blob: 4229fa3312ced8431b927c4462aa1936f3d4e9af [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_Int;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.apache.uima.UimaSerializable;
import org.apache.uima.cas.AbstractCas;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CASRuntimeException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CommonArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Marker;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.CASImpl.FsChange;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FSsTobeAddedback.FSsTobeAddedbackSingle;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Int2ObjHashMap;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntListIterator;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntVector;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Misc;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Obj2IntIdentityHashMap;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.BooleanArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.ByteArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.DoubleArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FloatArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.IntegerArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.LongArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.ShortArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.Sofa;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.StringArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException;
import org.apache.uima.util.CasIOUtils;
import org.apache.uima.util.impl.DataIO;
import org.apache.uima.util.impl.OptimizeStrings;
import org.apache.uima.util.impl.SerializationMeasures;
* User callable serialization and deserialization of the CAS in a compressed Binary Format
* This serializes/deserializes the state of the CAS, assuming that the type
* information remains constant.
* Header specifies to reader the format, and the compression level.
* How to Serialize:
* 1) create an instance of this class, specifying some options that don't change very much
* 2) call serialize(CAS) to serialize the cas *
* You can reuse the instance for a different CAS (as long as the type system is the same);
* this will save setup time.
* This class lazily constructs customized TypeInfo instances for each type encountered in serializing.
* These are preserved across multiple serialization calls, so their setup / initialization is only
* needed the first time.
* The form of the binary CAS is inserted at the beginning so that receivers can do the
* proper deserialization.
* Binary format requires that the exact same type system be used when deserializing
* How to Deserialize:
* 1) get an appropriate CAS to deserialize into. For delta CAS, it does not have to be empty.
* 2) call CASImpl: cas.reinit(inputStream) This is the existing method
* for binary deserialization, and it now handles this compressed version, too.
* Delta cas is also supported.
* Compression/Decompression
* Works in two stages:
* application of Zip/Unzip to particular sub-collections of CAS data,
* grouped according to similar data distribution
* collection of like kinds of data (to make the zipping more effective)
* There can be up to ~20 of these collections, such as
* control info, float-exponents, string chars
* Deserialization:
* Read all bytes,
* create separate ByteArrayInputStreams for each segment, sharing byte bfr
* create appropriate unzip data input streams for these
* Properties of Form 4:
* 1) (Change from V2) Indexes are used to determine what gets serialized, because there's no "heap" to walk.
* 2) The number used for references to FSs is a sequentially incrementing one, starting at 1
* This allows better compression.
public class BinaryCasSerDes4 implements SlotKindsConstants {
private static final boolean TRACE_SER = false;
private static final boolean TRACE_DES = false;
private static final boolean TRACE_DOUBLE = false;
// private static final boolean TRACE_INT = false;
public static final int TYPECODE_COMPR = 8;
// public static final boolean CHANGE_FS_REFS_TO_SEQUENTIAL = true; // currently unreferenced
// may add more later - to specify differing trade-offs between speed and compression
public enum Compression {None, Compress};
public static final boolean IS_DIFF_ENCODE = true;
public static final boolean CAN_BE_NEGATIVE = true;
public static final boolean IGNORED = true;
public static final boolean IN_MAIN_HEAP = true;
* The kinds of slots that can exist
* an index for getting type-code specific values,
* flag - whether or not they should be diff encoded
* flag - if they can be negative (and need their sign moved)
* Some are real slots in the heap; others are descriptions of
* parts of values, eg. float exponent
* Difference encoding costs 1 bit.
* Measurements show it can lessen zip's effectiveness
* (especially for single byte values (?)),
* probably because it causes more dispersion in
* the value kinds.
* Because of this 2-fold cost (1 bit and less zip),
* differencing being tried only for multi-byte
* values (short, int, long), and heap refs
* - for array values, diff is with prev array value
* (for 1st value in array, diff is with prev FeatureStructure
* of the same type in the heap's 1st value if it exists
* - for non-array values or 1st array value, diff is with
* prev heap value for same type in heap
* Not done for float parts - exponent too short, and
* mantissa too random.
* CanBeNegative
* Many values are only positive e.g., array lengths
* Some values can be negative
* (all difference-encoded things can be negative)
* Represent as 1 bit + positive number, sign bit in
* least sig. bit position. This allows the
* bits to cluster closer to 0 on the positive side,
* which can make for fewer bytes to represent the number.
* Compression alternatives
public enum CompressLevel {
None( Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION),
Fast( Deflater.BEST_SPEED),
final public int lvl;
CompressLevel(int lvl) {
this.lvl = lvl;
public enum CompressStrat {
Default( Deflater.DEFAULT_STRATEGY),
Filtered( Deflater.FILTERED),
HuffmanOnly( Deflater.HUFFMAN_ONLY),
final public int strat;
CompressStrat(int strat) {
this.strat = strat;
// /**
// * Define all the slot kinds.
// */
// public enum SlotKind {
// // the next are not actual slot kinds, but instead
// // are codes used to control encoding of Floats and Doubles.
// Slot_Float_Mantissa_Sign( ! IS_DIFF_ENCODE, CAN_BE_NEGATIVE, 0, !IN_MAIN_HEAP),
// // exponent is 8 bits, and shifted in the expectation
// // that many values may be between 1 and 0 (e.g., normalized values)
// // -- so sign moving is needed
// Slot_Float_Exponent( ! IS_DIFF_ENCODE, CAN_BE_NEGATIVE, 0, !IN_MAIN_HEAP),
// Slot_Double_Mantissa_Sign(! IS_DIFF_ENCODE, CAN_BE_NEGATIVE, 0, !IN_MAIN_HEAP),
// Slot_Double_Exponent( ! IS_DIFF_ENCODE, CAN_BE_NEGATIVE, 0, !IN_MAIN_HEAP),
// Slot_StrChars( IGNORED, IGNORED, 2, !IN_MAIN_HEAP),
// Slot_Control( IGNORED, IGNORED, 0, !IN_MAIN_HEAP),
// // the next slots are not serialized
// // next used to capture original heap size
// Slot_MainHeap( IGNORED, IGNORED, 4, !IN_MAIN_HEAP),
// //TODO fix this
// ;
// public final int i;
// public final boolean isDiffEncode;
// public final boolean canBeNegative;
// public final boolean inMainHeap;
// public final int elementSize;
// public static final int NBR_SLOT_KIND_ZIP_STREAMS;
// static {NBR_SLOT_KIND_ZIP_STREAMS = Slot_StrRef.i;}
// SlotKind(boolean isDiffEncode,
// boolean canBeNegative,
// int elementSize,
// boolean inMainHeap) {
// this.i = this.ordinal();
// this.isDiffEncode = isDiffEncode;
// this.canBeNegative = isDiffEncode ? true : canBeNegative;
// this.elementSize = elementSize;
// this.inMainHeap = inMainHeap;
// }
// }
* Things set up for one instance of this class, and
* reuse-able
final private TypeSystemImpl ts;
final private boolean doMeasurements;
final TypeImpl fsArrayType;
* Things shared between serialization and deserialization
// speedups
// final private static int arrayLength_i = Slot_ArrayLength.i;
// final private static int heapRef_i = Slot_HeapRef.i;
// final private static int int_i = Slot_Int.i;
// final private static int byte_i = Slot_Byte.ordinal();
// final private static int short_i = Slot_Short.i;
// final private static int typeCode_i = Slot_TypeCode.i;
// final private static int strOffset_i = Slot_StrOffset.i;
// final private static int strLength_i = Slot_StrLength.i;
// final private static int long_High_i = Slot_Long_High.i;
// final private static int long_Low_i = Slot_Long_Low.i;
// final private static int float_Mantissa_Sign_i = Slot_Float_Mantissa_Sign.i;
// final private static int float_Exponent_i = Slot_Float_Exponent.i;
// final private static int double_Mantissa_Sign_i = Slot_Double_Mantissa_Sign.i;
// final private static int double_Exponent_i = Slot_Double_Exponent.i;
// final private static int fsIndexes_i = Slot_FsIndexes.i;
// final private static int strChars_i = Slot_StrChars.i;
// final private static int control_i = Slot_Control.i;
// final private static int strSeg_i = Slot_StrSeg.i;
* @param ts the type system
* @param doMeasurements - normally set this to false.
public BinaryCasSerDes4(TypeSystemImpl ts, boolean doMeasurements) {
this.ts = ts;
this.doMeasurements = doMeasurements;
this.fsArrayType = ts.fsArrayType;
* @param cas CAS to serialize
* @param out output object
* @param trackingMark tracking mark (for delta serialization)
* @param compressLevel -
* @param compressStrategy -
* @return null or serialization measurements (depending on setting of doMeasurements)
* @throws IOException if the marker is invalid
public SerializationMeasures serialize(AbstractCas cas, Object out, Marker trackingMark,
CompressLevel compressLevel, CompressStrat compressStrategy) throws IOException {
SerializationMeasures sm = (doMeasurements) ? new SerializationMeasures() : null;
CASImpl casImpl = (CASImpl) ((cas instanceof JCas) ? ((JCas)cas).getCas(): cas);
if (null != trackingMark && !trackingMark.isValid() ) {
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.INVALID_MARKER, "Invalid Marker.");
Serializer serializer = new Serializer(
casImpl, makeDataOutputStream(out), (MarkerImpl) trackingMark, sm,
compressLevel, compressStrategy, false);
return sm;
public void serializeWithTsi(CASImpl casImpl, Object out) throws IOException {
Serializer serializer = new Serializer(
casImpl, makeDataOutputStream(out), null, null, CompressLevel.Default, CompressStrat.Default, true);
public SerializationMeasures serialize(AbstractCas cas, Object out, Marker trackingMark,
CompressLevel compressLevel) throws IOException {
return serialize(cas, out,trackingMark, compressLevel, CompressStrat.Default);
public SerializationMeasures serialize(AbstractCas cas, Object out, Marker trackingMark) throws IOException {
return serialize(cas, out, trackingMark, CompressLevel.Default, CompressStrat.Default);
public SerializationMeasures serialize(AbstractCas cas, Object out) throws IOException {
return serialize(cas, out, null);
public void deserialize(CASImpl cas, InputStream deserIn, boolean isDelta, CommonSerDes.Header h) throws IOException {
DataInput in = (DataInput) deserIn;
Deserializer deserializer = new Deserializer(cas, in, isDelta);
* Class instantiated once per serialization
* Multiple serializations in parallel supported, with
* multiple instances of this
private class Serializer {
final private DataOutputStream serializedOut; // where to write out the serialized result
final private CASImpl baseCas; // cas being serialized
final private BinaryCasSerDes bcsd;
final private MarkerImpl mark; // the mark to serialize from
final private SerializationMeasures sm; // null or serialization measurements
final private ByteArrayOutputStream[] baosZipSources = new ByteArrayOutputStream[NBR_SLOT_KIND_ZIP_STREAMS]; // lazily created, indexed by SlotKind.i
final private DataOutputStream[] dosZipSources = new DataOutputStream[NBR_SLOT_KIND_ZIP_STREAMS]; // lazily created, indexed by SlotKind.i
// final private int[] heap; // main heap
/** start of heap, in v2 pseudo-addr coordinates */
private int heapStart;
/** end of heap, in v2 pseudo-addr coordinates = addr of last + length of last */
private int heapEnd;
// final private LongHeap longHeapObj;
// final private ShortHeap shortHeapObj;
// final private ByteHeap byteHeapObj;
final private boolean isDelta; // if true, there is a marker indicating the start spot(s)
final private boolean isTsi; // true to include the type system and indexes definition
final private boolean doMeasurement; // if true, doing measurements
// final private ComprItemRefs fsStartIndexes = (CHANGE_FS_REFS_TO_SEQUENTIAL) ? new ComprItemRefs() : null;
// final private int[] typeCodeHisto = new int[ts.getTypeArraySize()];
// final private Integer[] serializedTypeCode2Code = new Integer[ts.getTypeArraySize()]; // needs to be Integer to get comparator choice
// final private int[] estimatedZipSize = new int[NBR_SLOT_KIND_ZIP_STREAMS]; // one entry for each output stream kind
final private OptimizeStrings os;
final private CompressLevel compressLevel;
final private CompressStrat compressStrategy;
// private int iPrevHeap; // 0 or heap addr of previous instance of current type
* For differencing when reading and writing.
