blob: de53ef799cd5688c646ca31bab226d5bbc37d372 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.uima.Constants;
import org.apache.uima.UIMAException;
import org.apache.uima.UIMAFramework;
import org.apache.uima.collection.CollectionReader;
import org.apache.uima.collection.CollectionReaderDescription;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ExternalResourceDescription;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceCreationSpecifier;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceManager;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceSpecifier;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.Capability;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.ConfigurationParameter;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.FsIndexCollection;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.Import;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.ResourceMetaData;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypePriorities;
import org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.TypeSystemDescription;
public final class CollectionReaderFactory {
private CollectionReaderFactory() {
// This class is not meant to be instantiated
* Create a CollectionReader from an XML descriptor file and a set of configuration parameters.
* @param descriptorPath
* The path to the XML descriptor file.
* @param configurationData
* Any additional configuration parameters to be set. These should be supplied as (name,
* value) pairs, so there should always be an even number of parameters.
* @return The CollectionReader created from the XML descriptor and the configuration parameters.
* @throws UIMAException
* if the descriptor could not be created or if the component could not be instantiated
* @throws IOException
* if the descriptor could not be read
public static CollectionReader createReaderFromPath(String descriptorPath,
Object... configurationData) throws UIMAException, IOException {
CollectionReaderDescription desc = createReaderDescriptionFromPath(descriptorPath,
return UIMAFramework.produceCollectionReader(desc, ResourceManagerFactory.newResourceManager(),
* Create a CollectionReader from an XML descriptor file and a set of configuration parameters.
* @param descriptorPath
* The path to the XML descriptor file.
* @param configurationData
* Any additional configuration parameters to be set. These should be supplied as (name,
* value) pairs, so there should always be an even number of parameters.
* @return The CollectionReader created from the XML descriptor and the configuration parameters.
* @deprecated use {@link #createReaderFromPath(String, Object...)}
* @throws UIMAException
* if the descriptor could not be created or if the component could not be instantiated
* @throws IOException
* if the descriptor could not be read
public static CollectionReader createCollectionReaderFromPath(String descriptorPath,
Object... configurationData) throws UIMAException, IOException {
return createReaderFromPath(descriptorPath, configurationData);
* Create a CollectionReader from an XML descriptor file and a set of configuration parameters.
* @param descriptorPath
* The path to the XML descriptor file.
* @param configurationData
* Any additional configuration parameters to be set. These should be supplied as (name,
* value) pairs, so there should always be an even number of parameters.
* @return the description created from the XML descriptor and the configuration parameters.
* @throws UIMAException
* if the descriptor could not be created or if the component could not be instantiated
* @throws IOException
* if the descriptor could not be read
public static CollectionReaderDescription createReaderDescriptionFromPath(String descriptorPath,
Object... configurationData) throws UIMAException, IOException {
ResourceCreationSpecifier specifier = createResourceCreationSpecifier(descriptorPath,
return (CollectionReaderDescription) specifier;
* Create a CollectionReader from an XML descriptor file and a set of configuration parameters.
* @param descriptorPath
* The path to the XML descriptor file.
* @param configurationData
* Any additional configuration parameters to be set. These should be supplied as (name,
* value) pairs, so there should always be an even number of parameters.
* @return The CollectionReader created from the XML descriptor and the configuration parameters.
* @deprecated use {@link #createReaderDescriptionFromPath(String, Object...)}
* @throws UIMAException
* if the descriptor could not be created or if the component could not be instantiated
* @throws IOException
* if the descriptor could not be read
public static CollectionReaderDescription createCollectionReaderDescriptionFromPath(
String descriptorPath, Object... configurationData) throws UIMAException, IOException {
return createReaderDescriptionFromPath(descriptorPath, configurationData);
* Get a CollectionReader from the name (Java-style, dotted) of an XML descriptor file, and a set
* of configuration parameters.
* @param descriptorName
* The fully qualified, Java-style, dotted name of the XML descriptor file.
* @param configurationData
* Any additional configuration parameters to be set. These should be supplied as (name,
* value) pairs, so there should always be an even number of parameters.
* @return The AnalysisEngine created from the XML descriptor and the configuration parameters.
