blob: 040114db951d54b43ee743bb7f530d0e7a4ac916 [file] [log] [blame]
parser grammar RutaParser;
options {
language = Java;
tokenVocab = RutaLexer;
@parser::header {
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.core.parser;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer;
import org.antlr.runtime.BitSet;
import org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken;
import org.antlr.runtime.DFA;
import org.antlr.runtime.EarlyExitException;
import org.antlr.runtime.FailedPredicateException;
import org.antlr.runtime.IntStream;
import org.antlr.runtime.MismatchedSetException;
import org.antlr.runtime.NoViableAltException;
import org.antlr.runtime.Parser;
import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException;
import org.antlr.runtime.RecognizerSharedState;
import org.antlr.runtime.Token;
import org.antlr.runtime.TokenStream;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.DLTKToken;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.declarations.Declaration;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.declarations.ModuleDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.expressions.BooleanLiteral;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.expressions.Expression;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.references.VariableReference;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.statements.Statement;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.descriptor.RutaDescriptorInformation;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.core.extensions.RutaExternalFactory;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.ActionFactory;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.ComponentDeclaration;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.ComponentReference;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.ComposedRuleElement;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.ConditionFactory;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.ExpressionFactory;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.ScriptFactory;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.StatementFactory;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.RutaTypeConstants;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.RutaBlock;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.RutaExpression;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.RutaRule;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.RutaRuleElement;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.RutaScriptBlock;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.RutaAction;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.RutaCondition;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.RutaFeatureDeclaration;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast.RutaPackageDeclaration;
@parser::members {
public DLTKRutaErrorReporter reporter;
public ModuleDeclaration md;
private List<String> vars = new ArrayList<String>();
private Map<String, String> varTypeMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
private Map<String, String> lists = new HashMap<String, String>();
private Map<String, String> tables = new HashMap<String, String>();
private Collection<String> knownExternalBlocks = new ArrayList();
public int length;
public DLTKTokenConverter converter;
public RutaDescriptorInformation descriptor;
private int level = 0;
private RutaExternalFactory external = new RutaExternalFactory();
private String module;
private String packageString;
private ScriptFactory scriptFactory = new ScriptFactory();
public void setKnownExternalBlocks(Collection<String> knownExternalBlocks) {
this.knownExternalBlocks = knownExternalBlocks;
private boolean isBlockExtension(String name) {
return knownExternalBlocks.contains(name);
public List<String> getVariables() {
return vars;
public Map<String, String> getVariableTypes() {
return varTypeMap;
DLTKToken toDLTK(Token token) {
return converter.convert(token);
public void emitErrorMessage(String msg) {
public void reportError(RecognitionException e) {
if( reporter != null ) {
public void addType(RutaBlock parent, String type, VariableReference parentTypeExpr) {
String parentType = "uima.tcas.Annotation";
if(parentTypeExpr != null) {
parentType = parentTypeExpr.getName();
String descriptionString = null;
if(packageString == null) {
descriptionString = "Type defined in " + module;
} else {
descriptionString = "Type defined in " + packageString + "." + module;
descriptor.addType(parent.getNamespace()+"."+type.trim(), descriptionString, parentType);
public void addPredefinedType(String type) {
varTypeMap.put(type, "TYPE");
public void addType(RutaBlock parent, String name, VariableReference parentTypeExpr, List featuresTypes,
List<Token> featuresNames) {
String parentType = "uima.tcas.Annotation";
if(parentTypeExpr != null) {
parentType = parentTypeExpr.getName();
name = parent.getNamespace() + "." + name.trim();
String descriptionString = null;
if(packageString == null) {
descriptionString = "Type defined in " + module;
} else {
descriptionString = "Type defined in " + packageString + "." + module;
descriptor.addType(name, descriptionString, parentType);
for (int i = 0; i < featuresTypes.size(); i++) {
Object object = featuresTypes.get(i);
String ftype = "";
if (object instanceof ASTNode) {
ftype = ((ASTNode) object).toString();
} else if (object instanceof Token) {
ftype = ((Token) object).getText();
String fname = featuresNames.get(i).getText();
descriptor.addFeature(name, fname, fname, ftype);
public void addWordList(RutaBlock parent, String name, String list) {
lists.put(name, list);
public void addCSVTable(RutaBlock parent, String name, String table) {
tables.put(name, table);
public boolean isType(RutaBlock parent, String type) {
return vars.contains(type);
public void addVariable(String var, String type, IntStream input) throws NoViableAltException {
if(!vars.contains(var)) {
varTypeMap.put(var, type);
public void addVariable(String var, String type) {
if(!vars.contains(var)) {
varTypeMap.put(var, type);
public boolean isVariable(String var) {
return vars.contains(var)|| isTemporaryVariable(var);
public boolean isVariableOfType(String var, String type) {
return isTemporaryVariable(var, type) || (vars.contains(var) && type.equals(varTypeMap.get(var)));
public void checkVariable(String var, IntStream input) throws NoViableAltException {
if(!vars.contains(var)) {
throw new NoViableAltException("not declared \"" + var + "\"", 3, 0, input);
public void addImportTypeSystem(ComponentDeclaration ts) {
if(ts != null){
public void addImportScript(ComponentDeclaration module) {
public void addImportEngine(ComponentDeclaration module) {
public void addImportUimafitEngine(ComponentDeclaration module) {
protected static final int[] getBounds(Token t) {
if (t instanceof CommonToken) {
CommonToken ct = (CommonToken) t;
int[] bounds = {ct.getStartIndex(), ct.getStopIndex()};
return bounds;
return null;
private Map<String,String> temporaryVariables = new HashMap<>();
private boolean isTemporaryVariable(String name, String type) {
return StringUtils.equals(temporaryVariables.get(name), type);
private boolean isTemporaryVariable(String name) {
return temporaryVariables.keySet().contains(name);
private void addTemporaryVariables(Map<Token, Token> def) {
Set<Entry<Token,Token>> entrySet = def.entrySet();
for (Entry<Token, Token> entry : entrySet) {
temporaryVariables.put(entry.getKey().getText(), entry.getValue().getText());
private void removeTemporaryVariables(Map<Token, Token> def) {
Set<Token> keySet = def.keySet();
for (Token key : keySet) {
@rulecatch {
catch (RecognitionException exception1) {
if( reporter != null ) {
catch (Throwable exception2) {
if( reporter != null ) {
file_input [String module]
@init {
RutaScriptBlock rootBlock = null;
List<Statement> stmts = new ArrayList<Statement>();
p = packageDeclaration?
String packageName = "";
if(p != null) {packageName = p.getName();}
if(descriptor != null) {
rootBlock = scriptFactory.createScriptBlock(0,0,0,0,module, null, null, packageName);
this.module = module;
if(p != null) {
this.packageString = p.getName();
{$blockDeclaration.push(new blockDeclaration_scope());$blockDeclaration::env = rootBlock;}
gs = globalStatements
s = statements
for (Statement stmt : stmts){
if (stmt != null) {
packageDeclaration returns [RutaPackageDeclaration pack]
: pString = PackageString
pack = StatementFactory.createPkgDeclaration(p, pString);
p = dottedId
pack = StatementFactory.createPkgDeclaration(p, pString);
pack = StatementFactory.createPkgDeclaration(p, pString);
statements returns [List<Statement> stmts = new ArrayList<Statement>()]
(morestmts = statement {if(morestmts != null) {stmts.addAll(morestmts);}})*
globalStatements returns [List<Statement> stmts = new ArrayList<Statement>()]
(morestmts = globalStatement {if(morestmts != null) {stmts.addAll(morestmts);}})*
globalStatement returns [List<Statement> stmts = new ArrayList<Statement>()]
stmtImport = importStatement {stmts.add(stmtImport);}
statement returns [List<Statement> stmts = new ArrayList<Statement>()]
( stmts1 = declaration {stmts.addAll(stmts1);}
| stmtVariable = variableDeclaration {stmts.addAll(stmtVariable);}
| stmtCM = macroConditionDeclaration {stmts.add(stmtCM);}
| stmtAM = macroActionDeclaration {stmts.add(stmtAM);}
| stmt3 = blockDeclaration {stmts.add(stmt3);}
| (externalBlock)=> stmt4 = externalBlock {stmts.add(stmt4);}
| stmt2 = simpleStatement {stmts.add(stmt2);}
macroConditionDeclaration returns [Statement stmt = null]
@init {
Map<Token,Token> def = new LinkedHashMap<>();
kind = CONDITION name = Identifier
(VAR? argType = varTypeToken argName = Identifier {def.put(argName,argType);}
(COMMA VAR? argType = varTypeToken argName = Identifier {def.put(argName,argType);})*)?