* Also used for arrays to difference the 0th element.
final private TOP prevFsByType[];
private TOP prevFs;
private boolean only1CommonString; // true if only one common string
// final private CommonCompressedSerialization ccs;
// speedups
// any use of these means caller handles measurement
// some of these are never used, because the current impl
// is using the _i form to get measurements done
// final private DataOutputStream arrayLength_dos;
// final private DataOutputStream heapRef_dos;
// final private DataOutputStream int_dos;
final private DataOutputStream byte_dos;
// final private DataOutputStream short_dos;
final private DataOutputStream typeCode_dos;
final private DataOutputStream strOffset_dos;
final private DataOutputStream strLength_dos;
// final private DataOutputStream long_High_dos;
// final private DataOutputStream long_Low_dos;
final private DataOutputStream float_Mantissa_Sign_dos;
final private DataOutputStream float_Exponent_dos;
final private DataOutputStream double_Mantissa_Sign_dos;
final private DataOutputStream double_Exponent_dos;
final private DataOutputStream fsIndexes_dos;
// final private DataOutputStream strChars_dos;
final private DataOutputStream control_dos;
final private DataOutputStream strSeg_dos;
final private CommonSerDesSequential csds;
* convert between FSs and "sequential" numbers
* This is for compression efficiency and also is needed for backwards compatibility with v2 serialization forms, where
* index information was written using "sequential" numbers
* Note: This may be identity map, but may not in the case for V3 where some FSs are GC'd
* Contrast with fs2addr and addr2fs in csds - these use the pseudo v2 addresses as the int
private final Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<TOP> fs2seq = new Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<TOP>(TOP.class, TOP._singleton);
// private final Int2ObjHashMap<TOP> seq2fs = new Int2ObjHashMap<>(TOP.class);
* @param cas -
* @param serializedOut -
* @param mark -
* @param sm -
* @param compressLevel -
* @param compressStrategy -
private Serializer(CASImpl cas, DataOutputStream serializedOut, MarkerImpl mark,
SerializationMeasures sm,
CompressLevel compressLevel,
CompressStrat compressStrategy,
boolean isTsi) {
this.baseCas = cas.getBaseCAS();
this.bcsd = cas.getBinaryCasSerDes();
this.isDelta = (mark != null);
// this.csds = getCsds(baseCas, isDelta);
// this.ccs = new CommonCompressedSerialization(
// new CommonSerDesTypeMap(cas.getTypeSystemImpl(), cas.getTypeSystemImpl()), // no type mapping
// mark);
this.serializedOut = serializedOut;
this.mark = mark; = sm;
this.compressLevel = compressLevel;
this.compressStrategy = compressStrategy;
this.isTsi = isTsi;
doMeasurement = (sm != null);
// heap = cas.getHeap().heap;
// heapEnd = cas.getHeap().getCellsUsed();
// stringHeapObj = cas.getStringHeap();
// longHeapObj = cas.getLongHeap();
// shortHeapObj = cas.getShortHeap();
// byteHeapObj = cas.getByteHeap();
os = new OptimizeStrings(doMeasurement);
BinaryCasSerDes6.setupOutputStreams(baseCas, baosZipSources, dosZipSources);
// arrayLength_dos = dosZipSources[arrayLength_i];
// heapRef_dos = dosZipSources[heapRef_i];
// int_dos = dosZipSources[int_i];
byte_dos = dosZipSources[byte_i];
// short_dos = dosZipSources[short_i];
typeCode_dos = dosZipSources[typeCode_i];
strOffset_dos = dosZipSources[strOffset_i];
strLength_dos = dosZipSources[strLength_i];
// long_High_dos = dosZipSources[long_High_i];
// long_Low_dos = dosZipSources[long_Low_i];
float_Mantissa_Sign_dos = dosZipSources[float_Mantissa_Sign_i];
float_Exponent_dos = dosZipSources[float_Exponent_i];
double_Mantissa_Sign_dos = dosZipSources[double_Mantissa_Sign_i];
double_Exponent_dos = dosZipSources[double_Exponent_i];
fsIndexes_dos = dosZipSources[fsIndexes_i];
// strChars_dos = dosZipSources[strChars_i];
control_dos = dosZipSources[control_i];
strSeg_dos = dosZipSources[strSeg_i];
this.prevFsByType = new TOP[ts.getTypeArraySize()];
csds = getCsds(baseCas, isDelta);
assert null != csds;
* Form 4 serialization is tied to the layout of V2 Feature Structures in heaps.
* It does not walk the indexes to serialize just those FSs that are reachable.
* For V3, it scans the CASImpl.id2fs information and serializes those (except those
* which have been GC'd). The seq numbers of the target incrementing sequentially will
* be different from the source id's if some FSs were GC'd.
* To determine for delta what new strings and new
* @throws IOException
private void serialize() throws IOException {
// if (doMeasurement) {
// System.out.println(printCasInfo(baseCas));
// sm.origAuxBytes = baseCas.getByteHeap().getSize();
// sm.origAuxShorts = baseCas.getShortHeap().getSize() * 2;
// sm.origAuxLongs = baseCas.getLongHeap().getSize() * 8;
// sm.totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// }
* Write standard header
.seqVer(2) // 0 - original, 1 - UIMA-4743, 2 - v3
if (isTsi) {
CasIOUtils.writeTypeSystem(baseCas, serializedOut, true);
if (TRACE_SER) System.out.println("Form4Ser start, delta: " + (isDelta ? "true" : "false"));
* Setup tables that map to v2 "addresses" - needed for backwards compatibility
* fs2addr - feature structure to address
* addr2fs - address to feature structure
* sortedFSs - sorted by addr (sorted by id)
final int origHeapEnd = (null == csds) ? 0 : csds.getHeapEnd();
if (isDelta) {
csds.setup(mark, origHeapEnd); // add additional above the line items to csds
} // otherwise was initialized when initially set up
* prepare fs < -- > seq maps
* done for entire cas (in the case of a mark)
// seq2fs.clear();
int seq = 1; // origin 1
final List<TOP> localSortedFSs = csds.getSortedFSs();
for (TOP fs : localSortedFSs) {
fs2seq.put(fs, seq++);
// seq2fs.put(seq++, fs);
if (fs instanceof UimaSerializable) {
List<TOP> newSortedFSs = CASImpl.filterAboveMark(csds.getSortedFSs(), mark); // returns all if mark not set
* Strings
* For delta, to determine "new" strings that should be serialized,
* use the same method as used in Binary (plain) serialization.
for (TOP fs : newSortedFSs) {
if (isDelta) {
FsChange[] fssModified = baseCas.getModifiedFSList();
// also add in all modified strings
for (FsChange fsChange : fssModified) {
if (fsChange.fs instanceof UimaSerializable) {
* Prepare to walk main heap
heapEnd = csds.getHeapEnd();
heapStart = isDelta ? origHeapEnd : 0;
// if (isDelta) {
// // edge case - delta serializing with no new fs
// heapStart = (null == firstFS) ? heapEnd : csds.fs2addr.get(firstFS);
// } else {
// heapStart = 0; // not 1, in order to match v2 semantics
// // is switched to 1 later
// }
// if (isDelta) {
// // debug
// for (TOP fs : csds.sortedFSs) {
// System.out.format("debug heapAddr: %,d type: %s%n", csds.fs2addr.get(fs), fs._getTypeImpl().getShortName());
// if (csds.fs2addr.get(fs) == 439) {
// System.out.println("debug");
// }
// }
// System.out.format("debug End of debug scan, heapStart: %,d heapEnd: %,d%n%n", heapStart, heapEnd);
// }
if (TRACE_SER) System.out.println("Form4Ser heapstart: " + heapStart + " heapEnd: " + heapEnd);
writeVnumber(control_dos, heapEnd - heapStart); // used for delta heap size to grow the CAS and ending condition on deser loop
if (TRACE_SER) System.out.println("Form4Ser heapstart: " + heapStart + " heapEnd: " + heapEnd);
Arrays.fill(prevFsByType, null);
// if (heapStart == 0) {
// heapStart = 1; // slot 0 not serialized, it's null / 0
// }
// scan thru all fs and save their offsets in the heap
// to allow conversion from addr to sequential fs numbers
// initFsStartIndexes(fsStartIndexes, heap, heapStart, heapEnd, typeCodeHisto);
* walk all fs's
* For delta, just those above the line
for (TOP fs : newSortedFSs) {
if (TRACE_SER) System.out.println("Form4Ser writing index info");
if (isDelta) {
if (TRACE_SER) System.out.println("Form4Ser writing modified FSs");
(new SerializeModifiedFSs(csds)).serializeModifiedFSs();
if (doMeasurement) {
sm.totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - sm.totalTime;
* Write the compressed string table(s)
* @throws IOException
private void writeStringInfo() throws IOException {
String [] commonStrings = os.getCommonStrings();
writeVnumber(strChars_i, commonStrings.length);
DataOutputStream out = dosZipSources[strChars_i];
for (int i = 0; i < commonStrings.length; i++) {
int startPos = doMeasurements ? out.size() : 0;
DataIO.writeUTFv(commonStrings[i], out);
// approximate histogram
if (doMeasurements) {
// len is utf-8 encoding
float len = out.size() - startPos;
// if len == chars, then all got coded as 1 byte
// if len > chars, some were utf-8 coded as 2 bytes
float excess = (len / commonStrings[i].length()) - 1; // excess over length 1
int encAs2 = (int)(excess * commonStrings[i].length());
// simulate histo for all the chars, as 1 or 2 byte UTF8 encoding
sm.statDetails[strChars_i].countTotal += commonStrings[i].length(); // total chars accum
sm.statDetails[strChars_i].c[0] = commonStrings[i].length() - encAs2;
sm.statDetails[strChars_i].c[1] = encAs2;
sm.statDetails[strChars_i].lengthTotal += len; // total as UTF-8 encode
only1CommonString = commonStrings.length == 1;
if (doMeasurements) {
// long commonStringsLength = 0;
// sm.stringsNbrCommon = commonStrings.length;
// int r = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < commonStrings.length; i++) {
// r += DataIO.lengthUTFv(commonStrings[i]);
// commonStringsLength += commonStrings[i].length();
// }
// sm.stringsCommonChars = r;
// sm.stringsSavedExact = os.getSavedCharsExact() * 2;
// sm.stringsSavedSubstr = os.getSavedCharsSubstr() * 2;
// sm.statDetails[strChars_i].original = os.getSavedCharsExact() * 2
// + os.getSavedCharsSubstr() * 2
// + commonStringsLength * 2;
// final int stringHeapStart = isSerializingDelta ? mark.nextFSId : 1;
// final int stringHeapEnd = stringHeapObj.getSize();
// sm.statDetails[strLength_i].original = (stringHeapEnd - stringHeapStart) * 4;
// sm.statDetails[strOffset_i].original = (stringHeapEnd - stringHeapStart) * 4;
private void writeFs(TOP fs) throws IOException {
TypeImpl type = fs._getTypeImpl();
int typeCode = type.getCode();
writeVnumber(typeCode_dos, typeCode);
prevFs = prevFsByType[typeCode];
if (type.isArray()) {
} else {
for (FeatureImpl feat : type.getFeatureImpls()) {
serializeByKind(fs, feat);
prevFsByType[typeCode] = fs;
// if (doMeasurement) {
// sm.statDetails[typeCode_i].incr(DataIO.lengthVnumber(tCode));
// sm.mainHeapFSs ++;
// }
private void serializeIndexedFeatureStructures(final CommonSerDesSequential csds) throws IOException {
// fsIndexes already have the modelled address conversion
int[] fsIndexes = isDelta ? bcsd.getDeltaIndexedFSs(mark, csds.fs2addr) : bcsd.getIndexedFSs(csds.fs2addr);
if (doMeasurement) {
sm.statDetails[fsIndexes_i].original = fsIndexes.length * 4 + 1;
int nbrViews = fsIndexes[0];
int nbrSofas = fsIndexes[1];
writeVnumber(control_i, nbrViews);
