blob: 432aeea239acd0db2cf3f81c76e6b48361c48ab1 [file] [log] [blame]
/** \file xmlwriter.cpp .
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Include dependencies */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "uima/pragmas.hpp"
#include "uima/xmlwriter.hpp"
#include "uima/arrayfs.hpp"
#include "uima/lowlevel_indexrepository.hpp"
#include "uima/lowlevel_indexiterator.hpp"
#include "uima/internal_casimpl.hpp"
#include "uima/internal_fspromoter.hpp"
#include "uima/fsindexrepository.hpp"
#include "uima/resmgr.hpp"
#include "uima/location.hpp"
#include "xercesc/framework/XMLFormatter.hpp"
#include "xercesc/framework/MemBufFormatTarget.hpp"
#include "xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Constants */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
char const * gs_cpszFSTagName = "fs";
char const * gs_cpszFeatTagName = "feat";
char const * gs_cpszXslFileName = "fsdump.xsl";
int sofa;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Forward declarations */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Types / Classes */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
XMLWriterABase::XMLWriterABase(CAS const & crCAS, bool bAddDocBuffer)
: CASWriterABase(crCAS, bAddDocBuffer) {}
XMLWriterABase::~XMLWriterABase() {}
void XMLWriterABase::normalize(UnicodeStringRef const & in, icu::UnicodeString& out) {
//cout << "normalize() input " << in << endl;
static icu::UnicodeString const ustrAMP_ESC("&amp;");
static icu::UnicodeString const ustrGT_ESC("&gt;");
static icu::UnicodeString const ustrLT_ESC("&lt;");
static icu::UnicodeString const ustrAPOS_ESC("&apos;");
static icu::UnicodeString const ustrQUOT_ESC("&quot;");
static icu::UnicodeString const ustrCR_ESC("&#13;");
static icu::UnicodeString const ustrLF_ESC("&#10;");
static UChar const uAMP('&');
static UChar const uGT('>');
static UChar const uLT('<');
static UChar const uAPOS('\'');
static UChar const uQUOT('"');
static UChar const uCR('\r');
static UChar const uLF('\n');
const UChar * srcPtr = in.getBuffer();
for (int i=0; i < in.length(); i++) {
switch (*srcPtr) {
case uAMP:
case uGT:
case uLT:
case uAPOS:
case uQUOT:
case uCR:
case uLF:
// DumpWriter
XMLDumpWriter::XMLDumpWriter(CAS const & crCAS,
bool bAddDocBuffer)
: XMLWriterABase(crCAS, bAddDocBuffer),
iv_crCAS( ((uima::internal::CASImpl const &) crCAS) ),
iv_rFSHeap( iv_crCAS.getHeap() ),
iv_rTypeSystem( iv_rFSHeap.getTypeSystem() ),
iv_tyAnnotationType( uima::internal::gs_tyAnnotationType),
iv_tyEndPosFeature(uima::internal::gs_tyEndPosFeature) {
XMLDumpWriter::~XMLDumpWriter() {}
icu::UnicodeString XMLDumpWriter::getTab(int iTab) const {
icu::UnicodeString usResult;
icu::UnicodeString usSpace(" ");
int i;
for (i=0; i<iTab; ++i) {
return usResult;
void XMLDumpWriter::writeFS(int iTab, ostream& os, lowlevel::TyFS tyFS, bool bWriteShortStyle=false) const {
icu::UnicodeString usTab = getTab(iTab);
lowlevel::TyFSType tyFSType = iv_rFSHeap.getType(tyFS);
os << usTab << "<" << gs_cpszFSTagName << " type=\"" << iv_rTypeSystem.getTypeName(tyFSType) << "\"";
os << " id=\"id" << (long)iv_rFSHeap.getUniqueID(tyFS) << "\"";
uima::lowlevel::IndexRepository const & crIxRep = iv_crCAS.getIndexRepository();
//if a feature value-FS is not in any index, e.g. a List FS,
//it will be dumped in its expanded
//form (i.e. with all features)
if (bWriteShortStyle && crIxRep.contains(tyFS)) {
os << "/>" << endl;
os << ">" << endl;
if ( iv_addDocument && iv_rTypeSystem.subsumes( iv_tyAnnotationType, tyFSType ) ) {
AnnotationFS fs(internal::FSPromoter::promoteFS(tyFS, iv_crCAS ));
UnicodeStringRef ulsSpan = fs.getCoveredText();
icu::UnicodeString usNormalizedSpan;
normalize(ulsSpan, usNormalizedSpan);
os << "<annotation_span>" << usNormalizedSpan << "</annotation_span>" << endl;
/* TBD: when can this happen ? */
if (tyFSType == iv_tyStringType) {
UnicodeStringRef ulsString = iv_rFSHeap.getFSAsString(tyFS);
icu::UnicodeString usNormalizedString;
normalize(ulsString, usNormalizedString);
os << "<string_value>" << usNormalizedString << "</string_value>" << endl;
os << "</" << gs_cpszFSTagName << ">" << endl;
vector<lowlevel::TyFSFeature> vecFeatures;
iv_rTypeSystem.getAppropriateFeatures( tyFSType, vecFeatures );
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<vecFeatures.size(); ++i) {
lowlevel::TyFSFeature tyFeat = vecFeatures[i];
lowlevel::TyFeatureOffset tyOffset = iv_rTypeSystem.getFeatureOffset( tyFeat );
lowlevel::TyFSType tyRange = iv_rTypeSystem.getRangeType( tyFeat );
lowlevel::TyFS tyValue = iv_rFSHeap.getFeatureWithOffset( tyFS, tyOffset );
icu::UnicodeString newTab = getTab(iTab + TAB_INCREMENT);
if (tyRange == iv_tyIntegerType) {
os << newTab << "<" << gs_cpszFeatTagName << " name=\"" << iv_rTypeSystem.getFeatureName( tyFeat ) << "\"";
os << " value=\"" << lowlevel::FSHeap::getFSAsInt(tyValue) << "\" />" << endl;
} else if (tyRange == iv_tyFloatType) {
os << newTab << "<" << gs_cpszFeatTagName << " name=\"" << iv_rTypeSystem.getFeatureName( tyFeat ) << "\"";
os << " value=\"" << lowlevel::FSHeap::getFSAsFloat(tyValue) << "\" />" << endl;
} else if (tyRange == iv_tyStringType) {
if (tyValue != 0) {
UnicodeStringRef ulsString = iv_rFSHeap.getFSAsString(tyValue);
icu::UnicodeString usNormalized;
normalize(ulsString, usNormalized);
os << newTab << "<" << gs_cpszFeatTagName <<" name=\"" << iv_rTypeSystem.getFeatureName( tyFeat ) << "\"";
os << " value=\"" << usNormalized << "\" />" << endl;
} else if (iv_rTypeSystem.subsumes(iv_tyArrayType, tyRange)) {
writeArray(iTab, os, tyFeat, tyValue, tyRange, newTab);
} else {
// "normal" FS
if (tyValue != 0) {
os << newTab << "<" << gs_cpszFeatTagName << " name=\"" << iv_rTypeSystem.getFeatureName( tyFeat ) << "\"";
os << ">" << endl;
writeFS(iTab + (2*TAB_INCREMENT), os, tyValue, true);
os << newTab << "</"<< gs_cpszFeatTagName << ">" << endl;
os << usTab << "</"<< gs_cpszFSTagName << ">" << endl;
void XMLDumpWriter::writeArray(int iTab, ostream& os, lowlevel::TyFSFeature & tyFeat, lowlevel::TyFS & tyValue, lowlevel::TyFSType tyRange, icu::UnicodeString & newTab) const {
if (tyValue != 0) {
os << newTab << "<"<< gs_cpszFeatTagName<<" name=\"" << iv_rTypeSystem.getFeatureName( tyFeat ) << "\"";
os << ">" << endl;
icu::UnicodeString uiArrayTab = getTab( iTab + (2*TAB_INCREMENT) );
icu::UnicodeString uiArrayValTab = getTab( iTab + (3*TAB_INCREMENT) );
int iArraySize = iv_rFSHeap.getArraySize( tyValue );
lowlevel::TyHeapCell const * ptyCArray = iv_rFSHeap.getCArrayFromFS( tyValue);
os << uiArrayTab << "<array type=\""<< iv_rTypeSystem.getTypeName(tyRange) << "\" size=\"" << iArraySize << "\">" << endl;
int j;
if (iv_rTypeSystem.subsumes(iv_tyIntArrayType, tyRange)) {
for (j=0; j < iArraySize; ++j) {
os << uiArrayTab << "<array_element>" << endl;
os << uiArrayValTab << "<int_value>" << lowlevel::FSHeap::getFSAsInt((lowlevel::TyFS)ptyCArray[j]) << "</int_value>" << endl;
os << uiArrayTab << "</array_element>" << endl;
} else if (iv_rTypeSystem.subsumes(iv_tyFloatArrayType, tyRange)) {
for (j=0; j < iArraySize; ++j) {
os << uiArrayTab << "<array_element>" << endl;
os << uiArrayValTab << "<float_value>" << lowlevel::FSHeap::getFSAsFloat((lowlevel::TyFS)ptyCArray[j]) << "</float_value>" << endl;
