blob: ef21b1111636832b912ce9e5bd9e59ba0bee6599 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache UIMA TextMarker v2.0.0
Building from the Source Distribution
We use Maven 3.0 or later for building; download this if needed,
and set the environment variable MAVEN_OPTS to -Xmx800m -XX:MaxPerSize=256m.
Then do the build by going into the TextMarker directory, and issuing the command
mvn clean install
This builds everything except the file. If you want that,
change the command to
mvn clean install -Papache-release
For more details, please see
[UIMA-2528] Open CAS Editor blocks eclipse start
If Eclipse is closed while an opened CAS Editor is focused, then problems may occur
when Eclipse is started with the same workspace.
There is a workaround:
- remove either the plugin org.apache.uima.textmarker.ide or
the plugin org.apache.uima.caseditor from the plugins folder of your Eclipse installation
- start Eclipse
- close the CAS Editor
- close Eclipse
- add the missing plugin again to the plugins folder
- start Eclipse
- reset perspectives
If you use the uimaFIT JCasGenPomFriendly in Maven and want to use TextMarker
as a standalone annotator you have to exclude the generated TextMarker basic
type files from the build, e.g., by adding: