blob: a6b8db1a4d95faf12b10b0a20544407b50a737e2 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE section PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"
<!ENTITY imgroot "images/tools/tools.textmarker/" >
<!ENTITY % uimaents SYSTEM "../../target/docbook-shared/entities.ent" >
<!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
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<section id="">
TextMarker defines its own language for writing rules and rule
scripts. This section gives a formal overview of its syntax.
Structure: The overall structure of a TextMarker
script is defined by
the following syntax.
<programlisting><![CDATA[Script -> PackageDeclaration GlobalStatements Statements
PackageDeclaration -> "PACKAGE" DottedIdentifier ";"
GlobalStatments -> GlobalStatement*
GlobalStatment -> ("TYPESYSTEM" | "SCRIPT" | "ENGINE")
DottedIdentifier2 ";"
Statements -> Statement*
Statement -> Declaration | VariableDeclaration
| BlockDeclaration | SimpleStatement ";"]]></programlisting>
Comments are excluded from the syntax definition. Comments start with
"//" and always go to the end of the line.
Example beginning of a TextMarker file:
<programlisting><![CDATA[PACKAGE uima.textmarker.example;
// import the types of this type system
// (located in the descriptor folder -> types folder)
TYPESYSTEM types.BibtexTypeSystem;
SCRIPT uima.textmarker.example.Author;
SCRIPT uima.textmarker.example.Title;
SCRIPT uima.textmarker.example.Year;
Syntax of declarations:
<programlisting><![CDATA[Declaration -> "DECLARE" (AnnotationType)? Identifier ("," Identifier )*
| "DECLARE" AnnotationType Identifier ( "("
FeatureDeclaration ")" )?
FeatureDeclaration -> ( (AnnotationType | "STRING" | "INT" | "FLOAT"
"DOUBLE" | "BOOLEAN") Identifier) )+
VariableDeclaration -> (("TYPE" Identifier ("," Identifier)*
("=" AnnotationType)?)
| ("STRING" Identifier ("," Identifier)*
("=" StringExpression)?)
| (("INT" | "DOUBLE" | "FLOAT") Identifier
("," Identifier)* ("=" NumberExpression)?)
| ("BOOLEAN" Identifier ("," Identifier)*
("=" BooleanExpression)?)
| ("WORDLIST" Identifier ("=" WordListExpression)?)
| ("WORDTABLE" Identifier ("=" WordTableExpression)?)
| ("TYPELIST" Identifier ("=" TypeListExpression)?)
| ("STRINGLIST" Identifier
("=" StringListExpression)?)
Identifier ("=" NumberListExpression)?)
| ("BOOLEANLIST" Identifier
("=" BooleanListExpression)?))
AnnotationType -> BasicAnnotationType | declaredAnnotationType
BasicAnnotationType -> ('COLON'| 'SW' | 'MARKUP' | 'PERIOD' | 'CW'| 'NUM'
| 'SENTENCEEND' | 'W' | 'PM' | 'ANY' | 'ALL'
| 'SPACE' | 'BREAK')
BlockDeclaration -> "BLOCK" "(" Identifier ")" RuleElementWithCA
"{" Statements "}"]]></programlisting>
Syntax of statements and rule elements
<programlisting><![CDATA[SimpleStatement -> RuleElements ";"
RuleElements -> RuleElement+
RuleElement -> RuleElementType | RuleElementLiteral
| RuleElementComposed | RuleElementDisjunctive
RuleElementType -> TypeExpression QuantifierPart?
("{" Conditions? Actions? "}")?
RuleElementWithCA -> TypeExpression QuantifierPart?
"{" Conditions? Actions? "}"
RuleElementLiteral -> SimpleStringExpression QuantifierPart?
"{" Conditions? Actions? "}"
RuleElementComposed -> "(" RuleElements ")" QuantifierPart?
"{" Conditions? Actions? "}"
RuleElementDisjunctive -> "(" (TypeExpression | SimpleStringExpression)
("|" (TypeExpression | SimpleStringExpression) )+
")" QuantifierPart? "{" Conditions? Actions? }"
QuantifierPart -> "*" | "*?" | "+" | "+?" | "?" | "??"
| "[" NumberExpression "," NumberExpression "]"
| "[" NumberExpression "," NumberExpression "]?"
Conditions -> Condition ( "," Condition )*
Actions -> "->" Action ( "," Action)*
Since each condition and each action has its own syntax, conditions
and actions are described in their own section. (For conditions see
<xref linkend='' />
, for actions see
<xref linkend='' />
The syntax of expressions is explained in
<xref linkend='' />
<programlisting><![CDATA[DottedIdentifier -> Identifier ("." Identifier)*
DottedIdentifier2 -> Identifier (("."|"-") Identifier)*
Identifier -> letter (letter|digit)*