os << uiArrayTab << "</array_element>" << endl;
} else if (iv_rTypeSystem.subsumes(iv_tyStringArrayType, tyRange)) {
for (j=0; j < iArraySize; ++j) {
os << uiArrayTab << "<array_element>" << endl;
UnicodeStringRef ulsString = iv_rFSHeap.getFSAsString((lowlevel::TyFS)ptyCArray[j]);
icu::UnicodeString usNormalizedString;
normalize(ulsString, usNormalizedString);
os << uiArrayValTab << "<string_value>" << usNormalizedString << "</string_value>" << endl;
os << uiArrayTab << "</array_element>" << endl;
} else { // FSArray
for (j=0; j < iArraySize; ++j) {
os << uiArrayTab << "<array_element>" << endl;
writeFS(uiArrayValTab.length() , os, (lowlevel::TyFS) ptyCArray[j], /*rFoundFSs,*/ true );
os << uiArrayTab << "</array_element>" << endl;
os << uiArrayTab << "</array>" << endl;
os << newTab << "</" << gs_cpszFeatTagName << ">" << endl;
void XMLDumpWriter::write(ostream& os) {
util::Location const & xslFileLoc = ResourceManager::getInstance().getLocationData();
os << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" << endl;
os << "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"file:///" << xslFileLoc.getAsCString() << gs_cpszXslFileName << "\" ?>" << endl;
os << "<taf>" << endl;
if (iv_addDocument) {
UnicodeStringRef ulstrBuffer(iv_crCAS.getDocumentText());
os << "<doc_buffer>" << endl;
os << "<![CDATA[";
std::string s;
ulstrBuffer.extract(s, CCSID::getDefaultSBCSInputCCSID() );
os << s;
os << "]]>" << endl;
os << "</doc_buffer>" << endl;
os << "<feature_structures>" << endl;
uima::lowlevel::IndexRepository const & crIxRep = iv_crCAS.getIndexRepository();
uima::lowlevel::IndexDefinition const & indexDef = crIxRep.getIndexDefinition();
vector<icu::UnicodeString> vIndexIDs;
icu::UnicodeString const & crAnnIndexID = iv_crCAS.getAnnotationIndexID();
vector<icu::UnicodeString>::iterator it;
for (it = vIndexIDs.begin(); it != vIndexIDs.end(); ++it) {
if (*it == crAnnIndexID) {
vIndexIDs.insert(vIndexIDs.begin(), crAnnIndexID);
assert( vIndexIDs.front() == crAnnIndexID );
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<vIndexIDs.size(); ++i) {
icu::UnicodeString const & crIndexID = vIndexIDs[i];
icu::UnicodeString const & crTypeName = iv_rTypeSystem.getTypeName( indexDef.getTypeForIndex(crIndexID) );
UnicodeStringRef ulsTypeName(crTypeName.getBuffer(), crTypeName.length() );
os << "<index id=\"" << crIndexID << "\" type=\"" << ulsTypeName << "\">" << endl;
uima::lowlevel::TyFSType tyIndexType = indexDef.getTypeForIndex(crIndexID);
lowlevel::IndexABase const & crIndex = crIxRep.getLowlevelIndex(crIndexID, tyIndexType);
auto_ptr<uima::lowlevel::IndexIterator> pIterator(crIndex.createIterator());
for (pIterator->moveToFirst(); pIterator->isValid(); pIterator->moveToNext()) {
lowlevel::TyFS tyFS = pIterator->get();
writeFS(0, os, tyFS);
os << "</index>" << endl;
os << "</feature_structures>" << endl;
os << "</taf>" << endl;
/* Currently not enabled. Problem: There can be more than one index for a given */
/* type. We don't want to spend the extra effort required to specify this */
/* in the configuration file unless it is explicitly requested. */
/* void XMLDumpWriter::setTypesToBeShown(vector<uima::Type> const & crTypeSet) { */
/* iv_setTypesToBeShown.clear(); */
/* */
/* vector<uima::Type>::const_iterator cit; */
/* for (cit = crTypeSet.begin(); cit != crTypeSet.end(); ++cit) { */
/* uima::lowlevel::TyFSType tyType = uima::internal::FSPromoter::demoteType(*cit); */
/* assert( iv_rTypeSystem.isValidType( tyType ) ); */
/* iv_setTypesToBeShown.insert(tyType); */
/* } */
/* */
/* } */
// XCASWriter
