAS.TYPE_NAME_SOFA)) {
Class<?> builtinClass = maybeLoadJCas(ti, cl);
assert (builtinClass != null); // builtin types must be present
// copy down to subtypes, if needed, done later
int jcasType = Misc.getStaticIntFieldNoInherit(builtinClass, "typeIndexID");
JCasClassInfo jcasClassInfo = createJCasClassInfo(builtinClass, ti, jcasType);
jcasClassesInfoForBuiltins[ti.getCode()] = jcasClassInfo;
for (TypeImpl subType : ti.getDirectSubtypes()) {
loadBuiltins(subType, cl);
* Load JCas types for some combination of class loader and type system
* These classes may have already been loaded for this type system
* These classes may have already been loaded (perhaps for another type system)
* @param ts
* @param isDoUserJCasLoading
* @param cl
static void loadAtTypeSystemCommitTime(TypeSystemImpl ts, boolean isDoUserJCasLoading, ClassLoader cl) {
boolean alreadyLoaded = false;
Map<String, JCasClassInfo> t2jcci;
synchronized (cl2type2JCas) {
t2jcci = cl2type2JCas.get(cl);
if (null == t2jcci) {
t2jcci = new HashMap<>();
cl2type2JCas.put(cl, t2jcci);
} else {
alreadyLoaded = true;
* copy in built-ins
* update t2jcci (if not already loaded) with load info for type
* update type system's map from unique JCasID to the type in this type system
lookup = defaultLookup;
for (int typecode = 1; typecode < jcasClassesInfoForBuiltins.length; typecode++) {
JCasClassInfo jcci = jcasClassesInfoForBuiltins[typecode];
if (jcci != null) {
Class<?> jcasClass = jcci.jcasClass;
if (!alreadyLoaded) {
t2jcci.put(jcasClass.getCanonicalName(), jcci);
setTypeFromJCasIDforBuiltIns(jcci, ts, typecode);
* Add all user-defined JCas Types, in subsumption order
* We add these now, in case JCas is turned on later - unless specifically
* specified to run without user-defined JCas loading
if (isDoUserJCasLoading) {
* Two passes are needed loading is needed.
* - The first one loads the JCas Cover Classes initializes everything
* -- some of the classes might already be loaded (including the builtins which are loaded once per class loader)
* - The second pass performs the conformance checks between the loaded JCas cover classes, and the current type system.
* This depends on having the TypeImpl's javaClass field be accurate (reflect any loaded JCas types)
try {
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(UIMAClassLoader.MHLC, true, cl);
Method m = clazz.getMethod("getMethodHandlesLookup");
lookup = (Lookup) m.invoke(null);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new UIMARuntimeException(e, UIMARuntimeException.INTERNAL_ERROR);
maybeLoadJCasAndSubtypes(ts, ts.topType, t2jcci.get(TOP.class.getCanonicalName()), cl, t2jcci);
checkConformance(ts, ts.topType, t2jcci);
private static void setTypeFromJCasIDforBuiltIns(JCasClassInfo jcci, TypeSystemImpl tsi, int typeCode) {
int v = jcci.jcasType;
// v is negative if not found, which is the case for types like FloatList (these can't be instantiated)
if (v >= 0) {
tsi.setJCasRegisteredType(v, tsi.getTypeForCode(typeCode));
* Called for all the types, including the built-ins, but the built-ins have already been set up by the caller.
* Saves the results in two places
* type system independent spot: JCasClassInfo instance indexed by JCasClassName
* type system spot: the JCasIndexID -> type table in the type system
* @param ts the type system
* @param ti the type to process
* @param copyDownDefault_jcasClassInfo
* @param cl the loader used to load, and to save the results under the key of the class loader the results
* @param type2JCas map holding the results of loading JCas classes
private static void maybeLoadJCasAndSubtypes(
TypeSystemImpl ts,
TypeImpl ti,
JCasClassInfo copyDownDefault_jcasClassInfo,
ClassLoader cl,
Map<String, JCasClassInfo> type2JCas) {
String t2jcciKey = Misc.typeName2ClassName(ti.getName());
JCasClassInfo jcci = type2JCas.get(t2jcciKey);
boolean isCopyDown = true;
if (jcci == null) {
// not yet recorded as loaded under this class loader.