{stmt = StatementFactory.createMacroStatement(kind, name, def, cs);}
macroActionDeclaration returns [Statement stmt = null]
@init {
Map<Token,Token> def = new LinkedHashMap<>();
kind = ACTION name = Identifier
(VAR? argType = varTypeToken argName = Identifier {def.put(argName,argType);}
(COMMA VAR? argType = varTypeToken argName = Identifier {def.put(argName,argType);})*)?
{stmt = StatementFactory.createMacroStatement(kind, name, def, as);}
varTypeToken returns [Token token = null ]
| BooleanString | BOOLEANLIST | IntString | INTLIST
| DoubleString | DOUBLELIST | FloatString | FLOATLIST
| TypeString | TYPELIST) {token = t;}
importStatement returns [Statement stmt = null]
im = TypeSystemString
{stmt = StatementFactory.createImportTypeSystem(StatementFactory.createEmptyComponentDeclaration(im),im);}
name = dottedComponentDeclaration
{if(name != null) {stmt = StatementFactory.createImportTypeSystem(name,im);addImportTypeSystem(name);}}
| im = ScriptString
{stmt = StatementFactory.createImportScript(StatementFactory.createEmptyComponentDeclaration(im),im);}
name = dottedComponentDeclaration
{if(name != null) {stmt = StatementFactory.createImportScript(name,im);addImportScript(name);}}
| im = EngineString
{stmt = StatementFactory.createImportEngine(StatementFactory.createEmptyComponentDeclaration(im),im);}
name = dottedComponentDeclaration
{if(name != null) {stmt = StatementFactory.createImportEngine(name,im);addImportEngine(name);}}
| im = UimafitString
{stmt = StatementFactory.createImportEngine(StatementFactory.createEmptyComponentDeclaration(im),im);}
name = dottedComponentDeclaration
(LPAREN dottedIdentifier2 (COMMA dottedIdentifier2)+ RPAREN)?
{if(name != null) {stmt = StatementFactory.createImportEngine(name,im);addImportUimafitEngine(name);}}
| im = ImportString type = dottedId (FromString ts = dottedComponentDeclaration)? (AsString alias = Identifier)? SEMI
{stmt = StatementFactory.createImportType(im,type,ts,alias);addImportTypeSystem(ts);}
| im = ImportString STAR FromString ts = dottedComponentDeclaration SEMI
{stmt = StatementFactory.createImportTypeSystem(ts,im);addImportTypeSystem(ts);}
| im = ImportString PackageString pkg = dottedId (FromString ts = dottedComponentDeclaration)? (AsString alias = Identifier)? SEMI
{stmt = StatementFactory.createImportPackage(im,pkg,ts,alias);addImportTypeSystem(ts);}
| im = ImportString PackageString STAR FromString ts = dottedComponentDeclaration (AsString alias = Identifier)? SEMI
{stmt = StatementFactory.createImportAllPackagew(im,ts,alias);addImportTypeSystem(ts);}
variableDeclaration returns [List<Statement> stmts = new ArrayList<Statement>()]
@init {
List decls = new ArrayList();
type = IntString id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText()); decls.add(StatementFactory.createIntVariable(id, type));}
(COMMA id= Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText()); decls.add(StatementFactory.createIntVariable(id, type));}
)* (ASSIGN_EQUAL init = numberExpression)? SEMI
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, init));
type = DoubleString id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());decls.add(StatementFactory.createDoubleVariable(id, type));}
(COMMA id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());decls.add(StatementFactory.createDoubleVariable(id, type));}
)* (ASSIGN_EQUAL init = numberExpression)? SEMI
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, init));
type = FloatString id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());decls.add(StatementFactory.createFloatVariable(id, type));}
(COMMA id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());decls.add(StatementFactory.createFloatVariable(id, type));}
)* (ASSIGN_EQUAL init = numberExpression)? SEMI
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, init));
type = StringString id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());decls.add(StatementFactory.createStringVariable(id, type));}
(COMMA id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());decls.add(StatementFactory.createStringVariable(id, type));}
)* (ASSIGN_EQUAL init = stringExpression)? SEMI
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, init));
type = BooleanString id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());decls.add(StatementFactory.createBooleanVariable(id, type));}
(COMMA id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());decls.add(StatementFactory.createBooleanVariable(id, type));}
)* (ASSIGN_EQUAL init = booleanExpression)? SEMI
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, init));
type = TypeString id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());decls.add(StatementFactory.createTypeVariable(id,type));}
(COMMA id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());decls.add(StatementFactory.createTypeVariable(id,type));}
)* (ASSIGN_EQUAL init = typeExpression)? SEMI
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, init));
type = WORDLIST id = Identifier (ASSIGN_EQUAL wl = wordListOrStringExpression )? SEMI
addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, wl));
type = WORDTABLE id = Identifier (ASSIGN_EQUAL wt = wordTableOrStringExpression)? SEMI
addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, wt));
type = BOOLEANLIST id = Identifier (ASSIGN_EQUAL list = booleanListExpression)? SEMI
addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());
decls.add(StatementFactory.createVarListVariable(id,type,list, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_BL));
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, list));
type = INTLIST id = Identifier (ASSIGN_EQUAL list = numberListExpression)? SEMI
addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());
decls.add(StatementFactory.createVarListVariable(id,type,list, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_NL));
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, list));
type = DOUBLELIST id = Identifier (ASSIGN_EQUAL list = numberListExpression)? SEMI
addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());
decls.add(StatementFactory.createVarListVariable(id,type,list, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_NL));
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, list));
type = FLOATLIST id = Identifier (ASSIGN_EQUAL list = numberListExpression)? SEMI
addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());
decls.add(StatementFactory.createVarListVariable(id,type,list, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_NL));
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, list));
type = STRINGLIST id = Identifier (ASSIGN_EQUAL list = stringListExpression)? SEMI
addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());
decls.add(StatementFactory.createVarListVariable(id,type,list, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_SL));
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, list));
type = TYPELIST id = Identifier (ASSIGN_EQUAL list = typeListExpression)? SEMI
addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());
decls.add(StatementFactory.createVarListVariable(id,type,list, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_TL));
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, list));
type = ANNOTATION id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());decls.add(StatementFactory.createTypeVariable(id,type));}
(COMMA id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());decls.add(StatementFactory.createTypeVariable(id,type));}
)* (ASSIGN_EQUAL init = annotationExpression)? SEMI
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, init));
type = ANNOTATIONLIST id = Identifier (ASSIGN_EQUAL al = annotationExpression)? SEMI
addVariable(id.getText(), type.getText());
decls.add(StatementFactory.createVarListVariable(id,type,list, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_UAL));
stmts.add(StatementFactory.createDeclarationsStatement(type, decls, list));
//stmt = conditionDeclaration {stmts.add(stmt);}
//stmt = actionDeclaration {stmts.add(stmt);}
//conditionDeclaration returns [Statement stmt = null]
// :
// declareToken = CONDITION id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), declareToken.getText());}
// LPAREN cons = conditions RPAREN SEMI
// {stmt = StatementFactory.createComposedVariableConditionDeclaration(id, cons);}
// ;
//TODO added rule
//actionDeclaration returns [Statement stmt = null]
// :
// declareToken = ACTION id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), declareToken.getText());}
// LPAREN a = actions RPAREN SEMI
// {stmt = StatementFactory.createComposedVariableActionDeclaration(id, a);}
// ;
declaration returns [List<Statement> stmts = new ArrayList<Statement>()]
@init {
Statement stmt = null;
List<Object> featureTypes = new ArrayList<Object>();
List<Token> featureNames = new ArrayList<Token>();
List<Declaration> declarations = new ArrayList<Declaration>();
declareToken=DECLARE lazyParent = annotationType?
id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), declareToken.getText());}
{addType($blockDeclaration::env, id.getText(), lazyParent);
id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), declareToken.getText());}
{addType($blockDeclaration::env, id.getText(), lazyParent);
)* end = SEMI
stmt = StatementFactory.createDeclareDeclarationsStatement(declareToken, declarations, lazyParent);
obj1 = annotationType{featureTypes.add(obj1);}
| obj2 = StringString{featureTypes.add(obj2);}
| obj3 = DoubleString{featureTypes.add(obj3);}
| obj6 = FloatString{featureTypes.add(obj6);}
| obj4 = IntString{featureTypes.add(obj4);}
| obj5 = BooleanString{featureTypes.add(obj5);}
//| obj6 = fsType{featureTypes.add(obj6.getText());}
fname = Identifier{featureNames.add(fname);}
obj1 = annotationType{featureTypes.add(obj1);}
| obj2 = StringString{featureTypes.add(obj2);}
| obj3 = DoubleString{featureTypes.add(obj3);}
| obj6 = FloatString{featureTypes.add(obj6);}
| obj4 = IntString{featureTypes.add(obj4);}
| obj5 = BooleanString{featureTypes.add(obj5);}
//| obj6 = fsType{featureTypes.add(obj5.getText());}
fname = Identifier{featureNames.add(fname);})*
RPAREN) SEMI // TODO removed question mark
List<RutaFeatureDeclaration> features = new ArrayList<RutaFeatureDeclaration>();
int i = 0;
for (Object eachTO : featureTypes) {
Token eachName = featureNames.get(i);
features.add(StatementFactory.createFeatureDeclaration(eachTO, eachName));
addType($blockDeclaration::env, id.getText(), lazyParent, featureTypes, featureNames);
declarations.add( StatementFactory.createAnnotationType(id,declareToken, lazyParent, features));
stmt = StatementFactory.createDeclareDeclarationsStatement(declareToken, declarations, lazyParent, features);
blockDeclaration returns [RutaBlock block = null]
backtrack = true;
scope {
RutaBlock env;
RutaRule rule = null;
@after {
(declareToken = (BlockString | ForEachString))
id = Identifier {addVariable(id.getText(), declareToken.getText());}
block = scriptFactory.createScriptBlock(id, declareToken, $blockDeclaration[level - 1]::env);
$blockDeclaration::env = block;
(COMMA booleanExpression)?
