blob: f616ab7e522d37811c1013c9e89835d8ebf26e19 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.uima.ruta.rule;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.uima.cas.text.AnnotationFS;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.RutaEnvironment;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.RutaStream;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.action.AbstractRutaAction;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.block.RutaBlock;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.condition.AbstractRutaCondition;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.rule.quantifier.RuleElementQuantifier;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.visitor.InferenceCrowd;
public class RutaRuleElement extends AbstractRuleElement {
private RutaMatcher matcher;
protected final InferenceCrowd emptyCrowd = new InferenceCrowd(Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
public RutaRuleElement(RutaMatcher matcher, RuleElementQuantifier quantifier,
List<AbstractRutaCondition> conditions, List<AbstractRutaAction> actions,
RuleElementContainer container, RutaBlock parent) {
super(quantifier, conditions, actions, container, parent);
this.matcher = matcher;
public Collection<? extends AnnotationFS> getAnchors(RutaStream stream) {
return matcher.getMatchingAnnotations(getParent(), stream);
public List<RuleMatch> startMatch(RuleMatch ruleMatch, RuleApply ruleApply,
ComposedRuleElementMatch containerMatch, RuleElement entryPoint, RutaStream stream,
InferenceCrowd crowd) {
List<RuleMatch> result = new ArrayList<>();
Collection<? extends AnnotationFS> anchors = getAnchors(stream);
boolean useAlternatives = anchors.size() != 1;
for (AnnotationFS eachAnchor : anchors) {
if (earlyExit(eachAnchor, ruleApply, stream)) {
// ... for different matching paradigms that avoid some matches
ComposedRuleElementMatch extendedContainerMatch = containerMatch;
RuleMatch extendedMatch = ruleMatch;
if (useAlternatives) {
extendedContainerMatch = containerMatch.copy();
extendedMatch = ruleMatch.copy(extendedContainerMatch, true);
doMatch(true, eachAnchor, extendedMatch, extendedContainerMatch, true, stream, crowd);
if (equals(entryPoint) && ruleApply == null) {
} else if (extendedMatch.matched()) {
RuleElement after = getContainer().getNextElement(true, this);
RuleElement before = getContainer().getNextElement(false, this);
RutaRuleElement sideStepOrigin = hasAncestor(false) ? this : null;
MatchContext context = new MatchContext(this, extendedMatch, true);
if (quantifier.continueMatch(true, context, eachAnchor, extendedContainerMatch, stream,
crowd)) {
List<RuleMatch> continueOwnMatch = continueOwnMatch(true, eachAnchor, extendedMatch,
ruleApply, extendedContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
} else {
if (after != null) {
sideStepOrigin = hasAncestor(false) ? this : null;
List<RuleMatch> continueMatch = after.continueMatch(true, eachAnchor, extendedMatch,
ruleApply, extendedContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
} else if ((stream.isDynamicAnchoring() || isStartAnchor()) && before != null) {
sideStepOrigin = hasAncestor(true) ? this : null;
List<RuleMatch> continueMatch = before.continueMatch(false, eachAnchor, extendedMatch,
ruleApply, extendedContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
if (after == null && before == null) {
if (getContainer() instanceof ComposedRuleElement) {
sideStepOrigin = hasAncestor(false) ? this : null;
ComposedRuleElement composed = (ComposedRuleElement) getContainer();
List<RuleMatch> fallbackContinue = composed.fallbackContinue(true, false, eachAnchor,
extendedMatch, ruleApply, extendedContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint,
stream, crowd);
} else if (getContainer() instanceof RuleElementIsolator) {
// TODO move and refactor this:
doneMatching(extendedMatch, ruleApply, stream, crowd);
} else {
if (getContainer() instanceof ComposedRuleElement) {
ComposedRuleElement composed = (ComposedRuleElement) getContainer();
List<RuleMatch> fallbackContinue = composed.fallbackContinue(true, true, eachAnchor,
extendedMatch, ruleApply, extendedContainerMatch, null, entryPoint, stream,
return result;
public List<RuleMatch> continueOwnMatch(boolean after, AnnotationFS annotation,
RuleMatch ruleMatch, RuleApply ruleApply, ComposedRuleElementMatch containerMatch,
RuleElement sideStepOrigin, RuleElement entryPoint, RutaStream stream,
InferenceCrowd crowd) {
List<RuleMatch> result = new ArrayList<>();
MatchContext context = new MatchContext(this, ruleMatch, after);
if (quantifier.continueMatch(after, context, annotation, containerMatch, stream, crowd)) {
boolean stopMatching = false;
AnnotationFS eachAnchor = annotation;
AnnotationFS lastAnchor = annotation;
ComposedRuleElementMatch extendedContainerMatch = containerMatch;
RuleMatch extendedMatch = ruleMatch;
while (!stopMatching) {
context = new MatchContext(this, extendedMatch, after);
if (!quantifier.continueMatch(after, context, eachAnchor, extendedContainerMatch, stream,
crowd)) {
stopMatching = true;
stepbackMatch(after, lastAnchor, extendedMatch, ruleApply, extendedContainerMatch,
sideStepOrigin, stream, crowd, entryPoint);
Collection<? extends AnnotationFS> nextAnnotations = getNextAnnotations(after, eachAnchor,
if (nextAnnotations.size() == 0) {
stopMatching = true;
result = stepbackMatch(after, eachAnchor, extendedMatch, ruleApply,
extendedContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin, stream, crowd, entryPoint);
} else if (nextAnnotations.size() == 1) {
lastAnchor = eachAnchor;
eachAnchor = nextAnnotations.iterator().next();
doMatch(after, eachAnchor, extendedMatch, extendedContainerMatch, false, stream, crowd);
if (equals(entryPoint)) {
} else if (extendedMatch.matched()) {
if (quantifier.continueMatch(after, context, eachAnchor, extendedContainerMatch, stream,
crowd)) {
// continue in while loop
} else {
stopMatching = true;
result = continueMatchSomewhereElse(after, false, eachAnchor, extendedMatch,
ruleApply, extendedContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
} else {
stopMatching = true;
result = stepbackMatch(after, lastAnchor, extendedMatch, ruleApply,
extendedContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin, stream, crowd, entryPoint);
} else {
stopMatching = true;
result = continueMatch(after, lastAnchor, extendedMatch, ruleApply,
extendedContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
} else {
result = stepbackMatch(after, annotation, ruleMatch, ruleApply, containerMatch,
sideStepOrigin, stream, crowd, entryPoint);
return result;
protected List<RuleMatch> continueMatchSomewhereElse(boolean after, boolean failed,
AnnotationFS eachAnchor, RuleMatch extendedMatch, RuleApply ruleApply,
ComposedRuleElementMatch extendedContainerMatch, RuleElement sideStepOrigin,
RuleElement entryPoint, RutaStream stream, InferenceCrowd crowd) {
List<RuleMatch> result = new ArrayList<>();
RuleElement nextRuleElement = getContainer().getNextElement(after, this);
if (nextRuleElement != null) {
result = nextRuleElement.continueMatch(after, eachAnchor, extendedMatch, ruleApply,
extendedContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
} else if (getContainer() instanceof ComposedRuleElement) {
ComposedRuleElement composed = (ComposedRuleElement) getContainer();
result = composed.fallbackContinue(after, failed, eachAnchor, extendedMatch, ruleApply,
extendedContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
return result;
public List<RuleMatch> continueMatch(boolean after, AnnotationFS annotation, RuleMatch ruleMatch,
RuleApply ruleApply, ComposedRuleElementMatch containerMatch, RuleElement sideStepOrigin,
RuleElement entryPoint, RutaStream stream, InferenceCrowd crowd) {
List<RuleMatch> result = new ArrayList<>();
// if() for really lazy quantifiers
MatchContext context = new MatchContext(this, ruleMatch, after);
if (quantifier.continueMatch(after, context, annotation, containerMatch, stream, crowd)) {
Collection<? extends AnnotationFS> nextAnnotations = getNextAnnotations(after, annotation,
if (isNotConsumable(nextAnnotations)) {
result = stepbackMatch(after, annotation, ruleMatch, ruleApply, containerMatch,
sideStepOrigin, stream, crowd, entryPoint);
boolean useAlternatives = nextAnnotations.size() > 1;
for (AnnotationFS eachAnchor : nextAnnotations) {
if (earlyExit(eachAnchor, ruleApply, stream)) {
// ... for different matching paradigms that avoid some matches
ComposedRuleElementMatch extendedContainerMatch = containerMatch;
RuleMatch extendedMatch = ruleMatch;
if (useAlternatives) {
extendedContainerMatch = containerMatch.copy();
extendedMatch = ruleMatch.copy(extendedContainerMatch, after);
doMatch(after, eachAnchor, extendedMatch, extendedContainerMatch, false, stream, crowd);
if (equals(entryPoint) && ruleApply == null) {
} else if (extendedMatch.matched()) {
context = new MatchContext(this, extendedMatch, after);
if (quantifier.continueMatch(after, context, eachAnchor, extendedContainerMatch, stream,
crowd)) {
List<RuleMatch> continueOwnMatch = continueOwnMatch(after, eachAnchor, extendedMatch,
ruleApply, extendedContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
} else {
List<RuleMatch> continueMatchSomewhereElse = continueMatchSomewhereElse(after, false,
eachAnchor, extendedMatch, ruleApply, extendedContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin,
entryPoint, stream, crowd);
} else {
if (equals(entryPoint)) {
// hotfix for UIMA-3820
} else {
List<RuleMatch> stepbackMatch = stepbackMatch(after, annotation, extendedMatch,
ruleApply, extendedContainerMatch, sideStepOrigin, stream, crowd, entryPoint);
} else {
result = stepbackMatch(after, annotation, ruleMatch, ruleApply, containerMatch,
sideStepOrigin, stream, crowd, entryPoint);
return result;
protected boolean isNotConsumable(Collection<? extends AnnotationFS> nextAnnotations) {
return nextAnnotations.isEmpty();
protected List<RuleMatch> stepbackMatch(boolean after, AnnotationFS annotation,
RuleMatch ruleMatch, RuleApply ruleApply, ComposedRuleElementMatch containerMatch,
RuleElement sideStepOrigin, RutaStream stream, InferenceCrowd crowd,
RuleElement entryPoint) {
List<RuleMatch> result = new ArrayList<>();
if (equals(entryPoint) && ruleApply == null) {
return result;
List<RuleElementMatch> matchInfo = getMatch(ruleMatch, containerMatch);
MatchContext context = new MatchContext(this, ruleMatch, after);
if (matchInfo == null) {
context.getParent().getEnvironment().addMatchToVariable(ruleMatch, this, context, stream);
if (quantifier.isOptional(context, stream)) {
result = continueMatchSomewhereElse(after, false, annotation, ruleMatch, ruleApply,
containerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
} else if (getContainer() instanceof ComposedRuleElement) {
ComposedRuleElement cre = (ComposedRuleElement) getContainer();
result = cre.fallbackContinue(after, true, annotation, ruleMatch, ruleApply, containerMatch,
sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
// was:
// [Peter] why only check the parent? the grandparent could be optional!
// should we add the second part again for the explanation component?
// if (cre.getQuantifier().isOptional(parent, stream)) {
// result = continueMatchSomewhereElse(after, true, annotation, ruleMatch, ruleApply,
// containerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
// } else {
// RuleElementMatch failedMatch = new RuleElementMatch(this, containerMatch);
// failedMatch.setBaseConditionMatched(false);
// containerMatch.addInnerMatch(this, failedMatch, stream);
// ComposedRuleElement composed = (ComposedRuleElement) getContainer();
// result = composed.fallbackContinue(after, true, annotation, ruleMatch, ruleApply,
// containerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
// }
} else {
List<RuleElementMatch> evaluateMatches = quantifier.evaluateMatches(matchInfo, context,
stream, crowd);
// TODO enforce match update?
ruleMatch.setMatched(evaluateMatches != null);
if (ruleMatch.matched()) {
result = continueMatchSomewhereElse(after, false, annotation, ruleMatch, ruleApply,
containerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
} else {
if (getContainer() instanceof ComposedRuleElement) {
ComposedRuleElement composed = (ComposedRuleElement) getContainer();
List<RuleMatch> fallbackContinue = composed.fallbackContinue(after, true, annotation,
ruleMatch, ruleApply, containerMatch, sideStepOrigin, entryPoint, stream, crowd);
} else {
// should never happen!
doneMatching(ruleMatch, ruleApply, stream, crowd);
return result;
public void doMatch(boolean after, AnnotationFS annotation, RuleMatch ruleMatch,
ComposedRuleElementMatch containerMatch, boolean ruleAnchor, RutaStream stream,
InferenceCrowd crowd) {
RuleElementMatch result = new RuleElementMatch(this, containerMatch);
List<EvaluatedCondition> evaluatedConditions = new ArrayList<>(
// boolean base = matcher.match(annotation, stream, getParent());
boolean base = true;
MatchContext context = new MatchContext(annotation, this, ruleMatch, after);
List<AnnotationFS> textsMatched = annotation != null ? asList(annotation) : emptyList();
// already set the matched text and inform others
result.setMatchInfo(base, textsMatched, stream);
RutaEnvironment environment = context.getParent().getEnvironment();
environment.addMatchToVariable(ruleMatch, this, context, stream);
if (base) {
for (AbstractRutaCondition condition : conditions) {
crowd.beginVisit(condition, null);
EvaluatedCondition eval = condition.eval(context, stream, crowd);
crowd.endVisit(condition, null);
if (!eval.isValue()) {
result.setConditionInfo(base, evaluatedConditions);
if (result.matched()) {
boolean inlinedRulesMatched = matchInlinedRules(ruleMatch, result, stream, crowd);
} else {
// update label for failed match after evaluating conditions
environment.removeVariableValue(getLabel(), context);
ruleMatch.setMatched(ruleMatch.matched() && result.matched());
public String toString() {
String simpleName = getQuantifier().getClass().getSimpleName();
return matcher.toString() + " " + (simpleName.equals("NormalQuantifier") ? "" : simpleName)
// + (conditions.isEmpty() ? "" : "(" + conditions.toString() + ")" + "\\n")
// + (actions.isEmpty() ? "" : "{" + actions.toString() + "}")
public RutaMatcher getMatcher() {
return matcher;
public List<AbstractRutaCondition> getConditions() {
return conditions;
public List<AbstractRutaAction> getActions() {
return actions;
public RutaBlock getParent() {
return parent;
public long estimateAnchors(RutaStream stream) {
// TODO what about the match context?
if (quantifier.isOptional(null, stream)) {
return matcher.estimateAnchors(parent, stream) + Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return matcher.estimateAnchors(parent, stream);
public Collection<? extends AnnotationFS> getNextAnnotations(boolean after,
AnnotationFS annotation, RutaStream stream) {
if (after) {
return matcher.getAnnotationsAfter(this, annotation, getParent(), stream);
} else {
return matcher.getAnnotationsBefore(this, annotation, getParent(), stream);