blob: 013d8d8d494c520de9f8fe21a1ae3d18412d4234 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken;
import org.antlr.runtime.Token;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.declarations.Declaration;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.expressions.Expression;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.references.SimpleReference;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.statements.Statement;
public class StatementFactory extends AbstractFactory {
* @param component
* @param impString - import string
* @param type - type of import
* @return new Import-Statement
public static RutaImportStatement createImport(ComponentDeclaration component, Token impString,
int type) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(impString, component);
return new RutaImportStatement(bounds[0], bounds[1], component, type);
public static ComponentDeclaration createEmptyComponentDeclaration(Token t) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(t);
bounds[0] = bounds[1] + 1;
bounds[1] = bounds[0];
return new ComponentDeclaration(bounds[0], bounds[1], "");
public static RutaImportStatement createImportTypeSystem(ComponentDeclaration dottedId,
Token impString) {
return createImport(dottedId, impString, RutaStatementConstants.S_IMPORT_TYPESYSTEM);
public static Statement createImportType(Token importToken, Token type, ComponentDeclaration ts,
Token alias) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(importToken, type);
if(ts != null) {
bounds = getBounds(importToken, ts);
if(alias != null) {
bounds = getBounds(importToken, alias);
return new RutaImportTypesStatement(bounds[0], bounds[1], ts, type, null, alias);
public static Statement createImportAllPackagew(Token importToken, ComponentDeclaration ts, Token alias) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(importToken, ts);
if(alias != null) {
bounds = getBounds(importToken, alias);
return new RutaImportTypesStatement(bounds[0], bounds[1], ts, null, null, alias);
public static Statement createImportPackage(Token importToken, Token pkg, ComponentDeclaration ts,
Token alias) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(importToken, pkg);
if(ts != null) {
bounds = getBounds(importToken, ts);
if(alias != null) {
bounds = getBounds(importToken, alias);
return new RutaImportTypesStatement(bounds[0], bounds[1], ts, null, pkg, alias);
public static RutaImportStatement createImportScript(ComponentDeclaration dottedId,
Token impString) {
if (dottedId != null) {
return createImport(dottedId, impString, RutaStatementConstants.S_IMPORT_SCRIPT);
public static RutaImportStatement createImportEngine(ComponentDeclaration dottedId,
Token impString) {
int kind = RutaStatementConstants.S_IMPORT_ENGINE;
if (impString != null) {
String text = impString.getText();
if ("UIMAFIT".equals(text)) {
kind = RutaStatementConstants.S_IMPORT_UIMAFIT_ENGINE;
return createImport(dottedId, impString, kind);
* @param pString
* Antlr-Token "PACKAGE"
* @param dottedId
* Antlr-Token (dotted-identifier/id)
* @return new RutaPackageDeclaration
public static RutaPackageDeclaration createPkgDeclaration(Token dottedId, Token pString) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(pString, dottedId);
int nameBounds[] = new int[2];
if (dottedId != null) {
nameBounds = getBounds(dottedId);
SimpleReference ref = new SimpleReference(nameBounds[0], nameBounds[1], dottedId == null ? ""
: dottedId.getText());
return new RutaPackageDeclaration(bounds[0], bounds[1], ref);
* @param id
* @param type
* @return new RutaVariableDeclaration
private static RutaVariableDeclaration createVariable(Token id, Token typeToken, int type) {
return createVariable(id, typeToken, type, null);
private static RutaVariableDeclaration createVariable(Token id, Token typeToken, int type,
Expression expr) {
int declBounds[] = getBounds(typeToken, id);
int nameBounds[] = getBounds(id);
// FieldDeclaration
SimpleReference ref = new RutaVariableReference(nameBounds[0], nameBounds[1], id.getText(),
return new RutaVariableDeclaration(id.getText(), nameBounds[0], nameBounds[1], declBounds[0],
declBounds[1], ref, type, expr);
* @param id
* @param type
* @return new RutaVariableDeclaration
public static RutaVariableDeclaration createIntVariable(Token id, Token type) {
return createVariable(id, type, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_I);
* @param id
* @param type
* @return new variable
public static Object createFloatVariable(Token id, Token type) {
return createVariable(id, type, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_F);
* @param id
* @param type
* @return new RutaVariableDeclaration
public static RutaVariableDeclaration createDoubleVariable(Token id, Token type) {
return createVariable(id, type, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_D);
* @param id
* @param type
* @return new RutaVariableDeclaration
public static RutaVariableDeclaration createStringVariable(Token id, Token type) {
return createVariable(id, type, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_S);
* @param id
* @param type
* @return new RutaVariableDeclaration
public static RutaVariableDeclaration createBooleanVariable(Token id, Token type) {
return createVariable(id, type, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_B);
* @param id
* @param type
* @return new RutaVariableDeclaration
public static RutaVariableDeclaration createTypeVariable(Token id, Token type) {
