blob: 2900753a9931927563758c4f2fa1a10b1997d123 [file] [log] [blame]
/** \file lowlevel_fsheap.hpp .
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Include dependencies */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "uima/pragmas.hpp"
#include "uima/lowlevel_typesystem.hpp"
#include "uima/lowlevel_internal_heap.hpp"
#include "uima/internal_typeshortcuts.hpp"
#include "uima/cas.hpp"
#include "uima/arrayfs.hpp"
#ifndef NDEBUG
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4311 )
#pragma warning( disable : 4312 )
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Constants */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Forward declarations */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
class CAS;
class XMLDumpWriter;
class LocalSofaDataStream;
namespace internal {
class CASSerializer;
class CASDeserializer;
class FSPromoter;
namespace lowlevel {
class DefaultFSIterator;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Types / Classes */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
namespace lowlevel {
* The Feature structure heap;
* Note: this implementation used to contain temporary and permanent heaps
* but the permanent feature has been removed.
friend class uima::CAS;
friend class uima::internal::CASSerializer;
friend class uima::internal::CASDeserializer;
friend class uima::internal::FSPromoter;
friend class uima::lowlevel::DefaultFSIterator;
friend class uima::XCASDeserializerHandler;
friend class uima::XmiDeserializerHandler;
friend class uima::XMLDumpWriter;
friend class uima::LocalSofaDataStream;
/* VC++ 8 rejects all these forms of friend declaration
so method getCArrayFromFS has been made public
#ifdef _MSC_VER
friend class uima::BasicArrayFS;
template<class,const uima::lowlevel::TyFSType> friend class uima::BasicArrayFS;
// VC++ 7.1 rejects the "correct" declaration with:
// C2888: 'uima::BasicArrayFS' : symbol cannot be defined within namespace 'lowlevel'
typedef enum {
typedef internal::Heap<TyHeapCell> TyFSHeap;
typedef internal::Heap<UChar> TyStringHeap;
typedef uima::lowlevel::internal::Heap<TyHeapCell> TyStringRefHeap;
typedef uima::lowlevel::internal::Heap<char> Ty8BitHeap;
typedef uima::lowlevel::internal::Heap<short> Ty16BitHeap;
typedef uima::lowlevel::internal::Heap<INT64> Ty64BitHeap;
TyFSHeap iv_clTemporaryHeap;
TyStringHeap iv_clTemporaryStringHeap;
TyStringRefHeap iv_clTemporaryStringRefHeap;
//support for 8, 32, 64 bit heap
Ty8BitHeap iv_clTemporary8BitHeap;
Ty16BitHeap iv_clTemporary16BitHeap;
Ty64BitHeap iv_clTemporary64BitHeap;
TypeSystem const & iv_rclTypeSystem;
// internal helpers to set feature structures on the heap
// without type checking
void setFeatureInternal(TyFS, TyFSFeature, TyFS);
TyFS getFeatureInternal(TyFS, TyFSFeature) const;
* helper function to set the string ref heap entry located
* at pointerIntoStringRefHeap to point to s.
void setStringRef(TyFS offsetIntoStringRefHeap,
TyFS offsetIntoStringHeap);
TyFSHeap& getHeap() {
return iv_clTemporaryHeap;
TyStringHeap& getStringHeap() {
return iv_clTemporaryStringHeap;
TyStringRefHeap & getStringRefHeap() {
return iv_clTemporaryStringRefHeap;
//support for 8, 32, 64 bit heap
Ty8BitHeap & get8BitHeap() {
return iv_clTemporary8BitHeap;
Ty16BitHeap & get16BitHeap() {
return iv_clTemporary16BitHeap;
Ty64BitHeap & get64BitHeap() {
return iv_clTemporary64BitHeap;
FSHeap(FSHeap const &);
FSHeap & operator=(FSHeap const &);
char const * get8BitArray(TyFS tyFs) const;
short const * get16BitArray(TyFS tyFs) const;
INT64 const * get64BitArray(TyFS tyFs) const;
* Construct a heap with respect to a type system.
* @param numberOfHeapCells initial heap size
FSHeap(TypeSystem const & rclTypeSystem,
size_t uiFSHeapPageSize,
size_t uiStringHeapPageSize,
size_t uiStringRefHeapPageSize);
FSHeap(TypeSystem const & rclTypeSystem,
size_t uiFSHeapPageSize,
size_t uiStringHeapPageSize,
size_t uiStringRefHeapPageSize,
size_t uiMinHeapPageSize);
static TyFS const INVALID_FS;
* get the C-style array from an array FS (const version).
TyHeapCell const * getCArrayFromFS(TyFS) const; //was public
* get the C-style array from an array FS (non-const version).
TyHeapCell * getCArrayFromFS(TyFS);
* Helper function to provide a unique ID for a feature structure
TyFS getUniqueID(uima::lowlevel::TyHeapCell const tyFs) const {
return tyFs;
* check if a feature structure (of a non built-in type) actually lives within this heap.
bool resides(TyFS tyFS) const {
return iv_clTemporaryHeap.resides(tyFS);
* check if a feature structure is valid w.r.t. this heap.
bool isValid(TyFS tyFS) const {
// second condition is false if heap was resetted
return resides(tyFS) && ( tyFS != (TyFS) TypeSystem::INVALID_TYPE );
TypeSystem const & getTypeSystem() const {
return iv_rclTypeSystem;
* erases all data on the specified heap.
void reset();
* create a feature structure of some type.
* ("high-end" variant).
* @param tyFeatureNumber the number of features for this type
TyFS createFS(TyFSType tyType, TyFeatureOffset tyFeatureNumber) {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidType( tyType ) );
assert( tyType != uima::internal::gs_tyIntegerType );
assert( tyType != uima::internal::gs_tyFloatType );
assert( ! iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes(uima::internal::gs_tyStringType, tyType) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getFeatureNumber(tyType) == tyFeatureNumber );
TyFSHeap & rtyHeap = getHeap();
TyFS tyResult = rtyHeap.increaseHeap(tyFeatureNumber + 1);
rtyHeap.setHeapValue(tyResult,(TyHeapCell) tyType);
return tyResult;
* create a feature structure on the temporary heap where the size of the type is
* already known.
TyFS createFSWithSize(TyFSType tyType, TyFeatureOffset tyFeatureNumber) {
return createFS(tyType, tyFeatureNumber);
* create a feature structure of some type.
TyFS createFS(TyFSType tyType) {
TyFeatureOffset tyNum = iv_rclTypeSystem.getFeatureNumber(tyType);
return createFS(tyType, tyNum);
* create an array fs with size <code>uiSize</code>
* on the specified heap.
TyFS createArrayFS(TyFSType tyType, size_t uiSize) {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidType( tyType ) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getFeatureNumber(tyType) == 0 );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyArrayBaseType, tyType ) );
TyFSHeap & rtyHeap = getHeap();
Ty8BitHeap & rty8BitHeap = get8BitHeap();
Ty16BitHeap & rty16BitHeap = get16BitHeap();
Ty64BitHeap & rty64BitHeap = get64BitHeap();
TyFS tyResult;
if (tyType == uima::internal::gs_tyLongArrayType ||
tyType == uima::internal::gs_tyDoubleArrayType) {
tyResult = rtyHeap.increaseHeap(3);
TyFS ty64BitHeapResult = rty64BitHeap.increaseHeap(uiSize);
rtyHeap.setHeapValue(tyResult, (TyHeapCell) tyType);
rtyHeap.setHeapValue(tyResult+1, (TyHeapCell) uiSize);
rtyHeap.setHeapValue(tyResult+2, (TyHeapCell) ty64BitHeapResult);
else if (tyType == uima::internal::gs_tyBooleanArrayType ||