re1 = ruleElementWithCA
rule = scriptFactory.createRule(re1);
scriptFactory.finalizeBlock(block, rc, rule, body);}
LCURLY body = statements rc = RCURLY
{scriptFactory.finalizeBlock(block, rc, rule, body);}
externalBlock returns [RutaBlock block = null]
backtrack = true;
RutaRule rule = null;
@after {
(type = Identifier)
{block = scriptFactory.createExternalBlock(type, $blockDeclaration[level]::env);
$blockDeclaration::env = block;}
args = varArgumentList {block.setArguments(args);}
re1 = ruleElementWithCA
rule = scriptFactory.createRule(re1);
scriptFactory.finalizeBlock(block, rc, rule, body);}
LCURLY body = statements rc = RCURLY
{scriptFactory.finalizeBlock(block, rc, rule, body);}
ruleElementWithCA returns [RutaRuleElement re = null]
idRef=typeMatchExpression quantifier = quantifierPart? {re = scriptFactory.createRuleElement(idRef,quantifier,c,a, end);}
LCURLY c = conditions? (THEN a = actions)? end = RCURLY
{re = scriptFactory.createRuleElement(idRef,quantifier,c,a, end);}
ruleElementWithoutCA returns [RutaRuleElement re = null]
idRef=typeMatchExpression quantifier = quantifierPart?
{re = scriptFactory.createRuleElement(idRef,quantifier,null,null, null);}
simpleStatement returns [RutaRule stmt = null]
options {
backtrack = true;
(regexpRule)=> rer = regexpRule {stmt = rer;}
as = rawActions s = SEMI
{stmt = scriptFactory.createImplicitRule(as, s);}
{stmt = scriptFactory.createRule(null, null, true);}
s = SEMI
regexpRule returns [RutaRule stmt = null]
List<Expression> exprs = new ArrayList<Expression>();
Map<Expression, Map<Expression, Expression>> fa = new HashMap<Expression, Map<Expression, Expression>>();
Map<Expression, Expression> fmap = null;
regexp = stringExpression {exprs.add(regexp);} {stmt = scriptFactory.createRegExpRule(exprs, fa, s);} THEN
(numberExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL)=>
indexCG = numberExpression {exprs.add(indexCG);}{stmt = scriptFactory.createRegExpRule(exprs, fa, s);} ASSIGN_EQUAL indexTE = typeExpression {exprs.add(indexTE);}
(LPAREN {fmap = new HashMap<Expression, Expression>();} fk = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL arg = argument {fmap.put(fk, arg);}
(COMMA fk = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL arg = argument {fmap.put(fk, arg);} )* RPAREN {fa.put(indexTE, fmap);})?
te = typeExpression {exprs.add(te);} {stmt = scriptFactory.createRegExpRule(exprs, fa, s);}
(LPAREN {fmap = new HashMap<Expression, Expression>();} fk = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL arg = argument {fmap.put(fk, arg);}
(COMMA fk = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL arg = argument {fmap.put(fk, arg);} )* RPAREN {fa.put(te, fmap);})?
(numberExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL)=>
indexCG = numberExpression {exprs.add(indexCG);}{stmt = scriptFactory.createRegExpRule(exprs, fa, s);} ASSIGN_EQUAL indexTE = typeExpression {exprs.add(indexTE);}
(LPAREN {fmap = new HashMap<Expression, Expression>();} fk = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL arg = argument {fmap.put(fk, arg);}
(COMMA fk = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL arg = argument {fmap.put(fk, arg);} )* RPAREN {fa.put(indexTE, fmap);})?
te = typeExpression {exprs.add(te);}{stmt = scriptFactory.createRegExpRule(exprs, fa, s);}
(LPAREN {fmap = new HashMap<Expression, Expression>();} fk = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL arg = argument {fmap.put(fk, arg);}
(COMMA fk = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL arg = argument {fmap.put(fk, arg);} )* RPAREN {fa.put(te, fmap);})?
s = SEMI
{stmt = scriptFactory.createRegExpRule(exprs, fa, s, true);}
ruleElementsRoot returns [List<Expression> elements = new ArrayList<Expression>()]
re = ruleElement {if(re!=null) elements.add(re);} (p = PERCENT? re = ruleElement {if(re!=null) {elements.add(re);re.setAfterConcat(p);}})*
ruleElements returns [List<Expression> elements = new ArrayList<Expression>()]
re = ruleElement {if(re!=null) elements.add(re);} (re = ruleElement {if(re!=null) elements.add(re);})*
blockRuleElement returns [RutaRuleElement rElement = null] //[List<RutaRuleElement> elements = new ArrayList<RutaRuleElement>()]
re = ruleElementType {rElement = re;}
ruleElement returns [RutaRuleElement re = null]
List<RutaRule> innerRules = new ArrayList<RutaRule>();
String label = null;
(l = Identifier {label = l.getText();} COLON)?
re1 = ruleElementType {re = re1;}
| re2 = ruleElementLiteral {re = re2;}
| re3 = ruleElementComposed {re = re3;}
| re4 = ruleElementSpecial {re = re4;}
{innerRules = new ArrayList<RutaRule>();}
(rule = simpleStatement {innerRules.add(rule);})+
RCURLY {re.addInlinedRules(innerRules);}
{innerRules = new ArrayList<RutaRule>();}
(rule = simpleStatement {innerRules.add(rule);})+
RCURLY {re.addInlinedRules(innerRules);}
ruleElementSpecial returns [RutaRuleElement re = null]
List<RutaCondition> dummyConds = new ArrayList<RutaCondition>();
c = conditions?
if(c==null) {
c = dummyConds;
(THEN a = actions)? end = RCURLY)?
re = scriptFactory.createRuleElement(w,c,a,end);}
ruleElementComposed returns [ComposedRuleElement re = null]
Boolean disjunctive = null;
List<Expression> res = new ArrayList<Expression>();
(ruleElement VBAR)=> re1 = ruleElement {res.add(re1);} (VBAR re1 = ruleElement {disjunctive = true; res.add(re1);})+
(ruleElement AMPER)=> re2 = ruleElement {res.add(re2);} (AMPER re2 = ruleElement {disjunctive = false; res.add(re2);})+
res2 = ruleElements {res = res2;}
lt1 = RPAREN q = quantifierPart? (LCURLY c = conditions? (THEN a = actions)? lt2 = RCURLY)?
{re = scriptFactory.createComposedRuleElement(res, q, c, a, disjunctive, $blockDeclaration::env, ft, lt1, lt2);}
ruleElementType returns [RutaRuleElement re = null]
List<RutaCondition> dummyConds = new ArrayList<RutaCondition>();
(typeMatchExpression)=>idRef=typeMatchExpression quantifier = quantifierPart?
c = conditions?
if(c==null) {
c = dummyConds;
(THEN a = actions)? end = RCURLY)?
// TODO handle quantifierPart.
re = scriptFactory.createRuleElement(idRef,quantifier,c,a,end);}
//start, end, "", cp, ap, "", $blockDeclaration::env);}
ruleElementLiteral returns [RutaRuleElement re = null]
(simpleStringExpression)=>idRef=simpleStringExpression quantifier = quantifierPart?
c = conditions?
(THEN a = actions)?
end = RCURLY)?
