blob: b650ce22578299e0e804e7e070bf9fe83af2500b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;
import org.apache.uima.UimaSerializable;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CASRuntimeException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CommonArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.SerialFormat;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.CommonSerDes.Header;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.CommonSerDes.Reading;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Int2ObjHashMap;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntListIterator;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntVector;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Misc;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Obj2IntIdentityHashMap;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.function.Consumer_T_int_withIOException;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.function.DeserBinaryIndexes;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.BooleanArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.ByteArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.DoubleArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FloatArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.IntegerArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.LongArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.ShortArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.Sofa;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.StringArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException;
import org.apache.uima.util.CasLoadMode;
* Binary (mostly non compressed) CAS deserialization
* The methods in this class were originally part of the CASImpl,
* and were moved here to this class for v3
* Binary non compressed CAS serialization is in class CASSerializer,
* but that class uses routines and data structures in this class.
* There is one instance of this class per CAS (shared by all views of that CAS),
* created at the same time the CAS is created.
* This instance also holds data needed for binary serialization, and deserialization.
* For binary delta deserialization, it uses the data computed on a previous serialization,
* or, if none, it re-computes it. See scanAllFSsForBinarySerialization method.
* The data is computed lazily, and reset with cas reset.
* Lifecycle:
* created when a CAS (any view) is first created, as part of the shared view data for that CAS.
* never re-created.
* Data created when non-delta serializing, in case needed when delta-deserializing later:
* xxxAuxAddr2fsa maps aux arrays to FSs
* heaps and nextXXXHeapAddrAfterMark (in this case mark is the end).
* Reset:
* Instance Data:
* baseCas - ref to the corresponding CAS (final)
* tsi - the CAS's type system impl (can change; each use sets it from CAS API)
* heaps - there is 1 main heap, and 4 aux heaps (Byte, Short, Long, and String
* Some uses of this class require these be materialized. (May be input or output)
* for Delta deserialization:
* 5 ints - representing the first free address in the above 5 heaps, after the mark
* For delta deserialization: Maps for Aux arrays representing updatable arrays (not String):
* From starting addr in the aux array to the corresponding V3 FS object
public class BinaryCasSerDes {
private static final boolean TRACE_DESER = false;
private static final boolean SOFA_IN_NORMAL_ORDER = false;
private static final boolean SOFA_AHEAD_OF_NORMAL_ORDER = true;
* The offset for the array length cell. An array consists of length+2 number
* of cells, where the first cell contains the type, the second one the length,
* and the rest the actual content of the array.
private static final int arrayLengthFeatOffset = 1;
* The number of cells we need to skip to get to the array contents.
* That is, if we have an array starting at addr, the first cell is at
* addr+arrayContentOffset.
private static final int arrayContentOffset = 2;
final private CASImpl baseCas; // must be the base cas
private TypeSystemImpl tsi;
// this can't be an instance field - there may be multiple threads sharing this
// final private CommonSerDesSequential csds;
Heap heap;
ByteHeap byteHeap;
ShortHeap shortHeap;
LongHeap longHeap;
StringHeap stringHeap;
* These next are for delta (de)serialization, and identify the first slot
* in the aux or string tables for new FS data when there's a mark set.
* These values are read by CASSerializer when doing delta serialization, and
* set at the end of a matching binary deserialization.
* When serializing a delta, the heaps used are storing just the delta, so any numbers for offsets
* they yield are adjusted by adding these, so that when the delta is deserialized (and these augment
* the existing heaps), the references are correct with respect to the deserialized heap model.
int nextHeapAddrAfterMark;
int nextStringHeapAddrAfterMark;
int nextByteHeapAddrAfterMark;
int nextShortHeapAddrAfterMark;
int nextLongHeapAddrAfterMark;
// relocated to CommonSerDesSequential
// /**
// * a map from a fs to its addr in the modeled heap
// *
// * created during serialization
// * used during serialization to create addr info for index info serialization
// *
// * For delta, the addr is the modeled addr for the full CAS including both above and below the line.
// */
// final Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<TOP> fs2addr;
// /**
// * a map from a fs addr to the V3 FS
// * created when serializing (non-delta), deserializing (non-delta)
// * augmented when deserializing(delta)
// * used when deserializing (delta and non-delta)
// * retained after deserializing (in case of subsequent delta (multiple) deserializations being combined)
// *
// * For delta, the addr is the modeled addr for the full CAS including both above and below the line.
// *
// */
// final Int2ObjHashMap<TOP> addr2fs;
// /**
// * a map from a fs array of boolean/byte/short/long/double to its addr in the modeled aux heap
// * the ending address (if needed) is this addr plus the length (from the fs array)
// * Needed for delta modification deserialization
// */
// final Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<TOP> fsa2auxAddr = new Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<>(TOP.class, TOP.singleton);
* Map from an aux addr starting address for an array of boolean/byte/short/long/double to the V3 FS.
* key = simulated starting address in aux heap for the array
* value = FS having that array
* When deserializing a modification, used to find the v3 FS and the offset in the array to modify.
* created when serializing (in case receive delta deser back).
* created when delta deserializing if not available from previous serialization.
* updated when delta deserializing.
* reset at end of delta deserializings because multiple mods not supported
final private Int2ObjHashMap<TOP> byteAuxAddr2fsa = new Int2ObjHashMap<>(TOP.class);
final private Int2ObjHashMap<TOP> shortAuxAddr2fsa = new Int2ObjHashMap<>(TOP.class);
final private Int2ObjHashMap<TOP> longAuxAddr2fsa = new Int2ObjHashMap<>(TOP.class);
* If true, adjust type codes in serialized forms
* to allow v2 type codes to be correctly read by v3 impls,
* because v3 impls have a greater number of built-in types
boolean isBeforeV3 = false;
public BinaryCasSerDes(CASImpl baseCAS) {
this.baseCas = baseCAS;
/* *********************************
* D e s e r i a l i z e r s
* Deserializer for Java-object serialized instance of CASSerializer
* Used by Soap
* @param ser - The instance to convert back to a CAS
public void reinit(CASSerializer ser) {
reinit(ser.getHeapMetadata(), ser.getHeapArray(), ser.getStringTable(), ser.getFSIndex(), ser
.getByteArray(), ser.getShortArray(), ser.getLongArray());
* This is for deserializing (never delta) from a serialized java object representation or maybe from the JNI bridge
* @param heapMetadata -
* @param heapArray -
* @param stringTable -
* @param fsIndex -
* @param byteHeapArray -
* @param shortHeapArray -
* @param longHeapArray -
void reinit(int[] heapMetadata, int[] heapArray, String[] stringTable, int[] fsIndex,
byte[] byteHeapArray, short[] shortHeapArray, long[] longHeapArray) {
CommonSerDesSequential csds = new CommonSerDesSequential(baseCas); // for non Delta case, not held on to
// compare with compress form 4, which does cas.getCsds() or cas.newCsds() which saves it in cas.svd
csds.setup(null, 1);
heap = new Heap();
byteHeap = new ByteHeap();
shortHeap = new ShortHeap();
longHeap = new LongHeap();
stringHeap = new StringHeap();
heap.reinit(heapMetadata, heapArray);
if (byteHeapArray != null) {
if (shortHeapArray != null) {
if (longHeapArray != null) {
createFSsFromHeaps(false, 1, csds); // false means not delta
reinitIndexedFSs(fsIndex, false, i -> csds.addr2fs.get(i));
public CASImpl setupCasFromCasMgrSerializer(CASMgrSerializer casMgrSerializer) {
if (null != casMgrSerializer) {
TypeSystemImpl ts = casMgrSerializer.getTypeSystem();
// reset index repositories -- wipes out Sofa index
baseCas.indexRepository = casMgrSerializer.getIndexRepository(baseCas);
// get handle to existing initial View
CASImpl initialView = baseCas.getInitialView();
// throw away all other View information as the CAS definition may have
// changed
baseCas.svd.viewCount = 0;
// freshen the initial view
initialView.refreshView(baseCas, null);
baseCas.setViewForSofaNbr(1, initialView);
baseCas.svd.viewCount = 1;
return baseCas;
* Deserializer for CASCompleteSerializer instances - includes type system and index definitions
* Never delta
* @param casCompSer -
public void reinit(CASCompleteSerializer casCompSer) {
TypeSystemImpl ts = casCompSer.getCASMgrSerializer().getTypeSystem();
baseCas.installTypeSystemInAllViews(ts); // the commit (next) re-installs it if it changes
// reset index repositories -- wipes out Sofa index
casCompSer.getCASMgrSerializer().getIndexRepository(baseCas); // sets the argument's index repository
// get handle to existing initial View
CASImpl initialView = (CASImpl) baseCas.getInitialView();
// freshen the initial view
initialView.refreshView(baseCas, null); // sets jcas to null for the view, too
baseCas.setViewForSofaNbr(1, initialView);
baseCas.svd.viewCount = 1;
// deserialize heap
CASSerializer casSer = casCompSer.getCASSerializer();
reinit(casSer.getHeapMetadata(), casSer.getHeapArray(), casSer.getStringTable(), casSer
.getFSIndex(), casSer.getByteArray(), casSer.getShortArray(), casSer.getLongArray());
* Binary Deserialization Support
* An instance of this class is made for every reinit operation doing delta deserialization
* Mainly used to convert addrs into the main heap into their corresponding FS info
private class BinDeserSupport {
private TOP fs; // the current fs or null
* The current start address for an FS having maybe multiple fields updated
private int fsStartAddr;
* The current end address (1 beyond last slot)
private int fsEndAddr;
* An array of all the starting indexes of the FSs on the old/prev heap
* (below the mark, for delta CAS, plus one last one (one beyond the end)
private int[] fssAddrArray;
* index into fssAddrArray
private int fssIndex;
private int addrOfFsToBeAddedBack;
private TOP fsToBeAddedBack; // the fs corresponding to the addrOfFsToBeAddedBack
// // feature codes - there are exactly the same number as their are features
// private int[] featCodes;
private FSsTobeAddedback tobeAddedback = FSsTobeAddedback.createSingle();
* add a previously removed fs back
private void maybeAddBack() {
if (addrOfFsToBeAddedBack != fsStartAddr) {
private void addBackIfRemoved() {
if (fsToBeAddedBack != null) {
* if not an array (array values can't be keys)
* remove if the feature being updated is in an index key
* @param heapAddr -
private void maybeRemove(int heapAddr) {
TypeImpl type = fs._getTypeImpl();
boolean wasRemoved;
if (!type.isArray()) {
FeatureImpl feat = type.getFeatureImpls()[heapAddr - fsStartAddr - 1];
wasRemoved = baseCas.checkForInvalidFeatureSetting(fs, feat.getCode(), tobeAddedback);
addrOfFsToBeAddedBack = wasRemoved ? fsStartAddr : 0;
fsToBeAddedBack = wasRemoved ? fs : null;
* for Deserialization of Delta, when updating existing FSs,
* If the heap addr is for the next FS, re-add the previous one to those indexes where it was removed,
* and then maybe remove the new one (and remember which views to re-add to).
* @param heapAddr
private void maybeAddBackAndRemoveFs(int heapAddr, Int2ObjHashMap<TOP> addr2fs) {
if (fsStartAddr == -1) {
fssIndex = -1;
addrOfFsToBeAddedBack = -1;
fs = fsToBeAddedBack = null;
findCorrespondingFs(heapAddr, addr2fs); // sets fsStartAddr, end addr
// if not an array (array values can't be keys)
// remove if the feature being updated is in an index key
* Given a heap addr which may be in the middle of a FS, find the FS it belongs to and set up things in the bds.
* Special cases:
* if the addr is in the middle of an already setup FS, just return
* The search is done using a binary search, with an exception to check the next item (optimization)
* @param heapAddr - the heap addr
* @param bds -
private void findCorrespondingFs(int heapAddr, Int2ObjHashMap<TOP> addr2fs) {
if (fsStartAddr < heapAddr && heapAddr < fsEndAddr) {
// search forward by 1 before doing binary search
fssIndex ++; // incrementing dense index into fssAddrArray for start addrs
fsStartAddr = fssAddrArray[fssIndex]; // must exist
if (fssIndex + 1 < fssAddrArray.length) { // handle edge case where prev was at the end
fsEndAddr = fssAddrArray[fssIndex + 1]; // must exist
if (fsStartAddr < heapAddr && heapAddr < fsEndAddr) {
fs = addr2fs.get(fsStartAddr);
int result;
if (heapAddr > fsEndAddr) {
// item is higher
result = Arrays.binarySearch(fssAddrArray, fssIndex + 1, fssAddrArray.length, heapAddr);
} else {
result = Arrays.binarySearch(fssAddrArray, 0, fssIndex - 1, heapAddr);
// result must be negative - should never modify a type code slot
assert (result < 0);
fssIndex = (-result) - 2;
fsStartAddr = fssAddrArray[fssIndex];
fsEndAddr = fssAddrArray[fssIndex + 1];
fs = addr2fs.get(fsStartAddr);
assert(fsStartAddr < heapAddr && heapAddr < fsEndAddr);
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* see Blob Format in CASSerializer
* This reads in and deserializes CAS data from a stream. Byte swapping may be
* needed if the blob is from C++ -- C++ blob serialization writes data in
* native byte order.
* Supports delta deserialization. For that, the the csds from the serialization event must be used.
* @param istream -
* @return - the format of the input stream detected
* @throws CASRuntimeException wraps IOException
public SerialFormat reinit(InputStream istream) throws CASRuntimeException {
final DataInputStream dis = CommonSerDes.maybeWrapToDataInputStream(istream);
try {
Header h = CommonSerDes.readHeader(dis);
return reinit(h, istream, null, CasLoadMode.DEFAULT, null, AllowPreexistingFS.allow, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
String msg = e.getMessage();
if (msg == null) {
msg = e.toString();
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.BLOB_DESERIALIZATION, msg);
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Deserialize a binary input stream, after reading the header,
* and optionally an externally provided type system and index spec
* used in compressed form 6 serialization previously
* This reads in and deserializes CAS data from a stream. Byte swapping may be
* needed if the blob is from C++ -- C++ blob serialization writes data in
* native byte order.
* The corresponding serialization code is in org.apache.uima.cas.impl.Serialization,
* also see CasIOUtils
* @param h -
* @param istream -
* @param casMgrSerializer null or the Java object representing the externally supplied type
* and maybe indexes definition (TSI)
* @param casLoadMode DEFAULT or REINIT. REINIT required with compressed form 6 to
* reinitialize the cas's type system and index definition, for form 6.
* @param f6 only used for form 6 where an instance of BinaryCasSerDes6 has been initialized
* @param allowPreexistingFS only used for form 6 delta deserialization
* @param ts the type system
* @return the format that was deserialized
* @throws CASRuntimeException wraps IOException
public SerialFormat reinit(Header h,
InputStream istream,
CASMgrSerializer casMgrSerializer,
CasLoadMode casLoadMode,
BinaryCasSerDes6 f6,
AllowPreexistingFS allowPreexistingFS,
TypeSystemImpl ts) throws CASRuntimeException {
final DataInputStream dis = CommonSerDes.maybeWrapToDataInputStream(istream);
if (!h.isV3) {
if (h.getSeqVersionNbr() < 2) {
isBeforeV3 = true; // adjusts binary type numbers
CASMgrSerializer embeddedCasMgrSerializer = maybeReadEmbeddedTSI(h, dis);
if (!h.isForm6() || casLoadMode == CasLoadMode.REINIT) {
(null != embeddedCasMgrSerializer && embeddedCasMgrSerializer.hasIndexRepository())
? embeddedCasMgrSerializer
: casMgrSerializer);
if (!h.isForm6() && casLoadMode == CasLoadMode.LENIENT) {
/**Lenient deserialization not support for input of type {0}.*/
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.LENIENT_NOT_SUPPORTED, new Object[] {h.toString()});
try {
final boolean delta = h.isDelta;
if (h.getSeqVersionNbr() < 2 && delta) { // is version 2 and delta
/** Deserializing a Version 2 Delta Cas into UIMA Version 3 not supported. */
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.DESERIALIZING_V2_DELTA_V3);
if (!delta) {
if (h.isCompressed) {
System.out.format("BinDeser version = %d%n", Integer.valueOf(h.v));
if (h.form4) {
(new BinaryCasSerDes4(baseCas.getTypeSystemImpl(), false))
.deserialize(baseCas, dis, delta, h);
return h.typeSystemIndexDefIncluded ? SerialFormat.COMPRESSED_TSI : SerialFormat.COMPRESSED;
} else {
CASMgrSerializer cms = (embeddedCasMgrSerializer != null) ? embeddedCasMgrSerializer : casMgrSerializer;
TypeSystemImpl tsRead = (cms != null) ? cms.getTypeSystem() : null;
if (null != tsRead) {
tsRead = tsRead.commit(); // no generators set up
TypeSystemImpl ts_for_decoding =
(tsRead != null && embeddedCasMgrSerializer != null)
? tsRead // first choice: embedded - it's always correct
: (ts != null) // 2nd choice is passed in ts arg, either ts or f6.getTgtTs()
? ts
: (f6 != null && f6.getTgtTs() != null)
? f6.getTgtTs() // this is the ts passed in via BinaryCasSerDes6 constructor
: tsRead; // last choice: the ts read from 2nd input to load() in CasIOUtils
try {
BinaryCasSerDes6 bcsd = (f6 != null)
? new BinaryCasSerDes6(f6, ts_for_decoding)
: new BinaryCasSerDes6(baseCas, ts_for_decoding);
bcsd.deserializeAfterVersion(dis, delta, AllowPreexistingFS.allow);
return h.typeSystemIndexDefIncluded
: h.typeSystemIncluded
} catch (ResourceInitializationException e) {
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.DESERIALIZING_COMPRESSED_BINARY_UNSUPPORTED, null, e);
return binaryDeserialization(h);
} catch (IOException e) {
String msg = e.getMessage();
if (msg == null) {
msg = e.toString();
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.BLOB_DESERIALIZATION, msg);
static CASMgrSerializer maybeReadEmbeddedTSI(Header h, DataInputStream dis) {
if (h.isTypeSystemIncluded() || h.isTypeSystemIndexDefIncluded()) { // Load TS from CAS stream
try {
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(dis);
return (CASMgrSerializer) ois.readObject();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | IOException e) {
/**Unrecognized serialized CAS format*/
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.UNRECOGNIZED_SERIALIZED_CAS_FORMAT, null, e);
return null;
* For corresponding serialization code, see CASSerializer *
* build a model of the heap, string and aux heaps.
* For delta deserialization, this is presumed to be in response to a previous serialization
* for delta - these can be just for the new ones
* read into these
* recreate / update V3 feature structures from this data
* delta CAS supported use case:
* CAS(1) -> binary serialize -> binary deserialize -> CAS(2).
* CAS(2) has mark set (before any new activity in deserialized CAS)
* CAS(2) has updates - new FSs, and mods to existing ones
* CAS(2) -> delta binary ser -> delta binary deser -> CAS(1).
* V3 supports the above scenario by retaining some information in CAS(2) at the
* end of the initial deserialization, including the model heap size/cellsUsed.
* - this is needed to properly do a compatible-with-v2 delta serialization.
* delta CAS edge use cases not supported:
* serialize (not binary), then receive delta binary serialization
* Both v2 and v3 assume that the delta mark is set immediately
* after binary deserialization; otherwise, subsequent binary deserialization
* of the delta will fail.
* This method assumes a previous binary serialization was done, and the following data structures
* are still valid (i.e. no CAS altering operations have been done)
* (these are reset: heap, stringHeap, byteHeap, shortHeap, longHeap)
* csds,
* [string/byte/short/long]auxAddr2fs (for array mods)
* nextHeapAddrAfterMark, next[string/byte/short/long]HeapAddrAfterMark
* @param h the Header (read by the caller)
* @return the format of the incoming serialized data
private SerialFormat binaryDeserialization(Header h) {
final boolean delta = h.isDelta;
final Reading r = h.reading;
final DataInputStream dis = r.dis;
final CommonSerDesSequential csds = BinaryCasSerDes4.getCsds(baseCas, delta);
if (delta) {
if (nextHeapAddrAfterMark == 0 ||
heap == null ||
heap.getCellsUsed() <=1) {
Misc.internalError(); // can't deserialize without a previous binary serialization for this CAS
} else {
if (heap == null) heap = new Heap(); else heap.reset();
if (byteHeap == null) byteHeap = new ByteHeap(); else byteHeap.reset();
if (shortHeap == null) shortHeap = new ShortHeap(); else shortHeap.reset();
if (longHeap == null) longHeap = new LongHeap(); else longHeap.reset();
if (stringHeap == null) stringHeap = new StringHeap(); else stringHeap.reset();
try {
// main fsheap
final int fsheapsz = r.readInt();
// reading the 0th (null) element, because that's what V2 did
int startPos = 0;
if (!delta) {
} else {
startPos = heap.getNextId();
System.out.format("BinDes Plain %s startPos: %,d mainHeapSize: %d%n",
delta ? "Delta" : "", Integer.valueOf(startPos), Integer.valueOf(fsheapsz));
// add new heap slots
for (int i = startPos; i < fsheapsz+startPos; i++) {
heap.heap[i] = r.readInt();
// if (TRACE_DESER) {
// if (i < 101 + startPos) {
// if (i % 5 == 0) System.out.format("%n i: %4d ", i);
// System.out.format("%,15d ", heap.heap[i]);
// }
// }
// if (TRACE_DESER) System.out.println("");
// string heap
int stringheapsz = r.readInt();
final StringHeapDeserializationHelper shdh = new StringHeapDeserializationHelper();
shdh.charHeap = new char[stringheapsz];
for (int i = 0; i < stringheapsz; i++) {
shdh.charHeap[i] = (char) r.readShort();
shdh.charHeapPos = stringheapsz;
// word alignment
if (stringheapsz % 2 != 0) {
// string ref heap
int refheapsz = r.readInt();
refheapsz = refheapsz / 2;
refheapsz = refheapsz * 3;
// read back into references consisting of three ints
// --stringheap offset, length, stringlist offset
shdh.refHeap = new int[StringHeapDeserializationHelper.FIRST_CELL_REF + refheapsz];
dis.readInt(); // 0
for (int i = shdh.refHeapPos; i < shdh.refHeap.length; i += StringHeapDeserializationHelper.REF_HEAP_CELL_SIZE) {
shdh.refHeap[i + StringHeapDeserializationHelper.CHAR_HEAP_POINTER_OFFSET] = r.readInt();
shdh.refHeap[i + StringHeapDeserializationHelper.CHAR_HEAP_STRLEN_OFFSET] = r.readInt();
shdh.refHeap[i + StringHeapDeserializationHelper.STRING_LIST_ADDR_OFFSET] = 0;
shdh.refHeapPos = refheapsz + StringHeapDeserializationHelper.FIRST_CELL_REF;
stringHeap.reinit(shdh, delta);
final int fsmodssz2;
final int[] modWords;
//if delta, handle modified fs heap cells
if (delta) {
* Delta Binary Deserialization
* At this point, we have
* - not yet converted the main heap array into FSs.
* - not yet read in Aux Heaps (except for strings)
* So, we do this in 2 phases.
* - This phase just reads in the data but does not act on it.
* - Phase 2 happens after the FSs are created from the heap data.
fsmodssz2 = 2 * r.readInt();
modWords = new int[fsmodssz2];
for (int i = 0; i < fsmodssz2; i++) {
modWords[i] = r.readInt();
System.out.format("BinDes modified heap slot count: %,d%n", Integer.valueOf(fsmodssz2 / 2));
} else {
fsmodssz2 = 0; // not used but must be set to make "final" work
modWords = null;
// indexed FSs
int fsindexsz = r.readInt();
int[] fsindexes = new int[fsindexsz];
if (TRACE_DESER) System.out.format("BinDes indexedFSs count: %,d%n", Integer.valueOf(fsindexsz));
for (int i = 0; i < fsindexsz; i++) {
fsindexes[i] = r.readInt();
if (i % 5 == 0) System.out.format("%n i: %5d ", Integer.valueOf(i));
System.out.format("%15d ", Integer.valueOf(fsindexes[i]));
if (TRACE_DESER) System.out.println("");
// byte heap
int heapsz = r.readInt();
if (TRACE_DESER) System.out.format("BinDes ByteHeap size: %,d%n", Integer.valueOf(heapsz));
if (!delta) {
byteHeap.heap = new byte[Math.max(16, heapsz)]; // must be > 0
dis.readFully(byteHeap.heap, 0, heapsz);
byteHeap.heapPos = heapsz;
} else {
final int offset2startOfNewBytes = byteHeap.reserve(heapsz);
dis.readFully(byteHeap.heap, offset2startOfNewBytes, heapsz);
// word alignment
int align = (4 - (heapsz % 4)) % 4;
BinaryCasSerDes6.skipBytes(dis, align);
// short heap
heapsz = r.readInt();
if (TRACE_DESER) System.out.format("BinDes ShortHeap size: %,d%n", Integer.valueOf(heapsz));
if (!delta) {
shortHeap.heap = new short[Math.max(16, heapsz)]; // must be > 0
for (int i = 0; i < heapsz; i++) {
shortHeap.heap[i] = r.readShort();
shortHeap.heapPos = heapsz;
} else {
final int pos = shortHeap.reserve(heapsz);
final int end = pos + heapsz;
for (int i = pos; i < end; i++) {
// word alignment
if (heapsz % 2 != 0) {
// long heap
heapsz = r.readInt();
if (TRACE_DESER) System.out.format("BinDes LongHeap size: %,d%n", Integer.valueOf(heapsz));
if (!delta) {
longHeap.heap = new long[Math.max(16, heapsz)]; // must be > 0
for (int i = 0; i < heapsz; i++) {
longHeap.heap[i] = r.readLong();
longHeap.heapPos = heapsz;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < heapsz; i++) {
if (delta) {
* The modifications are all to existing FSs.
* The modifications consist of an address (offset in an aux array) which is an array element.
* We don't update the aux array, but instead update the actual FS below the line representing the array.
* To identify the fs, we use the xxAuxAddr2fsa sorted list forms and do a binary search to find the item to update,
* with a fast path for the same or next item.
* Same - use case is multiple updates into the same array
//modified Byte Heap
heapsz = updateAuxArrayMods(r, byteAuxAddr2fsa, (ba, arrayIndex) -> {
if (ba instanceof ByteArray) {
((ByteArray)ba).set(arrayIndex, dis.readByte());
} else {
((BooleanArray)ba).set(arrayIndex, dis.readByte() == 1);
// word alignment
align = (4 - (heapsz % 4)) % 4;
BinaryCasSerDes6.skipBytes(dis, align);
//modified Short Heap
heapsz = updateAuxArrayMods(r, shortAuxAddr2fsa, (sa, arrayIndex) -> {
((ShortArray)sa).set(arrayIndex, r.readShort());
// word alignment
if (heapsz % 2 != 0) {
//modified Long Heap
updateAuxArrayMods(r, longAuxAddr2fsa, (la, arrayIndex) -> {
if (la instanceof LongArray) {
((LongArray)la).set(arrayIndex, r.readLong());
} else {
((DoubleArray)la).set(arrayIndex, CASImpl.long2double(r.readLong()));
} // of delta - modified processing
* Convert model heap added FS into real FS *
* update addr2fs and fs2addr *
* update byte/short/long/string auxAddr2fsa *
// build the new FSs and record in addr2FSs
createFSsFromHeaps(delta, startPos == 0 ? 1 : startPos, csds);
if (delta) {
final BinDeserSupport bds = new BinDeserSupport();
bds.fssAddrArray = new int[csds.addr2fs.size() + 1]; // need one extra at the end
IntListIterator it = csds.addr2fs.keyIterator();
int iaa = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
bds.fssAddrArray[iaa++] =;
// iaa at this point refs the last entry in the table
bds.fssAddrArray[iaa] = heap.getCellsUsed();
Arrays.sort(bds.fssAddrArray); // because addr2fs.keyIterator is arbitrary order due to hash table impl
assert(bds.fssAddrArray[iaa] == heap.getCellsUsed());
bds.fsStartAddr = -1; // avoid initial addback of addback/remove pair.
// loop over all heap modifications to existing FSs
// first disable auto addbacks for index corruption - this routine is handling that
baseCas.svd.disableAutoCorruptionCheck = true;
try {
for (int i = 0; i < modWords.length; i = i + 2) {
final int heapAddrBeingModified = modWords[i];
bds.maybeAddBackAndRemoveFs(heapAddrBeingModified, csds.addr2fs);
updateHeapSlot(bds, heapAddrBeingModified, modWords[i+1], csds.addr2fs);
// heap.heap[heapAddrBeingModified] = r.readInt();
bds.fssAddrArray = null; // free storage
} finally {
baseCas.svd.disableAutoCorruptionCheck = false;
// update the indexes
IntFunction<TOP> getFsFromAddr = i -> csds.addr2fs.get(i);
reinitIndexedFSs(fsindexes, delta, getFsFromAddr);
if (!delta) {
// cleanup at the end of Binary Deserialization, both Delta and full
// saved and not cleaned up
// because needed by subsequent delta serialization:
// fs2addr, addr2fs,
// byte/short/longAuxAddr2fsa
// next[xx]HeapAddrAfterMark
// heaps cleaned up because after a full deser, a subsequent ser only populates these
// with the new items.
heap = null;
stringHeap = null;
byteHeap = null;
shortHeap = null;
longHeap = null;
// cleared because only used for delta deser, for mods, and mods not allowed for multiple deltas
} catch (IOException e) {
String msg = e.getMessage();
if (msg == null) {
msg = e.toString();
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.BLOB_DESERIALIZATION, msg);
return h.typeSystemIndexDefIncluded ? SerialFormat.BINARY_TSI : SerialFormat.BINARY;
void setHeapExtents() {
// We subtract 1 because the when creating the new entries in these heaps, the first one is
// at location 1, not 0, due to how the heaps are set up,
// but they are written from location 1, so when deserialized, they appear at an
// offset of 1 less.
nextHeapAddrAfterMark = heap.getCellsUsed(); // not really used except for sanity check
nextStringHeapAddrAfterMark = stringHeap.getSize() - 1;
nextByteHeapAddrAfterMark = byteHeap.getSize() - 1;
nextShortHeapAddrAfterMark = shortHeap.getSize() - 1;
nextLongHeapAddrAfterMark = longHeap.getSize() - 1;
* Called 3 times to process non-compressed binary deserialization of aux array modifications
* - once for byte/boolean, short, and long/double
* @return heapsz (used by caller to do word alignment)
* @throws IOException
int updateAuxArrayMods(Reading r, Int2ObjHashMap<TOP> auxAddr2fsa,
Consumer_T_int_withIOException<TOP> setter) throws IOException {
final int heapsz = r.readInt();
if (heapsz > 0) {
final int[] tempHeapAddrs = new int[heapsz];
final int[] sortedArrayAddrs = auxAddr2fsa.getSortedKeys();
int sortedArrayAddrsIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < heapsz; i++) {
tempHeapAddrs[i] = r.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < heapsz; i++) {
sortedArrayAddrsIndex = getSortedArrayAddrsIndex(sortedArrayAddrs, tempHeapAddrs[i], sortedArrayAddrsIndex);
final int arrayStart = sortedArrayAddrs[sortedArrayAddrsIndex];
TOP fs = auxAddr2fsa.get(arrayStart);
final int arrayIndex = tempHeapAddrs[i] - arrayStart;
setter.accept(fs, arrayIndex);
// EXAMPLE of setter:
// if (la instanceof LongArray) {
// ((LongArray)la).set(arrayIndex, r.readLong());
// } else {
// ((DoubleArray)la).set(arrayIndex, CASImpl.long2double(r.readLong()));
// }
return heapsz;
* gets number of views, number of sofas,
* For all sofas,
* adds them to the index repo in the base index
* registers the sofa
* insures initial view created
* for all views:
* does the view action and updates the documentannotation
* @param fsIndex the index info except for the actual list of FSs to reindex
* @param fss the lists of FSs to reindex (concatenated add/remove, or just adds if not delta)
* @param viewAction
void reinitIndexedFSs_common(int[] fsIndex, List<TOP> fss, DeserBinaryIndexes viewAction) {
// Add FSs to index repository for base CAS
int numViews = fsIndex[0];
int loopLen = fsIndex[1]; // number of sofas, not necessarily the same as
// number of views
// because the initial view may not have a sofa
for (int i = 0; i < loopLen; i++) { // iterate over all the sofas,
baseCas.indexRepository.addFS(fss.get(i)); // add to base index
baseCas.forAllSofas(sofa -> {
String id = sofa.getSofaID();
if (CAS.NAME_DEFAULT_SOFA.equals(id)) { // _InitialView
// next line the getView as a side effect
// checks for dupl sofa name, and if not,
// adds the name to the sofaNameSet
((CASImpl) baseCas.getView(sofa)).registerView(sofa);
baseCas.getInitialView(); // done for side effect of creating the initial view if not present
// must be done before the next line, because it sets the
// viewCount to 1.