Class<?> clazz = maybeLoadJCas(ti, cl);
if (null != clazz && TOP.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
int jcasType = -1;
if (!Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.getModifiers())) { // skip next for abstract classes
jcasType = Misc.getStaticIntFieldNoInherit(clazz, "typeIndexID");
// if jcasType is negative, this means there's no value for this field
assert(jcasType >= 0);
jcci = createJCasClassInfo(clazz, ti, jcasType);
isCopyDown = false;
if (clazz != TOP.class) { // TOP has no super class
validateSuperClass(jcci, ti);
} else {
jcci = copyDownDefault_jcasClassInfo;
type2JCas.put(t2jcciKey, jcci);
} else {
// this UIMA type was set up (maybe loaded, maybe defaulted to a copy-down) previously
isCopyDown = jcci.isCopydown(t2jcciKey);
if (isCopyDown) {
// the "stored" version might have the wrong super class for this type system
type2JCas.put(t2jcciKey, jcci = copyDownDefault_jcasClassInfo);
} else if (!ti.isTopType()) {
// strong test for non-copy-down case: supertype must match, with 2 exceptions
validateSuperClass(jcci, ti);
// this is done even after the class is first loaded, in case the type system changed.
// don't set anything if copy down - otherwise was setting the copyed-down typeId ref to the
// new ti
// System.out.println("debug set jcas regisered type " + jcci.jcasType + ", type = " + ti.getName());
if (jcci.jcasType >= 0 && ! isCopyDown) {
ts.setJCasRegisteredType(jcci.jcasType, ti);
if (!ti.isPrimitive()) { // bypass this for primitives because the jcasClassInfo is the "inherited one" of TOP
* Note: this value sets into the shared TypeImpl (maybe shared among many JCas impls) the "latest" jcasClass
* It is "read" by the conformance testing, while still under the type system lock.
* Other uses of this may get an arbitrary (the latest) version of the class
* Currently the only other use is in backwards compatibility with low level type system "switching" an existing type.
for (TypeImpl subtype : ti.getDirectSubtypes()) {
maybeLoadJCasAndSubtypes(ts, subtype, jcci, cl, type2JCas);
private static String superTypeJCasName(TypeImpl ti) {
return Misc.typeName2ClassName(ti.getSuperType().getName());
* verify that the supertype class chain matches the type
* @param clazz -
* @param ti -
private static void validateSuperClass(JCasClassInfo jcci, TypeImpl ti) {
final Class<?> clazz = jcci.jcasClass;
if (! clazz.getSuperclass().getCanonicalName().equals(superTypeJCasName(ti))) {
/** Special case exceptions */
TypeImpl superti = ti.getSuperType();
TypeSystemImpl tsi = ti.getTypeSystem();
if (superti == tsi.arrayBaseType ||
superti == tsi.listBaseType) return;
/** The JCas class: "{0}" has supertype: "{1}" which doesn''t match the UIMA type "{2}"''s supertype "{3}". */
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.JCAS_MISMATCH_SUPERTYPE,
* Called to load (if possible) a corresponding JCas class for a UIMA type.
* Called at Class Init time for built-in types
* Called at TypeSystemCommit for non-built-in types
* Runs the static initializers in the loaded JCas classes - doing resolve
* Synchronization: done outside this class
* @param typeName -
* @param cl the class loader to use
* @return the loaded / resolved class
private static Class<?> maybeLoadJCas(TypeImpl ti, ClassLoader cl) {
Class<?> clazz = null;
String className = Misc.typeName2ClassName(ti.getName());
try {
clazz = Class.forName(className, true, cl);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// This is normal, if there is no JCas for this class
} finally {
return clazz;
* Return a Functional Interface for a generator for creating instances of a type.
* Function takes a casImpl arg, and returning an instance of the JCas type.
* @param jcasClass the class of the JCas type to construct
* @param typeImpl the UIMA type
* @return a Functional Interface whose createFS method takes a casImpl
* and when subsequently invoked, returns a new instance of the class
private static FsGenerator3 createGenerator(Class<?> jcasClass) {
try {
MethodHandle mh = lookup.findConstructor(jcasClass, findConstructorJCasCoverType);
MethodType mtThisGenerator = methodType(jcasClass, TypeImpl.class, CASImpl.class);
CallSite callSite = LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(
lookup, // lookup context for the constructor
"createFS", // name of the method in the Function Interface
callsiteFsGenerator, // signature of callsite, return type is functional interface, args are captured args if any
fsGeneratorType, // samMethodType signature and return type of method impl by function object
mh, // method handle to constructor
return (FsGenerator3) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact();
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (e instanceof NoSuchMethodException) {
String classname = jcasClass.getName();
add2errors(errorSet, new CASRuntimeException(e, CASRuntimeException.JCAS_CAS_NOT_V3,
jcasClass.getClassLoader().getResource(classname.replace('.', '/') + ".class").toString()
return null;
throw new UIMARuntimeException(e, UIMARuntimeException.INTERNAL_ERROR);
// /**
// * Return a Functional Interface for a getter for getting the value of a feature,
// * called by APIs using the non-JCas style of access via features,
// * but accessing the values via the JCas cover class getter methods.
