blob: 6cc7e2c0c6588f4479240832832a5c36ab6649b0 [file] [log] [blame]
/** \file taespecifierbuilder.hpp .
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
\brief Contains uima::TextAnalysisEngineSpecifierBuilder
Description: Builds a AnalysisEngineDescription from an XML file or memory buffer.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Include dependencies */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "xercesc/dom/DOMNode.hpp"
#include "xercesc/dom/DOMElement.hpp"
#include "xercesc/sax/ErrorHandler.hpp"
#include "xercesc/sax/InputSource.hpp"
#include "uima/pragmas.hpp"
#include "uima/exceptions.hpp"
#include "uima/taespecifier.hpp"
#include "uima/config_param.hpp"
#include "uima/capability.hpp"
#include "uima/typesystemdescription.hpp"
#include "uima/resmgr.hpp"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Forward declarations */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
class XIncludeRemoverHandler;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Types / Classes */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE(InvalidXMLException, uima::Exception);
* A UIMA <code>XMLParser</code> parses XML documents and generates UIMA component
* descriptor object represented in the XML.
void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler*);
* Enables or disables XML scheam validation.
* @param aEnable
* true to enable validation, false to disable validation
//void enableSchemaValidation(bool aEnable);
* Parses an AnalysisEngineDescription from an XML file.
* @param aeDesc
* reference to <code>AnalysisEngineDescription</code> object
* fileName
* char buffer file containing the XML document to be parsed.
* @throws InvalidXMLException
* if the input XML is not valid or does not specify a valid AnalysisEngineDescription
void parseAnalysisEngineDescription(AnalysisEngineDescription & aeDesc,
char const * fileName);
* Parses an AnalysisEngineDescription from an XML file.
* @param aeDesc
* reference to <code>AnalysisEngineDescription</code> object
* fileName
* UnicodeStrin object containing the file name of the file cotaining the XML document.
* @throws InvalidXMLException
* if the input XML is not valid or does not specify a valid AnalysisEngineDescription
void parseAnalysisEngineDescription(AnalysisEngineDescription & aeDesc,
icu::UnicodeString const & fileName);
* Parses an AnalysisEngineDescription from an XML input stream.
* @param aeDesc
* reference to <code>AnalysisEngineDescription</code> object.
* crInputSource
* the input source from which to read the XML document.
* @throws InvalidXMLException
* if the input XML is not valid or does not specify a valid AnalysisEngineDescription
void parseAnalysisEngineDescription(AnalysisEngineDescription & aeDesc,
InputSource const & crInputSource);
* Parses an TypeSystemDescription from an XML input stream.
* @param aeDesc
* reference to <code>TypeSystemDescription</code> object.
* crInputSource
* the input source from which to read the XML document.
* @throws InvalidXMLException
* if the input XML is not valid or does not specify a valid AnalysisEngineDescription
void parseTypeSystemDescription(TypeSystemDescription & aeDesc,
InputSource const & crInputSource);
* Parses an FSIndexDescriptions from an XML input stream.
* Caller assumes ownership of objects in the vector.
* @param fsDesc
* reference to <code>TyVecpFSIndexDescriptions</code> object.
* crInputSource
* the input source from which to read the XML document.
* @throws InvalidXMLException
* if the input XML is not valid or does not specify a valid AnalysisEngineDescription
void parseFSIndexDescription(AnalysisEngineMetaData::TyVecpFSIndexDescriptions & fsDesc,
InputSource const & crInputSource);
* Parses an TypePriorities from an XML input stream.
* Caller assumes ownership of objects in the vector.
* @param prioDesc
* reference to <code>TyVecpTypePriorities</code> object.
* crInputSource
* the input source from which to read the XML document.
* @throws InvalidXMLException
* if the input XML is not valid or does not specify a valid AnalysisEngineDescription
void parseTypePriorities(AnalysisEngineMetaData::TyVecpTypePriorities & prioDesc,
InputSource const & crInputSource);
* Parses an SofaMappings from an XML input stream.
* Caller assumes ownership of objects in the vector.
* @param sofaMapDesc
* reference to <code>TyVecpTypePriorities</code> object.
* crInputSource
* the input source from which to read the XML document.