* @throws UIMAException
* if the descriptor could not be created or if the component could not be instantiated
* @throws IOException
* if the descriptor could not be read
public static CollectionReader createReader(String descriptorName,
Object... configurationData) throws UIMAException, IOException {
ResourceManager resMgr = ResourceManagerFactory.newResourceManager();
Import imp = UIMAFramework.getResourceSpecifierFactory().createImport();
URL url = imp.findAbsoluteUrl(resMgr);
ResourceSpecifier specifier = createResourceCreationSpecifier(url, configurationData);
return UIMAFramework.produceCollectionReader(specifier, resMgr, null);
* Get a CollectionReader from the name (Java-style, dotted) of an XML descriptor file, and a set
* of configuration parameters.
* @param descriptorName
* The fully qualified, Java-style, dotted name of the XML descriptor file.
* @param configurationData
* Any additional configuration parameters to be set. These should be supplied as (name,
* value) pairs, so there should always be an even number of parameters.
* @return The AnalysisEngine created from the XML descriptor and the configuration parameters.
* @deprecated use {@link #createReader(String, Object...)}
* @throws UIMAException
* if the descriptor could not be created or if the component could not be instantiated
* @throws IOException
* if the descriptor could not be read
public static CollectionReader createCollectionReader(String descriptorName,
Object... configurationData) throws UIMAException, IOException {
return createReader(descriptorName, configurationData);
* Get a CollectionReader from a CollectionReader class, a type system, and a set of configuration
* parameters. The type system is detected automatically using
* {@link TypeSystemDescriptionFactory#createTypeSystemDescription()}.
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param configurationData
* Any additional configuration parameters to be set. These should be supplied as (name,
* value) pairs, so there should always be an even number of parameters.
* @return The CollectionReader created and initialized with the type system and configuration
* parameters.
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the component could not be initialized
public static CollectionReader createReader(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, Object... configurationData)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
TypeSystemDescription tsd = createTypeSystemDescription();
return createReader(readerClass, tsd, (TypePriorities) null, configurationData);
* Get a CollectionReader from a CollectionReader class, a type system, and a set of configuration
* parameters. The type system is detected automatically using
* {@link TypeSystemDescriptionFactory#createTypeSystemDescription()}.
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param configurationData
* Any additional configuration parameters to be set. These should be supplied as (name,
* value) pairs, so there should always be an even number of parameters.
* @return The CollectionReader created and initialized with the type system and configuration
* parameters.
* @deprecated use {@link #createReader(Class, Object...)}
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the component could not be initialized
public static CollectionReader createCollectionReader(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, Object... configurationData)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReader(readerClass, configurationData);
* Get a CollectionReader from a CollectionReader class, a type system, and a set of configuration
* parameters.
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param configurationData
* Any additional configuration parameters to be set. These should be supplied as (name,
* value) pairs, so there should always be an even number of parameters.
* @return The CollectionReader created and initialized with the type system and configuration
* parameters.
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the component could not be initialized
public static CollectionReader createReader(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
Object... configurationData) throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReader(readerClass, typeSystem, (TypePriorities) null, configurationData);
* Get a CollectionReader from a CollectionReader class, a type system, and a set of configuration
* parameters.
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param configurationData
* Any additional configuration parameters to be set. These should be supplied as (name,
* value) pairs, so there should always be an even number of parameters.
* @return The CollectionReader created and initialized with the type system and configuration
* parameters.
* @deprecated use {@link #createReader(Class, TypeSystemDescription, Object...)}
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the component could not be initialized
public static CollectionReader createCollectionReader(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
Object... configurationData) throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReader(readerClass, typeSystem, configurationData);
* Get a CollectionReader from a CollectionReader class, a type system, and a set of configuration
* parameters.
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param prioritizedTypeNames
* the type names in order of their priority.
* @param configurationData
* Any additional configuration parameters to be set. These should be supplied as (name,
* value) pairs, so there should always be an even number of parameters.
* @return The CollectionReader created and initialized with the type system and configuration
* parameters.
* @deprecated use {@link #createReaderDescription(Class, TypeSystemDescription, String[], Object...)}
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the component could not be initialized
public static CollectionReader createReader(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
String[] prioritizedTypeNames, Object... configurationData)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
TypePriorities typePriorities = createTypePriorities(prioritizedTypeNames);
return createReader(readerClass, typeSystem, typePriorities, configurationData);
* Get a CollectionReader from a CollectionReader class, a type system, and a set of configuration
* parameters.
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param prioritizedTypeNames
* the type names in order of their priority.
* @param configurationData
* Any additional configuration parameters to be set. These should be supplied as (name,
* value) pairs, so there should always be an even number of parameters.
* @return The CollectionReader created and initialized with the type system and configuration
* parameters.