XCASWriter::XCASWriter(CAS const & cas, bool addDocument)
: XMLWriterABase(cas, addDocument),
iv_stringType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_STRING) ),
iv_integerType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_INTEGER) ),
iv_floatType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_FLOAT) ),
iv_byteType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_BYTE) ),
iv_booleanType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_BOOLEAN) ),
iv_shortType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_SHORT) ),
iv_longType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_LONG) ),
iv_doubleType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_DOUBLE) ),
iv_arrayType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_ARRAY_BASE) ),
iv_stringArrayType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_STRING_ARRAY) ),
iv_intArrayType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY) ),
iv_floatArrayType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_FLOAT_ARRAY) ),
iv_byteArrayType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_BYTE_ARRAY) ),
iv_booleanArrayType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_BOOLEAN_ARRAY) ),
iv_shortArrayType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_SHORT_ARRAY) ),
iv_longArrayType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_LONG_ARRAY) ),
iv_doubleArrayType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_DOUBLE_ARRAY) ),
iv_sofaType( cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_SOFA) ) {
assert( iv_stringType.isValid());
assert( iv_integerType.isValid());
assert( iv_floatType.isValid());
assert( iv_byteType.isValid());
assert( iv_booleanType.isValid());
assert( iv_shortType.isValid());
assert( iv_longType.isValid());
assert( iv_doubleType.isValid());
assert( iv_stringArrayType.isValid() );
assert( iv_arrayType.isValid() );
assert( iv_intArrayType.isValid());
assert( iv_floatArrayType.isValid());
assert( iv_byteArrayType.isValid());
assert( iv_booleanArrayType.isValid());
assert( iv_shortArrayType.isValid());
assert( iv_longArrayType.isValid());
assert( iv_doubleArrayType.isValid());
assert( iv_sofaType.isValid());
XCASWriter::~XCASWriter() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < enqueuedFS.size(); i++) {
vector<int> * indexes = (vector<int>*) enqueuedFS[i];
if (indexes != 0)
delete indexes;
bool XCASWriter::isReferenceType(Type const & t) const {
return !( t.getTypeSystem().isPrimitive(uima::internal::FSPromoter::demoteType(t)) );
void XCASWriter::writeFeatureValue(ostream & os, FeatureStructure const & fs, Feature const & f) {
assert( fs.isValid() );
assert( f.isValid() );
Type t;
assert( t.isValid() );
if ( t == iv_stringType || t.isStringSubType() ) {
UnicodeStringRef ref = fs.getStringValue(f);
if (ref.getBuffer() != NULL) {
icu::UnicodeString us;
normalize( ref, us );
os << " " << f.getName() << "=\"";
os << us << "\"";
} else if (t == iv_integerType) {
os << " " << f.getName() << "=\"";
os << fs.getIntValue(f) << "\"";
} else if (t == iv_floatType) {
os << " " << f.getName() << "=\"";
os << fs.getFloatValue(f) << "\"";
} else if (t == iv_byteType) {
os << " " << f.getName() << "=\"";
int val = fs.getByteValue(f);
os << val << "\"";
} else if (t == iv_booleanType) {
os << " " << f.getName() << "=\"";
os << fs.getBooleanValue(f) << "\"";
} else if (t == iv_shortType) {
os << " " << f.getName() << "=\"";
os << fs.getShortValue(f) << "\"";
} else if (t == iv_longType) {
os << " " << f.getName() << "=\"";
os << fs.getLongValue(f) << "\"";
} else if (t == iv_doubleType) {
os << " " << f.getName() << "=\"";
