blob: 6477bc3bce8be68774db17ce22943281201c94e8 [file] [log] [blame]
/** \file strptrlenpair.hpp .
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
\brief Shallow string object consisting of a pair of
string pointer and a length
#include "uima/pragmas.hpp" //must be included first to disable warnings
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "uima/assertmsg.h"
//#include "uima/ccsid.hpp"
//#include "uima/u2cpcnvrt.hpp"
#include "unicode/uchar.h"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Interface dependencies */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Types / Classes */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
The class <TT>BasicStrPtrLenPair</TT> provides support for non zero-terminated strings
that are presented as pointers to string arrays with an associated length.
As this type of string is used only as string reference into read-only buffers,
the string pointer is constant.
The member functions are names in an ANSI basic_string.
This enables a limited use of basic-l-strings in template functions that
are designed for basic_strings (the hash functions will work, for example).
Note: This is why previous function <TT>set()</TT> has been renamed
template < class CharT >
class BasicStrPtrLenPair : public std::pair< CharT const *, size_t > {
///(Default) Constructor
BasicStrPtrLenPair( void ) :
std::pair< CharT const * , size_t >(NULL, 0) {}
///Constructor from zero terminated string
const CharT * cpacString
) :
std::pair< CharT const * , size_t >(cpacString, strlen_templ(cpacString)) {
assert( (EXISTS(first) )
|| ((first == NULL ) && (second == 0)) );
///Constructor from string and length
const CharT * cpacString,
size_t uiLength
) :
std::pair< CharT const * , size_t >(cpacString, uiLength) {
assert( (EXISTS(first) )
|| ((first == NULL ) && (second == 0)) );
/// Constructor from a two pointers (begin/end). Note: end points to the first char <em>behind</em> the string.
const CharT * paucStringBegin,
const CharT * paucStringEnd
) :
std::pair< CharT const * , size_t >(paucStringBegin, paucStringEnd - paucStringBegin ) //lint !e613: Possible use of null pointer 'paucStringEnd' in left argument to operator 'ptr-ptr'
assert(paucStringEnd >= paucStringBegin);
assert( (EXISTS(first) )
|| ((first == NULL ) && (second == 0)) );
///Constructor from basic_string<CharT>
const std::basic_string< CharT > & crclBasicString
) :
std::pair< CharT const * , size_t >(, crclBasicString.length()) {
assert( (EXISTS(first) )
|| ((first == NULL ) && (second == 0)) );
///Constructor from pair
std::pair< CharT const * , size_t > const & crclPair
) : //lint !e1724: Argument to copy constructor for class 'uima::BasicStrPtrLenPair<<1>>' should be a const reference
std::pair< CharT const * , size_t >(crclPair.first, crclPair.second) {
assert( (EXISTS(first) )
|| ((first == NULL ) && (second == 0)) );
///Accessor for the string length in logical characters
length( void ) const {
return second;
///Accessor for the string length in bytes
getSizeInBytes( void ) const {
return (second * sizeof(CharT));
///CONST Accessor for the string content (NOT ZERO DELIMITED!).
const CharT *
data( void ) const {
return first;
///CONST Accessor to the begin of string content (NOT ZERO DELIMITED!).
const CharT *
begin( void ) const {
return (first);
///Accessor to position AFTER the end of string content.
const CharT *
end( void ) const {
return (first == NULL ? NULL : first + second);
Finds the first occurence of key character <TT>cPattern</TT> in the string.
find( CharT cPattern ) const {
return str_find_first( cPattern, first, second);
} //lint !e1746: parameter 'cPattern' in function 'BasicStrPtrLenPair<UChar>::find(UChar) const' could be made const reference
Finds the first occurence of key string <TT>cpacPattern</TT> (with length
<TT>uiPatternLen</TT>) in the string
const BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > & crlstrPattern // pattern to search for
) const {
return str_find_first( crlstrPattern.first, crlstrPattern.second,
first, second);
Finds the first occurence of key string <TT>cpacPattern</TT> (with length
<TT>uiPatternLen</TT>) in the string
const CharT * cpacPattern, // pattern to search for
size_t uiPatternLen // length of pattern
) const {
return str_find_first( cpacPattern, uiPatternLen, first, second);
Finds the first occurence of key string <TT>cpacPattern</TT> (with length
<TT>uiPatternLen</TT>), in the substring from <TT>uiStartPos</TT> to
const CharT * cpacPattern, // pattern to search for
size_t uiPatternLen, // length of pattern
size_t uiStartPos, // from this pos
size_t /*uiStartLength*/ // up to uiStartPos+uiStartLength
) const {
if ( uiStartPos >= second ) {
return STRING_NPOS; // If search starts past end of str, indicate "not found".
return str_find_first( cpacPattern, uiPatternLen,
(first+uiStartPos), second);
/** Return a sub-string of this string starting from position <TT>uiStartPos</TT>
and including the following <TT>uiLength</TT> characters.
BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT >
size_t uiStartPos,
size_t uiLength
) {
assert(uiStartPos < second);
assert(uiStartPos + uiLength < second);
return BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT >(first+uiStartPos, uiLength);
///Set the string to new value. (used to be named <TT>set()</TT>)
BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > &
const CharT * cpacString,
size_t uiLength
) {
first = cpacString;
second = uiLength;
assert( (EXISTS(first) )
|| ((first == NULL ) && (second == 0)) );
return (*this);
///Set the string to new value. (used to be names set)
BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > &
const std::basic_string< CharT > & crclBasicString
) {
first =;
second = crclBasicString.length();
assert( (EXISTS(first) )
|| ((first == NULL ) && (second == 0)) );
return (*this);
///Assignment operator
BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > &
assign( const std::pair< CharT const *, size_t > & crclPair ) {
first = crclPair.first;
second = crclPair.second;
return (*this);
/** Accessor for the string content (CharT dependant string return type).
std::basic_string< CharT >
) const {
return basic_string< CharT >(first, second);
#ifdef NEVER
/// convert to single byte string. crclCCSID specifies the target encoding)
const uima::CCSID & crclCCSID
) const {
if (sizeof(CharT) == 1) { //lint !e774: Boolean within 'if' always evaluates to True
// single byte lstrings
return string((char*)data(), length());
if (length() == 0) {
return string();
assert(sizeof(CharT) == 2); // unicode lstrings
assert(EXISTS(data())); //lint !e527 !e666: Expression with side effects passed to repeated parameter 1 in macro EXISTS
// Small values are copied in a stack based buffer, larger are allocated
// Max string length to handle stack based
const size_t STACK_BUFF_LIMIT = 64;
// Our stack buffer
char acStackBuff [STACK_BUFF_LIMIT];
// A pointer to either the stack buffer of dynamic storage
char * pcCharBuff;
Unicode2CodePageConverter clConverter(crclCCSID);
size_t uiMaxNewLength = clConverter.getMaximumSizeForLength(length());
if (uiMaxNewLength < STACK_BUFF_LIMIT) {
pcCharBuff = acStackBuff; //use stack buffer
} else {
pcCharBuff = new char [uiMaxNewLength]; //allocate
// Now convert UChar into char array
size_t uiCharsWritten = clConverter.convertCharacters(pcCharBuff, uiMaxNewLength, (const UChar*)data(), length());
// Construct our string
string strRetVal(pcCharBuff, uiCharsWritten);
if (uiMaxNewLength >= STACK_BUFF_LIMIT) { // if allocated ...
delete [] pcCharBuff; //lint !e673 Possibly inappropriate deallocation (delete[]) for 'auto' data
return strRetVal;
///CONST Array Index Access operator
const CharT &
operator[]( size_t uiIndex ) const {
assert(uiIndex < second);
return first[uiIndex]; //lint !e613: Possible use of null pointer 'BasicStrPtrLenPair<wchar_t>::first' in left argument to operator '['
///Equality operator
operator==( const BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > & crclRHS ) const {
if (second != crclRHS.second) {
return false;
return strncmp_templ(first, crclRHS.first, second) == 0;
///Assignment operator
BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > &
operator=( BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > const & crclRHS ) {
first = crclRHS.first;
second = crclRHS.second;
return (*this);
///Assignment operator
BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > &
operator=( std::pair< CharT const *, size_t > const & crclPair ) { //lint !e1520 !e1720 :multiple assignment ops assignment operator for class 'uima::BasicStrPtrLenPair<<1>>' has non-const parameter
first = crclPair.first;
second = crclPair.second;
return (*this);
///less operator
bool operator <( BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > const & crclRHS ) const {
size_t uiLen1 = length();
size_t uiLen2 = crclRHS.length();
if (!(bool)uiLen2) {
if (!(bool)uiLen1) {
const CharT * cpszString1 = data();
const CharT * cpszString2 =;
while ((bool)uiLen1 && (bool)uiLen2 && *cpszString1 == *cpszString2) {
if (!(bool)uiLen2) {
if (!(bool)uiLen1) {
return (*cpszString1 < *cpszString2);
///This defines the standard LString class with single byte character.
typedef BasicStrPtrLenPair< char > StrPtrLenPair;
///This defines the standard LString class with wide character.