// *
// * The caller of these methods is the FeatureStructureImplC methods.
// *
// * There are these return values:
// * boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, double, String, FeatureStructure
// *
// */
// // static for setting up builtin values
// private static Object createGetterOrSetter(Class<?> jcasClass, FeatureImpl fi, boolean isGetter, boolean ncnj) {
// TypeImpl range = fi.getRangeImpl();
// String name = ncnj ? ("_" + fi.getGetterSetterName(isGetter) + "NcNj")
// : fi.getGetterSetterName(isGetter);
// try {
// /* get an early-bound getter
// /* Instead of findSpecial, we use findVirtual, in case the method is overridden by a subtype loaded later */
// MethodHandle mh = lookup.findVirtual(
// jcasClass, // class having the method code for the getter
// name, // the name of the method for the getter or setter
// isGetter ? methodType(range.javaClass)
// : methodType(void.class, range.javaClass) // return value, e.g. int.class, xyz.class, FeatureStructureImplC.class
// );
// // getter methodtype is return_type, FeatureStructure.class
// // return_type is int, byte, etc. primitive (except string/substring), or
// // object (to correspond with erasure)
// // setter methodtype is void.class, FeatureStructure.class, javaclass
// MethodType mhMt = isGetter ? methodType(range.getJavaPrimitiveClassOrObject(), FeatureStructureImplC.class)
// : methodType(void.class, FeatureStructureImplC.class, range.getJavaPrimitiveClassOrObject());
// MethodType iMt = isGetter ? methodType(range.javaClass, jcasClass)
// : methodType(void.class, jcasClass, range.javaClass);
//// System.out.format("mh method type for %s method %s is %s%n",
//// jcasClass.getSimpleName(),
//// fi.getGetterSetterName(isGetter),
//// mhMt);
// CallSite callSite = LambdaMetafactory.metafactory(
// lookup, // lookup context for the getter
// isGetter ? "get" : "set", // name of the method in the Function Interface
// methodType(isGetter ? range.getter_funct_intfc_class : range.setter_funct_intfc_class), // callsite signature = just the functional interface return value
// mhMt, // samMethodType signature and return type of method impl by function object
// mh, // method handle to constructor
// iMt);
// if (range.getJavaClass() == boolean.class) {
// return isGetter ? (JCas_getter_boolean) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact()
// : (JCas_setter_boolean) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact();
// } else if (range.getJavaClass() == byte.class) {
// return isGetter ? (JCas_getter_byte) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact()
// : (JCas_setter_byte) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact();
// } else if (range.getJavaClass() == short.class) {
// return isGetter ? (JCas_getter_short) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact()
// : (JCas_setter_short) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact();
// } else if (range.getJavaClass() == int.class) {
// return isGetter ? (JCas_getter_int) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact()
// : (JCas_setter_int) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact();
// } else if (range.getJavaClass() == long.class) {
// return isGetter ? (JCas_getter_long) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact()
// : (JCas_setter_long) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact();
// } else if (range.getJavaClass() == float.class) {
// return isGetter ? (JCas_getter_float) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact()
// : (JCas_setter_float) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact();
// } else if (range.getJavaClass() == double.class) {
// return isGetter ? (JCas_getter_double) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact()
// : (JCas_setter_double) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact();
// } else {
// return isGetter ? (JCas_getter_generic<?>) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact()
// : (JCas_setter_generic<?>) callSite.getTarget().invokeExact();
// }
// } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// if ((jcasClass == Sofa.class && !isGetter) ||
// (jcasClass == AnnotationBase.class && !isGetter)) {
// return null;
// }
// // report missing setter or getter
// /* Unable to find required {0} method for JCAS type {1} with {2} type of {3}. */
// CASException casEx = new CASException(CASException.JCAS_GETTER_SETTER_MISSING,
// name,
