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Apache UIMA Dictionary Annotator Documentation
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The DictionaryAnnotator is an
Apache UIMA analysis engine that annotates words based on
dictionary entries. For each word in the document text
that is available in the dictionary a new annotation is created.
The annotator can be configured with one or more independent
dictionaries. The dictionaries can easily be created with the
dictionary creator command line tooling. For advanced usage
of the annotator the matching can also be improved by specifying
multi word capabilities, match input type properties and input type
filter settings.
<chapter id="sandbox.dictAnnotator.processingOverview">
<title>Processing Overview</title>
To use the DictionaryAnnotator at first a dictionary must be
created because so far the annotator does not provide any dictionaries.
The creation of a dictionary is very simple when using the
dictionary creator command line tooling. The tooling takes as input a list
words that should be added to the dictionary.
The output of the dictionary creator is the created dictionary as XML file
and can be used to configure the annotator. For each dictionary additional
meta data like the annotation output type for the created
annotation can be set. The dictionary and the DictionaryAnnotator can be
configured to work with single word dictionary entries like "Apache" or with
multi word entries like "Apache UIMA".
After the annotator is configured with the created dictionary the lookup
strategy settings must be defined. The dictionary lookup inside the annotator
works with tokens. A token is a word or an arbitrary text fragment that is used for
the dictionary lookup. If a token match a dictionary entry an annotation is created.
The kind of tokens that are used for the lookup can be configured and enhanced with
filter capabilities. To improve the dictionary lookup it is recommended that the
tokenization for the dictionary entries and the tokenization for the document text is the same.
This can be achieved when using the dictionary creator with some advanced settings.
During the annotator processing for each token in the document text
that is available in the dictionary a new annotation with the dictionary
output type is created. These annotations can be used in a succeeding step to do
some further processing.
<chapter id="sandbox.dictAnnotator.dictionaryCreation">
<title>Dictionary Creation</title>
To automatically create a dictionary, the DictionaryCreator command line tooling is provied.
<section id="sandbox.dictAnnotator.dictionaryCreation.DictionaryCreator">
<title>Dictionary Creator</title>
The DictionaryCreator command line tool should be used to create the
DictionaryAnnotator dictionaries. The input for the DictionaryCreator
is a text file that contains the dictionary entries, one entry per line. The output
is the created dictionary as XML file.
The usage below shows all possible command line parameters.
-cp uimaj-an-dictionary.jar
-input <InputFile>
-encoding <InputFileEncoding>
-output <OutputFile>
[-tokenizer <TokenizerPearFile> -tokenType <tokenType>]
[-separator <separatorChar>]
[-lang <dictionaryLanguage>]]]></programlisting>
When just using the mandatory settings the input content for the dictionary
is tokenized/separated by using the whitespace character. This means that if
the line contains a whitespace character as in "Apache UIMA"
the dictionary entry is treated as multi word entry where the mutli word
consists of the two tokens "Apache" and "UIMA". If the line just contains "DictionaryAnnotator"
the dictionary entry in treated as single word entry and has only one token
called "DictionaryAnnotator".
A sample XML dictionary file is shown below.
multiWordSeparator=" "/>
<key>Apache UIMA</key>
In addition to the default creation, the DictionaryCreator can be configured with
additional parameters.
These are:
<code>tokenization &lt;TokenizerPearFile></code> -
To use an Apache UIMA tokenizer annotator PEAR that tokenize
the input instead of the simple whitespace tokenization that is done
by default. When using a special tokenizer
the <code>tokenType &lt;tokenType></code> parameter must also be set.
<code>tokenType &lt;tokenType></code> -
Specifies the token type to get the tokens created by the tokenizer.
These tokens are used to create the single or multi word dictionary entries
for each line of the input.
<code>lang &lt;languageCode></code> -
In some cases it is necessary to specify the language for the created dictionary
and for the used tokenization.
<code>separator &lt;separatorChar></code> -
If no special tokenizer is used for the tokenization of the input dictionary content,
by default the whitespace character is used to tokenizer the content. If another
separator character should be used instead, it can be specified by using this parameter.
After the dictionary is created, it is necessary to update the created dictionary
with some additional meta data. The most important one that must be set is the
<code>typeName</code> entry. The <code>typeName</code> entry after the creation looks like
<code>&lt;typeName> ADD DICTIONARY OUTPUT TYPE HERE&lt;/typeName></code> and must
be updated with the UIMA type that should be used if the DictionaryAnnotator creates
an annotation for a word based on this dictionary. For more details about the other
meta data entries of the dictionary, please refer to
<xref linkend="sandbox.dictAnnotator.dictionaryCreation.DictionaryFormat"/>.
<section id="sandbox.dictAnnotator.dictionaryCreation.DictionaryFormat">
<title>Dictionary XML Format</title>
The Dictionary XML Format is shown with an example below:
multiWordSeparator=" "/>
<key>Apache UIMA</key>
The <code>&lt;dictionaryMetaData></code> element specifies how the dictionary is used
inside the DictionaryAnnoator. The attributes for the element are:
<code>caseNormalization</code> -
If this parameter is set to <code>true</code> all dictionary entries are treated
case normalized. This means that the dictionary matching is not case sensitive.
<code>multiWordSeparator</code> -
Specifies the multi word separator character that is used in the XML document
for multi words. If the DictionaryCreator creates the dictionary files this is by default
the "|" character.