writeVnumber(control_i, nbrSofas);
if (doMeasurement) {
sm.statDetails[fsIndexes_i].incr(1); // an approximation - probably correct
int fi = 2;
final int end1 = nbrSofas + 2;
for (; fi < end1; fi++) {
writeVnumber(control_i, fsIndexes[fi]);
if (doMeasurement) {
for (int vi = 0; vi < nbrViews; vi++) {
fi = compressFsxPart(fsIndexes, fi, csds); // added FSs
if (isDelta) {
fi = compressFsxPart(fsIndexes, fi, csds); // removed FSs
fi = compressFsxPart(fsIndexes, fi, csds); // reindexed FSs
private int compressFsxPart(int[] fsIndexes, int fsNdxStart, final CommonSerDesSequential csds) throws IOException {
int ix = fsNdxStart;
final int nbrEntries = fsIndexes[ix++];
final int end = ix + nbrEntries;
writeVnumber(fsIndexes_dos, nbrEntries); // number of entries
if (doMeasurement) {
final int[] ia = new int[nbrEntries];
for (int i = ix, t = 0; i < end; i++, t++) {
ia[t] = fs2seq(csds.addr2fs.get(fsIndexes[i])); // convert "addr" to "seq" offset
// System.arraycopy(fsIndexes, ix, ia, 0, nbrEntries);
int prev = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ia.length; i++) {
int v = ia[i];
writeVnumber(fsIndexes_dos, v - prev);
if (doMeasurement) {
sm.statDetails[fsIndexes_i].incr(DataIO.lengthVnumber(v - prev));
prev = v;
return end;
private void serializeArray(TOP fs) throws IOException {
final int length = serializeArrayLength(fs);
// special case 0 and 1st value
if (length == 0) {
final TypeImpl type = fs._getTypeImpl();
// output values
SlotKind arrayElementKind = type.getComponentSlotKind();
switch (arrayElementKind) {
case Slot_HeapRef: {
int prev = getPrevArray0HeapRef();
for (TOP item : ((FSArray)fs)._getTheArray()) {
int v = fs2seq(item);
writeDiff(arrayElementKind.ordinal(), v, prev);
prev = v;
case Slot_Int: {
int prev = getPrevArray0Int();
for (int item : ((IntegerArray)fs)._getTheArray()) {
writeDiff(arrayElementKind.ordinal(), item, prev);
prev = item;
case Slot_ShortRef: {
int prev = 0;
for (int item : ((ShortArray)fs)._getTheArray()) {
writeDiff(short_i, item, prev);
prev = item;
case Slot_Float:
for (float item : ((FloatArray)fs)._getTheArray()) {
case Slot_StrRef:
for (String item : ((StringArray)fs)._getTheArray()) {
case Slot_BooleanRef:
for (boolean item : ((BooleanArray)fs)._getTheArray()) {
byte_dos.write(item ? 1 : 0);
case Slot_ByteRef:
case Slot_LongRef: {
long prev = 0;
for (long item : ((LongArray)fs)._getTheArray()) {
writeLong(item, prev);
prev = item;
case Slot_DoubleRef:
for (double item : ((DoubleArray)fs)._getTheArray()) {
default: Misc.internalError();
} // end of switch
private int getPrevArray0HeapRef() {
if (isNoPrevArrayValue((CommonArrayFS)prevFs)) return 0;
return fs2seq(((FSArray)prevFs).get(0));
private int getPrevArray0Int() {
if (isNoPrevArrayValue((CommonArrayFS)prevFs)) return 0;
return ((IntegerArray)prevFs).get(0);
private boolean isNoPrevArrayValue(CommonArrayFS prevCommonArray) {
return prevCommonArray == null || prevCommonArray.size() == 0;
private void serializeByKind(TOP fs, FeatureImpl feat) throws IOException {
SlotKind kind = feat.getSlotKind();
switch (kind) {
case Slot_Int: {
final int prev = (prevFs == null) ? 0 : prevFs._getIntValueNc(feat);
final int v = fs._getIntValueNc(feat);
// if (TRACE_INT) System.out.format("writeInt value: %,d prev: %,d%n", v, prev);
writeDiff(kind.ordinal(), v, prev);
case Slot_Short:
writeDiff(kind.ordinal(), fs._getShortValueNc(feat), (prevFs == null) ? 0 : prevFs._getShortValueNc(feat));
case Slot_HeapRef:
final TOP ref = fs._getFeatureValueNc(feat);
writeDiff(kind.ordinal(), fs2seq(ref),
(prevFs == null) ? 0 : fs2seq(prevFs._getFeatureValueNc(feat)));
case Slot_Float:
case Slot_Boolean:
byte_dos.write(fs._getBooleanValueNc(feat) ? 1 : 0);
case Slot_Byte:
case Slot_StrRef:
case Slot_LongRef:
writeLong(fs._getLongValueNc(feat), (prevFs == null) ? 0L : prevFs._getLongValueNc(feat));
case Slot_DoubleRef:
default: Misc.internalError();
} // end of switch
private int serializeArrayLength(TOP fs) throws IOException {
int length = ((CommonArrayFS)fs).size();
writeVnumber(arrayLength_i, length);
return length;
// private void serializeDiffWithPrevTypeSlot(SlotKind kind, TOP fs, FeatureImpl feat) throws IOException {
// int prev = (prevFs == null) ? 0 : fs.setIntLikeValue(slotKind, fi, v);getheap[iPrevHeap + offset];
// writeDiff(kind.ordinal(), heap[iHeap + offset], prev);
// }
* Method:
* write with deflation into a single byte array stream
* skip if not worth deflating
* skip the Slot_Control stream
* record in the Slot_Control stream, for each deflated stream:
* the Slot index
* the number of compressed bytes
* the number of uncompressed bytes
* add to header:
* nbr of compressed entries
* the Slot_Control stream size
* the Slot_Control stream
* all the zipped streams
* @throws IOException passthru
private void collectAndZip() throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baosZipped = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4096);
Deflater deflater = new Deflater(compressLevel.lvl, true);
int nbrEntries = 0;
List<Integer> idxAndLen = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < baosZipSources.length; i++) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = baosZipSources[i];
if (baos != null) {
nbrEntries ++;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
int zipBufSize = Math.max(1024, baos.size() / 100);
DeflaterOutputStream cds = new DeflaterOutputStream(baosZipped, deflater, zipBufSize);
if (doMeasurement) {
idxAndLen.add(Integer.valueOf((int)(sm.statDetails[i].afterZip = deflater.getBytesWritten())));
idxAndLen.add(Integer.valueOf((int)(sm.statDetails[i].beforeZip = deflater.getBytesRead())));
sm.statDetails[i].zipTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
} else {
serializedOut.writeInt(nbrEntries); // write number of entries
for (int i = 0; i < idxAndLen.size();) {
baosZipped.writeTo(serializedOut); // write Compressed info
// private DataOutputStream getZipStream(SlotKind kind) {
// DataOutputStream dos = dosZipSources[kind.i];
// if (null == dos) {
// dos = setupOutputStream(kind);
// }
// return dos;
// }
private void writeLong(long v, long prev) throws IOException {
writeDiff(long_High_i, (int)(v >>> 32), (int)(prev >>> 32));
writeDiff(long_Low_i, (int)v, (int)prev);
* String encoding
* Length = 0 - used for null, no offset written
* Length = 1 - used for "", no offset written
* Length &gt; 0 (subtract 1): used for actual string length
* Length &lt; 0 - use (-length) as slot index (minimum is 1, slot 0 is NULL)
* For length &gt; 0, write also the offset.
* @throws IOException passthru
private void writeString(final String s) throws IOException {
if (null == s) {
writeVnumber(strLength_dos, 0);
if (doMeasurement) {
int indexOrSeq = os.getIndexOrSeqIndex(s);
if (indexOrSeq < 0) {
final int v = encodeIntSign(indexOrSeq);
writeVnumber(strLength_dos, v);
if (doMeasurement) {
if (s.length() == 0) {
writeVnumber(strLength_dos, encodeIntSign(1));
if (doMeasurement) {
if (s.length() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot serialize string of Integer.MAX_VALUE length - too large.");
final int offset = os.getOffset(indexOrSeq);
final int length = encodeIntSign(s.length() + 1); // all lengths sign encoded because of above
writeVnumber(strOffset_dos, offset);
writeVnumber(strLength_dos, length);
if (doMeasurement) {
if (!only1CommonString) {
final int csi = os.getCommonStringIndex(indexOrSeq);
writeVnumber(strSeg_dos, csi);
if (doMeasurement) {
* Need to support NAN sets,
* 0x7fc.... for NAN
* 0xff8.... for NAN, negative infinity
* 0x7f8 for NAN, positive infinity
* Because 0 occurs frequently, we reserve
* exp of 0 for the value 0
* @param raw the number to write
private void writeFloat(int raw) throws IOException {
if (raw == 0) {
writeUnsignedByte(float_Exponent_dos, 0);
if (doMeasurement) {
final int exponent = ((raw >>> 23) & 0xff) + 1; // because we reserve 0, see above
final int revMants = Integer.reverse((raw & 0x007fffff) << 9);
final int mants = (revMants << 1) + ((raw < 0) ? 1 : 0);
writeVnumber(float_Exponent_dos, exponent);
writeVnumber(float_Mantissa_Sign_dos, mants);
if (doMeasurement) {
private void writeVnumber(int kind, int v) throws IOException {
DataIO.writeVnumber(dosZipSources[kind], v);
if (doMeasurement) {
private void writeVnumber(int kind, long v) throws IOException {
DataIO.writeVnumber(dosZipSources[kind], v);
if (doMeasurement) {
// this version doesn't do measurements, caller needs to do it
private void writeVnumber(DataOutputStream s, int v) throws IOException {
DataIO.writeVnumber(s, v);
// this version doesn't do measurements, caller needs to do it
private void writeVnumber(DataOutputStream s, long v) throws IOException {
DataIO.writeVnumber(s, v);
// this version doesn't do measurements, caller needs to do it
private void writeUnsignedByte(DataOutputStream s, int v) throws IOException {
private void writeDouble(long raw) throws IOException {
if (raw == 0L) {
writeVnumber(double_Exponent_dos, 0);
if (doMeasurement) {
int exponent = (int)((raw >>> 52) & 0x7ff);
exponent = exponent - 1023; // rebase so 1.0 = 0
if (exponent >= 0) {
exponent ++; // skip "0", used above for 0 value
exponent = encodeIntSign(exponent);
final long revMants = Long.reverse((raw & 0x000fffffffffffffL) << 12);
final long mants = (revMants << 1) + ((raw < 0) ? 1 : 0);
writeVnumber(double_Exponent_dos, exponent);
writeVnumber(double_Mantissa_Sign_dos, mants);
System.out.format("write Double: raw = %,d, exponent = %,d, mantissa + lowbit sign: %,d%n", raw, exponent, mants);
if (doMeasurement) {
private int encodeIntSign(int v) {
if (v < 0) {
return ((-v) << 1) | 1;
return (v << 1);
* Encoding:
* bit 6 = sign: 1 = negative
* bit 7 = delta: 1 = delta
* @param kind the kind of slot
* @param i runs from iHeap + 3 to end of array
* @throws IOException passthru
private void writeDiff(int kind, int v, int prev) throws IOException {
if (v == 0) {
writeVnumber(kind, 0); // a speedup, not a new encoding
if (doMeasurement) {
sm.statDetails[kind].diffEncoded ++;
sm.statDetails[kind].valueLeDiff ++;
if (v == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { // special handling, because abs fails
writeVnumber(kind, 2); // written as -0
if (doMeasurement) {
sm.statDetails[kind].diffEncoded ++;
sm.statDetails[kind].valueLeDiff ++;
final int absV = Math.abs(v);
if (((v > 0) && (prev > 0)) ||
((v < 0) && (prev < 0))) {
final int diff = v - prev; // guaranteed not to overflow
// Math.abs of Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1 sometimes (after jit?) (on some JVMs) gives wrong annswer
// failure observed on IBM Java 7 SR1 and SR2 3/28/2013 schor
// failure only observed when running entire suite of uimaj-core tests via eclipse - mvn test doesn't fail
// final int absDiff = Math.abs(diff);
// this seems to work around
final int absDiff = (diff < 0) ? -diff : diff;
(absV <= absDiff) ?
((long)absV << 2) + ((v < 0) ? 2L : 0L) :
((long)absDiff << 2) + ((diff < 0) ? 3L : 1L));
if (doMeasurement) {
sm.statDetails[kind].diffEncoded ++;
sm.statDetails[kind].valueLeDiff += (absV <= absDiff) ? 1 : 0;
// if get here, then the abs v value is always <= the abs diff value.
writeVnumber(kind, ((long)absV << 2) + ((v < 0) ? 2 : 0));
if (doMeasurement) {
sm.statDetails[kind].diffEncoded ++;
sm.statDetails[kind].valueLeDiff ++;
* add strings to the optimizestrings object
* If delta, only process for fs's that are new;
* modified string values picked up when scanning FsChange items
* @param fs feature structure
private void extractStrings(TOP fs) {
if (isDelta && !mark.isNew(fs)) {
TypeImpl type = fs._getTypeImpl();
if (type.isArray()) {
if (type.getComponentSlotKind() == SlotKind.Slot_StrRef) {
for (String s : ((StringArray)fs)._getTheArray()) {
} else { // end of is-array
for (FeatureImpl feat : type.getFeatureImpls()) {
if (feat.getSlotKind() == SlotKind.Slot_StrRef) {
} // end of iter over all features
} // end of if-is-not-array
* For delta, for each fsChange element, extract any strings
* @param fsChange
private void extractStringsFromModifications(FsChange fsChange) {
final TOP fs = fsChange.fs;
final TypeImpl type = fs._getTypeImpl();
if (fsChange.arrayUpdates != null) {
if (type.getComponentSlotKind() == SlotKind.Slot_StrRef) {
String[] sa = ((StringArray)fs)._getTheArray();
fsChange.arrayUpdates.forAllInts(index -> {
} // end of is string array
} else { // end of is array
BitSet fm = fsChange.featuresModified;
for (int offset = fm.nextSetBit(0); offset >= 0; offset = fm.nextSetBit(offset + 1)) {
FeatureImpl feat = type.getFeatureImpls()[offset];
if (feat.getSlotKind() == SlotKind.Slot_StrRef) {
} // end of iter over features
} // end of is-not-array
* Modified Values
* Output:
* For each FS that has 1 or more modified values,
* write the heap addr of the FS
* For all modified values within the FS:
* if it is an aux array element, write the index in the individual array instance and the new value
* otherwise, write the slot offset and the new value
public class SerializeModifiedFSs {
// previous value - for things diff encoded
int vPrevModInt = 0;
int vPrevModHeapRef = 0;
short vPrevModShort = 0;
long vPrevModLong = 0;
final CommonSerDesSequential csds;
public SerializeModifiedFSs(CommonSerDesSequential csds) {
this.csds = csds;
private void serializeModifiedFSs() throws IOException {
int iPrevAddr = 0;
FsChange[] fsChanges = baseCas.getModifiedFSList();
// write out number of modified Feature Structures
writeVnumber(control_dos, fsChanges.length);
// iterate over all modified feature structures
* Theorems about these data
* 1) Assumption: if an AuxHeap array is modified, its heap FS is in the list of modFSs
* 2) FSs with AuxHeap values have increasing ref values into the Aux heap as FS addr increases
* (because the ref is not updateable).
* 3) Assumption: String array element modifications are main heap slot changes
* and recorded as such
for (FsChange fsChange : fsChanges) {
TOP fs = fsChange.fs;
TypeImpl ti = fs._getTypeImpl();
final int addr = csds.fs2addr.get(fs);
if (addr == 0) { //
// need to write a dummy entry because we already outputted the number of changes
writeVnumber(fsIndexes_dos, 0);
// don't update iPrevAddr
// NOTE: modify corresponding deserialization code to detect this convention
// write out the address of the modified FS
writeVnumber(fsIndexes_dos, addr - iPrevAddr);
// delay updating iPrevAddr until end of "for" loop
* handle aux byte, short, long array modifications
if (ti.isArray() && !ti.isHeapStoredArray()) {
} else {
} // end of processing 1 modified FS
iPrevAddr = addr;
} // end of for loop over all modified FSs
} // end of method
private void writeMainHeapMods(FsChange fsChange) throws IOException {
int nbrOfMods = (fsChange.arrayUpdates == null)
? fsChange.featuresModified.cardinality()
: fsChange.arrayUpdates.size();
writeVnumber(fsIndexes_dos, nbrOfMods);
final TOP fs = fsChange.fs;
if (fsChange.arrayUpdates == null) {
FeatureImpl[] features = fs._getTypeImpl().getFeatureImpls();
int iPrevOffsetInFs = 0;
final BitSet bs = fsChange.featuresModified;
for (int i = bs.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bs.nextSetBit(i+1)) {
FeatureImpl feat = features[i];
// next +1 to conform to v2 encoding of feat offsets
writeVnumber(fsIndexes_dos, i + 1 - iPrevOffsetInFs);
iPrevOffsetInFs = i + 1;
final SlotKind kind = feat.getSlotKind();
final int kindi = kind.ordinal();
switch (kind) {
case Slot_Boolean:
byte_dos.write(fs._getBooleanValueNc(feat) ? 1 : 0);
case Slot_Byte:
case Slot_Short: {
final short v = fs._getShortValueNc(feat);
writeDiff(kindi, v, vPrevModShort);
vPrevModShort = v;
case Slot_Int: {
final int v = fs._getIntValueNc(feat);
writeDiff(kindi, v, vPrevModInt);
vPrevModInt = v;
case Slot_Float:
case Slot_LongRef: {
long v = fs._getLongValueNc(feat);
writeLong(v, vPrevModLong);
vPrevModLong = v;
case Slot_DoubleRef:
case Slot_HeapRef: {
int v = fs2seq(fs._getFeatureValueNc(feat)); // v2 writes it this way
writeDiff(kindi, v, vPrevModHeapRef);
vPrevModHeapRef = v;
case Slot_StrRef:
default: Misc.internalError();
} // end of switch
} // end of looping for all modified slots in this FS
} else { // end of processing of features
// heap stored arrays
TypeImpl type = fs._getTypeImpl();
SlotKind kind = type.getComponentSlotKind();
int kindi = kind.ordinal();
IntListIterator it = fsChange.arrayUpdates.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
int i =;
// write the offset of the of the modified entry
// from the beginning of the fs addr
// i is already the 0 based offset, make it a 2 based one
// to account for the type code and length in v2 layout
writeVnumber(fsIndexes_dos, i + 2);
switch(kind) {
case Slot_Int: {
final int v = ((IntegerArray)fs).get(i);
writeDiff(kindi, v, vPrevModInt);
vPrevModInt = v;
case Slot_Float:
case Slot_StrRef:
case Slot_HeapRef:
int v = fs2seq(((FSArray)fs).get(i));
writeDiff(kindi, v, vPrevModHeapRef);
vPrevModHeapRef = v;
default: Misc.internalError();
} // end of switch
} // end of iteration over all changed slots in one array
} // end of if statement for processing arrays
} // end of method
private void writeAuxHeapMods(FsChange fsChange) throws IOException {
final TOP fs = fsChange.fs;
final TypeImpl type = fs._getTypeImpl();
int iPrevOffset = 0;
final SlotKind kind = type.getComponentSlotKind();
writeVnumber(fsIndexes_dos, fsChange.arrayUpdates.size());
IntListIterator it = fsChange.arrayUpdates.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
int i =;
writeVnumber(fsIndexes_dos, i - iPrevOffset);
iPrevOffset = i;
switch(kind) {
case Slot_BooleanRef: byte_dos.write(((BooleanArray)fs).get(i) ? 1 : 0); break;
case Slot_ByteRef: byte_dos.write(((ByteArray )fs).get(i) ); break;
case Slot_ShortRef: {
short v = ((ShortArray)fs).get(i);
writeDiff(int_i, v, vPrevModShort);
vPrevModShort = v;
case Slot_LongRef: {
long v = ((LongArray)fs).get(i);
writeLong(v, vPrevModLong);
vPrevModLong = v;
case Slot_DoubleRef: {
double v = ((DoubleArray)fs).get(i);
default: Misc.internalError();
} // end of switch
} // end of iteration over items changed in the array
} // end of method
} // end of class definition for SerializeModifiedFSs
private int fs2seq(TOP fs) {
return (fs == null) ? 0 : fs2seq.get(fs);
// private TOP seq2fs(int s) {
// return (s == 0) ? null : seq2fs.get(s);
// }
private int fs2addr(TOP fs) {
return (fs == null) ? 0 : csds.fs2addr.get(fs);
} // end of class definition for Serializer
* Class instantiated once per deserialization
* Multiple deserializations in parallel supported, with
* multiple instances of this
private class Deserializer {
final private CASImpl baseCas; // cas being deserialized into
final private CASImpl ivCas; // initial view cas - where by default new fs are created
final private BinaryCasSerDes bcsd;
final private CommonSerDesSequential csds;
final private DataInput deserIn;
final private DataInputStream[] dataInputs = new DataInputStream[NBR_SLOT_KIND_ZIP_STREAMS];
private Inflater[] inflaters = new Inflater[NBR_SLOT_KIND_ZIP_STREAMS];
/** the FS being deserialized */
private TOP currentFs;
* the deferrals needed when deserializing a subtype of AnnotationBase before the sofa is known
* Also for Sofa creation where some fields are final
* */
final private List<Runnable> singleFsDefer = new ArrayList<>();
/** used for deferred creation */
private int sofaNum;
private String sofaName;
private Sofa sofaRef;
// private int[] heap; // main heap
private int heapStart;
private int heapEnd;
/** the "fixups" for relative heap refs */
final private List<Runnable> fixupsNeeded = new ArrayList<>();
final private List<Runnable> uimaSerializableFixups = new ArrayList<>();
final private StringHeap stringHeapObj = new StringHeap();
// private LongHeap longHeapObj;
// private ShortHeap shortHeapObj;
// private ByteHeap byteHeapObj;
// private int stringTableOffset;
final private boolean isDelta; // if true, a delta is being deserialized
private String[] readCommonString;
// private TypeInfo typeInfo; // type info for the current type being serialized
// private int iPrevHeap; // 0 or heap addr of previous instance of current type
private boolean only1CommonString;
// speedups
final private DataInputStream arrayLength_dis;
final private DataInputStream heapRef_dis;
final private DataInputStream int_dis;
final private DataInputStream byte_dis;
final private DataInputStream short_dis;
final private DataInputStream typeCode_dis;
final private DataInputStream strOffset_dis;
final private DataInputStream strLength_dis;
final private DataInputStream long_High_dis;
final private DataInputStream long_Low_dis;
final private DataInputStream float_Mantissa_Sign_dis;
final private DataInputStream float_Exponent_dis;
final private DataInputStream double_Mantissa_Sign_dis;
final private DataInputStream double_Exponent_dis;
final private DataInputStream fsIndexes_dis;
final private DataInputStream strChars_dis;
final private DataInputStream control_dis;
final private DataInputStream strSeg_dis;
* For differencing when reading.
* Also used for arrays to difference the 0th element.
