blob: 50782d7db373c7ef7503052b601fdf684b2fbdfd [file] [log] [blame]
/** \file xmlwriter.hpp .
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
\brief Used to output the CAS in XCAS format
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Include dependencies */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "uima/pragmas.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include "uima/msg.h"
#include "uima/exceptions.hpp"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Constants */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Forward declarations */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Types / Classes */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace uima {
class XmlElementName {
std::string nsUri;
std::string shortName;
std::string qualifiedName;
XmlElementName(std::string ns, std::string sname, std::string qname) :
nsUri(ns), shortName(sname), qualifiedName(qname) {}
* Data structure representing an XML attribute.
class XmlAttribute {
std::string name;
std::string value;
XmlAttribute(UnicodeString name, UnicodeString value) {
this->name = ((UnicodeStringRef)name).asUTF8();
this->value = ((UnicodeStringRef)value).asUTF8();
XmlAttribute(std::string name, std::string value) {
this->name = name;
this->value = value;
* Data structure holding all information about an XMI element
* containing an out-of-typesystem FS.
class OotsElementData {
* xmi:id of the element
int xmiId;
* Name of the element, including XML namespace.
XmlElementName * elementName;
* List of XmlAttribute objects each holding name and value of an attribute.
std::vector<XmlAttribute*> attributes;
* Map qualified name of an attribute to a list of strings that contain
* the values of the element. Use to store the
* child elements representing features of this out-of-typesystem element.
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>* > childElements;
OotsElementData() : elementName(0) {}
~OotsElementData() {
if (elementName != NULL) {
delete elementName;
for (size_t i=0; i < attributes.size();i++) {
if ( != NULL) {
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>* >::iterator ite;
for (ite=childElements.begin(); ite != childElements.end();ite++) {
if (ite->second != NULL) {
delete ite->second;
* Data structure holding the index and the xmi:id of an array or list element that
* is a reference to an out-of-typesystem FS.
class XmiArrayElement {
int index;
int xmiId;
XmiArrayElement(int index, int xmiId) {
this->index = index;
this->xmiId = xmiId;
* Holds information that is shared between the XmiCasSerializer and the XmiCasDeserializer. This
* allows consistency of XMI IDs across serializations, and also provides the ability to filter out
* some FSs during serialization (e.g. to send to a service) and then reintegrate those FSs during
* the next deserialization.
class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC XmiSerializationSharedData {
* A map from FeatureStructure address to XMI ID. This is built during deserialization, then used
* by the next serialization to ensure consistent IDs.
std::map<int, int> fsAddrToXmiIdMap;
* A map from xmi:id to FeatureStructure address. This is populated whenever
* an XMI element is serialized or deserialized. It is used by the
* getFsAddrForXmiId() method, necessary to support merging multiple XMI
* CASes into the same CAS object.
std::map<int,int> xmiIdToFsAddrMap;
* List of OotsElementData objects, each of which captures information about
* incoming XMI elements that did not correspond to any type in the type system.
std::vector<OotsElementData*> ootsFs;
* Map that from the xmi:id Sofa to a List of xmi:id's for
* the out-of-typesystem FSs that are members of that Sofa's view.
std::map<int,std::vector<int>*> ootsViewMembers;
/** Map from Feature Structure address (Integer) to OotsElementData object, capturing information
* about out-of-typesystem features that were part of an in-typesystem FS. These include both
* features not defined in the typesystem and features that are references to out-of-typesystem
* elements. This information needs to be included when the FS is subsequently serialized.
std::map<int, OotsElementData*> ootsFeatures;
/** Map from Feature Structure address (Integer) of an FSArray to a list of
* {@link XmiArrayElement} objects, each of which holds an index and an xmi:id
* for an out-of-typesystem array element.
std::map<int,std::vector<XmiArrayElement*>*> ootsArrayElements;
* The maximum XMI ID used in the serialization. Used to generate unique IDs if needed.