// TODO handle quantifierPart.
re = scriptFactory.createRuleElement(idRef,quantifier,c,a,end);}
//start, end, "", cp, ap, "", $blockDeclaration::env);}
conditions returns [List<RutaCondition> conds = new ArrayList<RutaCondition>()]
@init {
c = condition {conds.remove(0);conds.add(c);} (COMMA c = condition {conds.add(c);} )*
actions returns [List<RutaAction> actions = new ArrayList<RutaAction>()]
a = action {actions.add(a);} (COMMA a = action {actions.add(a);} )*
rawActions returns [List<RutaAction> actions = new ArrayList<RutaAction>()]
a = rawAction {actions.add(a);} (COMMA a = rawAction {actions.add(a);} )*
listExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
(booleanListExpression)=> e = booleanListExpression {expr = e;}
| (intListExpression)=> e = intListExpression {expr = e;}
| (doubleListExpression)=> e = doubleListExpression {expr = e;}
| (floatListExpression)=> e = floatListExpression {expr = e;}
| (stringListExpression)=> e = stringListExpression {expr = e;}
| (typeListExpression)=> e = typeListExpression {expr = e;}
| (annotationListExpression)=> e = annotationListExpression {expr = e;}
| (untypedListExpression)=> utl = untypedListExpression {expr = utl;}
| (featureExpression)=>fe = featureExpression {expr = fe;}
untypedListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
} :
LCURLY (e = argument {list.add(e);} (COMMA e = argument {list.add(e);})*)? RCURLY
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListExpression(list, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_UTL);}
booleanListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
e = simpleBooleanListExpression {expr = e;}
simpleBooleanListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
} :
LCURLY (e = simpleBooleanExpression {list.add(e);} (COMMA e = simpleBooleanExpression {list.add(e);})*)? RCURLY
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListExpression(list, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_BL);}
{isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "BOOLEANLIST")}?
var = Identifier
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListExpression(var, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_BL);}
intListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
e = simpleIntListExpression {expr = e;}
simpleIntListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
} :
LCURLY (e = simpleNumberExpression {list.add(e);} (COMMA e = simpleNumberExpression {list.add(e);})*)? RCURLY
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListExpression(list, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_NL);}
{isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "INTLIST")}?
var = Identifier
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListExpression(var, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_NL);}
numberListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
(e1 = doubleListExpression)=> e1 = doubleListExpression {expr = e1;}
(e1 = floatListExpression)=> e1 = floatListExpression {expr = e1;}
e2 = intListExpression {expr = e2;}
doubleListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
e = simpleDoubleListExpression {expr = e;}
simpleDoubleListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
} :
LCURLY (e = simpleNumberExpression {list.add(e);} (COMMA e = simpleNumberExpression {list.add(e);})*)? RCURLY
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListExpression(list, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_NL);}
{isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "DOUBLELIST")}?
var = Identifier
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListExpression(var, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_NL);}
floatListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
e = simpleFloatListExpression {expr = e;}
simpleFloatListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
} :
LCURLY (e = simpleNumberExpression {list.add(e);} (COMMA e = simpleNumberExpression {list.add(e);})*)? RCURLY
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListExpression(list, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_NL);}
{isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "FLOATLIST")}?
var = Identifier
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListExpression(var, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_NL);}
stringListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
e = simpleStringListExpression {expr = e;}
simpleStringListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
} :
LCURLY (e = simpleStringExpression {list.add(e);} (COMMA e = simpleStringExpression {list.add(e);})*)? RCURLY
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListExpression(list, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_SL);}
{isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "STRINGLIST")}?
var = Identifier
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListExpression(var, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_SL);}
typeListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
e = simpleTypeListExpression {expr = e;}
simpleTypeListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
} :
LCURLY (e = simpleTypeExpression {list.add(e);} (COMMA e = simpleTypeExpression {list.add(e);})*)? RCURLY
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListExpression(list, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_TL);}
{isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "TYPELIST")}?
var = Identifier
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListExpression(var, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_TL);}
typeMatchExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
options {
backtrack = true;
@init {
expr = ExpressionFactory.createEmptyTypeExpression(input.LT(1));
(featureTypeExpression)=> ft = featureTypeExpression {expr = ft;}
(typeFunction)=> tf = typeFunction {expr = tf;}
st = simpleTypeExpression
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createTypeExpression(st);
typeExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
@init {
expr = ExpressionFactory.createEmptyTypeExpression(input.LT(1));
(typeFunction)=> tf = typeFunction {expr = tf;}
| st = simpleTypeExpression
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createTypeExpression(st);
// not checked
typeFunction returns [Expression expr = null]
(e = externalTypeFunction)=> e = externalTypeFunction {expr = e;}
// not checked
externalTypeFunction returns [Expression expr = null]
id = Identifier
args = varArgumentList?
expr = external.createExternalTypeFunction(id, args);
featureAssignmentExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
feature = dottedIdWithIndex comp = ASSIGN_EQUAL value = argument {expr = ExpressionFactory.createFeatureMatch(feature, comp, value);}
featureTypeExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
feature = dottedIdWithIndex (comp = LESS | comp = GREATER | comp = GREATEREQUAL | comp = LESSEQUAL |comp = EQUAL | comp = NOTEQUAL) value = argument {expr = ExpressionFactory.createFeatureMatch(feature, comp, value);}
featureExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
f = dottedIdWithIndex {expr = ExpressionFactory.createFeatureExpression(f);}
simpleTypeExpression returns [Expression type = null]
at = annotationType {type = at;}
variable returns [Expression var = null]
{vars.contains(input.LT(1).getText())}? v = Identifier {var=ExpressionFactory.createGenericVariableReference(v);}
variableAssignmentAction returns [RutaAction a = null]
var = variable op = ASSIGN_EQUAL arg = argument
a = ActionFactory.createAction(var, arg);
listVariable returns [Expression var = null]
{isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "BOOLEANLIST")
||isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "INTLIST")
||isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "FLOATLIST")
||isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "DOUBLELIST")
||isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "STRINGLIST")
||isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "TYPELIST")
||isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "ANNOTATIONLIST")
}? v = Identifier {var=ExpressionFactory.createGenericVariableReference(v);}
quantifierPart returns [List<Expression> exprs = new ArrayList<Expression>()]
options {
backtrack = true;
s = STAR q = QUESTION? {exprs.add(ExpressionFactory.createQuantifierLiteralExpression(s,q));}
| p = PLUS q = QUESTION? {exprs.add(ExpressionFactory.createQuantifierLiteralExpression(p,q));}
| q1 = QUESTION q = QUESTION? {exprs.add(ExpressionFactory.createQuantifierLiteralExpression(q1,q));}
| (b1 = LBRACK min = numberExpression COMMA max = numberExpression b2 = RBRACK q = QUESTION?
{if(min!=null) {exprs.add(min);} if(max!=null) {exprs.add(max);}
if(q!=null) {exprs.add(ExpressionFactory.createQuantifierLiteralExpression(q, null));}}
| b1 = LBRACK COMMA max = numberExpression b2 = RBRACK q = QUESTION?
{if(min!=null) {exprs.add(min);} if(max!=null) {exprs.add(max);}
if(q!=null) {exprs.add(ExpressionFactory.createQuantifierLiteralExpression(q, null));}}
| b1 = LBRACK min = numberExpression COMMA b2 = RBRACK q = QUESTION?
{if(min!=null) {exprs.add(min);} if(max!=null) {exprs.add(max);}
if(q!=null) {exprs.add(ExpressionFactory.createQuantifierLiteralExpression(q, null));}}
condition returns [RutaCondition result = null]
@init {
result = ConditionFactory.createEmptyCondition(input.LT(1));
c = conditionAnd
| c = conditionContains
| c = conditionContextCount
| c = conditionCount
| c = conditionCurrentCount
| c = conditionInList
| c = conditionLast
| c = conditionMofN
| c = conditionNear
| c = conditionNot
| c = conditionOr
| c = conditionPartOf
| c = conditionPosition
| c = conditionRegExp
| c = conditionScore
| c = conditionTotalCount
| c = conditionVote
| c = conditionIf
| c = conditionFeature
| c = conditionParse
| c = conditionIs
| c = conditionBefore
| c = conditionAfter
| c = conditionStartsWith
| c = conditionEndsWith
| c = conditionPartOfNeq
| c = conditionSize
| (booleanExpression)=> b = booleanExpression {c = ConditionFactory.createCondition(b);}
| (externalCondition)=> c = externalCondition
) {result = c;}
//TODO added rule
variableCondition returns [RutaCondition condition = null]
// also create condition for auto-completion
//{isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "CONDITION")}?
id = Identifier
condition = ConditionFactory.createCondition(id);
externalCondition returns [RutaCondition condition = null]
id = Identifier
{condition = external.createExternalCondition(id, args);}
args = varArgumentList?