* Can't use real fs for heap refs - may be forward refs not yet fixedup
* Hold prev instance of FS which have FSRef slots
* for each target typecode, only set if the type
* - has 1 or more non-array fsref
* - is a (subtype of) FSArray
* set for both 0 and non-0 values !! Different from form6
* first index: key is type code
* 2nd index: key is slot-offset number (0-based)
* Also used for array refs, for the 1st entry in the array
* - feature slot 0 is used for this when reading (not when writing - could be made more uniform)
final private int[] [] prevFsRefsByType = new int[ts.getTypeArraySize()][];
private int[] prevFsRefs;
* Used for differencing, except for HeapRef values which
* use above
final private TOP[] prevFsByType = new TOP[ts.getTypeArraySize()];
private TOP prevFs;
* convert between FSs and "sequential" numbers
* Note: This may be identity map, but may not in the case for V3 where some FSs are GC'd
// private final Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<TOP> fs2seq = new Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<TOP>(TOP.class, TOP.singleton);
private final Int2ObjHashMap<TOP> seq2fs = new Int2ObjHashMap<>(TOP.class);
* Called after header was read and determined that
* this was a compressed binary
* @param cas CAS
* @param deserIn input data
* @throws IOException passthru
Deserializer(CASImpl cas, DataInput deserIn, boolean isDelta) throws IOException {
this.baseCas = cas.getBaseCAS();
this.ivCas = baseCas.getInitialView();
this.bcsd = cas.getBinaryCasSerDes();
this.csds = getCsds(baseCas, isDelta);
this.deserIn = deserIn;
this.isDelta = isDelta;
final int nbrEntries = deserIn.readInt(); // number of compressed streams
IntVector idxAndLen = new IntVector(nbrEntries * 3);
for (int i = 0; i < nbrEntries; i++) {
idxAndLen.add(deserIn.readUnsignedByte()); // slot ordinal number
idxAndLen.add(deserIn.readInt()); // compressed size, bytes
idxAndLen.add(deserIn.readInt()); // decompressed size, bytes (not currently used)
for (int i = 0; i < idxAndLen.size();) {
setupReadStream(idxAndLen.get(i++), idxAndLen.get(i++), idxAndLen.get(i++));
arrayLength_dis = dataInputs[arrayLength_i];
heapRef_dis = dataInputs[heapRef_i];
int_dis = dataInputs[int_i];
byte_dis = dataInputs[byte_i];
short_dis = dataInputs[short_i];
typeCode_dis = dataInputs[typeCode_i];
strOffset_dis = dataInputs[strOffset_i];
strLength_dis = dataInputs[strLength_i];
long_High_dis = dataInputs[long_High_i];
long_Low_dis = dataInputs[long_Low_i];
float_Mantissa_Sign_dis = dataInputs[float_Mantissa_Sign_i];
float_Exponent_dis = dataInputs[float_Exponent_i];
double_Mantissa_Sign_dis = dataInputs[double_Mantissa_Sign_i];
double_Exponent_dis = dataInputs[double_Exponent_i];
fsIndexes_dis = dataInputs[fsIndexes_i];
strChars_dis = dataInputs[strChars_i];
control_dis = dataInputs[control_i];
strSeg_dis = dataInputs[strSeg_i];
private void deserialize(CommonSerDes.Header h) throws IOException {
if (TRACE_DES) System.out.println("Form4Deser starting");
// fs2seq.clear();
* Setup all the input streams with inflaters
// long startTime1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Read in the common string(s)
int lenCmnStrs = readVnumber(strChars_dis);
readCommonString = new String[lenCmnStrs];
for (int i = 0; i < lenCmnStrs; i++) {
readCommonString[i] = DataIO.readUTFv(strChars_dis);
only1CommonString = lenCmnStrs == 1;
* Prepare to walk main heap
* The csds must be either empty (for receiving non- delta)
* or the same as when the CAS was previous sent out (for receiving delta)
int seq = 1;
for (TOP fs : csds.getSortedFSs()) { // only non-empty if delta; and then it's from prev serialization
// fs2seq.put(fs, seq);
seq2fs.put(seq++, fs);
int deltaHeapSize = readVnumber(control_dis);
heapStart = isDelta ? csds.getHeapEnd() : 0;
// stringTableOffset = isDelta ? (stringHeapObj.getSize() - 1) : 0;
// if (isDelta) {
// heapObj.grow(deltaHeapSize);
// } else {
// heapObj.reinitSizeOnly(deltaHeapSize);
// }
heapEnd = heapStart + deltaHeapSize;
// heap = heapObj.heap;
for (int[] ia : prevFsRefsByType) {
if (ia != null) Arrays.fill(ia, 0);
if (heapStart == 0) {
heapStart = 1; // slot 0 not serialized, it's null / 0
// if (CHANGE_FS_REFS_TO_SEQUENTIAL && (heapStart > 1)) {
// initFsStartIndexes(fsStartIndexes, heap, 1, heapStart, null);
// }
// fixupsNeeded = new IntVector(Math.max(16, heap.length / 10));
* walk main heap - deserialize
TypeImpl type;
int arraySize = 0;
Arrays.fill(prevFsByType, null);
if (TRACE_DES) System.out.println("Form4Deser heapStart: " + heapStart + " heapEnd: " + heapEnd);
for (int iHeap = heapStart; iHeap < heapEnd; iHeap += type.getFsSpaceReq(arraySize)) {
final int typeCode = readVnumber(typeCode_dis);
// final int adjTypeCode = typeCode + ((this.bcsd.isBeforeV3 && typeCode > TypeSystemConstants.lastBuiltinV2TypeCode)
// ? TypeSystemConstants.numberOfNewBuiltInsSinceV2
// : 0);
type = ts.getTypeForCode(typeCode);
prevFs = prevFsByType[typeCode]; // could be null;
prevFsRefs = getPrevFsRef(type); // null or int[], only for things having fsrefs (array or not)
if (type.isArray()) {
currentFs = readArray(iHeap, type);
arraySize = ((CommonArrayFS)currentFs).size();
} else {
if (!ts.annotBaseType.subsumes(type) && // defer subtypes of AnnotationBase
!(ts.sofaType == type)) { // defer sofa types
currentFs = ivCas.createFS(type);
if (currentFs instanceof UimaSerializable) {
UimaSerializable ufs = (UimaSerializable) currentFs;
uimaSerializableFixups.add(() -> ufs._init_from_cas_data());
} else {
currentFs = null;
sofaRef = null;
sofaNum = -1;
sofaName = null;
for (FeatureImpl feat : type.getFeatureImpls()) {
readByKind(feat, type);
// for (int i = 1; i < typeInfo.slotKinds.length + 1; i++) {
// readByKind(iHeap, i);
// }
if (currentFs == null) {
* Create single deferred FS
* Either: Sofa (has final fields) or
* Subtype of AnnotationBase - needs to be in the right view
* For the latter, handle document annotation specially
if (ts.sofaType == type) {
currentFs = baseCas.createSofa(sofaNum, sofaName, null);
} else {
CASImpl view = (CASImpl) baseCas.getView(sofaRef);
if (type.getCode() == TypeSystemConstants.docTypeCode) {
currentFs = view.getDocumentAnnotation(); // creates the document annotation if it doesn't exist
// we could remove this from the indexes until deserialization is over, but then, other calls to getDocumentAnnotation
// would end up creating additional instances
} else {
currentFs = view.createFS(type);
if (currentFs instanceof UimaSerializable) {
UimaSerializable ufs = (UimaSerializable) currentFs;
uimaSerializableFixups.add(() -> ufs._init_from_cas_data());
if (type.getCode() == TypeSystemConstants.docTypeCode) {
boolean wasRemoved = baseCas.checkForInvalidFeatureSetting(currentFs, baseCas.getAddbackSingle());
for (Runnable r : singleFsDefer) {;
baseCas.addbackSingleIfWasRemoved(wasRemoved, currentFs);
} else {
for (Runnable r : singleFsDefer) {;
assert(currentFs != null);
// System.out.format("Adding %,d to csds%n", iHeap);
// if (isDelta) {
// System.out.format("debug adding iHeap: %,d afterAdd: %,d%n", iHeap, iHeap + nextHeapAddrAfterMark);
// }
csds.addFS(currentFs, iHeap);
int s2 = 1 + seq2fs.size();
// fs2seq.put(currentFs, s2); // 1 origin to match v2
seq2fs.put(s2, currentFs);
prevFsByType[typeCode] = currentFs;
if (TRACE_DES) System.out.println("Form4Deser running deferred fixups after all FSs deserialized");
for (Runnable r : fixupsNeeded) {;
for (Runnable r : uimaSerializableFixups) {;
if (TRACE_DES) System.out.println("Form4Deser indexing FSs");
if (isDelta) {
if (TRACE_DES) System.out.println("Form4Deser modifying existing FSs");
(new ReadModifiedFSs()).readModifiedFSs();
// System.out.format("Deserialize took %,d ms%n", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime1);
private TOP readArray(int iHeap, TypeImpl type) throws IOException {
final int length = readArrayLength();
TOP fs = ivCas.createArray(type, length);
if (length == 0) {
return fs;
SlotKind refKind = type.getComponentSlotKind();
switch (refKind) {
case Slot_BooleanRef: {
boolean [] ba = ((BooleanArray)fs)._getTheArray();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ba[i] = byte_dis.readByte() == 1;
case Slot_ByteRef:
case Slot_ShortRef:
case Slot_Int: {
final int[] ia = ((IntegerArray)fs)._getTheArray();
int prev = getPrevIntValue(refKind, null);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int v = readDiff(Slot_Int, prev);
prev = v;
if (i == 0) {
savePrevHeapRef(type.getCode(), 1, 0, v);
ia[i] = v;
case Slot_LongRef:
case Slot_Float: {
final float[] fa = ((FloatArray)fs)._getTheArray();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
final int floatRef = readFloat();
fa[i] = Float.intBitsToFloat(floatRef);
case Slot_DoubleRef:
readIntoDoubleArray(((DoubleArray)fs)._getTheArray()); ;
case Slot_HeapRef: {
final TOP[] a = ((FSArray)fs)._getTheArray();
int prev = getPrevIntValue(refKind, null);
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
final int v = readDiff(SlotKind.Slot_HeapRef, prev);
prev = v;
if (i == 0) {
savePrevHeapRef(type.getCode(), 1, 0, v);
final int local_i = i; // needed for lambda closure
maybeStoreOrDefer_slotFixups(v, refd_fs -> a[local_i] = refd_fs);
case Slot_StrRef: {
String [] sa = ((StringArray)fs)._getTheArray();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
sa[i] = readString();
default: Misc.internalError();
return fs;
private int readArrayLength() throws IOException {
return readVnumber(arrayLength_dis);
* If the fs is null, accumulate fixup operations, otherwise directly set this
* @param fs - null or the fs whose slots are to be set
* @param feat
* @param type
* @throws IOException
private void readByKind(FeatureImpl feat, TypeImpl type) throws IOException {
SlotKind kind = feat.getSlotKind();
switch (kind) {
case Slot_Int: {
final int i = readDiffWithPrevTypeSlot(kind, feat);
if (feat == ts.sofaNum) {
sofaNum = i;
} else {
maybeStoreOrDefer((lfs) -> lfs._setIntValueNcNj(feat, i));
case Slot_Short: {
final int i = readDiffWithPrevTypeSlot(kind, feat);
maybeStoreOrDefer(lfs -> lfs._setIntLikeValueNcNj(kind, feat, i));
case Slot_Float: {
final int i = readFloat();
maybeStoreOrDefer(lfs -> lfs._setFloatValueNcNj(feat, CASImpl.int2float(i)));
case Slot_Boolean: {
final byte i = byte_dis.readByte();
maybeStoreOrDefer(lfs -> lfs._setBooleanValueNcNj(feat, i == 1));
case Slot_Byte: {
final byte i = byte_dis.readByte();
maybeStoreOrDefer(lfs -> lfs._setByteValueNcNj(feat, i));
case Slot_HeapRef:
final int vh = readDiffWithPrevTypeSlot(kind, feat);
if (ts.annotBaseSofaFeat == feat) {
sofaRef = (Sofa) seq2fs(vh); // invalid if returns null
// forward refs are not possible for sofas
assert(sofaRef != null);
} else {
maybeStoreOrDefer(lfs -> {
// in addition to deferring if currentFs is null,
// heap refs may need deferring if forward refs
// Also, special case the setting of sofaArray data; set FeatureValue doesn't work.
