blob: 59b395212d514a3702b63945a1ba0265e60b1beb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.ruta.ide.parser.ast;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken;
import org.antlr.runtime.Token;
import org.apache.uima.ruta.parser.RutaLexer;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.expressions.BooleanLiteral;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.expressions.Expression;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.expressions.ExpressionConstants;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.expressions.FloatNumericLiteral;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.expressions.NumericLiteral;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.expressions.StringLiteral;
import org.eclipse.dltk.ast.references.VariableReference;
public class ExpressionFactory extends AbstractFactory implements ExpressionConstants {
* @param ref
* @param kind
* see {@link RutaExpressionConstants}
* @return
private static VariableReference newVariableReference(Token ref, int kind) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(ref);
return new RutaVariableReference(bounds[0], bounds[1], ref.getText(), kind);
public static VariableReference createGenericVariableReference(Token ref) {
return newVariableReference(ref, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_G);
public static RutaQuantifierLiteralExpression createQuantifierLiteralExpression(Token q, Token q2) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(q);
if (q2 != null) {
bounds[1] = Math.max(bounds[1], getBounds(q2)[1]);
return new RutaQuantifierLiteralExpression(bounds[0], bounds[1], q.getText());
// =====> BOOLEAN-EXPRESSIONS <======
public static Expression createBooleanExpression(Expression e) {
if (e == null)
return null;
return new RutaExpression(e.sourceStart(), e.sourceEnd(), e, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_B);
public static RutaBooleanNumberExpression createBooleanNumberExpression(Expression e1, Token op,
Expression e2) {
int lexerOpID = op.getType(); // Integer.valueOf(op.getText());
int operatorID = 0;
// convert lexer-opId to dltk-opId:
switch (lexerOpID) {
case RutaLexer.LESS:
operatorID = E_LT;
case RutaLexer.LESSEQUAL:
operatorID = E_LE;
case RutaLexer.GREATER:
operatorID = E_GT;
case RutaLexer.GREATEREQUAL:
operatorID = E_GE;
case RutaLexer.EQUAL:
operatorID = E_EQUAL;
case RutaLexer.NOTEQUAL:
operatorID = E_NOT_EQUAL;
return new RutaBooleanNumberExpression(e1.sourceStart(), e2.sourceEnd(), operatorID, e1, e2);
public static VariableReference createBooleanVariableReference(Token variableId) {
// int bounds[] = getBounds(variableId);
return newVariableReference(variableId, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_B);
public static BooleanLiteral createSimpleBooleanExpression(Token bToken) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(bToken);
boolean value = Boolean.valueOf(bToken.getText());
return new BooleanLiteral(bounds[0], bounds[1], value);
// =====> TYPE-EXPRESSIONS <======
public static Expression createTypeExpression(Expression e) {
if (e != null) {
return new RutaExpression(e.sourceStart(), e.sourceEnd(), e, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_AT);
return null;
public static Expression createEmptyTypeExpression(Token token) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(token);
return new RutaVariableReference(bounds[0], bounds[1], "", RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_AT);
public static Expression createEmptyStringExpression(Token token) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(token);
return new RutaVariableReference(bounds[0], bounds[1], "", RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_S);
public static Expression createEmptyNumberExpression(Token token) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(token);
return new RutaVariableReference(bounds[0], bounds[1], "", RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_N);
public static Expression createEmptyBooleanExpression(Token token) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(token);
return new RutaVariableReference(bounds[0], bounds[1], "", RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_B);
// public static Expression createSimpleTypeExpression(Token at, RutaBlock env) {
// int bounds[] = getBounds(at);
// return new RutaSimpleTypeExpression(bounds[0], bounds[1], at.getText());
// }
public static VariableReference createAnnotationTypeVariableReference(Token atRef) {
return newVariableReference(atRef, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_AT);
public static Expression createAnnotationTypeConstantReference(Token atBasic) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(atBasic);
return new RutaVariableReference(bounds[0], bounds[1], atBasic.getText(),
// RutaBasicAnnotationType(atBasic.getText(),bounds[0],bounds[1],bounds[0],bounds[1]);
// =====> STRING-EXPRESSIONS <======
public static RutaStringExpression createStringExpression(List<Expression> exprList) {
if (exprList == null) {
exprList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
if (!exprList.isEmpty()) {
start = exprList.get(0).sourceStart();
end = exprList.get(exprList.size() - 1).sourceEnd();
return new RutaStringExpression(start, end, exprList);
public static StringLiteral createSimpleString(Token stringToken) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(stringToken);
return new StringLiteral(bounds[0], bounds[1], stringToken.getText());
// public static RessourceReference createRessourceReference
public static VariableReference createStringVariableReference(Token variableId) {
return newVariableReference(variableId, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_S);
// =====> NUMBER-EXPRESSIONS <======
public static RutaExpression createNumberExpression(Expression e) {
return new RutaExpression(e.sourceStart(), e.sourceEnd(), e, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_N);
public static NumericLiteral createDecimalLiteral(Token decLit, Token minus) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(decLit);
int value = Integer.valueOf(decLit.getText()); // .getInteger(decLit.getText());
if (minus != null) {
value = -value;
bounds[0] = ((CommonToken) minus).getStartIndex();
return new NumericLiteral(bounds[0], bounds[1], value);