* @throws InvalidXMLException
* if the input XML is not valid or does not specify a valid AnalysisEngineDescription
void parseSofaMappings(AnalysisEngineDescription::TyVecpSofaMappings & sofaMapDesc,
InputSource const & crInputSource);
OperationalProperties * buildOperationalProperties(DOMElement * descElem);
AnalysisEngineMetaData * buildAEMetaData(DOMElement * specElem, icu::UnicodeString const &);
ConfigurationParameter * buildConfigParam(DOMElement * specElem);
NameValuePair * buildNameValuePair(DOMElement * specElem);
void buildValue(NameValuePair & nvPair, DOMElement * specElem);
ConfigurationParameter::EnParameterType findTypeForValue(DOMNode * descElem);
void buildTypeSystemSpecifier(TypeSystemDescription & tsDesc, DOMElement* specElem,const icu::UnicodeString & xmlFileLoc);
void buildTypeSystemDesc(TypeSystemDescription & tsDesc, DOMElement * specElem);
TypeDescription * buildTypeDesc(DOMElement * specElem);
FeatureDescription * buildFeatureDesc(DOMElement * specElem);
AllowedValue * buildAllowedValue(DOMElement * specElem);
ImportDescription * buildImportDesc(DOMElement * specElem);
TypePriority * buildTypePriority(DOMElement * specElem);
void buildTypePriorityFromImportLocation(AnalysisEngineMetaData & aeDesc,
icu::UnicodeString const & fileName,
icu::UnicodeString const & lastFileName,
vector<icu::UnicodeString> & alreadyImported);
void buildFSIndexFromImportLocation(AnalysisEngineMetaData &aeMetaData,
icu::UnicodeString const & importfn,
vector<icu::UnicodeString> & alreadyImported,
icu::UnicodeString const & lastFileName);
void buildFSIndexCollection(AnalysisEngineMetaData & aeMetaData,
DOMElement * specElem,
vector<icu::UnicodeString> & alreadyImported,
icu::UnicodeString const & lastFileName);
FSIndexDescription * buildFSIndexDesc(DOMElement * specElem);
FSIndexKeyDescription * buildFSIndexKeyDesc(DOMElement * specElem);
void buildCapabilities(AnalysisEngineMetaData & aeMetaData, DOMElement * specElem);
void buildCapability(AnalysisEngineMetaData & aeMetaData, DOMElement * specElem);
FixedFlow * buildFixedFlow(DOMElement * specElem);
CapabilityLanguageFlow * buildCapabilityLanguageFlow(DOMElement * specElem);
FlowConstraints* buildFlowConstraints(DOMElement * specElem);
SofaMapping * buildSofaMapping(DOMElement * specElem);
XMLCh const * convert(char const * cpBuf) const;
icu::UnicodeString convert( XMLCh const * cpUCBuf ) const;
icu::UnicodeString getSpannedText(DOMNode * node);
DOMNode * findFirst(DOMNodeList * nodes, char const * tagName);
DOMElement * findFirstElementNode(DOMNodeList * nodes);
bool isTrue(const icu::UnicodeString & value) const;
bool isDefined(const XMLCh * attrVal) const;
/* protected in order to allow access by the subclass
* TextAnalysisEngineSpecifierBuilder.
void buildAnalysisEngineDescription(AnalysisEngineDescription & taeSpec, DOMElement * specElem,
const icu::UnicodeString & xmlFileLoc);
void buildTypePriorities(AnalysisEngineMetaData::TyVecpTypePriorities & typePriorities, DOMElement * specElem);
void buildTypePriorities(AnalysisEngineMetaData & aeMetaData,
DOMElement * specElem,
icu::UnicodeString const & lastFileName,
vector<icu::UnicodeString> & alreadyImported);
void buildFSIndexes(AnalysisEngineMetaData & aeDesc, DOMElement * specElem);
void buildFSIndexes(AnalysisEngineMetaData::TyVecpFSIndexDescriptions & desc, DOMElement * specElem);
void buildSofaMappings(AnalysisEngineDescription & taeSpec, DOMElement * specElem);
void buildSofaMappings(AnalysisEngineDescription::TyVecpSofaMappings & sofaMappings, DOMElement * specElem);
void buildConfigParams(AnalysisEngineMetaData & aeMetaData, DOMElement * specElem);
void buildConfigParamSettings(AnalysisEngineMetaData & aeMetaData, DOMElement * specElem);
ErrorHandler * iv_pXMLErrorHandler;
bool doSchemaValidation;
TCHAR * schemaFileName;
static char const * TAG_AE_DESC;