tyType == uima::internal::gs_tyByteArrayType) {
tyResult = rtyHeap.increaseHeap(3);
TyFS ty8BitHeapResult = rty8BitHeap.increaseHeap(uiSize);
rtyHeap.setHeapValue(tyResult, (TyHeapCell) tyType);
rtyHeap.setHeapValue(tyResult+1, (TyHeapCell) uiSize);
rtyHeap.setHeapValue(tyResult+2, (TyHeapCell) ty8BitHeapResult);
} else if (tyType == uima::internal::gs_tyShortArrayType) {
tyResult = rtyHeap.increaseHeap(3);
TyFS ty16BitHeapResult = rty16BitHeap.increaseHeap(uiSize);
rtyHeap.setHeapValue(tyResult, (TyHeapCell) tyType);
rtyHeap.setHeapValue(tyResult+1, (TyHeapCell) uiSize);
rtyHeap.setHeapValue(tyResult+2, (TyHeapCell) ty16BitHeapResult);
else {
// a 32bit type. 1 cell for the type, 1 for length, uiSize many for the array data
tyResult = rtyHeap.increaseHeap(2 + uiSize);
rtyHeap.setHeapValue(tyResult,(TyHeapCell) tyType);
assert( sizeof(INT32) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell) );
rtyHeap.setHeapValue(tyResult+1,(TyHeapCell) uiSize);
return tyResult;
* get the <code>Lstring</code> from a feature structure.
* Precondition: <code>tyFS</code> must be of type string.
UnicodeStringRef getFSAsString(TyFS tyFS) const;
* returns the type of a feature structure.
TyFSType getType(TyFS tyFs) const;
* method for fast access of feature values.
* Use this in combination with InternalTypeSystem::getFeatureOffset.
TyFS getFeatureWithOffset(TyFS tyFs, TyFeatureOffset tyOffset) const;
* method for fast setting of feature values.
* Use this in combination with InternalTypeSystem::getFeatureOffset.
void setFeatureWithOffset(TyFS tyFs, TyFeatureOffset tyOffset, TyFS tyValue);
* store copy of string on the specified heap.
* @return the reference to the copied string.
int addString(UnicodeStringRef const & uls) {
size_t l = uls.length();
TyStringHeap & rtyStringHeap = getStringHeap();
int p = rtyStringHeap.increaseHeap(l + 1);
assert( (int)(2*l) == uls.getSizeInBytes() );
memcpy(rtyStringHeap.getHeapStart()+p, uls.getBuffer(), uls.getSizeInBytes() );
return p;
//store long / double value 64 bit heap
TyFS addLong(INT64 value) {
Ty64BitHeap & rty64BitHeap = get64BitHeap();
TyFS p = rty64BitHeap.increaseHeap(sizeof(INT64) );
rty64BitHeap.setHeapValue(p, value);
return p;
TyFS addDouble(double value) {
Ty64BitHeap & rty64BitHeap = get64BitHeap();
TyFS p = rty64BitHeap.increaseHeap(sizeof(INT64) );
INT64 int64Val;
memcpy(&int64Val, &value, sizeof(INT64));
rty64BitHeap.setHeapValue(p, int64Val);
return p;
* return copy of string on the stringHeap.
* @return the reference to the string.
UnicodeStringRef getString(int strRef) {
// convert from logical string offset to absolute offset into refHeap
if (strRef == 0) {
return UnicodeStringRef();
strRef = 1 + 2*(strRef-1);
return UnicodeStringRef( iv_clTemporaryStringHeap.getHeapStart()+
(size_t) iv_clTemporaryStringRefHeap.getHeapValue(strRef+1));
* store a copy of a string on the specified heap.
* @return the reference to the copied string.
int addString(icu::UnicodeString const & uls) {
return addString(UnicodeStringRef(uls.getBuffer(), uls.length()));
* returns if the feature value tyFeat of feature structure tyFS
* was already touched, i.e., used in a setFeature() or getFeature() call.
bool isUntouchedFSValue(TyFS tyFS, TyFSFeature tyFeat) const;
* get the value of feature <code>tyFeat</code> on feature structure <code>tyFS</code>.
TyFS getFSValue(TyFS tyFS, TyFSFeature tyFeat) const;
* set the feature <code>tyFeat</code> on feature structure <code>tyFS</code>
* to value <code>tyValue</code>,
void setFSValue(TyFS tyFS, TyFSFeature tyFeat, TyFS tyValue);
* get the size of an array FS.
size_t getArraySize(TyFS) const;
* gets the start pos of this array in the appropriate heap
* where values of this array type is stored.
TyHeapCell getArrayOffset(TyFS) const;
* @name Conversion Functions. Use only with the set/getFeatureWithOffset methods.
* convert an fs into an integer.
static int getFSAsInt(TyFS tyFs) {
return(int) tyFs;
* convert an fs into a float.
static float getFSAsFloat(TyFS tyFs) {
assertWithMsg( sizeof(float) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell), "Port required");
float f;
memcpy(&f, &tyFs, 4);
return f;
* convert an fs into a bool.
static bool getFSAsBoolean(TyFS tyFs) {
if (tyFs==1)
return true;
else return false;
* convert an fs into a byte.
static char getFSAsByte(TyFS tyFs) {
//assertWithMsg( sizeof(float) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell), "Port required");
return (char) tyFs;
* convert an fs into a short.
static short getFSAsShort(TyFS tyFs) {
//assertWithMsg( sizeof(float) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell), "Port required");
return (short)tyFs;
inline INT64 getFSAsLong(TyFS tyFS) const {
if (tyFS == 0) {
return '\n';
assert( iv_clTemporary64BitHeap.debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFS) );
return (INT64) iv_clTemporary64BitHeap.getHeapValue(tyFS);
inline double getFSAsDouble(TyFS tyFS) const {
if (tyFS == 0) {
return '\n';
assert( iv_clTemporary64BitHeap.debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFS) );
INT64 int64Val = iv_clTemporary64BitHeap.getHeapValue(tyFS);
double d;
memcpy(&d, &int64Val, sizeof(double));
return d;
* convert an integer into an fs.
static TyFS getAsFS(int i) {
return(TyFS) i;
* convert a float into an fs.
static TyFS getAsFS(float f) {
assertWithMsg( sizeof(float) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell), "Port required");
TyFS tyFs;
memcpy(&tyFs, &f, 4);
return tyFs;
* convert a byte into an fs.
static TyFS getAsFS(char f) {
assertWithMsg( sizeof(char) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell), "Port required");
return (TyFS)f;
* convert a short into an fs.
static TyFS getAsFS(short f) {
assertWithMsg( sizeof(short) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell), "Port required");
return (TyFS)f;
* convert a byte into an fs.
static TyFS getAsFS(bool f) {
assertWithMsg( sizeof(WORD8) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell), "Port required");
TyFS tyFs = 0;
if (f) {
tyFs=1; //true
} else {
tyFs=2; //false
return tyFs;
TyFS getLongAsFS(INT64);
TyFS getDoubleAsFS(double);
* convert a stringRef into an offset into the StringRefHeap.
* This method is non-const since an entry on the string ref heap
* is created.
TyFS getStringAsFS(int crStringRef);
* @name Special methods for features with built-in types values.
void setIntValue(TyFS, TyFSFeature, int);
void setFloatValue(TyFS, TyFSFeature, float);
void setStringValue(TyFS, TyFSFeature, int strRef);
void setByteValue(TyFS, TyFSFeature, char );
void setShortValue(TyFS, TyFSFeature, short );
void setBooleanValue(TyFS, TyFSFeature, bool );
void setLongValue(TyFS, TyFSFeature, INT64 ref);
void setDoubleValue(TyFS, TyFSFeature, double);
int getIntValue(TyFS, TyFSFeature) const;
float getFloatValue(TyFS, TyFSFeature) const;
UnicodeStringRef getStringValue(TyFS, TyFSFeature) const;
bool getBooleanValue(TyFS,TyFSFeature) const;
char getByteValue(TyFS,TyFSFeature) const;
short getShortValue(TyFS,TyFSFeature) const;
INT64 getLongValue(TyFS,TyFSFeature) const;
double getDoubleValue(TyFS,TyFSFeature) const;
//methods for setting ArrayFS values in the appropriate heap
void setArrayElement(int val, TyHeapCell offset );
void setArrayElement(float val, TyHeapCell offset );
void setArrayElement(char val, TyHeapCell offset );
void setArrayElement(short val, TyHeapCell offset );
void setArrayElement(bool val, TyHeapCell offset );
void setArrayElement(INT64 val, TyHeapCell offset);
void setArrayElement(double, TyHeapCell offset);
char getByte( TyHeapCell offset );
short getShort(TyHeapCell offset );
bool getBoolean(TyHeapCell offset );
INT64 getLong(TyHeapCell offset);
double getDouble(TyHeapCell offset);
* shallow copy of feature structures.
* ints, floats, and strings are copied "by-value".
* If featnum == 0 the types of <code>tyTarget</code> and <code>tySource</code> should be equal.
* Otherwise, just the first featNum features of source are copied to target
* (no questions asked).
void copyFeatures(TyFS tyTarget, TyFS tySource, size_t featNum = 0);
* print an FS.
void printFS(ostream&, TyFS) const;
//#ifndef NDEBUG
// debug methods
TyHeapCell* getHeapStart() const;
bool debugIsValidHeapCell(TyHeapCell) const;
bool debugIsConsistent() const;
void print(ostream&) const;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Implementation */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
namespace lowlevel {
inline TyFSType FSHeap::getType(TyFS tyFs) const {
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs) );
TyFSType tyType = (TyFSType) iv_clTemporaryHeap.getHeapValue(tyFs);
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidType(tyType) );
return tyType;
inline TyFS FSHeap::getFeatureWithOffset(TyFS tyFs, TyFeatureOffset tyOffset) const {
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs) );
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs + tyOffset) );
assert( tyOffset > 0 );
assert( tyOffset <= iv_rclTypeSystem.getFeatureNumber( getType(tyFs) ));
return(TyFS) iv_clTemporaryHeap.getHeapValue(tyFs + tyOffset);
inline void FSHeap::setFeatureWithOffset(TyFS tyFs, TyFeatureOffset tyOffset, TyFS tyValue) {
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs) );
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs + tyOffset) );
assert( tyOffset > 0 );
assert( tyOffset <= iv_rclTypeSystem.getFeatureNumber( getType(tyFs) ));
iv_clTemporaryHeap.setHeapValue(tyFs + tyOffset, tyValue);
inline void FSHeap::setStringRef(TyFS strHeapRef, TyFS strRef) {
// convert from logical string offset to absolute offset into refHeap
strHeapRef = 1 + 2*(strHeapRef-1);
// set offset into StringHeap
iv_clTemporaryStringRefHeap.setHeapValue(strHeapRef, strRef);
// set length
u_strlen(iv_clTemporaryStringHeap.getHeapStart()+strRef) );
inline UnicodeStringRef FSHeap::getFSAsString(TyFS tyFS) const {
if (tyFS == 0) {
return UnicodeStringRef();
assert( iv_clTemporaryStringRefHeap.debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFS) );
// convert from logical string offset to absolute offset into refHeap
tyFS = 1 + 2*(tyFS-1);
return UnicodeStringRef( iv_clTemporaryStringHeap.getHeapStart()+
(size_t) iv_clTemporaryStringRefHeap.getHeapValue(tyFS+1));
inline TyFS FSHeap::getStringAsFS(int crStringRef) {
// increase string ref heap by 2
TyFS stringRef = iv_clTemporaryStringRefHeap.increaseHeap(2);
// convert to local string offset
stringRef = 1 + ((stringRef-1)/2);
setStringRef(stringRef, crStringRef);
return stringRef;
inline TyFS FSHeap::getLongAsFS(INT64 l) {
return addLong(l);
inline TyFS FSHeap::getDoubleAsFS(double l) {
return addDouble(l);
inline TyFS FSHeap::getFeatureInternal(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature) const {
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isAppropriateFeature( getType(tyFs), tyFeature ) );
TyFeatureOffset tyFeatureOffset = iv_rclTypeSystem.getFeatureOffset(tyFeature);
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs + tyFeatureOffset) );
TyFS tyFsCell = iv_clTemporaryHeap.getHeapValue(tyFs + tyFeatureOffset);
return tyFsCell;
inline bool FSHeap::isUntouchedFSValue(TyFS tyFS, TyFSFeature tyFeature) const {
TyFS tyFsCell = getFeatureInternal(tyFS, tyFeature);
return tyFsCell == INVALID_FS;
inline int FSHeap::getIntValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature) const {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getTypeName( iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) == icu::UnicodeString(CAS::TYPE_NAME_INTEGER) );
assertWithMsg( sizeof(int) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell*), "Port required");
TyFS tyResult = getFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature);
return getFSAsInt(tyResult);
inline float FSHeap::getFloatValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature) const {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getTypeName( iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) == icu::UnicodeString(CAS::TYPE_NAME_FLOAT) );
assertWithMsg( sizeof(float) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell*), "Port required");
TyFS tyResult = getFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature);
return getFSAsFloat(tyResult);
inline UnicodeStringRef FSHeap::getStringValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature) const {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyStringType, iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) );
TyFS tyResult = getFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature);
return getFSAsString(tyResult);
inline bool FSHeap::getBooleanValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature) const {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyBooleanType, iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) );
assertWithMsg( sizeof(int) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell*), "Port required");
TyFS tyResult = getFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature);
return getFSAsBoolean(tyResult);
inline char FSHeap::getByteValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature) const {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyByteType, iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) );
assertWithMsg( sizeof(int) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell*), "Port required");
TyFS tyResult = getFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature);
return getFSAsByte(tyResult);
inline short FSHeap::getShortValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature) const {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyShortType, iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) );
TyFS tyResult = getFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature);
return getFSAsShort(tyResult);
inline INT64 FSHeap::getLongValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature) const {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyLongType, iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) );
TyFS tyResult = getFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature);
return getFSAsLong(tyResult);
inline double FSHeap::getDoubleValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature) const {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyDoubleType, iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) );
TyFS tyResult = getFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature);
return getFSAsDouble(tyResult);
inline TyHeapCell const * FSHeap::getCArrayFromFS(TyFS tyFs) const {
assert( isValid(tyFs) );
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyArrayBaseType, getType(tyFs) ) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getFeatureNumber( getType(tyFs) ) == 0 );
if ( 0 == iv_clTemporaryHeap.getHeapValue(tyFs + 1)) {
return NULL;
return(TyHeapCell const *) iv_clTemporaryHeap.getHeapStart() + tyFs + 2;
inline TyHeapCell * FSHeap::getCArrayFromFS(TyFS tyFs) {
FSHeap const * cpConstThis = this;
return CONST_CAST(TyHeapCell *, cpConstThis->getCArrayFromFS(tyFs) );
inline char const * FSHeap::get8BitArray(TyFS tyFs) const {
assert( isValid(tyFs) );
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyArrayBaseType, getType(tyFs) ) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getFeatureNumber( getType(tyFs) ) == 0 );
if ( 0 == iv_clTemporaryHeap.getHeapValue(tyFs + 1)) {
return NULL;
return(char const *) this->iv_clTemporary8BitHeap.getHeapStart() + iv_clTemporaryHeap.getHeapValue(tyFs + 2);
inline short const * FSHeap::get16BitArray(TyFS tyFs) const {
assert( isValid(tyFs) );
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyArrayBaseType, getType(tyFs) ) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getFeatureNumber( getType(tyFs) ) == 0 );
if ( 0 == iv_clTemporaryHeap.getHeapValue(tyFs + 1)) {
return NULL;
return(short const *) this->iv_clTemporary16BitHeap.getHeapStart() + iv_clTemporaryHeap.getHeapValue(tyFs + 2);
inline INT64 const * FSHeap::get64BitArray(TyFS tyFs) const {
assert( isValid(tyFs) );
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyArrayBaseType, getType(tyFs) ) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getFeatureNumber( getType(tyFs) ) == 0 );
if ( 0 == iv_clTemporaryHeap.getHeapValue(tyFs + 1)) {
return NULL;
return(INT64 const *) this->iv_clTemporary64BitHeap.getHeapStart() + iv_clTemporaryHeap.getHeapValue(tyFs + 2);
inline size_t FSHeap::getArraySize(TyFS tyFs) const {
assert( isValid(tyFs) );
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyArrayBaseType, getType(tyFs) ) );
assert( sizeof(WORD32) <= sizeof(uima::lowlevel::TyFS) );
return(size_t) iv_clTemporaryHeap.getHeapValue(tyFs + 1);
inline TyHeapCell FSHeap::getArrayOffset(TyFS tyFs) const {
assert( isValid(tyFs) );
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyArrayBaseType, getType(tyFs) ) );
assert( sizeof(WORD32) <= sizeof(uima::lowlevel::TyFS) );
TyFSType typecode = getType(tyFs);
if (typecode == uima::internal::gs_tyBooleanArrayType ||
typecode == uima::internal::gs_tyByteArrayType ||
typecode == uima::internal::gs_tyShortArrayType ||
typecode == uima::internal::gs_tyLongArrayType ||
typecode == uima::internal::gs_tyDoubleArrayType) {
return(size_t) iv_clTemporaryHeap.getHeapValue(tyFs + 2);
} else {
return tyFs+2;
inline void FSHeap::setFeatureInternal(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature, TyFS tyValue) {
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isAppropriateFeature( getType(tyFs), tyFeature ) );
TyFeatureOffset tyFeatureOffset = iv_rclTypeSystem.getFeatureOffset(tyFeature);
TyHeapCell tyFsCell = tyFs + tyFeatureOffset;
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFsCell) );
iv_clTemporaryHeap.setHeapValue(tyFsCell, tyValue);
inline void FSHeap::setFSValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature, TyFS tyValue) {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyFs) );
assert( resides(tyFs) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isAppropriateFeature( getType(tyFs), tyFeature ) );
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (tyValue != INVALID_FS) {
assert( debugIsValidHeapCell(tyValue) );
if (iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyFSArrayType, iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType( tyFeature ) )) {
} else if ( !iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyStringType, iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType( tyFeature ) ) ) {
assert( resides(tyValue) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType( tyFeature ), getType(tyValue) ) );
} else {
assert( iv_clTemporaryStringRefHeap.resides(tyValue) );
setFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature, tyValue);
inline TyFS FSHeap::getFSValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature) const {
TyFS tyFsCell = getFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature);
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (tyFsCell != INVALID_FS) {
if ( ! iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( uima::internal::gs_tyStringType, iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType( tyFeature ) ) ) {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.subsumes( iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature), getType(tyFsCell) ) );
return tyFsCell;
inline void FSHeap::setIntValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature, int iValue) {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getTypeName( iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) == icu::UnicodeString(CAS::TYPE_NAME_INTEGER) );
assertWithMsg( sizeof(int) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell*), "Port required");
setFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature, (TyFS)iValue );
inline void FSHeap::setFloatValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature, float fValue) {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getTypeName( iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) == icu::UnicodeString(CAS::TYPE_NAME_FLOAT) );
assertWithMsg( sizeof(float) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell*), "Port required");
setFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature, getAsFS(fValue) );
inline void FSHeap::setBooleanValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature, bool ref) {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getTypeName( iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) == icu::UnicodeString(CAS::TYPE_NAME_BOOLEAN) );
assertWithMsg( sizeof(int) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell*), "Port required");
setFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature, getAsFS(ref) );
inline void FSHeap::setByteValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature, char ref) {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getTypeName( iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) == icu::UnicodeString(CAS::TYPE_NAME_BYTE) );
assertWithMsg( sizeof(int) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell*), "Port required");
setFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature, getAsFS(ref) );
inline void FSHeap::setShortValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature, short ref) {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getTypeName( iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) == icu::UnicodeString(CAS::TYPE_NAME_SHORT) );
assertWithMsg( sizeof(int) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell*), "Port required");
setFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature, getAsFS(ref) );
inline void FSHeap::setLongValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature, INT64 ref) {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getTypeName( iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) == icu::UnicodeString(CAS::TYPE_NAME_LONG) );
assertWithMsg( sizeof(int) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell*), "Port required");
setFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature, addLong(ref) );
inline void FSHeap::setDoubleValue(TyFS tyFs, TyFSFeature tyFeature, double ref) {
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.isValidFeature(tyFeature) );
assert( iv_rclTypeSystem.getTypeName( iv_rclTypeSystem.getRangeType(tyFeature) ) == icu::UnicodeString(CAS::TYPE_NAME_DOUBLE) );
assertWithMsg( sizeof(int) <= sizeof(TyHeapCell*), "Port required");
setFeatureInternal(tyFs, tyFeature, addDouble(ref) );
inline void FSHeap::setArrayElement(int tyValue, TyHeapCell tyFsCell) {
this->iv_clTemporaryHeap.setHeapValue(tyFsCell, tyValue);
inline void FSHeap::setArrayElement(float tyValue, TyHeapCell tyFsCell) {
this->iv_clTemporaryHeap.setHeapValue(tyFsCell, getAsFS(tyValue));
inline void FSHeap::setArrayElement(bool tyValue, TyHeapCell tyFsCell) {
iv_clTemporary8BitHeap.setHeapValue(tyFsCell, tyValue);
inline void FSHeap::setArrayElement(char tyValue, TyHeapCell tyFsCell) {
iv_clTemporary8BitHeap.setHeapValue(tyFsCell, tyValue);
inline void FSHeap::setArrayElement(short tyValue, TyHeapCell tyFsCell) {
iv_clTemporary16BitHeap.setHeapValue(tyFsCell, tyValue);
inline void FSHeap::setArrayElement(INT64 tyValue, TyHeapCell tyFsCell) {
iv_clTemporary64BitHeap.setHeapValue(tyFsCell, tyValue);
inline void FSHeap::setArrayElement(double tyValue, TyHeapCell tyFsCell) {
INT64 int64Val;
memcpy(&int64Val, &tyValue, sizeof(INT64));
iv_clTemporary64BitHeap.setHeapValue(tyFsCell, int64Val);
inline bool FSHeap::getBoolean(TyHeapCell tyFsCell) {
char val = iv_clTemporary8BitHeap.getHeapValue(tyFsCell);
(val==1) return true;
return false;
inline char FSHeap::getByte(TyHeapCell tyFsCell) {
return iv_clTemporary8BitHeap.getHeapValue(tyFsCell);
inline short FSHeap::getShort(TyHeapCell tyFsCell) {
return iv_clTemporary16BitHeap.getHeapValue(tyFsCell);
inline INT64 FSHeap::getLong(TyHeapCell tyFsCell) {
return iv_clTemporary64BitHeap.getHeapValue(tyFsCell);
inline double FSHeap::getDouble(TyHeapCell tyFsCell) {
INT64 int64Val = iv_clTemporary64BitHeap.getHeapValue(tyFsCell);
double d;
memcpy(&d, &int64Val, sizeof(double));
return d;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if defined( _MSC_VER )
#pragma warning( pop )