baseCas.setViewCount(numViews); // total number of views
int fsIndexIdx = 2;
for (int viewNbr = 1; viewNbr <= numViews; viewNbr++) {
CASImpl view = (viewNbr == 1) ? (CASImpl) baseCas.getInitialView() : (CASImpl) baseCas.getView(viewNbr);
if (view != null) {
fsIndexIdx += (1 + viewAction.apply(fsIndexIdx, view));
view.updateDocumentAnnotation(); // noop if sofa local data string == null
} else {
fsIndexIdx += 1;
* This routine is used by several of the deserializers.
* Each one may have a different way to go from the addr to the fs
* e.g. Compressed form 6: fsStartIndexes.getSrcFsFromTgtSeq(...)
* plain binary: addr2fs.get(...)
* gets number of views, number of sofas,
* For all sofas,
* adds them to the index repo in the base index
* registers the sofa
* insures initial view created
* for all views:
* does the view action and updates the documentannotation
* @param fsIndex - array of fsRefs and counts, for sofas, and all views
* @param isDeltaMods - true for calls which are for delta mods - these have adds/removes
void reinitIndexedFSs(int[] fsIndex, boolean isDeltaMods, IntFunction<TOP> getFsFromAddr) {
int numViews = fsIndex[0];
int numSofas = fsIndex[1]; // number of sofas, not necessarily the same as number of views (initial view may not have a sofa)
int idx = 2;
int end1 = 2 + numSofas;
for (; idx < end1; idx++) { // iterate over all the sofas,
baseCas.indexRepository.addFS(getFsFromAddr.apply(fsIndex[idx])); // add to base index
baseCas.forAllSofas(sofa -> {
String id = sofa.getSofaID();
if (CAS.NAME_DEFAULT_SOFA.equals(id)) { // _InitialView
// next line the getView as a side effect
// checks for dupl sofa name, and if not,
// adds the name to the sofaNameSet
((CASImpl) baseCas.getView(sofa)).registerView(sofa);
baseCas.getInitialView(); // done for side effect of creating the initial view if not present
// must be done before the next line, because it sets the
// viewCount to 1.
baseCas.setViewCount(numViews); // total number of views
for (int viewNbr = 1; viewNbr <= numViews; viewNbr++) { // <= because starting at 1
CASImpl view = (viewNbr == 1) ? (CASImpl) baseCas.getInitialView() : (CASImpl) baseCas.getView(viewNbr);
FSIndexRepositoryImpl ir = (view == null) ? null : view.indexRepository;
int length = fsIndex[idx++];
reinitDeltaIndexedFSsInner(ir, fsIndex, idx, length, true, getFsFromAddr); // adds
idx += length;
if (isDeltaMods) {
length = fsIndex[idx++];
reinitDeltaIndexedFSsInner(ir, fsIndex, idx, length, false, getFsFromAddr); // removes
idx += length;
// skip the reindex - this isn't done here
// but we need to run the loop to read over the items in the input stream
length = fsIndex[idx++];
idx += length;
if (view != null) {
view.updateDocumentAnnotation(); // noop if sofa local data string == null
} // end of loop for all views
// void reinitDeltaIndexedFSs(int[] fsIndex, IntFunction<TOP> getFsFromAddr) {
// reinitIndexedFSs_common(fsIndex, (loopStart, view) -> {
// // for all views
// FSIndexRepositoryImpl ir = view.indexRepository;
// loopStart = reinitDeltaIndexedFSsInner(ir, fsIndex, loopStart, true, getFsFromAddr); // adds
// loopStart = reinitDeltaIndexedFSsInner(ir, fsIndex, loopStart, false, getFsFromAddr); // removes
// // skip the reindex - this isn't done here
// // but we need to run the loop to read over the items in the input stream
// return fsIndex[loopStart]; // return loopLen
// });
// }
* Given a list of FSs and a starting index and length:
* iterate over the FSs,
* and add or remove that from the indexes.
* @param ir index repository
* @param fss the list having the fss
* @param fsIdx the starting index
* @param length the length
* @param isAdd true to add, false to remove
void reinitDeltaIndexedFSsInner(
FSIndexRepositoryImpl ir, int [] fsindexes, int idx, int length, boolean isAdd,
IntFunction<TOP> getFsFromAddr) {
if (ir == null) {
final int end1 = idx + length;
// add FSs to index
for (; idx < end1; idx++) {
TOP fs = getFsFromAddr.apply(fsindexes[idx]);
if (isAdd) {
} else {
* given an aux address representing an element of an array, find the start of the array
* Fast path for the same as before array.
* binary search of subsequent ones (the addresses in the serializations are not sorted.)
* @param sortedStarts the sorted array of start addresses
* @param auxAddr the address being updated
* @param currentStart the last value found for fast path
* @return index into the sortedStarts
private int getSortedArrayAddrsIndex(int[] sortedArrayAddrs, int auxAddr, int sortedArrayAddrsIndex) {
int curStart = sortedArrayAddrs[sortedArrayAddrsIndex];
int nextStart = ((sortedArrayAddrsIndex + 1) == sortedArrayAddrs.length)
? Integer.MAX_VALUE
: sortedArrayAddrs[sortedArrayAddrsIndex + 1];
if (auxAddr >= curStart && auxAddr < nextStart) {
return sortedArrayAddrsIndex; // in same array
int v = Arrays.binarySearch(sortedArrayAddrs, auxAddr);
// e.g. 1 2 3 6 9 14 < sorted array addrs, key = 4, return the index of 3 = 2
// binary search: insertion point is index of "6" = 3.
// binary search returns -insertionpoint -1 = -3 -1 == -4
// extraction code (below) returns: 4 -2 = 2;
return (v >= 0 ) ? v : (-v) - 2;
* Serialization support *
// IndexedFSs format:
// number of views
// number of sofas
// [sofa-1 ... sofa-n]
// number of FS indexed in View1 [ views in order of view number ]
// [FS-1 ... FS-n]
// etc.
int[] getIndexedFSs(Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<TOP> fs2addr) {
IntVector v = new IntVector();
List<TOP> fss;
int numViews = baseCas.getViewCount();
// Get sofas
fss = baseCas.indexRepository.getIndexedFSs();
addIdsToIntVector(fss, v, fs2addr);
// Get indexes for each view in the CAS
baseCas.forAllViews(view ->
addIdsToIntVector(view.indexRepository.getIndexedFSs(), v, fs2addr));
return v.toArray();
void addIdsToIntVector(Collection<TOP> fss, IntVector v, Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<TOP> fs2addr) {
// for testing, fs2addr may be null, in which case, use the fsid instead
if (null == fs2addr) {
for (TOP fs : fss) {
} else {
for (TOP fs : fss) {
void addIdsToIntVector(Set<TOP> fss, IntVector v, Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<TOP> fs2addr) {
for (TOP fs : fss) {
//Delta IndexedFSs format:
// number of views
// number of sofas - new
// [sofa-1 ... sofa-n]
// number of new FS add in View1 .. n, in view number order
// [FS-1 ... FS-n]
// number of FS removed from View1
// [FS-1 ... FS-n]
//number of FS reindexed in View1
// [FS-1 ... FS-n]
// etc.