* @deprecated use {@link #createReaderDescription(Class, TypeSystemDescription, String[], Object...)}
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the component could not be initialized
* @deprecated use {@link #createReader(Class, TypeSystemDescription, String[], Object...)}
public static CollectionReader createCollectionReader(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
String[] prioritizedTypeNames, Object... configurationData)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReader(readerClass, typeSystem, prioritizedTypeNames, configurationData);
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param typePriorities
* the type priorities
* @param configurationData
* configuration parameter data as name value pairs. Will override values already set in
* the description.
* @return The CollectionReader created and initialized with the type system and configuration
* parameters.
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the component could not be initialized
public static CollectionReader createReader(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
TypePriorities typePriorities, Object... configurationData)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
CollectionReaderDescription desc = createReaderDescription(readerClass, typeSystem, typePriorities,
return createReader(desc);
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param typePriorities
* the type priorities
* @param configurationData
* configuration parameter data as name value pairs. Will override values already set in
* the description.
* @return The CollectionReader created and initialized with the type system and configuration
* parameters.
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the component could not be initialized
* @deprecated use {@link #createReader(Class, TypeSystemDescription, TypePriorities, Object...)}
public static CollectionReader createCollectionReader(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
TypePriorities typePriorities, Object... configurationData)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReader(readerClass, typeSystem, typePriorities, configurationData);
* This method creates a CollectionReader from a CollectionReaderDescription adding additional
* configuration parameter data as desired
* @param desc
* a descriptor
* @param configurationData
* configuration parameter data as name value pairs. Will override values already set in
* the description.
* @return The CollectionReader created and initialized with the type system and configuration
* parameters.
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the component could not be initialized
public static CollectionReader createReader(CollectionReaderDescription desc,
Object... configurationData) throws ResourceInitializationException {
CollectionReaderDescription descClone = (CollectionReaderDescription) desc.clone();
ResourceCreationSpecifierFactory.setConfigurationParameters(descClone, configurationData);
return UIMAFramework.produceCollectionReader(descClone,
ResourceManagerFactory.newResourceManager(), null);
* This method creates a CollectionReader from a CollectionReaderDescription adding additional
* configuration parameter data as desired
* @param desc
* a descriptor
* @param configurationData
* configuration parameter data as name value pairs. Will override values already set in
* the description.
* @return The CollectionReader created and initialized with the type system and configuration
* parameters.
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the component could not be initialized
* @deprecated use {@link #createReader(CollectionReaderDescription, Object...)}
public static CollectionReader createCollectionReader(CollectionReaderDescription desc,
Object... configurationData) throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReader(desc, configurationData);
* A simple factory method for creating a CollectionReaderDescription with a given class, type
* system description, and configuration data The type system is detected automatically using
* {@link TypeSystemDescriptionFactory#createTypeSystemDescription()}.
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param configurationData
* configuration parameter data as name value pairs. Will override values already set in
* the description.
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the descriptor could not be set up
* @return the description created from the default parameters specified in the class and the
* configuration parameters
public static CollectionReaderDescription createReaderDescription(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, Object... configurationData)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
TypeSystemDescription tsd = createTypeSystemDescription();
return createReaderDescription(readerClass, tsd, (TypePriorities) null, configurationData);
* A simple factory method for creating a CollectionReaderDescription with a given class, type
* system description, and configuration data The type system is detected automatically using
* {@link TypeSystemDescriptionFactory#createTypeSystemDescription()}.
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param configurationData
* configuration parameter data as name value pairs. Will override values already set in
* the description.
* @return the description created from the default parameters specified in the class and the
* configuration parameters
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the descriptor could not be set up
* @deprecated use {@link #createReaderDescription(Class, Object...)}
public static CollectionReaderDescription createDescription(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, Object... configurationData)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
TypeSystemDescription tsd = createTypeSystemDescription();
return createReaderDescription(readerClass, tsd, (TypePriorities) null, configurationData);
* A simple factory method for creating a CollectionReaderDescription with a given class, type
* system description, and configuration data
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param configurationData
* configuration parameter data as name value pairs. Will override values already set in
* the description.
* @return the description created from the default parameters specified in the class and the
* configuration parameters
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the descriptor could not be set up
public static CollectionReaderDescription createReaderDescription(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
Object... configurationData) throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReaderDescription(readerClass, typeSystem, (TypePriorities) null, configurationData);
* A simple factory method for creating a CollectionReaderDescription with a given class, type
* system description, and configuration data
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param configurationData
* configuration parameter data as name value pairs. Will override values already set in
* the description.
