
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/uima/uimacpp/trunk@830983 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/createRelease.txt b/createRelease.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a039808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/createRelease.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+Instructions for creating a uimacpp release or a new build



+For a new release


+1. create a branch for the new release, e.g.

+	svn copy https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/uima/uimacpp/trunk https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/uima/uimacpp/branches/uimacpp-2.3.0 -m"create branch for 2.3.0 release"


+2. if changes are needed, update branch


+3. when approved, create a tag for the branch, and merge branch into trunk




+For a new build on Linux


+1. create new directory for release candidate and cd there

+	mkdir uimacpp-2.3.0

+	cd uimacpp-2.3.0


+2. checkout source from current release branch

+	svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/uima/uimacpp/branches/uimacpp-2.3.0


+3. do prebuild and create source tree

+	cd uimacpp-2.3.0/src

+	make -f Makefile.prebuild

+	cd ..

+	./buildSrcTree.sh ..


+4. create src tarball

+	cd ..

+	tar -czf uimacpp-2.3.0-incubating-src.tgz  uimacpp-2.3.0-incubating


+5. rat scan of source

+	java -jar apache-rat-0.6.jar uimacpp-2.3.0-incubating > uimacpp-src-linux-report.txt


+6. build, test and create sdk tree

+	cd uimacpp-2.3.0-incubating/src

+	[setup env for the build]

+	make -f Makefile.unix install

+	cd ../docs

+	./builddocs.sh

+	cd ../src/test

+	UIMA_HOME=someGoodUimaSDK ./fvt.sh

+	cd ../..

+	./buildsdk.sh ..


+7. create bin tarball

+	cd ..

+	tar -czf uimacpp-2.3.0-incubating-bin.tgz uimacpp


+8. rat scan of bin

+	java -jar apache-rat-0.6.jar uimacpp > uimacpp-bin-linux-report.txt


+9. sniff test of base sdk

+	cd uimacpp

+	export UIMACPP_HOME=`pwd`

+	PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/bin

+	export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib:`pwd`/examples/src

+	cd examples/src

+	make -f all.mak

+	cd ..

+	./runall.sh


+10. sniff test of scriptators (following base sniff test)

+	cd ../scriptators/perl

+	make

+	PATH=$PATH:`pwd`


+	runAECpp PerlSample.xml ../../examples/data/


+	cd ../python

+	make


+	export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`

+	runAECpp PythonSample.xml ../../examples/data/


+	cd ../tcl

+	make


+	runAECpp TclSample.xml ../../examples/data/


+11. sniff test of uimacpp service wrapper

+	in a "Uima AS window", run:

+	  startBroker.sh

+	back in the UimaCpp test window:

+	  cd ../../examples

+	  runRemoteAsyncAE.sh tcp://localhost:61616 MeetingAnnotator \

+	  -d tutorial/descriptors/Deploy_MeetingAnnotator.xml




+For a new build on Windows


+1. checkout source from current release branch

+	svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/uima/uimacpp/branches/uimacpp-2.3.0


+3. create source tree

+	./buildSrcTree buildDir


+4. create src zipfile of buildDir\uimacpp-2.3.0-incubating as

+	uimacpp-2.3.0-incubating-src.zip


+5. rat scan of source

+	cd buildDir

+	java -jar apache-rat-0.6.jar uimacpp-2.3.0-incubating > uimacpp-src-windows-report.txt


+6. build, test and create sdk tree

+	cd uimacpp-2.3.0-incubating\src

+	[setup env for the build]

+	winmake /build release

+	winmake /build debug

+	cd ..\docs

+	builddocs

+	cd ..\src\test

+	devenv test.sln /build release

+	set UIMA_HOME=someGoodUimaSDK

+	fvt

+	devenv test.sln /build debug

+	fvt debug

+	cd ..\..

+	buildsdk ..


+7. create bin zipfile of buildDir\uimacpp as

+	uimacpp-2.3.0-incubating-bin.zip


+8. rat scan of bin

+	java -jar apache-rat-0.6.jar uimacpp > uimacpp-bin-windows-report.txt


+9. sniff test of base sdk

+	cd uimacpp

+	set UIMACPP_HOME=%cd%

+	path=%path%;%cd%\bin;%cd%\examples\src

+	cd examples\src

+	devenv uimacpp-examples.sln /build release

+	cd ..

+	runall


+10. sniff test of scriptators (following base sniff test)

+	cd ..\scriptators\perl

+	winmake

+	runAECpp PerlSample.xml ..\..\examples\data\


+	cd ..\python

+	winmake

+	runAECpp PythonSample.xml ..\..\examples\data\


+	cd ..\tcl

+	winmake

+	runAECpp TclSample.xml ..\..\examples\data\


+11. sniff test of uimacpp service wrapper

+	in a "Uima AS window", run:

+	  startBroker

+	back in the UimaCpp test window:

+	  cd ..\..\examples

+	  runRemoteAsyncAE tcp://localhost:61616 MeetingAnnotator \

+	  -d tutorial\descriptors\Deploy_MeetingAnnotator.xml