int[] getDeltaIndexedFSs(MarkerImpl mark, Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<TOP> fs2addr) {
IntVector v = new IntVector();
int numViews = baseCas.getViewCount();
// Get the new Sofa FS
IntVector newSofas = new IntVector();
baseCas.indexRepository.walkIndexedFSs( fs -> {
if (mark.isNew(fs)) {
v.add(newSofas.getArray(), 0, newSofas.size());
// Get indexes for each view in the CAS
for (int viewNbr = 1; viewNbr <= numViews; viewNbr++) {
FSIndexRepositoryImpl loopIndexRep = (FSIndexRepositoryImpl) baseCas.getSofaIndexRepository(viewNbr);
Set<TOP> fssAdded, fssDeleted, fssReindexed;
if (loopIndexRep != null) {
fssAdded = loopIndexRep.getAddedFSs();
fssDeleted = loopIndexRep.getDeletedFSs();
fssReindexed = loopIndexRep.getReindexedFSs();
} else {
fssAdded = Collections.emptySet();
fssDeleted = Collections.emptySet();
fssReindexed = Collections.emptySet();
addIdsToIntVector(fssAdded, v, fs2addr);
addIdsToIntVector(fssDeleted, v, fs2addr);
addIdsToIntVector(fssReindexed, v, fs2addr);
return v.toArray();
void createStringTableFromArray(String[] stringTable) {
// why a new heap instead of reseting the old one???
// this.stringHeap = new StringHeap();
for (int i = 1; i < stringTable.length; i++) {
public static int getFsSpaceReq(TOP fs, TypeImpl type) {
// use method in type; pass in array size if array
return type.getFsSpaceReq(fs);
// private long swap8(DataInputStream dis, byte[] buf) throws IOException {
// buf[7] = dis.readByte();
// buf[6] = dis.readByte();
// buf[5] = dis.readByte();
// buf[4] = dis.readByte();
// buf[3] = dis.readByte();
// buf[2] = dis.readByte();
// buf[1] = dis.readByte();
// buf[0] = dis.readByte();
// ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf);
// return bb.getLong();
// }
// private int swap4(DataInputStream dis, byte[] buf) throws IOException {
// buf[3] = dis.readByte();
// buf[2] = dis.readByte();
// buf[1] = dis.readByte();
// buf[0] = dis.readByte();
// ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf);
// return bb.getInt();
// }
// private char swap2(DataInputStream dis, byte[] buf) throws IOException {
// buf[1] = dis.readByte();
// buf[0] = dis.readByte();
// ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf, 0, 2);
// return bb.getChar();
// }
* Called when serializing a cas, or deserializing a delta CAS, if not saved in that case from a previous
* binary serialization (in that case, the scan is done as if it is doing a non-delta serialization).
* Initialize the serialization model for binary serialization in CASSerializer from a CAS
* Do 2 scans, each by walking all the reachable FSs
* - The first one processes all fs (including for delta, those below the line)
* -- computes the fs to addr map and its inverse, based on the size of each FS.
* -- done by CommonSerDesSequential class's "setup" method
* - The second one computes the values of the main and aux heaps and string heaps except for delta mods
* -- for delta, the heaps only have "new" values that binary serialization will write out as arrays
* --- mods are computed from FsChange info and added to the appropriate heaps, later
* - for byte/short/long/string array use, compute auxAddr2fsa maps.
* This is used when deserializing delta mod info, to locate the fs to update
* For delta serialization, the heaps are populated only with the new values.
* - Values "nextXXHeapAddrAfterMark" are added to main heap refs to aux heaps and to string tables,
* so they are correct after deserialization does delta deserialization and adds the aux heap and string heap
* info to the existing heaps.
* This is also done for the main heap refs, so that refs to existing FSs below the line and above the line
* are treated uniformly.
* The results must be retained for the use case of subsequently receiving back a delta cas.
* @param cs the CASSerializer instance used to record the results of the scan
* @param mark null or the mark to use for separating the new from from the previously existing
* used by delta cas.
* @return null or for delta, all the found FSs
List<TOP> scanAllFSsForBinarySerialization(MarkerImpl mark, CommonSerDesSequential csds) {
final boolean isMarkSet = mark != null;
List<TOP> all = null;
int prevHeapEnd = csds.getHeapEnd(); // used if mark is set
if (isMarkSet) {
all = csds.setup(mark, csds.getHeapEnd()); // add new stuff to existing csds
} // otherwise, it's set up already, using null, 1 as the arguments, when getCsds() is called
// For delta, these heaps will start at 1, and only hold new items
heap = new Heap(isMarkSet ? (1 + csds.getHeapEnd() - prevHeapEnd) : csds.getHeapEnd());
byteHeap = new ByteHeap();
shortHeap = new ShortHeap();
longHeap = new LongHeap();
stringHeap = new StringHeap();
if (!isMarkSet) {
clearDeltaOffsets(); // set nextXXheapAfterMark to 0;
List<TOP> itemsToExtract = csds.getSortedFSs();
// isMarkSet ? CASImpl.filterAboveMark(csds.getSortedFSs(), mark) : csds.getSortedFSs();
for (TOP fs : itemsToExtract) {
if (!isMarkSet || mark.isNew(fs)) {
// skip extraction for FSs below the mark.
// - updated slots will update aux heaps when delta mods are processed
extractFsToV2Heaps(fs, isMarkSet, csds.fs2addr);
return all;
// /**
// * to support serializing addr in aux arrays for modifications below the mark,
// * scan to compute the starting address of each array that's below the mark
// * and build maps from Array FSs to aux array starting addresses
// */
// void scanAllFSsForBinaryDeltaSerialization(MarkerImpl mark, CommonSerDesSequential csds) {
// }
* called in fs._id order to populate heaps from all FSs.
* For delta cas, only called for new above-the-line FSs
* @param fs Feature Structure to use to set heaps
* @param isMarkSet true if mark is set, used to compute first
private void extractFsToV2Heaps(TOP fs, boolean isMarkSet, Obj2IntIdentityHashMap<TOP> fs2addr) {
TypeImpl type = fs._getTypeImpl();
// pos is the pos in the new heaps; for delta it needs adjustment if written out
int pos = heap.add(getFsSpaceReq(fs, type), type.getCode());
if (type.isArray()) {
// next slot is the length
final int length = ((CommonArrayFS)fs).size();
heap.heap[pos + arrayLengthFeatOffset] = length;
// next slot are the values
int i = pos + arrayContentOffset;
switch (type.getComponentSlotKind()) {
case Slot_Int:
System.arraycopy(((IntegerArray)fs)._getTheArray(), 0, heap.heap, pos + arrayContentOffset, length);
case Slot_Float:
for (float v : ((FloatArray)fs)._getTheArray()) {
heap.heap[i++] = CASImpl.float2int(v);
case Slot_StrRef:
for (String s : ((StringArray)fs)._getTheArray()) {
int strAddr = stringHeap.addString(s);
// strAddr is the offset in the new str table; for delta, needs adjustment
heap.heap[i++] = (strAddr == 0) ? 0 : nextStringHeapAddrAfterMark + strAddr;
case Slot_BooleanRef: {
int baAddr = byteHeap .addBooleanArray(((BooleanArray)fs)._getTheArray());
heap.heap[i] = nextByteHeapAddrAfterMark + baAddr;
byteAuxAddr2fsa.put(nextByteHeapAddrAfterMark + baAddr, fs);
// // hack to find first above-the-mark ref
// if (isMarkSet && baAddr < nextByteHeapAddrAfterMark) {
// nextByteHeapAddrAfterMark = baAddr;
// }
case Slot_ByteRef: {
int baAddr = byteHeap .addByteArray (((ByteArray )fs)._getTheArray());
heap.heap[i] = nextByteHeapAddrAfterMark + baAddr;
byteAuxAddr2fsa.put(nextByteHeapAddrAfterMark + baAddr, fs);
// // hack to find first above-the-mark ref
// if (isMarkSet && baAddr < nextByteHeapAddrAfterMark) {
// nextByteHeapAddrAfterMark = baAddr;
// }
case Slot_ShortRef: {
int saAddr = shortHeap.addShortArray (((ShortArray )fs)._getTheArray());
heap.heap[i] = nextShortHeapAddrAfterMark + saAddr;
shortAuxAddr2fsa.put(nextShortHeapAddrAfterMark + saAddr, fs);
case Slot_LongRef: {
int laAddr = longHeap .addLongArray (((LongArray )fs)._getTheArray());
heap.heap[i] = nextLongHeapAddrAfterMark + laAddr;
longAuxAddr2fsa.put(nextLongHeapAddrAfterMark + laAddr, fs);
case Slot_DoubleRef: {
int laAddr = longHeap .addDoubleArray (((DoubleArray )fs)._getTheArray());
heap.heap[i] = nextLongHeapAddrAfterMark + laAddr;
longAuxAddr2fsa.put(nextLongHeapAddrAfterMark + laAddr, fs);
case Slot_HeapRef:
for (TOP fsitem : ((FSArray)fs)._getTheArray()) {
heap.heap[i++] = fs2addr.get(fsitem);
default: Misc.internalError();
} // end of switch
} else { // end of is-array
if (fs instanceof UimaSerializable) {
int i = pos + 1;
for (FeatureImpl feat : type.getFeatureImpls()) {
switch (feat.getSlotKind()) {
case Slot_Boolean: heap.heap[i++] = fs._getBooleanValueNc(feat) ? 1 : 0; break;
case Slot_Byte: heap.heap[i++] = fs._getByteValueNc(feat); break;
case Slot_Short: heap.heap[i++] = fs._getShortValueNc(feat); break;
case Slot_Int: heap.heap[i++] = fs._getIntValueNc(feat); break;
case Slot_Float: heap.heap[i++] = CASImpl.float2int(fs._getFloatValueNc(feat)); break;
case Slot_LongRef: {
int lAddr = longHeap.addLong(fs._getLongValueNc(feat));
heap.heap[i++] = nextLongHeapAddrAfterMark + lAddr;
case Slot_DoubleRef: {
int lAddr = longHeap.addLong(CASImpl.double2long(fs._getDoubleValueNc(feat)));
heap.heap[i++] = nextLongHeapAddrAfterMark + lAddr;
case Slot_StrRef: {
int sAddr = stringHeap.addString(fs._getStringValueNc(feat));
heap.heap[i++] = (sAddr == 0) ? 0 : nextStringHeapAddrAfterMark + sAddr; // is 0 if string is null
case Slot_HeapRef: heap.heap[i++] = fs2addr.get(fs._getFeatureValueNc(feat)); break;
default: Misc.internalError();
} // end of switch
} // end of iter over all features
} // end of if-is-not-array
* Given the deserialized main heap, byte heap, short heap, long heap and string heap,
* a) create the corresponding FSs, populating a
* b) addr2fs map, key = fsAddr, value = FS
* c) auxAddr2fs map, key = aux Array Start addr,
* value = FS corresponding to that primitive bool/byte/short/long/double array
* For some use cases, the byte / short / long heaps have not yet been initialized.
* - when data is available, deserialization will update the values in the fs directly
* Each new fs created augments the addr2fs map.
* - forward fs refs are put into deferred update list deferModFs
* Each new fs created which is a Boolean/Byte/Short/Long/Double array updates auxAddr2fsa map
* if the aux data is not available (update is put on deferred list). deferModByte deferModShort deferModLong
* Each new fs created which has a slot referencing a long/double not yet read in creates a
* deferred update specifying the fs, the slot, indexed by the addr in the aux table.
* see deferModStr deferModLong deferModDouble
* Notes:
* Subtypes of AnnotationBase created in the right view
* DocumentAnnotation - update out-of-indexes
* FSs not subtypes of AnnotationBase are **all** associated with the initial view.
* Delta serialization: this routine adds just the new (above-the-line) FSs, and augments existing addr2fs and auxAddr2fsa
private void createFSsFromHeaps(boolean isDelta, int startPos, CommonSerDesSequential csds) {
final int heapsz = heap.getCellsUsed();
final Int2ObjHashMap<TOP> addr2fs = csds.addr2fs;
tsi = baseCas.getTypeSystemImpl();
TOP fs;
TypeImpl type;
CASImpl initialView = baseCas.getInitialView(); // creates if needed
List<Runnable> fixups4forwardFsRefs = new ArrayList<>();
List<Runnable> fixups4UimaSerialization = new ArrayList<>();
for (int heapIndex = startPos; heapIndex < heapsz; heapIndex += getFsSpaceReq(fs, type)) {
int typecode = heap.heap[heapIndex];
// if (isBeforeV3 && typecode > TypeSystemConstants.lastBuiltinV2TypeCode) {
// typecode = typecode + TypeSystemConstants.numberOfNewBuiltInsSinceV2;
// }
type = tsi.getTypeForCode(heap.heap[heapIndex]);
if (type == null) {
throw new CASRuntimeException(CASRuntimeException.deserialized_type_not_found, Integer.valueOf(heap.heap[heapIndex]));
if (type.isArray()) {
final int len = heap.heap[heapIndex + arrayLengthFeatOffset];
final int bhi = heap.heap[heapIndex + arrayContentOffset];
final int hhi = heapIndex + arrayContentOffset;
fs = baseCas.createArray(type, len);
csds.addFS(fs, heapIndex);
switch(type.getComponentSlotKind()) {
case Slot_BooleanRef: {
boolean[] ba = ((BooleanArray)fs)._getTheArray();
for (int ai = 0; ai < len; ai++) {
ba[ai] = byteHeap.heap[bhi + ai] == (byte)1;
case Slot_ByteRef:
System.arraycopy(byteHeap.heap, bhi, ((ByteArray)fs)._getTheArray(), 0, len);
case Slot_ShortRef:
System.arraycopy(shortHeap.heap, bhi, ((ShortArray)fs)._getTheArray(), 0, len);
case Slot_LongRef:
System.arraycopy(longHeap.heap, bhi, ((LongArray)fs)._getTheArray(), 0, len);
case Slot_DoubleRef: {
double[] da = ((DoubleArray)fs)._getTheArray();
for (int ai = 0; ai < len; ai++) {
da[ai] = CASImpl.long2double(longHeap.heap[bhi + ai]);
case Slot_Int:
System.arraycopy(heap.heap, hhi, ((IntegerArray)fs)._getTheArray(), 0, len);
case Slot_Float: {
float[] fa = ((FloatArray)fs)._getTheArray();
for (int ai = 0; ai < len; ai++) {
fa[ai] = CASImpl.int2float(heap.heap[hhi + ai]);
case Slot_StrRef: {
String[] sa = ((StringArray)fs)._getTheArray();
for (int ai = 0; ai < len; ai++) {
sa[ai] = stringHeap.getStringForCode(heap.heap[hhi + ai]);
case Slot_HeapRef: {
TOP[] fsa = ((FSArray)fs)._getTheArray();
for (int ai = 0; ai < len; ai++) {
int a = heap.heap[hhi + ai];
if (a == 0) {
TOP item = addr2fs.get(a);
if (item != null) {
fsa[ai] = item;
} else {
final int aiSaved = ai;
final int addrSaved = a;
fixups4forwardFsRefs.add(() -> {fsa[aiSaved] = addr2fs.get(addrSaved);});
default: Misc.internalError();
} // end of switch
} else { // end of arrays
// start of normal non-array
CASImpl view = null;
boolean isSofa = false;
if (type.isAnnotationBaseType()) {
Sofa sofa = getSofaFromAnnotBase(heapIndex, stringHeap, addr2fs, csds); // creates sofa if needed and exists (forward ref case)
view = (sofa == null) ? baseCas.getInitialView() : baseCas.getView(sofa);
if (type == tsi.docType) {
fs = view.getDocumentAnnotation(); // creates the document annotation if it doesn't exist
view.removeFromCorruptableIndexAnyView(fs, view.getAddbackSingle());
} else {
fs = view.createFS(type);
if (fs instanceof UimaSerializable) {
final UimaSerializable ufs = (UimaSerializable) fs;
fixups4UimaSerialization.add(() -> ufs._init_from_cas_data());
} else if (type == tsi.sofaType) {
fs = makeSofaFromHeap(heapIndex, stringHeap, csds, SOFA_IN_NORMAL_ORDER); // creates Sofa if not already created due to annotationbase code above
isSofa = true;
} else {
fs = initialView.createFS(type);
if (fs instanceof UimaSerializable) {
final UimaSerializable ufs = (UimaSerializable) fs;
fixups4UimaSerialization.add(() -> ufs._init_from_cas_data());
if (!isSofa) { // if it was a sofa, other code added or pended it
csds.addFS(fs, heapIndex);
for (final FeatureImpl feat : type.getFeatureImpls()) {
SlotKind slotKind = feat.getSlotKind();
switch(slotKind) {
case Slot_Boolean:
case Slot_Byte:
case Slot_Short:
case Slot_Int:
case Slot_Float:
if (!isSofa || feat != tsi.sofaNum) {
fs._setIntLikeValueNcNj(slotKind, feat, heapFeat(heapIndex, feat));
case Slot_LongRef: fs._setLongValueNcNj(feat, longHeap.heap[heapFeat(heapIndex, feat)]); break;
case Slot_DoubleRef: fs._setDoubleValueNcNj(feat, CASImpl.long2double(longHeap.heap[heapFeat(heapIndex, feat)])); break;
case Slot_StrRef: {
String s = stringHeap.getStringForCode(heapFeat(heapIndex, feat));
if (updateStringFeature(fs, feat, s, fixups4forwardFsRefs)) {
fs._setStringValueNcNj(feat, s);
case Slot_HeapRef: {
final TOP finalFs = fs;
if (feat == tsi.annotBaseSofaFeat) {
break; // already set
setFeatOrDefer(heapIndex, feat, fixups4forwardFsRefs, item -> {
if (feat == tsi.sofaArray) {
} else {
finalFs._setFeatureValueNcNj(feat, item);
}}, addr2fs);
default: Misc.internalError();
} // end of switch
} // end of for-loop-over-all-features
if (type == tsi.docType) {
} // end of non-array, normal fs
} // end of loop over all fs in main array
for (Runnable r : fixups4forwardFsRefs) {;
for (Runnable r : fixups4UimaSerialization) {;
private void setFeatOrDefer(
int heapIndex,
FeatureImpl feat,
List<Runnable> fixups4forwardFsRefs,
Consumer<TOP> setter,
Int2ObjHashMap<TOP> addr2fs) {
int a = heapFeat(heapIndex, feat);
if (a == 0) {
TOP item = addr2fs.get(a);
if (item != null) {
} else {
fixups4forwardFsRefs.add(() -> setter.accept(addr2fs.get(a)));
// example of setter code
// if (feat == tsi.sofaArray) {
// ((Sofa)fs).setLocalSofaData(item);
// } else {
// fs.setFeatureValue(feat, item);
// }
private int heapFeat(int nextFsAddr, FeatureImpl feat) {
return heap.heap[nextFsAddr + 1 + feat.getOffset()];
private Sofa getSofaFromAnnotBase(int annotBaseAddr, StringHeap stringHeap2, Int2ObjHashMap<TOP> addr2fs,
CommonSerDesSequential csds) {
int sofaAddr = heapFeat(annotBaseAddr, tsi.annotBaseSofaFeat);
if (0 == sofaAddr) {
return null;
// get existing sofa or create sofa
return makeSofaFromHeap(sofaAddr, stringHeap2, csds, SOFA_AHEAD_OF_NORMAL_ORDER);
private Sofa makeSofaFromHeap(int sofaAddr, StringHeap stringHeap2, CommonSerDesSequential csds, boolean isUnordered) {
TOP sofa = csds.addr2fs.get(sofaAddr);
if (sofa != null) {
return (Sofa) sofa;
// create sofa
int sofaNum = heapFeat(sofaAddr, tsi.sofaNum);
String sofaName = stringHeap2.getStringForCode(heapFeat(sofaAddr, tsi.sofaId));
sofa = baseCas.createSofa(sofaNum, sofaName, null);
if (isUnordered) {
csds.addFSunordered(sofa, sofaAddr);
} else {
csds.addFS(sofa, sofaAddr);
return (Sofa) sofa;
* Doing updates for delta cas for existing objects.
* Cases:
* - item in heap-stored-array = update the corresponding item in the FS
* - non-ref in feature slot - update the corresponding feature
* - ref (to long/double value, to string)
* -- these always reference entries in long/string tables that are new (above the line)
* -- these have already been deserialized
* - ref (to main heap) - can update this directly
* NOTE: entire aux arrays never have their refs to the aux heaps updated, for
* arrays of boolean, byte, short, long, double
* NOTE: Slot updates for FS refs always point to addr which are in the addr2fs table or are 0 (null),
* because if the ref is to a new one, those have been already deserialized by this point, and
* if the ref is to a below-the-line one, those are already put into the addr2fs table
* @param bds - helper data
* @param slotAddr - the main heap slot addr being updated
* @param slotValue - the new value
private void updateHeapSlot(BinDeserSupport bds, int slotAddr, int slotValue, Int2ObjHashMap<TOP> addr2fs) {
TOP fs = bds.fs;
TypeImpl type = fs._getTypeImpl();
if (type.isArray()) {
// only heap stored arrays have mod updates.
final int hsai = slotAddr - bds.fsStartAddr - arrayContentOffset; // heap stored array index
switch(type.getComponentSlotKind()) {
// heap stored arrays
case Slot_Int: ((IntegerArray)fs).set(hsai, slotValue); break;
case Slot_Float: ((FloatArray)fs).set(hsai, CASImpl.int2float(slotValue)); break;
case Slot_StrRef: ((StringArray)fs).set(hsai, stringHeap.getStringForCode(slotValue)); break;
case Slot_HeapRef:((FSArray )fs).set(hsai, addr2fs.get(slotValue)); break;
default: Misc.internalError();
} // end of switch for component type of arrays
} else { // end of arrays
// is plain fs with fields
final int offset0 = slotAddr - bds.fsStartAddr - 1; // 0 based offset of feature, -1 for type code word
FeatureImpl feat = type.getFeatureImpls()[offset0];
SlotKind slotKind = feat.getSlotKind();
switch(slotKind) {
case Slot_Boolean:
case Slot_Byte:
case Slot_Short:
case Slot_Int:
case Slot_Float: fs._setIntLikeValue(slotKind, feat, slotValue); break;
case Slot_LongRef: fs.setLongValue(feat, longHeap.getHeapValue(slotValue)); break;
case Slot_DoubleRef: fs.setDoubleValue(feat, CASImpl.long2double(longHeap.getHeapValue(slotValue))); break;
case Slot_StrRef: {
String s = stringHeap.getStringForCode(slotValue);
if (updateStringFeature(fs, feat, s, null)) {
fs.setStringValue(feat, stringHeap.getStringForCode(slotValue));
case Slot_HeapRef: fs.setFeatureValue(feat, addr2fs.get(slotValue)); break;
default: Misc.internalError();
* @param fs
* @param feat
* @param s
* @param fixups4forwardFsRefs
* @return true if caller needs to do an appropriate fs._setStringValue...
private boolean updateStringFeature(TOP fs, FeatureImpl feat, String s, List<Runnable> fixups4forwardFsRefs) {
if (null == s) {
return false; // null is the default value, no need to set it
if (fs instanceof Sofa) {
if (feat == tsi.sofaId) {
return false; // do nothing, this value was already used
Sofa sofa = (Sofa)fs;
if (feat == tsi.sofaMime) {
return false;
if (feat == tsi.sofaUri) {
return false;
if (feat == tsi.sofaString) {
if (fixups4forwardFsRefs != null) {
// has to be deferred because it updates docAnnot which might not be deser yet.
Sofa capturedSofa = sofa;
String capturedString = s;
fixups4forwardFsRefs.add(() -> capturedSofa.setLocalSofaData(capturedString));
} else {
return false;
return true; // fs._setStringValueNcNj(feat, s);
CASImpl getCas() {
return baseCas;
private void clearDeltaOffsets() {
nextHeapAddrAfterMark = 0;
nextStringHeapAddrAfterMark = 0;
nextByteHeapAddrAfterMark = 0;
nextShortHeapAddrAfterMark = 0;
nextLongHeapAddrAfterMark = 0;
private void clearAuxAddr2fsa() {
* called by cas reset
public void clear() {
heap = null;
byteHeap = null;
shortHeap = null;
longHeap = null;
stringHeap = null;