int maxXmiId;
XmiSerializationSharedData() : maxXmiId(0) {
~XmiSerializationSharedData() {
for (size_t i=0; i < ootsFs.size(); i++) {
if ( != NULL) {
std::map<int,std::vector<XmiArrayElement*>*>::iterator ite;
for (ite = ootsArrayElements.begin(); ite != ootsArrayElements.end();ite++) {
if (ite->second != NULL) {
std::vector<XmiArrayElement*>* vec = ite->second;
for (size_t i=0; i < vec->size(); i++) {
if (vec->at(i) != NULL) {
delete vec->at(i);
delete vec;
std::map<int,std::vector<int>*>::iterator viewite;
for (viewite = ootsViewMembers.begin();
viewite != ootsViewMembers.end();viewite++) {
if (viewite->second != NULL) {
delete viewite->second;
std::map<int, OotsElementData*>::iterator featite;
for (featite = ootsFeatures.begin();
featite != ootsFeatures.end();featite++) {
if (featite->second != NULL) {
delete featite->second;
void addIdMapping(int fsAddr, int xmiId) {
fsAddrToXmiIdMap[fsAddr] = xmiId;
xmiIdToFsAddrMap[xmiId] = fsAddr;
if (xmiId > maxXmiId)
maxXmiId = xmiId;
int getXmiId(int fsAddr) {
// see if we already have a mapping
std::map<int,int>::iterator ite = fsAddrToXmiIdMap.find(fsAddr);
if (ite != fsAddrToXmiIdMap.end()) {
return ite->second;
} else { // no mapping for this FS. Generate a unique ID
// to be sure we get a unique Id, increment maxXmiId and use that
fsAddrToXmiIdMap[fsAddr] = ++maxXmiId;
xmiIdToFsAddrMap[maxXmiId] = fsAddr;
return maxXmiId;
* Gets the FS address that corresponds to the given xmi:id, in the most
* recent serialization or deserialization.
* @param xmiId an xmi:id from the most recent XMI CAS that was serialized
* or deserialized.
* @return the FS address of the FeatureStructure corresponding to that
* xmi:id, -1 if none.
int getFsAddrForXmiId(int xmiId) {
std::map<int,int>::iterator ite = xmiIdToFsAddrMap.find(xmiId);
if (ite != xmiIdToFsAddrMap.end() )
return ite->second;
else {
//cout << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << " getFsAddrForXmiId() could not find xmiid " << xmiId << endl;
return -1;
/**ErrorInfo errInfo;
msg.addParam("getFSAddrForXmiId Unknown xmiId");
ExcIllFormedInputError exc(errInfo);
throw exc;**/
* Records information about an XMI element that was not an instance of any type in the type system.
* @param elemData information about the out-of-typesystem XMI element
void addOutOfTypeSystemElement(OotsElementData * elemData) {
//check if we need to update max ID
int xmiId = elemData->xmiId;
if (elemData->xmiId > maxXmiId)
maxXmiId = elemData->xmiId;
* Gets a List of {@link OotsElementData} objects, each of which describes an
* incoming XMI element that did not correspond to a Type in the TypeSystem.
* @return List of {@link OotsElementData} objects
std::vector<OotsElementData *> & getOutOfTypeSystemElements() {
return this->ootsFs;
* Records that an out-of-typesystem XMI element should be a member of the
* specified view.
* @param sofaXmiId xmi:id of a Sofa
* @param memberXmiId xmi:id of an out-of-typesystem element that should be
* a member of the view for the given Sofa
void addOutOfTypeSystemViewMember(int sofaXmiId, int memberXmiId) {
std::vector<int> * memberList = 0;
std::map<int,std::vector<int>* >::iterator ite = this->ootsViewMembers.find(sofaXmiId);
if (ite == ootsViewMembers.end() ) {
memberList = new std::vector<int>;
ootsViewMembers[sofaXmiId] = memberList;
} else {
memberList = ite->second;
* Gets a List of xmi:id's (Strings) of all out-of-typesystem XMI elements
* that are members of the view with the given id.
* @param sofaXmiId xmi:id of a Sofa
* @return List of xmi:id's of members of the view for the given Sofa.
void getOutOfTypeSystemViewMembers(int sofaXmiId, std::vector<int>& tofill) {
std::map<int, std::vector<int> *>::iterator ite = this->ootsViewMembers.find(sofaXmiId);
std::vector<int> * memberList = NULL;
if (ite != ootsViewMembers.end()) {
memberList = ite->second;
for (size_t i=0;i < memberList->size();i++) {
* Records an out-of-typesystem attribute that belongs to an in-typesystem FS.
* This will be added to the attributes when that FS is reserialized.
* @param addr CAS address of the FS
* @param featName name of the feature
* @param featVal value of the feature, as a string
void addOutOfTypeSystemAttribute(int addr, std::string featName, std::string featVal) {
std::map<int, OotsElementData*>::iterator ite = this->ootsFeatures.find(addr);
OotsElementData * oed = NULL;
if (ite != ootsFeatures.end() )
oed = ite->second;
if (oed == NULL) {
oed = new OotsElementData();
this->ootsFeatures[addr] = oed;
oed->attributes.push_back(new XmlAttribute(featName, featVal));
void addOutOfTypeSystemAttribute(int addr, UnicodeString& featName,
UnicodeString & featVal) {
//cout << "addOotsAttribute " << featName << "=" << featVal << endl;
addOutOfTypeSystemAttribute(addr, ( (UnicodeStringRef)featName).asUTF8(),
( (UnicodeStringRef)featVal).asUTF8());
* Records out-of-typesystem child elements that belong to an in-typesystem FS.
* These will be added to the child elements when that FS is reserialized.
* @param addr CAS address of the FS
* @param featName name of the feature (element tag name)
* @param featVal values of the feature, as a List of strings
void addOutOfTypeSystemChildElements(int addr, std::string featName, std::vector<std::string> featVals) {
std::map<int, OotsElementData*>::iterator ite = this->ootsFeatures.find(addr);
OotsElementData * oed = NULL;
if (ite != ootsFeatures.end() )
oed = ite->second;
if (oed == NULL) {
oed = new OotsElementData();
this->ootsFeatures[addr] = oed;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>*>::iterator ite2 = oed->childElements.find(featName);
std::vector<std::string> * pVals = NULL;
if (ite2 == oed->childElements.end() ) {
pVals = new std::vector<std::string>;
oed->childElements[featName] = pVals;
} else {
pVals = ite2->second;
for (size_t i = 0; i < featVals.size();i++) {
* Gets information about out-of-typesystem features that belong to an
* in-typesystem FS.
* @param addr CAS address of the FS
* @return object containing information about out-of-typesystem features
* (both attributes and child elements)
OotsElementData * getOutOfTypeSystemFeatures(int addr) {
std::map<int, OotsElementData*>::iterator ite = this->ootsFeatures.find(addr);
if (ite != this->ootsFeatures.end())
return ite->second;
else return NULL;
* Get all FS Addresses that have been added to the id map.
* @return an array containing all the FS addresses
void getAllFsAddressesInIdMap( std::vector<int> & tofill) {
std::map<int,int>::iterator ite;
for (ite = this->fsAddrToXmiIdMap.begin(); ite != fsAddrToXmiIdMap.end();ite++) {
* Gets information about out-of-typesystem array elements.
* @param addr the CAS address of an FSArray
* @return a List of {@link XmiArrayElement} objects, each of which
* holds the index and xmi:id of an array element that is a
* reference to an out-of-typesystem FS.
std::vector<XmiArrayElement*> * getOutOfTypeSystemArrayElements(int addr) {
std::map<int, std::vector<XmiArrayElement*>*>::iterator ite=this->ootsArrayElements.find(addr);
if (ite != ootsArrayElements.end())
return ite->second;
else return NULL;
* Records an out-of-typesystem array element in the XmiSerializationSharedData.
* @param addr CAS address of FSArray
* @param index index into array
* @param xmiId xmi:id of the out-of-typesystem element that is the value at the given index
void addOutOfTypeSystemArrayElement(int addr, int index, int xmiId) {
std::map<int, std::vector<XmiArrayElement*>* >::iterator ite = this->ootsArrayElements.find(addr);
std::vector<XmiArrayElement*> * oed = NULL;
if (ite != ootsArrayElements.end() )
oed = ite->second;
else {
oed = new std::vector<XmiArrayElement*>;
this->ootsArrayElements[addr] = oed;
oed->push_back(new XmiArrayElement(index, xmiId));
void clearIdMap() {
maxXmiId = 0;
void print() {
std::map<int,OotsElementData *>::iterator ite;
for (size_t i=0; i < ootsFs.size() ;i++ ) {
OotsElementData * oed =;
std::cout << "**OotsFS " << i << oed->elementName->qualifiedName << std::endl;
std::cout << "NUM CHILDELEMENTS " << oed->childElements.size() << std::endl;
for (size_t i=0; i < oed->attributes.size();i++) {
std::cout << oed->>name << " " << oed->>value << std::endl;
* For debugging purposes only.
string toString() {
stringstream str;
int[] keys = fsAddrToXmiIdMap;
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
buf.append(keys[i]).append(": ").append(fsAddrToXmiIdMap.get(keys[i])).append('\n');
return str.str();;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Implementation */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */