blob: 38dd1c39016bbea57a77f0e3d04cbd6442ea725f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.ruta.textruler.learner.trabal;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.textruler.core.TextRulerTarget;
public class ExpansionRule extends ShiftingRule {
public ExpansionRule(TrabalLearner parentAlgorithm, TextRulerTarget target,
TrabalAnnotation annotation, TrabalAnnotation targetAnnotation,
AnnotationErrorType errorType) {
super(parentAlgorithm, target, annotation, targetAnnotation, errorType);
public ExpansionRule(ExpansionRule copyFrom) {
public void compileRuleString() {
ruleString = "";
int errorBegin = annotation.getBegin();
int truthBegin = targetAnnotation.getBegin();
int truthEnd = targetAnnotation.getEnd();
boolean expandToLeft = truthBegin < errorBegin;
if (expandToLeft) // (frontBoundaryItem ANY*? annotation){-> MARK(targetAnnotation)};
// (annotation ANY*? rearBoundaryItem){-> MARK(targetAnnotation)};
private void expandToLeft(int truthBegin) {
// should the boundary item be part of the new annotation?
boolean frontItemInBorders = frontBoundaryItem.getAnnotation().getBegin() == truthBegin;
// parse the positive conditions
String conditions = parseConditions(conditionTypes, true);
if (conditions.length() > 0)
conditions += " ";
// parse the negative conditions
String negativeConditions = parseConditions(conditionTypes, false);
if (negativeConditions.length() > 0)
negativeConditions += " ";
String before = parseConditions(ConditionType.BEFORE, true);
if (before.length() > 0 && negativeConditions.length() > 0)
negativeConditions = before + ", " + negativeConditions;
else if (before.length() > 0)
negativeConditions = before + " ";
// this strings will be attached to the original annotation
String unmark = "{" + negativeConditions + "-> UNMARK(" + annotation.getType().getShortName()
+ ")}";
// this string will be attached to the front boundary item
String after = parseConditions(ConditionType.AFTER);
if (after.length() > 0)
after = "{" + after + "}";
// If the front item is part of the future annotation, it has to be included in the brackets.
if (frontItemInBorders)
ruleString += "(" + frontBoundaryItem + after + " ";
ruleString += frontBoundaryItem + after + " (";
// We include all tokens between the boundaries.
ruleString += "ANY*{-PARTOF(" + annotation.getType().getShortName() + ")} "; // like ANY*? but
// faster
// ruleString += "#{-CONTAINS(" + annotation.getType().getShortName() + ")} ";
// these strings will be attached to the brackets
String mark;
if (((TrabalLearner) algorithm).getEnableFeatures())
mark = "-> CREATE(" + targetAnnotation.getType().getShortName() + parseFeatures() + ")";
mark = "-> MARK(" + targetAnnotation.getType().getShortName() + ")";
String action = "{" + conditions + mark + "}";
// The original annotation represents the rear boundary item
ruleString += annotation.getType().getShortName() + unmark + ")" + action + ";";
private void expandToRight(int truthEnd) {
// should the boundary items be part of the new annotation?
boolean rearItemInBorders = rearBoundaryItem.getAnnotation().getEnd() == truthEnd;
// parse the positive conditions
String conditions = parseConditions(conditionTypes, true);
if (conditions.length() > 0)
conditions += " ";
// parse the negative conditions
String negativeConditions = parseConditions(conditionTypes, false);
if (negativeConditions.length() > 0)
negativeConditions += " ";
String after = parseConditions(ConditionType.AFTER, true);
if (after.length() > 0 && negativeConditions.length() > 0)
negativeConditions = after + ", " + negativeConditions;
else if (after.length() > 0)
negativeConditions = after + " ";
// this strings will be attached to the original annotation
String unmark = "{" + negativeConditions + "-> UNMARK(" + annotation.getType().getShortName()
+ ")}";
// The original annotation represents the front boundary item
ruleString += "(" + annotation.getType().getShortName() + unmark + " ";
// We include all tokens between the boundaries.
ruleString += "ANY*{-PARTOF(" + rearBoundaryItem + ")}"; // like ANY*? but faster
// ruleString += "#{-CONTAINS(" + rearBoundaryItem + ")}"; // like ... but faster
// these strings will be attached to the brackets
String mark;
if (((TrabalLearner) algorithm).getEnableFeatures())
mark = "-> CREATE(" + targetAnnotation.getType().getShortName() + parseFeatures() + ")";
mark = "-> MARK(" + targetAnnotation.getType().getShortName() + ")";
String action = "{" + conditions + mark + "}";
// this string will be attached to the rear boundary item
String before = parseConditions(ConditionType.BEFORE);
if (before.length() > 0)
before = "{" + before + "}";
// If the rear item is part of the future annotation, it has to be included in the brackets
if (rearItemInBorders)
ruleString += " " + rearBoundaryItem + before + ")" + action + ";";
ruleString += ")" + action + " " + rearBoundaryItem + before + ";";
* Parse either the positive or the negative conditions without negation mark.
* @param types
* the types, that should be parsed
* @param positive
* true for positive, false for negative conditions
* @return String with parsed conditions
private String parseConditions(List<ConditionType> types, boolean positive) {
String result = "";
for (Condition each : conditions)
if (types.contains(each.getType()) && each.isNegative() != positive)
if (each.isNegative()) {
result += each + ", ";
} else
result += each + ", ";
if (result.length() > 0)
return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2);
return "";
* Parse either the positive or the negative conditions without negation mark.
* @param type
* the type, that should be parsed
* @param positive
* true for positive, false for negative conditions
* @return String with parsed conditions
private String parseConditions(ConditionType type, boolean positive) {
String result = "";
for (Condition each : conditions)
if (each.getType() == type && each.isNegative() != positive)
if (each.isNegative()) {
result += each + ", ";
} else
result += each + ", ";
if (result.length() > 0)
return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2);
return "";
public TrabalRule copy() {
return new ExpansionRule(this);