typedef BasicStrPtrLenPair< wchar_t > WStrPtrLenPair;
///This defines the wide LString class with wide/double byte character.
typedef BasicStrPtrLenPair< UChar > UStrPtrLenPair;
// To work around "unsatisfied symbols" during linking,
// we need a declaration in addition to the definition below
template < class CharT >
std::ostream &
operator << (
std::ostream & rclOStream,
const BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > & crclLString
#ifdef NEVER
///Output stream support for BasicStrPtrLenPair
template < class CharT >
inline std::ostream &
operator << (
std::ostream & rclOStream,
const BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > & crclLString
) {
if (rclOStream == cout || rclOStream == cerr) { //lint !e1912: Implicit call of conversion function from class 'basic_ostream' to type 'void *'
rclOStream << crclLString.prv_asSingleByteString(CosClCCSID::getConsoleCCSID()).c_str();
} else {
rclOStream << crclLString.prv_asSingleByteString(CosClCCSID::CosEnCCSID_UTF8).c_str();
return rclOStream;
///Output stream support for pointer length pairs
inline std::ostream &
operator << (
std::ostream & rclOStream,
const std::pair< UChar const *, size_t > & crclPair
) {
BasicStrPtrLenPair< UChar > const lString(crclPair);
if (rclOStream == std::cout || rclOStream == std::cerr) { //lint !e1912: Implicit call of conversion function from class 'basic_ostream' to type 'void *'
rclOStream << lString.prv_asSingleByteString(CosClCCSID::getConsoleCCSID()).c_str();
} else {
rclOStream << lString.prv_asSingleByteString(CosClCCSID::CosEnCCSID_UTF8).c_str();
return rclOStream;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @name vector to/from delimited string conversion routines */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Removes whitespace from both ends of a string.
Template function using <TT>isspace_templ()</TT>.
template < class CharT >
inline BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT >
const BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > & s
) {
if (s.length() == 0) {
return s;
const CharT * beg =;
const CharT * end =;
while (end >= beg && isspace_templ(*end) ) {
while (beg < end && isspace_templ(*beg) ) {
return BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT >(beg, end-beg+1);
Splits a delimited string into pieces and stores the results in a vector
of strings. Delimiters are passed as a zero terminated string.
@param rveclstrOutput (Output) The vector where the results are stored
@param pcInput The delimited string to split.
@param uiInputLength The number of chars in pcInput
@param cpszDelimiters The delimiters. CharT* are interpreted as a set of delimiters.
@param bTrimString Flag: If true, all pieces will be trimmed before storing in <TT>storeVar</TT>
@param bInsertEmptyStrings Flag: If false, pieces that have length 0 will not be stored in <TT>storeVar</TT>
@return The number of strings added to <TT>rvecstrOutput</TT>
template < class CharT >
inline size_t
std::vector< uima::BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > > & rveclstrOutput,
const CharT * pcInput,
size_t uiInputLength,
const CharT * cpszDelimiters,
bool bTrimString,
bool bInsertEmptyStrings
) {
const CharT * pcBegin = pcInput;
size_t uiEnd;
const CharT * pcEnd = pcBegin;
size_t uiNumFound = 0;
size_t uiDelimitersLen = strlen_templ(cpszDelimiters);
if (uiInputLength == 0) {
return 0;
const CharT * pcInputEnd = pcInput + uiInputLength;
BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > _s;
while (pcBegin < pcInputEnd) {
// uiBegin--;
uiEnd = str_find_first_of(cpszDelimiters, uiDelimitersLen, pcBegin, (size_t)(pcInputEnd-pcBegin));
pcEnd = pcBegin+uiEnd;
if (uiEnd != STRING_NPOS) {
if (uiEnd == STRING_NPOS) {
uiEnd = uiInputLength+1;
pcEnd = pcInputEnd+1;
assert(pcEnd > pcBegin);
_s.assign(pcBegin, pcEnd-pcBegin-1);
if (bTrimString) {
_s = strtrim(_s);
if (bInsertEmptyStrings || _s.length() > 0) {
pcBegin = pcEnd;
return uiNumFound;
template < class CharT >
inline size_t
std::vector< BasicStrPtrLenPair< CharT > > & veclstrOutput,
const CharT * pcInput,
const CharT * cpszDelimiters,
bool bTrimString,
bool bInsertEmptyStrings
) {
return delimitedStrPtrLenPair2Vector(veclstrOutput, pcInput, strlen_templ(pcInput), cpszDelimiters, bTrimString, bInsertEmptyStrings);
} // namespace uima
/* <EOF> */