// jcasClass.getName(),
// isGetter ? "return" : "argument",
// range.javaClass.getName()
// );
// ArrayList<Exception> es = errorSet.get();
// if (es == null) {
// es = new ArrayList<Exception>();
// errorSet.set(es);
// }
// es.add(casEx);
// return null;
// } catch (Throwable e) {
// throw new UIMARuntimeException(e, UIMARuntimeException.INTERNAL_ERROR);
// }
// }
// GetterSetter getGetterSetter(int typecode, String featShortName) {
// return jcasClassesInfo[typecode].gettersAndSetters.get(featShortName);
// }
// static for setting up static builtin values
* Called after succeeding at loading, once per load for an exact matching JCas Class
* - class was already checked to insure is of proper type for JCas
* - skips creating-generator-for-Sofa - since "new Sofa(...)" is not a valid way to create a sofa
* @param jcasClass the JCas class that corresponds to the type
* @param ti the type
* @return the info for this JCas that is shared across all type systems under this class loader
private static JCasClassInfo createJCasClassInfo(Class<?> jcasClass, TypeImpl ti, int jcasType) {
boolean noGenerator = ti.getCode() == TypeSystemConstants.sofaTypeCode ||
Modifier.isAbstract(jcasClass.getModifiers()) ||
FsGenerator3 generator = noGenerator ? null : createGenerator(jcasClass);
JCasClassInfo jcasClassInfo = new JCasClassInfo(jcasClass, generator, jcasType);
// System.out.println("debug creating jcci, classname = " + jcasClass.getName() + ", jcasTypeNumber: " + jcasType);
return jcasClassInfo;
// static boolean isFieldInClass(Feature feat, Class<?> clazz) {
// try {
// return null != clazz.getDeclaredField("_FI_" + feat.getShortName());
// } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
// return false;
// }
// }
private static void checkConformance(TypeSystemImpl ts, TypeImpl ti, Map<String, JCasClassInfo> type2jcci) {
if (ti.isPrimitive()) return;
JCasClassInfo jcasClassInfo = type2jcci.get(ti.getName());
if (null != jcasClassInfo) { // skip if the UIMA class has an abstract (non-creatable) JCas class)
checkConformance(jcasClassInfo.jcasClass, ts, ti, type2jcci);
for (TypeImpl subtype : ti.getDirectSubtypes()) {
checkConformance(ts, subtype, type2jcci);
* Checks that a JCas class definition conforms to the current type in the current type system.
* Checks that the superclass chain contains some match to the super type chain.
* Checks that the return value for the getters for features matches the feature's range.
* Checks that static _FI_xxx values from the JCas class == the adjusted feature offsets in the type system
* @param clazz - the JCas class to check
* @param tsi -
* @param ti -
private static void checkConformance(Class<?> clazz, TypeSystemImpl tsi, TypeImpl ti, Map<String, JCasClassInfo> type2jcci) {
// skip the test if the jcasClassInfo is being inherited
// because that has already been checked
if (!clazz.getName().equals(Misc.typeName2ClassName(ti.getName()))) {
// check supertype
// one of the supertypes must match a superclass of the class
boolean isOk = false;
List<Class<?>> superClasses = new ArrayList<>();
for (TypeImpl superType : ti.getAllSuperTypes()) {
JCasClassInfo jci = type2jcci.get(superType.getName());
if (jci == null) continue;
Class<?> superClass = clazz.getSuperclass();
while (superClass != FeatureStructureImplC.class && superClass != Object.class) {
if (jci.jcasClass == superClass) {
isOk = true;
break outer;
superClass = superClass.getSuperclass();
if (!isOk && superClasses.size() > 0) {
/** JCas Class's supertypes for "{0}", "{1}" and the corresponding UIMA Supertypes for "{2}", "{3}" don't have an intersection. */
new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.JCAS_CAS_MISMATCH_SUPERTYPE,
clazz.getName(), Misc.ppList(superClasses), ti.getName(), Misc.ppList(Arrays.asList(ti.getAllSuperTypes()))),
true); // throwable error
// the range of all the features must match the getters
for (Method m : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) {
String mname = m.getName();
if (mname.length() <= 3 || !mname.startsWith("get")) continue;
String suffix = (mname.length() == 4) ? "" : mname.substring(4);
String fname = Character.toLowerCase(mname.charAt(3)) + suffix;
FeatureImpl fi = ti.getFeatureByBaseName(fname);
if (fi == null) {
fname = mname.charAt(3) + suffix;
fi = ti.getFeatureByBaseName(fname);
if (fi == null) continue;
// have the feature, check the range
Class<?> returnClass = m.getReturnType(); // for primitive, is int.class, etc.
TypeImpl range = fi.getRangeImpl();
Class<?> rangeClass = range.getJavaClass();
if (fi.getRangeImpl().isArray()) {
Parameter[] p = m.getParameters();
if (p.length == 1 && p[0].getType() == int.class) {
rangeClass = range.getComponentType().getJavaClass();
if (!rangeClass.isAssignableFrom(returnClass)) { // can return subclass of TOP, OK if range is TOP
if (rangeClass.getName().equals("org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.Sofa") && // exception: for backwards compat reasons, sofaRef returns SofaFS, not Sofa.
returnClass.getName().equals("org.apache.uima.cas.SofaFS")) {
// empty
} else {
/** CAS type system type "{0}" defines field "{1}" with range "{2}", but JCas getter method is returning "{3}" which is not a subtype of the declared range.*/
new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.JCAS_TYPE_RANGE_MISMATCH,
ti.getName(), fi.getShortName(), rangeClass, returnClass),
false); // should throw, but some code breaks!
for (Field f : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) {
String fname = f.getName();
if (fname.length() <= 5 || !fname.startsWith("_FI_")) continue;
String featName = fname.substring(4);
FeatureImpl fi = ti.getFeatureByBaseName(featName);
if (fi == null) {
new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.JCAS_FIELD_MISSING_IN_TYPE_SYSTEM, clazz.getName(), featName),
false); // don't throw on this error, field is set to -1 and will throw if trying to use it
} else {
int staticOffsetInClass = Misc.getStaticIntFieldNoInherit(clazz, fname);
if (fi.getAdjustedOffset() != staticOffsetInClass) {
/** In JCAS class "{0}", UIMA field "{1}" was set up when this class was previously loaded and initialized, to have
* an adjusted offset of "{2}" but now the feature has a different adjusted offset of "{3}"; this may be due to
* something else other than type system commit actions loading and initializing the JCas class, or to
* having a different non-compatible type system for this class, trying to use a common JCas cover class, which is not supported. */
new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.JCAS_FIELD_ADJ_OFFSET_CHANGED,
staticOffsetInClass != -1); // throw unless static offset is -1, in that case, a runtime error will occur if it is usedd
private static void add2errors(ThreadLocal<List<ErrorReport>> errors, Exception e) {
add2errors(errors, e, true);
private static void add2errors(ThreadLocal<List<ErrorReport>> errors, Exception e, boolean doThrow) {
List<ErrorReport> es = errors.get();
if (es == null) {
es = new ArrayList<ErrorReport>();
es.add(new ErrorReport(e, doThrow));
private static void reportErrors() {
boolean throwWhenDone = false;
List<ErrorReport> es = errorSet.get();
if (es != null) {
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(100);
for (ErrorReport f : es) {
throwWhenDone = throwWhenDone || f.doThrow;
errorSet.set(null); // reset after reporting
if (throwWhenDone) {
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASException.JCAS_INIT_ERROR, msg);
} else {
Logger logger = UIMAFramework.getLogger();
if (null == logger) {
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASException.JCAS_INIT_ERROR, msg);
} else {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, msg.toString());
* called infrequently to set up cache
* Only called when a type system has not had generators for a particular class loader.
* For PEAR generators:
* Populates only for those classes the PEAR has overriding implementations
* - other entries are null; this serves as a boolean indicator that no pear override exists for that type
* and therefore no trampoline is needed
* @param cl identifies which set of jcas cover classes
* @param isPear true for pear case
* @param tsi the type system being used
* @return the generators for that set, as an array indexed by type code
static FsGenerator3[] getGeneratorsForClassLoader(ClassLoader cl, boolean isPear, TypeSystemImpl tsi) {
synchronized(cl2type2JCas) {
// This is the first time this class loader is being used - load the classes for this type system, or
// This is the first time this class loader is being used with this particular type system
loadAtTypeSystemCommitTime(tsi, true, cl);
FsGenerator3[] r = new FsGenerator3[tsi.getTypeArraySize()];
Map<String, JCasClassInfo> t2jcci = cl2type2JCas.get(cl);
// can't use values alone because many types have the same value (due to copy-down)
for (Entry<String, JCasClassInfo> e : t2jcci.entrySet()) {
TypeImpl ti = tsi.getType(Misc.javaClassName2UimaTypeName(e.getKey()));
if (null == ti) {
continue; // JCas loaded some type in the past, but it's not in this type system
JCasClassInfo jcci = e.getValue();
if (!isPear || jcci.isPearOverride(cl)) {
r[ti.getCode()] = (FsGenerator3) jcci.generator;
return r;
private static boolean isAllNull(FsGenerator3[] r) {
for (FsGenerator3 v : r) {
if (v != null)
return false;
return true;