<code>multiWordEntries</code> -
If this parameter is <code>true</code> the dictionary is treated as
multi word dictionary. This means that dictionary entries that are separated by
the <code>multiWordSpearator</code> are treated as multi word entries. So for example
"Apache|UIMA" is treated as multi word entry and the document text must
have after the tokenization two tokens "Apache" and "UIMA" to match the dictionary
The <code>&lt;languageId></code> element specifies the language of the current dictionary if all
entries have the same language. This settings is not mandatory and can also be omitted.
The <code>&lt;typeName></code> element specifies the output type that is used if
an annotation is created for a dictionary entry.
The <code>&lt;key></code> elements specifies the dictionary entries. For each entry
an own <code>&lt;key></code> element is used.
<chapter id="sandbox.dictAnnotator.annotatorConfiguration">
<title>Annotator Configuration</title>
To use the DictionaryAnnotator it must be configured with at least one dictionary
and with the input match type settings - the tokens - that the
annotator will use to do the lookup. In addition to these mandatory settings
it is possible to define input match type filters to filter the used annotations
before they are used for the lookup. The following paragraphs will
explain in detail how to configuration is done.
<section id="sandbox.dictAnnotator.annotatorConfiguration.DictionaryFiles">
<title>Dictionary Files</title>
To specify the annotator dictionary files there is a configuration parameter
definition in the annotator descriptor that looks like:
list of dictionary files to configure the annotator
This parameter is mandatory and multi valued. This means that the setting must
be available and one or more dictionary files can be specified with the same parameter.
A sample setting for two dictionary files can look like:
The specified dictionary file names must be available in the classpath or in the UIMA datapath.
Additionally it is possible to specify an HTTP URL to load the dictionary file.
<section id="sandbox.dictAnnotator.annotatorConfiguration.InputTokenType">
<title>Input Match Type</title>
The <code>InputMatchType</code> parameter defines the annotation type that is used
for the dictionary lookup. All annotations of type <code>InputMatchType</code> are used for the
lookup in the dictionary. In most cases this type should be the output type of the tokenizer
annotator component. If the dictionary was created by using the DictionaryCreator configured with
a tokenizer, it is recommended that the same tokenizer is also used in the annotator flow. Beyond
that the <code>InputMatchType</code> should be the same as the tokenType used for the
dictionary creation.
The parameter that defines the input match type is:
The parameter setting is mandatory and single valued. A sample setting for
the <code>InputMatchType</code> looks like:
<section id="sandbox.dictAnnotator.annotatorConfiguration.InputTokenType.FeaturePath">
<title>Input Match Type Feature Path</title>
In some special cases it may be necessary to use a feature value or a
featurePath value of the <code>InputMatchType</code> for the dictionary lookup. In that case
not the covered text of the <code>InputMatchType</code> annotation is used for the lookup but the
specified feature or featurePath value.
To define a feature or featurePath that is used for the lookup the following
parameter must be used:
The parameter is not mandatory, it is just an optional addition. But if the parameter
is used, the defined feature or featurePath must be valid for the <code>InputMatchType</code>.
A sample configuration with a feature called <code>baseFormToken</code> is shown below:
If a featurePath is specified the path separator for the feature is "/".
<section id="sandbox.dictAnnotator.annotatorConfiguration.InputTokenFilter">
<title>Input Match Type Filters</title>
If not all <code>InputMatchType</code> annotations should be used for the dictionary lookup it
is possible to define filters to filter the used annotations. To define a filter three
settings are necessary. The first one is the <code>InputMatchFilterFeaturePath</code>
that specifies the feature or featurePath that should be used for the filtering. The
second parameter is the <code>FilterConditionOperator</code> that defines the filter condition
operator. The last parameter is <code>FilterConditionValue</code> that defines the condition
value for the comparison.
The parameter definition for all three parameters looks like:
For the <code>InputMatchFilterFeaturePath</code> the same rules applies as for the
<code>InputMatchFeaturePath</code>. The specified feature or featurePath must be valid
for the <code>InputMatchType</code> definition. If a featurePath is specified, the features
are separated by "/".
The value for the <code>FilterConditionOperator</code> can be one of:
<code>NULL</code> -
<code>InputMatchFilterFeaturePath</code> value must be NULL. No <code>FilterConditionValue</code>
must be specified.
<code>NOT_NULL</code> -
<code>InputMatchFilterFeaturePath</code> value must be set and is not NULL. No
<code>FilterConditionValue</code> must be specified.
<code>EQUALS</code> -
<code>InputMatchFilterFeaturePath</code> value must be equal to
the <code>FilterConditionValue</code>.
<code>NOT_EQUALS</code> -
<code>InputMatchFilterFeaturePath</code> value is not equal
to the <code>FilterConditionValue</code>
<code>LESS</code> -
<code>InputMatchFilterFeaturePath</code> value is less than
the <code>FilterConditionValue</code>
<code>LESS_EQ</code> -
<code>InputMatchFilterFeaturePath</code> value is less or equal to
the <code>FilterConditionValue</code>
<code>GREATER</code> -
<code>InputMatchFilterFeaturePath</code> value is greater than
the <code>FilterConditionValue</code>
<code>GREATER_EQ</code> -
<code>InputMatchFilterFeaturePath</code> value is greater or equal to
the <code>FilterConditionValue</code>
A sample configuration for a filter that only use noun tokens for the dictionary lookup
is shown below: