blob: e4e87cd123d9e58d6cf89130671cc8a1e1c353da [file] [log] [blame]
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= Migration Guide
This section provides helpful information on incompatible changes between versions.
== Version 2.3.0 to 2.4.0
.Version requirements
Depends on UIMA 2.10.2, Spring Framework 3.2.16 and Java 7.
Mind the updated version requirements.
There should be no other potentially problematic changes in this upgrade.
== Version 2.2.0 to 2.3.0
.CasIOUtil deprecated
The functionality of the uimaFIT CasIOUtil class has been superseded by the core UIMA class CasIOUtils added in UIMA 2.9.0.
The method signatures in the new class are not the same, but provide more functionality.
CasIOUtil has been deprecated and documentation has been added which of the CasIOUtils methods should be used instead.
.Version requirements
Depends on UIMA 2.9.1, Spring Framework 3.2.16 and Java 7.
Mind the updated version requirements.
There should be no other potentially problematic changes in this upgrade.
== Version 2.1.0 to 2.2.0
.Version requirements
Depends on UIMA 2.8.1, Spring Framework 3.2.16 and Java 7.
Mind the updated version requirements.
There should be no other potentially problematic changes in this upgrade.
== Version 2.0.0 to 2.1.0
.Version requirements
Depends on UIMA 2.6.0 and Java 6.
No longer throws ``UIMAExcption``.
If this exception was cought, some IDEs may complain here after upgrading to uimaFIT 2.1.0.
== Version 1.4.0 to 2.0.0
.Version requirements
Depends on UIMA 2.4.2.
.Backwards compatibility
Compatibility with legacy annotation is provided by the Legacy support module.
.Change of Maven groupId and artifactId
The Maven group ID has changed from `org.uimafit` to ``org.apache.uima``.
The artifact ID of the main uimaFIT artifact has been changed from `uimafit` to ``uimafit-core``.
.Change of package names
The base package has been renamed from `org.uimafit` to ````.
A global search/replace on Java files with for lines starting with `import org.uimafit` and replacing that with `import` should work.
The default value for the mandatory attribute now is ``true``.
The default name of configuration parameters is now the name of the annotated field only.
The classname is no longer prefixed.
The method `ConfigurationParameterFactory.createConfigurationParameterName()` that was used to generate the prefixed name has been removed.
.Type detection: META-INF/org.uimafit folder
The `META-INF/org.uimafit` was renamed to ``META-INF/``.
The deprecated `JCasUtil.iterate()` methods have been removed. `` should be used instead.
All `createAggregateXXX` and `createPrimitiveXXX` methods have been renamed to ``createEngineXXX``.
The old names are deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
All `createAnalysisEngineXXX` methods have been renamed to ``createEngineXXX``.
The old names are deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
All `createDescriptionXXX` methods have been renamed to ``createReaderDescriptionXXX``.
The old names are deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
All `createCollectionReaderXXX` methods have been renamed to ``createReaderXXX``.
The old names are deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
`JCasIterable` now only accepts reader and engine descriptions (no instances) and no longer implements the `Iterator` interface.
Instead, new `JCasIterator` has been added, which replaces `JCasIterable` in that respect.
`org.uimafit.component.xwriter.CASDumpWriter` has been renamed to ````.
`CpePipeline` has been moved to a separate module with the artifact ID `uimafit-cpe` to reduce the dependencies incurred by the main uimaFIT artifact.
.XWriter removed
The `XWriter` and associated file namers have been removed as they were much more complex then acutally needed.
As an alternative, `CasIOUtil` has been introduced providing several convenience methods to read/write JCas/CAS data.
Methods only loading JCas data have been removed from ``JCasFactory``.
The new methods in `CasIOUtil` can be used instead.
== Legacy support module
The compatibility layer should allow you to migrate to uimaFIT without breaking anything.
You should then be able to gradually change the codebase to be compatible with uimaFIT .
As far as my tests go, uimaFIT 1.x and can coexist peacefully on the classpath (and indeed both need to be on the classpath in order to use the legacy support module).
To enable the legacy support, make sure that you have a dependency on uimaFIT 1.x and then just add a dependency on the legacy module:
uimaFIT automatically detects the presence of the legacy module and uses it - no additional configuration is necessary.
The following bash script may help to partially automatize the source code migration process.
Please observe that it does not cover all of the necessary changes!
The script recursively changes all files under the current working directory! Make sure you are in the right directory before running it! _Use the script at your own
# Change of package names
find . -name '*.java' -print |
xargs perl -p -i -e 's/org.uimafit/'
find . -name '*.java' -print |
xargs perl -p -i -e 's/org.uimafit.component.xwriter.CASDumpWriter/\'
# AnalysisEngineFactory
find . -name '*.java' -print |
xargs perl -p -i -e 's/createAggregate/createEngine/g'
find . -name '*.java' -print |
xargs perl -p -i -e 's/createPrimitive/createEngine/g'
find . -name '*.java' -print |
xargs perl -p -i -e 's/createAnalysisEngine/createEngine/g'
# Readers
find . -name '*.java' -print |
xargs perl -p -i -e 's/createDescription/createReaderDescription/g'
find . -name '*.java' -print |
xargs perl -p -i -e 's/createCollectionReader/createReader/g'