static char const * TAG_TAE_DESC;
static char const * TAG_CAS_DESC;
static char const * TAG_RESMGR_CONFIG_DESC;
static char const * TAG_CASCONSUMER_DESC;
static char const * TAG_IMPL_NAME;
static char const * TAG_TAE_PRIMITIVE;
static char const * TAG_DELEGATE_AES;
static char const * TAG_DELEGATE_AE;
static char const * TAG_DELEGATE_AE_INCLUDE;
static char const * UIMA_FRAMEWORK_IMP;
static char const * TAG_AN_IMPL_NAME;
static char const * TAG_EXTERNAL_RESOURCES;
static char const * TAG_AE_METADATA;
static char const * TAG_AE_NAME;
static char const * TAG_AE_DESCRIPTION;
static char const * TAG_AE_VERSION;
static char const * TAG_AE_VENDOR;
static char const * TAG_CONFIG_PARAMS;
static char const * TAG_CONFIG_PARAM_GROUP;
static char const * TAG_CONFIG_PARAM_COMMON;
static char const * TAG_CONFIG_PARAM;
static char const * TAG_CONFIG_PARAM_NAME;
static char const * TAG_CONFIG_PARAM_DESC;
static char const * TAG_CONFIG_PARAM_TYPE;
static char const * TAG_CONFIG_PARAM_MULTIVAL;
static char const * TAG_CONFIG_PARAM_MANDATORY;
static char const * TAG_CONFIG_PARAM_RESTRICT;
static char const * TAG_CONFIG_PARAM_SETTINGS;
static char const * TAG_NAME_VALUE_PAIR;
static char const * TAG_NAME_VALUE_PAIR_NAME;
static char const * TAG_NAME_VALUE_PAIR_VALUE;
static char const * TAG_NAME_VALUE_PAIR_VALUE_INT;
static char const * TAG_NAME_VALUE_PAIR_VALUE_FLOAT;
static char const * TAG_NAME_VALUE_PAIR_VALUE_BOOL;
static char const * TAG_NAME_VALUE_PAIR_VALUE_ARRAY;
static char const * TAG_ENV_VAR_REF;
static char const * TAG_IMPORTS;
static char const * TAG_IMPORT_DESC;
static char const * ATTR_IMPORT_DESC_NAME;
static char const * ATTR_IMPORT_DESC_LOCATION;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_SYSTEM_DESC;
static char const * TAG_TYPES;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_DESC;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_DESC_NAME;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_DESC_SUPER;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_DESC_DESC;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_DESC_ALLOWED_VALS;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_DESC_ALLOWED_VALS_VAL;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_DESC_FEATURES;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_DESC_FEAT_DESC;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_DESC_FEAT_DESC_NAME;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_DESC_FEAT_DESC_RANGE;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_DESC_FEAT_DESC_DESC;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_PRIORITIES;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_PRIORITY_LIST;
static char const * TAG_TYPE_PRIORITY_LIST_TYPE;
static char const * TAG_FS_INDEXES;
static char const * TAG_FS_INDEX_COLLECTION;
static char const * TAG_FS_INDEX_DESC;
static char const * TAG_FS_INDEX_DESC_LABEL;
static char const * TAG_FS_INDEX_DESC_TYPE;
static char const * TAG_FS_INDEX_DESC_KIND;
static char const * TAG_FS_INDEX_DESC_KEYS;
static char const * TAG_FS_INDEX_KEY;
static char const * TAG_FS_INDEX_KEY_FEAT;
static char const * TAG_FS_INDEX_KEY_COMP;
static char const * TAG_FS_INDEX_KEY_TYPE_PRIORITY;
static char const * TAG_CAPABILITIES;
static char const * TAG_CAPABILITY;
static char const * TAG_CAP_INPUTS;
static char const * TAG_CAP_OUTPUTS;
static char const * TAG_CAP_TYPE;
static char const * TAG_CAP_FEATURE;
static char const * TAG_CAP_INPUT_SOFAS;
static char const * TAG_CAP_OUTPUT_SOFAS;
static char const * TAG_CAP_SOFA_NAME;
static char const * TAG_SOFA_MAPPINGS;
static char const * TAG_SOFA_MAPPING;
static char const * TAG_SOFAMAP_COMPONENT_KEY;
static char const * TAG_CAP_LANG_SUPP;
static char const * TAG_CAP_LANG;
static char const * TAG_FLOW;
static char const * TAG_FLOW_FIX;
static char const * TAG_FLOW_FIX_NODE;
static char const * TAG_FLOW_CAPABILITY_LANG;