{condition = external.createExternalCondition(id, args);}
conditionAnd returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = AND LPAREN conds = conditions
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, conds);}
conditionContains returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
@init {
List<Expression> args = new ArrayList<>();
a = argument {args.add(a);}
(COMMA a = argument{args.add(a);})*
//(type = typeExpression | list = plainListExpression COMMA a = argument)
//(COMMA min = numberExpression COMMA max = numberExpression (COMMA percent = booleanExpression)?)? RPAREN
cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, args);
//if(type != null) {cond = ConditionFactory.createConditionContains(type, min, max, percent,$blockDeclaration::env);}
//else if(list != null) {cond = ConditionFactory.createConditionContains(list, a, min, max, percent, $blockDeclaration::env);}
conditionContextCount returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = CONTEXTCOUNT LPAREN typeExpr = typeExpression
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, typeExpr, min, max, var);}
(COMMA min = numberExpression COMMA max = numberExpression)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, typeExpr, min, max, var);}
(COMMA var = numberVariable)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, typeExpr, min, max, var);}
conditionCount returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
options {
backtrack = true;
name = COUNT LPAREN type = listExpression
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type, a, min, max, var);}
COMMA a = argument
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type, a, min, max, var);}
(COMMA min = numberExpression COMMA max = numberExpression)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type, a, min, max, var);}
(COMMA var = numberVariable)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type, a, min, max, var);}
name = COUNT LPAREN type = typeExpression
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type, min, max, var);}
(COMMA min = numberExpression COMMA max = numberExpression)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type, min, max, var);}
(COMMA var = numberVariable)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type, min, max, var);}
conditionCurrentCount returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = CURRENTCOUNT LPAREN type = typeExpression
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name,type, min, max, var);}
(COMMA min = numberExpression COMMA max = numberExpression)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name,type, min, max, var);}
(COMMA var = numberVariable)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name,type, min, max, var);}
conditionTotalCount returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = TOTALCOUNT LPAREN type = typeExpression
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name,type, min, max, var);}
(COMMA min = numberExpression COMMA max = numberExpression)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name,type, min, max, var);}
(COMMA var = numberVariable)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type, min, max, var);}
conditionInList returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
options {
backtrack = true;
name = INLIST LPAREN ((list2 = stringListExpression)=>list2 = stringListExpression | list1 = wordListExpression)
(COMMA arg = stringExpression)?
//(COMMA dist = numberExpression (COMMA rel = booleanExpression)?)?
{if(list1 != null) {cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, list1, arg);}
else {cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, list2, arg);};}
conditionLast returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = LAST LPAREN type = typeExpression
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type);}
conditionMofN returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = MOFN LPAREN min = numberExpression COMMA max = numberExpression COMMA conds = conditions
{List exprs = new ArrayList();
cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, exprs);}
conditionNear returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = NEAR LPAREN type = typeExpression COMMA min = numberExpression COMMA max = numberExpression
(COMMA direction = booleanExpression (COMMA filtered = booleanExpression)?)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type, min, max, direction, filtered);}
conditionNot returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
((name = MINUS c = condition) | (name = NOT LPAREN c = condition RPAREN))
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, c);}
conditionOr returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = OR LPAREN conds = conditions
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, conds);}
conditionPartOf returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = PARTOF LPAREN (type = typeExpression|type = typeListExpression)
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type);}
conditionPartOfNeq returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = PARTOFNEQ LPAREN (type = typeExpression|type = typeListExpression)
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type);}
conditionPosition returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = POSITION LPAREN type = typeExpression
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type, pos, rel);}
COMMA pos = numberExpression
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type, pos, rel);}
(COMMA rel = booleanExpression)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type, pos, rel);}
conditionRegExp returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
((stringExpression COMMA stringExpression)=> v = stringExpression COMMA pattern = stringExpression
| pattern = stringExpression
) (COMMA caseSensitive = booleanExpression)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, v, pattern, caseSensitive);}
conditionScore returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = SCORE LPAREN min = numberExpression (COMMA max = numberExpression
(COMMA var = numberVariable)?)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, min, max, var);}
conditionVote returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = VOTE LPAREN type1 = typeExpression COMMA type2 = typeExpression
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type1, type2);}
conditionIf returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = IF LPAREN e = booleanExpression
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, e);}
conditionFeature returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = FEATURE LPAREN se = stringExpression COMMA v = argument
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, se, v);}
conditionParse returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
options {
backtrack = true;
se=stringExpression COMMA
var=genericVariableReference (COMMA locale = stringExpression)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, se, var, locale);}
var=genericVariableReference (COMMA locale = stringExpression)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, var, locale);}
conditionIs returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = IS LPAREN (type = typeExpression|type = typeListExpression)
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type);}
conditionBefore returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = BEFORE LPAREN (type = typeExpression|type = typeListExpression)
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type);}
conditionAfter returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = AFTER LPAREN (type = typeExpression|type = typeListExpression)
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type);}
conditionStartsWith returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = STARTSWITH LPAREN (type = typeExpression|type = typeListExpression)
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type);}
conditionEndsWith returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = ENDSWITH LPAREN (type = typeExpression|type = typeListExpression)
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, type);}
conditionSize returns [RutaCondition cond = null]
name = SIZE LPAREN list = listExpression (COMMA min = numberExpression COMMA max = numberExpression)? (COMMA var = numberVariable)?
{cond = ConditionFactory.createCondition(name, list, min, max, var);}
rawAction returns [RutaAction result = null]
@init {
result = ActionFactory.createEmptyAction(input.LT(1));
a = actionColor
| a = actionDel
| a = actionLog
| a = actionMark
| a = actionMarkScore
| a = actionMarkFast
| a = actionMarkLast
| a = actionMarkFirst
| a = actionReplace
| a = actionRetainType
| a = actionFilterType
| a = actionCreate
| a = actionFill
| a = actionCall
| a = actionAssign
| a = actionSetFeature
| a = actionGetFeature
| a = actionUnmark
| a = actionUnmarkAll
| a = actionTransfer
| a = actionMarkOnce
| a = actionTrie
| a = actionGather
| a = actionExec
| a = actionMarkTable
| a = actionAdd
| a = actionRemove
| a = actionRemoveDuplicate
| a = actionMerge
| a = actionGet
| a = actionGetList
| a = actionMatchedText
| a = actionClear
| a = actionShift
| a = actionSplit
| a = actionConfigure
| a = actionDynamicAnchoring
| a = actionGreedyAnchoring
| a = actionTrim
| a = actionAddFilterType
| a = actionAddRetainType
| a = actionRemoveFilterType
| a = actionRemoveRetainType
| (externalAction)=> a = externalAction
// | a = variableAction
) {result = a;}
action returns [RutaAction result = null]
@init {
result = ActionFactory.createEmptyAction(input.LT(1));
String label = null;
(l = Identifier {label = l.getText();} COLON)?
a = actionColor
| a = actionDel
| a = actionLog
| a = actionMark
| a = actionMarkScore
| a = actionMarkFast
| a = actionMarkLast
| a = actionMarkFirst
| a = actionReplace
| a = actionRetainType
| a = actionFilterType
| a = actionCreate
| a = actionFill
| a = actionCall
| a = actionAssign
| a = actionSetFeature
| a = actionGetFeature
| a = actionUnmark
| a = actionUnmarkAll
| a = actionTransfer
| a = actionMarkOnce
| a = actionTrie
| a = actionGather
| a = actionExec
| a = actionMarkTable
| a = actionAdd
| a = actionRemove
| a = actionRemoveDuplicate
| a = actionMerge
| a = actionGet
| a = actionGetList
| a = actionMatchedText
| a = actionClear
| a = actionShift
| a = actionSplit
| a = actionConfigure
| a = actionDynamicAnchoring
| a = actionGreedyAnchoring
| a = actionTrim
| a = actionAddFilterType
| a = actionAddRetainType
| a = actionRemoveFilterType
| a = actionRemoveRetainType
| (variableAssignmentAction)=> vae = variableAssignmentAction {a = vae;}
| (externalAction)=> a = externalAction
| (featureAssignmentExpression)=> fae = featureAssignmentExpression {a = ActionFactory.createAction(fae);}
| (typeExpression)=> te = typeExpression {a = ActionFactory.createAction(te);}
// | a = variableAction
) {result = a; result.setLabel(label);}
variableAction returns [RutaAction action = null]
// also create an dummy action for auto-completion
//{isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "ACTION")}?
id = Identifier
action = ActionFactory.createAction(id);
externalAction returns [RutaAction action = null]
id = Identifier
args = varArgumentList?
action = external.createExternalAction(id, args);
actionCreate returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List left = new ArrayList();
List right = new ArrayList();
List indexes = new ArrayList();
name = CREATE LPAREN structure = typeExpression
((numberExpression)=> index = numberExpression {indexes.add(index);} ((COMMA index = numberExpression)=> (COMMA index = numberExpression){indexes.add(index);})* COMMA)?
((stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL)=> fname = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL obj1 = argument {left.add(fname); right.add(obj1);}
(COMMA fname = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL obj1 = argument {left.add(fname);right.add(obj1);})*)?
{action = ActionFactory.createStructureAction(name, structure, indexes, left, right);}
actionMarkTable returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> left = new ArrayList<Expression>();
List<Expression> right = new ArrayList<Expression>();
structure = typeExpression COMMA
index = numberExpression COMMA
table = wordTableExpression
( (booleanExpression)=> ignoreCase = booleanExpression
COMMA ignoreLength = numberExpression
COMMA ignoreChar = stringExpression
COMMA maxIgnoreChar = numberExpression COMMA)?
key = stringExpression {left.add(key);} ASSIGN_EQUAL value = numberExpression{right.add(value);}
(COMMA key = stringExpression {left.add(key);} ASSIGN_EQUAL value = numberExpression{right.add(value);} )*
List<Expression> args = new ArrayList<Expression>();
action = ActionFactory.createStructureAction(name, args, left, right, structure);}
actionGather returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List left = new ArrayList();
List right = new ArrayList();
List indexes = new ArrayList();
name = GATHER LPAREN structure = typeExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createStructureAction(name, structure, indexes, left, right);}
((numberExpression)=> index = numberExpression {indexes.add(index);} ((COMMA index = numberExpression)=>(COMMA index = numberExpression) {indexes.add(index);})* COMMA)?
(fname = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL (obj1 = numberExpression | obj2 = numberListExpression) {left.add(fname); right.add(obj1 != null? obj1 : obj2);}
(COMMA fname = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL (obj1 = numberExpression | obj2 = numberListExpression) {left.add(fname);right.add(obj1 != null? obj1 : obj2);})*)?
{action = ActionFactory.createStructureAction(name, structure, indexes, left, right);}
actionFill returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List left = new ArrayList();
List right = new ArrayList();
name = FILL LPAREN structure = typeExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createStructureAction(name, structure, null, left, right);}
COMMA fname = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL
obj1 = argument {left.add(fname); right.add(obj1);}
{action = ActionFactory.createStructureAction(name, structure, null, left, right);}
actionColor returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = COLOR LPAREN type = typeExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, type, bgcolor, fgcolor, selected);}
bgcolor = stringExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, type, bgcolor, fgcolor, selected);}
fgcolor = stringExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, type, bgcolor, fgcolor, selected);}
selected = booleanExpression)?)?
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, type, bgcolor, fgcolor, selected);}
actionDel returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = DEL
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, new ArrayList());}
actionLog returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = LOG LPAREN lit = stringExpression (COMMA log = LogLevel)?
{action = ActionFactory.createLogAction(name, lit, log);} //TODO handle logLevel
actionMark returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
type = typeExpression
COMMA (index = numberExpression) => index = numberExpression {list.add(index);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
actionShift returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
type = typeExpression
COMMA index1 = numberExpression {list.add(index1);}
COMMA index2 = numberExpression {list.add(index2);}
(COMMA all= booleanExpression {list.add(all);})?
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
actionSplit returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
name = SPLIT
type = typeExpression
complete = booleanExpression
appendToBegin = booleanExpression
appendToEnd = booleanExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
actionMarkScore returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
name = MARKSCORE LPAREN score = numberExpression COMMA type = typeExpression
{list.add(score); list.add(type);}
COMMA (index = numberExpression) => index = numberExpression {list.add(index);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
actionMarkOnce returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
name = MARKONCE LPAREN ((score = numberExpression) => score = numberExpression COMMA)? (type = typeExpression) => type = typeExpression
{list.add(score); list.add(type);}
COMMA (index = numberExpression) => index = numberExpression {list.add(index);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
actionMarkFast returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
Expression list = null;
name = MARKFAST LPAREN type = typeExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, type, list, ignore, numExpr);}
COMMA (list1 = wordListExpression | list2 = stringListExpression) {list = list1 == null ? list2 : list1;}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, type, list, ignore, numExpr);}
(COMMA ignore = booleanExpression (COMMA numExpr = numberExpression (COMMA ignoreWS = booleanExpression)?)?)?
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, type, list, ignore, numExpr, ignoreWS);} // TODO handle list
actionMarkLast returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = MARKLAST LPAREN type = typeExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, type);}
actionMarkFirst returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = MARKFIRST LPAREN type = typeExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, type);}
actionReplace returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = REPLACE LPAREN lit = stringExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, lit);}
actionRetainType returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
name = RETAINTYPE (LPAREN id = typeExpression {list.add(id);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
(COMMA id = typeExpression {list.add(id);})*
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
actionFilterType returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
name = FILTERTYPE (LPAREN id = typeExpression {list.add(id);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
(COMMA id = typeExpression {list.add(id);})*
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
actionAddFilterType returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
name = ADDFILTERTYPE (LPAREN id = typeExpression {list.add(id);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
(COMMA id = typeExpression {list.add(id);})*
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
actionAddRetainType returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
name = ADDRETAINTYPE (LPAREN id = typeExpression {list.add(id);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
(COMMA id = typeExpression {list.add(id);})*
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
actionRemoveFilterType returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
name = REMOVEFILTERTYPE (LPAREN id = typeExpression {list.add(id);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
(COMMA id = typeExpression {list.add(id);})*
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
actionRemoveRetainType returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
name = REMOVERETAINTYPE (LPAREN id = typeExpression {list.add(id);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
(COMMA id = typeExpression {list.add(id);})*
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
actionCall returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
String string = "";
name = CALL lp = LPAREN
{ action = ActionFactory.createCallAction(name, StatementFactory.createEmtpyComponentReference(lp));}
ns = dottedComponentReference
{ if(ns != null) {action = ActionFactory.createCallAction(name, ns);}}
actionConfigure returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List left = new ArrayList();
List right = new ArrayList();
{ action = ActionFactory.createConfigureAction(name, StatementFactory.createEmtpyComponentReference(lp), null , null);}
ns = dottedComponentReference
{ if(ns != null) {action = ActionFactory.createConfigureAction(name, ns, null , null);}}
(COMMA fname = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL obj1 = argument {left.add(fname); right.add(obj1);}
(COMMA fname = stringExpression ASSIGN_EQUAL obj1 = argument {left.add(fname);right.add(obj1);})*)?
{ action = ActionFactory.createConfigureAction(name, ns, left , right);}
actionExec returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
String string = "";
name = EXEC lp = LPAREN
{ action = ActionFactory.createCallAction(name, StatementFactory.createEmtpyComponentReference(lp));}
((stringExpression)=> view = stringExpression COMMA)?
{ if(view != null) {action = ActionFactory.createCallAction(name, ns, null, view);}}
ns = dottedComponentReference
{ if(ns != null) {action = ActionFactory.createCallAction(name, ns, null, view);}}
(COMMA tl = typeListExpression)?
{ if(ns != null) {action = ActionFactory.createCallAction(name, ns, tl, view);}}
actionAssign returns [RutaAction action = null]
VariableReference ref = null;
(id = Identifier
ref = ExpressionFactory.createGenericVariableReference(id);
action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, ref, e);}
COMMA e = argument
ref = ExpressionFactory.createGenericVariableReference(id);
action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, ref, e);}
actionSetFeature returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = SETFEATURE LPAREN f = stringExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, v);}
COMMA v = argument
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, v);}
actionGetFeature returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = GETFEATURE LPAREN f = stringExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, v);}
COMMA v = variable
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, v);}
actionDynamicAnchoring returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = DYNAMICANCHORING LPAREN active = booleanExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, active);}
(COMMA penalty = numberExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, active, penalty);}
(COMMA factor = numberExpression)?)?
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, active, penalty, factor);}
actionGreedyAnchoring returns [RutaAction action = null]
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, active);}
LPAREN active = booleanExpression (COMMA active2 = booleanExpression)?
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, active, active2);}
actionTrim returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
t1 = typeExpression {list.add(t1); action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);}
(COMMA t2 = typeExpression {list.add(t1); action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, list);})*
tl = typeListExpression {action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, tl);}
actionUnmark returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
f = typeExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f);}
(b = booleanExpression) => b = booleanExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, b);}
index = numberExpression {list.add(index);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, list);}
(COMMA index = numberExpression {list.add(index);})*
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, list);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f , b, list);}
actionUnmarkAll returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = UNMARKALL LPAREN f = typeExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, list);}
(COMMA list = typeListExpression)?
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, list);}
actionTransfer returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = TRANSFER LPAREN f = typeExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f);}
actionTrie returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
Map<Expression, Expression> map = new HashMap<Expression, Expression>();
List<Expression> left = new ArrayList<Expression>();
List<Expression> right = new ArrayList<Expression>();
key = stringExpression {left.add(key);}ASSIGN_EQUAL
(value = typeExpression{right.add(value);} | listValue = untypedListExpression {right.add(listValue);})
(COMMA key = stringExpression {left.add(key);} ASSIGN_EQUAL
(value = typeExpression{right.add(value);} | listValue = untypedListExpression {right.add(listValue);})
COMMA list = wordListExpression
COMMA ignoreCase = booleanExpression
COMMA ignoreLength = numberExpression
COMMA edit = booleanExpression
COMMA distance = numberExpression
COMMA ignoreChar = stringExpression
//TODO cost parameter
List<Expression> args = new ArrayList<Expression>();
action = ActionFactory.createStructureAction(name, args, left, right, list);}
actionAdd returns [RutaAction action = null]
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
name = ADD LPAREN f = listVariable
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, list);}
(COMMA a = argument {list.add(a);})+
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, list);}
actionRemove returns [RutaAction action = null]
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
name = REMOVE LPAREN f = listVariable
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, list);}
(COMMA a = argument {list.add(a);})+
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, list);}
actionRemoveDuplicate returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = REMOVEDUPLICATE LPAREN f = listVariable
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f);}
actionMerge returns [RutaAction action = null]
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
name = MERGE LPAREN join = booleanExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, join, t, list);}
COMMA t = listVariable
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, join, t, list);}
COMMA f = listExpression {list.add(f);}
(COMMA f = listExpression {list.add(f);})+
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, join, t, list);}
actionGet returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = GET LPAREN f = listExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, var, op);}
COMMA var = variable
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, var, op);}
COMMA op = stringExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, f, var, op);}
actionGetList returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = GETLIST LPAREN var = listVariable
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, var, op);}
COMMA op = stringExpression
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, var, op);}
actionMatchedText returns [RutaAction action = null]
@init {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();
var = variable
COMMA index = numberExpression {list.add(index);}
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, var, list);}
actionClear returns [RutaAction action = null]
name = CLEAR LPAREN var = listVariable
{action = ActionFactory.createAction(name, var);}
varArgumentList returns [List<Expression> args = new ArrayList<Expression>()]
arg = argument {args.add(arg);} (COMMA arg = argument {args.add(arg);})*
argument returns [Expression expr = null]
(conditionedAnnotationType)=>cat = conditionedAnnotationType{expr = cat; }
| (nullExpression) => a5 = nullExpression {expr = a5;}
| (featureExpression)=> fe = featureExpression {expr = fe;}
| (booleanExpression)=> a2 = booleanExpression {expr = a2;}
| (numberExpression)=> a3 = numberExpression {expr = a3;}
| (stringExpression)=> a4 = stringExpression {expr = a4;}
| (listExpression)=> l = listExpression {expr = l;}
| a1 = typeExpression {expr = a1;}
conditionedAnnotationType returns [Expression expr = null]
options {
backtrack = true;
match = dottedIdWithIndex (comp = LESS | comp = GREATER | comp = GREATEREQUAL | comp = LESSEQUAL |comp = EQUAL | comp = NOTEQUAL) arg = argument LCURLY cs = conditions RCURLY
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createConditionedAnnotationTypeExpression(match, comp, arg, cs);}
| match = dottedIdWithIndex LCURLY cs = conditions RCURLY
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createConditionedAnnotationTypeExpression(match, comp, arg, cs);}
| match = dottedIdWithIndex (comp = LESS | comp = GREATER | comp = GREATEREQUAL | comp = LESSEQUAL |comp = EQUAL | comp = NOTEQUAL) arg = argument
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createConditionedAnnotationTypeExpression(match, comp, arg, cs);}
simpleArgument returns [Expression expr = null]
(nullExpression) => a5 = nullExpression {expr = a5;}
| (featureExpression)=> fe = featureExpression {expr = fe;}
| (booleanExpression)=> a2 = booleanExpression {expr = a2;}
| (numberExpression)=> a3 = numberExpression {expr = a3;}
| (stringExpression)=> a4 = stringExpression {expr = a4;}
| (listExpression)=> l = listExpression {expr = l;}
| a1 = typeExpression {expr = a1;}
nullExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
t = NULL {expr = ExpressionFactory.createNullExpression(t);}
primitiveArgument returns [Expression expr = null]
options {
backtrack = true;
a4 = simpleStringExpression {expr = a4;}
| a2 = simpleBooleanExpression {expr = a2;}
| a3 = simpleNumberExpression {expr = a3;}
| a1 = simpleTypeExpression {expr = a1;}
//token = (
//(booleanExpression[par]) => booleanExpression[par]
//| (numberExpression[par]) => numberExpression[par]
//| (stringExpression[par]) => stringExpression[par]
//| (typeExpression[par]) => typeExpression[par]
//{arg = token;}
dottedIdentifier returns [String idString = ""]
id = Identifier {idString += id.getText();}
dot = DOT {idString += dot.getText();}
idn = Identifier {idString += idn.getText();}
dottedIdentifier2 returns [String idString = ""]
id = Identifier {idString += id.getText();}
dot = (DOT|MINUS) {idString += dot.getText();}
idn = Identifier {idString += idn.getText();}
dottedId returns [Token token = null ]
@init {CommonToken ct = null;}
id = Identifier {
ct = new CommonToken(id);
dot = DOT {ct.setText(ct.getText() + dot.getText());}
id = Identifier {ct.setStopIndex(getBounds(id)[1]);
ct.setText(ct.getText() + id.getText());}
{token = ct;
return token;}
dottedId2 returns [Token token = null ]
@init {CommonToken ct = null;}
id = Identifier {
ct = new CommonToken(id);
dot = (DOT| MINUS) {ct.setText(ct.getText() + dot.getText());}
id = Identifier {ct.setStopIndex(getBounds(id)[1]);
ct.setText(ct.getText() + id.getText());}
{token = ct;
return token;}
dottedId3 returns [Token token = null ]
@init {CommonToken ct = null;}
// at least one dot!
id = Identifier {
ct = new CommonToken(id);
dot = DOT {ct.setText(ct.getText() + dot.getText());}
id = Identifier {ct.setStopIndex(getBounds(id)[1]);
ct.setText(ct.getText() + id.getText());}
{token = ct;
return token;}
dottedIdWithIndex returns [Token token = null ]
@init {CommonToken ct = null;}
id = Identifier {ct = new CommonToken(id);}
lb = LBRACK {ct.setText(ct.getText() + lb.getText());}
index = DecimalLiteral {ct.setText(ct.getText() + index.getText());}
rb = RBRACK {ct.setStopIndex(getBounds(rb)[1]);ct.setText(ct.getText() + rb.getText());}
dot = DOT {ct.setText(ct.getText() + dot.getText());}
id = Identifier {ct.setStopIndex(getBounds(id)[1]);ct.setText(ct.getText() + id.getText());}
{token = ct; return token;}
dottedComponentReference returns [ComponentReference ref = null ]
@init {CommonToken ct = null;}
id = Identifier {
ct = new CommonToken(id);
//if (ct.getText().equals("<missing Identifier>")) {
// CommonTokenStream cts = (CommonTokenStream) input;
// Token lt = cts.LT(1);
// ct = new CommonToken(lt);
// }
dot = (DOT | MINUS) {ct.setText(ct.getText() + dot.getText());}
id = Identifier {ct.setStopIndex(getBounds(id)[1]);
ct.setText(ct.getText() + id.getText());}
if (!ct.getText().equals("<missing Identifier>")) ref = StatementFactory.createComponentReference(ct);}
dottedComponentDeclaration returns [ComponentDeclaration ref = null ]
@init {CommonToken ct = null;}
id = Identifier {
ct = new CommonToken(id);
ref = StatementFactory.createComponentDeclaration(ct);
{(input.get(id.getTokenIndex()+1).getChannel() != Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL)}?
dot = (DOT | MINUS) {ct.setText(ct.getText() + dot.getText());ref = StatementFactory.createComponentDeclaration(ct);}
{(input.get(dot.getTokenIndex()+1).getChannel() != Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL)}?
id = Identifier {ct.setStopIndex(getBounds(id)[1]);
ct.setText(ct.getText() + id.getText());
ref = StatementFactory.createComponentDeclaration(ct);}
if (!ct.getText().equals("<missing Identifier>")) ref = StatementFactory.createComponentDeclaration(ct);}
//seems OK
annotationType returns [VariableReference at = null]
atRef = annotationTypeVariableReference {at = atRef;}
annotationTypeVariableReference returns [VariableReference typeVar = null]
atRef = dottedId
{typeVar = ExpressionFactory.createAnnotationTypeVariableReference(atRef);}
wordListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
id = Identifier
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListVariableReference(id);}
path = RessourceLiteral
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createRessourceReference(path);}
wordListOrStringExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
(stringExpression)=>id = stringExpression
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createListVariableReference(id);}
e = wordListExpression
{expr = e;}
wordTableExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
id = Identifier
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createTableVariableReference(id);}
path = RessourceLiteral
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createRessourceReference(path);}
wordTableOrStringExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
(stringExpression)=>id = stringExpression
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createTableVariableReference(id);}
e = wordTableExpression
{expr = e;}
//seems OK
numberExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
@init {
expr = ExpressionFactory.createEmptyNumberExpression(input.LT(1));
e = additiveExpression
{if(e!=null) expr = ExpressionFactory.createNumberExpression(e);}
//seems OK
additiveExpression returns [Expression root = null]
: expr1=multiplicativeExpression {root=expr1;}
((PLUS | MINUS)=> op=(PLUS | MINUS) expr2=multiplicativeExpression {root=ExpressionFactory.createBinaryArithmeticExpr(root,expr2,op);})*
multiplicativeExpression returns [Expression root = null]
((simpleNumberExpression)=> expr1 = simpleNumberExpression {root=expr1;}
( ( STAR | SLASH | PERCENT )=> op=( STAR | SLASH | PERCENT ) sNE = simpleNumberExpression {root=ExpressionFactory.createBinaryArithmeticExpr(root,sNE,op);} )*
| e1 = numberFunction {root = e1;})
//seems OK
numberExpressionInPar returns [RutaExpression expr = null]
lp = LPAREN numE = numberExpression rp = RPAREN
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createNumberExpression((RutaExpression)numE);
expr.setStart(((CommonToken) lp).getStartIndex());
expr.setEnd(((CommonToken) rp).getStopIndex()+1);}
//seems OK
simpleNumberExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
(featureExpression)=> fe = featureExpression {expr = ExpressionFactory.createNumberExpression(fe);}
m = MINUS? numVarRef = numberVariable
{if(m == null) {expr = numVarRef;} else {expr = ExpressionFactory.createNegatedNumberExpression(m, numVarRef);}}
| (m = MINUS)? decLit = DecimalLiteral
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createDecimalLiteral(decLit,m);}
| m = MINUS? fpLit = FloatingPointLiteral
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createFloatingPointLiteral(fpLit,m);}
| numExprPar = numberExpressionInPar
{expr = numExprPar;}
// not checked
numberFunction returns [Expression expr = null]
(op=(EXP | LOGN | SIN | COS | TAN) numExprP=numberExpressionInPar)
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createUnaryArithmeticExpr(numExprP,op);}
| op = POW LPAREN n1 = numberExpression COMMA n2 = numberExpression RPAREN
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createBinaryArithmeticExpr(n1, n2, op);}
//| {root = ExpressionFactory.createNumberFunction(numExprP,op)}
| (e = externalNumberFunction)=> e = externalNumberFunction {expr = e;}
// not checked
externalNumberFunction returns [Expression expr = null]
id = Identifier
args = varArgumentList?
expr = external.createExternalNumberFunction(id, args);
numberVariable returns [Expression expr = null]
( {isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "INT")}? numVarRef = Identifier //
| {isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "DOUBLE")}? numVarRef = Identifier
| {isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "FLOAT")}? numVarRef = Identifier)
{ expr = ExpressionFactory.createNumberVariableReference(numVarRef);}
catch [Exception e]{expr = ExpressionFactory.createNumberVariableReference(input.LT(1));}
//OK - interface to flag stringExpressions?
stringExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
@init {
List<Expression> exprList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createEmptyStringExpression(input.LT(1));}
(featureExpression)=> fe = featureExpression {expr = ExpressionFactory.createStringExpression(fe);}
(stringFunction)=> e = stringFunction {expr = e;}
strExpr1 = simpleStringExpression {if (strExpr1!=null) exprList.add(strExpr1);}
((PLUS)=> PLUS (nextstrExpr = simpleStringExpression {if (nextstrExpr!=null) exprList.add(nextstrExpr);}
| ne = numberExpressionInPar {if (ne!=null) exprList.add(ne);}
| be = simpleBooleanExpression {if (be!=null) exprList.add(be);}
| (listExpression)=> le = listExpression {if (le!=null) exprList.add(le);}
| te = typeExpression {if (te!=null) exprList.add(te);}
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createStringExpression(exprList);}
// not checked
stringFunction returns [Expression expr = null]
@init {List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>();}
name = REMOVESTRING LPAREN var = variable (COMMA s = stringExpression{list.add(s);})+ RPAREN
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createStringFunction(name,var,list);}
(e = externalStringFunction)=> e = externalStringFunction {expr = e;}
// not checked
externalStringFunction returns [Expression expr = null]
id = Identifier
args = varArgumentList?
expr = external.createExternalStringFunction(id, args);
//OK - interface to flag stringExpressions?
simpleStringExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
lit = StringLiteral {expr = ExpressionFactory.createSimpleString(lit);}
| {isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "STRING")}? variableId = Identifier {expr = ExpressionFactory.createStringVariableReference(variableId);}
; /*{isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "STRING")}?*/
// commented thu, 19.02.09 => rewritten 'stringExpression'
//simpleStringExpressionOrNumberExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
// : StringLiteral
// | {isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "STRING")}? id = Identifier
// | e = numberExpressionInPar {}
// ;
//OK - interface to flag booleanExpressions?
booleanExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
expr = ExpressionFactory.createEmptyBooleanExpression(input.LT(1));
(featureTypeExpression)=>fmbe = featureTypeExpression {expr = ExpressionFactory.createBooleanExpression(fmbe);}
| (featureExpression)=> fe = featureExpression {expr = ExpressionFactory.createBooleanExpression(fe);}
| (composedBooleanExpression)=> bcE = composedBooleanExpression {expr = bcE;}
| sbE = simpleBooleanExpression {expr = sbE;}
simpleBooleanExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
(lbE = literalBooleanExpression {expr = lbE;}
| {isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "BOOLEAN")}?(variableId = Identifier
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createBooleanVariableReference(variableId);})
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createBooleanExpression(expr);}
// not checked
composedBooleanExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
(e2 = booleanCompare)=> e2 = booleanCompare {expr = e2;}
| (bne = booleanNumberExpression)=> bne = booleanNumberExpression{expr = bne;}
| (bse = booleanStringExpression)=> bse = booleanStringExpression{expr = bse;}
| (booleanAnnotationListExpression)=> bale = booleanAnnotationListExpression {expr = bale;}
| (booleanAnnotationExpression)=> bae = booleanAnnotationExpression {expr = bae;}
| (bte = booleanTypeExpression)=> bte = booleanTypeExpression{expr = bte;}
| e1 = booleanFunction {expr = e1;}
| LPAREN ep = booleanExpression RPAREN {expr = ep;}
// not checked
booleanFunction returns [Expression expr = null]
(op = XOR LPAREN e1 = booleanExpression COMMA e2 = booleanExpression RPAREN)
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createBooleanFunction(op,e1,e2);}
| (e = externalBooleanFunction)=> e = externalBooleanFunction {expr = e;}
// not checked
externalBooleanFunction returns [Expression expr = null]
id = Identifier
args = varArgumentList?
expr = external.createExternalBooleanFunction(id, args);
// not checked
booleanCompare returns [Expression expr = null]
(e1 = simpleBooleanExpression op = (EQUAL | NOTEQUAL) e2 = booleanExpression)
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createBooleanFunction(op,e1,e2);}
literalBooleanExpression returns [BooleanLiteral expr = null]
(value = TRUE
| value = FALSE)
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createSimpleBooleanExpression(value);}
booleanAnnotationExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
e1 = annotationExpression
( e2 = annotationExpression | e2 = nullExpression )
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createBooleanAnnotationExpression(e1,op,e2);}
booleanAnnotationListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
e1 = annotationListExpression
e2 = annotationListExpression
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createBooleanAnnotationListExpression(e1,op,e2);}
//not checked
booleanTypeExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
e1 = typeExpression
( e2 = typeExpression | e2 = nullExpression )
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createBooleanTypeExpression(e1,op,e2);}
// TODO requires numberExpression first!
//nearly OK
booleanNumberExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
e1 = numberExpression
e2 = numberExpression
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createBooleanNumberExpression(e1,op,e2);}
booleanStringExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
e1 = stringExpression
( e2 = stringExpression | e2 = nullExpression )
{expr = ExpressionFactory.createBooleanStringExpression(e1,op,e2);}
genericVariableReference returns[Expression varRef]
{return ExpressionFactory.createGenericVariableReference(id);}
annotationExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
{isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "ANNOTATION")}?
id = Identifier {expr = ExpressionFactory.createAnnotationTypeVariableReference(id);}
ale = annotationListExpression {expr = ale;}
aae = annotationAddressExpression {expr = aae;}
ale = annotationLabelExpression {expr = ale;}
annotationListExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
{isVariableOfType(input.LT(1).getText(), "ANNOTATIONLIST")}?
id = Identifier {expr = ExpressionFactory.createAnnotationTypeVariableReference(id);}
annotationAddressExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
ADDRESS_PREFIX address = DecimalLiteral {expr = ExpressionFactory.createAnnotationTypeVariableReference(address);}
annotationLabelExpression returns [Expression expr = null]
label = Identifier {expr = ExpressionFactory.createAnnotationTypeVariableReference(label);}