if (feat == ts.sofaArray) {
maybeStoreOrDefer_slotFixups(vh, ref_fs -> ((Sofa)lfs).setLocalSofaData(ref_fs));
} else {
maybeStoreOrDefer_slotFixups(vh, ref_fs -> lfs._setFeatureValueNcNj(feat, ref_fs));
case Slot_StrRef: {
String s = readString();
if (null == s) break; // null is default, no need to store it
if (ts.sofaType.subsumes(type)) {
if (feat == ts.sofaId) {
sofaName = s;
if (feat == ts.sofaMime) {
maybeStoreOrDefer(lfs -> ((Sofa)lfs).setMimeType(s));
if (feat == ts.sofaUri) {
maybeStoreOrDefer(lfs -> ((Sofa)lfs).setRemoteSofaURI(s));
if (feat == ts.sofaString) {
maybeStoreOrDefer(lfs -> ((Sofa)lfs).setLocalSofaData(s));
// other user-defined custom sofa extended string features (if any)
// as well as non-sofa FS features, are set by the following code
maybeStoreOrDefer(lfs -> lfs._setStringValueNcNj(feat, s));
case Slot_LongRef: {
final long prevLong = (prevFs == null) ? 0L : prevFs._getLongValueNc(feat);
long v = readLongOrDouble(kind, prevLong);
maybeStoreOrDefer(lfs -> lfs._setLongValueNcNj(feat, v));
case Slot_DoubleRef: {
long v = readDouble();
maybeStoreOrDefer(lfs -> lfs._setDoubleValueNcNj(feat, CASImpl.long2double(v)));
default: Misc.internalError();
} // end of switch
private void readIndexedFeatureStructures() throws IOException {
final int nbrViews = readVnumber(control_dis);
final int nbrSofas = readVnumber(control_dis);
// fsIndexes is collection of FSs represented by sequentially incrementing numbers
IntVector fsIndexes = new IntVector(nbrViews + nbrSofas + 100);
for (int i = 0; i < nbrSofas; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < nbrViews; i++) {
readFsxPart(fsIndexes); // added FSs
if (isDelta) {
readFsxPart(fsIndexes); // removed FSs
readFsxPart(fsIndexes); // reindexed FSs
bcsd.reinitIndexedFSs(fsIndexes.getArray(), isDelta,
i ->
seq2fs.get(i)); // written on separate line for Eclipse breakpoint control
* Maybe defers setting features for a Feature Structure if the FS isn't created yet
* (perhaps because it needs a sofa ref, not yet read)
* @param fs - the Feature Structure or null if not yet created
* @param storeAction
private void maybeStoreOrDefer(Consumer<TOP> storeAction) {
if (null == currentFs) {
singleFsDefer.add( () -> storeAction.accept(currentFs));
} else {
* FS Ref slots fixups
* FS Ref slots fixups
* @param tgtSeq the int value of the target seq number
* @param r is sofa-or-lfs.setFeatureValue-or-setLocalSofaData(TOP ref-d-fs)
private void maybeStoreOrDefer_slotFixups(final int tgtSeq, Consumer<TOP> r) {
if (tgtSeq == 0) {
TOP src = seq2fs(tgtSeq);
if (src == null) {
// need to do the getRefVal later when it's known
// here are the two values of "r"
// () -> sofa.setLocalSofaData(getRefVal(vh))
// () -> lfs.setFeatureValue(srcFeat, getRefVal(vh))
fixupsNeeded.add(() -> r.accept(seq2fs(tgtSeq)));
} else {
// sofa.setLocalSofaData(tgt);
// lfs.setFeatureValue(srcFeat, src)
* Each FS index is sorted, and output is by delta
private void readFsxPart(IntVector fsIndexes) throws IOException {
final int nbrEntries = readVnumber(fsIndexes_dis);
int prev = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nbrEntries; i++) {
int v = readVnumber(fsIndexes_dis) + prev;
prev = v;
// v = csds.fs2addr.get(seq2fs(v)); // v is the seq form of a ref (incr by 1)
// v is a sequentially incrementing ref to a FS
private void setupReadStream(
int slotIndex,
int bytesCompr,
int bytesOrig) throws IOException {
byte[] b = new byte[bytesCompr + 1];
deserIn.readFully(b, 0, bytesCompr); // this leaves 1 extra 0 byte at the end
// which may be required by Inflater with nowrap option - see Inflater javadoc
// testing inflate speed
// long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// inflater.reset();
// inflater.setInput(b);
// byte[] uncompressed = new byte[bytesOrig];
// int uncompressedLength = 0;
// try {
// uncompressedLength = inflater.inflate(uncompressed);
// } catch (DataFormatException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
// if (uncompressedLength != bytesOrig) {
// throw new RuntimeException();
// }
// System.out.format("Decompress %s took %,d ms%n",
// SlotKind.values()[slotIndex], System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
// dataInputs[slotIndex] = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(uncompressed));
Inflater inflater = new Inflater(true);
inflaters[slotIndex] = inflater; // save to be able to call end() when done.
ByteArrayInputStream baiStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(b);
int zipBufSize = Math.max(1024, bytesCompr);
InflaterInputStream iis = new InflaterInputStream(baiStream, inflater, zipBufSize);
dataInputs[slotIndex] = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(iis, zipBufSize));
private void closeDataInputs() {
for (DataInputStream is : dataInputs) {
if (null != is){
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// release any space inflater holding on to
for (Inflater inflater : inflaters) {
if (null != inflater) {
private DataInput getInputStream(SlotKind kind) {
return dataInputs[kind.ordinal()];
private int readVnumber(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
return DataIO.readVnumber(dis);
private long readVlong(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
return DataIO.readVlong(dis);
private void readIntoByteArray(byte[] ba) throws IOException {
private void readIntoShortArray(short[] sa) throws IOException {
short prev = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sa.length; i++) {
sa[i] = prev = (short)(readDiff(short_dis, prev));
private void readIntoDoubleArray(double[] da) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < da.length; i++) {
da[i] = CASImpl.long2double(readDouble());
private void readIntoLongArray(long[] la) throws IOException {
long prev = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < la.length; i++) {
la[i] = prev = readLongOrDouble(SlotKind.Slot_LongRef, prev);
* Difference with previously deserialized value of corresponding slot of
* previous FS for this type.
* Special handling: if the slot is a heap ref, we can't use the prevFs
* because the value may be a forward reference, not yet deserialized, and
* therefore unknown.
* For this case, we preserve the actual deserialized value in a lazyly
* constructed prevFsRef and use that.
* For arrays, only the prev 0 value is used (if available - otherwise 0 is used)
* @param kind - the slot kind being deserialized
* @param feat - the feature (null for arrays)
* @return - the previous value, for differencing
* @throws IOException
private int readDiffWithPrevTypeSlot(SlotKind kind, FeatureImpl feat) throws IOException {
int prev = getPrevIntValue(kind, feat);
int v = readDiff(kind, prev);
// if (feat.getShortName().equals("akofAint")) System.out.format("debug prev: %,d v: %,d%n", prev, v);
// if (TRACE_INT && kind == SlotKind.Slot_Int) System.out.format("readInt value: %,d prev: %,d%n", v, prev);
if (kind == SlotKind.Slot_HeapRef) {
TypeImpl type = (TypeImpl) feat.getDomain();
savePrevHeapRef(type.getCode(), type.getNumberOfFeatures(), feat.getOffset(), v);
// for non heap refs, no need to save the value - the fs itself
// saves it.
return v;
* Common code for feature offset and array
* @param kind
* @param feat feature or null for array access
* @return
private int getPrevIntValue(SlotKind kind, FeatureImpl feat) {
if (kind == SlotKind.Slot_HeapRef) {
return (prevFsRefs == null) ? 0 : prevFsRefs[(feat == null) ? 0 : feat.getOffset()];
return (prevFs == null) ? 0 : prevFs._getIntLikeValue(kind, feat);
private void savePrevHeapRef(int typecode, int nbrOfSlots, int offset, int v) {
if (prevFsRefs == null) {
prevFsRefsByType[typecode] = prevFsRefs = new int[nbrOfSlots];
prevFsRefs[offset] = v;
private int readDiff(SlotKind kind, int prev) throws IOException {
return readDiff(getInputStream(kind), prev);
private int readDiff(DataInput in, int prev) throws IOException {
final long encoded = readVlong(in);
final boolean isDelta1 = (0 != (encoded & 1L));
final boolean isNegative = (0 != (encoded & 2L));
int v = (int)(encoded >>> 2);
if (isNegative) {
if (v == 0) {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
v = -v;
if (isDelta1) {
v = v + prev;
return v;
private long readLongOrDouble(SlotKind kind, long prev) throws IOException {
if (kind == SlotKind.Slot_DoubleRef) {
return readDouble();
final int vh = readDiff(long_High_dis, (int) (prev >>> 32));
final int vl = readDiff(long_Low_dis, (int) prev);
final long v = (((long)vh) << 32) | (0xffffffffL & (long)vl);
return v;
private int readFloat() throws IOException {
final int exponent = readVnumber(float_Exponent_dis);
if (exponent == 0) {
return 0;
int mants = readVnumber(float_Mantissa_Sign_dis);
final boolean isNegative = (mants & 1) == 1;
mants = mants >>> 1;
// the next parens needed to get around eclipse / java bug
mants = (Integer.reverse(mants) >>> 9);
return ((exponent - 1) << 23) |
mants |
((isNegative) ? 0x80000000 : 0);
private int decodeIntSign(int v) {
if (1 == (v & 1)) {
return - (v >>> 1);
return v >>> 1;
private long readDouble() throws IOException {
int exponent = readVnumber(double_Exponent_dis);
if (exponent == 0) {
return 0L;
long mants = readVlong(double_Mantissa_Sign_dis);
long raw = decodeDouble(mants, exponent);
System.out.format("read Double: raw = %,d, exponent = %,d, mantissa + lowbit sign: %,d%n", raw, exponent, mants);
return raw;
private long decodeDouble(long mants, int exponent) {
exponent = decodeIntSign(exponent);
if (exponent > 0) {
exponent --;
exponent = exponent + 1023;
long r = ((long)((exponent) & 0x7ff)) << 52;
final boolean isNegative = (1 == (mants & 1));
mants = Long.reverse(mants >>> 1) >>> 12;
r = r | mants | (isNegative ? 0x8000000000000000L : 0);
return r;
private long readVlong(DataInput dis) throws IOException {
return DataIO.readVlong(dis);
private String readString() throws IOException {
int length = decodeIntSign(readVnumber(strLength_dis));
if (0 == length) {
return null;
if (1 == length) {
if (length < 0) { // in this case, -length is the slot index
return /*stringTableOffset */ stringHeapObj.getStringForCode(- length);
int offset = readVnumber(strOffset_dis);
int segmentIndex = (only1CommonString) ? 0 :
String s = readCommonString[segmentIndex].substring(offset, offset + length - 1);
return s;
* Modified Values
* Modified heap values need fsStartIndexes conversion
private class ReadModifiedFSs {
// previous value - for things diff encoded
private int vPrevModInt = 0;
private int vPrevModHeapRef = 0;
private short vPrevModShort = 0;
private long vPrevModLong = 0;
private int iHeap;
// next for managing index removes / readds
private boolean wasRemoved;
private FSsTobeAddedbackSingle addbackSingle;
private void readModifiedFSs() throws IOException {
final int modFSsLength = readVnumber(control_dis);
int iPrevHeap = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < modFSsLength; i++) {
iHeap = readVnumber(fsIndexes_dis) + iPrevHeap;
// convention for a skipped entry: written as 0
boolean isSkippedEntry = iHeap == iPrevHeap;
if (isSkippedEntry) {
} else {
iPrevHeap = iHeap;
TOP fs = csds.addr2fs.get(iHeap);
assert(fs != null);