stringstream s;
s << fs.getDoubleValue(f);
os << s.str() << "\"";
} else {
FeatureStructure referencedFS = fs.getFSValue(f);
uima::lowlevel::TyFS lolFS = uima::internal::FSPromoter::demoteFS(referencedFS);
if (lolFS != uima::lowlevel::FSHeap::INVALID_FS) {
os << " " << "_ref_";
os << f.getName() << "=\"";
ptrdiff_t val = uima::internal::CASImpl::promoteCAS(iv_cas).getHeap().getUniqueID(lolFS);
os << val << "\"";
template<class Array>
void writeArray(ostream & os, Array const & array, char const * tag) {
size_t i;
if (array.size() > 0) {
os << " size=\"" << array.size() << "\">" << endl;
for (i=0; i<array.size(); ++i) {
os << " <" << tag << ">";
os << array.get(i);
os << "</" << tag << ">" << endl;
os << " </" << array.getType().getName() << ">" << endl;
} else {
os << " size=\"0\"/>" << endl;
void XCASWriter::writeStringArray(ostream & os, StringArrayFS const & array, char const * tag) {
size_t i;
UnicodeString ustr;
if (array.size() > 0) {
os << " size=\"" << array.size() << "\">" << endl;
for (i=0; i<array.size(); ++i) {
os << " <" << tag << ">";
os << ustr;
os << "</" << tag << ">" << endl;
os << " </" << array.getType().getName() << ">" << endl;
} else {
os << " size=\"0\"/>" << endl;
void XCASWriter::writeFSFlat(ostream & os,
FeatureStructure const & fs,
vector<int>* indexInfo) {
uima::internal::CASImpl const & crCASImpl = uima::internal::CASImpl::promoteCAS(iv_cas);
assert( fs.isValid() );
Type t = fs.getType();
// if ( iv_sofaType == t) {
// if ( isBCCas )
// return;
// }
os << " <" << t.getName();
if (indexInfo->size() > 0) {
os << " _indexed=\"";
for (size_t i=0; i< indexInfo->size(); i++) {
if (i != 0) {
os << " ";
os << indexInfo->at(i);
os << "\"";
os << " _id=\"" << crCASImpl.getHeap().getUniqueID( uima::internal::FSPromoter::demoteFS(fs) ) << "\"";
// if array
if ( iv_arrayType.subsumes(t) ) {
if ( t == iv_intArrayType ) {
writeArray( os, IntArrayFS(fs), "i");
} else if ( t == iv_floatArrayType ) {
writeArray( os, FloatArrayFS(fs), "i");
} else if ( t == iv_stringArrayType ) {
writeStringArray( os, StringArrayFS(fs), "i");
} else if ( t == iv_byteArrayType ) {
ByteArrayFS array(fs);
if (array.size() > 0) {
os << " size=\"" << array.size() << "\">" << endl;
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<array.size(); ++i) {
os << " <" << "i" << ">";
int val = array.get(i);
os << val;
os << "</" << "i" << ">" << endl;
os << " </" << array.getType().getName() << ">" << endl;
} else if ( t == iv_booleanArrayType ) {
writeArray( os, BooleanArrayFS(fs), "i");
} else if ( t == iv_shortArrayType ) {
writeArray( os, ShortArrayFS(fs), "i");
} else if ( t == iv_longArrayType ) {
writeArray( os, LongArrayFS(fs), "i");
} else if ( t == iv_doubleArrayType ) {
DoubleArrayFS array(fs);
if (array.size() > 0) {
os << " size=\"" << array.size() << "\">" << endl;
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<array.size(); ++i) {
os << " <" << "i" << ">";
stringstream s;
s << array.get(i);
os << s.str();
os << "</" << "i" << ">" << endl;
os << " </" << array.getType().getName() << ">" << endl;
} else {
os << " size=\"0\"/>" << endl;
} else {
assert( t == iv_cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_FS_ARRAY) );
ArrayFS arrayFS = (ArrayFS) fs;
if (arrayFS.size() > 0) {
os << " size=\"" << arrayFS.size() << "\">" << endl;
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<arrayFS.size(); ++i) {
os << " <" << "i" << ">";
os << uima::internal::FSPromoter::demoteFS(arrayFS.get(i));
//writeFSFlat(os, arrayFS.get(i), sofa);
os << "</" << "i" << ">" << endl;
os << "</" << t.getName() << ">" << endl;
} else {
os << " size=\"0\"/>" << endl;
} else {
vector<Feature> features;
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<features.size(); ++i) {
uima::Feature const & f = features[i];
Type range;
writeFeatureValue(os, fs, f);
os << "/>" << endl;
void XCASWriter::findReferencedFSs(FeatureStructure const & fs, bool check) {
if (! fs.isValid() ) {
if (check) {
if (! enqueueUnindexed(fs)) {
// already been processed
Type t = fs.getType();
assert( t.isValid() );
size_t i;
if ( iv_arrayType.subsumes(t) ) {
if ( t == iv_cas.getTypeSystem().getType(uima::CAS::TYPE_NAME_FS_ARRAY) ) {
ArrayFS array(fs);
for (i=0; i<array.size(); ++i) {
} else {
vector<Feature> features;
for (i=0; i<features.size(); ++i) {
uima::Feature const & f = features[i];
Type range;
if (isReferenceType(range)) {
void XCASWriter::write(ostream & os) {
const uima::lowlevel::IndexRepository * ixRep;
os << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" << endl;
os << "<CAS>" << endl;
const CAS* ccasp = &iv_cas;
CAS* casp = const_cast<CAS*> (ccasp);
CAS* tcas;
uima::internal::CASImpl const & crCASImpl = uima::internal::CASImpl::promoteCAS(*casp->getBaseCas());
ixRep = &crCASImpl.getIndexRepository();
// }
int numViews = casp->getNumViews();
set<FeatureStructure> referencedFSs;
for (int view=0; view<=numViews; view++) {
if (view==0) {
// First time through is for base CAS
sofa = 0;
} else {
// for all Sofa found in the CAS, get new IndexRepository
tcas = casp->getViewBySofaNum(view);
sofa = tcas->getSofaNum();
uima::internal::CASImpl & crTCASImpl = uima::internal::CASImpl::promoteCAS(*tcas);
ixRep = &crTCASImpl.getIndexRepository();
// enqueue indexed FSs in known indexes
set<FeatureStructure> indexedFSs;
vector<icu::UnicodeString> indexIDs = ixRep->getAllIndexIDs();
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<indexIDs.size(); ++i) {
Type t = ixRep->getTypeForIndex(indexIDs[i]);
FSIndex ix = ixRep->getIndex(indexIDs[i], t);
FSIterator it = ix.iterator();
for (it.moveToFirst(); it.isValid(); it.moveToNext()) {
FeatureStructure fs = it.get();
enqueueIndexed(fs, sofa);
// enqueue the undefined index FSs
for (size_t i=0;i < ixRep->iv_undefinedindex.size(); i++ ) {
FeatureStructure fs = internal::FSPromoter::promoteFS(ixRep->iv_undefinedindex[i], iv_cas);
enqueueIndexed(fs, sofa);
// write out all enqueued FS
map<int, vector<int>*>::iterator it;
for (it = enqueuedFS.begin(); it != enqueuedFS.end(); it++) {
FeatureStructure fs = internal::FSPromoter::promoteFS((*it).first, iv_cas);
writeFSFlat(os, fs, (*it).second);
os << "</CAS>" << endl;
// return true if the fs was not previously enqueued
bool XCASWriter::enqueueUnindexed(FeatureStructure const &fs) {
vector<int> * indexes;
size_t tyfs = uima::internal::FSPromoter::demoteFS(fs);
indexes = enqueuedFS[tyfs];
if (NULL != indexes) {
return false;
// new FS, enqueue it
indexes = new vector<int>;
enqueuedFS[tyfs] = indexes;
return true;
// return true if the fs was not previously enqueued
bool XCASWriter::enqueueIndexed(FeatureStructure const &fs, int sofa) {
vector<int> * indexes;
size_t tyfs = uima::internal::FSPromoter::demoteFS(fs);
indexes = enqueuedFS[tyfs];
if (NULL != indexes) {
for (size_t i=0; i<indexes->size(); i++) {
if (sofa == indexes->at(i)) {
return false;
enqueuedFS[tyfs] = indexes;
return false;
// new FS, enqueue it and note the indexed Sofa
indexes = new vector<int>;
enqueuedFS[tyfs] = indexes;
// and look for references
findReferencedFSs(fs, false);
return true;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Implementation */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */