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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<!ENTITY imgroot "images/tools/tools.textmarker/" >
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<section id="">
TextMarker provides five different kinds of expressions. These are
type expressions, number expressions, string expressions and
boolean expressions and list expressions.
<emphasis role="bold">Definition:</emphasis>
<programlisting><![CDATA[TextmarkerExpression -> TypeExpression | NumberExpression |
StringExpression | BooleanExpression
| ListExpression]]></programlisting>
<section id="">
<title>Type Expressions</title>
TextMarker provides two kinds of type expressions.
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
Declared annotation types (see
<xref linkend='' />
Type variables
<xref linkend='' />
<emphasis role="bold">Definition:</emphasis>
<programlisting><![CDATA[TypeExpression -> AnnotationType | TypeVariable]]></programlisting>
<emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
<programlisting><![CDATA[DECLARE Author; // Author defines a type, therefore it is
// a type expression
TYPE typeVar; // type variable typeVar is a type expression
Document{->ASSIGN(typeVar, Author)};]]></programlisting>
<section id="">
<title>Number Expressions</title>
TextMarker provides several possibilities to define number
expressions. As expected, every number expression evaluates to a
number. TextMarker supports integer and floating-point numbers. A
floating-point number can be in single or in double precision. To get
a complete overview, have a look at the following syntax definition
of number expressions.
<emphasis role="bold">Definition:</emphasis>
<programlisting><![CDATA[NumberExpression -> AdditiveExpression
AdditiveExpression -> MultiplicativeExpression ( ( "+" | "-" )
MultiplicativeExpression )*
MultiplicativeExpression -> SimpleNumberExpression ( ( "*" | "/" | "%" )
SimpleNumberExpression )*
| ( "EXP" | "LOGN" | "SIN" | "COS" | "TAN" )
"(" NumberExpression ")"
SimpleNumberExpression -> "-"? ( DecimalLiteral | FloatingPointLiteral
| NumberVariable) | "(" NumberExpression ")"
DecimalLiteral -> ('0' | '1'..'9' Digit*) IntegerTypeSuffix?
IntegerTypeSuffix -> ('l'|'L')
FloatingPointLiteral -> Digit+ '.' Digit* Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix?
| '.' Digit+ Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix?
| Digit+ Exponent FloatTypeSuffix?
| Digit+ Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix
FloatTypeSuffix -> ('f'|'F'|'d'|'D')
Exponent -> ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? Digit+
Digit -> ('0'..'9') ]]></programlisting>
For more information on number variables, see
<xref linkend='' />
<emphasis role="bold">Examples:</emphasis>
<programlisting><![CDATA[98 // a integer number literal
104 // a integer number literal
170.02 // a floating-point number literal
1.0845 // a floating-point number literal]]></programlisting>
<programlisting><![CDATA[INT intVar1;
INT intVar2;
Document{->ASSIGN(intVar1, 12 * intVar1 - SIN(intVar2))};]]></programlisting>
<section id="">
<title>String Expressions</title>
There are two kinds of string expressions in TextMarker.
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
String literals: String literals are defined by any sequence of
characters within quotation marks.
String variables (see
<xref linkend='' />
<emphasis role="bold">Definition:</emphasis>
<programlisting><![CDATA[StringExpression -> SimpleStringExpression
SimpleStringExpression -> StringLiteral | StringVariable]]></programlisting>
<emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
<programlisting><![CDATA[STRING strVar; // strVar is a string expression
Document{->ASSIGN(strVar, "strLiteral")}; // "strLiteral" is a string
// expression]]></programlisting>
<section id="">
<title>Boolean Expressions</title>
TextMarker provides several possibilities to define boolean
expressions. As expected, every boolean expression evaluates to
true or false. To get a complete overview, have a look at the
following syntax definition of boolean expressions.
<emphasis role="bold">Definition:</emphasis>
<programlisting><![CDATA[BooleanExpression -> ComposedBooleanExpression
| SimpleBooleanExpression
ComposedBooleanExpression -> BooleanCompare | BooleanTypeExpression
| BooleanNumberExpression | BooleanFunction
SimpleBooleanExpression -> BooleanLiteral | BooleanVariable
BooleanCompare -> SimpleBooleanExpression ( "==" | "!=" )
BooleanTypeExpression -> TypeExpression ( "==" | "!=" ) TypeExpression
BooleanNumberExpression -> "(" NumberExpression ( "<" | "<=" | ">"
| ">=" | "==" | "!=" ) NumberExpression ")"
BooleanFunction -> XOR "(" BooleanExpression "," BooleanExpression ")"
BooleanLiteral -> "true" | "false"]]></programlisting>
Boolean variables are defined in
<xref linkend='' />
<emphasis role="bold">Examples:</emphasis>
<programlisting><![CDATA[Document{->ASSIGN(boolVar, false)};]]></programlisting>
The boolean literal 'false' is assigned to boolean variable
<programlisting><![CDATA[Document{->ASSIGN(boolVar, typeVar == Author)};]]></programlisting>
If type variable typeVar represents annotation type Author,
type expression evaluates to true, otherwise it evaluates
false. The result is assigned to boolean variable boolVar.
<programlisting><![CDATA[Document{->ASSIGN(boolVar, (intVar == 10))};]]></programlisting>
This rule shows a boolean number expression. If the value in
variable intVar is equal to 10, the boolean number expression
evaluates to true, otherwise it evaluates to
false. The result is
assigned to boolean variable boolVar. The brackets
surrounding the number expression are necessary.
<programlisting><![CDATA[Document{->ASSIGN(booleanVar1, booleanVar2 == (10 > intVar))};]]></programlisting>
This rule shows a more complex boolean expression. If the
variable intVar is equal to 10, the boolean number
evaluates to true, otherwise it evaluates to
false. The
result of
evaluation is compared to booleanVar2. The end result
assigned to
boolean variable boolVar1. Realize that the syntax
definition defines
exactly this order. It is not possible to have
boolean number
expression on the left side of the complex number
<section id="">
<title>List Expressions</title>
List expression are a rather simple kind of expression.
<emphasis role="bold">Definition:</emphasis>
<programlisting><![CDATA[ListExpression -> WordListExpression | WordTableExpression |
TypeListExpression | NumberListExpression |
StringListExpression | BooleanListExpression
WordListExpression -> RessourceLiteral | WordListVariable
WordTableExpression -> RessourceLiteral | WordTableVariable
TypeListExpression -> TypeListVariable
NumberListExpression -> IntListVariable | FloatListVariable
| DoubleListVariable
StringListExpression -> StringListVariable
BooleanListExpression -> BooleanListVariable
A ResourceLiteral is something
like 'folder/file.txt' (Attention: Use single quotes).
List variables are defined in
<xref linkend='' />.