blob: c252eb920ec7d8dc9bec67dc90d104e6f5005a1a [file] [log] [blame]
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or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
This is the parent POM of all Sandbox projects
<project xmlns=""
<!-- version cannot be a ${xxx} form for Parent poms -->
<version>2.3.0-incubating</version> <!-- this comment is a flag for changeVersion -->
<name>Apache UIMA Sandbox distribution build</name>
<description>Components and tooling for the UIMA SDK</description>
<!-- version cannot be a ${xxx} form -->
<version>2.3.0-incubating</version> <!-- this comment is a flag for changeVersion -->
<!-- dependency jar management:
Sandbox projects often ship with additional jars from 3rd party providers.
The mechanism to make this happen is:
1) have the project's POM declare the dependencies
2) at project build time the dependencies and their dependencies (recursively) are
fetched from maven repos and put into
3) This lib/ dir is included in the bin distribution build
2) If the child pom is preparing a PEAR, the lib dir is included in the
<!-- change the default uima jars scope to "provided" to
prevent the dependency plugin from including them -->
<!-- Common operations done while building all sandbox projects
- build the docs (if build_documentation.xml exists)
- build the target/assembly-bin and target/assembly-src dirs used by later assembly steps
- these dirs are layed out as follows:
readme's (if exist)
pear file (if exist)
docs (if exist) for html and pdf
resources (if exist)
desc (if exist) sample descriptors
lib holds all jars including main one excluding -sources jar
LIC/NOT/DIS for source
build_documentation.xml (if exists)
src/main, src/test both code & resources
resources (if exist)
[other special files per project]
<!-- this resources spec is intended to be executed in each
child project. It will also be executed in this project,
if this project is run, but the target/ is not used from this
The annotator-package subproject (which is not a parent, but an aggregator)
will build the proper assembly from these parts.
<!-- Instead of copying resources using the <resources> element (which works),
we use the maven-resources-plugin instead because:
There is no inheritance for the <resources> element - if
a child project has such an element, it always overrides all
<!-- populate the lib dir with all needed dependencies
that will be distributed with this component
Runs during process-resources -->
<!-- Copy the dependencies to the target/assembly-bin folder for the PEAR to copy -->
<id>copy dependencies to lib</id>
<id>copy standard sandbox resources to assembly-bin</id>
<phase>process-resources</phase> <!-- required -->
<id>copy standard sandbox target jar to assembly-bin</id>
<phase>pre-integration-test</phase> <!-- a phase after jar -->
<id>copy standard sandbox target pear and docs to assembly-bin</id>
<phase>pre-integration-test</phase> <!-- a phase after pear packager -->
<id>copy standard sandbox resources to assembly-src</id>
<phase>process-resources</phase> <!-- required -->
<!-- these license/notice files are the not the plain versions,
they are the same as the assembly-bin version even though
we're not shipping the 3rd party jars, because
maven will silently fetch them -->
<!-- include of directories must specify the ** pattern to get the files -->
<!-- include paths cannot have .. -->
<!-- add the contents of desc if it exists to the jar.
This puts the WhitespaceTokenizer.xml file into the Jar
and makes it easier for users to run this, without installing a pear.
The Tagger project uses this technique, for instance -->
<id>copy desc so its contents can be found in Jar</id>
<phase>process-resources</phase> <!-- required -->
<id>build documentation</id>
<!-- set up ant-contrib extensions -->
<typedef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
<classpath refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>
<available file="build_documentation.xml"></available>
<ant antfile="build_documentation.xml" target="copyDocs"/>
<echo message="build_documentation.xml missing - skipping"/>
<!-- set up ant-contrib extensions -->
<typedef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
<classpath refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>
<available file="build_documentation.xml"></available>
<delete quiet="true" failOnError="false">
<!-- just remove the files, keep the directories, because
these are checked into SVN and it can't handle the removal
of the directory .svn files-->
<fileset dir="docs" includes="**" excludes="**/.svn/**/*"/>
<!-- alphabetical order for ease of maintenance -->