* @return the description created from the default parameters specified in the class and the
* configuration parameters
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the descriptor could not be set up
* @deprecated use {@link #createReaderDescription(Class, TypeSystemDescription, Object...)}
public static CollectionReaderDescription createDescription(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
Object... configurationData) throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReaderDescription(readerClass, typeSystem, configurationData);
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param prioritizedTypeNames
* the type names in order of their priority.
* @param configurationData
* configuration parameter data as name value pairs. Will override values already set in
* the description.
* @return the description created from the default parameters specified in the class and the
* configuration parameters
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the descriptor could not be set up
public static CollectionReaderDescription createReaderDescription(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
String[] prioritizedTypeNames, Object... configurationData)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
TypePriorities typePriorities = createTypePriorities(prioritizedTypeNames);
return createReaderDescription(readerClass, typeSystem, typePriorities, configurationData);
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param prioritizedTypeNames
* the type names in order of their priority.
* @param configurationData
* configuration parameter data as name value pairs. Will override values already set in
* the description.
* @return the description created from the default parameters specified in the class and the
* configuration parameters
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the descriptor could not be set up
* @deprecated use {@link #createReaderDescription(Class, TypeSystemDescription, String[], Object...)}
public static CollectionReaderDescription createDescription(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
String[] prioritizedTypeNames, Object... configurationData)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReaderDescription(readerClass, typeSystem, prioritizedTypeNames, configurationData);
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param typePriorities
* the type priorities
* @param configurationData
* configuration parameter data as name value pairs. Will override values already set in
* the description.
* @return the description created from the default parameters specified in the class and the
* configuration parameters
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the descriptor could not be set up
public static CollectionReaderDescription createReaderDescription(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
TypePriorities typePriorities, Object... configurationData)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReaderDescription(readerClass, typeSystem, typePriorities, (FsIndexCollection) null,
(Capability[]) null, configurationData);
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param typePriorities
* the type priorities
* @param configurationData
* configuration parameter data as name value pairs. Will override values already set in
* the description.
* @return the description created from the default parameters specified in the class and the
* configuration parameters
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the descriptor could not be set up
* @deprecated use {@link #createReaderDescription(Class, TypeSystemDescription, TypePriorities, Object...)}
public static CollectionReaderDescription createDescription(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
TypePriorities typePriorities, Object... configurationData)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReaderDescription(readerClass, typeSystem, typePriorities, configurationData);
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param typePriorities
* the type priorities
* @param indexes
* the index definitions
* @param capabilities
* the input and output capabilities
* @param configurationData
* configuration parameter data as name value pairs. Will override values already set in
* the description.
* @return the description created from the default parameters specified in the class and the
* configuration parameters
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the descriptor could not be set up
public static CollectionReaderDescription createReaderDescription(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
TypePriorities typePriorities, FsIndexCollection indexes, Capability[] capabilities,
Object... configurationData) throws ResourceInitializationException {
// Extract ExternalResourceDescriptions from configurationData
// <ParamterName, ExternalResourceDescription> will be stored in this map
Map<String, ExternalResourceDescription> externalResources = ExternalResourceFactory
// Create description normally
ConfigurationData cdata = createConfigurationData(configurationData);
return createReaderDescription(readerClass, typeSystem, typePriorities, indexes, capabilities,
cdata.configurationParameters, cdata.configurationValues, externalResources);
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param typePriorities
* the type priorities
* @param indexes
* the index definitions
* @param capabilities
* the input and output capabilities
* @param configurationData
* configuration parameter data as name value pairs. Will override values already set in
* the description.
* @return the description created from the default parameters specified in the class and the
* configuration parameters
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the descriptor could not be set up
* @deprecated use {@link #createReaderDescription(Class, TypeSystemDescription, TypePriorities, FsIndexCollection, Capability[], Object...)}
public static CollectionReaderDescription createDescription(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
TypePriorities typePriorities, FsIndexCollection indexes, Capability[] capabilities,
Object... configurationData) throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReaderDescription(readerClass, typeSystem, typePriorities, indexes, capabilities,
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param typePriorities
* the type priorities
* @param indexes
* the index definitions
* @param capabilities
* the input and output capabilities
* @param configurationParameters
* the configuration parameters
* @param configurationValues
* the configuration values associated with the parameters
* @return the description created from the default parameters specified in the class and the
* configuration parameters
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the descriptor could not be set up
public static CollectionReaderDescription createReaderDescription(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
TypePriorities typePriorities, FsIndexCollection indexes, Capability[] capabilities,
ConfigurationParameter[] configurationParameters, Object[] configurationValues)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReaderDescription(readerClass, typeSystem, typePriorities, indexes, capabilities,
configurationParameters, configurationValues, null);
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param typePriorities
* the type priorities
* @param indexes
* the index definitions
* @param capabilities
* the input and output capabilities
* @param configurationParameters
* the configuration parameters
* @param configurationValues
* the configuration values associated with the parameters
* @return the description created from the default parameters specified in the class and the
* configuration parameters
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the descriptor could not be set up
* @deprecated use {@link #createReaderDescription(Class, TypeSystemDescription, TypePriorities, FsIndexCollection, Capability[], ConfigurationParameter[], Object[])}
public static CollectionReaderDescription createDescription(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
TypePriorities typePriorities, FsIndexCollection indexes, Capability[] capabilities,
ConfigurationParameter[] configurationParameters, Object[] configurationValues)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReaderDescription(readerClass, typeSystem, typePriorities, indexes, capabilities,
configurationParameters, configurationValues);
* The factory method for creating CollectionReaderDescription objects for a given class,
* TypeSystemDescription, TypePriorities, capabilities, and configuration data
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param typePriorities
* the type priorities
* @param indexes
* the index definitions
* @param capabilities
* the input and output capabilities
* @param configurationParameters
* the configuration parameters
* @param configurationValues
* the configuration values associated with the parameters
* @param externalResources
* the external resources
* @return the description created from the default parameters specified in the class and the
* configuration parameters
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the descriptor could not be set up
public static CollectionReaderDescription createReaderDescription(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
TypePriorities typePriorities, FsIndexCollection indexes, Capability[] capabilities,
ConfigurationParameter[] configurationParameters, Object[] configurationValues,
Map<String, ExternalResourceDescription> externalResources)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
// create the descriptor and set configuration parameters
CollectionReaderDescription desc = UIMAFramework.getResourceSpecifierFactory()
// set parameters
setParameters(desc, readerClass, configurationParameters, configurationValues);
// Configure resource meta data
ResourceMetaData meta = desc.getMetaData();
ResourceMetaDataFactory.configureResourceMetaData(meta, readerClass);
// set the type system
if (typeSystem != null) {
if (typePriorities != null) {
// set indexes from the argument to this call or from the annotation present in the
// component if the argument is null
if (indexes != null) {
} else {
// set capabilities from the argument to this call or from the annotation present in the
// component if the argument is null
if (capabilities != null) {
} else {
Capability capability = CapabilityFactory.createCapability(readerClass);
if (capability != null) {
desc.getCollectionReaderMetaData().setCapabilities(new Capability[] { capability });
// Extract external resource dependencies
// Bind External Resources
if (externalResources != null) {
for (Entry<String, ExternalResourceDescription> e : externalResources.entrySet()) {
bindExternalResource(desc, e.getKey(), e.getValue());
return desc;
* The factory method for creating CollectionReaderDescription objects for a given class,
* TypeSystemDescription, TypePriorities, capabilities, and configuration data
* @param readerClass
* The class of the CollectionReader to be created.
* @param typeSystem
* A description of the types used by the CollectionReader (may be null).
* @param typePriorities
* the type priorities
* @param indexes
* the index definitions
* @param capabilities
* the input and output capabilities
* @param configurationParameters
* the configuration parameters
* @param configurationValues
* the configuration values associated with the parameters
* @param externalResources
* the external resources
* @return the description created from the default parameters specified in the class and the
* configuration parameters
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if the descriptor could not be set up
* @deprecated use
* {@link #createReaderDescription(Class, TypeSystemDescription, TypePriorities, FsIndexCollection, Capability[], ConfigurationParameter[], Object[], Map)}
public static CollectionReaderDescription createDescription(
Class<? extends CollectionReader> readerClass, TypeSystemDescription typeSystem,
TypePriorities typePriorities, FsIndexCollection indexes, Capability[] capabilities,
ConfigurationParameter[] configurationParameters, Object[] configurationValues,
Map<String, ExternalResourceDescription> externalResources)
throws ResourceInitializationException {
return createReaderDescription(readerClass, typeSystem, typePriorities, indexes, capabilities,
configurationParameters, configurationValues, externalResources);