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<chapter id="">
<title>Apache UIMA Ruta Workbench</title>
The Apache UIMA Ruta Workbench, which is made available as an Eclipse-plugin, offers a powerful environment for creating and working on UIMA Ruta projects. It provides two main
perspectives and several views to develop, run, debug, test and evaluate UIMA Ruta
rules in a comfortable way, supporting many of the known Eclipse features, e.g., auto-completion.
Moreover, it makes the creation of dictionaries like tree word lists easy and supports machine
learning methods, which can be used within a knowledge engineering process. The following chapter
starts with the installation of the workbench, followed by a description of all its features.
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="tools.ruta.workbench.install.xml" />
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="tools.ruta.workbench.overview.xml" />
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="tools.ruta.workbench.projects.xml" />
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="tools.ruta.workbench.ruta_perspective.xml" />
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="tools.ruta.workbench.explain_perspective.xml" />
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="tools.ruta.workbench.cde.xml" />
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="tools.ruta.workbench.query.xml" />
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="tools.ruta.workbench.testing.xml" />
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="tools.ruta.workbench.textruler.xml" />
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="tools.ruta.workbench.check.xml" />
<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="tools.ruta.workbench.create_dictionaries.xml" />
<section id="">
<title>Apply a UIMA Ruta script to a folder</title>
The UIMA Ruta Workbench makes it possible to apply a UIMA Ruta script to any folder of the workspace.
Select a folder in the script explorer, right-click to open the context menu and select the menu entry UIMA Ruta.
There are three options to apply a UIMA Ruta script to the files of the selected folder,
cf. <xref linkend='' />.
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
<emphasis role="bold">Quick Ruta</emphasis> applies the UIMA Ruta script that is currently opened and focused
in the UIMA Ruta editor to all suitable files in the selected folder. Files of the type <quote>xmi</quote> will be adapted
and a new xmi-file will be created for other files like txt-files.
<emphasis role="bold">Quick Ruta (remove basics)</emphasis> is very similar to the previous menu entry,
but removes the annotations of the type <quote>RutaBasic</quote> after processing a CAS.
<emphasis role="bold">Quick Ruta (no xmi)</emphasis> applies the UIMA Ruta script, but does not change
nor create an xmi-file. This menu entry can, for example, be used in combination with an imported XMIWriter Analysis Engine, which
stores the result of the script in a different folder depending on the execution of the rules.
<figure id="">
<title>Remove Ruta basics
<imageobject role="html">
<imagedata width="250px" format="PNG" align="center"
fileref="&imgroot;apply/apply.png" />
<imageobject role="fo">
<imagedata width="3.5in" format="PNG" align="center"
fileref="&imgroot;apply/apply.png" />
Apply a UIMA Ruta script directly on a folder.