TypeImpl type = fs._getTypeImpl();
final int numberOfModsInThisFs = readVnumber(fsIndexes_dis);
* handle aux byte, short, long array modifications
if (type.isArray() && (!type.isHeapStoredArray())) {
readModifiedAuxHeap(numberOfModsInThisFs, fs, type);
} else {
// see if any of the mods are keys
// baseCas.removeFromCorruptableIndexAnyView(iHeap, indexToDos);
try {
readModifiedMainHeap(numberOfModsInThisFs, fs, type);
} finally {
private void readModifiedAuxHeap(int numberOfMods, TOP fs, TypeImpl type) throws IOException {
int prevOffset = 0;
final SlotKind kind = type.getComponentSlotKind(); // get kind of element
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < numberOfMods; i2++) {
final int offset = readVnumber(fsIndexes_dis) + prevOffset;
prevOffset = offset;
switch (kind) {
case Slot_BooleanRef: ((BooleanArray)fs).set(offset, byte_dis.readByte() == 1); break;
case Slot_ByteRef: ((ByteArray )fs).set(offset, byte_dis.readByte() ); break;
case Slot_ShortRef: {
final short v = (short)readDiff(int_dis, vPrevModShort);
vPrevModShort = v;
((ShortArray)fs).set(offset, v);
case Slot_LongRef: {
final long v = readLongOrDouble(kind, vPrevModLong);
vPrevModLong = v;
((LongArray)fs).set(offset, v);
case Slot_DoubleRef: ((DoubleArray)fs).set(offset, CASImpl.long2double(readDouble())); break;
default: Misc.internalError();
} // end of switch
} // end of for loop over all items in this array
} // end of method
private void readModifiedMainHeap(int numberOfMods, TOP fs, TypeImpl type) throws IOException {
final boolean isArray = type.isArray();
int iPrevOffsetInFs = 0;
final FeatureImpl[] features = isArray ? null : type.getFeatureImpls();
wasRemoved = false; // set to true when removed from index to stop further testing
addbackSingle = baseCas.getAddbackSingle();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMods; i++) {
final int offsetInFs = readVnumber(fsIndexes_dis) + iPrevOffsetInFs; // this is encoded in v2 style, -1 for feat offset, -2 for array indexes
iPrevOffsetInFs = offsetInFs;
FeatureImpl feat = (features == null) ? null : features[offsetInFs - 1]; // -1 because v2 records it this way
final SlotKind kind = isArray ? type.getComponentSlotKind() : feat.getSlotKind();
if (!isArray && kind != SlotKind.Slot_HeapRef && !wasRemoved) {
wasRemoved = baseCas.checkForInvalidFeatureSetting(fs, feat.getCode(), addbackSingle);
switch (kind) {
case Slot_Boolean:
fs.setBooleanValue(feat, byte_dis.readByte() == 1);
case Slot_Byte:
fs.setByteValue (feat, byte_dis.readByte() );
case Slot_Short: {
final short v = (short) readDiff(short_dis, vPrevModShort);
vPrevModShort = v;
fs.setShortValue(feat, v);
// can't be short array because that's on the aux heap
case Slot_Int: {
final int v = readDiff(int_dis, vPrevModInt);
vPrevModInt = v;
if (isArray) {
((IntegerArray)fs).set(offsetInFs - 2, v); // - 2 to conform to v2 numbering for arrays
} else {
fs.setIntValue(feat, v);
case Slot_LongRef: {
final long v = readLongOrDouble(kind, vPrevModLong);
vPrevModLong = v;
// long arrays were not on main heap
fs.setLongValue(feat, v);
case Slot_Float: {
float v = Float.intBitsToFloat(readFloat());
if (isArray) {
((FloatArray)fs).set(offsetInFs - 2, v);
} else {
fs.setFloatValue(feat, v);
case Slot_DoubleRef: {
final long v = readDouble();
// double arrays were not on main heap
fs.setDoubleValue(feat, CASImpl.long2double(v));
case Slot_StrRef:
String s = readString();
if (isArray) {
((StringArray)fs).set(offsetInFs - 2, s);
} else {
fs.setStringValue (feat, s);
case Slot_HeapRef: {
int v = readDiff(heapRef_dis, vPrevModHeapRef);
vPrevModHeapRef = v;
final TOP ref_fs = seq2fs(v); // v2 stores these this way
// assert(ref_fs != null); // it could be a modification which set the slot to null
if (isArray) {
((FSArray)fs).set(offsetInFs - 2, ref_fs);
} else {
fs.setFeatureValue(feat, ref_fs);
default: Misc.internalError();
} // end of switch
} // end of for loop over all items for this FS
} // end of ReadModifiedMainHeap
} // end of ReadModifiedFs class
* lazy initialization of the prevFsRef info
* FSArray - only need slot 0
* non-array - need all the slots
private int [] getPrevFsRef(TypeImpl type) {
if (fsArrayType.subsumes(type)) {
int[] cache = prevFsRefsByType[type.getCode()];
if (null == cache) {
prevFsRefsByType[type.getCode()] = cache = new int[] {0};
return cache;
if (type.isArray()) return null; // all arrays except fsArray (see above) don't have fs refs
int[] cache = prevFsRefsByType[type.getCode()];
if (null == cache && type.hasRefFeature) { // skip allocating if no refs
prevFsRefsByType[type.getCode()] = cache = new int[type.getNumberOfFeatures()];
return cache;
// private int fs2seq(TOP fs) {
// return (fs == null) ? 0 : fs2seq.get(fs);
// }
private TOP seq2fs(int s) {
return (s == 0) ? null : seq2fs.get(s);
private TOP addr2fs(int s) {
return (s == 0) ? null : csds.addr2fs.get(s);
/* ******************************************************************
* methods common to serialization / deserialization etc.
// private int incrToNextFs(int[] heap, int iHeap, TypeInfo typeInfo) {
// if (typeInfo.isHeapStoredArray) {
// return 2 + heap[iHeap + 1];
// } else {
// return 1 + typeInfo.slotKinds.length;
// }
// }
// private void initFsStartIndexes (final ComprItemRefs fsStartIndexes, final int[] heap, int heapStart, int heapEnd, int[] histo) {
// for (int iHeap = 1; iHeap < heapEnd;) {
// fsStartIndexes.addItemAddr(iHeap);
// final int tCode = heap[iHeap];
// if ((null != histo) && (iHeap >= heapStart)) {
// histo[tCode] ++;
// }
// TypeInfo typeInfo = getTypeInfo(tCode);
// iHeap += incrToNextFs(heap, iHeap, typeInfo);
// }
// fsStartIndexes.finishSetup();
// }
// this method is required, instead of merely making
// a "new" instance, so that
// the containing instance of BinaryCasSerDes4 can be
// accessed for the type info
public CasCompare getCasCompare() {
return new CasCompare();
public class CasCompare {
// /**
// * Compare 2 CASes for equal
// * The layout of refs to aux heaps does not have to match
// */
// private CASImpl c1;
// private CASImpl c2;
// private Heap c1HO;
// private Heap c2HO;
// private int[] c1heap;
// private int[] c2heap;
// private int iHeap;
* Trampolines to Form6 compare
* There's no reliable way to get the set of FSs for 2 different form4 CASs, since the
* method used is to take the FSs from the id2fs weakReferences, and therefore some
* unreferenced items may appear in one and not the other.
* @param c1 a cas to compare
* @param c2 the cas to compare to
* @return true if they compare equal
public boolean compareCASes(CASImpl c1, CASImpl c2) {
BinaryCasSerDes6 bcsd6;
try {
bcsd6 = new BinaryCasSerDes6(c1);
} catch (ResourceInitializationException e) {
// never thrown
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return bcsd6.compareCASes(c1, c2);
// this.c1 = c1;
// this.c2 = c2;
// c1HO = c1.getHeap();
// c2HO = c2.getHeap();
// final int endi = c1HO.getCellsUsed();
// final int end2 = c2HO.getCellsUsed();
// if (endi != end2) {
// System.err.format("CASes have different heap cells used: %,d %,d%n", endi, end2);
// }
// c1heap = c1HO.heap;
// c2heap = c2HO.heap;
// final ComprItemRefs fsStartIndexes = new ComprItemRefs();
// initFsStartIndexes(fsStartIndexes, c1heap, 1, endi, null);
// final int endsi = fsStartIndexes.getNbrOfItems();
// for (int i = 1; i < endsi; i++) {
// iHeap = fsStartIndexes.getItemAddr(i);
//// System.out.println("");
// if (!compareFss()) {
// return false;
// }
// }
// int[] ifs1 = c1.getIndexedFSs();
// int[] ifs2 = c2.getIndexedFSs();
// return Arrays.equals(ifs1, ifs2);
// }
// private boolean compareFss() {
// int tCode = c1heap[iHeap];
// typeInfo = getTypeInfo(tCode);
// if (tCode != c2heap[iHeap]) {
// return mismatchFs();
// }
// if (typeInfo.isArray) {
// return compareFssArray();
// } else {
// for (int i = 1; i < typeInfo.slotKinds.length + 1; i++) {
// if (!compareSlot(i)) {
// return mismatchFs();
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
// }
// private boolean compareFssArray() {
// int len1 = c1heap[iHeap + 1];
// int len2 = c2heap[iHeap + 1];
// if (len1 != len2) {
// return false;
// }
// for (int i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
// SlotKind kind = typeInfo.getSlotKind(2);
// if (typeInfo.isHeapStoredArray) {
// if (kind == Slot_StrRef) {
// if (! compareStrings(c1.getStringForCode(c1heap[iHeap + 2 + i]),
// c2.getStringForCode(c2heap[iHeap + 2 + i]))) {
// return mismatchFs();
// }
// } else if (c1heap[iHeap + 2 + i] != c2heap[iHeap + 2 + i]) {
// return mismatchFs();
// }
// } else { // not heap stored array
// switch (kind) {
// case Slot_BooleanRef: case Slot_ByteRef:
// if (c1.getByteHeap().getHeapValue(c1heap[iHeap + 2] + i) !=
// c2.getByteHeap().getHeapValue(c2heap[iHeap + 2] + i)) {
// return mismatchFs();
// }
// break;
// case Slot_ShortRef:
// if (c1.getShortHeap().getHeapValue(c1heap[iHeap + 2] + i) !=
// c2.getShortHeap().getHeapValue(c2heap[iHeap + 2] + i)) {
// return mismatchFs();
// }
// break;
// case Slot_LongRef: case Slot_DoubleRef: {
// if (c1.getLongHeap().getHeapValue(c1heap[iHeap + 2] + i) !=
// c2.getLongHeap().getHeapValue(c2heap[iHeap + 2] + i)) {
// return mismatchFs();
// }
// break;
// }
// default: throw new RuntimeException("internal error");
// }
// }
// } // end of for
// return true;
// }
// private boolean compareSlot(int offset) {
// SlotKind kind = typeInfo.getSlotKind(offset);
// switch (kind) {
// case Slot_Int: case Slot_Short: case Slot_Boolean: case Slot_Byte:
// case Slot_Float: case Slot_HeapRef:
// return c1heap[iHeap + offset] == c2heap[iHeap + offset];
// case Slot_StrRef:
// return compareStrings(c1.getStringForCode(c1heap[iHeap + offset]),
// c2.getStringForCode(c2heap[iHeap + offset]));
// case Slot_LongRef: case Slot_DoubleRef:
// return c1.getLongHeap().getHeapValue(c1heap[iHeap + offset]) ==
// c2.getLongHeap().getHeapValue(c2heap[iHeap + offset]);
// default: throw new RuntimeException("internal error");
// }
// }
// private boolean compareStrings(String s1, String s2) {
// if (null == s1) {
// return null == s2;
// }
// return s1.equals(s2);
// }
// private boolean mismatchFs() {
// System.err.format("Mismatched Feature Structures:%n %s%n %s%n",
// dumpHeapFs(c1), dumpHeapFs(c2));
// return false;
// }
// private StringBuilder dumpHeapFs(CASImpl cas) {
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// typeInfo = getTypeInfo(cas.getHeap().heap[iHeap]);
// sb.append(typeInfo);
// if (typeInfo.isHeapStoredArray) {
// sb.append(dumpHeapStoredArray(cas));
// } else if (typeInfo.isArray) {
// sb.append(dumpNonHeapStoredArray(cas));
// } else {
// sb.append(" Slots:\n");
// for (int i = 1; i < typeInfo.slotKinds.length + 1; i++) {
// sb.append(" ").append(typeInfo.getSlotKind(i)).append(": ")
// .append(dumpByKind(cas, i)).append('\n');
// }
// }
// return sb;
// }
// private StringBuilder dumpHeapStoredArray(CASImpl cas) {
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// int[] heap = cas.getHeap().heap;
// final int length = heap[iHeap + 1];
// sb.append("Array Length: ").append(length).append('[');
// SlotKind arrayElementKind = typeInfo.slotKinds[1];
// switch (arrayElementKind) {
// case Slot_HeapRef: case Slot_Int: case Slot_Short: case Slot_Byte:
// case Slot_Boolean: case Slot_Float:
// for (int i = iHeap + 2; i < iHeap + length + 2; i++) {
// if (i > iHeap + 2) {
// sb.append(", ");
// }
// sb.append(heap[i]);
// }
// break;
// case Slot_StrRef:
// StringHeap sh = cas.getStringHeap();
// for (int i = iHeap + 2; i < iHeap + length + 2; i++) {
// if (i > iHeap + 2) {
// sb.append(", ");
// }
// sb.append(sh.getStringForCode(heap[i]));
// }
// break;
// default: throw new RuntimeException("internal error");
// }
// sb.append("] ");
// return sb;
// }
// private StringBuilder dumpNonHeapStoredArray(CASImpl cas) {
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// int[] heap = cas.getHeap().heap;
// final int length = heap[iHeap + 1];
// sb.append("Array Length: ").append(length).append('[');
// SlotKind arrayElementKind = typeInfo.slotKinds[1];
// for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// if (i > 0) {
// sb.append(", ");
// }
// switch (arrayElementKind) {
// case Slot_BooleanRef: case Slot_ByteRef:
// sb.append(cas.getByteHeap().getHeapValue(heap[iHeap + 2 + i]));
// break;
// case Slot_ShortRef:
// sb.append(cas.getShortHeap().getHeapValue(heap[iHeap + 2 + i]));
// break;
// case Slot_LongRef: case Slot_DoubleRef: {
// long v = cas.getLongHeap().getHeapValue(heap[iHeap + 2 + i]);
// if (arrayElementKind == Slot_DoubleRef) {
// sb.append(CASImpl.long2double(v));
// } else {
// sb.append(String.format("%,d", v));
// }
// break;
// }
// default: throw new RuntimeException("internal error");
// }
// }
// sb.append("] ");
// return sb;
// }
// private StringBuilder dumpByKind(CASImpl cas, int offset) {
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// int[] heap = cas.getHeap().heap;
// SlotKind kind = typeInfo.getSlotKind(offset);
// switch (kind) {
// case Slot_Int:
// return sb.append(heap[iHeap + offset]);
// case Slot_Short:
// return sb.append((short)heap[iHeap + offset]);
// case Slot_Byte:
// return sb.append((byte)heap[iHeap + offset]);
// case Slot_Boolean:
// return sb.append(((heap[iHeap + offset]) == 0) ? false : true);
// case Slot_Float: {
// int v = heap[iHeap + offset];
// return sb.append(Float.intBitsToFloat(v)).append(' ').append(Integer.toHexString(v));
// }
// case Slot_HeapRef:
// return sb.append("HeapRef[").append(heap[iHeap + offset]).append(']');
// case Slot_StrRef:
// return sb.append(cas.getStringForCode(heap[iHeap + offset]));
// case Slot_LongRef:
// return sb.append(String.format("%,d", cas.getLongHeap().getHeapValue(heap[iHeap + offset])));
// case Slot_DoubleRef: {
// long v = cas.getLongHeap().getHeapValue(heap[iHeap + offset]);
// return sb.append(CASImpl.long2double(v)).append(' ').append(Long.toHexString(v));
// }
// default: throw new RuntimeException("internal error");
// }
* @param f can be a DataOutputStream,
* an OutputStream
* a File
* @return a data output stream
* @throws FileNotFoundException passthru
private static DataOutputStream makeDataOutputStream(Object f) throws FileNotFoundException {
if (f instanceof DataOutputStream) {
return (DataOutputStream)f;
if (f instanceof OutputStream) {
return new DataOutputStream((OutputStream)f);
if (f instanceof File) {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream((File)f);
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
return new DataOutputStream(bos);
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Invalid class passed to method, class was %s", f.getClass().getName()));
static CommonSerDesSequential getCsds(CASImpl cas, boolean isDelta) {
CommonSerDesSequential tmpCsds = cas.getCsds();
// 3 cases:
// is delta, have good csds - use it without getting a new one
// is delta, but existing csds is null or is empty - make a new one and set it up
// is not delta: make a nw one and set it up
if (!isDelta ||
(null == tmpCsds || tmpCsds.isEmpty()) ) {
tmpCsds = cas.newCsds();
tmpCsds.setup(null, 1);
} else {
assert null != tmpCsds;
return tmpCsds;
// /**
// * Create and set up a new Csds for a CAS.
// * Called whenever needed, after CAS has been updated
// * with possible new FSs via indexes or references, since previous csds was computed
// *
// * This is not needed, because the existing method above would
// * compute new ones except for the case of a delta serialization with one computed already from the previous deserialization.
// * - any new FSs are above the line and are found
// * - the data in the csds are for data below the line, and that data is fixed
// * -- because it includes all data below the line (referenced or not).
// * -- there is no way to go from non-referenced to referenced via some update.
// *
// * @param cas -
// * @return a newly computed csds with fs <-> addr tables, heapend number
// */
// static CommonSerDesSequential getNewCsds(CASImpl cas) {
// CommonSerDesSequential tmpCsds = cas.newCsds();
// tmpCsds.setup(null, 1);
// return tmpCsds;
// }
// public String printCasInfo(CASImpl cas) {
// int heapsz= cas.getHeap().getNextId() * 4;
// StringHeapDeserializationHelper shdh = cas.getStringHeap().serialize();
// int charssz = shdh.charHeap.length * 2;
// int strintsz = cas.getStringHeap().getSize() * 8;
// int strsz = charssz + strintsz;
// int fsindexessz = cas.getIndexedFSs().length * 4;
// int bytessz = cas.getByteHeap().getSize();
// int shortsz = cas.getShortHeap().getSize() * 2;
// int longsz = cas.getLongHeap().getSize() * 8;
// int total = heapsz + strsz + fsindexessz + bytessz + shortsz + longsz;
// return String.format("CAS info before compression: totalSize(bytes): %,d%n" +
// " mainHeap: %,d(%d%%)%n" +
// " Strings: [%,d(%d%%): %,d chars %,d ints]%n" +
// " fsIndexes: %,d(%d%%)%n" +
// " byte/short/long Heaps: [%,d %,d %,d]",
// total,
// heapsz, (100L*heapsz)/total,
// strsz, (100L*strsz)/ total,
// charssz, strintsz,
// fsindexessz, (100L*fsindexessz) / total,
// bytessz, shortsz, longsz
// );
// }
// public void setDeserCas(CASImpl cas) {
// deserCas = cas;
// }
// private TypeInfo getTypeInfo(int typeCode) {
// if (null == typeInfoArray[typeCode]) {
// initTypeInfoArray(typeCode);
// }
// return typeInfoArray[typeCode];
// }
// private void initTypeInfoArray(int typeCode) {
// TypeImpl type = (TypeImpl) ts.ll_getTypeForCode(typeCode);
// typeInfoArray[typeCode] = new TypeInfo(type, ts);
// }
// private static class TypeInfo {
// // constant data about a particular type
// public final TypeImpl type; // for debug
// public final SlotKind[] slotKinds;
// public final int[] strRefOffsets;
// public final boolean isArray;
// public final boolean isHeapStoredArray; // true if array elements are stored on the main heap
// // memory while compressing/decompressing
// public int iPrevHeap; // index of where this fs type occurred in the heap previously
// public TypeInfo(TypeImpl type, TypeSystemImpl ts) {
// this.type = type;
// List<Feature> features = type.getFeatures();
// isArray = type.isArray(); // feature structure array types named type-of-fs[]
// isHeapStoredArray = (type == ts.intArrayType) ||
// (type == ts.floatArrayType) ||
// (type == ts.fsArrayType) ||
// (type == ts.stringArrayType) ||
// (TypeSystemImpl.isArrayTypeNameButNotBuiltIn(type.getName()));
// final ArrayList<Integer> strRefsTemp = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// // set up slot kinds
// if (isArray) {
// // slotKinds has 2 slots: 1st is for array length, 2nd is the slotkind for the array element
// SlotKind arrayKind;
// if (isHeapStoredArray) {
// if (type == ts.intArrayType) {
// arrayKind = Slot_Int;
// } else if (type == ts.floatArrayType) {
// arrayKind = Slot_Float;
// } else if (type == ts.stringArrayType) {
// arrayKind = Slot_StrRef;
// } else {
// arrayKind = Slot_HeapRef;
// }
// } else {
// // array, but not heap-store-array
// if (type == ts.booleanArrayType ||
// type == ts.byteArrayType) {
// arrayKind = Slot_ByteRef;
// } else if (type == ts.shortArrayType) {
// arrayKind = Slot_ShortRef;
// } else if (type == ts.longArrayType) {
// arrayKind = Slot_LongRef;
// } else if (type == ts.doubleArrayType) {
// arrayKind = Slot_DoubleRef;
// } else {
// throw new RuntimeException("never get here");
// }
// }
// slotKinds = new SlotKind[] {Slot_ArrayLength, arrayKind};
// strRefOffsets = null;
// } else {
// // set up slot kinds for non-arrays
// ArrayList<SlotKind> slots = new ArrayList<SlotKind>();
// int i = -1;
// for (Feature feat : features) {
// i++;
// TypeImpl slotType = (TypeImpl) feat.getRange();
// if (slotType == ts.stringType || (slotType instanceof TypeImpl_string)) {
// slots.add(Slot_StrRef);
// strRefsTemp.add(i);
// } else if (slotType == ts.intType) {
// slots.add(Slot_Int);
// } else if (slotType == ts.booleanType) {
// slots.add(Slot_Boolean);
// } else if (slotType == ts.byteType) {
// slots.add(Slot_Byte);
// } else if (slotType == ts.shortType) {
// slots.add(Slot_Short);
// } else if (slotType == ts.floatType) {
// slots.add(Slot_Float);
// } else if (slotType == ts.longType) {
// slots.add(Slot_LongRef);
// } else if (slotType == ts.doubleType) {
// slots.add(Slot_DoubleRef);
// } else {
// slots.add(Slot_HeapRef);
// }
// } // end of for loop
// slotKinds = slots.toArray(new SlotKind[slots.size()]);
// // convert to int []
// strRefOffsets = new int[strRefsTemp.size()];
// for (int i2 = 0; i2 < strRefOffsets.length; i2++) {
// strRefOffsets[i2] = strRefsTemp.get(i2);
// }
// }
// }
// public SlotKind getSlotKind(int offset) {
// if (0 == offset) {
// return Slot_TypeCode;
// }
// return slotKinds[offset - 1];
// }
// @Override
// public String toString() {
// return type.toString();
// }
// }
// /**
// * An iterator-like object for Feature Structures on the heap
// * next() returns in order of ascending heap addresses those
// * that correspond to string references
// *
// * Returns -1 if no more string refs in this fs
// *
// * Not currently used, but save in case String
// * update impl changes to no-longer always add
// * new ref to end of string heap
// */
// private static class FsStringRefs {
// final boolean isStrArray;
// int offset = 0;
// final int length;
// final int iHeap;
// final int[] strRefOffsets;
// FsStringRefs(TypeInfo typeInfo, int[] heap, int iHeap) {
// this.iHeap = iHeap;
// isStrArray = (typeInfo.isHeapStoredArray &&
// typeInfo.getSlotKind(2) == Slot_StrRef);
// if (isStrArray) {
// length = heap[iHeap + 1];
// strRefOffsets = null;
// } else {
// strRefOffsets = typeInfo.strRefOffsets;
// length = strRefOffsets.length;
// }
// }
// int next() {
// if (offset < length) {
// return iHeap + ((isStrArray) ? (2 + offset++) : strRefOffsets[offset++]);
// } else {
// return -1;
// }
// }
// }
* debugging and dumping
public static void dumpCas(CASImpl cas) {
CommonSerDesSequential csds = new CommonSerDesSequential(cas);
csds.setup(null, 1);
for (TOP fs : csds.getSortedFSs()) {
System.out.format("debug heapAddr: %,d type: %s%n", csds.fs2addr.get(fs), fs._getTypeImpl().getShortName());
// if (csds.fs2addr.get(fs) == 439) {
// System.out.format("debug, fs: %s%n", fs);
// }
System.out.format("debug heapend: %,d%n", csds.getHeapEnd());