public static FloatNumericLiteral createFloatingPointLiteral(Token fpLit, Token minus) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(fpLit);
double value;
try {
value = Double.parseDouble(fpLit.getText());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
value = 0.0;
if (minus != null) {
value = -value;
bounds[0] = ((CommonToken) minus).getStartIndex();
return new FloatNumericLiteral(bounds[0], bounds[1], value);
* Creates (local) NumberVariableReference
* @param numVarRef
* @return new VariableReference of Token
public static VariableReference createNumberVariableReference(Token numVarRef) {
return newVariableReference(numVarRef, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_N);
public static Expression createNegatedNumberExpression(Token minus, Expression expr) {
int bounds[] = getSurroundingBounds(expr, (List<?>) null);
if (minus != null) {
bounds[0] = ((CommonToken) minus).getStartIndex();
return new RutaExpression(bounds[0], bounds[1], expr, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_N);
public static RutaBinaryArithmeticExpression createBinaryArithmeticExpr(Expression exprA,
Expression exprB, Token op) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(exprA, exprB);
int lexerOpID = op.getType();
int operatorID = 0;
// convert lexer-opId to dltk-opId:
switch (lexerOpID) {
case RutaLexer.STAR:
operatorID = ExpressionConstants.E_MULT;
case RutaLexer.SLASH:
operatorID = ExpressionConstants.E_DIV;
case RutaLexer.PERCENT:
operatorID = ExpressionConstants.E_MOD;
case RutaLexer.PLUS:
operatorID = ExpressionConstants.E_PLUS;
case RutaLexer.MINUS:
operatorID = ExpressionConstants.E_MINUS;
return new RutaBinaryArithmeticExpression(bounds[0], bounds[1], exprA, exprB, operatorID);
public static Expression createUnaryArithmeticExpr(Expression expr, Token op) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(op);
if (expr != null) {
bounds[1] = expr.sourceEnd();
int opID = convertOpToInt(op);
return new RutaUnaryArithmeticExpression(bounds[0], bounds[1], expr, opID);
private static int convertOpToInt(Token opToken) {
return RutaExpressionConstants.opIDs.get(opToken.getText());
public static Expression createBooleanFunction(Token op, Expression e1, Expression e2) {
return new RutaExpression(e1.sourceStart(), e2.sourceEnd(), null, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_B);
public static Expression createListVariableReference(Token id) {
return newVariableReference(id, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_WL);
public static Expression createTableVariableReference(Token id) {
return newVariableReference(id, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_WT);
public static Expression createRessourceReference(Token path) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(path);
String pathWithoutQuotes = path.getText();
pathWithoutQuotes = pathWithoutQuotes.substring(1, pathWithoutQuotes.length() - 1);
return new RutaRessourceReference(bounds[0], bounds[1], pathWithoutQuotes);
public static Expression createInnerListExpression(Token lBrak, List<String> inner, Token rBrak) {
int boundsA[] = getBounds(lBrak, rBrak);
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
for (String el : inner) {
return new RutaInnerListExpression(boundsA[0], boundsA[1], s.toString());
public static Expression createBooleanTypeExpression(Expression e1, Token op, Expression e2) {
int lexerOpID = op.getType(); // Integer.valueOf(op.getText());
int operatorID = 0;
// convert lexer-opId to dltk-opId:
switch (lexerOpID) {
case RutaLexer.EQUAL:
operatorID = E_EQUAL;
case RutaLexer.NOTEQUAL:
operatorID = E_NOT_EQUAL;
if (e1 != null && e2 != null) {
return new RutaBooleanTypeExpression(e1.sourceStart(), e2.sourceEnd(), operatorID, e1, e2);
return null;
public static Expression createListExpression(List<Expression> exprList, int type) {
if (exprList == null) {
exprList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
if (!exprList.isEmpty()) {
start = exprList.get(0).sourceStart();
Expression expression = exprList.get(exprList.size() - 1);
if (expression != null) {
end = expression.sourceEnd();
} else {
return new RutaListExpression(start, end, exprList, type);
public static Expression createListExpression(Token var, int type) {
return newVariableReference(var, type);
public static Expression createStringFunction(Token name, Expression var, List<Expression> list) {
list.add(0, var);
return createStringFunction(name, list);
public static Expression createFeatureMatch(Token feature, Token comp, Expression value) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(feature);
int end = bounds[1];
if (value != null) {
end = value.sourceEnd();
return new FeatureMatchExpression(bounds[0], end, feature, comp, value);
public static Expression createBooleanFunction(Token id, List<Expression> args) {
return createFunction(id, args, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_B);
public static Expression createNumberFunction(Token id, List<Expression> args) {
return createFunction(id, args, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_N);
public static Expression createStringFunction(Token id, List<Expression> args) {
return createFunction(id, args, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_S);
public static Expression createTypeFunction(Token id, List<Expression> args) {
return createFunction(id, args, RutaTypeConstants.RUTA_TYPE_AT);
public static RutaFunction createFunction(Token type, List<Expression> exprsRaw, int kind) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(type);
int nameStart = bounds[0];
int nameEnd = bounds[1];
List<Expression> exprs = new ArrayList<Expression>();
if (exprsRaw != null) {
for (Object expressionObj : exprsRaw) {
Expression expr = (Expression) expressionObj;
if (expr != null) {
if (!exprs.isEmpty()) {
Expression lastExpr = (Expression) exprs.get(exprs.size() - 1);
bounds[1] = Math.max(bounds[1], lastExpr.sourceEnd());
return new RutaFunction(bounds[0], bounds[1], exprs, kind, type.getText(), nameStart, nameEnd);
public static Expression createFeatureExpression(Token f) {
return createFeatureMatch(f, null, null);
public static Expression createStringExpression(Expression fe) {
List<Expression> list = new ArrayList<Expression>(1);
return createStringExpression(list);
public static Expression createNullExpression(Token t) {
int bounds[] = getBounds(t);
return new NullExpression(bounds[0], bounds[1]);