return createVariable(id, type, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_AT);
* @param id
* @param type
* @return new RutaVariableDeclaration
public static RutaVariableDeclaration createListVariable(Token id, Token type, Expression expr) {
return createVariable(id, type, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_WL, expr);
* @param id
* @param type
* @return new RutaVariableDeclaration
public static RutaVariableDeclaration createTableVariable(Token id, Token type, Expression expr) {
return createVariable(id, type, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_WT, expr);
* @param id
* @param declareToken
* @param type
* @param features
* @return new Declaration
public static Declaration createAnnotationType(Token id, Token declareToken, Expression type,
List<RutaFeatureDeclaration> features) {
int declBounds[] = getBounds(declareToken, id);
if (features != null && !features.isEmpty()) {
declBounds = getBounds(declareToken, features.get(features.size() - 1));
int nameBounds[] = getBounds(id);
// FieldDeclarartion
SimpleReference ref = new RutaVariableReference(nameBounds[0], nameBounds[1], id.getText(),
return new RutaTypeDeclaration(id.getText(), nameBounds[0], nameBounds[1], declBounds[0],
declBounds[1], ref, features);
public static Declaration createAnnotationType(Token id, Token declareToken) {
int declBounds[] = getBounds(declareToken, id);
int nameBounds[] = getBounds(id);
SimpleReference ref = new RutaVariableReference(nameBounds[0], nameBounds[1], id.getText(),
return new RutaTypeDeclaration(id.getText(), nameBounds[0], nameBounds[1], declBounds[0],
declBounds[1], ref);
public static RutaFeatureDeclaration createFeatureDeclaration(Object eachTO, Token eachName) {
int declBounds[] = { 0, 0 };
String type = "";
if (eachTO instanceof ASTNode) {
ASTNode node = (ASTNode) eachTO;
type = node.toString();
declBounds = getBounds(eachName, node);
} else if (eachTO instanceof Token) {
Token token = (Token) eachTO;
type = token.getText();
declBounds = getBounds(eachName, token);
int nameBounds[] = getBounds(eachName);
SimpleReference ref = new SimpleReference(nameBounds[0], nameBounds[1], eachName.getText());
return new RutaFeatureDeclaration(eachName.getText(), type, nameBounds[0], nameBounds[1],
declBounds[0], declBounds[1], ref, eachTO);
public static Statement createDeclareDeclarationsStatement(Token declareToken, List declarations,
ASTNode parent) {
return createDeclareDeclarationsStatement(declareToken, declarations, parent, new ArrayList<RutaFeatureDeclaration>(0));
public static Statement createDeclareDeclarationsStatement(Token declareToken, List declarations,
ASTNode parent, List<RutaFeatureDeclaration> features) {
List<RutaAbstractDeclaration> decls = declarations;
for (RutaAbstractDeclaration d : decls) {
if (d == null) {
int declBounds[] = getBounds(declareToken);
int statementBounds[] = getBounds(declareToken);
if (parent != null) {
statementBounds[1] = Math.max(statementBounds[1], parent.sourceEnd());
} else {
int end = decls.get(decls.size() - 1).sourceEnd();
statementBounds[1] = Math.max(statementBounds[1], end);
if(features != null && !features.isEmpty()) {
int end = features.get(features.size() - 1).sourceEnd();
statementBounds[1] = Math.max(statementBounds[1], end);
return new RutaDeclareDeclarationsStatement(statementBounds[0], statementBounds[1],
decls, parent, declBounds[0], declBounds[1], features);
public static Statement createDeclarationsStatement(Token declareToken, List declarations,
Expression init) {
List<RutaAbstractDeclaration> decls = declarations;
for (RutaAbstractDeclaration d : decls) {
if (d == null) {
int declBounds[] = getBounds(declareToken);
int statementBounds[] = getBounds(declareToken);
if (init != null) {
statementBounds[1] = Math.max(statementBounds[1], init.sourceEnd());
} else {
int end = decls.get(decls.size() - 1).sourceEnd();
statementBounds[1] = Math.max(statementBounds[1], end);
return new RutaDeclarationsStatement(statementBounds[0], statementBounds[1], declarations,
init, declBounds[0], declBounds[1]);
public static Statement createDeclarationsStatement(Token declareToken, List declarations) {
return createDeclarationsStatement(declareToken, declarations, null);
public static Statement createDeclarationsStatement(Token declareToken,
RutaAbstractDeclaration declaration, Expression init) {
List decl = new ArrayList<RutaAbstractDeclaration>();
return createDeclarationsStatement(declareToken, decl, init);
public static Statement createComposedVariableConditionDeclaration(Token id,
List<RutaCondition> conditions) {
return null;
public static Statement createComposedVariableActionDeclaration(Token id, List<RutaAction> actions) {
return null;
public static Object createVarListVariable(Token id, Token token, Expression expr, int type) {
return createVariable(id, token, type, expr);
public static ComponentReference createComponentReference(CommonToken ct) {
int nameBounds[] = getBounds(ct);
return new ComponentReference(nameBounds[0], nameBounds[1], ct.getText());
public static ComponentReference createEmtpyComponentReference(Token t) {
int nameBounds[] = getBounds(t);
nameBounds[0] = nameBounds[1];
nameBounds[1] = nameBounds[0];
return new ComponentReference(nameBounds[0], nameBounds[1], "");
public static ComponentDeclaration createComponentDeclaration(Token ct) {
int nameBounds[] = getBounds(ct);
String text = ct.getText();
return new ComponentDeclaration(nameBounds[0], nameBounds[0] + text.length(), text);