blob: 041a672691c8c368502e7a3678162ce4b4d0ee0e [file] [log] [blame]
/** \file xcasdeserializer_handler.hpp .
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
\brief SAX2 handler for reading XCAS into a CAS.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "uima/pragmas.hpp" //must be first to surpress warnings
#include <map>
#include <stack>
#include <utility>
#include "xercesc/sax2/DefaultHandler.hpp"
#include "uima/internal_casimpl.hpp"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Forward declarations */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
class FeatureStructure;
class FSIndexRepository;
class SofaFS;
class CAS;
class AnnotationFS;
class AnnotatorContext;
namespace lowlevel {
class IndexRepository;
class FSHeap;
class TypeSystem;
namespace internal {
class CASImpl;
namespace uima {
The class <TT>XCASDeserializerHandler</TT> implements a SAX2 handler for XCAS format
#define DOC_STATE 0
#define FS_STATE 1
#define FEAT_STATE 2
#define DOC_TEXT_STATE 7
int addr;
vector<int>* indexRep;
FSInfo(int addr, vector<int>* indexRep) {
this->addr = addr;
this->indexRep = indexRep;
class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC XCASDeserializerHandler : public DefaultHandler {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors and Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
XCASDeserializerHandler(CAS & acas, AnnotatorContext * const ctx);
void startDocument();
void startElement(const XMLCh* const uri,
const XMLCh* const localname,
const XMLCh* const qname,
const Attributes& attrs);
void characters(const XMLCh* const chars,
const unsigned int length);
void endDocument();
void endElement(const XMLCh* const uri,
const XMLCh* const localname,
const XMLCh* const qname
void ignorableWhitespace(const XMLCh* const chars,
const unsigned int length);
void setDocumentLocator(const Locator* const locator);
void warning(const SAXParseException& exception);
void error(const SAXParseException& exception);
void fatalError(const SAXParseException& exception);
void readFS(UnicodeString & qualifiedName, const Attributes & attrs);
void readFS(lowlevel::TyFS addr, const Attributes & attrs, bool toIndex);
void handleFeature(lowlevel::TyFS addr, UnicodeString & featName, UnicodeString & featVal, bool lenient);
void handleFeature(Type & type, lowlevel::TyFS addr, UnicodeString & featName, UnicodeString & featVal,
bool lenient);
void finalizeFS(FSInfo & fsInfo);
void readArray(Type & type, const Attributes & attrs);
void readArrayElement(UnicodeString & qualifiedName, const Attributes & attrs);
void addArrayElement(UnicodeString & buffer);
void finalizeArray(Type & type, lowlevel::TyFS addr, FSInfo & fsInfo);
const Locator * iv_locator;
CAS * iv_cas;
internal::CASImpl & iv_casimpl;
const lowlevel::TypeSystem * iv_typesystem;
int iv_state;
UnicodeString buffer;
// The address of the most recently created FS. Needed for array elements
// and embedded feature values.
lowlevel::TyFS currentAddr;
// The name of the content feature, if we've seen one.
UnicodeString currentContentFeat;
// The current position when parsing array elements.
size_t arrayPos;
// The type of the array we're currently reading. Needed for proper
// treatment of array element values.
lowlevel::TyFS arrayType;
// for processing old style TCAS
CAS * oldTcas;
// SofaFS type
int sofaTypeCode;
// Store IndexRepositories in a vector;
vector<uima::lowlevel::IndexRepository *> indexRepositories;
// Store CAS Views in a vector
vector<CAS*> tcasInstances;
//store FS information for end of document processing
map<int, FSInfo*> fsTree;
vector<FSInfo*> idLess;
//maps for deserializing v1.x format XCAS documents
vector<int> sofaRefMap;
vector<int> indexMap;
int nextIndex;
AnnotatorContext * const iv_ctx;
static char const * CASTAGNAME;
static char const * DEFAULT_DOC_TYPE_NAME ;
static char const * DEFAULT_DOC_TEXT_FEAT;
static char const * INDEXED_ATTR_NAME;
static char const * REF_PREFIX;
static char const * ID_ATTR_NAME;
static char const * CONTENT_ATTR_NAME;
static char const * ARRAY_SIZE_ATTR;
static char const * ARRAY_ELEMENT_TAG;
static char const * TRUE_VALUE;
static char const * DEFAULT_CONTENT_FEATURE;
} // namespace uima