static char const * TAG_FLOW_CAPABILITY_LANG_NODE;
static char const * ATTR_DELEGATE_AE_KEY;
static char const * ATTR_DELEGATE_AE_INCLUDE_FILE;
static char const * ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMS_DEF_GROUP;
static char const * ATTR_CONFIG_PARAMS_SEARCH;
static char const * ATTR_CONFIG_PARAM_GROUP_NAMES;
static char const * ATTR_CAP_FEATURE_ALL;
static char const * TRUE_VALUE;
static char const * FRAMEWORK_IMP_CPLUSPLUS;
static char const * FRAMEWORK_IMP_JAVA;
static char const * NO_FALLBACK;
static char const * DEFAULT_FALLBACK;
static char const * LANGUAGE_FALLBACK;
static char const * CONFIG_PARAM_STRING_TYPE;
static char const * CONFIG_PARAM_INTEGER_TYPE;
static char const * CONFIG_PARAM_FLOAT_TYPE;
static char const * CONFIG_PARAM_BOOLEAN_TYPE;
static char const * FS_INDEX_KEY_COMP_STANDARD;
static char const * FS_INDEX_KEY_COMP_REVERSE;
static char const * FS_INDEX_KEY_KIND_SORTED;
static char const * FS_INDEX_KEY_KIND_BAG;
static char const * FS_INDEX_KEY_KIND_SET;
static char const * TAG_MODIFIES_CAS;
static char const * TAG_MULTIPLE_DEPLOY_ALLOWED;
static char const * TAG_OUTPUTS_NEW_CASES;
// @deprecated
// TextAnalysisEngineSpecifierBuilder
class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC TextAnalysisEngineSpecifierBuilder : public XMLParser {
void buildTae(AnalysisEngineDescription & taeSpec, DOMElement * specElem,
const icu::UnicodeString & xmlFileLoc);
void buildTaeFromFile(AnalysisEngineDescription & taeSpec, icu::UnicodeString const & fileName);
void buildTaeFromFile(AnalysisEngineDescription & taeSpec, char const * fileName);
void buildTaeFromMemory(AnalysisEngineDescription & taeSpec, icu::UnicodeString const & xmlString);
void buildTaeFromMemory(AnalysisEngineDescription & taeSpec, char const * cpszXMLString);
TypeSystemDescription * buildTypeSystemSpecifierFromFile(char const * filename);
TypeSystemDescription * buildTypeSystemSpecifierFromFile(icu::UnicodeString const & fileName);
TypeSystemDescription * buildTypeSystemSpecifierFromMemory(icu::UnicodeString const & xmlString);
TypeSystemDescription * buildTypeSystemSpecifierFromXMLBuffer(char const * xmlString);
void buildConfigParams(AnalysisEngineMetaData & aeDesc, DOMElement * specElem);
void buildConfigParamSettings(AnalysisEngineMetaData & aeDesc, DOMElement * specElem);
void buildTypePriorities(AnalysisEngineMetaData & aeDesc, DOMElement * specElem, icu::UnicodeString const & xmlFileLoc, vector<icu::UnicodeString> & alreadyImported);
void buildTypePriorities(AnalysisEngineMetaData::TyVecpTypePriorities & typePriorityDesc, DOMElement * specElem);
void buildFSIndexes(AnalysisEngineMetaData & aeDesc, DOMElement * specElem);
void buildFSIndexes(AnalysisEngineMetaData::TyVecpFSIndexDescriptions & vecFSIndexDescs,
DOMElement * descElem);
void buildSofaMappings(AnalysisEngineDescription::TyVecpSofaMappings& sofaMapDesc,
DOMElement * specElem);
void appendToXMLBuffer(AnalysisEngineMetaData::TyVecpFSIndexDescriptions const & fsDesc,
icu::UnicodeString & xmlString);
void appendToXMLBuffer(AnalysisEngineMetaData::TyVecpTypePriorities const & prioDesc,
icu::UnicodeString & xmlString);
void appendToXMLBuffer(AnalysisEngineDescription::TyVecpSofaMappings const & sofaMapDesc,
icu::UnicodeString & xmlString);
//xmlString must have been created by calling one of the appendToXMLBuffer methods above
//and inserting the xml header at the beginning.
//Caller assumes memory ownership of objects in the vectors
void buildFromXMLBuffer(AnalysisEngineMetaData::TyVecpFSIndexDescriptions & fsDesc,
icu::UnicodeString const & xmlString);
void buildFromXMLBuffer(AnalysisEngineMetaData::TyVecpTypePriorities & prioDesc,
icu::UnicodeString const & xmlString);
void buildFromXMLBuffer(AnalysisEngineDescription::TyVecpSofaMappings & sofaMapDesc,
icu::UnicodeString const & xmlString);